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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Νέος σχεδιασμός και ανάλυση πολυκινητήριου συστήματος χαρτοποιητικής μηχανής / New design and analysis of a paper machine multi drive

Μιχαήλ, Κώστας 25 June 2007 (has links)
Τα κινητήρια συστήματα των χαρτοποιητικών μηχανών που παράγουν τα λεπτά χαρτιά (tissue), σύμφωνα με τα εμπειρικά στοιχεία, παρουσιάζουν διάφορα ηλεκτρικά και μηχανικά προβλήματα, τα οποία μπορούν να αποδοθούν στις μεθόδους που χρησιμοποιούνται για το μέχρι τώρα σχεδιασμό τους. Η παρούσα διατριβή στοχεύει στην επίλυση των προβλημάτων αυτών. Τα προβλήματα αυτά είναι η άνιση κατανομή του μηχανικού φορτίου μεταξύ των δύο κινητήρων του ιδίου τμήματος, η υπερφόρτωση του ενός εκ των δύο κυρίων τμημάτων της χαρτοποιητικής μηχανής και η πλήρης διακοπή της λειτουργίας της, και η εμφάνιση φαινομένων μηχανικού συντονισμού ή ενίσχυσης των ροπών των αξόνων που οδηγούν στην καταστροφή του πολυκινητηρίου συστήματος. Για την επίτευξη του στόχου γίνεται ανάλυση των σημερινών δομών των πολυκινητηρίων συστημάτων των χαρτοποιητικών μηχανών λεπτών χαρτιών και αναδεικνύονται τα προβλήματα των. Προτείνεται η αλλαγή της δομής και νέος σχεδιασμός του πολυκινητήριου συστήματος των χαρτοποιητικών μηχανών λεπτών. Γίνεται ανάλυση του κινητηρίου συστήματος του στεγνωτικού τυμπάνου με δύο κινητήρες συνεχούς ρεύματος με κοινό μηχανικό φορτίο και εξομοίωση με MATLAB/SIMULINK χωρίς ελαστικούς άξονες. Εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά του συστήματος αυτού με ελαστικούς άξονες μέσω εξομοίωσης. Προτείνεται μία μέθοδος ελέγχου για την κατανομή του συνολικού φορτίου στο πολυκινητήριο σύστημα και γίνεται ανάλυση της στατικής και της δυναμικής συμπεριφοράς μέσω εξομοίωσης. Επίσης εξετάζεται η ορθότητα της μεθόδου ελέγχου στην περίπτωση σφαλμάτων σε μία γέφυρα τροφοδοσίας. Για την αντιμετώπιση των μηχανικών προβλημάτων που ανακύπτουν γίνεται διεξοδική ανάλυση ταλαντώσεων. Χρησιμοποιώντας τον προτεινόμενο σχεδιασμό και τις προτεινόμενες μεθόδους ελέγχου επιτυγχάνεται κατανομή του μηχανικού φορτίου σύμφωνα με την ονομαστική ισχύ των κινητήρων μέσα στο ίδιο τμήμα και αντιμετωπίζεται πλήρως η υπερφόρτιση του ενός από τα δύο κύρια τμήματα της μηχανής και έτσι αποφεύγεται η πλήρης διακοπή της λειτουργίας της. Από την ανάλυση των ταλαντώσεων προκύπτει η δυνατότητα να δίνονται κατευθυντήριες γραμμές για την επιλογή των καταλλήλων κινητήρων και των καταλλήλων αξόνων, δηλ. τη σωστή διαστασιολόγιση του συστήματος. / The drive systems of tissue paper machines present various electrical and mechanical problems according to empirical data, which can be attributed to the used design methods. The present thesis aims at solving of such problems. The problems are: the partial treatment of the load sharing in sections, where two motors drive the same mechanical load, the overloading of one of the two main sections of the machine and the interruption of its operation when these sections are mechanically engaged. Concerning the mechanical part of the drive, problems arise due to torsional oscillations created by the resonance phenomena or the shafts torque amplification. In order to achieve the aim, an analysis is carried out of the current structure of the drive systems and the problems due to this structure are brought out. A modified structure and a new design of the drive system are proposed. A control method is proposed to share the load between the two DC motors of the same section and investigation, analysis and simulation of a drive are carried out. The behavior of the drive with elastic shafts is examined. In order to face the overloading of one of the two main sections of the paper machine, a control method is proposed to share the total load to the two main sections of the machine and an analysis of the steady state and dynamic behavior through simulation is carried out. The correctness of this control method is examined in the case of typical faults in one of the power converters. In order to face the mechanical problems an exhaustive analysis is carried out concerning torsional oscillations. Using the proposed design and control methods, the load sharing, according to the nominal power of the motors, is assured for the sections where two motors drive the same mechanical load. The overloading of one of the two sections is completely faced and the interruption of the machine operation is avoided. Torsional oscillations analysis emerges that guidelines can be given for the selection of suitable shafts and motors, namely the correct dimensioning of the system.

Nonlinear Robust Control of a Series DC Motor Utilizing the Recursive Design Approach

Burridge, Michael J. 01 January 1995 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the investigation of asymptotic stability of the series DC motor with unknown load-torque and unknown armature inductance is considered. The control technique of recursive, or backstepping, design is employed. Three cases are considered. In the first case, the system is assumed to be perfectly known. In the second case, the load torque is assumed to be unknown and a proportional-integral controller is developed to compensate for this unknown quantity. In the final case, it is assumed that two system parameters, load torque and armature inductance, are not known exactly, but vary from expected nominal values within a specified range. A robust control is designed to handle this case. The Lyapunov stability criterion is applied in all three cases to prove the stability of the system under the developed control. The results are then verified through the use of computer simulation.

Řízení BLDC motoru pomocí LabView FPGA / BLDC motor control using LabView FPGA

Ruhás, Sándor January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on BLDC motor control algorithms with model based design approach. Models and control algorithms were programmed in LabView, the NI MyRIO was used as a hardware platform. For hall-sensor feedback controlled application an already finished power inverter was used from a Honeywell rotary actuator. For sensor-less motor control an indirect sensing of BEMF signal is applied using motor phase current measurement. The time-critical parts of the algorithms are programmed for FPGA, the non-time-critical parts are programmed for LabView Real-Time module.

Precision Court Sweeper / Tennisborste

Alke, Jenny, Sandahl, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Tennis is a popular sport and in summer it’s often played outside. When an outdoors tennis court has been used it needs to be brushed. First the whole court is brushed witha large brush and then the white lines with a smaller brush. The aim of this thesis was to design and build a working prototype of a robot who can do all of this by itself i.e sweep the court and then the white lines. The budget for components to the prototype was limited to 1 000 SEK. Tools and other resources such as 3D-printers, soldering equipment and laser cutters was provided by KTH for free. First information and inspiration about self-driving cars and driving patterns was collected and some important sources were old bachelor’s thesis. Then, needed components and dimensions could be determined. In this project the main components were an Arduino Uno, two DC motors, an L298H-bridge, an ultra sonic distance sensor, an on/off switch, AAA batteries and a 9 V battery. The conclusions that could been drawn was that the robot can work good enough to sweep a court with only a preprogrammed path. However, to sweep the white lines, sensors would be necessary. It could also be concluded that a robot could sweep the court at the same speed as two people could do it. / Tennis är en populär sport och på sommaren spelas den ofta utomhus. När en utomhustennisbana har använts måste den borstas. Först borstas hela banan med en stor borste och sedan de vita linjerna med en mindre borste. Syftet med denna uppsats var att designa och bygga en fungerande prototyp av en robot som kan göra allt detta av sig själv dvs. sopa tennisbanan och sedan de vita linjerna. Budgeten för komponenter till prototypen var begränsad till 1000 SEK. Verktyg och andra resurser så som 3D-skrivare, lödutrustning och laserskärare tillhandahölls av KTH gratis. Det första som gjordes var att samla information och inspiration om självkörande bilar och olika körmönster och några viktiga källor var gamla kandidatexamensuppsatser. Sedan kunde nödvändiga komponenter och dimensioner bestämmas. I detta projekt var huvudkomponenterna en Arduino Uno, två DC-motorer, en L298 H-brygga, en ultraljudssensor, en på/av-omkopplare, AAA-batterier och ett 9 V batteri. Slutsatserna som kunde dras var att roboten kan fungera tillräckligt bra för att borsta en tennisbana med endast en förprogrammerad bana. För att sopa de vita linjerna skulle sensorer dock vara nödvändiga. En annan slutsats var att en robot kan sopa banan på samma tid som det krävs för två personer att sopa varsin halva.

The Claw Machine Tivoliautomaten / Tivoliautomaten

ACAR, DELAL, SVENSSON, KARIN January 2020 (has links)
Claw machines have been around for about a century spreading joy and entertainment to people of all ages. They are usually seen in amusement parks and malls. In this Bachelors Thesis, one version of a claw machine will be constructed. Different constructing solutions and motors will be discussed for an easy and optimal claw machine that meet all the requirements given in the project. This report is divided into four parts, consisting of introduction, theory, construction of the machine and results. The first part is an introduction where some background information and delimitations of the project are presented. The second part of the report deals with the theory behind various selectable motors for this project as well as solutions for the design itself. The third part of the dissertation gives a detailed overview of how this particular Claw Machine was designed. Selection of materials, motors and how everything is connected and how the various parts harmonize with each other are also presented in this part. In the fourth and final part, the results are presented and a discussion of future improvements is provided. / Tivoliautomater har snart funnits i ett århundrade och har under flera årtionden varit en stor nöjesattraktion för såväl gammal som ung. De är vanligt förekommande i nöjesparker och köpcentrum.  I detta kandidatexamensarbete kommer en sådan tivoliautomat att konstrueras. Diskussioner kring olika motorer och konstruktionslösningar kommer att föras, för att slutligen uppnå en konstruktion som uppfyller de givna direktiven för projektet. Denna rapport är uppdelad i fyra delar, bestående av introduktion, teori, byggandet av maskinen och resultat. Första delen är en introduktion där grundläggande fakta samt avgränsningar för projektet presenteras. Andra delen av rapporten behandlar teorin bakom olika valbara motorer för detta projekt samt lösningar för själva konstruktionen. I avhandlingens tredje del ges en detaljerad genomgång av hur just denna tivoliautomat konstruerats. Val av material, motorer samt hur allt är sammankopplat och hur de olika delarna harmoniserar med varandra presenteras även i denna del. I den fjärde och sista delen presenteras resultatet och en diskussion kring framtida förbättringar tillhandahålls.

Propulsion Unit of a 3DOF Helicopter

Ling, Gustav, Persson, Jesper January 2015 (has links)
This Bachelor thesis is a part of a bachelor project which includes building, programming and controlling a 3DOF tandem helicopter. This particular report deals with the propulsion units, i.e. the motors and propellers of the helicopter. It covers the process of how to determine the most suitable propulsion units for the rig that eventually will enable it to run. To achieve this, different data have been processed. Torque and thrust are two important parameters that have been studied. The data have been acquired by different tests, e.g. thrust measurements from a thrust rig. Also more complex analysis such as Blade Element Theory and Actuator Disk Theory have been carried out in order to determine the behaviour of the propulsion units. Study data sheets and databases was also a part of the work. The result of this work was two equal propulsion units which were mounted in the helicopter. They proved to work satisfactory and provided wanted dynamics to the system. / Design & Implementation of a 3DOF Helicopter

&quot / high Precision Cnc Motion Control&quot

Ay, Gokce Mehmet 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the design of an electrical drive system for the purpose of high precision motion control. A modern electrical drive is usually equipped with a current regulated voltage source along with powerful motion controller system utilizing one or more micro-controllers and/or digital signal processors (DSPs). That is, the motor drive control is mostly performed by a dedicated digital-motion controller system. Such a motor drive mostly interfaces with its host processor via various serial communication protocols such as Profibus, CAN+, RS-485 etc. for the purpose of receiving commands and sending out important status/control signals. Considering that the motor drives lie at the heart of every (multi-axis) motion control system, the aim of this thesis is to explore the design and implementation of a conventional DC motor drive system suitable for most industrial applications that require precision and accuracy. To achieve this goal, various underlying control concepts and important implementation details are rigorously investigated in this study. A low power DC motor drive system with a power module, a current regulator and a motion controller is built and tested. Several design revisions on these subsystems are made so as to improve the overall performance of the drive system itself. Consequently, important &ldquo / know-how&rdquo / required for building high performance (and high power) DC motor drives is gained in this research.

DC Motor Speed Control via Fuzzy / Pole Placement / PI Controller

Ashraf, Ali Junaid January 2010 (has links)
This report presents a new way of control engineering. Dc motor speed controlled by three controllers PID, pole placement and Fuzzy controller and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each controller for different conditions under loaded and unloaded scenarios using software Matlab. The brushless series wound Dc motor is very popular in industrial application and control systems because of the high torque density, high efficiency and small size. First suitable equations are developed for DC motor. PID controller is developed and tuned in order to get faster step response. The simulation results of PID controller provide very good results and the controller is further tuned in order to decrease its overshoot error which is common in PID controllers. Further it is purposed that in industrial environment these controllers are better than others controllers as PID controllers are easy to tuned and cheap. Pole placement controller is the best example of control engineering. An addition of integrator reduced the noise disturbances in pole placement controller and this makes it a good choice for industrial applications. The fuzzy controller is introduce with a DC chopper to make the DC motor speed control smooth and almost no steady state error is observed. Another advantage is achieved in fuzzy controller that the simulations of three different controllers are compared and concluded from the results that Fuzzy controller outperforms to PID controller in terms of steady state error and smooth step response. While Pole placement controller have no comparison in terms of controls because designer can change the step response according to nature of control systems, so this controller provide wide range of control over a system. Poles location change the step response in a sense that if poles are near to origin then step response of motor is fast. Finally a GUI of these three controllers are developed which allow the user to select any controller and change its parameters according to the situation.

A Low-power 2-dimensional Bypassing Digital Multiplier Design and A Low-power Sensorless Micro-controller for Brushless DC motors

Sung, Gang-neng 07 July 2006 (has links)
This thesis includes two research topics. The first topic is a low-power 2-dimensional bypassing digital multiplier design. The second one is a low-power sensorless micro-controller for brushless DC motors (BLDCM). The low-power 2-dimensional bypassing digital multiplier takes advantage of a 2-dimensional bypassing method. The proposed bypassing cells constituting the multiplier skip redundant signal transitions when the horizontally partial product or the vertically operand is zero. Hence, it is a 2-dimensional bypassing architecture. Thorough post-layout simulations show that the power dissipation of the proposed 8 ¡Ñ 8 design is reduced by more than 75% compared to the prior 8 ¡Ñ 8 design with obscure cost of delay and area. The goal of the low-power sensorless micro-controller for brushless DC motors is to design a BLDCM controller without using any Hall sensor. Back-EMF estimation method using the terminal voltage sensing is adopted for the detection of the commutation moment for the proper commutation control of the BLDCM. The position of the rotor can be precisely estimated by measuring the back-EMF as well as the zero-crossing points.

Identifikace systému, sensorika a implementace řídicího algoritmu pro nestabilní balancující vozidlo / System identification, sensory system and implementation of control algorithm for unstable balancing vehicle

Štěpánek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with design and construction of unstable double wheeled Segway-like vehicle built for human personnel transportation and its smaller scaled clone developed for control algorithms testing. The smaller machine is controlled via Joystick and PC. This work was conducted in team consisting of three students. Individual goals are described in chapter „Stanovení cílů práce“. The beginning of the work deals with researching any similar projects concerned with this topic, especially with sensors and control algorithms used. Further, the work describes the process of choosing used electronics and its parameters. One of the problems faced during the work was the pitch angle of the vehicle base calculation - algorithm of the angle calculation had been designed by students of several world universities. The principle of how it works was studied and then tested by simulations and practically in the following chapters. Further on, the work deals with platform‘s parameter estimation, at first the testing platform made of wood, followed by the final platform made of aluminium. Parameter estimation was realized by using the multifunctional I/O card Humusoft MF 624 for PC. Part of the work deals with the final control algorithm on the dsPIC microcontroller implementation, sensor‘s outputs calculation and calibration algorithm design. Since the vehicle is built for human personnel transportation, implementation of certain safety algorithms was necessary. These algorithms should be able to detect possible fail states and prevent the driver from losing control over the vehicle in order to prevent any injuries.

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