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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus and medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with risk for and mortality from cancer in a German primary care cohort

Baur, Dorothee M., Klotsche, Jens, Hamnvik, Ole-Petter R., Sievers, Caroline, Pieper, Lars, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Stalla, Günter K., Schmid, Roland M., Kales, Stefanos N., Mantzoros, Christos S. January 2011 (has links)
There is growing evidence that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have increased cancer risk. We examined the association between diabetes, cancer, and cancer-related mortality and hypothesized that insulin sensitizers lower cancer-related mortality. Participants in the Diabetes Cardiovascular Risk and Evaluation: Targets and Essential Data for Commitment of Treatment study, a nationwide cross-sectional and prospective epidemiological study, were recruited from German primary care practices. In the cross-sectional study, subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus had a higher prevalence of malignancies (66/1308, 5.1%) compared to nondiabetic subjects (185/6211, 3.0%) (odds ratio, 1.64; 95% confidence interval, 1.12-2.41) before and after adjustment for age, sex, hemoglobin A1c, smoking status, and body mass index. Patients on metformin had a lower prevalence of malignancies, comparable with that among nondiabetic patients, whereas those on any other oral combination treatment had a 2-fold higher risk for malignancies even after adjusting for possible confounders; inclusion of metformin in these regimens decreased the prevalence of malignancies. In the prospective analyses, diabetic patients in general and diabetic patients treated with insulin (either as monotherapy or in combination with other treatments) had a 2- and 4-fold, respectively, higher mortality rate than nondiabetic patients, even after adjustment for potential confounders (incidence of cancer deaths in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus [2.6%] vs the incidence of cancer deaths in patients without type 2 diabetes mellitus [1.2%]). Our results suggest that diabetes and medications for diabetes, with the exception of the insulin sensitizer metformin, increase cancer risk and mortality.

All-cause mortality and serum insulin-like growth factor I in primary care patients

Friedrich, Nele, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Dörr, Marcus, Nauck, Matthias, Völzke, Henry, Klotsche, Jens, Sievers, Caroline, Pittrow, David, Böhler, Steffen, Lehnert, Hendrik, Pieper, Lars, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Wallaschofski, Henri, Stalla, Günter Karl January 2011 (has links)
Objective: Previous population-based studies provided conflicting results regarding the association of total serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and mortality. The aim of the present study was to assess the relation of IGF-I levels with all-cause mortality in a prospective study. Design: DETECT (Diabetes Cardiovascular Risk-Evaluation: Targets and Essential Data for Commitment of Treatment) is a large, multistage, and nationally representative study of primary care patients in Germany. The study population included 2463 men and 3603 women. Death rates were recorded by the respective primary care physician. Serum total IGF-I levels were determined by chemiluminescence immunoassays and categorized into three groups (low, moderate, and high) according to the sex- and age-specific 10th and 90th percentiles. Results: Adjusted analyses revealed that men with low [hazard ratio (HR) 1.70 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05–2.73), p=0.03] and high [HR 1.76 (95% CI 1.09–2.85), p=0.02] IGF-I levels had higher risk of all-cause mortality compared to men with moderate IGF-I levels. The specificity of low IGF-I and high IGF-I levels increased with lower and higher cut-offs, respectively. No such association became apparent in women. Conclusions: The present study revealed a U-shaped relation between IGF-I and all-cause mortality in male primary care patients.

Prävalenz, medikamentöse Behandlung und Einstellung des Diabetes mellitus in der Hausarztpraxis

Pittrow, David, Stalla, Günther Karl, Zeiher, Andreas M., Silber, Sigmund, März, Winfried, Pieper, Lars, Klotsche, Jens, Glaesmer, Heide, Ruf, Günther, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Lehnert, Hendrik, Böhler, Steffen, Koch, Uwe, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2006 (has links)
Hintergrund und Ziel: Der hausärztliche Bereich ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Betreuung von Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus. Die Autoren untersuchten a) die Prävalenz von Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2, b) die Art und Häufigkeit von nichtmedikamentösen und medikamentösen Behandlungen und deren Zusammenhang mit dem Vorliegen von diabetestypischen Komplikationen sowie c) die Qualität der Stoffwechseleinstellung anhand des HbA1c. Methodik: Auf der Grundlage einer bundesweiten Zufallsstichprobe von 3 188 Arztpraxen („response rate“ [RR] 50,6%) wurden 55 518 Patienten (RR 93,5%) im September 2003 in einer prospektiven Querschnittsstudie standardisiert mit Fragebögen, Arztgespräch und Labormessungen untersucht. Neben Diabetes mellitus wurden 28 weitere Erkrankungen explizit erfasst, darunter auch die typischen makrovaskulären (koronare Herzkrankheit, zerebrovaskuläre Erkrankungen, periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit) und mikrovaskulären Komplikationen (Neuropathie, Nephropathie, Retinopathie, diabetischer Fuß). Ergebnisse: Es wurde eine Prävalenz des Diabetes mellitus von 0,5% (Typ 1) bzw. 14,7% (Typ 2) dokumentiert. 49,5% (Typ 1) bzw. 50,2% (Typ 2) der Patienten hatten bereits mikro- oder makrovaskuläre Folge- bzw. Begleiterkrankungen. 6,8% der Patienten erhielten keine Therapie, 13,5% wurden nur mit Diät/Bewegung behandelt, und 75,3% erhielten orale Antidiabetika und/oder Insulin, davon 26,6% eine Kombinationstherapie mit verschiedenen Antidiabetika. Die Behandlungsintensität war im Vergleich zu Diabetikern ohne Komplikationen bei Patienten mit mikrovaskulären Kom- plikationen deutlich höher (Odds-Ratio [OR] 3,02) als bei denen mit makrovaskulären Komplikationen (OR 0,98). Ein HbA1c-Wert ≥ 7,0% fand sich bei 39,6% der Patienten. Schlussfolgerung: Im Vergleich zu früheren Untersuchungen im hausärztlichen Bereich hat die Rate der medikamentös behandelten Diabetiker zugenommen. Eine Kombinationstherapie wird häufiger eingesetzt. Die Qualität der Einstellung scheint sich ebenfalls verbessert zu haben. / Background and Purpose: The primary care sector is of key importance for the management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The authors investigated (a) the prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2, (b) the type and frequency of non-drug and drug treatment and its association with the presence of diabetic complications, and (c) the quality of metabolic control by HbA1c. Method: Using a nationwide probability sample of 3,188 general practices (response rate [RR] 50.6%), a total of 55,518 (RR 93.5%) patients were assessed in a prospective cross-sectional study by their physicians in September 2003 in a standardized manner using questionnaires, physician interview, and laboratory assessments. In addition to diabetes mellitus, 28 diseases were explicitly screened for, among them typical macrovascular (coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease) and microvascular disease (neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, diabetic foot) complications. Results: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 0.5% (type 1) and 14.7% (type 2), respectively. 49.5% (type 1) and 50.2% (type 2) of patients had micro- or macrovascular complications. 6.8% did not receive any treatment, 13.5% received non-drug treatment, and 75.3% received oral antidiabetic drugs and/or insulin (26.6% a combination of two or more). Compared to diabetics without any complications, treatment intensity was significantly higher in patients with microvascular complications (odds ratio [OR] 3.02), but not in those with macrovascular complications only (OR 0.98). An HbA1c value ≥ 7.0% was recorded in 39.6% of patients. Conclusion: Compared to previous studies in this setting, the proportion of diabetics with drug treatment has increased. More patients receive antidiabetic drug combinations. Quality of blood sugar control appears to have improved as well.

Longitudinale Assoziationen zwischen depressiven Symptomen und Typ-2-Diabetes sowie deren Auswirkung auf die Mortalität von Hausarztpatienten

Pieper, Lars, Dirmaier, Jörg, Klotsche, Jens, Thurau, Christin, Pittrow, David, Lehnert, Hendrik, März, Winfried, Koch, Uwe, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2011 (has links)
Es gibt widersprüchliche Befunde darüber, ob depressive Symptome Risikofaktoren für die Neumanifestation eines Diabetes sind oder ob umgekehrt auch Diabetes ein Risikofaktor für depressive Zustände ist. Daher untersuchen wir die längsschnittlichen wechselseitigen Assoziationen zwischen depressiven Symptomen und Typ-2-Diabetes (T2D) sowie die Auswirkungen des gemeinsamen Auftretens beider Erkrankungen auf die Mortalität anhand einer Stichprobe von Hausarztpatienten im Verlauf eines im Mittel 3,5-jährigen Beobachtungszeitraums. Die depressive Symptomatik wurde anhand des Depression Screening Questionnaire (DSQ) kategorial sowie dimensional betrachtet. Die Einteilung in Patienten mit normalem Nüchternblutzucker (NBZ), erhöhtem NBZ sowie T2D (unbehandelt, medikamentös, mit Insulin/kombiniert behandelt) erfolgte nach Arztangaben beziehungsweise nach Laborbefunden zur Baseline-Untersuchung. Die Inzidenz des T2D bei Patienten mit beziehungsweise ohne depressive Symptome betrug 25,6 und 20,9 pro 1000 Personenjahre. Bei dimensionaler Betrachtung des DSQ erhöhte sich das T2D-Risiko (unadjustiert) um das 1,03-Fache [KI (95%): 1,01–1,06] bei punktweisem Anstieg des DSQ. Die Inzidenz depressiver Symptome per 1000 Personenjahre betrug 30,5 für Patienten mit normalem, 34,2 für Patienten mit erhöhtem NBZ, 36,4 für unbehandelte, 32,3 für oral behandelte und 47,8 für insulinbehandelte T2D-Patienten. Verglichen mit Patienten mit einem normalen NBZ hatten insulinbehandelte Patienten ein höheres Risiko für depressive Symptome [HR: 1,71; KI (95%): 1,03–2,83] und oral behandelte T2D-Patienten ein niedrigeres Risiko [HR: 0,58; KI (95%): 0,36–0,96]. Verglichen mit Patienten ohne T2D und depressiver Symptomatik ist das Vorliegen beider Erkrankungen mit einer erhöhten Mortalität assoziiert [HR: 2,49; KI (95%):1,45–4,28]. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, dass vor allem eine Insulinbehandlung bei T2D-Patienten mit inzidenten depressiven Symptomen assoziiert ist. / It is unclear whether depressive symptoms are a risk factor for incident diabetes or diabetes is a risk factor for depressive conditions. Therefore, we examined the longitudinal bidirectional associations between depressive symptoms and type 2 diabetes (T2D) as well as the impact of both diseases on (all cause) mortality in a sample of primary care patients over a 3.5-years follow-up period on average. Depressive symptomatology, defined by the Depression Screening Questionnaire (DSQ), was examined both categorically and dimensionally. Patients were categorized as normal fasting glucose (NFG), impaired fasting glucose (IFG), and T2D (untreated, oral antidiabetics, insulin/combined treatment) according to physician ratings and baseline lab values. Incidence rates of T2D were 25.6 and 20.9 per 1000 person–years for those with and without depressive symptoms, respectively. The unadjusted risk of incident type 2 diabetes was 1.03 times higher (CI(95%): 1.01–1.06) for each 1-point increment in DSQ score. The incidence rates of elevated depressive symptoms per 1000 person–years were 30.5 for NFG, 34.2 for IFG, 36.4 for untreated T2D, 32.3 for oral treated T2D, and 47.8 for insulin/combined-treated T2D patients. Compared to NFG patients, insulin-treated patients had a higher risk of incident depressive symptoms (HR: 1.71; CI(95%): 1.03–2.83) and oral-treated patients had a lower risk (HR: 0.58; CI(95%): 0.36–0.96). Higher mortality rates were associated with both diseases compared to patients without T2D or depressive symptoms at baseline (HR: 2.49; CI(95%):1.45–4.28). Results indicate that especially insulin treatment in T2D patients is associated with incident depressive symptoms.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus and medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with risk for and mortality from cancer in a German primary care cohort

Baur, Dorothee M., Klotsche, Jens, Hamnvik, Ole-Petter R., Sievers, Caroline, Pieper, Lars, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Stalla, Günter K., Schmid, Roland M., Kales, Stefanos N., Mantzoros, Christos S. 23 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
There is growing evidence that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have increased cancer risk. We examined the association between diabetes, cancer, and cancer-related mortality and hypothesized that insulin sensitizers lower cancer-related mortality. Participants in the Diabetes Cardiovascular Risk and Evaluation: Targets and Essential Data for Commitment of Treatment study, a nationwide cross-sectional and prospective epidemiological study, were recruited from German primary care practices. In the cross-sectional study, subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus had a higher prevalence of malignancies (66/1308, 5.1%) compared to nondiabetic subjects (185/6211, 3.0%) (odds ratio, 1.64; 95% confidence interval, 1.12-2.41) before and after adjustment for age, sex, hemoglobin A1c, smoking status, and body mass index. Patients on metformin had a lower prevalence of malignancies, comparable with that among nondiabetic patients, whereas those on any other oral combination treatment had a 2-fold higher risk for malignancies even after adjusting for possible confounders; inclusion of metformin in these regimens decreased the prevalence of malignancies. In the prospective analyses, diabetic patients in general and diabetic patients treated with insulin (either as monotherapy or in combination with other treatments) had a 2- and 4-fold, respectively, higher mortality rate than nondiabetic patients, even after adjustment for potential confounders (incidence of cancer deaths in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus [2.6%] vs the incidence of cancer deaths in patients without type 2 diabetes mellitus [1.2%]). Our results suggest that diabetes and medications for diabetes, with the exception of the insulin sensitizer metformin, increase cancer risk and mortality.

All-cause mortality and serum insulin-like growth factor I in primary care patients

Friedrich, Nele, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Dörr, Marcus, Nauck, Matthias, Völzke, Henry, Klotsche, Jens, Sievers, Caroline, Pittrow, David, Böhler, Steffen, Lehnert, Hendrik, Pieper, Lars, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Wallaschofski, Henri, Stalla, Günter Karl 24 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: Previous population-based studies provided conflicting results regarding the association of total serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and mortality. The aim of the present study was to assess the relation of IGF-I levels with all-cause mortality in a prospective study. Design: DETECT (Diabetes Cardiovascular Risk-Evaluation: Targets and Essential Data for Commitment of Treatment) is a large, multistage, and nationally representative study of primary care patients in Germany. The study population included 2463 men and 3603 women. Death rates were recorded by the respective primary care physician. Serum total IGF-I levels were determined by chemiluminescence immunoassays and categorized into three groups (low, moderate, and high) according to the sex- and age-specific 10th and 90th percentiles. Results: Adjusted analyses revealed that men with low [hazard ratio (HR) 1.70 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05–2.73), p=0.03] and high [HR 1.76 (95% CI 1.09–2.85), p=0.02] IGF-I levels had higher risk of all-cause mortality compared to men with moderate IGF-I levels. The specificity of low IGF-I and high IGF-I levels increased with lower and higher cut-offs, respectively. No such association became apparent in women. Conclusions: The present study revealed a U-shaped relation between IGF-I and all-cause mortality in male primary care patients.

Prävalenz, medikamentöse Behandlung und Einstellung des Diabetes mellitus in der Hausarztpraxis / Prevalence, Drug Treatment and Metabolic Control of Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Care

Pittrow, David, Stalla, Günther Karl, Zeiher, Andreas M., Silber, Sigmund, März, Winfried, Pieper, Lars, Klotsche, Jens, Glaesmer, Heide, Ruf, Günther, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Lehnert, Hendrik, Böhler, Steffen, Koch, Uwe, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 20 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund und Ziel: Der hausärztliche Bereich ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Betreuung von Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus. Die Autoren untersuchten a) die Prävalenz von Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2, b) die Art und Häufigkeit von nichtmedikamentösen und medikamentösen Behandlungen und deren Zusammenhang mit dem Vorliegen von diabetestypischen Komplikationen sowie c) die Qualität der Stoffwechseleinstellung anhand des HbA1c. Methodik: Auf der Grundlage einer bundesweiten Zufallsstichprobe von 3 188 Arztpraxen („response rate“ [RR] 50,6%) wurden 55 518 Patienten (RR 93,5%) im September 2003 in einer prospektiven Querschnittsstudie standardisiert mit Fragebögen, Arztgespräch und Labormessungen untersucht. Neben Diabetes mellitus wurden 28 weitere Erkrankungen explizit erfasst, darunter auch die typischen makrovaskulären (koronare Herzkrankheit, zerebrovaskuläre Erkrankungen, periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit) und mikrovaskulären Komplikationen (Neuropathie, Nephropathie, Retinopathie, diabetischer Fuß). Ergebnisse: Es wurde eine Prävalenz des Diabetes mellitus von 0,5% (Typ 1) bzw. 14,7% (Typ 2) dokumentiert. 49,5% (Typ 1) bzw. 50,2% (Typ 2) der Patienten hatten bereits mikro- oder makrovaskuläre Folge- bzw. Begleiterkrankungen. 6,8% der Patienten erhielten keine Therapie, 13,5% wurden nur mit Diät/Bewegung behandelt, und 75,3% erhielten orale Antidiabetika und/oder Insulin, davon 26,6% eine Kombinationstherapie mit verschiedenen Antidiabetika. Die Behandlungsintensität war im Vergleich zu Diabetikern ohne Komplikationen bei Patienten mit mikrovaskulären Kom- plikationen deutlich höher (Odds-Ratio [OR] 3,02) als bei denen mit makrovaskulären Komplikationen (OR 0,98). Ein HbA1c-Wert ≥ 7,0% fand sich bei 39,6% der Patienten. Schlussfolgerung: Im Vergleich zu früheren Untersuchungen im hausärztlichen Bereich hat die Rate der medikamentös behandelten Diabetiker zugenommen. Eine Kombinationstherapie wird häufiger eingesetzt. Die Qualität der Einstellung scheint sich ebenfalls verbessert zu haben. / Background and Purpose: The primary care sector is of key importance for the management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The authors investigated (a) the prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2, (b) the type and frequency of non-drug and drug treatment and its association with the presence of diabetic complications, and (c) the quality of metabolic control by HbA1c. Method: Using a nationwide probability sample of 3,188 general practices (response rate [RR] 50.6%), a total of 55,518 (RR 93.5%) patients were assessed in a prospective cross-sectional study by their physicians in September 2003 in a standardized manner using questionnaires, physician interview, and laboratory assessments. In addition to diabetes mellitus, 28 diseases were explicitly screened for, among them typical macrovascular (coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease) and microvascular disease (neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, diabetic foot) complications. Results: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 0.5% (type 1) and 14.7% (type 2), respectively. 49.5% (type 1) and 50.2% (type 2) of patients had micro- or macrovascular complications. 6.8% did not receive any treatment, 13.5% received non-drug treatment, and 75.3% received oral antidiabetic drugs and/or insulin (26.6% a combination of two or more). Compared to diabetics without any complications, treatment intensity was significantly higher in patients with microvascular complications (odds ratio [OR] 3.02), but not in those with macrovascular complications only (OR 0.98). An HbA1c value ≥ 7.0% was recorded in 39.6% of patients. Conclusion: Compared to previous studies in this setting, the proportion of diabetics with drug treatment has increased. More patients receive antidiabetic drug combinations. Quality of blood sugar control appears to have improved as well.

Longitudinale Assoziationen zwischen depressiven Symptomen und Typ-2-Diabetes sowie deren Auswirkung auf die Mortalität von Hausarztpatienten

Pieper, Lars, Dirmaier, Jörg, Klotsche, Jens, Thurau, Christin, Pittrow, David, Lehnert, Hendrik, März, Winfried, Koch, Uwe, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 15 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Es gibt widersprüchliche Befunde darüber, ob depressive Symptome Risikofaktoren für die Neumanifestation eines Diabetes sind oder ob umgekehrt auch Diabetes ein Risikofaktor für depressive Zustände ist. Daher untersuchen wir die längsschnittlichen wechselseitigen Assoziationen zwischen depressiven Symptomen und Typ-2-Diabetes (T2D) sowie die Auswirkungen des gemeinsamen Auftretens beider Erkrankungen auf die Mortalität anhand einer Stichprobe von Hausarztpatienten im Verlauf eines im Mittel 3,5-jährigen Beobachtungszeitraums. Die depressive Symptomatik wurde anhand des Depression Screening Questionnaire (DSQ) kategorial sowie dimensional betrachtet. Die Einteilung in Patienten mit normalem Nüchternblutzucker (NBZ), erhöhtem NBZ sowie T2D (unbehandelt, medikamentös, mit Insulin/kombiniert behandelt) erfolgte nach Arztangaben beziehungsweise nach Laborbefunden zur Baseline-Untersuchung. Die Inzidenz des T2D bei Patienten mit beziehungsweise ohne depressive Symptome betrug 25,6 und 20,9 pro 1000 Personenjahre. Bei dimensionaler Betrachtung des DSQ erhöhte sich das T2D-Risiko (unadjustiert) um das 1,03-Fache [KI (95%): 1,01–1,06] bei punktweisem Anstieg des DSQ. Die Inzidenz depressiver Symptome per 1000 Personenjahre betrug 30,5 für Patienten mit normalem, 34,2 für Patienten mit erhöhtem NBZ, 36,4 für unbehandelte, 32,3 für oral behandelte und 47,8 für insulinbehandelte T2D-Patienten. Verglichen mit Patienten mit einem normalen NBZ hatten insulinbehandelte Patienten ein höheres Risiko für depressive Symptome [HR: 1,71; KI (95%): 1,03–2,83] und oral behandelte T2D-Patienten ein niedrigeres Risiko [HR: 0,58; KI (95%): 0,36–0,96]. Verglichen mit Patienten ohne T2D und depressiver Symptomatik ist das Vorliegen beider Erkrankungen mit einer erhöhten Mortalität assoziiert [HR: 2,49; KI (95%):1,45–4,28]. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, dass vor allem eine Insulinbehandlung bei T2D-Patienten mit inzidenten depressiven Symptomen assoziiert ist. / It is unclear whether depressive symptoms are a risk factor for incident diabetes or diabetes is a risk factor for depressive conditions. Therefore, we examined the longitudinal bidirectional associations between depressive symptoms and type 2 diabetes (T2D) as well as the impact of both diseases on (all cause) mortality in a sample of primary care patients over a 3.5-years follow-up period on average. Depressive symptomatology, defined by the Depression Screening Questionnaire (DSQ), was examined both categorically and dimensionally. Patients were categorized as normal fasting glucose (NFG), impaired fasting glucose (IFG), and T2D (untreated, oral antidiabetics, insulin/combined treatment) according to physician ratings and baseline lab values. Incidence rates of T2D were 25.6 and 20.9 per 1000 person–years for those with and without depressive symptoms, respectively. The unadjusted risk of incident type 2 diabetes was 1.03 times higher (CI(95%): 1.01–1.06) for each 1-point increment in DSQ score. The incidence rates of elevated depressive symptoms per 1000 person–years were 30.5 for NFG, 34.2 for IFG, 36.4 for untreated T2D, 32.3 for oral treated T2D, and 47.8 for insulin/combined-treated T2D patients. Compared to NFG patients, insulin-treated patients had a higher risk of incident depressive symptoms (HR: 1.71; CI(95%): 1.03–2.83) and oral-treated patients had a lower risk (HR: 0.58; CI(95%): 0.36–0.96). Higher mortality rates were associated with both diseases compared to patients without T2D or depressive symptoms at baseline (HR: 2.49; CI(95%):1.45–4.28). Results indicate that especially insulin treatment in T2D patients is associated with incident depressive symptoms.

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