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Flächennutzungsmonitoring XII: mit Beiträgen zum Monitoring von Ökosystemleistungen und SDGsMeinel, Gotthard, Schumacher, Ulrich, Behnisch, Martin, Krüger, Tobias 26 August 2021 (has links)
Die weltweite Inanspruchnahme von natürlichen Böden für Siedlungs- und Verkehrszwecke ist weiterhin hoch. Das gilt auch für Deutschland, wo es noch immer nicht gelungen ist, die Flächenneuinanspruchnahme von der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung zu entkoppeln. Das aber ist Ziel einer Flächenkreislaufwirtschaft mit einem Null-Hektar-Flächenverbrauch, wie sie die Bundesregierung in ihrem Klimaschutzplan 2050 anstrebt.
Die IÖR-Veröffentlichungsreihe Flächennutzungsmonitoring informiert über Ursachen, Wirkungen, indikatorbasierte Beschreibung von Stand und Entwicklung, Prognosen sowie Best-Practice-Beispielen einer nachhaltigen Flächenhaushaltspolitik. Damit sollen der Praxis Informationen an die Hand gegeben werden, um dem Flächenverbrauch, der Bodenversiegelung, der Zersiedelung und der Landschaftszerschneidung wirksam zu begegnen. Dazu werden aktuelle Ergebnisse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis vorgestellt, die auf dem Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium 2020 präsentiert und diskutiert wurden.
Der vorliegende Band fokussiert auf die Themen Flächenpolitik, Flächenmanagement, Flächenmonitoring, SDG-Indikatoren, Ökosystemmonitoring sowie neue Analysenmöglichkeiten durch neue Daten.
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Flächennutzungsmonitoring VIIIMeinel, Gotthard, Förtsch, Daniela, Schwarz, Steffen, Krüger, Tobias 13 April 2017 (has links)
Das Ziel des alljährlichen Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposiums (DFNS) ist es, neue Entwicklungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zur Flächennutzungsthematik vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Der vorliegende Band vereinigt Beiträge zu nahezu allen Präsentationen der 8. Auflage dieser Veranstaltungsreihe, die vom 11. bis 12. Mai 2016 stattfand. Sie umspannen die Themen Handlungsstrategien, Flächensparen, Flächenplanung, Innenentwicklung, Flächennutzungsstatistik, neue (Geo-)Datenangebote, deutschlandweite Analyseergebnisse, Verkehr, nutzergenerierte Daten und Big Data, Ökosystemindikatoren sowie Prognose und Projektionen.
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Kriterienkatalog zur Bewertung der baulichen Inklusion an HochschulenGrohmann, Cornelia, Rudolph, Elisa, Kolodziej, Carolina 18 November 2019 (has links)
Kriterienkatalog zur Erfassung und Bewertung baulicher Anlagen in Hochschulen, u.a.: Gebäude, Zugänge, Flure, Treppen, Aufzüge, WCs, Ruheräume und Lehrräume
(unkommentierte Fassung)
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Smart Retail in Smart Cities: Best Practice Analysis of Local Online PlatformsSchade, Katrin, Hübscher, Marcus, Korzer, Tanja 15 July 2019 (has links)
Against the background of urban transformation processes aggravated by e-commerce, this paper discusses chances and challenges of local online platforms. Three hypotheses are introduced. Firstly, the rapid emergence of numerous local online platforms in various European countries is linked to the urban heritage of the European City. Secondly, the success of these platforms depends on the integration of diverse services. Thirdly it is argued, that platforms need to adapt to future topics of smart retail which is why a more holistic approach is appropriate. A best practice analysis is conducted, which gives an insight into the variety and complexity of local online platforms.
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Sediments in a fast urbanizing catchment in Central Brazil – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment geochemistry and sediment sourcesFranz, Claudia 08 June 2015 (has links)
Over the last decades, fast urban sprawl and accelerated land use change have drastically increased the pressure on water resources of the capital Brasília and its surrounding area. The water supply of the metropolitan region of Brasília depends largely on surface water collected in reservoirs. There are increasing concerns regarding water shortages due to sediment aggradations, and of water quality due to geochemical modification of sediments from human activities. The complexity of various socio-environmental problems, such as non-point source pollution, soil erosion or silting of water reservoirs within urban catchments evoked the need for more effective and sustainable strategies to use land and water resources. Accurate identification and management of sediment source areas, however, is hampered by the lack of reliable information on the primary sources of sediment and on sediment geochemistry.
The fingerprinting approach and a multivariate mixing model have been proven to be a valuable sediment source tracing technique across the globe and for various environmental settings. A multi-component methodology, including geochemical and geophysical analyses of representative sediment source and alluvial sediment samples, statistical analyses and a multivariate mixing model, was utilized to obtain the impact of different anthropogenic activities on sediment and water quality and to identify the major sources of sediments within the Lago Paranoá catchment.
However, sediment source appointment and geochemical signatures of sediments in urbanized tropical regions, such as the Lago Paranoá catchment in the DF, are hampered by severe challenges; (i) the presence of various types of land use and heavy urbanized areas, (ii) large differences between sub-catchments and (iii) model structural failures in representing the sediment source contribution within urban tropical river basins. The present cumulative thesis addresses the challenges in geochemical analyses of different types of source and alluvial sediments, and in sediment source appointment for the Lago Paranoá catchment and it´s five sub-catchments. The aim of the study was to assess the distribution of chemical elements and geochemical/physical properties of potential sediment sources in the Lago Paranoá catchment. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to investigate the influence of different land use types on the geochemistry of sediments. Geochemical fingerprints of anthropogenic activities were developed based on the results of the cluster analysis grouping. The anthropogenic input of land use specific geochemical elements was examined and quantified by the calculation of enrichment factors using the local geological background as reference.
The existing findings suggest a strong relationship between land use and quantifiable features of sediment geochemistry, and identified the combined effects of specific anthropogenic activities and metal enrichment in source and alluvial sediments. Through comparison of the geochemical signature of potential sediment sources and alluvial sediments of the Lago Paranoá and sub-catchments, the relative contribution of land use specific sediment sources to the sediment deposition of the main water reservoir were estimated. This assessment indicated that urban land use had the greatest responsibility for recent silting in the Lago Paranoá.
In fact, one of the most challenging issues within the scope of IWRM is to quantify the contribution of sediment sources within fast urbanizing, mixed used, tropical catchments. Therefore, statistically verified composite fingerprints and a modified multivariate mixing model have been used to identify the main land use specific sources of sediment deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá, Central Brazil. Because of the great variability of urban land use types within the Lago Paranoá sub-catchments, the fingerprinting approach was additionally undertaking for the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment. This sediment source tracing technique provides valuable information on the response of the main sediment sources in a fast growing agglomeration with respect to specific land uses and human activities and allowed to examine the uncertainty in model prediction. The main contributions from individual source types (i.e. surface materials from residential areas, constructions sites, road deposited sediment, cultivated areas, pasture, farm tracks, woodland and natural gullies) varied between the whole catchment and the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment, reflecting the different proportions of land uses.
The sediments deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá originate largely from urban sources (85±4%). Areas with (semi-) natural vegetation and natural gullies contribute 10±2% of the sediment yield. Agricultural sites have only a minor sediment contribution of about 5±4 % within the whole catchment. However, there is no mechanism considered to reflect seasonality in the tropics, e.g. phenological change of the vegetation between wet and dry season, or and temporal changes in land use, e.g. construction sites, which influence model estimates. Nevertheless, the study reveals that even 58 % of the land remains in (semi-) natural state, the main sediment source are urban areas.
Beside the analyses of sediments, it was found that metal concentrations in surface water of the main tributaries to the Lago Paranoá are generally low, but show seasonal variability. Terrestrial inputs of metals occur during the rainy season and depend largely on the influence of urban land use.
The present thesis shows the great influence of anthropogenic activities on sediment generation, and at least to some degree, on sediment associated pollution loads. It depicts region specific challenges, but also provides essential information to guide management responses towards more effective sediment source-reduction strategies.:Contents
Declaration of the candidate i
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract v
Zusammenfassung vii
Contents ix
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Sediments in urbanized river basins: impact of land use changes on sediment dynamic and geochemistry 1
1.2 Sources of sediments and associated contaminants within urbanized catchments 4
1.3 Sediment issues in the tropics 6
1.4 Research area 10
2 Objectives and research questions 16
2.1 Sediment geochemistry and sediment sources 16
2.2 Sediment associated “metal” loads and water quality 18
2.3 List of publications 19
3 Material and Methods 20
4 Geochemical signature and properties of sediment sources and alluvial sediments within the
Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF: a study on anthropogenic introduced chemical elements in
an urban river basin 22
5 Assessment and evaluation of metal contents in sediment and water samples within an urban
watershed – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment and water quality
in Central Brazil 45
6 Sediments in urban river basins: Identification of sediment sources within the Lago Paranoá
catchment, Brasília DF, Brazil - using the fingerprint approach 73
7 Summarizing discussion and conclusion 95
7.1 Sediment properties and geochemistry 95
7.2 Relationship between urban land use and metal concentrations
in surface water samples 98
7.3 Sediment source identification 99
7.3.1 Sediment source discrimination 99
7.3.2 Sediment source appointment 101
7.4 Future research questions and tasks 103
References 106 / Im Gebiet des Bundesdistrikts Brasilien ist ein erheblicher Druck auf die Wasserressourcen zu beobachten, der vorwiegend durch starkes Bevölkerungswachstum, ungeplante Suburbanisierung und Landnutzungsänderungen innerhalb der letzten Jahrzehnte ausgeübt wird. Die Wasserversorgung der jungen Hauptstadt Brasília und seiner suburbanen Räume wird im Wesentlichen durch in Stauseen gesammeltes Oberflächenwasser gewährleistet. Durch die voranschreitende Ausdehnung von urbanen und landwirtschaftlichen Flächen spielen insbesondere Sedimenteinträge in die Stauanlagen sowie sedimentgebundene Stoffbelastungen durch anthropogene Aktivitäten für die verfügbare Wasserquantität und Wasserqualität eine bedeutende Rolle. Damit verbundene negative Umweltauswirkungen sowie die daraus resultierenden sozioökonomische Konsequenzen erfordern daher dringend wirksame und nachhaltige Strategien im Land-und Wasserressourcenmanagement. Eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge und Stoffbelastungen in das Gewässernetz ist jedoch nur mit Kenntnis der Primärquellen von Sedimenten und der Sedimentgeochemie zu erreichen. Der "Fingerprinting"-Ansatz und der Einsatz eines "Multivariate Mixing-Modell", sind geeignete Werkzeuge um den Einfluss anthropogener Eingriffe in das landschaftsökologische Prozessgefüge der Sedimentgenerierung zu klären.
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation zeigt dies anhand der Anwendung einer Multikomponenten-Methodik. Diese beinhaltet sowohl geochemische und geophysikalische Analysen repräsentativer Sedimentproben der Sedimentquellen und der finalen Senken (Auenbereiche und Bereiche der Zuflüsse zum Lago Paranoá) als auch umfassende statistische Analysen sowie die Anwendung eines modifizierten "Multivariate Mixing-Modells". Der Einsatzder "Fingerprinting" Methodik in urbanen Einzugsgebieten der wechselfeuchten Tropen, wie das des Lago Paranoá in Zentralbrasilien, ist jedoch mit erheblichen Herausforderungen verbunden. Das betrifft insbesondere die Heterogenität der Landnutzungstypen innerhalb einer Landnutzungsklasse (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) und die Unterschiede der Landnutzungsanteile zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten als auch modelstruktureller Unzulänglichkeiten bei der Sedimentherkunftsberechnung für urbane Einzugsgebiete.
Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse und hierarchische Clusteranalyse wurden verwendet, um den Einfluss der verschiedenen Landnutzungstypen auf der Geochemie der Sedimente zu untersuchen. Geochemische Fingerprints verschiedener anthropogener Aktivitäten wurden auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Clusteranalyse ("grouping") entwickelt. Die Berechnung von Anreicherungsfaktoren ("Enrichmentfactors") auf Basis der gemessenen Elementgehalte, mit dem lokalen geologischen Hintergrundwerten als Referenz, ermöglichte die Quantifizierung des Einflusses der verschiedenen Landnutzungen auf die Metalleinträge in die Sedimente. Die vorhandenen Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass eine direkte Beziehung zwischen Landnutzung und quantifizierbarer Merkmale der Sedimentgeochemie existiert. Ein Vergleich der geochemischen Signatur von potentiellen Sedimentquellen und mit jenen der alluvialen Sedimente unterstützt die Hypothese, dass urbane Gebiete einen beachtlichen Beitrag zur Sedimentgenerierung und letztendlich zur Sedimentablagerung in den Auen- und Zuflussbereichen des Lago Paranoá leisten.
Da diese relative Betrachtung von Elementzusammensetzungen der Sedimente keine quantitativen Aussagen zur Bedeutung der einzelnen Sedimentquellen zulässt, wurden statistisch verifizierte "composite fingerprints" und ein an urbane Bedingungen modifiziertes multivariate mixing-Modell (Hybrid) entwickelt und angewendet. Die Modellberechnungen erfolgten für das gesamte Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá und separat für das Riacho Fundo Teileinzugsgebiet, welches Die angepassten Modellschätzungen zeigten, dass die in den Verlandungszonen des Lago Paranoá abgelagerten Sedimente weitgehend aus urbane Räumen (85 ± 4%) generiert wurden. Dahingegen stammen nur 10 ± 2% der Sedimente aus Gebieten mit (semi-) natürlicher Vegetation, obwohl 58 % der gesamten Einzugsgebietsfläche des Lago Paranoá stets (semi-) natürliche Verhältnisse aufweist.
Landwirtschaftliche Gebiete haben generell nur einen geringen Anteil von etwa 5 ± 4% am Sedimenteintrag. Die Unterschiede in den Sedimentbeträgen sowohl zwischen den verschiedenen Sedimentquelltypen als auch zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten scheinen maßgeblich von den Flächennutzungsanteilen (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) in dem jeweiligen Teileinzugsgebiet abhängig zu sein. Trotz umfassender Probennahme, Probenanalytik, Modellanpassung und Unsicherheitsanalyse sind die Ergebnisse nur für den Beprobungszeitraum, für die analysierte Stoffgruppe (organische Stoffeinträge sind im Rahmen dieser Dissertation nicht erfasst) und für die ausgewählten Lokalitäten repräsentativ. Zeitliche Einflussgrößen wie die Saisonalität in den Tropen oder Änderungen der Landnutzung, wie z.B. temporäre Baustellen, konnten mit den hier verwendeten Methoden nicht erfasst werden. Um die hohe räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität der Sedimentdynamik und eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge in das Gewässernetz zu erzielen, sind demnach die Einrichtung und der Betrieb eines langfristigen Monitoring-Netzwerkes für Sedimente im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá von hoher Priorität.
Die vorliegende Dissertation bringt neue Einsichten in verschiedene wichtige Aspekte der geochemischen Beeinflussung von Sedimenten durch anthropogene Aktivitäten und liefert erstmalig quantitative Aussagen zu den Sedimentquellgebieten im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá. Sie stellt regionsspezifische Herausforderungen heraus, liefert gleichzeitig aber auch wichtige Informationen zu Sedimentbelastungen und -Einträgen und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag als Entscheidungsunterstützung im Rahmen eines Sedimentmanagementplans.:Contents
Declaration of the candidate i
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract v
Zusammenfassung vii
Contents ix
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Sediments in urbanized river basins: impact of land use changes on sediment dynamic and geochemistry 1
1.2 Sources of sediments and associated contaminants within urbanized catchments 4
1.3 Sediment issues in the tropics 6
1.4 Research area 10
2 Objectives and research questions 16
2.1 Sediment geochemistry and sediment sources 16
2.2 Sediment associated “metal” loads and water quality 18
2.3 List of publications 19
3 Material and Methods 20
4 Geochemical signature and properties of sediment sources and alluvial sediments within the
Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF: a study on anthropogenic introduced chemical elements in
an urban river basin 22
5 Assessment and evaluation of metal contents in sediment and water samples within an urban
watershed – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment and water quality
in Central Brazil 45
6 Sediments in urban river basins: Identification of sediment sources within the Lago Paranoá
catchment, Brasília DF, Brazil - using the fingerprint approach 73
7 Summarizing discussion and conclusion 95
7.1 Sediment properties and geochemistry 95
7.2 Relationship between urban land use and metal concentrations
in surface water samples 98
7.3 Sediment source identification 99
7.3.1 Sediment source discrimination 99
7.3.2 Sediment source appointment 101
7.4 Future research questions and tasks 103
References 106
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Sozialer Wohnungsbau neu gedachtRudolph, Elisa, Marquardt, Gesine 20 July 2017 (has links)
Mietwohnungen in Großstädten werden durch den anhaltenden Zuzug immer stärker nachgefragt.
Damit gehen steigende Mieten einher, sodass es in einigen Städten Überlegungen gibt, den sozialen Wohnungsbau wieder zu fördern.
In Dresden hat der Stadtrat 2016 beschlossen, eine städtische Wohnungsbaugesellschaft, „Woba“ genannt, zu gründen. Geplant und gebaut werden sollen die neuen Gebäude der Dresdener Woba durch die STESAD GmbH, ein Tochterunternehmen der Stadt. Gerade Wohnungen mit einer geringen Miete werden von der Dresdner Bevölkerung dringend benötigt, da rund 20% von einem geringen Einkommen leben.
Aber wie sieht der soziale Wohnungsbau der Zukunft aus? Während wie in früheren Konzepten das Schaffen von Wohnraum für einkommensschwache Menschen weiterhin im Vordergrund steht, müssen heute insbesondere neue soziale und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen berücksichtigt werden. Fragen des zukünftigen Zusammenlebens in der Stadt müssen dazu untersucht werden. Es sind Typologien für einen Wohnungsmix zu entwickeln, der den demografischen Entwicklungen entspricht. So sind Wohnungen für große und kleine (Patchwork-) Familien, Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund und ältere Menschen zu entwickeln.
Auch die zukünftigen Wohntrends sollen bei der Entwicklung des neuen Wohnkonzepts berücksichtig werden. Themen wie Third Place und collaborative living, urban gardening beeinflussten die studentischen Arbeiten genau wie flexible Grundriss- und Raumlösungen.
Nachdem sich die Studierenden über Kurzreferate in die Thematik Sozialer Wohnungsbau eingearbeitet hatten, ging es im nächsten Schritt um die Entwicklung eines Grundrisskonzepts für eine bestimmte Nutzergruppe. Die Auswahl der Nutzergruppen reichte dabei von alleinlebenden älteren Menschen bis hin zu großen Patchworkfamilien. Zu beachten waren daher auch Barrierefreiheit, kostengünstige Bauweise und die für den Sozialen Wohnungsbau festgelegten Wohnungsgrößen. Die Ergebnisse wurden Anfang Februar einer Jury vorgestellt. Die Gewinner erhielten ein Preisgeld von der STESAD GmbH.
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Stochastisch-deterministische Modelle zur Analyse und Prognose räumlicher und zeitlicher Ozonimmissionsstrukturen in SachsenHoffmann, Heike 04 November 2002 (has links)
Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit stochastisch-deterministischer Modelle für die räumliche und zeitliche Vorhersage der Ozonkonzentrationen in Sachsen. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Messwerte des sächsischen Landesmessnetzes von 1995 bis 1999 einer eingehenden statistischen Analyse (deskriptive Analyse, geostatistische Analyse, Zeitreihenanalyse) unterzogen. Bei diesen Analysen werden Repräsentativitätsunterschiede der einzelnen Stationen (städtisch/ländlich) deutlich, die bei Verwendung aller Daten zu einem sehr hohen Nuggeteffekt führen. Um ein realistischeres Bild des Nuggeteffektes zu erhalten, wurde die jeweils am stärksten verkehrsbeeinflusste Station in derselben Stadt aus der Variogrammberechnung ausgeschlossen. Durch die Forschungsarbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Ozonwerte auch nach der Eliminierung räumlicher und zeitlicher Trends eine ausreichende räumliche Autokorrelation besitzen. Schließlich werden geostatistische und zeitreihenanalytische Modelle für die räumliche und zeitliche Vorhersage der sächsischen Ozondaten entwickelt und ihre Genauigkeit überprüft.
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Quantitative Assessment of Vegetation Renaturation and Soil Degradation and their Control by Climate and Ground Factors along Rights-of-Way of Petroleum/Gas Pipelines, AzerbaijanBayramov, Emil 17 January 2013 (has links)
The construction of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Oil and South Caucasus Gas (SCP) pipelines was completed in 2005. The Azerbaijan section of BTC Oil and SCP Gas pipelines is 442 km long and 44 m wide corridor named as the Right-of-Way. BTC and SCP pipelines are aligned parallel to each other within the same 44m corridor. The construction process of the pipelines significantly disturbed vegetation and soil cover along Right-of-Way of pipelines. The revegetation and erosion control measures were conducted after the completion of construction to restore the disturbed footprints of construction activities. The general goals of the present studies, dedicated to the environmental monitoring of revegetation and planning of erosion control measures were: to evaluate the status of the revegetation in 2007 since the completion of the construction activities in 2005, to determine the climate and ground factors controlling the vegetation regrowth and to predict erosion-prone areas along Right-of-Way of pipelines. Regression and root mean square error analysis between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of IKONOS images acquired in 2007 and in-situ estimations of vegetation cover percentage revealed R2 equal to 0.80 and RMSE equal to 6% which were optimal for the normalization of NDVI to vegetation cover. The total area of restored vegetation cover between 2005 and 2007 was 8.9 million sq. m. An area of 10.7 million sq. m. of ground vegetation needed restoration in order to comply with the environmental acceptance criteria. Based on the Global Spatial Regression Model, precipitation, land surface temperature and evapotranspiration were determined as the main climate factors controlling NDVI of grasslands along Right-of-Way of pipelines. In case of croplands, precipitation, evapotranspiration and annual minimum temperature were determined as the main factors controlling NDVI of croplands. The regression models predicting NDVI for grasslands and croplands were also formulated.
The Geographically Weighted Regression analyses in comparison with the global regression models results clearly revealed that the relationship between NDVI of grasslands and croplands and the predictor variables was spatially non-stationary along the corridor of pipelines. Even though the observed R2 value between elevation and NDVI of grasslands was low (R2= 0.14), the accumulation of the largest NDVI patterns was observed higher than 150m elevation. This revealed that elevation has non-direct control of NDVI of grasslands through its control of precipitation and temperature along the grasslands of Right-of-Way. The spatial distribution percentage of NDVI classes within slope aspect categories was decreasing in the southern directions of slope faces. Land surface temperature was decreasing with elevation but no particular patterns of land surface temperature in the relationship with NDVI accumulation within the aspect categories were observed. Aspect categories have non-direct control of NDVI and there are some other factors apart from land surface temperature which require further investigations.
Precipitation was determined to be controlling the formation of topsoil depth and the topsoil obviously controls the VC growth of grasslands as one of the main ground factors. The regression analysis between NDVI of grasslands and croplands with groundwater depth showed very low correlation. But the clustered patterns of vegetation cover were observed in the relationship with groundwater depth and soil moisture for both grasslands and croplands. The modeling of groundwater depth relative to soil moisture and MODIS NDVI of grasslands determined that the threshold of groundwater depth for vegetation growth is in the range of 1-5 m. MODIS NDVI and soil moisture did not reveal a significant correlation. Soil moisture revealed R2 equal to 0.34 with elevation, R2 equal to 0.23 with evapotranspiration, R2 equal to 0.57 with groundwater depth and R2 equal to 0.02 with precipitation. This allowed to suspect that precipitation is not the main factor controlling soil moisture whereas elevation, evapotranspiration and groundwater depth have non-direct control of soil moisture. Therefore, soil moisture has also non-direct control of vegetation cover growth along the corridor of pipelines. The variations of soil moisture in the 1-3 m soil depth range may have the threshold of depth controlling vegetation cover regrowth and this requires more detailed soil moisture data for further investigations. The reliability of the Global Spatial Regression Model and Geographically Weighted Regression predictions is limited by the MODIS images spatial resolution equal to 250 m and spectral characteristics. The Morgan-Morgan-Finney (MMF) and Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) predictions revealed non-similarity in the spatial distribution of soil loss rates along Right-of-Way. MMF model revealed more clustered patterns of predicted critical erosion classes with soil loss more than 10 ton/ha/year in particular ranges of pipelines rather than Universal Soil Loss Equation model with the widespread spatial distribution. Paired-Samples T-Test with p-value less than 0.05 and Bivariate correlation with the Pearson\'s correlation coefficient equal to 0.23 showed that the predictions of these two models were significantly different.
Verification of USLE- and MMF- predicted erosion classes against in-situ 316 collected erosion occurrences collected in the period of 2005-2012 revealed that USLE performed better than MMF model along pipeline by identifying of 192 erosion occurrences out of 316, whereas MMF identified 117 erosion sites. USLE revealed higher ratio of frequencies of erosion occurrences within the critical erosion classes (Soil Loss > 10 t/ha), what also showed higher reliability of soil loss predictions by USLE. The validation of quantitative soil loss predictions using the measurements from 48 field erosion plots revealed higher R2 equal to 0.67 by USLE model than by MMF. This proved that USLE-predicted soil loss rates were more reliable than MMF not only in terms of spatial distributions of critical erosion classes but also in the quantitative terms of soil loss rates. The total number of erosion-prone pipeline segments with the identified erosion occurrences was 316 out of 38376. The number of erosion-prone pipeline segments realistically predicted by USLE model e.g. soil loss more than 10 t/ha was 97 whereas MMF predicted only 70 erosion-prone pipeline segments. The regression analysis between 354 USLE and MMF erosion-prone segments revealed R2 equal to 0.36 what means that the predictions by USLE and MMF erosion models are significantly different on the level of pipeline segments. The average coefficients of variation of predicted soil loss rates by USLE and MMF models and the number of accurately predicted erosion occurrences within the geomorphometric elements of terrain, vegetation cover and landuse categories were larger in the USLE model. This supported the hypothesis that larger spatial variations of erosion prediction models can contribute to the better soil loss prediction performance and reliability of erosion prediction models. This also supported the hypothesis that better understanding of spatial variations within geomorphometric elements of terrain, land-use and vegetation cover percentage classes can support in the selection of the appropriate erosion models with better performance in the particular areas of pipelines. Qualitative multi-criteria assessment for the determination of erosion-prone areas revealed stronger relations with the USLE predictions rather than with MMF. Multi-criteria assessment identified 35 of erosion occurrences but revealed more reliable predictions on the level of terrain units. Predicted erosion-prone areas by USLE revealed higher correlation coefficient with erosion occurrences than MMF model within terrain units what proved higher reliability of the USLE predictions and its stronger relation with the multi-criteria assessment.
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Finite element method for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in discretely fractured and non-fractured porous mediaWatanabe, Norihiro 23 May 2012 (has links)
Numerical analysis of multi-field problems in porous and fractured media is an important subject for various geotechnical engineering tasks such as the management of geo-resources (e.g. engineering of geothermal, oil and gas reservoirs) as well as waste management. For practical usage, e.g. for geothermal, simulation tools are required which take into account both coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes and the uncertainty of geological data, i.e. the model parametrization. For modeling fractured rocks, equivalent porous medium or multiple continuum model approaches are often only the way currently due to difficulty to handle geomechanical discontinuities. However, they are not applicable for prediction of flow and transport in subsurface systems where a few fractures dominates the system behavior. Thus modeling coupled problems in discretely fractured porous media is desirable for more precise analysis.
The subject of this work is developing a framework of the finite element method (FEM) for modeling coupled THM problems in discretely fractured and non-fractured porous media including thermal water flow, advective-diffusive heat transport, and thermoporoelasticity. Pre-existing fractures are considered. Systems of discretely fractured porous media can be considered as a problem of interacted multiple domains, i.e. porous medium domain and discrete fracture domain, for hydraulic and transport processes, and a discontinuous problem for mechanical processes. The FEM is required to take into account both kinds of the problems. In addition, this work includes developing a methodology for the data uncertainty using the FEM model and investigating the uncertainty impacts on evaluating coupled THM processes. All the necessary code developments in this work has been carried out with a scientific open source project OpenGeoSys (OGS).
In this work, fluid flow and heat transport problems in interactive multiple domains are solved assuming continuity of filed variables (pressure and temperature) over the two domains. The assumption is reasonable if there are no infill materials in fractures. The method has been successfully applied for several numerical examples, e.g. modeling three-dimensional coupled flow and heat transport processes in discretely fractured porous media at the Gross Schoenebck geothermal site (Germany), and three-dimensional coupled THM processes in porous media at the Urach Spa geothermal site (Germany).
To solve the mechanically discontinuous problems, lower-dimensional interface elements (LIEs) with local enrichments have been developed for coupled problems in a domain including pre-existing fractures. The method permits the possibility of using existing flow simulators and having an identical mesh for both processes. It enables us to formulate the coupled problems in monolithic scheme for robust computation. Moreover, it gives an advantage in practice that one can use existing standard FEM codes for groundwater flow and easily make a coupling computation between mechanical and hydraulic processes. Example of a 2D fluid injection problem into a single fracture demonstrated that the proposed method can produce results in strong agreement with semi-analytical solutions.
An uncertainty analysis of THM coupled processes has been studied for a typical geothermal reservoir in crystalline rock based on the Monte-Carlo method. Fracture and matrix are treated conceptually as an equivalent porous medium, and the model is applied to available data from the Urach Spa and Falkenberg sites (Germany). Reservoir parameters are considered as spatially random variables and their realizations are generated using conditional Gaussian simulation. Two reservoir modes (undisturbed and stimulated) are considered to construct a stochastic model for permeability distribution. We found that the most significant factors in the analysis are permeability and heat capacity. The study demonstrates the importance of taking parameter uncertainties into account for geothermal reservoir evaluation in order to assess the viability of numerical modeling.
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Insights into the social ecological system of the Golden Stream Corridor Preserve in Belize through the assessment of direct use values and benefitsMesh, Salvador Nigel 17 May 2022 (has links)
The designation of state and private protected areas around the world has been increasing over the past years. Belize is not an exception to this reality. To date more than 103 protected areas have been recognized into the National Protected Areas System of Belize (NPAS). Private protected areas (PPA) did not become part of Belize’s NPAS until 2015. But long before its legislation, private protected areas have been contributing to conservation and development in Belize. The Golden Stream Corridor Preserve (GSCP) is one of Belize’s exemplary PPA which advocates for conservation through the promotion of sustainable livelihood development and community empowerment.
Using the co-evolution model by Pretzsch et al. (2014) as a conceptual framework, direct use values and benefits of the GSCP are assessed to gain insight into its social ecological system. A single case (embedded) case study design was used to execute this assessment at three buffering communities: Medina Bank, Golden Stream and Indian Creek. A total of 60 households, representing 10% of household leaders in each community were interviewed using a semi structured questionnaire. Community leaders were also interviewed to discover customary rules relating to resource use and the history of each community.
The direct use value assessment revealed that the GSCP only contributes to values associated with tourism and employment. These values were disproportionately distributed across buffering communities; with Indian Creek perceiving all values associated with tourism, and Golden Stream from employment. Medina Bank saw no direct use values from the GSCP. Community forests and lands were found to be the exclusive source of direct use values associated with the utilization of forest products. Sustainable livelihood development opportunities and community empowerment were the most reported benefits arising from the management of the GSCP. The adoption and contribution of livelihood strategies were however met with positive and negative criticism by community members.
Results from this evaluation epitomizes the importance of SES thinking in protected areas. Customary rules of resource use have contributed positively to the integrity of the GSCP. The impending threat of land use change and population growth at buffering communities calls for the creation of enabling environments for the adoption of sustainable livelihood through community participation, consultation, monitoring and evaluation.:CHAPTER ONE
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research question and justification 2
2. Theoretical and conceptual framework 4
2.2 Ecosystem service approach in protected areas 7
2.3 Emergence of private protected areas: global status, definition, benefits and downsides 11
2.4 Social ecological co-evolution: a conceptual Framework 13
3.1 National Context: protected areas in Belize 17
3.2 Local context: The Golden Stream Corridor Preserve 19
3.3 Case study approach 23
3.4 Data collection 25
3.5 Data analysis 29
3.6 Ethical considerations 32
4. Embedded case studies . 34
4.1 Case study 1: Medina Bank Village 46
4.2 Case study 2: Golden Stream Village 48
4.3 Case study 3: Indian Creek Village 62
5. Consolidating and comparing the embedded cases
6. Implications of findings for management 92
7. Conclusions, limitations and outlook 102
Limitation 103
Outlook 104
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