Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datové"" "subject:"datová""
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Řešení BI úloh v telekomunikačním sektoru / Solutions of Business Intelligence tasks in telecommunnication sectorŠindelář, Radek January 2013 (has links)
Main aim of this thesis are solutions of BI tasks in telecommunication sector. Thesis is divided into two main parts. First is theory part, which includes BI architecture and its components used in telecommunication sector. The second part is practical part that is represented by real solution and by its attitude that respects specifics of telecommunication sector. Above mentioned will be reached by getting of theoretical knowledge gained from availlable information sources as wel as by drawing of experience based on real working project. Benefit of this thesis will be transparented view of the real usage of Business Intelligence solution in telecommunication area.
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Informační systém pro podporu výroby / Data storage architecture for manufacturing processesHomzová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This work is covering desing of database system which stores results of measerements performed on test stations which are part of assembly line.
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Komparace funkcionality standardní BI platformy a BI modulu integrovaného v ERP systému / Comparison of functionality of the standard BI platform and BI module integrated in the ERP systemFargačová, Tamara January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with comparison of the standard Business Intelligence platform specifically IBM Cognos BI and BI module integrated in the ERP system QI. In the first part it defines basic concepts of this topic and describes the life cycle of business information systems with emphasis on Business Intelligence. In the next part current situation on the market of these platforms and BI tools which create management information systems is described. Both types of BI solutions are compared with concentration on standard functionality usage. It also describes their ability to analyze through using data warehouse technology, integration with third-party products and business and economic aspects.
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Návrh relační databáze pro obecní knihovnu / Design of Relational Database for Municipal LibraryVlk, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on problematics associated with design of relational database. It is divided into several parts where it deals with theoretical basis, analyses of current state and the design of own solution.
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Demonstrační úloha zaměřující se na problematiku Smart Metering / Smart Metering demonstration demoGregor, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with PLC technology and issues with Smart Metering. In the theoretical part, a principle of technology's functionality and its advantages and disadvantages were described. In the experimental part methodology of data concentrator and electric meters was designed. In addition, extensive testing set according to capturing of DLMS communication, link quality influencing, reading registers of meters were realized. In the second experimental part limits of communications between broadband BPL modems were detected by the power line communication hardware channel emulator. Measurement of throughput, latency, frame loss passed off according to RCF 2544, RFC 6349 recommendation and according to the methodology of TCP Throughput In the last part, two laboratory exercises were created, first one deals with Smart Metering system and communication between the data concentrator and electric meters and the second one deals with communication among broadband BPL modems not only for Smart Metering purposes.
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Správa vývojové dokumentace přes WWW I / Administration of development documetation over WWW IKolář, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
Master`s thesis is based on the assignment of company Honeywell to create integral system for saving and management of development documentation. Designed system will introduce data warehouse with transparent display of documents being connected with development of customer’s requirements, products and tests, test runs. Solution consists of two parts: A – Requirements and Products and B – Tests, Test runs and Person, whereas Master`s thesis deals with the part B. For system creation utilities of following programming languages were used HTML, PHP, JavaScript and database system MySQL. In the first phase was designed database structure (tables and relations between them). Except that was designed structure for authorization algorithm and integral concept of whole application was created. The second phase is realization. At first are created supporting algorithms. It is servicing database by functions, uniform displaying results from database and authorized access of users to the application. Further data library for integral display data forms, based on used template system Smarty and other libraries, f.e. attribution of the files to records in SQL tables. Important part was implementation of designed database system and related programs. In Tests and Test runs there is user interface established and individual relations between them. According to assignment all fundamental programs were designed together with support instruments. Individual source files are saved in transparent structure of folders, so this structure is possible to apply on any computer, where are installed programs to web hosting. The result of Master`s thesis is then integrated progress report together with functional source codes.
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Vytváření OLAP modelů reportů na základě metadat / OLAP Reports Model Creating Based on MetadataFranek, Zdenko January 2010 (has links)
An important part of knowledge of report creator is knowledge of database schema and database query language, from which the data for report are extracted. In the reporting services for database systems and Business Intelligence systems initiative arises to separate the position of database specialist from the position of reports maker. One of the solutions offers using metadata interlayer between the database schema and report. This interlayer is called the report model. Its use is not currently supported in the process of reporting, or is only very limited. The aim of this thesis is to suggest the possibility of using the report model in the process of building reports with an emphasis on the OLAP analysis.
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Analýza registra zmlúvKuciaková, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
The thesis describes the creation of the acquisition and analysis of data from the public register of contracts and other defined sources. In the introduction there are described the existing variants of scrapping tools and their use, as well as the problems of Business Intelligence and data warehouses. The next section is devoted to identifying source data. Subsequently, the procedure and design of the solution are described, on which basis was designed the data warehouse. Implementation of ETL processes and creation of final reports are mentioned in the implementation part.
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Framework pro generování demo dat do OLAP datových kostekDubšík, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with implementation of a new framework, which allows to define and generate demo data for the star schema structure. Work analyses and com-pares available demo data generators. In theoretical part of the thesis, there are described concepts and technologies using in the field of Business Intelligence. Practical part deals with the design and implementation of the framework. In the final section, there are actual examples of generated data and their possible rep-resentation (samples of possible reports and dashboards).
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Metody pro podporu rozhodování v prostředí lékařské aplikace / Decision Support Methods in a Medical ApplicationMrázek, Petr January 2009 (has links)
{The diploma thesis is dealing with the present medical application extension by the means for decision support. The first part of the work is focused on the general problem of data warehouses, OLAP and the data mining. The second part attends to the very proposal and implementation of the extension in the form of the very application, which enables executing OLAP analysis upon the gathered medical data.
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