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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realistic simulations of delta wing aerodynamics using novel CFD methods

Görtz, Stefan January 2005 (has links)
The overall goal of the research presented in this thesis is to extend the physical understanding of the unsteady external aerodynamics associated with highly maneuverable delta-wing aircraft by using and developing novel, more efficient computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools. More specific, the main purpose is to simulate and better understand the basic fluid phenomena, such as vortex breakdown, that limit the performance of delta-wing aircraft. The problem is approached by going from the most simple aircraft configuration - a pure delta wing - to more complex configurations. As the flow computations of delta wings at high angle of attack have a variety of unusual aspects that make accurate predictions challenging, best practices for the CFD codes used are developed and documented so as to raise their technology readiness level when applied to this class of flows. Initially, emphasis is put on subsonic steady-state CFD simulations of stand-alone delta wings to keep the phenomenon of vortex breakdown as clean as possible. For half-span models it is established that the essential characteristics of vortex breakdown are captured by a structured CFD code. The influence of viscosity on vortex breakdown is studied and numerical results for the aerodynamic coefficients, the surface pressure distribution and breakdown locations are compared to experimental data where possible. In a second step, structured grid generation issues, numerical aspects of the simulation of this nonlinear type of flow and the interaction of a forebody with a delta wing are explored. Then, on an increasing level of complexity, time-accurate numerical studies are performed to resolve the unsteady flow field over half and full-span, stationary delta wings at high angle of attack. Both Euler and Detached Eddy Simulations (DES) are performed to predict the streamwise oscillations of the vortex breakdown location about some mean position, asymmetry in the breakdown location due to the interaction between the left and right vortices, as well as the rotation of the spiral structure downstream of breakdown in a time-accurate manner. The computed flow-field solutions are visualized and analyzed in a virtual-reality environment. Ultimately, steady-state and time-dependent simulations of a full-scale fighter-type aircraft configuration in steady flight are performed using the advanced turbulence models and the detached-eddy simulation capability of an edge-based, unstructured flow solver. The computed results are compared to flight-test data. The thesis also addresses algorithmic efficiency and presents a novel implicit-explicit algorithm, the Recursive Projection Method (RPM), for computations of both steady and unsteady flows. It is demonstrated that RPM can accelerate such computations by up to 2.5 times. / QC 20101019

Tangential leading edge blowing for flow control on non-slender delta wings

Chard, James January 2018 (has links)
In the military arena there is an increase in demand for Low Observable (LO) flight vehicles. This drive for low observability imposes limits on Leading Edge (LE) sweep angles and prohibits the use of a tailplane/fin resulting in unconventional configurations; a typical example of which are Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs). This class of aircraft poses stability and control problems due to the early onset of flow separation. The focus of this project is on the on the use of Tangential Leading Edge Blowing (TLEB) as a means of separation suppression on such vehicles. This project is unique in that the TLEB slot is positioned on the wing lower surface facing the oncoming freestream. Also, the model in this project is representative of the outboard panel of a UCAV wing, a geometry on which TLEB has not been explored in the past. A swept wing model (LE sweep = 47 degrees, AR = 3) was designed. The model has a TLEB nozzle with a slot on the lower surface at approx. 1% yawed chord that spans 0.58 m (approx. 70% LE length). Baseline wing characteristics were obtained with the full slot exposed. The wing showed a variation in pitch between CL = 0 and 0.6 which from oil flow visualisation is believed to be due to laminar separation. At CL = 0.6 there is a positive pitch break which flow visualisation suggests is due to the occurrence of a LE vortex. Sensitivity studies for slot configuration, Re number and transition fixing were carried out. The blowing rates 0.0025, 0.005, 0.025, 0.05 were tested for two slot lengths; one full span (0.58 m) and another third span positioned at the midpoint of the full slot. All blowing rates show some suppression of the LE vortex and therefore reduction in severity of the pitch break at CL = 0.6. High blowing rates produce a negative shift in CM, which CFD suggests is due to a large amount of suction produced on the lower wing surface adjacent to the slot exit. This means the available trim power is less than for the lower blowing rates. Wool tuft results for high blowing rates from the middle slot show an increase in streamwise flow at the TE suggesting TLEB is capable of improving the effectiveness of TE devices. The effectiveness of TLEB at low blowing rates has been shown to be high compared to that found in literature. A 1st order analysis of the impact of TLEB on a full scale system shows realistic options.

The Development and Control of Axial Vortices over Swept Wings

Klute, Sandra M. 11 November 1999 (has links)
The natural unsteadiness in the post-breakdown flowfield of a 75° sweep delta wing at 40° angle of attack was studied with dual and single point hot-wire anemometry in the Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) Wind Tunnel at a Reynolds number Re = 210,000. Data were taken in five crossflow planes surrounding the wing's trailing edge. Results showed a dominant narrowband Strouhal frequency of St = 1.5 covering approximately 80% of the area with lower-intensity broadband secondary frequencies over 15% of that region. Cross-correlations between a fixed and traversing wire were calculated and phase and coherences mapped to determine the convection speed and trajectory of the helical mode instability. High-speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was conducted over a 75° sweep delta wing at 40° angle of attack in the ESM Water Tunnel II at Re = 45,000. Data were taken along the axis of the vortex in the breakdown flowfield at a speed of 0.1% of the convective time scale of the flow. Animations of instantaneous streamlines and velocity vectors revealed the impression of a helically spiralling vortex core on the measurement plane. Spectral analysis of the PIV data showed reduced frequencies which confirmed those found with the single-point measurements made in the ESM Wind Tunnel. The effect of four novel control surfaces on the breakdown flowfield of the delta wing was studied with surface pressure measurements along the axis of the vortex in the ESM Wind Tunnel. The apex flap was found effective and delayed vortex breakdown by 8° for a fixed wing. The flowfield was characterized over the delta wing executing a pitch-up maneuver at a reduced frequency of 0.06. Surface pressure measurements were taken in the ESM Wind Tunnel and Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) was employed in the ESM Water Tunnel I as both the unmodified wing and then the wing with an apex flap deployed at an optimal angle <font face="Symbol">b</font> = 15° executed the pitch-up. Both sets of data confirmed the hysteresis of the flowfield. The LDV data, taken in two crossflow planes throughout the maneuver, showed an asymmetric breakdown development. As a practical extension of the study of the breakdown wake flowfield, hot-wire measurements were made over an F/A-18 model to determine the spectral characteristics of the flowfield. Three-dimensional vortex interactions were investigated with helium bubble flow visualization in the VPI Stability Tunnel. / Ph. D.

A Comparison of Euler Finite Volume and Supersonic Vortex Lattice Methods used during the Conceptual Design Phase of Supersonic Delta Wings

Guillermo-Monedero, Daniel 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Projeto conceitual e análise de desempenho do sistema de admissão de ar em uma aeronave não convencional de combate / Conceptual design and performance analysis of the air intake system in a non-conventional fighter aircraft

Bravo Mosquera, Pedro David 22 May 2017 (has links)
A concepção de aeronaves não convencionais a fim de alcançar um determinado desempenho ou melhoria operacional é sem dúvida um dos objetivos mais importantes da engenheira aeronáutica. Tais melhorias envolvem: redução de arrasto, redução da seção transversal, redução de ruído, redução da distância de decolagem e pouso, aumento da eficiência aerodinâmica, aumento da carga útil, entre outros. Por tanto, métodos de otimização multidisciplinar se tornaram em ferramentas muito úteis para aprimorar o projeto conceitual destas aeronaves. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento do projeto conceitual de uma aeronave não convencional de combate e a análise de desempenho aerodinâmico do seu sistema de admissão de ar (Intake), tendo como principal característica, estar localizado na parte superior da fuselagem da aeronave (Dorsal Intake). O delineamento conceitual foi desenvolvido através da implementação de metodologias de otimização multidisciplinar de projeto (MDO) na fase de projeto paramétrico, integrando conceitos como: entropia estatística, desdobramento da função qualidade (QFD) e análise de restrições. Além disso, foram usados métodos analíticos e teóricos, ferramentas de desenho assistido por computador (CAD) e simulações da dinâmica dos fluidos computacionais (CFD) para otimizar e obter a configuração final da aeronave. Posteriormente, 5 configurações de asa delta foram selecionadas para avaliar as mudanças de desempenho do dorsal intake sob a influência aerodinâmica das superfícies principais da aeronave (Asa e Fuselagem), em regimes de voo subsônico (Mach = 0.4), transônico (Mach = 0.9) e supersônico (Mach = 1.7; 2) a diversos ângulos de ataque (De &#945; = 10º a &#945; = 30º ). Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho foram avaliados em separado, subsequentemente foram integrados, a fim de obter a nova concepção de aeronave não convencional de combate; a aplicação de MDO permitiu estimar as variáveis de projeto ideais para o desenvolvimento do projeto da aeronave, em relação a sua missão. Em contrapartida, os resultados da integração intake-estrutura mostram que apropriadas características de desempenho e compatibilidade foram mantidas durante as fases de voo subsônicas, para as 5 configurações de asa. No entanto, para velocidades transônicas, a configuração canard apresentou um acréscimo nos níveis de recuperação de pressão total, devido ao fluxo de alta energia na parte superior da fuselagem, o qual é produzido pelo vórtice do canard a moderados ângulos de ataque. Finalmente, para velocidades supersônicas, a asa com dispositivos LEX (Leading Edge Extensions) obteve os melhores níveis de recuperação de pressão total, pois a implementação destes dispositivos apresentou uma montagem mais vantajosa com sua fuselagem para gerar o cone de Mach, aumentando os níveis de recuperação de pressão total e reduzindo a distorção na face do motor. No entanto, para velocidades maiores a Mach = 2, sem importar a configuração de asa, a expansão do escoamento sobre a fuselagem e as asas da aeronave produziu um aumento no número Mach local na entrada do intake, o que reduziu os níveis de desempenho e compatibilidade do mesmo. Em consequência, a posição do intake na parte superior da fuselagem representa uma opção de configuração viável para aeronaves que requerem apenas capacidades de ângulo de ataque razoáveis, tais como aeronaves de caça ar-terra, sendo a asa com dispositivos LEX a geometria que representa melhores qualidades de desempenho na maioria dos 3 regimes de voo avaliados. / The conception of non-conventional aircraft with the aim of achieving a certain performance or operational improvement is undoubtedly, one of the most important objectives of the aeronautical engineering. These improvements involve: drag reduction, cross section reduction, noise reduction, shortening of take-off and landing distance, increase of aerodynamic efficiency, payload increase, among others. Therefore, optimization multidisciplinary methods became in very important tools to upgrade the conceptual design phase of these aircraft. In this context, this work had as aim the development of the conceptual design of a nonconventional fighter aircraft and the aerodynamic performance analysis of its air intake, having as main characteristic to be located at the top of the fuselage (Dorsal Intake). The conceptual design was developed through the implementation of multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) methods in the parametric design phase, integrating concepts of: statistical entropy, quality function deployment (QFD) and constraint analysis. Besides that, it was used analytical and theoretical methods, computer-aided design (CAD) tools and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to optimize and obtain the final aircraft configuration. Subsequently, 5 delta wing configurations were selected to evaluate the dorsal intake performance changes under the aerodynamic influence of the main aircraft surfaces (Wings and Fuselage) in subsonic (Mach = 0.4), transonic (Mach = 0.9) and supersonic (Mach = 1.7; 2) flight regimes, at various angles of attack (From &#945; = 10º to &#945; = 30º ). The results found in this work were evaluated separately, later these were integrated, in order to get the new conception of non-conventional fighter aircraft; the MDO application allowed to estimate the ideal design variables for developing the aircraft design, regarding to its mission. On the other hand, the results of the intake-structure integration shown that appropriate performance and compatibility characteristics were maintained during the subsonic flight stages for the 5 wing configurations. However, for transonic velocities, the canard configuration presented an increase in the total pressure recovery levels, due to the high energy flux on the fuselage, which is produced by the canard vortex at moderate angles of attack. Finally, for supersonic velocities, the wing with LEX (Leading Edge Extensions) devices got the best levels of total pressure recovery, because the implementation of these devices presented a more advantageous assembly with its fuselage to generate the Mach cone, increasing the total pressure recovery levels and reducing the distortion at the engine face. However, for velocities higher than Mach = 2, regardless the wing configuration, the flow expansion on the fuselage and the wings produced an increase in the local Mach number in the intake entrance, which reduced the performance and compatibility levels of it. As a consequence, the top mounted intake position represents an option of viable configuration to aircraft that require only reasonable angles of attack capabilities, such as air-to-ground fighter aircraft, being the wing with LEX devices the geometry that represents better performance qualities in the majority of the 3 evaluated flight regimes.

Projeto conceitual e análise de desempenho do sistema de admissão de ar em uma aeronave não convencional de combate / Conceptual design and performance analysis of the air intake system in a non-conventional fighter aircraft

Pedro David Bravo Mosquera 22 May 2017 (has links)
A concepção de aeronaves não convencionais a fim de alcançar um determinado desempenho ou melhoria operacional é sem dúvida um dos objetivos mais importantes da engenheira aeronáutica. Tais melhorias envolvem: redução de arrasto, redução da seção transversal, redução de ruído, redução da distância de decolagem e pouso, aumento da eficiência aerodinâmica, aumento da carga útil, entre outros. Por tanto, métodos de otimização multidisciplinar se tornaram em ferramentas muito úteis para aprimorar o projeto conceitual destas aeronaves. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento do projeto conceitual de uma aeronave não convencional de combate e a análise de desempenho aerodinâmico do seu sistema de admissão de ar (Intake), tendo como principal característica, estar localizado na parte superior da fuselagem da aeronave (Dorsal Intake). O delineamento conceitual foi desenvolvido através da implementação de metodologias de otimização multidisciplinar de projeto (MDO) na fase de projeto paramétrico, integrando conceitos como: entropia estatística, desdobramento da função qualidade (QFD) e análise de restrições. Além disso, foram usados métodos analíticos e teóricos, ferramentas de desenho assistido por computador (CAD) e simulações da dinâmica dos fluidos computacionais (CFD) para otimizar e obter a configuração final da aeronave. Posteriormente, 5 configurações de asa delta foram selecionadas para avaliar as mudanças de desempenho do dorsal intake sob a influência aerodinâmica das superfícies principais da aeronave (Asa e Fuselagem), em regimes de voo subsônico (Mach = 0.4), transônico (Mach = 0.9) e supersônico (Mach = 1.7; 2) a diversos ângulos de ataque (De &#945; = 10º a &#945; = 30º ). Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho foram avaliados em separado, subsequentemente foram integrados, a fim de obter a nova concepção de aeronave não convencional de combate; a aplicação de MDO permitiu estimar as variáveis de projeto ideais para o desenvolvimento do projeto da aeronave, em relação a sua missão. Em contrapartida, os resultados da integração intake-estrutura mostram que apropriadas características de desempenho e compatibilidade foram mantidas durante as fases de voo subsônicas, para as 5 configurações de asa. No entanto, para velocidades transônicas, a configuração canard apresentou um acréscimo nos níveis de recuperação de pressão total, devido ao fluxo de alta energia na parte superior da fuselagem, o qual é produzido pelo vórtice do canard a moderados ângulos de ataque. Finalmente, para velocidades supersônicas, a asa com dispositivos LEX (Leading Edge Extensions) obteve os melhores níveis de recuperação de pressão total, pois a implementação destes dispositivos apresentou uma montagem mais vantajosa com sua fuselagem para gerar o cone de Mach, aumentando os níveis de recuperação de pressão total e reduzindo a distorção na face do motor. No entanto, para velocidades maiores a Mach = 2, sem importar a configuração de asa, a expansão do escoamento sobre a fuselagem e as asas da aeronave produziu um aumento no número Mach local na entrada do intake, o que reduziu os níveis de desempenho e compatibilidade do mesmo. Em consequência, a posição do intake na parte superior da fuselagem representa uma opção de configuração viável para aeronaves que requerem apenas capacidades de ângulo de ataque razoáveis, tais como aeronaves de caça ar-terra, sendo a asa com dispositivos LEX a geometria que representa melhores qualidades de desempenho na maioria dos 3 regimes de voo avaliados. / The conception of non-conventional aircraft with the aim of achieving a certain performance or operational improvement is undoubtedly, one of the most important objectives of the aeronautical engineering. These improvements involve: drag reduction, cross section reduction, noise reduction, shortening of take-off and landing distance, increase of aerodynamic efficiency, payload increase, among others. Therefore, optimization multidisciplinary methods became in very important tools to upgrade the conceptual design phase of these aircraft. In this context, this work had as aim the development of the conceptual design of a nonconventional fighter aircraft and the aerodynamic performance analysis of its air intake, having as main characteristic to be located at the top of the fuselage (Dorsal Intake). The conceptual design was developed through the implementation of multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) methods in the parametric design phase, integrating concepts of: statistical entropy, quality function deployment (QFD) and constraint analysis. Besides that, it was used analytical and theoretical methods, computer-aided design (CAD) tools and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to optimize and obtain the final aircraft configuration. Subsequently, 5 delta wing configurations were selected to evaluate the dorsal intake performance changes under the aerodynamic influence of the main aircraft surfaces (Wings and Fuselage) in subsonic (Mach = 0.4), transonic (Mach = 0.9) and supersonic (Mach = 1.7; 2) flight regimes, at various angles of attack (From &#945; = 10º to &#945; = 30º ). The results found in this work were evaluated separately, later these were integrated, in order to get the new conception of non-conventional fighter aircraft; the MDO application allowed to estimate the ideal design variables for developing the aircraft design, regarding to its mission. On the other hand, the results of the intake-structure integration shown that appropriate performance and compatibility characteristics were maintained during the subsonic flight stages for the 5 wing configurations. However, for transonic velocities, the canard configuration presented an increase in the total pressure recovery levels, due to the high energy flux on the fuselage, which is produced by the canard vortex at moderate angles of attack. Finally, for supersonic velocities, the wing with LEX (Leading Edge Extensions) devices got the best levels of total pressure recovery, because the implementation of these devices presented a more advantageous assembly with its fuselage to generate the Mach cone, increasing the total pressure recovery levels and reducing the distortion at the engine face. However, for velocities higher than Mach = 2, regardless the wing configuration, the flow expansion on the fuselage and the wings produced an increase in the local Mach number in the intake entrance, which reduced the performance and compatibility levels of it. As a consequence, the top mounted intake position represents an option of viable configuration to aircraft that require only reasonable angles of attack capabilities, such as air-to-ground fighter aircraft, being the wing with LEX devices the geometry that represents better performance qualities in the majority of the 3 evaluated flight regimes.

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