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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ge-… und Ge-…-e unter dem Mikroskop: Eine korpuslinguistische Betrachtung

Šemelík, Martin, Kloudová, Věra 26 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Determiner removal in Balinese nonpivot agents

Driemel, Imke, Tebay, Sören E. 05 January 2024 (has links)
Patient-voice clauses within the symmetric voice system of Balinese disallow any extraction from the external-argument position, while definite external arguments are blocked from occurring altogether. The former fact is traditionally taken as evidence for syntactic ergativity in Austronesian. The latter fact has recently been argued to provide evidence for postsyntactic case licensing via adjacency with the verb. In this article, we offer a simple alternative explanation for the in-situ properties of patient-voice agents in Balinese—one that does not make reference to case.We argue that patient-voice heads come with a feature that triggers removal of the external argument’s DP shell, resulting in the loss of a determiner and a category-D feature that would otherwise enable extraction.

Examining the Validity and Reliability of the Receptive German 3 Vocabulary Size Test (VST)

Caglia, Dominique, Tschirner, Erwin 13 March 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Übersetzen als komplexes Problemlösen: Ein didaktisches Experiment

Herold, Susann 06 May 2024 (has links)
Professional translation is an excellent example of complex problemsolving processes. Current teaching theory in tertiary education in general and translation teaching in particular has established a systematic competence approach that allows teachers and trainers to apply new methodologies and strategies in translator training. The effectiveness of a competence-based approach has been shown in a number of graduate development statistics. But how can competence- oriented teaching approaches be developed and tested for the real classroom setting as embedded in a specific teaching context (consisting of educational system and institutions, university programme, exam regulations, curriculum and course system, target group and personalities, etc.)? This paper presents the results of an experiment testing such an adapted subcompetence- oriented teaching approach in the BA Translation programme at IALT (University of Leipzig). It compares two groups of students in an introductory course on LSP translation; one group is taught according to an established methodology and one group is taught using a sub-competence-oriented methodology. The paper presents observations on teaching methods, student motivation and activity, and analyses their test results at the end of the semester. The competence-oriented group showed slightly better results, validating the teaching method in principle. However, the experiment has certain limitations and the results will have to be re-obtained to clarify these. The experiment can be used as a basis for developing further methods for testing the applicability of the competence approach and for exploring different approaches for different educational settings.

Assigning Frequency Bands to the Productive Vocabulary Size Test According to the Total Score of the Test Taker

Tschirner, Erwin 09 September 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Review: Andreas Maier, Rhetorik der Bedeutung. Thomas Bernhard in seiner Prosa

Ketterl, Simone 19 April 2024 (has links)
Die zuerst 2004 in einer 304 Seiten starken Kurzfassung veröffentlichte germanistische Doktorarbeit1 Andreas Maiers, der zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits als Autor von Wäldchestag (2000) und Klausen (2002) in Erscheinung getreten war, wurde bekanntermaßen sowohl von der literaturwissenschaftlichen Community als auch vom Feuilleton kontrovers diskutiert. In der breit angelegten Studie stellte Maier die These auf, Thomas Bernhards vermeintlich philosophische Literatur kaschiere durch ihre Kommunikationsstruktur, durch „beabsichtigte[] Dunkelheit“ (DV, S. 13) im Ausdruck die in ihr vorherrschende semantische Leere. Mehr noch: Bernhard sowie seinOEuvre – zwischen beiden differenzierte Maier allenfalls sporadisch – zielten darauf ab, den Rezipienten durch eine realistische Erzählhaltung, die sich bei näherer Untersuchung als „pseudomimetisch“ (DV, S. 26) entpuppe, um jedweden Sinn zu betrügen, ihn somit schlichtweg zu täuschen. Um zu belegen, dass Bernhard nichts weiter als ein rhetorisch exzeptionell begabter Lügner sei, arbeitete Maier chronologisch, von Frost über die autobiografische Pentalogie bis hin zu Alte Meister, die den bernhardschen Texten eingeschriebenen Widersprüche heraus. Bei seiner die Möglichkeit uneigentlichen Sprechens weitgehend ausblendenden textimmanenten Analyse kam er zu dem Schluss, Bernhard gebe „Wahrheitswille“ (DV, S. 156), Authentizität und Tiefsinn vor, wo es ihm allein um den Effekt gehe.

Textdynamiken: Studieren und Promovieren in Krakau und Leipzig: Beiträge der Sommerschule 2023

Franke, Sebastian, Klemm, Anna Luise, Krabi, Richard, Toth, Raphael, Zajac, Wojciech 08 May 2024 (has links)
Ausgabe 3 der Online-Zeitschrift Textdynamiken

Assigning Frequency Bands to the Receptive Vocabulary Size Test According to the Total Score of the Test Taker

Tschirner, Erwin 07 November 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Constructions are not predictable but are motivated: evidence from the Spanish completive reflexive

Lewandowski, Wojciech 23 May 2024 (has links)
Many researchers seem to think that Construction Grammar posits the existence of only wholly idiosyncratic constructions. However, this misconception betrays a deep misunderstanding of the approach because it glosses over the fact that constructions rarely if ever emerge sui generis. Rather, Construction Grammar aims to balance the fact that some linguistic uses cannot be fully predicted from other well-established uses with the fact that extensions of a construction, while not predictable, are motivated by other senses in the constructional network. This paper illustrates this idea by providing an analysis of the Spanish completive reflexive marker se.

Conservation in ongoing analogical change: The measurement and effect(s) of token frequency

Krause-Lerche, Anne 22 May 2024 (has links)
In a number of studies of analogical levelling, it has been found that the conservation of irregular formation patterns is typically correlated with the token frequency of the members of a changing class. Interestingly, although it was suggested decades ago that this “conserving effect” of high token frequency may also affect ongoing analogical change, only one case of a change-in-progress in morphology has been investigated so far. Moreover, instead of scrutinizing the concept of frequency, previous research has largely taken the importance of lemma token frequency for granted. The present contribution analyses a case of ongoing analogical levelling in the formation of the imperative singular of German strong verbs with e/i-gradation. A corpus-based study is used to test whether the phenomenon is rightly classified as ongoing change and whether and which frequency variables can explain the trajectory of this change. Evidence is presented that justifies the assumption of a conserving effect of token frequency in ongoing morphological change; however, the study stresses the importance of reconsidering the concept of frequency for different languages and different phenomena of change because even measures like lemma token frequency are not as indisputable as they seem.

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