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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between the prevalence of ten known pathogens in wild swedish bees and the presence of a nearby apiary.

Sundblad, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Pollination by insects is of great importance for the global food production. There is a specific need for pollination by bees in greenhouses and tunnel cultivations to increase the quantity, quality and market value of the crops. Imported bee colonies from central Europe are used for pollination of Swedish crops and have a great economic importance but are also a threat to wild Swedish bees by posing a risk of pathogen transmission between the bee species. The aim of this study was to investigate how imported bees affect the prevalence of pathogens amongst wild bees.  Analysis was performed on 236 wild bees collected in near proximity to tunnel cultivation, greenhouse cultivation and collected from two control landscapes. The abdomen of the bees was used to extract RNA/DNA for further detection and quantification of ten pathogens using qPCR. The proportion of infected bees within each group was calculated based on the results from the qPCR analysis. A two-proportion z-test was used to determine whether the difference in pathogen prevalence between the four groups was of statistically significant at α = 0.05. The results show that there was no significant difference when comparing the presence of all pathogens between bees in the test groups and the bees in the control groups (p= 0,29- 0,33). However, the prevalence of three viruses was significantly higher among bees collected in the near proximity of a greenhouse compared with bees collected from the near proximity of a tunnel cultivation (p< 0,003). For Slow bee paralysis virus the prevalence was 2,5 times higher and for Deformed wing virus and Black queen cell virus the prevalence was 3,5 and 1,3 times higher among bees collected near a greenhouses compared to near a tunnel cultivation.

The Corneal Compressive Response to Air-Puff Deformation Induced by a Dynamic Scheimpflug Analyzer

Okon, Monica D. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Relações de dispersão deformadas na cosmologia inflacionária / Dispersion relations in inflationary cosmology

Machado, Ulisses Diego Almeida Santos 24 September 2012 (has links)
Relação de dispersão é outro nome para a função Hamiltoniana, cujo conhecimento especica completamente a dinâmica de um sistema no formalismo da mecânica classica. Sua escolha está intimamente vinculada às simetrias do sistema e, no contexto cosmologico aqui apresentado, com as simetrias locais obedecidas pelas leis fsicas. Mais ainda, a contribuição da materia na dinâmica cosmologica reflete a escolha do grupo local de simetrias das leis fsicas. Por outro lado, o problema fundamental da cosmologia pode ser definido como a construção de um modelo de evolução temporal de estados que, sob as hipoteses mais simples sobre estados iniciais (digamos, que demande a menor quantidade de informação possível para serem enunciadas), prediga o estado atual observado. O paradigma inacionario é atualmente a ideia que melhor cumpre esta denição, uma vez que prediz que uma grande variedade de condições iniciais leva a aspectos fundamentais do universo observado. Contudo, os mecanismos usuais de realização da inflação sofrem de problemas conceituais. O ponto de vista deste trabalho e que a realização convencional da inflação, isto é, atraves dos campos escalares minimamente acoplados, é a formulação localmente relativisticamente invariante da inflação. A maneira de incluir quebras e deformações da estrutura de simetrias locais na cosmologia é não única e está associado ao chamado problema trans Planckiano da inflação. Analogamente, a motivação conceitual para incluir esse tipo de modicação tampouco é unica. Dependendo do esquema de realização, a versão localmente não relativstica da mesma pode apresentar graves diculdades de conciliação com observações atuais, ou apresentar vantagens conceituais em relacão ao modelo padrão de inflacão, enquanto em conformidade com observações cosmológicas. Da maneira como foi posto o problema fundamental da cosmologia, a escolha das simetrias locais influi na regra de evolução dos estados. O conceito de simetrias encontra sua formulação independente de teorias físicas no formalismo da teoria de grupos, mas consideraremos uma extensão da ideia, de aplicabilidade mais geral, a teoria das algebras de Hopf que, de certo modo, trata das simetrias de estruturas algebricas. Esta extensão é útil inclusive no trato de simetrias dos espacos não comutativos, uma das principais propostas fsicas que em última analise afeta a estrutura de simetrias locais do espaco-tempo. A expressão simetrias locais, por si só, não diz muito sem a consideração de regras de realização. Essas regras dependem da estrutura matematica das observaveis da teoria. Sob hipoteses muito gerais, que não especicam uma teoria em particular, é possível mostrar, não como um teorema matematico formal, mas como uma hipotese tecnicamente bem motivada, que existem apenas dois tipos de teorias fsicas: as classicas e as quânticas. Trabalharemos sob essas hipoteses, as quais se formulam algebricamente assumindo a estrutura de C*-álgebra para as observaveis físicas, outra motivação para o uso das álgebras de Hopf para descrição das simetrias da natureza. / Dispersion relation is another name for the Hamiltonian function whose knowledge completely specifies the dynamics in the formalism of classical mechanics. Its choice is intimately related to the symmetries of the system, and, in the cosmological context here exposed, with the local space-time symmetries obeyed by physical laws. For the other side, the fundamental problem of cosmology can be defined as a construction of a time evolution model of states which, under simplest possible hypothesis concerning initial conditions (say, which demands the minimal amount of information to be specified), predicts the present observed state. The inflationary paradigm is currently the idea which better accomplishes this definition, since it predicts that a great variety of initial conditions lead to essential aspects of observed universe. The usual mechanisms of inflation suffer, however, with conceptual problems. The point of view of this work is that the usual realization of inflation based on weakly coupled scalar fields is the local relativistic invariant realization. The way of including breaks and deformations of the local space-time symmetries is not unique and it is associated to the so called Trans-Planckian problem of inflation. Analogously, the motivation to include this kind of modification is neither unique. Depending of the scheme of realization, the locally non-relativistic version may lead to serious difficulties in conciliation with observations, or to conceptual advantages over standard formulations while in accordance with observational data. In the way that was proposed the fundamental problem of cosmology, the choice of local symmetries affects the rule of evolution of states. The concept of symmetry finds its formulation independently of physical theories in the group theory formalism, but we will consider an extension of the idea, with wider applicability, the theory of Hopf algebras, which is about symmetries of algebraic structures. That extension is also useful to deal with symmetries of non-commutative spaces, one of the main physical proposals that affects the structure of space-time symmetries. The expression, local symmetries, by itself, does not say too much without considering realization rules. Those rules depend on mathematical structure of observables in the theory. Under very general hypothesis that do not specify a particular theory, it is possible to show, not as a formal mathematical theorem, but as a technically well motivated hypothesis, that only two types of physical theories do exist: The classical ones and the quantum ones. We are going to work under those hypothesis, which can be algebraically formulated assuming a C*-algebra structure for physical observables, another motivation for the use of algebraic structures like Hopf algebras for the description of nature\'s symmetries

Representations of the $q$--Deformed Algebra U'$_q$(so$_4$)

Andreas.Cap@esi.ac.at 29 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Finite-Amplitude Waves in Deformed Elastic Materials / Ondes d'amplitude finie dans des matériaux élastiques déformés

Rodrigues Ferreira, Elizabete 10 October 2008 (has links)
Le contexte de cette thèse est la théorie de l'élasticité non linéaire, appelée également "élasticité finie". On y présente des résultats concernant la propagation d'ondes d'amplitude finie dans des matériaux élastiques non linéaires soumis à une grande déformation statique homogène. Bien que les matériaux considérés soient isotropes, lors de la propagation d'ondes un comportement anisotrope dû à la déformation statique se manifeste. Après un rappel des équations de base de l'élasticité non linéaire (Chapitre 1), on considère tout d'abord la classe générale des matériaux incompressibles. Pour ces matériaux, on montre que la propagation d'ondes transversales polarisées linéairement est possible pour des choix appropriés des directions de polarisation et de propagation. De plus, on propose des généralisations des modèles classiques de "Mooney-Rivlin" et "néo-Hookéen" qui conduisent à de nouvelles solutions. Bien que le contexte soit tri-dimensionnel, il s'avère que toutes ces ondes sont régies par des équations d'ondes scalaires non linéaires uni-dimensionelles. Dans le cas de solutions du type ondes simples, on met en évidence une propriété remarquable du flux et de la densité d'énergie. Dans les Chapitres 3 et 4, on se limite à un modèle particulier de matériaux compressibles appelé "modèle restreint de Blatz-Ko", qui est une version compressible du modèle néo-Hookéen. En milieu infini (Chapitre 3), on montre que des ondes transversales polarisées linéairement, faisant intervenir deux variables spatiales, peuvent se propager. Bien que la théorie soit non linéaire, le champ de déplacement de ces ondes est régi par une version anisotrope de l'équation d'onde bi-dimensionnelle classique. En particulier, on présente des solutions à symétrie "cylindrique elliptique" analogues aux ondes cylindriques. Comme cas particulier, on obtient aussi des ondes planes inhomogènes atténuées à la fois dans l'espace et dans le temps. De plus, on montre que diverses superpositions appropriées de solutions sont possibles. Dans chaque cas, on étudie les propriétés du flux et de la densité d'énergie. En particulier, dans le cas de superpositions il s'avère que des termes d'interactions interviennent dans les expressions de la densité et du flux d'énergie. Finalement (Chapitre 4), on présente une solution exacte qui constitue une généralisation non linéaire de l'onde de Love classique. On considère ici un espace semi-infini, appelé "substrat" recouvert par une couche. Le substrat et la couche sont constitués de deux matériaux restreints de Blatz-Ko pré-déformés. L'onde non linéaire de Love est constituée d'un mouvement non atténué dans la couche et d'une onde plane inhomogène dans le substrat, choisies de manière à satisfaire aux conditions aux limites. La relation de dispersion qui en résulte est analysée en détail. On présente de plus des propriétés générales du flux et de la densité d'énergie dans le substrat et dans la couche. The context of this thesis is the non linear elasticity theory, also called "finite elasticity". Results are obtained for finite-amplitude waves in non linear elastic materials which are first subjected to a large homogeneous static deformation. Although the materials are assumed to be isotropic, anisotropic behaviour for wave propagation is induced by the static deformation. After recalling the basic equations of the non linear elasticity theory (Chapter 1), we first consider general incompressible materials. For such materials, linearly polarized transverse plane waves solutions are obtained for adequate choices of the polarization and propagation directions (Chapter 2). Also, extensions of the classical Mooney-Rivlin and neo-Hookean models are introduced, for which more solutions are obtained. Although we use the full three dimensional elasticity theory, it turns out that all these waves are governed by scalar one-dimensional non linear wave equations. In the case of simple wave solutions of these equations, a remarkable property of the energy flux and energy density is exhibited. In Chapter 3 and 4, a special model of compressible material is considered: the special Blatz-Ko model, which is a compressible counterpart of the incompressible neo-Hookean model. In unbounded media (Chapter 3), linearly polarized two-dimensional transverse waves are obtained. Although the theory is non linear, the displacement field of these waves is governed by a linear equation which may be seen as an anisotropic version of the classical two-dimensional wave equation. In particular, solutions analogous to cylindrical waves, but with an "elliptic cylindrical symmetry" are presented. Special solutions representing "damped inhomogeneous plane waves" are also derived: such waves are attenuated both in space and time. Moreover, various appropriate superpositions of solutions are shown to be possible. In each case, the properties of the energy density and the energy flux are investigated. In particular, in the case of superpositions, it is seen that interaction terms enter the expressions for the energy density and the energy flux. Finally (Chapter 4), an exact finite-amplitude Love wave solution is presented. Here, an half-space, called "substrate", is assumed to be covered by a layer, both made of different prestrained special Blatz-Ko materials. The Love surface wave solution consists of an unattenuated wave motion in the layer and an inhomogeneous plane wave in the substrate, which are combined to satisfy the exact boundary conditions. A dispersion relation is obtained and analysed. General properties of the energy flux and the energy density in the substrate and the layer are exhibited.

The Studies of the Deformed Nucleus of the Pb Isotopes By Use of the Projected Shell Model

Chen, Ta-Ching 24 January 2002 (has links)
Abstract The studies of the deformed nucleus for the Pb isotopes in the A~190 re- gion has been carried out by using the P.S.M. The comparison between the theoretical calculation of the transition energy, kinetic moment of ine- rtia, dynamic moment of inertia, paring gap, rotational energy, quadrupole moment, and B(M1)/B(E2) and the experiment observations are presented. We found that the kinetic moment of inertia is increased as the spin incre- ase for the even-even nuclei. This rise has been interpreted as being due to the combined alignment of the quasiparticles in the high-N intruder or- bit. And the kinetic moment of inertia is constant function of spin in the odd-even nuclei. It is interpreted as been due to the Pauli blocking of odd -quasineutron in the high-N intruder orbit.

Automates cellulaires quantiques et relativité déformée

Bibeau-Delisle, Alexandre 12 1900 (has links)
Nous montrons qu’un modèle pour une théorie des champs à base d’automate cellulaire quantique est compatible avec une relativité restreinte déformée. En asso- ciant les lois de la physique à la règle d’évolution de l’automate, nous obtenons une version du principe de relativité où les états évoluant sur la grille de l’automate sont sujets à des transformations de Lorentz modifiées. Nous montrons ensuite que les déformations non-linéaires à l’espace des impulsions et des énergies mèneraient à une relativité de la localité et, dans des condition appropriées, produiraient un renversement de l’effet relativiste de contraction des longueurs. Nous considérons également les simulations de la physique sur calcul quantique d’un point de vue philosophique, demandant si notre monde pourrait faire partie d’une telle simulation et voyant comment des observations provenant de l’extérieur pourraient agir sur la simulation. / We show that a quantum field model based on a quantum cellular automaton requires a deformed special relativity. By associating the laws of physics with the automaton evolution rule, we obtain a version of the relativity principle where states evolving on the automaton must transform according to modified Lorentz transforma- tions. We then show that a non-linear momentum and energy space gives rise to the phenomenon of relative locality and that, under appropriate conditions, the relativistic length contraction effect must be reversed. We also consider simulations of physics on a philosphical level, asking if we might live inside such a simulation and seeing how observers from outside might interact if they attempt to observe us in such a context.

Effect Of Processing And Test Variables On The Deformation Characteristics Of Tantalum

Bandyopadhyay, Hindol 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The dependence of flow stress of body centered cubic metals on variables such as strain rate, temperature, strain and microstructural is a research area of continued interest. Recently, there has been renewed interest in deformation of fine grained BCC metals, which display characteristics that are different from their coarse-grained counterparts. Deformation mechanisms, strain-rate and temperature dependence, and strain hardening characteristics of fine-grained BCC metals are not well understood. The aim of this thesis is to understand the effect of strain-rate, temperature, strain and microstructure (i.e., grain size) on the mechanical response of poly¬crystalline tantalum. Among the topics addressed were constitutive modeling of flow stress, understanding the microstructural origins of strain hardening, and characterizing the effect of severe plastic deformation (SPD) on microstructure and mechanical properties. Rolling and equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) were among the processing techniques employed. Mechanical testing was conducted over a range of temperatures and strain rates, and this was supported by a slew of microscopic characterization methods. It was found that the strain hardening response depends on microstructural evolution at different strain rates. Results indicate that the same thermally activated mechanisms operate in both as-received and processed material and this was found to be the overcoming of Peierls barriers via a double-kink mechanism. Lastly, it was found that the low strain rate sensitivity of SPD processed material was not due to fine grain size, but instead due to high internals stresses.

Aspects neutroniques associés à des réseaux irréguliers d'assemblages dans un coeur de RNR-Na / Neutronics Aspects Associated To Irregular Lattices in Sodium Fast Reactors Cores

Gentili, Michele 15 September 2015 (has links)
Les cœurs de réacteur à neutrons rapides refroidi au sodium (RNR-Na ) sont constitués d’assemblages combustibles disposés selon un réseau hexagonal régulier, compact en régime de fonctionnement nominal.Sous l’effet de l’irradiation et de la température, les assemblages sont amenés à se déformer axialement et radialement.Les objectifs de cette thèse sont la compréhension des phénomènes neutroniques intervenant lors d’une telle déformation du cœur, l’impact sur la conception ainsi que la mise au point de schémas de calcul neutroniques déterministes innovants aptes à en évaluer l’amplitude.La première partie de ces travaux est dédiée au développement d’une modélisation analytique des causes de variations de réactivité lors de la déformation du cœur. Cette analyse a permis d’identifier à la fois les causes de ces variations de réactivité et l’impact du déplacement des assemblages en fonction de leurs directions et de leurs positions dans le cœur.Un premier schéma neutronique basé sur la méthode de projection de maillage a été conçu et développé à l’aide des codes ERANOS (BISTRO, H3D et VARIANT) et du solveur SNATCH Le deuxième schéma conçu se base sur la transformation géométrique du maillage de calcul : le maillage est modifié en fonction du champ des déformations des assemblages. Cette fonctionnalité a été implémentée pour le solveur SNATCH, initialement prévu pour la résolution de l’équation de Boltzmann pour de mailles régulières.Enfin un modèle itératif basé sur la méthode de projection de maillage a été mis en place afin de déterminer les champs de déformations les plus réactifs en fonction de l’énergie mécanique fournie au cœur dans sa configuration nominale. / The fuel assemblies of SFR cores (sodium fast reactors) are normally arranged in hexagonal regular lattices, whose compactness is ensured in nominal operating conditions by thermal expansion of assemblies pads disposed on the six assembly wrapper faces.During the reactor operations, thermal expansion phenomena and irradiation creep phenomena occur and they cause the fuel assemblies to bow and to deform both radially and axially.The main goal of this PhD is the understanding of the neutronic aspects and phenomena occurring in case of core and lattice deformations, as much as the design and implementation of deterministic neutronic calculation schemes and methods in order to evaluate the consequences for the core design activities and the safety analysis.The first part of this work is focused on the development of an analytical model with the purpose to identify the neutronic phenomena that are the main contributors to the reactivity changes induced by lattice and core deformations.A first scheme based on the spatial mesh projection method has been conceived and implemented for the ERANOS codes (BISTRO, H3D and VARIANT) and to the SNATCH solver.The second calculation scheme propose is based on mesh deformation: the computing mesh is deformed as a function of the assembly displacement field. This methodology has been implemented for the solver SNATCH, which normally allows the Boltzmann equation to be solved for a regular mesh. Finally, an iterative method has been developed in order to fulfill an a-priori estimation of the maximal reactivity insertion as a function of the postulated mechanical energy provided to the core, as much as the deformation causing it.

Relações de dispersão deformadas na cosmologia inflacionária / Dispersion relations in inflationary cosmology

Ulisses Diego Almeida Santos Machado 24 September 2012 (has links)
Relação de dispersão é outro nome para a função Hamiltoniana, cujo conhecimento especica completamente a dinâmica de um sistema no formalismo da mecânica classica. Sua escolha está intimamente vinculada às simetrias do sistema e, no contexto cosmologico aqui apresentado, com as simetrias locais obedecidas pelas leis fsicas. Mais ainda, a contribuição da materia na dinâmica cosmologica reflete a escolha do grupo local de simetrias das leis fsicas. Por outro lado, o problema fundamental da cosmologia pode ser definido como a construção de um modelo de evolução temporal de estados que, sob as hipoteses mais simples sobre estados iniciais (digamos, que demande a menor quantidade de informação possível para serem enunciadas), prediga o estado atual observado. O paradigma inacionario é atualmente a ideia que melhor cumpre esta denição, uma vez que prediz que uma grande variedade de condições iniciais leva a aspectos fundamentais do universo observado. Contudo, os mecanismos usuais de realização da inflação sofrem de problemas conceituais. O ponto de vista deste trabalho e que a realização convencional da inflação, isto é, atraves dos campos escalares minimamente acoplados, é a formulação localmente relativisticamente invariante da inflação. A maneira de incluir quebras e deformações da estrutura de simetrias locais na cosmologia é não única e está associado ao chamado problema trans Planckiano da inflação. Analogamente, a motivação conceitual para incluir esse tipo de modicação tampouco é unica. Dependendo do esquema de realização, a versão localmente não relativstica da mesma pode apresentar graves diculdades de conciliação com observações atuais, ou apresentar vantagens conceituais em relacão ao modelo padrão de inflacão, enquanto em conformidade com observações cosmológicas. Da maneira como foi posto o problema fundamental da cosmologia, a escolha das simetrias locais influi na regra de evolução dos estados. O conceito de simetrias encontra sua formulação independente de teorias físicas no formalismo da teoria de grupos, mas consideraremos uma extensão da ideia, de aplicabilidade mais geral, a teoria das algebras de Hopf que, de certo modo, trata das simetrias de estruturas algebricas. Esta extensão é útil inclusive no trato de simetrias dos espacos não comutativos, uma das principais propostas fsicas que em última analise afeta a estrutura de simetrias locais do espaco-tempo. A expressão simetrias locais, por si só, não diz muito sem a consideração de regras de realização. Essas regras dependem da estrutura matematica das observaveis da teoria. Sob hipoteses muito gerais, que não especicam uma teoria em particular, é possível mostrar, não como um teorema matematico formal, mas como uma hipotese tecnicamente bem motivada, que existem apenas dois tipos de teorias fsicas: as classicas e as quânticas. Trabalharemos sob essas hipoteses, as quais se formulam algebricamente assumindo a estrutura de C*-álgebra para as observaveis físicas, outra motivação para o uso das álgebras de Hopf para descrição das simetrias da natureza. / Dispersion relation is another name for the Hamiltonian function whose knowledge completely specifies the dynamics in the formalism of classical mechanics. Its choice is intimately related to the symmetries of the system, and, in the cosmological context here exposed, with the local space-time symmetries obeyed by physical laws. For the other side, the fundamental problem of cosmology can be defined as a construction of a time evolution model of states which, under simplest possible hypothesis concerning initial conditions (say, which demands the minimal amount of information to be specified), predicts the present observed state. The inflationary paradigm is currently the idea which better accomplishes this definition, since it predicts that a great variety of initial conditions lead to essential aspects of observed universe. The usual mechanisms of inflation suffer, however, with conceptual problems. The point of view of this work is that the usual realization of inflation based on weakly coupled scalar fields is the local relativistic invariant realization. The way of including breaks and deformations of the local space-time symmetries is not unique and it is associated to the so called Trans-Planckian problem of inflation. Analogously, the motivation to include this kind of modification is neither unique. Depending of the scheme of realization, the locally non-relativistic version may lead to serious difficulties in conciliation with observations, or to conceptual advantages over standard formulations while in accordance with observational data. In the way that was proposed the fundamental problem of cosmology, the choice of local symmetries affects the rule of evolution of states. The concept of symmetry finds its formulation independently of physical theories in the group theory formalism, but we will consider an extension of the idea, with wider applicability, the theory of Hopf algebras, which is about symmetries of algebraic structures. That extension is also useful to deal with symmetries of non-commutative spaces, one of the main physical proposals that affects the structure of space-time symmetries. The expression, local symmetries, by itself, does not say too much without considering realization rules. Those rules depend on mathematical structure of observables in the theory. Under very general hypothesis that do not specify a particular theory, it is possible to show, not as a formal mathematical theorem, but as a technically well motivated hypothesis, that only two types of physical theories do exist: The classical ones and the quantum ones. We are going to work under those hypothesis, which can be algebraically formulated assuming a C*-algebra structure for physical observables, another motivation for the use of algebraic structures like Hopf algebras for the description of nature\'s symmetries

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