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Avaliação da influência do método de polimerização e da espessura da base de próteses totais na porosidade da resina acrílica /Pero, Ana Carolina. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Marco Antonio Compagnoni / Banca: Débora Barros Barbosa / Banca: Lucimar Falavinha Vieira / Resumo: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a porosidade em bases de resina acrílica de prótese total maxilar, processadas em diferentes ciclos de polimerização e confeccionadas em três espessuras (2,0, 3,5 e 5,0 mm). Cinco grupos foram estabelecidos, de acordo com os ciclos de polimerização: A) Onda-Cryl, ciclo curto em microondas; B) Onda-Cryl, ciclo longo em microondas; C) Onda-Cryl, ciclo do fabricante; T) Clássico, banho de água; Q) Jet, ciclo em câmara de pressão. Após o seu processamento, as bases de resina acrílica foram pesadas em ar e em água e a porcentagem de porosidade foi relacionada com a absorção de água no interior desse material. Os dados de % de porosidade foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis para a comparação entre os grupos (a= 5%). Dentro das limitações do presente estudo, concluiu-se que os ciclos de polimerização e a espessura do espécime de resina acrílica têm influência na porosidade, já que diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram encontradas entre os ciclos e espessuras avaliados. Não houve diferença de porosidade entre as bases de resina polimerizadas no ciclo T para qualquer uma das espessuras. / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the porosity on (acrylic resin) maxilar complete denture bases, processed through diferent polimerization cycles, procedure done in three different kinds of thickness (2,0, 3,5 e 5,0 mm). Five groups were proposed, according to the polimerization cycles: A) Onda-Cryl, short microwave cycle; B) Onda-Cryl, long microwave cycle; C) Onda-Cryl, manufacturing microwave cycle; T) Clássico, water bath; Q) Jet, press chamber cycle. After the process, the denture bases were weighted in air and in water, and the percent of porosity was related to the water absorption within this material. The porosityþs % data were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test to promote the comparison among the groups. In despite of the present paperþs limitations, we have concluded that the polimerization cycles and the specimenþs thickness of acrylic resin really influence the porosity. This result was reached because statistically significant differences were found in the cycles and thickness evaluated. It has been not observed porosity differences in the polimerized resin bases in T cycle in relation to any thickness. / Mestre
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Fitoterápico Equisetum giganteum e estomatite protética: estudo da ação antimicrobiana, antiaderente e anti-inflamatória contra Candida albicans, e potencial citotóxico sobre células epiteliais do palato humano / Phytotherapeutic Equisetum giganteum and denture stomatitis: study of antimicrobial, antiadherent and anti-inflammatory action against Candida albicans, and cytotoxic potential in human palatal epithelial cellsRafaela Alves da Silva Alavarce 09 May 2014 (has links)
A presença de Candida albicans nos biofilmes microbianos aderidos na superfície interna das próteses removíveis, principalmente totais superiores, está relacionada com uma doença inflamatória no palato, conhecida como estomatite protética (EP). Assim, torna-se fundamental a realização de novos estudos sobre alternativas terapêuticas, direcionados à prótese e não somente à mucosa, que sejam simultaneamente antimicrobianas, anti-inflamatórias, não tóxicas para os tecidos bucais e que produzam menos danos à prótese que os métodos convencionais. Os fitoterápicos podem representar uma destas alternativas. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a ação fitoterápica do Equisetum giganteum, nas concentrações de 50, 25, 16, 8 e 4 mg/mL, sobre C. albicans e descartar sua ação citotóxica sobre o palato humano bem como sobre monócitos humanos. Material e Métodos: Após coleta, obtenção e identificação de compostos por espectrometria de massas do extrato hidroalcoólico de E. giganteum, sua atividade antimicrobiana foi determinada pela concentração inibitória mínima em meio líquido, contra as cepas clínicas Candida albicans SC 5314 e Escherichia coli O:124, e a cepa padrão Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. Propriedades antiaderentes do extrato, sobre biofilmes de C. albicans induzidos sobre corpos de prova de resina acrílica, foram determinadas por imunofluorescência (LIVE/DEAD) e pela análise em microscópio de varredura confocal a laser. A atividade anti-inflamatória do fitoterápico foi averiguada através da análise da produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) por monócitos humanos estimulados por C. albicans e LPS, por meio da marcação fluorescente utilizando o reagente Cell Rox Deep Red®. Avaliação de citotoxicidade foi realizada in vitro com células epiteliais de palato humano e monócitos humanos, por meio do ensaio colorimétrico MTT. Os resultados foram expressos como média ± desvio padrão e submetidos aos testes estatísticos Teste de Kruskal-Wallis; ANOVA one-Way; ANOVA two-Way, Teste de Miller; Teste de Tukey e Dunnet; Teste de Fisher, sendo p<0,05 considerado significante. Resultados: O estudo da composição química do extrato EtOH 70% de E. giganteum evidenciou a presença de compostos fenólicos derivados dos ácidos cafeico e ferúlico, heterosídeos de flavonoides derivados de quercetina e kaempferol, além de estirilpironas. A atividade bactericida/fungicida foi comprovada em todas as concentrações testadas do extrato e contra todas as cepas avaliadas. Todas as concentrações do extrato resultaram em redução significativa dos biovolumes de células viáveis em relação a resina não tratada, o que indica interferência do fitoterápico na aderência de C. albicans à resina termopolimerizável. A atividade anti-inflamatória foi determinada pelo retorno da produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio aos níveis basais, pelos monócitos humanos ativados, quando tratados com todas as concentrações do extrato. Houve manutenção da viabilidade celular de monócitos humanos e das células epiteliais de palato humano, após contato com o fitoterápico nos períodos de 1, 12 e 24 horas. Conclusão: Estes resultados sugerem que o fitoterápico E. giganteum possui propriedades: microbicida frente a C. albicans, E. coli e S. aureus, antiaderente para C. albicans sobre a superfície da resina acrílica termopolimerizável e anti-inflamatória sobre monócitos humanos ativados por C. albicans. Além disso, o fitoterápico não comprometeu a viabilidade de monócitos humanos e de células epiteliais de palato humano. / The presence of Candida albicans in the microbial biofilms adhered to the internal surface of the removable denture, mainly the full upper ones, is related to an inflammatory palate disease known as denture stomatitis (DS). Thus, it is essential that new studies are done about therapeutic alternatives directed to the dentures, not only to the buccal mucosa, and which are, at the same time, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, non-poisoning to the buccal tissues and that they produce less harm to the denture than the current methods. The phytotherapeutic (herbal) remedies may represent a good alternative. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to study the phytotherapeutic action of Equisetum giganteum in the concentrations of 50, 25, 16, 8 and 4 mg/mL on C.albicans and discard the cytotoxic action on the human palate, as well as on human monocytes. Material and Methods: After collecting, obtaining and identifying the compounds by means of mass spectrometry of the hydroalcoholic extract of E. giganteum, its antimicrobial activity was determined by the inhibitory minimum concentration in liquid media, against clinic strains of Candida albicans SC 5314 and Escherichia coli O:124, and standard Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 strains. The antiadherent, properties of the extract on biofilms of C. albicans over acrylic resin proof specimens were determined by immunofluorescence test (LIVE/DEAD) and by the analysis in a Confocal Laser Microscope Scanning. The anti-inflammatory activity of the phytotherapeutic (herbal) remedy was assessed through the analysis of the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to human monocytes stimulated by C. albicans and LPS, through fluorescent lighting using the reagent Cell Rox Deep Red®. The evaluation of cytotoxicity was done in vitro with epithelial cells of human palate and human monocytes, through colorimetric MTT assay. The results were expressed in means ± standard deviation and submitted to statistics Kruskal-Wallis Test; ANOVA Two-way, Miller Test; Tukey and Dunnet Test; Fisher Test, where p<0,05 was considered significant. Results: The study of the chemical composition of the extract EtOH 70% of E. giganteum has shown a clear presence of phenolic compounds derived from caffeic and ferulic acids, flavonoid heterosides derived from quercitin and kaempferol, in addition to estirilpirones. Its bactericidal/fungicide activity was proved in all extract concentrations tested and against all evaluated strains. All extract concentrations resulted in significant reduction of bio volumes of viable cells in relation to non-treated resin, which indicates interference of the phytotherapeutic in the adherence of C. albicans to the thermopolymerizable acrylic. The antiinflammatory activity was determined by the production return of reactive oxygen specimens to basal levels, by activated human monocytes, when treated with all extract concentrations. There was cell viability of human monocytes and of human palate epithelial cells, after the contact of with the phytoterapeutic in the periods of 1, 12 and 24 hours. Conclusion: These results suggest that the phytotherapeutic E. giganteum has properties: microbicide in relation to C. albicans, E.coli and S. aureus, antiadherent to C. albicans on thermopolymerizable acrylic and antiinflammatory on human monocytes activated by C. albicans. In addition to this, the phytotherapeutic did not compromise either human monocytes viability or human palate epithelial cells.
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Candida albicans e estomatite por dentadura: avaliação da presença do fungo na lesão, na prótese total superior e no sangue / Candida albicans and denture stomatitis: evaluation of the presence of yeast in the lesion, upper denture and bloodCarine Ervolino de Oliveira 25 March 2009 (has links)
Existem poucos estudos a respeito da presença de constituintes fúngicos na circulação sanguínea de indivíduos com estomatite por dentadura (ED) (AHMAD et al., 2002), considerada uma forma localizada de candidose; o que poderia caracterizar o poder de invasão sistêmica do fungo nesta condição local, bem como um prévio reconhecimento desses antígenos por células presentes na circulação sanguínea do hospedeiro, o que poderia explicar aspectos específicos da resposta imune localizada e sistêmica. Assim sendo, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a presença do fungo Candida albicans (C. albicans) no palato, na superfície interna das próteses totais superiores e no sangue de pacientes com ED, em dois momentos distintos. A população de estudo foi composta por indivíduos usuários de prótese total superior (PTS), com e sem estomatite por dentadura, avaliados e selecionados nas clínicas de graduação e pós-graduação da Disciplina de Prótese, do Departamento de Prótese, da Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da Universidade de São Paulo (FOB USP). Indivíduos não usuários de próteses removíveis constituíram o grupo controle. Assim o trabalho foi constituído por três grupos, cada um com 14 pacientes. As lesões de estomatite por dentadura foram diagnosticadas clinicamente e por meio de confirmação microbiológica em CHROMAgar Candida, a partir de material biológico coletado da mucosa palatal e da superfície interna da PTS. A PCR foi realizada quando da ocorrência do crescimento de colônias verdes para diferenciação das espécies C. albicans e C. dubliniensis. As amostras de sangue foram analisadas para a detecção de fragmentos de DNA responsáveis pela codificação da proteína da parede da hifa1(Hwp1) de C. albicans, utilizando a técnica da PCR. Os resultados demonstraram que nem os usuários de PTS, independentemente da presença de ED, nem os voluntários não usuários apresentaram a proteína Hwp1 no sangue, em nenhuma das amostras coletadas. A presença de fungos do gênero Candida foi mais frequente (p 0,005) entre os usuários de PTS com ED quando comparado com os outros indivíduos. Além disso, pudemos constatar que os pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e microbiológico de ED não apresentaram distribuição sanguínea de C. albicans. / There are few studies about the presence of yeast constituents in the bloodstream of patients with denture stomatitis (DE), a localizated kind of candidiasis; what could characterize the yeast systemic invasion power in this local condidition, and also previous acknowledgement of these antigens by cells of the entertainer bloodstream, and explain specific features of the immune located and systemic answer. So being, this work had as a goal to evaluate the presence of the yeast Candida albicans (C. albicans) at the palate, at the internal surface of the upper denture and in the blood of patients with DE, at two different moments. The population of study was composed by individuals both with and without upper denture, with and without stomatitis, assessed and selected in the clinics of graduation and postgraduation of the Discipline of Prosthesis, of the Department of Prosthesis, of the Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru of the University of São Paulo (FOB USP). Individuals who are not users of removable dentures constituted the group control. So the work was constituted by three groups, each one with 14 patients. The injuries of stomatitis were diagnosed clinically and through microbiological confirmation in CHROMAgar Candida, from biological collected material of the palatal mucosa and of the internal surface of the upper denture. The PCR was carried out when the growth of green colonies for differentiation of the stain C. albicans and C. dubliniensis happened. The samples of blood were analyzed for the detection of fragments of DNA responsible for the codification of the hyphal wall protein (Hwp1) of C. albicans. The results demonstrated that not even the users of upper denture, independently of the presence of the DE, not even the volunteers who are not users presented the protein Hwp1 in the blood, in none of the collected samples. The yeast Candida presence was more frequent (p 0,005) in the group 1 when compared with the other groups. Morever, we can conclude that patients with clinic and microbiologic diagnostic have not presented bloodstream distribution of C. albicans.
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The significance of embrasure design on the fracture load of fixed denture prosthesis: an in vitro studyAlbar, Nasreen Hassan 09 January 2019 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated two embrasure designs by measuring their differential effect on load at failure of provisional fixed partial dentures (FPDs) fabricated of five commercially available polymer-based restorative materials.
METHODS: Five provisional C&B materials were selected to fabricate FPDs with two different embrasure designs: sharp vs. rounded embrasures (n=12 for each material). The test materials included: Telio CAD (Ivoclar-Vivadent), Coldpac (Motloid), Protemp Plus (3M), VersaTemp (Sultan), and Turbo Temp (Danville). The embrasures were formed using prefabricated cutters with measured Radii (0.002r and 0.03r) and a fixture to hold each provisional FPD in place for the uniform standardized cuts. Molds for the CAD/CAM provisional FPDs were used to fabricate the syringeable temporary materials and form bridges with the same geometric design. All provisional bridges were cemented using Temp-Bond (Kerr) to the corresponding standardized abutments and tested to failure in a universal Instron testing machine by loading each specimen compressively in the mid pontic region. The load at break was recorded in Newton. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the difference in each group’s mean.
RESULTS: A significant difference in fracture load was found between the two groups of designs, in which the round embrasure was significantly stronger than was the sharp. A significant difference also was found between the type of temporary material used to fabricate the bridge in the two groups, and except for Coldpac, no significant difference between the embrasure anatomies was found. Fatigue loading did not appear to influence the two bridges’ fracture load, but it did show a significant difference with respect to the modulus of elasticity, in that the bridges that underwent fatigue loading showed a higher elastic modulus by comparison to the control group. Another variable that influenced the modulus of elasticity was the type of temporary material used to fabricate the bridge, in which TelioCAD was found to be the stiffest. However, the embrasure design did not seem to affect the bridges’ rigidity.
CONCLUSION: A significant difference was found in fracture strength between the rounded and sharp embrasure design. Except for Coldpac, the rounded embrasure showed higher fracture toughness than did the sharp. No significant correlation was found between the two embrasure designs and the modulus of elasticity. Interestingly, the fatigued bridges that underwent cyclic loading showed a higher modulus of elasticity. The sharp embrasure design showed no fracture in the pontic region, while the rounded design did in 5.47% of the sample. This may be explained by the photoelastic bridges, in which the stress diffuses in the rounded design to include the pontic region, while in the sharp design, the stress is concentrated on the connector area. Stress analysis, both by means of photoelastic and finite element analysis, demonstrated that the bridge with the sharp embrasure design’s stress was high in the connector area compared to the round embrasure design.
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Eficiência mastigatória de indivíduos portadores de próteses totais maxilo-mandibulares: comparação da anatomia de dentes artificiais / Masticatory Efficiency of complete denture wearers - comparison of the anatomy of artificial ToothBarbosa, Wallace Ferreira 12 December 2011 (has links)
As reabilitações por próteses totais são fundamentais para a melhora da qualidade de vida de indivíduos totalmente edentados, pois reconstituem a estética facial e a função mastigatória. Existem hoje no mercado, diferentes tipos de dentes artificiais no que se refere a anatomia da superfície oclusal. Teoricamente, os dentes com cúspides mais altas proporcionariam uma melhor eficiência mastigatória. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a eficiência mastigatória de pacientes portadores de próteses totais maxilo-mandibulares, utilizando-se dois tipos de dentes artificiais com cúspides de alturas diferentes. Vinte indivíduos usuários de próteses totais maxilomandibulares foram selecionados. Em um primeiro momento, foram confeccionadas próteses totais com dentes de cúspides mais altas. Quinze dias após as consultas de controle, foram realizados os primeiros testes de eficiência mastigatória com Optocal. Após os testes, novas próteses, agora com dentes de cúspides mais baixas, substituíram as anteriores. Estas próteses foram confeccionadas sobre as duplicatas dos modelos funcionais das primeiras próteses, obtidas utilizando-se ágar específico para esse fim. Quinze dias após as consultas de controle, novos testes foram realizados com os segundos pares de próteses totais. Em ambos os casos, o material cominuído foi tratado e peneirado em uma pilha de peneiras sob vibração. O conteúdo de cada peneira foi pesado e os dados foram tabulados. A média e desvio padrão dos dados dos sujeitos no teste com os dentes de cúpides mais altas foi de 4,1 e 0,76, respectivamente. Enquanto que, no teste com os dentes de cúspides mais baixas foi de 3,83 e 0,95, respectivamente. De acordo com a análise estatística (p<0,05) não houve diferença na eficiência mastigatória com próteses totais maxilo-mandibulares comparando-se dois tipos de dentes artificiais diferentes quanto a altura das cúspides. / The goal of a complete denture rehabilitation, is to achieve better life quality for edentulous individuals, reconstructing the facial aesthetics and the masticatory function. Various artificial teeth with different occlusal anatomy are available in the market. Theoretically, teeth with bigger cuspal heights provide a better masticatory efficiency. The aim of this study was to compare the masticatory efficiency of complete denture wearers with artificial teeth of two cuspal heights. Twenty selected complete denture wearers was given complete dentures with higher cuspal height teeth. Fifteen days after post-insertion consults, the first masticatory efficiency test was taken with Optocal. After the test, a pair of complete dentures with lower cuspal height teeth was given to the subjects, replacing higher cuspal height teeth prosthesis. The complete dentures with lower cuspal height teeth were fabricated by means of duplicating the same rockstone models used for the higher cuspal height teeth complete dentures using agar. Fifteen days after post-insertion consults of the subjects wearing the lower cuspal height teeth, a second masticatory efficiency test was taken with optocal. On booth cases, comminuted material was treated and sieved on a stack of sieves under vibration. The content of each sieve was weighed and the data obtained was tabulated. Mean and standard deviation of subjects masticatory efficiency of complete dentures with higher cuspal height teeth were 4,1 and 0,76 respectively. While tests of complete dentures with lower cuspal height teeth was 3,83 and 0,95 respectively. According to the statistical analysis applied to this study (p<0,05), there were no differences on masticatory efficiency in complete dentures with two different cuspal height teeth.
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A comparative study to evaluate patient satisfaction with conventional dentures and implant retained overdentures.Al-Makki, Amjad January 2006 (has links)
<p><span style="font-size: 8pt / " text-align:="" font-family:="" color:="">The edentulous jaw is a common feature in elderly patients that had lost their teeth during life due to local reasons such as poor oral hygiene and dental caries as well as periodontal disease. Hence these patients are the victims of biological phenomenona that lead to difficulties in different aspects of patient comfort with dentures. Clinicians are always concerned to minimize these difficulties and increase patient comfort through manufacturing a proper prosthesis to substitute for the loss of the natural teeth as well as the surrounding structures for optimum satisfaction and improved quality of life of the patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate patient satisfaction regarding function and aesthetics with conventional mandibular dentures and implant retained mandibular overdentures in denture wearers.</span></p>
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The effect of cementation technique on the retention of adhesively cemented prefabricated postsPolo Montes, Carlos A. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed Feb. 5, 2008). Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-83).
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Plaque formation and gingival inflammation as influenced by the lingual bar position of the mandibular removable partial denture a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... in denture prosthodontics ... /Adams, Mark W. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1986.
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Effect of denture cleanser on the surface roughness and hardness of denture base materials /Tieng Chhnoeum, Nitipun Jeeraphaet, January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Prosthodontics))--Mahidol University, 2008.
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A clinical evaluation of silicone rubber as a denture base lining material a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... denture prosthesis ... /Sauer, John L. January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1964.
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