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Uticaj restaurativnih procedura na biomehaničke karakteristike premolara – analiza realnog trodimenzionalnog modela zuba primenom metode konačnih elemenata / Influence of restorative procedures on biomechanical characteristics of premolar-finite element analysis of threedimensional tooth modelKantardžić Ivana 31 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Gubitak tvrdih zubnih struktura usled karijesne lezije, traume ili ekstenzivne preparacije dovodi do smanjenja otpornosti preostalih zubnih struktura na dejstvo sila prilikom žvakanja. Osnovni zadatak restaurativne procedure je da se ponovo uspostavi anatomo-morfološka funkcija zuba i da se preostale zdrave zubne strukture zaštite od nepovoljnog odgovora na dejstvo sila. Cilj doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih restaurativnih procedura na biomehaničke karakteristike premolara sa ekstenzivnim kavitetima. Materijal i metode: Trodimenzionalni model intaktnog drugog gornjeg premolara kreiran je u SolidWorks računarskom programu, na osnovu snimaka ekstrahovanog zuba primenom višeslojnog spiralnog kompjuterizovanog tomografa. Na osnovu ovog modela potom je kreirano ukupno 48 modela, koji su podeljeni u dve grupe: modeli vitalnog premolara sa MOD kavitetom (I grupa) i modeli premolara sa endodontski lečenim kanalom korena sa MOD kavitetom (II grupa). U svakoj grupi ispitivan je uticaj 4 vrste restaurativnog materijala (direktan kompozitni ispun, direktan kompozitni ispun sa smolom modifikovanim glas-jonomer cementom u vidu podloge, indirektan kompozitni ispun, keramički ispun), 3 dizajna preparacije kaviteta (bez skraćivanja kvržica, sa skraćivanjem palatinalne kvržice 2mm, sa skraćivanjem palatinalne i bukalne kvržice 2mm) i 2 širine istmusa (1/2 i 2/3 interkuspalnog razmaka). Primenom metode konačnih elemenata proračunate su vrednosti von Mises napona u zubnim strukturama i ispunu za sve modele pri dejstvu statičke sile od 200N. Rezultati: Dizajn preparacije kaviteta je pokazao najveći uticaj na vrednosti von Mises napona u zubnim strukturama. Pri tome, postupak skraćivanja palatinalne, kao i obe kvržice, doprineo je smanjenju vrednosti von Mises napona u gleđi na modelima obe grupe; dok je postupak skraćivanja bukalne i palatinalne kvržice doprineo smanjenju vrednosti von Mises napona u dentinu na modelima vitalnog premolara. U obe grupe, vrsta restaurativnog materijala pokazala je uticaj na vrednosti von Mises napona u gleđi, pri čemu je keramički ispun doveo do pojave napona značajno manjih vrednosti u odnosu na direktan i indirektan kompozitni ispun.Vrsta restaurativnog materijala je uticala i na vrednosti von Mises napona u dentinu, ali samo na modelima vitalnog premolara; pri tome su indirektni kompozitni i keramički ispun podjednako doprineli pojavi napona manjih vrednosti. Širina istmusa je uticala na vrednosti von Mises napona u gleđi i dentinu na modelima vitalnog premolara. Širina istmusa 1/2 interkuspalnog razmaka dovela je do pojave napona manjih vrednosti u gleđi, dok je širina istmusa 2/3 interkuspalnog razmaka dovela do pojave napona manjih vrednosti u dentinu.</p> / <p>Loss of tooth structure from caries, trauma or extensive preparation decreases fracture resistance of tooth. The main goal of restorative procedure is to rebuild lost structures and to protect remaining tooth structures from unfavorable responses from masticatory forces. Aim of thesis was to investigate the influence of different restorative procedures on biomechanical properties of premolar with extensive cavities. Materials and Methods: Three dimensional model of intact maxillary second premolar, based on computerized tomography scan images of extracted tooth, was designed using SolidWorks software. Using this model, 48 models were designed and divided in two groups: models of vital premolars with MOD cavities (group I), and models of premolars with root canal treatment with MOD cavities (group II). In each group use of four restorative materials (direct composite resin restoration, direct composite resin restoration with resin modified glass-ionomer cement as base, indirect composite resin restoration, ceramic restoration), three cavity preparation designs (without cusp coverage, 2mm palatal cusp coverage, 2mm palatal and buccal cusp coverage) and two isthmus width (1/2 and 2/3 intercuspal width) were simulated. After applying static load of 200N, von Mises stresses in enamel, dentin and restoration were calculated using finite element analysis. Results: Cavity preparation design showed the most significant influence on von Mises stress values in tooth structures. Cusp coverage in general decreased stress values in enamel, while palatal and buccal cusp coverage decreased stress values in dentin only in group I. Restorative material affected stress values in enamel, were ceramic restoration contributed to minimal stress values. In dentin, indirect composite resin and ceramic restoration showed no difference in reducing von Mises stress values, but only for models in group I. Cavity isthmus width had influence on stress values in tooth structures only in group I. 1/2 isthmus width decreased stress values in enamel, while 2/3 isthmus width showed same effect in dentin. Conclusion: In order to provide optimal biomechanical characteristics of tooth structures, premolars with MOD cavity should be restored with ceramic overlay covering both palatal and buccal cusp.</p>
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Avaliação histológica da resposta pulpar humana a diferentes técnicas de instrumentação cavitária e de restauração / Histological evaluation of the human pulp response to different cavity instrumentation and restorative techniquesLourdes Rosa Chiok Ocaña 27 November 2009 (has links)
Este estudo se propõe a analisar a resposta pulpar de dentes humanos a preparos cavitários de classe V, em função de duas diferentes técnicas de instrumentação e de duas diferentes técnicas de restauração. Para tal, cavidades classe V, nas superfícies vestibulares de 48 pré-molares hígidos de pacientes entre 11 e 25 anos, que estavam em tratamento ortodôntico, foram preparadas e restauradas de acordo com os seguintes grupos experimentais: G 1 (n=24) - preparos cavitários realizados com ponta diamantada em alta rotação, restaurados com guta-percha plastificada, cimento ionômero de vidro e verniz cavitário (G 1A; n=12) ou com técnicas adesivas (sistema restaurador adesivo aplicando-se o condicionamento ácido total) e cimento ionômero de vidro (G 1B; n=12); G 2 (n=24) - preparos cavitários com ponta CVD ativada por ultrassom, restaurados com gutapercha plastificada, cimento ionômero de vidro e verniz cavitário (G 2A; n=12) ou com técnicas adesivas (sistema restaurador adesivo aplicando-se o condicionamento ácido total) e cimento ionômero de vidro (G 2B; n=12); e G 3 (controle; n=4) - dentes que foram extraídos sem a realização de qualquer procedimento. Os preparos cavitários foram realizados mantendo o assoalho da cavidade o mais próximo possível da polpa, no entanto, sem provocar exposição pulpar. Os dentes foram extraídos após três períodos experimentais (imediato, sete e trinta dias após o preparo cavitário), fixados, descalcificados, e processados histologicamente. Cortes teciduais longitudinais seriados de 5 m foram obtidos, corados pelas técnicas de H & E e de Brown & Brenn, e examinados em microscopia ótica. As avaliações morfométricas e por escores foram realizadas e os resultados das mesmas, submetidos, respectivamente, aos testes estatísticos de Mann-Whitney e de Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn, adotando-se um nível de significância de 5%. No período inicial, todos os grupos experimentais (1A, 1B, 2A e 2B) exibiram ligeiro desarranjo da camada odontoblástica vacuolizada e leve invasão da zona acelular de Weil. Não houve diferença entre os grupos experimentais iniciais e o grupo controle. No intervalo de sete dias, pôde-se observar redução da camada odontoblástica, muitos núcleos de odontoblastos aspirados nos túbulos dentinários, alguns espécimes com ausência de pré-dentina e resposta inflamatória aguda com hemorragia. Trinta dias depois, cinco espécimes do total avaliado apresentaram dentina terciária; dois espécimes do grupo 1B apresentaram necrose relacionada com a presença de bactérias nos túbulos dentinários; e os demais mostraram graus variados de inflamação crônica, associados a restaurações adesivas ou a processos de reparo, com proliferação de vasos e persistência de focos de hemorragia. Portanto, os dois tipos de instrumentação cavitária promovem respostas pulpares similares entre si, mas as diferentes técnicas restauradoras promovem efeitos significativamente diferentes sobre o complexo dentinopulpar. / The aim of this study is to analyze the pulp response of human teeth to class V cavity preparation, in function of two different instrumentation and restorative techniques. Class V cavities were made on the buccal surfaces of 48 sound human pre-molars from orthodontic patients from 11 to 25 years, and were divided as follows: G1 (n=24) cavity preparations were made with diamond bur under high speed, restored with either plasticized gutta-percha, glass ionomer cement and surface coated with varnish (G1A) or adhesive protocol (total etch technique and adhesive system application) with glass ionomer filling (G1B); G2 (n=24) cavity preparations were made with diamond CVD point and ultrasonic device, restored with either plasticized gutta-percha, glass ionomer cement and surface coated with varnish (G2A) or adhesive protocol (total etch technique and adhesive system application) with glass ionomer filling (G2B); and control group G3 (n=4) extracted teeth with no previous cavity preparation. All avities were prepared with the cavity floor as close to the pulp as possible, without causing pulp exposure. Teeth extractions were made in three experimental periods (immediate, 7 and 30 days after cavity preparation) and right after extraction they were submitted to histological procedures. Longitudinal tissue serial sections of 5 mm were obtained, H&E and Brown&Brenn stained, and analyzed under optical microscope. Morphometric and score evaluations were carried out and data from both were, respectively, submitted to Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests, with 5% significance. Immediately, all experimental groups (1A, 1B, 2A and 2B) exhibited a discrete disorganization of the odontoblastic layer and invasion of the Weil zone. There was no difference between experimental and control groups. At 7-day interval, a decrease of the odontoblastic layer was observed. Many odontoblasts nucleus were seen displaced into the dentinal tubules. Some specimens showed absence of pre-dentine and inflammatory pulp response with hemorrhage. Thirty days later, five specimens presented tertiary dentin formation; two specimens from group 1B presented necrosis coincident with bacteria inside the dentinal tubules; the other specimens showed various degrees of chronic inflammation, associated to adhesive restorations or repair processes, with blood vessels proliferation and persistent hemorrhagic areas. Therefore, both instrumentation techniques promoted similar pulp response, but different restoration procedures elicited significantly different responses of the dentinpulp complex.
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An in-vitro study evaluating the efficacy of the ultrasonic bypass system™, using different intracanal irrigating solutionsBarney, Jason Phillip, 1975- January 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This in-vitro, prospective, randomized study microscopically compared the debridement efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) using the Ultrasonic Bypass System and different irrigating protocols. Eighty extracted maxillary anterior teeth were randomly assigned to four groups. Teeth were instrumented using EndoSequence rotary instrument system and treated with passive ultrasonic irrigation with different irrigating regimens for one minute. Group one (control) was treated with hand/rotary instrumentation. Group two was treated with hand/rotary instrumentation followed by a one-minute PUI using the Ultrasonic Bypass System with 6.0-percent NaOCl. Group three was treated with hand/rotary instrumentation followed by a one-minute PUI using the Ultrasonic Bypass System with 17-percent EDTA. Group four was treated with hand/rotary instrumentation followed by a one-minute PUI using the Ultrasonic Bypass System with 30 seconds of 6.0-percent NaOCl and 30 seconds of 17-percent EDTA. Teeth were sectioned longitudinally and each half was divided into three equal parts from the anatomic apex. The half with the most visible part of the apex was used for SEM evaluation. A scoring system for debris and smear layer removal was used. Statistical analysis was performed using a Kruskal-Wallis test, which determines if there are any differences among the four groups. Following this test, a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test was used to compare each pair of groups. The addition of a one-minute PUI with the Ultrasonic Bypass System significantly enhanced the removal of smear layer when compared with the hand/rotary instrumentation with conventional irrigating solutions. The Ultrasonic Bypass System when used with the combination of 6.0-percent NaOCl and 17-percent EDTA after hand/rotary instrumentation significantly removed smear layer at the coronal, middle, and apical areas of a tooth when compared with all other groups. A one-minute PUI with the Ultrasonic Bypass System combined with NaOCl and EDTA is significantly better in smear removal and ultimately will result cleaner canal wall.
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