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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av Analysverktyg för GEMS PET Systems : En användningscentrerad utvecklingsmetod

Lopez, Christopher January 2010 (has links)
The company GEMS PET Systems produces cyclotrons which is a type of particle accelerator. The cyclotrons create log files that are analyzed by the company’s employees for different purposes like troubleshooting or installation. The purpose of the project is to with a usage-centered design method create a paper prototype of a tool that will help the employees to analyze the log files in a more efficient way than earlier. The result shows how the usage-centered design method was used to create the paper prototype and how the user interface was created according to human-computer interaction (HCI).

Ökad grad av användbarhetsarbete i organisationer : Utveckling av rekommendationer för en ökad tillämpning av användarcentrerade designansatser

Andreasson, Rebecca January 2012 (has links)
Människans samspel med teknik har blivit allt mer vanligt förekommande. Detta medför en allt större vikt på användbarhet, något som lämpligen uppnås med hjälp av användarcentrerade designansatser. Forskningsfältet människa-datorinteraktion (MDI) är idag högst aktuellt och snabbt växande, men det har trots detta uppvisats ett gap mellan teori och praktik där de tekniker som vetenskapen presenterar ej tillämpas. En fallstudie med aktionsforskningsperspektiv utfördes för att få en förståelse för vilka aktiviteter från de användarcentrerade designansatserna som tillämpas, vilka som ej tillämpas, samt varför. Studien genomfördes på ett företag som arbetar med högteknologisk utveckling med hjälp av datainsamlingsteknikerna observation och intervju. Vidare studerades problemet även genom ett aktivt deltagande i en av företagets designprocesser. Resultatet tyder på ett bristande användbarhetsarbete och genom en integrering av den insamlade empirin och den teoretiska referensramen har sex rekommendationer för ökad användning av aktiviteter från de användarcentrerade designansatserna tagits fram.

Kartbaserad sökning i bibliotekskataloger / Map-based searching in library catalogues

Idebrant, Maria January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, I investigate how to enhance a librarycatalogue with a map interface. One method is tomatch catalogue records with a place name gazetteer.The aim of the study is to evaluate this methodon a Swedish collection of resources by creating anprototype, and, to evaluate that prototype from a userperspective.The prototype that was made enables map-based searchingin a collection of resources. It was createdwith catalogue records from Libris and a place namegazetteer from GeoNames. Many of the recordswere linked to one or more points on the map bymatching subject headings from the records and placenames from the gazetteer. I also discuss how to separatebetween different places sharing the same name.I evaluated the prototype with respect to usability. Threeaspects of the concept of usability (learnability,errors, and satisfaction), as they are described by Nielsen,were the basis for the design of the study. Theprototype was tested by five users that carried out threetasks using the prototype.The findings revealed that the interface was not easyto learn. The users encountered several problems, forexample, many had difficulties finding the place theyhad sought for on the map. Nevertheless, four of themwould like to use it again if it had been available. Basedon the findings, I give some recommendations forimproving the interface tested.

Lean Startup Approach to Develop Ideas for Internal Systems and Processes : Creating Guidelines for Working with Ideas within Software and Service Companies / Lean Startup för Utveckling av Idéer för Interna System och Processer : Riktlinjer för Idéskapande inom Mjukvaru- och tjänsteföretag

Waldenström, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Creating innovations has becoming increasingly important due to the digital transformation of the business world. In order to create innovations, the Lean Startup approach has been successfully used. It is an approach for quickly evaluate ideas to see if there is any business case behind them. But, how could the Lean Startup approach be used in large companies to help improve internal development? Internal development is for creating, maintaining and improving systems and processes used within companies. They are usually developed following the Waterfall method, which is slow and does not generate enough ideas. Through semi-structured interviews, the Lean Startup approach designed at a case company and their internal development team's needs, have been identified. These interviews later served as a foundation for comparing the Lean Startup approach used at the case company and the needs of their internal development team. As a result, guidelines have been compiled on how the Lean Startup approach could be adapted to suit the needs of the case company's internal development team. This thesis presents the guidelines.

Readability, for whom? : An eye tracking study evaluating the guidelines from Dyslexiförbundet

Karlsson, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
This work aims to answer the question whether the recommendations for writing a text for a dyslexic reader affects the readability of said text. An eye tracking study was conducted upon texts that were manipulated according to or opposing the guidelines that the Swedish dyslexia association (Dyslexiförbundet) has developed in the project Begriplig text. Participants were 8 dyslexic and 9 non-dyslexic readers. The results show little to no improvement in readability following the guidelines. Future works could examine how the perceived readability corresponds to the results of readability measures, such as the ones calculated by the application TeCST. Future work could also conduct the experiment with more participants.

Effekten av prajming vid användartester / The effect of priming during usability testing

Persson, Roy January 2018 (has links)
Inom psykologin diskuteras ett fenomen benämnt prajming. Detta fenomen beskrivs vara en omedveten form av minne som påverkas av vår perception vid identifieringen av ord och objekt. Exempelvis sker detta när en person får se färgen grön vilket gör att denne snabbare känner ingen ordet gräsmatta. Detta beror på att ordet grön är nära associerat i minnet med gräs. På detta sätt, menar man, påverkar omedvetna associationer våra handlingar omedvetet.   Prajming har tidigare studerats på flertalet områden och både bekräftats och vederlagts. Efter litteraturstudien som initialt genomfördes inför denna studie, har dock inga studier som undersöker prajming i samband med användartester hittats. Det ledde fram till syftet med denna studie som är ”att undersöka om prajming har någon effekt på testdeltagarens utförande i ett användartest”.   Studien genomfördes med hjälp av användartester på en webbsite, sex stycken testdeltagare medverkade i testet. Testdeltagarna delades upp i två grupper, varav den ena gruppen utförde användartest utan att bli prajmade innan testet och den andra gruppen blev prajmade med en kort film innan testet. Resultatet i studien påvisar att de testdeltagare som innan användartestet blivit prajmade lyckades lösa uppgifterna snabbare. Resultatet demonstrerar effekten av prajming.

Visualisering av en relationsdatabas : En fallstudie

Haglund, Johannes, Tåneland, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore what advantages could be found in using a three-dimensional visualization of a relation-database, rather than a more conventional means of visualization. This comparison needed two visualization-environments with interactivity capabilities, designed to ease handling customer and system relations for the Forestry Solutions department of CGI Gävle. First, a database was created, using a database-model that CGI provided, which included the structure of the internal relations between customers and systems in the database. This database was then filled with fictive data with corresponding structure, but not including potentially sensitive information. Then methods for gathering and inserting data into the database were created, for use by both solutions. This was crucial for the separation of the graphical interface and the underlying structure, which would keep the possibility to exchange the graphical portion of the system without affecting what lies underneath. The two visualization systems were then constructed in parallel, the 3D-system was mainly constructed in Unity, while the conventional system was constructed only using Visual Studio, for a Windows Forms application. The two systems were then tested by a few CGI employees with different internal roles, where they received a few tasks to complete, while being timed. This was then followed by an interview, where the test subjects had the opportunity to provide us with feedback to both systems design, implementation and which system they preferred using. They were also asked if they had any constructive feedback for further development, which led to us having a deeper understanding of what was necessary for a system of this purpose. This work concluded, based on tests, interview and studies that a three-dimensional visualization, if done correctly, would have great potential. We also concluded based on user feedback that combining both systems into one would have a positive impact on usability. / Detta arbete utfördes med avsikten att utforska vilka fördelar en tredimensionell visualisering av en relationsdatabas har jämfört med ett mer traditionellt gränssnitt. Jämförelsen behövde två visualiseringsmiljöer med interaktionsmöjligheter, anpassade för att underlätta hanteringen av kunder och systemberoenden på avdelningen CGI Forestry Solutions i Gävle. Inledningsvis skapades en databas utefter en databasmodell, innehållande den information och de relationer databasen tänktes innehålla. Denna fylldes sedan med fiktiva data, med rätt struktur, därefter skapades metoder för att hämta information från databasen, följt av metoder för insättning. Detta steg medförde en tydlig separation av databasmetoderna och de kommande visualiseringsalternativen, för att möjliggöra utbyte av gränssnittet utan att behöva ändra dessa metoder. De två systemen konstruerades sedan parallellt för att visualisera denna data: Den tredimensionella lösningen konstruerades i huvudsak i Unity, den andra enbart i Visual Studio i en Windows Forms applikation. Dessa system testades sedan av ett antal anställda på företaget med olika roller, där de fick ett antal uppgifter att utföra under tidtagning i de båda systemen. Testerna efterföljdes av en intervju där testpersonen fick utvärdera användbarheten hos de båda systemen, i den utsträckning att svara vilket system de föredrog, samt komma med konkreta förbättringar systemen hade dragit nytta av. Intervjuerna ledde i sin tur till en djupare förståelse för önskat beteende hos systemen. Arbetet mynnade ut i att en tredimensionell visualiseringsmodell av en relationsdatabas har potential, förutsatt en mer komplett implementation. Det hade varit till fördel att slå samman de båda systemen till ett för att bibehålla de positiva delarna av dem båda, för att samtidigt eliminera några svagheter.

Gamification in Energy Production : Application of engaging and motivating game thinking in an optimization tool for production of district heating

Rosengren, Malin January 2017 (has links)
While digitalization is changing the way we work and live, new methods and strategies are needed for motivating future generations at work. An approach to this is gamification, described as the use of game mechanics and elements for creating motivation and engagement in non-game contexts. In this thesis, theory on gamification is studied along with connecting areas of games, user-centred design and motivation. The theory is used for conducting a case study with a user-centred approach, applied in a design process. The case study investigates the use of an optimization tool for production of district heating, developed by the thesis initiator Sigholm, and used by operating technicians in the control room at power plants. The use and use context of the product is studied where user needs, goals and motivations are addressed and used as design problems to investigate. By applying the theories studied, ideas are generated, visualised, tested and evaluated in a prototype. The results of the case study show that including gamification in a user-centred design process helps in focusing on the user motivations and acts as an inspiration in finding engaging design solutions. Applying gamification in the case study showed that the game mechanics and elements themselves were not appealing to the whole user group, but that solutions directly connected to the user needs and use context were more appreciated. The thesis addresses a wide scope of integrated fields where several areas of further studies are identified.

Interacting with TV : A Usability Evaluation of the User Experience of a TV UI

Ohlsson, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
During the last decade the TV industry has evolved with a larger array of distributed content such as streaming services. To supply these services, today's Smart TVs are delivered with pre-installed user interfaces. In order for these to work well and attract users to further viewing, the user experience is essential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the user experience of a TV client to find and analyze potential usability issues. By conducting usability evaluation tests with the utilization of eye-tracking, retrospective verbal protocol and interviews, multiple usability issues as well as positive aspects were found. Trough categorization, grading using severity rating and utilization of gaze paths with eye-tracking, possible sources of usability issues were unveiled. These included some inconsistency in the product, obscurities in navigation, terminology and functionality, and some lack of functionality. Based on the results of the study, a list of possible improvements were compiled together with visual sketches of its implementation.

Misstro till mobilapplikationer, men varför? / Distrusting apps, but why?

Tydén, Philip January 2017 (has links)
I den här studien undersöks vilka aspekter av mobilapplikationer det är som får användare att uppleva misstro. Studien är framförallt kvalitativ och använder sig av dels en enkätundersökning och dels telefonintervjuer som datainsamlingsmetoder. Enkätundersökningen är en validering av en tidigare studie av Seckler, Heinz, Forde, & Opwis (2015) som genomfördes på användning av webbsidor, och undersöker om samma egenskaper som orsakar misstro i kontexten webbplatser även gör det i kontexten mobila gränssnitt. 76 personer deltog i enkätundersökningen och 5 personer deltog vid telefonintervjuerna. Resultatet i denna studie pekar på att egenskaperna Visual design, Demands, Privacy: collection, Usability, Privacy: secondary use, Implausbile promises och Pop-ups/ads är de vanligaste orsakerna till uppkomsten av misstro. Majoriteten av rapporterade misstrosincidenter skedde i samband med en mobilapplikation som användare hade använt 5 eller färre gånger. Slutligen svarade ett flertal användare att de aldrig tidigare hade upplevt misstro till en mobilapplikation, vilket kan vara värt att undersöka vidare i framtida studier.

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