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Functional multi-scale composites by coating of fibrous reinforcementsPatel, Kinjalkumar January 2018 (has links)
This study reports a novel and simple technique for successfully coating multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on to the surface of carbon fibre (CF) fabric for the production of multi-scale CF-epoxy composites. Initially, epoxy composites with multi-scale reinforcement were produced by resin infusion (RI) using woven CF fabric coated with a dispersion of 1 wt. % MWCNTs in an epoxy binder of low molar mass. The effects of this reinforcement on the CF-epoxy interface with MWCNTs was studied in mode I and mode II interlaminar fracture toughness (ILFT) using double-cantilever beam (DCB) and 4 point end-notch flexure (4ENF) tests, respectively. Relative to an equivalent composite reinforced with non-coated CF reinforcement, the binder/MWCNTs coating increased significantly the ILFT of the CF-epoxy composite; in mode I by 105% and in mode II by 50%. This increase in ILFT was attributed to two main effects: Firstly, the binder alone (without MWCNTs), which has a much lower glass transition temperature (Tg) than that the matrix (45 vs. 140 °C), hindered crack propagation and increased the ILFT of the epoxy matrix by 25% for mode I and 15% for mode II; Secondly, the energy absorbing mechanisms of MWCNTs during fracture particularly pull-out and crack bridging. However the Tg of the matrix epoxy of the multi-scale composites was reduced to 118 °C compared to 140 °C, for the unmodified composite, due to phase mixing with the low Tg binder. For RI processing, the CF volume fraction of the composites prepared using coated CF was ≈50% compare to at ≈55% for the composite with non-coated CF. Curing agents were added to the binder, which not only increased the Tg from ≈50 °C to ≈100 °C, but also increased the Tg of the matrix epoxy of the multi-scale composites to 154 °C. Relative to an equivalent composite reinforced with non-coated CF reinforcement, the curable-binder/MWCNTs coating increased the ILFT of the CF-epoxy composite; in mode I by 120% and in mode II by 90%. A hybrid RI-hot press (HP) process was used to prepare CF-epoxy composites from coated fabrics with CF volume fractions of ≈55%. The damping curves for the HP-composites consisted of a β-peak, due to the formation of a third mixed phase, in addition to a γ-peak (assigned to the Tg of the binder) and an α-peak (assigned to the Tg of matrix epoxy). The β-peak, and the uniformly distributed nodular particles observed on the fracture surface of the matrix, by SEM, for HP-composites, are indicative of the formation of mixed-phase particles due to reaction induced phase separation (RIPS). Relative to an equivalent RI-composite, the curable-binder/MWCNTs treatment increased the ILFT of the CF-epoxy multi-scale composite; in mode I by 134% and in mode II by 15% for HP-composites. Impact test results showed that HP-composites absorbed more energy, due to CF fracture, compared to equivalent RI composites, which showed larger delamination areas after 5 J and 10 J impact. The out-of-plane electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of the HP-composite with CF coated with curable-binder/MWCNTs was increased by ≈38% and ≈50%, respectively, compared to the composite with non-coated CF, indicating formation of MWCNTs networks in the matrix rich areas of the multi-scale composite.
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Numerical Evaluation of Energy Release Rate at Material Interfaces for Fatigue Life PredictionsHendrickson, Robert L. 01 May 2018 (has links)
Composite materials are becoming popular in almost all industries. Carbon-fiber and glass-fiber composites are used in aircraft, sports equipment, boats, prosthetics, and wind turbine blades. In all these applications, the composites are subjected to different loads. Loads can take the form of impact or cyclic/fatigue loading, both of which decrease the strength of composites as micro-cracks grow through the composite. Composite laminates are made up of fiber plies (thin layers of fiber) and the fibers are surrounded by a resin like epoxy. It is common for laminates to fail because of delamination growth (plies peeling apart). Small delaminations do not fail a composite, but as delaminations grow, the composite weakens and eventually fails. Composites behave differently than metals do, and failure analysis is more complicated because of the various directions of fibers. Numerical methods (specifically Finite Element Analysis) exist for predicting when failure will occur, but improvements are needed to make these numerical methods more accurate and efficient. The method created, for this thesis, is computationally efficient because it doesn’t require the analyst or computer to adjust the simulation based on where the delamination is (or what kind of shape it is). Energy values are extracted directly from the delamination front and not averaged from nearby locations.
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Mantle-crust Interaction in Granite Petrogenesis in Post-collisional Settings: Insights from the Danubian Variscan Plutons of the Romanian Southern CarpathiansStremtan, Ciprian Cosmin 19 November 2014 (has links)
The issue of granite petrogenesis plays a key role in our overall understanding of the growth and differentiation of continents, as well as in our ability to unravel the tectonic histories of orogenic belts. Granites are ubiquitous magmatic products found in almost all tectonic settings: oceanic and continental rifts (i.e., plagiogranites - extreme basalt differentiates), active continental margins (e.g,. the granitic batholiths of central and southern Andes), continent-continent collision zones (e.g., the orogenic batholiths of the Himalayas, Western Anatolia), post-collisional settings (e.g., the Variscan provinces of Europe), complex within-plates settings (e.g., Limmo massif, Afar, Ethiopia). Furthermore, granitoids are characterized by considerable petrological and geochemical heterogeneity, as they can form from a vast array of sources: sediments (e.g., pelites, arkoses, psammites), metamorphic rocks (e.g., (mica)schists, gneisses, etc.), and igneous rocks (e.g. andesites, dacites, tonalites, etc.). Aside from fertile sources (i.e., protoliths), granite petrogenesis is dependent upon two critical parameters: temperature (to promote melting of the protoliths) and water availability - either as freely available aqueous solutions/vapors (e.g., water input in subduction zones); or water released via dehydration melting of hydrous minerals (e.g., micas, amphiboles). The presence of water in protoliths depresses the melting temperature of mineral components and provides the environment for redistribution of chemical components.
Understanding the origins of granitic rocks presents unique challenges, given that in many of the tectonic settings where granites are encountered, it is clear that their modes of formation can involve a spectrum of igneous and metamorphic processes that are not readily accessible for examination, either through the study of modern environments or via analogy to "classical" localities. The petrogenesis and emplacement of granites in post-collisional tectonic settings is one of the thornier challenges, as these rocks appear to be derived via thermal and magmatic processes within highly deformed and compositionally diverse continental crust for which we lack a clear understanding. A number of unconventional and difficult-to-test mechanisms have been posited to drive crustal heating, melting, and subsequent pluton post-collisional emplacement. Although large volumes of granitic magmas have been emplaced in post-collisional settings, the complexities of the processes active in such settings make it challenging to put forward testable models that effectively combine available geochemical, petrologic, and geophysical data. Models for granite genesis away from plate margins (by means of crustal thickening, thermal blanketing, and internal heating from radioactive decay of 40K, 230Th, 235U, and 238U; delamination of the crustal lithosphere and juxtaposition of hot mantle melts at the base of the crust; underplating of mantle melts; or slab brake-off and upwelling of mantle melts) have been successfully applied in comparatively young orogenic regions, such as the Himalayas, the Carpathians, and Turkey. These models have proven challenging to employ in older orogenic belts, given their sometimes intricate tectonic and metamorphic histories, and the loss of pertinent evidence due to the effects of post-emplacement tectonic reworking, and often extensive alteration and erosion.
A series of ancient but fresh, age-correlative granitic plutons are exposed in Alpine nappes on the flanks of the Carpathians Mountains in southwestern Romania. These granites, all mapped as intruding the Neoproterozoic basement of the Danubian tectonic terrane, were emplaced during the post-collisional stages of two world-scale orogenies: an older, Pan-African event (~600 Ma) and a younger, Variscan event (~330- 280 Ma). My dissertation is focused on the study of late Variscan post-collisional plutons and associated sub-volcanic dykes, as they are tremendous tools for understanding and quantifying the mantle-crust interaction in post-collisional environments and the overall evolution of the continental crust during the Variscan orogeny.
Originally believed to be Proterozoic in age, zircon U/Pb dating showed that the plutons are much younger (Chapter 1 - Post-collisional Late Variscan magmatism in the Danubian domain (South Carpathians, Romania) documented by zircon U/Pb LA-ICP-MS) and correspond to the latest stages of the Variscan orogeny, as recorded elsewhere in the European Variscan provinces. The granitic plutons are relatively small and are generally concordant with the structures preserved by the country rocks. The extraordinary petrological and geochemical heterogeneities, even at pluton scale (Chapter 2 - Petrology and geochemistry of the Late Variscan post-collisional Furătura granitic pluton South. Carpathian Mts. (Romania)) argue against unique protoliths and simple evolutionary processes (e.g., closed-system fractional crystallization; anatexis). Trace elemental data for the Furătura pluton shows that the melts were formed in equilibrium with a garnet-amphibole restite, under pressure-temperature conditions deeper than the plagioclase stability field, implying that the melting took place at depths in excess of 40 km in the continental crust. Stable and radiogenic isotope data suggest that a protolith was of (possibly enriched) mantle affinities, and that the melts were subsequently contaminated in various degrees by deep crustal lithologies. In comparison, other post-collisional Variscan plutons from the Danubian domain (Chapter 4 - The role of the continental crust and lithospheric mantle in Variscan post-collisional magmatism - insights from Muntele Mic, Ogradena, Cherbelezu, Sfârdinu, and Culmea Cernei plutons (Romanian Southern Carpathians)) have trace elemental compositions that suggest they were formed at different levels in the crust, under P-T conditions corresponding to both garnet-amphibole and plagioclase stability fields. Some of the plutons lack mantle geochemical signatures and their isotopic compositions are indicative of substantial involvement of both lower- and upper-crustal rocks in their formation and subsequent evolution. On the other hand, plutons emplaced during the same time interval and most likely in close geographical proximity have trace elemental and isotopic compositions indicating strong input from previously enriched mantle components which experienced various degrees of assimilation fractionation-crystallization and/or assimilation of continental crust material during their evolution. This variability in both protoliths and processes responsible for the formation of the granites, coupled with the presence of mantle signatures in late-orogenic post-collisional melts are strong evidence to support delamination as means of providing both the mantle-derived input and energy required for generation of granitoids in the crust. The pronounced variation in petrological and chemical compositions of synchronous plutons suggests that delamination in the Danubian domain was not a single, large scale event that affected the entire crust, but rather a collection of disparate, spatially and chronologically limited event, that affected the Variscan crust during the latest stages of the orogeny.
This hypothesis is further tested on a series of sub-volcanic dykes (the Motru Dyke Swarm) crosscutting the entire Danubian basement (Chapter 3 - Post-collisional magmatism associated with Variscan orogeny in the Danubian Domain (Romanian Southern Carpathians): the Motru Dyke Swarm). Initially, the emplacement age of these dykes was assumed as "pre-Silurian" but our mapping has showed that they intrude components of the Danubian domain that shared a documented common history not earlier than the Carboniferous. Furthermore, the dykes are in intrusive relationship with two of the Danubian Variscan plutons, thus arguing for an early Permian emplacement age. Geochemical data show extraordinary heterogeneities in the dykes' composition and record both mantle and crust involvement in their formation. The dykes were emplaced at much shallower depths in the crust, as compared with the granitic plutons. Still, their isotopic compositions clearly indicate that they sampled both lower- and upper-crustal compositions during their evolution. This means that after the crustal thickening episodes that define continent-continent collisions, during the latest stages of the Variscan orogeny, the crust became progressively thinner, as a way to compensate for its metastable state. Thinning of the crust is greatly favored by delamination of the lithosphere. A delamination event, which usually postdates the cessation of continental collision or prolonged crustal shortening, involves the geologically rapid foundering of negatively buoyant lithosphere comprised of mantle and (potentially) lower crust into underlying hotter and less dense asthenosphere. Such a process will remove the lithospheric mantle (and potentially segments of the lower crust) along pre-existing lineaments or mechanical flaws, and juxtapose hot upwelling asthenosphere against the base of the crust, leading to partial melting.
Field, petrological, and geochemical data presented in my dissertation document pronounced variations in the overall composition of synchronous plutons and dykes, and further suggest that delamination in the Danubian domain was an active process. This bears great importance in our understanding of the evolution of the crust and argues that mantle-crust interactions are responsible for the generation of continental crust even in the latest stages of an orogen.
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Delamination Properties of a Vinyl-Ester/Glass Fibre Composite Toughened by Particulate-Modified InterlayersStevanovic, Dejan, dejan@mso.anu.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
The main aim of this work is to examine fracture toughness improvement mechanisms of a
composite material containing tough interlayers modified with large thermoplastic
Various vinyl-ester (VE)/ poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) (ABS) blends were used
for the interlayer-toughening of a VE/glass fibre composite to increase delamination
resistance of the material under mode I and mode II loading. Dry ABS powder was mixed
with the liquid resin in four different weight ratios: 3.5, 7, 11 and 15 phr (parts per
hundred parts of resin) while the layer thickness was varied from 150 to 500um.
Firstly, the tensile and mode I fracture toughness properties of the VE/ABS blends were
assessed, and, by using the Raman Spectroscopy technique, a chemical reaction was
discovered which occurred during ABS/VE mixing. This reaction consisted of butadiene
dissolution from the ABS particles into the VE. Also, butadiene saturation within the VE
was achieved at a composition of around 7% ABS particle content. Both mode I and mode II
fracture toughness of the composite were significantly improved with the application of
interlayers. Mode I fracture toughness GIc was found to be a function of
interlayer thickness and ABS particle content variations, with the latter dominating
GIc after the saturation point. Mode II fracture toughness was found to be
independent of interlayer thickness and only moderately influenced by particle content.
The toughening mechanisms that were the most influential within this interlayered
material were plastic deformation and micro-cracking of the layer materials. Evidence of
both mechanisms was found using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
A numerical analysis was conducted, using the experimental results from this study, to
further explain the basic toughening mechanisms and fracture behaviour in the materials.
The aim of the analysis was to examine the influence of the particles on the plastic zone
size that develops in front of the crack tip, and the interaction between the particles
and the crack tip. For this purpose FEA elastic-plastic crack propagation models were
employed. Good agreement with the experimental data was found.
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Effect of Pore Size and Thickness on Critical Pressure of Elastic SystemsCarter, Barton P. 19 July 2005 (has links)
Significant energy savings can be achieved by improving efficiency of water removal in the press section of a paper machine, rather than energy-intensive evaporative dryer cans. Impulse drying is a novel technology to remove water from the sheet in the press section by using a heated press roll.
Delamination is a major challenge to be overcome before impulse drying can be implemented successfully. Delamination is caused by a region of high temperature liquid water under high pressure in the press. Upon exiting the nip, the pressure drops and the high temperature water flashes to steam. If the expansion of the steam is too strong, the bonds between the fibers will fail and a blister will form. The formation of this blister is characteristic of delamination.
The goal of this project was to understand the internal mechanics of a wet web as it exits the nip of an impulse dryer. In this way, the components of the sheet can be tailored to open the operating window of impulse drying. A mathematical model, developed to describe the deflection and delamination of an elastic membrane, was utilized in this work. Three failure criteria were employed to represent delamination of this pliable membrane from the more rigid sub layers in the sheet.
The experimental portion of this effort was devoted to showing the validity of these models and which was the best fit. A series of experiments were employed to validate the model. A peel test was used to determine the amount of work needed to pull a membrane from a rigid substrate. Pressurized blister experiments were conducted to find the relationship between critical pressure and initial defect size. The predictions from the mathematical model were then compared to these experimental values. Finally, work was done to understand the physics of the delamination of a porous membrane.
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Analysis on the Characteristics of IC PackageTsai, Ching-Liang 22 June 2001 (has links)
To calculate the characteristics of electronic parts is divided by 1.Chip. 2.Assembly, i.e. package. 3. PCB (Printed Circuit Board). Analizing the electrical characteristics of package needs consideration from all system can distinguish the influence of function. Although the analysis method may be change but we can get the characteristics results from the parameters of circuit element (i.e. Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance). Different measurement or modeling technology can prove that the list data is correct.
That moisture in plastic packages can cause cracking or delamination during the surface mount assembly process. During this process, the packages are heated to 220-240¢J. At these temperatures, any moisture present in the plastic vaporizes and exerts stresses in the package, which can cause delamination between the mold compound and the leadframe or die. The mismatch in thermal expansion coefficients of the package¡¦s components also induces stresses. If these combined stresses are greater than the fracture strength of the plastic, cracks will form. The susceptibility of a package to cracking depends on: 1.amount of absorbed moisture, 2.die size, 3.package design, 4.mold compound characteristics, 5.solder reflow temperature profile.
Widely, flip chip technology is defined as mounting the chip to a substrate with any kind of materials and methods, as long as the chip surface (active area) is facing to the substrate. The advantages of FC-BGA is¡G1.Efficient use of PCB area. 2.Area array access for high I/O device. 3.Allow for finer pitches. 4.Fewer joints. 5.Better performance of high frequency application. 6.FC is and will be lowest cost.
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Transient response of delamination, intersecting and transverse cracks in layered composite platesAwal, Mohammad A., 1959- January 1989 (has links)
A numerical method is developed to determine the dynamic behavior of delamination and transverse cracks in multilayered plates. The plate is subjected to a time dependent antiplane shear stress field which is acting on the plate surfaces. The interaction of waves diffracted at the crack tip with those reflected at the plate boundaries and transmitted at the material interface makes the problem very complicated, so analytical study of this problem cannot be carried out with our present state of knowledge; hence the problem is solved numerically. The finite element equations are obtained by variational calculus applied in the frequency domain. Thus time intregration schemes are avoided, but time dependent response can still be obtained after inverting the frequency dependent response spectra numerically by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) routine. Another advantage of the frequency domain analysis is that the resonance frequency can be easily detected from the sharp peaks of the response spectra. The numerical difficulty associated with the singular behavior of the stress field near the crack tip has been avoided by using quarter point elements. The numerical results obtained from this investigation are compared with analytical results to verify the accuracy of the method.
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The proposed study explores the feasibility of detecting and quantifying corrosion and delamination (physical separation) at the interface between reinforcing steel bars and concrete using ultrasonic guided waves. The problem of corrosion of the reinforcing steel in structures has increased significantly in recent years. The emergence of this type of concrete deterioration, which was first observed in marine structures and chemical manufacturing plants, coincided with the increased applications of deicing salts (sodium and calcium chlorides) to roads and bridges during winter months in those states where ice and snow are of major concern. Concrete is strengthened by the inclusion of the reinforcement steel such as deformed or corrugated steel bars. Bonding between the two materials plays a vital role in maximizing performance capacity of the structural members. Durability of the structure is of concern when it is exposed to aggressive environments. Corrosion of reinforcing steel has led to premature deterioration of many concrete members before their design life is attained. It is therefore, important to be able to detect and measure the level of corrosion in reinforcing steel or delamination at the interface. The development and implementation of damage detection strategies, and the continuous health assessment of concrete structures then become a matter of utmost importance. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a nondestructive testing technique to quantify the amount of corrosion in the reinforcing steel. The guided mechanical wave approach has been explored towards the development of such methodology. The use of an embedded ultrasonic network for monitoring corrosion in real structures is feasible due to its simplicity. The ultrasonic waves, specifically cylindrical guided waves can propagate a long distance along the reinforcing steel bars and are found to be sensitive to the interface conditions between steel bars and concrete. Ultrasonic transducers are used to launch and detect cylindrical guided waves along the steel bar.In this dissertation, in-situ corrosion monitoring technique for reinforced concrete is developed based on two methods - 1) variation of signal strength and 2) the time-of-flight (TOF) variations as the corroded member is loaded transversely. This is the first attempt ever to monitor corrosion inside concrete by measuring the change in the time of flight of guided waves along reinforcing bars as the concrete beam is subjected to bending. Advantages of corrosion monitoring by TOF change are discussed in the dissertation.
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Crack branching in cross-ply compositesLa Saponara, Valeria 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of damage in composite laminates under bendingKuriakose, Sunil 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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