Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deposition""
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The Cleveland Shale displays a characteristic and distinctive pattern of promontories and recessed intervals on weathered outcrops, which appears to represent cyclicity. This weathering pattern can be observed in other shales, both within and outside the Appalachian Basin; so determining the nature of these cycles may be critical for understanding the origin of, not only the Cleveland Shale, but also of black shales in general. Cyclicity in the Cleveland was examined on a decimeter-to-meter scale using lithologic characterization, gamma-ray stratigraphy and x-ray fluorescence, and on a millimeter-to-centimeter scale using organic petrography. Lithologic characterization and gamma-ray stratigraphy revealed Milankovitch-band fourth- and fifth-order cyclicity related to changes in the earth’s orbital eccentricity (100 ka) and obliquity of the earth’s axis (42 ka), respectively. Sedimentological changes associated with these cycles were identified through organic petrography and x-ray fluorescence. A depositional model was developed from these data sets, which suggests that cyclic changes in local climate — from cold and wet to warm and dry — controlled advancing and retreating glaciation in the adjacent Acadian mountains as well as concomitant sea-level rise and fall in the Black-Shale Sea. Such changes would have controlled sediment influx to the sea and are thought to be reflected in the cycles.
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Provenance Analysis of the Sperm Bluff Formation, southern Victoria Land, AntarcticaSavage, Jeni Ellen January 2005 (has links)
Beacon Supergroup rocks of probable Devonian age, containing conglomerate clasts of lithologies unknown in outcrop in southern Victoria Land (SVL) occur in the St Johns Range to Bull Pass Region, SVL, Antarctica. The Lower Taylor Group sedimentary rocks, herein called the Sperm Bluff Formation, unconformably rest on the regionally extensive Kukri Erosion Surface that truncates local basement. The basement complex includes three Plutonic Suites, Dry Valley (DV) 1a, DVIb and DV2 of the Granite Harbour Intrusives that intrude metasedimentary rocks of the Koettlitz Group. Allibone et al. (1993b) suggested a SVL terrane accretion event may have occurred about the same time as accretion of a terrane known as the Bowers terrane in northern Victoria Land (NVL) based on changing chemistry of the CambroOrdovician granitoids. Further, it is suggested that conglomerate clasts of the Sperm Bluff Formation may have been derived from this postulated terrane (Allibone et al., 1993b; and Turnbull et al., 1994). Following extensive fieldwork provenance studies and basin analysis of the sedimentary Sperm Bluff Formation are used here to test these ideas. The Sperm Bluff Conglomerate of Turnbull et al. (1994) is re-interpreted as the Sperm Bluff Formation and described using a lithofacies-based approach. The Sperm Bluff Formation is divided into six lithofacies including 1) Conglomerate Lithofacies; 2) Pebbly Sandstone Lithofacies; 3) Crossbedded Sandstone Lithofacies; 4) Parallelbedded Lithofacies; 5) Low-angle Crossbedded Lithofacies; and 6) Interbedded Siltstone/Sandstone Lithofacies. The intimate field association of the Conglomerate, Pebbly Sandstone and Crossbedded Sandstone Lithofacies ties them to the Conglomerate Lithofacies Association whereas the other three units are independent. The Conglomerate Lithofacies Association is interpreted to represent a wavedominated deltaic environment, based on the presence of broad channels, pervasive crossbedding, paleocurrent and trace fossil data. Both Parallel-bedded and Low-angle Crossbedded Sandstone Lithofacies are interpreted as a foreshore-shore face shallow marine setting on the basis of low-angle crossbeds and trace fossil assemblages. The Interbedded Siltstone and Sandstone Lithofacies is interpreted as an estuarine environment based on alternating siltstone/sandstone beds and the presence of flaser and lenticular bedding, small crossbedded dune sets, mud drapes, syneresis cracks and diverse paleocurrent directions. An estuarine setting is tentatively favoured over a lagoonal setting due to the presence of syneresis cracks small channels and the proximity to a river delta. I suggest that the Sperm Bluff Formation is likely a lateral correlative of the Altar Mt Formation of the Middle Taylor Group, in particular the Odin Arkose Member. This interpretation is based on arkosic nature of the sedimentary rocks, regional paleocurrent patterns, the presence of salmon pink grits at Gargoyle Turrets and trace fossil assemblages. The upper most lithofacies at Mt Suess, the Low-angle Crossbedded Sandstone Lithofacies that only occurs at this site is- suggested as a lateral correlative to the Arena Sandstone, which stratigraphically overlies the Altar Mt Formation, based on quartzose composition, clay matrix, stratigraphic position and trace fossils present. Provenance analysis was carried out on sedimentary rocks and conglomerate clasts using clasts counts of conglomerates, petrographic analysis of clasts, point counts of sandstones and clasts, geochemistry and V-Pb detrital zircon analysis. Conglomerate clasts lithologies include dominantly silicic igneous clasts and finely crystalline quartzite clast amongst other subordinate lithologies such as vein quartz, schist, schorl rock, gneiss and sandstone. Despite past identification of granitoid clasts in the Sperm Bluff Formation (Turnbull et al., 1994), none were found. Rhyolitic clasts of the Sperm Bluff Formation have compositions typical of highly evolved subduction related rocks, although they have undergone post-emplacement silicification. Wysoczanski et al. (2003) date rhyolite and tuff clasts between 497±17 Ma and 492±8 Ma, placing them within error of all three Dry Valley Magmatic Suites and removing the likelihood of correlation to NVL volcanic rocks. Petrographic analysis suggests they are components of a silicic magmatic complex. Chemically the volcanic clasts appear to represent a single magmatic suite (Sperm Bluff Clast Suite), and are clearly related to the Dry Valley Plutonic Suites. Although clasts are not constrained beyond doubt to one Suite, DV2 is the best match. Quartzite clasts of the Sperm Bluff Formation are too pure and old to be derived from a local source. Detrital zircon V-Pb ages for the quartzite suggest zircons were derived from the East Antarctic Craton, and that the quartzite source rocks were deposited prior to the Ross-Delamarian Orogeny. Quartzite with a similar age signature has not been identified; however, the Junction Formation sandstone of northwest Nelson has a similar age spectrum. Sandstones from the Sperm Bluff Formation indicate derivation from a felsic continental block provenance, which contain elements of volcanic, hyperbyssal and plutonic rocks. They are arkosic to quartzose in composition and conspicuously lack plagioclase. Detrital zircon analyses give a strong 500 Ma peak in all 3 samples, characteristic of a Ross-Delamarian Orogen source, with few other peaks. The dominance of a single peak is highly suggestive oflocal derivation. The sedimentary rocks of the Sperm Bluff Formation are interpreted to be derived predominantly from the basement rocks they now overlie. The presence of the regionally extensive Kukri Erosion Surface at the lower contact of the Beacon Supergroup rocks implies an intermediate source must have existed. This most likely contained all components of the formation. I suggest that the DV2 Suite was emplaced in a subsiding, extensional intra-arc setting. Erosion of the uplifted arc region probably occurred from Late Ordovician to Silurian times with deposition of sediments in a subsiding intra-arc basin. Erosion of the rhyolitic complex in this region probably occurred, however, it is likely that some was preserved. Inversion of this basin prior to the Devonian probably provided the means for these sediments to be deposited as the Sperm Bluff Fonnation.
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Controls on deposition of coal and clastic sediment in the Waikato coal measuresHall, Steven Leon January 2003 (has links)
Coal seams in the Waikato Coal Measures can vary significantly in thickness over distances of hundreds of meters to kilometers. Previously, the primary depositional controls on these variations have been inferred to be syn-depositional normal faulting and pre-depositional paleotopography. The data presented in support of these models are typically equivocal and which, if any, of these processes provide the principal control on the geometry and spatial distribution of coal seams in the Waikato Coal Region is uncertain. This study utilizes a large database of drill-logs, seismic-reflection lines and mine exposures in four areas (Huntly, Maramarua, North HuntlylWaikare and Rotowaro Coalfields) to test whether syn-depositional faulting and/or paleotopography influence coal seam architecture. These data were used to construct cross sections across faults and basement topography, which in turn, offer information on the relative timing of faulting and coal measure deposition, together with information on the spatial relations between seam thicknesses, faulting and paleotopography. Cross sections and isopach maps together with examination of spatial and temporal variations in fault displacements reveal that syn-depositional normal faulting had little or no impact on the deposition of the Waikato Coal Measures. Only in the Maramarua study area was any evidence found of fault control on coal measure deposition, with the Landing Fault accruing displacement between deposition of the Kupalrupa Seam and the end of coal measure sedimentation. The vast majority of faults in the Waikato Coalfield were, however, active following coal measure deposition. For example, the Foote, Kimihia and Pukekapia faults show evidence of displacement accrual, which commenced during deposition of the Mangakotuku Formation (37-35 Ma BP). The duration of this episode of faulting is difficult to determine, but may have ceased about 30 Ma ago. In addition, a number of faults (e.g. Foote Fault) display evidence oflate stage extension during the last 5 Ma. Given the lack of stratigraphic evidence for fault displacements during deposition of coal measures, it is suggested that the Mangakotuku and Waipuna basement scarps are erosional rather than tectonic features. Cross sections, together with structure contour and isopach maps in each of the four study areas examined, indicate that basement topography was the dominant control on the spatially variable accumulation of peat. These data show coal seams both thinning into, and away from, topographic lows. To account for this observation a model is proposed, in which peat accumulation is controlled by basement relief and sediment supply to parts of the depositional system. In the model it is postulated that the Waikato Coal Measures depositional system was a continuum between two end members. In one end member, with a high sediment supply, sediment is channeled into the lowest topographic areas and peat accumulates mainly on topographic highs. In the other end member, with little or no sediment supply, peat accumulates to its greatest thickness in areas of relatively low topography, in addition to on basement ridges. In the Rotowaro and North Huntly/Waikare study areas, the thickest peat developed on basement highs and the lows acted as a conduit for sedimentation. On basement highs, peat mires were largely sheltered from clastic sediment influx. In the Huntly East and Maramarua study areas, the thickest peat accumulated in basement lows, with comparable clastic sedimentation in highs and lows. The proposed model has application to other coalfields where peat accumulated on an undulating topographic surface and sediment supply was channelised. Prediction of coal seam thickness, as well as lithological types, is crucial in coal exploration and development. The methodology developed and employed in this study can be applied to other basins to access and model coal and clastic sediment distribution.
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Mudanças morfológicas na evolução do megaleque do Taquari : uma análise com base em dados orbitais /Zani, Hiran. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Luis Assine / Banca: Márcio de Morisson Valeriano / Banca: Archimedes Perez Filho / Resumo: Esta dissertação visa caracterizar mudanças morfológicas recentes no megaleque do Taquari, através de dados de Sensoriamento Remoto. As baixas declividades do terreno e pequenas amplitudes das formas deposicionais, que predominam nesta paisagem, demandaram o desenvolvimento de métodos específicos para a extração das informações. Dados SRTM e imagens multiespectrais foram utilizados no mapeamento dos paleocanais e confecção de modelos digitais de elevação. A drenagem relicta foi mapeada através de desenho digital, sobre mosaicos georreferenciados dos sensores ASTER, MODIS e CBERS2. Nos vetores dos paleocanais identificados foi realizado cálculo de densidade areal e criados histogramas direcionais (rosetas), que ressaltaram relações topológicas e permitiram a interpretação de seis lobos deposicionais. Modelos digitais de elevação foram gerados através da subtração dos dados SRTM originais com uma superfície topográfica simplificada pelo método de regressão polinomial cúbica. Este processamento ressaltou zonas deprimidas no megaleque, espaços potenciais para acúmulo de sedimentos, e zonas de sobrelevadas, devido à processos agradacionais contínuos em determinadas áreas. A identificação e caracterização destas formas é passo inicial para a reconstituição dos eventos geomórficos e antevisão de futuras mudanças no curso do rio Taquari. A dinâmica de construção e abandono dos lobos mostrou-se mais complexa do que o apresentado em trabalhos anteriores, sendo de aspecto fragmentado e de natureza fractal. / Abstract: This work aims characterize morphological changes in Taquari megafan, by remote sensing techniques. Gentle slopes of landscape and low amplitudes of geoforms demands the development of specific methods to extract valuable topographic information. SRTM data and multispectral images were used to map paleochannels and to build digital elevation models (DEM). Relict streams were mapped by computer-aided design in GIS environment, using georeferenced mosaics of ASTER, CBERS and MODIS sensors. These vectors were used to calculate drainage density and directional histograms, revealing topological aspects and lead to interpret 6 depositional lobes. DEM was obtained by subtracting the original SRTM data from a simplified surface generated by cubic polynomial regression. This product revealed depressed areas in the Taquari megafan, potential accommodation spaces for deposition, and geoforms with a higher amplitude than their neighbor, probably because of continuous gradational processes in these specifics sites. The recognition of these landforms is the initial step for figure out the evolution of geomorphic events and to support a well done planning in land occupation. The dynamics of Taquari megafan showed to be more complex than previous studies proposed. / Mestre
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Facies Analysis and Depositional Environments of the Saints & Sinners Quarry in the Nugget Sandstone of Northeastern UtahShumway, Jesse Dean 01 December 2016 (has links)
The Saints & Sinners Quarry preserves the only known vertebrate body fossils in the Nugget Sandstone and the most diverse fauna known from the Nugget-Navajo-Aztec erg system. The fauna includes eight genera and >18,000 bone and bone fragments assignable to >76 individuals, including theropods, sphenosuchians, sphenodontians, drepanosaurs, procolophonids, and a dimorphodontid pterosaur. Cycadeoid fronds are the only plant fossils. There are two depositional environments at the site – dune and interdune, each consisting of two or more faces. The dune facies are (1) Trough Cross-Stratified Sandstone (TCS) representing dry dunes, and (2) Massive and Bioturbated Dunes (MBD) representing bioturbated, damp dunes. The interdune facies are (1) Wavy Sandstone (WSS) representing wet and damp flats with biofilms and tridactyl tracks, (2) Green Clays and Silts (GCS) representing quiet lacustrine waters, (3) Planar Laminated Sandstone (PLS) representing lacustrine dust and sand storm deposits which grade laterally into (4) Massive Bone Bed (MBB) shoreline deposits. The vertical and lateral relationships of the dune and interdune facies suggests that an interdune flat developed (WSS facies) likely by deflation of dunes down to, or near to, the water table. As the water table rose, a shallow lake developed (GCS facies) and trapped wind-blown sediment during sand storms (PLS Facies). The taxonomically diverse vertebrate fauna suggest a mass die-off occurred, likely due to drought. The carcasses and bones were buried by three distinct depositional events, each a bone bed (MBB facies) - separated by very thin clays (GCS facies). Thereafter the water table dropped resulting in several cm-scale sandstone beds with tridactyl tracks (WSS facies). Then migrating dunes buried the interdune flat. These dunes hosted burrowing invertebrates for a moderate time resulting in the destruction of nearly all primary sedimentary structures (MBD facies). Ultimately, as the area dried further, more dunes migrated over these bioturbated surfaces and the area returned to dune field conditions (TCS facies). The Saints & Sinners site indicates that a previously unrecognized, remarkably diverse vertebrate fauna thrived in wet interdunes of western North America's Late Triassic erg system. A massive-die-off, likely due to a drought, provided a wealth of carcasses and their bones. The dynamic shoreline representing the interface of dunes and standing water provided favorable conditions for rapid burial of small carcasses and the disarticulated bones of larger individuals.
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Foraminiferal biostratigraphy and depositional environment of the early cretaceous drilled succession in Durban basin, east coast, South AfricaNsingi, Joseph Mayala January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Durban Basin located on the eastern coast of South Africa has been a focus of interest for Petroleum Exploration for the last few decades. Only four exploratory wells have been drilled in this offshore basin without success. During the initial stage of its creation, the basin suffered major tectonic disturbance as evident from the presence extensional faults followed by intense igneous activities. This was followed by marine sedimentation in the late Mesozoic (late Jurassic-early Cretaceous). An attempt has been made in this work to understand the distribution of the rock in space and time for the early Cretaceous sediments considered most prospective for hydrocarbon exploration in Southern Africa. Temporal distribution of planktonic foraminifera helps in identification of the three early Cretaceous (Barremian to Albian) stages within the drilled intervals. Foraminiferal biostratigraphic studies integrated with sedimentology, log motif analysis and seismic data analysis helps to predict paleodepth and depositional environment during early Cretaceous in this research. / 2022-04-30
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Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments and Geochemistry of the middle Cambrian Bloomington Formation in Northern UtahJensen, Christopher Ryan 01 May 2015 (has links)
The Bloomington Formation (~425 m thick) is a latest Middle Cambrian (~506.5-505 Ma), mixed, warm water, continental-shelf carbonate and fine-grained siliciclastic unit on the Cordilleran passive margin exposed in northern Utah and southern Idaho. Thicknesses of the Bloomington Formation at Calls Fort Canyon are 111 m in the Hodges Shale Member, 230 m in the middle limestone Member, and 84 m in the Calls Fort Shale Member.
The Hodges Shale and Calls Fort Shale Members are shale dominated and represent outer detrital belt deposition. The Logan Canyon outcrop of the Hodges Shale Member shows an environmental change that may represent a transition form an open marine facies into what appears to be a lagoonal facies. The middle limestone member represents shallow marine carbonate deposition on the passive margin shelf.
The Bloomington Formation has a low fossil abundance and diversity when compared to correlative units such as the Wheeler and Marjum Formations. There are, however, 10-50 cm thrombolite bioherms, associated with Girvanella oncoliths. These bioherms indicate a shallow-water carbonate facies that experienced a small flooding event that gives the bioherms time and proper conditions to build up.
δ18O and δ13C results both show positive and negative shifts with δ13CVPDB values of 1.0 to -4.7 per mil and δ18OVSMOW values of -12.9 to -20.8 per mil. A negative δ13C excursion in the Hodges Shale may correlate to a similar excursion in the base of the Wheeler Formation that represents the DICE event. Lower and Middle Cambrian Formations in the Wellsville Range have been interpreted as being part of a second order transgressive system and containing third and higher-order cycles. The contact of the Hodges Shale Member and the underlying Blacksmith Dolomite represents a flooding surface and a sequence boundary, followed by a third order cycle. Flooding is indicated by shale deposits that overlie carbonates with a shallowing upward trend. High frequency fourth or fifth order cycles are expressed as laminated shale and thick-bedded limestones as well as thick packages of interbedded, thin limestones and shales.
A PCA analysis of thin section point counts indicates that the limestone lithologies of all three members repeat throughout the entire Formation, suggesting cycles of relative sea level rise that cause repeating facies.
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Comparison and Analysis of a Lignite Seam in the Wilcox Group, Choctaw and Kemper County, MississippiJohns, Joshua M 01 May 2010 (has links)
The Wilcox Group includes the most abundant lignite bearing strata in Mississippi. Currently, the only lignite mine in Mississippi is located in Choctaw County with a proposed mine in Kemper County. Six lignite seams are currently mined in Choctaw County. One of those seams is believed to be continuous, from SE Choctaw County through central Winston County, NE Neshoba County into SW Kemper County (roughly 50 miles). Establishing a cross section from Choctaw to Kemper County verifying a continuous lignite seam would provide a stratigraphic marker horizon in correlation along strike, which is uncommon in the Wilcox Group sediments. Through observation of over 60 geophysical logs from test wells along strike, SEM and petrographic microscopy, the lignite seam was verified as being continuous from the mine in Choctaw County to the new proposed site in Kemper County and should be used as stratigraphic marker horizon for correlation along strike.
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An integrated study of the early cretaceous (Valanginian) reservoir from the Gamtoos Basin, offshore South Africa with special reference to seismic cacies, formation evaluation and static reservoir modelingAyodele, Oluwatoyin January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Integrated approaches in the study of petroleum exploration are increasingly becoming significant in recent times and have yielded much better result as oil exploration is a combination of different related topics. The production capacity in hydrocarbon exploration has been the major concern for oil and gas industries. In the present work an integrated approach was made with seismic, well logs and biostratigraphy for predicting the depositional environment and to understand the heterogeneity within the reservoirs belonging to Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) age of Gamtoos Basin, Offshore South Africa.
Objectively, the integrated work was mainly based on seismic stratigraphy (seismic sequence and seismic facie analysis) for interpretation of the depositional environments with combination of microfossil biostratigraphic inputs. The biostratigraphic study provides evidences of paleo depth from benthic foraminifera and information about bottom condition within the sedimentary basin, changing of depositional depth during gradual basinal fill during the Valanginian time.
The petrophysical characterization of the reservoir succession was based on formation evaluation studies using well logs to investigate the hydrocarbon potential of the reservoir across Valanginian depositional sequence. Further, the static modeling from 2D-seismic data interpreted to a geological map to 3D-numerical modeling by stochastic model to quantify the evaluation of uncertainty for accurate characterisation of the reservoir sandstones and to provide better understanding of the spatial distribution of the discrete and continuous Petrophysical properties within the study area.
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Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Late Mississippian Little Stone Gap Member in the Appalachians of West VirginiaOyewumi, Adeola Adedoyin 12 June 2012 (has links)
The upper Mississippian (Chesterian) Little Stone Gap Member of the Hinton Formation in southern West Virginia was evaluated for its lithofacies and faunal composition. Petrographic and multivariate analyses were used to provide a better understanding of the ecological factors and sequence stratigraphic processes that controlled taxa ordinations and spatiotemporal shifts in facies. Six carbonate and three siliciclastic facies occur within the study interval and these facies stack into two distinct parasequence types. Siliciclastic facies were deposited in continental, low-energy lagoonal and marginal marine environments. Carbonate facies record variable energy conditions in lagoonal, shoal, shoal flank and open marine settings. Parasequence stacking patterns are interpreted as resulting from regional fifth-order glacioeustatic sea-level changes consistent with established age constraints for fourth-order sequences. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) of paleontological bulk samples produced similar differentiation of habitats into carbonates and siliciclastics thereby demonstrating the importance of interpreting ordination patterns within a facies framework. The combined DCA analysis of samples and taxa indicates that bryozoans, crinoids and rugose corals preferentially occur in carbonate facies whereas brachiopods, the most dominant taxon, are abundant in both. Results suggest the presence of significant paleoenvironmental gradients in fossil associations that correlates to changes in hydrodynamic conditions and substrate composition across the depositional system. / Master of Science
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