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Toward Reproducible Domain-Wall Conductance in Lithium Niobate Single CrystalsKiseleva, Iuliia 24 October 2023 (has links)
Conductive domain walls (DWs) in lithium niobate (LiNbO3, LNO) are promising constituents for potential applications in nanoelectronics, due to their high conductance, as compared to the surrounding bulk material, their high local confinement at the nanometer scale, and the ability to be created quasi-on-will through dedicated high-voltage poling. However, electrically contacting the DWs unavoidably leads to the formation of a potential barrier between the DW itself and the electrode material. Thus, the focus of this work is the investigation of the various factors influencing the electronic transport across that barrier, namely, the type of electrode material, the quality of the LNO surface (atomically-smooth versus mirror polished), the quality of the crystal lattice (i.e., the presence of higher concentrations of lithium and oxygen vacancies VLi and VO), and the magnitude of the applied voltages during the domain-wall conductivity (DWC) enhancement procedure.
It is found that all the above-mentioned factors have a significant impact on the current-voltage characteristics of the DW-electrode system. For example, the metal electrodes deposited onto the surface of the LNO crystal, once, impede the DW motion, while, secondly, stabilizing the DWs inclination across the LNO crystal. Another important finding is the major role played by large negative voltages in the DWC-enhancement procedure that strongly influences the near-surface structure of the DW, and hence the qualitative characteristics of the formed potential barrier, such as characteristic voltage and saturation current. The application of moderate voltages from –50 V to –100 V is also found to influence the structure of the near-surface DW. The creation of a variety of vacancy defects inside the bulk LNO that accompanies the formation of an atomically-smooth surface, is found to have far more influence on the DW charge transport than the quality of the surface, due to the formation and repulsive interaction of a multitude of spike domains stemming from these defects.
In summary, the results demonstrate the importance of providing known and reproducible sample surface conditions and identifying promising directions for implementing reproducible domain wall conductivity.
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The role of host dendritic cells during the effector phase of intestinal graft-versus-host disease / Die Rolle der dendritischen Zellen in der akuten intestinalen Graft-versus-Host ReaktionJordan Garrote, Ana-Laura January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Monocytes can be functionally divided in two subsets, both capable to differentiate into dendritic cells (DCs): CX3CR1loCCR2+ classical monocytes, actively recruited to the sites of inflammation and direct precursors of inflammatory DCs; and CX3CR1hiCCR2− non-classical monocytes, characterized by CX3CR1-dependent recruitment to non-inflamed tissues. Yet, the function of non-classical monocyte-derived DCs (nc-mo-DCs), and the factors, which trigger their recruitment and DC differentiation, have not been clearly defined to date. Here we show that in situ differentiated nc-moDCs mediate immunosuppression in the context of intestinal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).
Employing multi-color confocal microscopy we observed a dramatic loss of steady state host-type CD103+ DC subset immediately after transplantation, followed by an enrichment of immune-regulatory CD11b+ nc-moDCs. Parabiosis experiments revealed that tissue-resident non-classical CX3CR1+ monocytes differentiated in situ into intestinal CD11b+ nc-moDCs after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT). Differentiation of this intestinal DC subset depended on CSF-1 but not on Flt3L, thus defining the precursors as monocytes and not pre-DCs. Importantly, CX3CR1 but not CCR2 was required for this DC subset differentiation, hence defining the precursors as non-classical monocytes. In addition, we identify PD-L1 expression by CX3CR1+ nc-moDCs as the major mechanism they employ to suppress alloreactive T cells during acute intestinal GVHD. All together, we demonstrate that host nc-moDCs surprisingly mediate immunosuppression in the context of murine intestinal GVHD – as opposed to classical “inflammatory” monocyte-derived dendritic cells (mo-DCs) – via coinhibitory signaling. This thorough study unravels for the first time a biological function of a - so far only in vitro and phenotypically described - DC subset. Our identification of this beneficial immunoregulatory DC subset points towards alternate future strategies in underpinning molecular pathways to foster their function. We describe an unexpected mechanism of nc-moDCs in allo-HCT and intestinal GVHD, which might also be important for autoimmune disorders or infections of the gastrointestinal tract. / Monozyten (MO) lassen sich funktionell in zwei Subpopulationen unterteilen, die sich in dendritische Zellen (DC) differenzieren können: 1) Klassische Monozyten (CX3CR1loCCR2+), die direkte Vorläuferzellen von inflammatorischen DCs (mo-DCs) sind und aktiv an die Stelle der Entzündung rekrutiert werden und 2) nicht-klassische Monozyten (CX3CR1hiCCR2−). Bisher ist weder die Funktion der, aus nicht-klassischen Monozyten abstammenden, DC-Subpopulation (nc-mo-DCs) bekannt, noch ist geklärt, welche Faktoren die Ausdifferenzierung und die Rekrutierung der nc-mo-DCs in periphere Gewebe ermöglichen. In dieser Dissertationsarbeit zeige ich, dass nc-mo-DCs in situ differenzieren und in der akuten intestinalen Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung (GVHD) immunsuppressiv wirken. Konfokale Mikroskopie verdeutlichte den Rückgang der, im gesunden Gleichgewicht im intestinalen Gewebe dominierenden, CD103+ DCs direkt nach allogener hämatopoetischer Zelltransplantation (HCT) zugunsten immunregulatorischer CD11b+ nc-moDCs. Weiterhin zeigten Parabiose Experimente, dass nicht-klassische CX3CR1+ Monozyten im intestinalen Gewebe ansässig sind und sich nach allogener HCT in situ zu CD11b+ nc-moDCs ausdifferenzieren. Die Differenzierung findet in Abhängigkeit von CSF-1 und unabhängig von Flt3L statt, ein Beweis dafür, dass dieser Zelltyp aus Monozyten und nicht aus DC-Vorläuferzellen gebildet wird. Die Differenzierung dieser intestinalen DC Subpopulation hängt von CX3CR1, nicht jedoch von CCR2 ab, ein Beweis dafür, dass dieser Zelltyp aus nicht-klassischen Monozyten gebildet wird. Mechanistisch zeigen wir, dass nc-moDCs alloreaktive T-Zellen durch die Expression von PD-L1 supprimieren.
Zusammenfassend beschreiben wir erstmalig nc-moDCs als neue DC Subpopluation, die im Mausmodell die intestinale GVHD unterdrückt und sich damit wesentlich von den bisher beschriebenen, klassischen proinflammatorischen mo-DCs unterscheidet. Die von den nc-moDCs vermittelte immunregulatorische Wirkung könnte weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle bei Autoimmunerkrankungen und Infektionen im Magen-Darm-Trakt spielen und sollte daher in zukünftigen Therapieansätzen berücksichtigt werden.
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