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Host Jump in BPVs: is Species- Specificity Still Appropriate for Papillomaviruses?Savini, Federica <1985> January 1900 (has links)
Into the family Papillomaviridae, four different genera Delta Epsilon Xi and Dyoxi include the fifteen Bovine Papillomaviruses (BPVs) that have been characterized so far in cattle, even though it has been estimated that type number may exceed 20. Current classification system assumes that the host species in which a PV was firstly detected, is the original host, and the identified types are therefore named after it. Papillomaviruses (PVs) are indeed generally considered to be highly specific for their hosts; however, within the Delta-PVs, BPV types 1, 2 and 13 are well recognized to infect multiple species. Our results deepen the knowledge on circulation of BPV types in Italy and further contribute to a better understanding on their intra-genus variability. Besides observing that BPVs can contribute to the spread of other epitheliotropic viruses, we confirmed the host-jumping ability of the Delta PVs.
The presence of co-infections between BPVs belonging to Delta and Xi genera in the healthy skin and mucosa of chamois and deer strongly suggest the reservoir role of wild ruminants belonging to the Bovidae and Cervidae families for domestic ruminant PVs.
Furthermore, we identified the Eqsarc1 variant in healthy subjects and in non-equid species, suggesting an “equine adaptation” of the virus variant.
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Densità e distribuzione delle cellule di Purkinje nel cervelletto di cane: studio immunoistochimico / "Density and distribution of Purkinje cells in the dog’s cerebellum: an immunohistochemical study"Ruffini, Alessia <1972> January 1900 (has links)
Nella letteratura, gli studi morfologici e morfometrici del cervelletto di animali ed esseri umani, hanno valutato il numero di cellule di Purkinje (CP) solo su alcuni campi a random. Gli studi sono stati spesso condotti su cervelletti fissati in formalina e inclusi in paraffina; gli studi effettuati su campioni congelati sono molto rari.
Gli scopi del presente studio sono stati: quantificare il numero e la distribuzione delle CP in tutto il tessuto cerebellare; valutare lo spessore del granulari e strati molecolari.
sono stati analizzati otto cervelletti da pazienti di età da due mesi a 16 anni. Tutti i campioni sono stati fissati in paraformaldeide, poi il verme cerebellare è stato diviso sul piano mediano in due parti. Una metà è stata preparata per congelamento e stoccata a - 80 ° C, mentre l'altra metà è stata conservata a + 4 ° C. Da questi campioni sono stati ottenuti sezioni sagittali su cui sono stati eseguiti reazioni di immunofluorescenza indiretta e immunoenzimatica (DAB), utilizzando l'anticorpo policlonale anti-calbindina (28 kDa). Sulla sezione totale è stata poi eseguita la conta manuale di tutti CP lungo ogni lobulo. Per la valutazione degli spessori degli strati della corteccia cerebellare, abbiamo eseguito nove misure per lobo. Sulle sezioni adiacenti è stato eseguito ematossilina-eosina per verificare l'integrità e la qualità della preparazione del tessuto. L'intensa immunoreattività alla calbindina di tutte le CP genera una migliore risoluzione d'immagine. La valutazione del numero di CP per tutta la lunghezza dello strato ha permesso di ottenere un valore più accurato con una deviazione standard inferiore. Inoltre, ha permesso di identificare le aree cerebellari in cui il CP non hanno una distribuzione omogenea / In the literature, the morphological and morphometric studies of the cerebellum of animals and humans, evaluated the number of Purkinje cells (CP) only on some randomly fields. The studies were often conducted on cerebella fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin, and there are very rare studies performed on frozen samples.
The aims of the present study were: to quantify the number and distribution of CP in the all the cerebellar tissue; to evaluated the thickness of the granular and molecular layers.
Eight cerebella were analyzed from patients of aged from two months to 16 years. All samples were fixed in paraformaldehyde, then the cerebellar vermis was divided in the median plane into two parts. One half was prepared for freezing and stored at - 80 ° C, while the other half was stored at + 4°C. From these samples were obtained the sagittal sections of which have been performed reactions of indirect immunofluorescence and immunoenzymatic (DAB), using polyclonal antibody anti-calbindin (28kDa). On total section it was then performed manual enumeration of all CP along all each lobule. For the evaluation of the thicknesses of the layers of the cerebellar cortex, we have been performed nine measurements for lobe. On adjacent sections was performed hematoxylin-eosin staining of the tissue to check the integrity and quality of the preparation as a whole. The intense immunoreactivity to calbindin of all CP generates a better image resolution, particularly evident in the well-fixed and well-stored tissues. The cell count along the entire length of the CP layer has allowed to obtain a more accurate value with a lower standard deviation. Furthermore, it has allowed to identify cerebellar areas in which the CP does not have a homogeneous distribution.
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Methodological approaches to estimate human population exposure to chemical substances / Approcci metodologici per la stima dell'esposizione della popolazione umana a sostanze chimicheMancini, Francesca Romana <1986> 17 April 2015 (has links)
The public awareness that chemical substances are present ubiquitously in the environment, can be assumed through the diet and can exhibit various health effects, is very high in Europe and Italy. National and international institutions are called to provide figures on the magnitude, frequency, and duration of the population exposure to chemicals, including both natural or anthropogenic substances, voluntarily added to consumers’ good or accidentally entering the production chains.
This thesis focuses broadly on how human population exposure to chemicals can be estimated, with particular attention to the methodological approaches and specific focus on dietary exposure assessment and biomonitoring. From the results obtained in the different studies collected in this thesis, it has been pointed out that when selecting the approach to use for the estimate of the exposure to chemicals, several different aspects must be taken into account: the nature of the chemical substance, the population of interest, clarify if the objective is to assess chronic or acute exposure, and finally, take into account the quality and quantity of data available in order to specify and quantify the uncertainty of the estimate. / La consapevolezza che le sostanze chimiche sono presenti in modo ubiquitario nell'ambiente, che possono essere assunte attraverso la dieta e che sono in grado di causare svariati effetti negativi sulla salute è molto alta nelle popolazione Europea ed Italiana. Le istituzioni nazionali e internazionali, sono chiamati a fornire stime dell’entità, della frequenza e della durata dell'esposizione della popolazione alle sostanze chimiche, includendo sostanze chimiche sia naturali che di origine antropica, sia volontariamente aggiunte che accidentalmente presenti nella catena di produzione.
Questa tesi si concentra sostanzialmente su come può essere stimata l’esposizione della popolazione umana, con particolare attenzione agli approcci metodologici e con un focus specifico sulla valutazione dell'esposizione alimentare e biomonitoraggio.
Dai risultati ottenuti nei diversi studi raccolti in questa tesi, si evince che quando si seleziona il metodo da utilizzare per la stima di esposizione ad uno o più sostanze chimiche, diversi aspetti devono essere presi in considerazione: la natura della sostanza chimica, la popolazione inclusa nello studio, è necessario chiarire se l'obiettivo è quello di stimare l'esposizione cronica o acuta, infine, deve essere valutata la qualità e la quantità dei dati disponibili al fine di specificare e quantificare l’incertezza delle stime.
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Profilassi vaccinale per AMPV: un approccio molecolare alle problematiche di campoRicchizzi, Enrico <1979> 21 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Road to Poverty Reduction: Corporate Governance and Female Participation in MFIsGudjonsson, Sigurdur <1976> 03 June 2015 (has links)
1.Microfinance Industry – Context of Analysis. This paper is an introduction to the microfinance industry. It serves as a context of analysis, for the empirical settings and basis for building the theoretical argument for the thesis.
2.Women in Microfinance Institutions: The Road to Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality? One of the unique aspects of microfinance institutions is their focus on outreach, i.e. their ability to reach the poor. This paper explores whether the presence of women in microfinance institutions is associated with improved outreach. Building on prior research that shows that women tend to improve financial performance and social responsibility, we examine an original dataset of 226 microfinance institutions. The empirical results suggest that the presence of a female CEO, female managers and female loan officers is directly related to improved outreach, while the presence of women board members is not.
3. Women in Microfinance Institutions: Is There a Trade-Off Between Outreach and Sustainability? Abstract This paper’s contribution to the understanding of microfinance is two-fold. First, while it has been shown that female CEOs in MFIs increase financial performance, it will be argued that female managers, female loan officers and female board members will do the same. Secondly, having previously shown that having a female presence in management in MFIs improves social performance the outreach, it will be argued that having females in the MFIs’ management will not lead to a trade-off between outreach and sustainability. These findings are based on an original data set of 226 MFIs. Statistical analysis demonstrates that a weak relationship between female managers and female loan officers vis-à-vis financial performance, but female board members do not. The trade-off between outreach and sustainability can be avoided with the appointment of females to the MFIs’ management positions, but the same cannot be concluded for female board members.
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Interspecies study of the enteric nervous system and related pathologies / Studio interspecie del sistema nervoso enterico e delle patologie ad esso correlateGiancola, Fiorella <1986> January 1900 (has links)
The enteric nervous system (ENS) modulates a number of digestive functions including well known ones, i.e. motility, secretion, absorption and blood flow, along with other critically relevant processes, i.e. immune responses of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, gut microbiota and epithelial barrier . The characterization of the anatomical aspects of the ENS in large mammals and the identification of differences and similarities existing between species may represent a fundamental basis to decipher several digestive GI diseases in humans and animals. In this perspective, the aim of the present thesis is to highlight the ENS anatomical basis and pathological aspects in different mammalian species, such as horses, dogs and humans.
Firstly, I designed two anatomical studies in horses:
“Excitatory and inhibitory enteric innervation of horse lower esophageal sphincter”.
“Localization of 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 receptor (5-HT4R) in the equine enteric nervous system”.
Then I focused on the enteric dysfunctions, including:
A primary enteric aganglionosis in horses: “Extrinsic innervation of the ileum and pelvic flexure of foals with ileocolonic aganglionosis”.
A diabetic enteric neuropathy in dogs: “Quantification of nitrergic neurons in the myenteric plexus of gastric antrum and ileum of healthy and diabetic dogs”.
An enteric neuropathy in human neurological patients: “Functional and neurochemical abnormalities in patients with Parkinson's disease and chronic constipation”.
The physiology of the GI tract is characterized by a high complexity and it is mainly dependent on the control of the intrinsic nervous system. ENS is critical to preserve body homeostasis as reflect by its derangement occurring in pathological conditions that can be lethal or seriously disabling to humans and animals. The knowledge of the anatomy and the pathology of the ENS represents a new important and fascinating topic, which deserves more attention in the veterinary medicine field.
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Sistema nervoso enterico di cane: studio quali-quantitativo e modificazioni neurochimiche in corso di infiammazione gastroenterica e diabete mellito / Enteric Nervous System in dogs ileum: a qualitative and quantitative study modifications of neurochemistry in dogs affect of inflammatory disease and dogs affect of diabetes mellitusAsti, Martina <1984> January 1900 (has links)
1) Valutazione caratteristiche neurochimiche e quantificazione dei neuroni del SNE dell’ileo di cani ctrl e cani affetti da infiammazione intestinale (spontanea). Prelevati campioni di ileo da 5 cani ctrl e 8 cani patol ed ottenute criosezioni sottoposte ad immunoistochimica.
- nNOS-IR MP ctrl 33±15% (178/639 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±5% (528/2031 cell, n=7) (P=0,156). nNOS-IR SMP ctrl 8±5% (40/527 cell, n=5) vs patol 7±2% (69/1007 cell, n=4) (P= 0,735).
- VIP-IR MP ctrl 6±4% (69/993 cell) vs patol 16±9% (281/1958 cell, n=8) (P=0,027*). VIP-IR SMP ctrl 29±8% (300/993 cell) vs patol 30±13% (522/1630 cell, n=7) (P=0,891,)
- SP-IR MP ctrl 15±8% (209/1332 cell, n=5) vs patol 17±9% (437/2053 cell, n=8) (P=0,741). SP-IR SMP ctrl 26±7% (464/1598 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±13% (592/2024 cell, n=6) (P=0,752).
- CGRP-IR MP ctrl 8±9% (41/543 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±11% (259/1444 cell, n=8) (P=0,152). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl 7±8% (32/754 cell, n=5) vs patol 14±12% (194/1138 cell, n=7) (P=0,230)
- Calb-IR MP ctrl 14±9% (76/580 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±7% (324/2055 cell, n=8)(P=0,596). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl di 22±7% (218/975 cell, n=5) vs patol 23±7% (261/1207 cell, n=7) (P=0,767).
Questo rappresenta il primo studio esistente sulle caratteristiche neurochimiche delle sottopopolazioni di neuroni in cani ctrl e cani affetti da patol gastroenterica.
2) Valutazione degli effetti del diabete mellito di tipo I sul SNE dell’antro pilorico e dell’ileo di cane. Prelevati campioni di antro e ileo di 8 cani ctrl e 5 patol ed ottenute criosezioni sottoposte ad immunoistochimica.
nNOS-IR MP ctrl antro 30±6%, (902/3129 cellule), ileo 29±5% (795/2800 cellule). nNOS-IR MP DM antro 25±2% (727/2926 cellule), ileo (19±5%; 308/1508 cellule).(P antro=0.112), (P ileo=0.006). Questi risultati indicano che il DM determini un’alterazione dell’innervazione nitrergica maggiore rispetto nell’ileo rispetto allo stomaco. / 1) Study of effects of spontaneous inflammatory bowel disease in SNE of dogs. Specimens of ileum were collected from 5 control and 8 affected dogs, use for immunohistochemistry on the cryosections
- nNOS-IR MP ctrl 33±15% (178/639 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±5% (528/2031 cell, n=7) (P=0,156). nNOS-IR SMP ctrl 8±5% (40/527 cell, n=5) vs patol 7±2% (69/1007 cell, n=4) (P= 0,735).
- VIP-IR MP ctrl 6±4% (69/993 cell) vs patol 16±9% (281/1958 cell, n=8) (P=0,027*). VIP-IR SMP ctrl 29±8% (300/993 cell) vs patol 30±13% (522/1630 cell, n=7) (P=0,891,)
- SP-IR MP ctrl 15±8% (209/1332 cell, n=5) vs patol 17±9% (437/2053 cell, n=8) (P=0,741). SP-IR SMP ctrl 26±7% (464/1598 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±13% (592/2024 cell, n=6) (P=0,752).
- CGRP-IR MP ctrl 8±9% (41/543 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±11% (259/1444 cell, n=8) (P=0,152). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl 7±8% (32/754 cell, n=5) vs patol 14±12% (194/1138 cell, n=7) (P=0,230)
- Calb-IR MP ctrl 14±9% (76/580 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±7% (324/2055 cell, n=8)(P=0,596). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl di 22±7% (218/975 cell, n=5) vs patol 23±7% (261/1207 cell, n=7) (P=0,767). This is the first study about neurochemical characteristics of neuron subsets in control dogs and in gastrointestinal disease afflicted dogs.
2) Study the effects of spontaneous DM on the nitrergic neurons of the MP of the canine gastric antrum and ileum. Specimens of gastric antrum and ileum from eight control dogs and five insulin-dependent DM dogs were collected. MP neurons were immunohistochemically identified with the anti-HuC/HuD and nNOS antibody. nNOS-IR MP stomachs control dogs was 30±6%, in the DM was 25±2% (P=0.112). nNOS-IR MP ileum control dogs was 29±5%, in the DM was significantly reduced 19±5% (P=0.006). These findings indicate that DM in dogs alters intestinal nitrergic innervation more rather than the gastric one.
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Il ruolo della modellistica delle georisorse nei processi di pianificazione territorialePistocchi, Alberto <1972> 11 April 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Ricerca e sviluppo di un sistema gerarchizzato di indicatori di sostenibilità ambientale applicabile alla valutazione di politiche, programmi e piani per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle attività di cavaBlois, Luciano <1957> 23 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Criteri di ottimizzazione per coltivazioni sotterranee di minerali di seconda categoriaMalucelli, Giorgio <1972> 17 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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