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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spolupracující obviněný / Cooperating defendant

Karásková, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Cooperating defendant Abstract This thesis on Cooperating defendant is focused on the development of this institute, its connection to organized crime and relevant international and Czech legislation. The thesis consists of the introduction, five chapters, that each presents individual topics in detail, and the conclusion. The first chapter analyses historical development of the institute of crown witness and its connection to the institute of cooperating defendant, the context of adoption of this institute into the Czech legislation and the subsequent amendment of the relevant provisions. At the same time, it summarizes the planned changes concerning the institute of cooperating defendant within the framework of recodification of criminal procedure. The second chapter analyses organized crime in connection to the institute of cooperating defendant. It focuses on the occurrence of organized crime in the Czech Republic, its specific features and legislation, the purpose of which is to fight organized crime. The third chapter is focused on the international legislation of the institute of cooperating defendant, which is mainly defined by international organizations, such as the UN, the European Union and the Council of Europe. The current legal regulation of the institute of cooperating defendant is analysed...

An Empirical Study of Appointed Counsel Effectiveness in Jury Trials

Hall, James Patrick 01 January 2014 (has links)
Anecdotal evidence supports the belief among indigent individuals who are assigned defense counsel that they would be better represented by privately retained counsel. This perspective jeopardizes attorney effectiveness by reducing communication and trust between the attorney and client. Research on the effectiveness of counsel is sparse. The purpose of this quantitative study was to bridge this gap in knowledge by comparing the effectiveness of privately retained and publicly appointed counsel between 2008 and 2013, both before and after the imposition of state-wide compensation limitations on publicly appointed defense counsel. The theoretical framework was Stuntz's theory, which stresses that one part of the criminal justice system will be compensated for elsewhere in the system. Research questions focused on the success rates of publicly funded and privately retained counsel in jury trials in a large state district court in New England. Data were collected from court records and analyzed using tests of proportions and a binary logistic regression to determine the success rates of the types of counsel and whether appointed counsels' relative effectiveness changed after the compensation limitations were imposed in 2011. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in acquittal rates between counsel groups or for either counsel group before and after the imposition of the statewide compensation limits. Implications for positive social change include educating defendants on the effectiveness of publicly appointed counsel to enhance the trust within these attorney-client relationships, and improving the quality of discourse in legislative deliberations focused on weighing budget cuts to appointed counsel compensation with the risk to the fair administration of justice.

The Sanctity of the Right to an Impartial Jury: An Examination of Racial Composition of Juries on Non-Capital Felony Case Outcomes

Day, Sarah Elizabeth 03 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Mortality Salience on the Verdict and Sentencing Decisions of a Defendant with Facial Tattoos

Knight, Katherine M. 14 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Juror Decision Making: The Impact of Attractiveness and Socioeconomic Status on Criminal Sentencing and an Examination of Motivated Reasoning in Mock Jurors

Kutys, Jennifer M. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Les recours collectifs contre plusieurs défendeurs

Bédard, Michel 12 1900 (has links)
Le recours collectif est un moyen de procédure qui permet à une personne d'agir en demande pour le compte des membres d'un groupe dont elle fait partie. Cette procédure peut être introduite contre plus qu'un seul défendeur. On distingue deux types de recours collectifs contre plusieurs défendeurs. Il y a d'abord les recours collectifs où tous les membres du groupe ont un recours personnel contre tous les défendeurs. Il y a aussi les recours collectifs où les membres du groupe font valoir une même cause d'action à l'encontre de plusieurs défendeurs qui auraient eu un comportement fautif similaire à l'égard de l'un ou l'autre des membres du groupe. La recevabilité de ce dernier type de recours collectifs a été remise en question. Le requérant n'aurait pas l'intérêt suffisant pour ester en justice contre les défendeurs qui ne lui ont pas causé préjudice. Il ne saurait non plus satisfaire aux exigences du Code de procédure civile concernant l'autorisation du recours collectif. Or, il appert des règles mises en place en matière de recours collectif que le requérant fait valoir non seulement ses propres droits personnels, mais aussi tous ceux des membres du groupe. Ainsi, on ne peut lui reprocher l'absence d'intérêt juridique ou de cause d'action dans la mesure où il y a, pour chacun des défendeurs, au moins un membre du groupe avec un intérêt suffisant ou une cause d'action à son encontre. Les autres exigences du Code de procédure civile ne font pas, en soi, obstacle à l'autorisation d'un recours collectif contre plusieurs défendeurs. / A class action is a procedure which enables one person to sue without a mandate on behalf of aU members of a group of which he or she is a member. This procedure can be used to sue more than just one defendant. There are two different types of class actions against multiple defendants. In the frrst type, aU members have a cause of action against all defendants. There are also class actions where aU members plead an identical cause of action against multiple defendants whom wrongfuUy and similarly acted toward one of the members. The admissibility of this latter type of class actions against multiple defendants has been questioned. The petitioner would not have a sufficient legal interest to bring an action against the defendants whom did not cause him or her any prejudice. He or she would not be able to satisfy the requirements of the Code of civil procedure regarding class actions. However, it appears from the mIes that govem class actions that the petitioner pleads not only his or her personal cause of action, but also pleads the cause of action of aU group members. Thus, the petitioner cannot be reproached for not having a legal interest or a cause of action against aU defendants insofar that there is, for each defendant, at least one member of the group whom has a legal interest or a cause of action against him or her. The other requirements of the Code ofcivil procedure do not bar the authorization to institute a class action against multiple defendants.

Les recours collectifs contre plusieurs défendeurs

Bédard, Michel 12 1900 (has links)
Le recours collectif est un moyen de procédure qui permet à une personne d'agir en demande pour le compte des membres d'un groupe dont elle fait partie. Cette procédure peut être introduite contre plus qu'un seul défendeur. On distingue deux types de recours collectifs contre plusieurs défendeurs. Il y a d'abord les recours collectifs où tous les membres du groupe ont un recours personnel contre tous les défendeurs. Il y a aussi les recours collectifs où les membres du groupe font valoir une même cause d'action à l'encontre de plusieurs défendeurs qui auraient eu un comportement fautif similaire à l'égard de l'un ou l'autre des membres du groupe. La recevabilité de ce dernier type de recours collectifs a été remise en question. Le requérant n'aurait pas l'intérêt suffisant pour ester en justice contre les défendeurs qui ne lui ont pas causé préjudice. Il ne saurait non plus satisfaire aux exigences du Code de procédure civile concernant l'autorisation du recours collectif. Or, il appert des règles mises en place en matière de recours collectif que le requérant fait valoir non seulement ses propres droits personnels, mais aussi tous ceux des membres du groupe. Ainsi, on ne peut lui reprocher l'absence d'intérêt juridique ou de cause d'action dans la mesure où il y a, pour chacun des défendeurs, au moins un membre du groupe avec un intérêt suffisant ou une cause d'action à son encontre. Les autres exigences du Code de procédure civile ne font pas, en soi, obstacle à l'autorisation d'un recours collectif contre plusieurs défendeurs. / A class action is a procedure which enables one person to sue without a mandate on behalf of aU members of a group of which he or she is a member. This procedure can be used to sue more than just one defendant. There are two different types of class actions against multiple defendants. In the frrst type, aU members have a cause of action against all defendants. There are also class actions where aU members plead an identical cause of action against multiple defendants whom wrongfuUy and similarly acted toward one of the members. The admissibility of this latter type of class actions against multiple defendants has been questioned. The petitioner would not have a sufficient legal interest to bring an action against the defendants whom did not cause him or her any prejudice. He or she would not be able to satisfy the requirements of the Code of civil procedure regarding class actions. However, it appears from the mIes that govem class actions that the petitioner pleads not only his or her personal cause of action, but also pleads the cause of action of aU group members. Thus, the petitioner cannot be reproached for not having a legal interest or a cause of action against aU defendants insofar that there is, for each defendant, at least one member of the group whom has a legal interest or a cause of action against him or her. The other requirements of the Code ofcivil procedure do not bar the authorization to institute a class action against multiple defendants. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maître en droit". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 15% des mémoires de la discipline. Commentaires du jury : "Le jury vous encourage à publier".

Spolupracující obviněný / Cooperating defendant

Musilová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the institute of Cooperating defendant. In particular, it focuses on its relation to the basic principles governing the Czech criminal proceedings, as well as selected aspects of its legal regulations. The institute of cooperating defendant has been in legal force since January 2010. Its legal regulation may be found in the legal provision 178a of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Criminal Code contains substantive legal provisions defining the consequences related to the attainment of the cooperating defendant designation. Such consequences especially include the exceptional reduction of the length of imprisonment or even complete waiver of any sort of punishment. The institute is typically used as a tool to fight organized crime. The institute has its roots in the common law legal system from which a lot of European countries have been importing many other legal institutes, especially in the last three decades, to speed up criminal proccedings, help solve the lack of evidence and fight against organized crime which poses a threat to the society as well as the democratic state. The import of legal institutes that are otherwise typical for the common law system, however, poses many obstacles, especially because the criminal proceedings of the continental legal...

Doznání obviněného a jeho význam v trestním řízení / Confession and its impact on the criminal proceedings

Říhová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
1 Confession and its impact on the criminal proceedings Abstract The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of the issue of confession, to characterize this legal concept and describe its importance in matters of substantive and procedural criminal law. For this purpose, the author synthesized the available legal, doctrinal, judicial and other relevant information with her own opinions and considerations de lege ferenda. The content of the thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter contains a historical introduction covering the development of confession from the 14th century to the political trials of the 1970s. The second chapter characterizes confession in terms of content and form, focusing on particular requirements for confession and various situations in which it can be made. It also focuses on the legal concept of declaration of guilt, its differences from confession and the mutual relation between the two aforementioned in the light of the recent amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code. The third chapter deals with confession as the evidence and its significance even in case it is revoked or obtained in an inadmissible manner. The fourth chapter deals in more detail with forced confessions, methods of physical and mental pressure on the defendant and presents the results...

Узајамно признавање одлука у кривичним стварима и права окривљеног лица / Uzajamno priznavanje odluka u krivičnim stvarima i prava okrivljenog lica / Mutual recognition of decisions in criminal matters and rights of defendant

Sandra Stojković 19 November 2016 (has links)
<p>Борба против најтежих облика прекограничног криминалитета захтевала је успостављање тешње сарадње између држава чланица Европске уније. У том циљу је установљен принцип узајамног признавања судских одлука, који се огледа у чињеници признавања и извршења страних судских одлука са што мање контроле и у кратком року, као да је у питању одлука домаћих правосудних органа. На основу овог принципа усвојен је велики број инструмената којима се остварује ближа сарадња парвосудних и полицијских органа држава чланица ЕУ и овај принцип операционализује у пракси.<br />Предмет докторске дисертације су управо ти савремени облици сарадње правосудних и полицијских органа у кривичним стварима на нивоу ЕУ који се реализују кроз примену принципа узајамног признавања и њихова усаглашеност са основним људским правима окривљеног лица. Предметна проблематика обухвата Европску унију, као територијални ентитет у оквиру којег је принцип узајамног признавања најразвијенији, кроз велики број инструмената који на њему почивају. Основни проблем који се јавља у вези са предметом дисертације је у успостављању баланса између потребе за безбедношћу и ефикасношћу кривичног поступка, ради којих је и установљен читав инструментаријум који ће се проучавати и међународно признатих људских права, која су у овом процесу занемарена, а све у циљу што веће сарадње и пуног међусобног поверења у кривичноправне системе држава чланица ЕУ.<br />Циљ истраживања предметне проблематике је настојањe да се укаже на досадашња достигнућа у овој области на нивоу ЕУ, идентификују проблеми који у овој области постоје, анализира положај окривљеног на нивоу ЕУ, стандарди заштите права окривљеног према Европској конвенцији о људским правима и пракси Европског суда за људска права. Као крајњи циљ жели се дати одговор на питање какав је положај окривљеног лица у поступцима пружања разних облика међународне правне помоћи у кривичним стварима на нивоу ЕУ у зависности од инструмената сарадње и да ли баланс између безбедности и заштите људских права на нивоу ЕУ постоји или како се може постићи.<br />VI<br />У раду је представљен принцип узајамног признавања и одабрана су четири инструмента која почивају на овом принципу, као типични представници: Европски налог за хапшење, Европски налог за спровођење истраге, Европски налог за вршење надзора и инструмент који регулише узајамно признавање мера пробације и алтернативних санкција. Анализом правних основа на којима почивају, стања имплементације у националним законодавствима и праксом примене, дошло се до сазнања о предностима и недостацима принципа узајамног признавања. Поред тога, уочен је велики пропуст твораца ових инструмената да заштите основна људска права окривљеног у кривичном поступку. Стога је приступљено анализи стања људских права окривљеног на нивоу ЕУ и могућих правних путева заштите права окривљеног у случају повреде права у поступку примене савремених облика институционалне сарадње у кривичним стварима. Осим ЕУ, нагласак је у раду стављен и на поступак пружања међународне правне помоћи у кривичним стварима по прописима Републике Србије и извршено је поређење са системом узајамног признавања који је на снази у ЕУ. У закључним разматрањима су изнети закључци спроведеног истраживања, предлози de lege ferenda за унапређење принципа узајамног признавања и положаја окривљеног на нивоу ЕУ, као и став о усаглашености потребе за ефикасношћу кривичног поступка на нивоу ЕУ и заштите основних људских права окривљеног.</p> / <p>Borba protiv najtežih oblika prekograničnog kriminaliteta zahtevala je uspostavljanje tešnje saradnje između država članica Evropske unije. U tom cilju je ustanovljen princip uzajamnog priznavanja sudskih odluka, koji se ogleda u činjenici priznavanja i izvršenja stranih sudskih odluka sa što manje kontrole i u kratkom roku, kao da je u pitanju odluka domaćih pravosudnih organa. Na osnovu ovog principa usvojen je veliki broj instrumenata kojima se ostvaruje bliža saradnja parvosudnih i policijskih organa država članica EU i ovaj princip operacionalizuje u praksi.<br />Predmet doktorske disertacije su upravo ti savremeni oblici saradnje pravosudnih i policijskih organa u krivičnim stvarima na nivou EU koji se realizuju kroz primenu principa uzajamnog priznavanja i njihova usaglašenost sa osnovnim ljudskim pravima okrivljenog lica. Predmetna problematika obuhvata Evropsku uniju, kao teritorijalni entitet u okviru kojeg je princip uzajamnog priznavanja najrazvijeniji, kroz veliki broj instrumenata koji na njemu počivaju. Osnovni problem koji se javlja u vezi sa predmetom disertacije je u uspostavljanju balansa između potrebe za bezbednošću i efikasnošću krivičnog postupka, radi kojih je i ustanovljen čitav instrumentarijum koji će se proučavati i međunarodno priznatih ljudskih prava, koja su u ovom procesu zanemarena, a sve u cilju što veće saradnje i punog međusobnog poverenja u krivičnopravne sisteme država članica EU.<br />Cilj istraživanja predmetne problematike je nastojanje da se ukaže na dosadašnja dostignuća u ovoj oblasti na nivou EU, identifikuju problemi koji u ovoj oblasti postoje, analizira položaj okrivljenog na nivou EU, standardi zaštite prava okrivljenog prema Evropskoj konvenciji o ljudskim pravima i praksi Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. Kao krajnji cilj želi se dati odgovor na pitanje kakav je položaj okrivljenog lica u postupcima pružanja raznih oblika međunarodne pravne pomoći u krivičnim stvarima na nivou EU u zavisnosti od instrumenata saradnje i da li balans između bezbednosti i zaštite ljudskih prava na nivou EU postoji ili kako se može postići.<br />VI<br />U radu je predstavljen princip uzajamnog priznavanja i odabrana su četiri instrumenta koja počivaju na ovom principu, kao tipični predstavnici: Evropski nalog za hapšenje, Evropski nalog za sprovođenje istrage, Evropski nalog za vršenje nadzora i instrument koji reguliše uzajamno priznavanje mera probacije i alternativnih sankcija. Analizom pravnih osnova na kojima počivaju, stanja implementacije u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima i praksom primene, došlo se do saznanja o prednostima i nedostacima principa uzajamnog priznavanja. Pored toga, uočen je veliki propust tvoraca ovih instrumenata da zaštite osnovna ljudska prava okrivljenog u krivičnom postupku. Stoga je pristupljeno analizi stanja ljudskih prava okrivljenog na nivou EU i mogućih pravnih puteva zaštite prava okrivljenog u slučaju povrede prava u postupku primene savremenih oblika institucionalne saradnje u krivičnim stvarima. Osim EU, naglasak je u radu stavljen i na postupak pružanja međunarodne pravne pomoći u krivičnim stvarima po propisima Republike Srbije i izvršeno je poređenje sa sistemom uzajamnog priznavanja koji je na snazi u EU. U zaključnim razmatranjima su izneti zaključci sprovedenog istraživanja, predlozi de lege ferenda za unapređenje principa uzajamnog priznavanja i položaja okrivljenog na nivou EU, kao i stav o usaglašenosti potrebe za efikasnošću krivičnog postupka na nivou EU i zaštite osnovnih ljudskih prava okrivljenog.</p> / <p>The fight against the hardest forms of cross-border crime required the establishment of a closer cooperation between the Member States of the European Union. In the light of that aim, the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions was established, which is reflected in the fact of recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions with less control and in a short term, as if it was a decision of the national judicial authorities. On the basis of this principle a large number of instruments was adopted, which enable closer cooperation of judical and police authorities of the EU Member States and allow this principle to operate in practice.<br />The subject matter of the doctoral thesis are these modern forms of cooperation between judicial and police authorities in criminal matters at the EU level that are implemented through the application of the principle of mutual recognition and their compliance with fundamental human rights of the defendant. The subject matter also includes the European Union, as a territorial entity where the principle of mutual recognition is most developed, through a number of instruments that are based on it. The main problem that arises in connection with the subject matter of the dissertation is to establish a balance between the need for security and efficiency of the criminal proceedings for which the entire instrumentation to be studied was established and internationally recognized human rights, which are ignored in this process, all in order to achieve a greater cooperation and full mutual trust in the criminal justice systems of the EU Member States.<br />The aim of this research is in an attempt to highlight the previous achievements in this area at the EU level, identify the problems that exist in this field, analyze the position of the defendant at the level of EU and standards to protect the defendant&#39;s rights under the European Convention on Human Rights and according to the practise of the European Court of Human rights. The ultimate aim would be to provide an answer to the question concerning the position of the defendant in the proceedings of providing various forms of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters at the EU level, depending on the instruments of cooperation and whether there is balance between security and human rights protection at the EU level or how it may be achieved.<br />VIII<br />The paper presents the principle of mutual recognition and the following four instruments based on this principle, were selected as typical representatives: The European Arrest Warrant, The European Investigation Order, The European Supervision Order and an instrument that regulates mutual recognition of probation measures and alternative sanctions. By analysing the legal basis of this instruments, state of their implementation in national legislations and their enforcement in practise, we learned about the advantages and disadvantages of the principle of mutual recognition. In addition, a major failure was observed of the creators of these instruments to protect the basic human rights of the defendant in a criminal proceedings. Therefore, it was necessary to analyse the state of human rights of the defendant at the EU level and possible legal ways of protecting the rights of the defendant in case of infringement of rights in the process of the applying contemporary forms institutional cooperation in criminal matters. Besides the EU, the emphasis is put on the procedure of providing mutual legal assistance in criminal matters under the regulations of the Republic of Serbia and it was compared with the system of mutual recognition which is in force in the EU. In final considerations the conclusions of the research are presented, as well as the proposals de lege ferenda to improve the principle of mutual recognition and position of the defendant at the EU level, along with the opinion regarding the compliance of the need for effective criminal proceedings with the EU level protection of fundamental human rights of the defendant.</p>

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