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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-linear viscoelastic strain analysis for engineering polymers

Chaikittiratana, Arisara January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Smart distributed processing technologies for hedge fund management

Thayalakumar, Sinnathurai January 2017 (has links)
Distributed processing cluster design using commodity hardware and software has proven to be a technological breakthrough in the field of parallel and distributed computing. The research presented herein is the original investigation on distributed processing using hybrid processing clusters to improve the calculation efficiency of the compute-intensive applications. This has opened a new frontier in affordable supercomputing that can be utilised by businesses and industries at various levels. Distributed processing that uses commodity computer clusters has become extremely popular over recent years, particularly among university research groups and research organisations. The research work discussed herein addresses a bespoke-oriented design and implementation of highly specific and different types of distributed processing clusters with applied load balancing techniques that are well suited for particular business requirements. The research was performed in four phases, which are cohesively interconnected, to find a suitable solution using a new type of distributed processing approaches. The first phase is an implementation of a bespoke-type distributed processing cluster using an existing network of workstations as a calculation cluster based on a loosely coupled distributed process system design that has improved calculation efficiency of certain legacy applications. This approach has demonstrated how to design an innovative, cost-effective, and efficient way to utilise a workstation cluster for distributed processing. The second phase is to improve the calculation efficiency of the distributed processing system; a new type of load balancing system is designed to incorporate multiple processing devices. The load balancing system incorporates hardware, software and application related parameters to assigned calculation tasks to each processing devices accordingly. Three types of load balancing methods are tested, static, dynamic and hybrid, which each of them has their own advantages, and all three of them have further improved the calculation efficiency of the distributed processing system. The third phase is to facilitate the company to improve the batch processing application calculation time, and two separate dedicated calculation clusters are built using small form factor (SFF) computers and PCs as separate peer-to-peer (P2P) network based calculation clusters. Multiple batch processing applications were tested on theses clusters, and the results have shown consistent calculation time improvement across all the applications tested. In addition, dedicated clusters are built using SFF computers with reduced power consumption, small cluster size, and comparatively low cost to suit particular business needs. The fourth phase incorporates all the processing devices available in the company as a hybrid calculation cluster utilises various type of servers, workstations, and SFF computers to form a high-throughput distributed processing system that consolidates multiple calculations clusters. These clusters can be utilised as multiple mutually exclusive multiple clusters or combined as a single cluster depending on the applications used. The test results show considerable calculation time improvements by using consolidated calculation cluster in conjunction with rule-based load balancing techniques. The main design concept of the system is based on the original design that uses first principle methods and utilises existing LAN and separate P2P network infrastructures, hardware, and software. Tests and investigations conducted show promising results where the company's legacy applications can be modified and implemented with different types of distributed processing clusters to achieve calculation and processing efficiency for various applications within the company. The test results have confirmed the expected calculation time improvements in controlled environments and show that it is feasible to design and develop a bespoke-type dedicated distributed processing cluster using existing hardware, software, and low-cost SFF computers. Furthermore, a combination of bespoke distributed processing system with appropriate load balancing algorithms has shown considerable calculation time improvements for various legacy and bespoke applications. Hence, the bespoke design is better suited to provide a solution for the calculation of time improvements for critical problems currently faced by the sponsoring company.

A comparative evaluation of hydrostatic pressure and buckling of a large cylindrical steel tank designed according to EN14015 and according to the Eurocodes

Kambita, Musole January 2022 (has links)
Above ground steel storage tanks are used worldwide for the storage of various liquids. EN 14015:2005, which has traditionally been used to design the tanks, does not necessarily fulfil the requirements of the Swedish Building Code. This has been underlined by hand calculation models in EN 1993-1-6:2007, EN 1993-4-2:2007 and numerical analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM). Therefore, this thesis investigates the differences between these design models and, preliminarily, the use of high-strength steel in tank shells. A 10600 m3 cylindrical steel tank of diameter 26 m and height of 21 m located in Gothenburg, Sweden is studied. The study is limited to the assessment of the stress in the shell courses due to the hydrostatic pressure from the fluid action of a filled tank, and the buckling behaviour of the shell courses of an empty tank subjected to self-weight, snow and wind loads. Particularly, models of the tank shell with a yield strength of 355 MPa are investigated in detail, while the results of the 700 MPa model are considered as preliminary study, since the material is currently not used for tank shells. An analysis of the fluid action on the tank shell courses in each of the three hand calculation models, showed that the EN 14015 model utilizes thicker courses than both Eurocodes. One benefit of the Eurocode models is that they do not limit the thickness of the shell courses, but it is still necessary to have thicker courses in the upper part of the tank in order to achieve sufficient resistance against buckling. EN 14015:2005, on the other hand, limits the minimum thickness to 6 mm for the investigated tank. Furthermore, only EN 1993-1-6 is applicable to the models with a yield strength of 700 MPa as per EN 1993-1-12 and this resulted in a uniform shell thickness of 6 mm. However, an increase in yield strength has no buckling benefits whatsoever.  Buckling is the most critical aspect as observed in this study. EN 14015 has no specific buckling calculations but uses the approach of determining the number of stiffening rings which are deemed adequate against buckling. In this study, 3 secondary stiffening rings were found to be adequate. In comparison, the results of EN 1993-4-2 are very conservative and lead to a very high and uneconomical number of stiffening rings, ranging from 30 to 52 stiffening rings depending on the reliability class. EN 1993-1-6 resulted in 6-17 stiffening rings, for reliability classes 1-3 and fabrication classes A-C. Therefore, the so-called analytical models in the Eurocodes result in a much denser spacing of stiffening rings than 14015:2005.  The buckling stresses due to the design loads were found to be lower than the yield strength of the tank shells for both hand calculation and FEM models. This means that the tank shells failed in buckling before the yield strength of the material was reached. Based on the parametric study of the EN 1993-1-6 (355 MPa) model regarding reliability class 1 and fabrication class A using FEM, the spacing of the stiffening rings can be increased up to 60 % (from 3825 mm to 6120 mm) with the variable loads also increased simultaneously up to 3.8 times before the shell buckles. Therefore, the design of future tanks using numerical analysis guarantee’s more reliability than all the aforementioned standards.  The design for buckling according to EN 14015 is only valid for a design snow load and under-pressure ≤ 1.2 KN/m2. However, according to the standard itis possible to agree to use it for larger actions or use another design model for buckling.

Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung saisonal anfallender Abwässer in ländlich strukturierten Gebieten durch Anpassung der Bemessungsgrundlagen und temporäre Aktivierung interner Reserven

Schalk, Thomas 13 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Vor dem Hintergrund saisonaler Einflussfaktoren stellen ländlich strukturierte Gebiete besondere Anforderungen an Bemessung und Betrieb von Kläranlagen. Tourismus bildet neben landwirtschaftlich bedingten Ernte- und Verarbeitungskampagnen den bedeutendsten Faktor für saisonale Belastungsschwankungen. Da der größte Teil der Fremdenverkehrseinrichtungen über weniger als 100 Übernachtungsplätze verfügt, besteht bei fehlendem Kanalanschluss ein entsprechender Bedarf an Klein- und Kleinen Kläranlagen zur Behandlung der anfallenden Abwässer. Die Bemessung von Kläranlagen der Größenklasse 1 wird bei fehlenden Messwerten auf Grundlage der im ATV-DVWK-A 198 (2003) als 85-%-Perzentil angegebenen einwohnerspezifischen Frachten durchgeführt. Abwasser aus einfachen Fremdenverkehrseinrichtungen wie Campingplätzen und Hütten weist im Vergleich zur üblichen kommunalen Abwasserzusammensetzung bezogen auf CSB und BSB5 höhere Anteile an Stickstoff- und Phosphorverbindungen auf. Die spezifischen Stickstofffrachten liegen i. M. bei 10 – 11 g/P/d, die spezifischen CSB-Frachten bei i. M. 52 – 68 g/P/d. Die tatsächlichen Frachten werden von der Ausstattung (Restaurant, Wäscherei, etc.) der jeweiligen Unterkunft beeinflusst und sind in der Bemessung gesondert zu berücksichtigen. Für die Behandlung saisonal anfallender Abwässer eignen sich Verfahren mit großem vorgeschaltetem Puffervolumen oder Anlagen mit großem internem Puffer, wie z. B. Bodenfilteranlagen. Anaerobe Vorbehandlungsanlagen wie Anaerobic Baffled Reactors (ABR) können bei entsprechenden Temperaturen zur Frachtentlastung nachgeschalteter aerober Stufen beitragen. Unter gemäßigten Klimabedingungen werden inklusive Sedimentationsprozessen in Vorklärbecken i. M. 50 % des zugeführten CSB eliminiert. Aufgrund der starken Temperaturabhängigkeit des CSB-Abbaus, der Dauer des Einfahrbetriebs, der Empfindlichkeit gegenüber zu hohem Schlammabzug und des nicht berechenbaren Feststoffabtriebs ist unter gemäßigten Klimabedingungen und ohne technische Weiterentwicklung des Verfahrens keine über den Wirkungsgrad von Absetzanlagen hinausgehende Eliminationsleistung bei der Bemessung kalkulierbar. Für saisonal belastete Bodenfilter stellt die Abminderung des Flächenbedarfs bzw. die Steigerung der CSB-Flächenbelastung analog zum nicht belasteten Zeitraum eine betriebssichere und wirtschaftliche Lösung dar, bei der die Einhaltung der Mindestanforderungen gewährleistet ist. Bei geforderter Nitrifikation ist aufgrund des hohen TKN-Konzentrationsniveaus im Abwasser aus Fremdenverkehrseinrichtungen ein Wirkungsgrad von > 95 % für die TKN-Elimination erforderlich. Im Abwasser enthaltene Hemmstoffe, insbesondere in Vorkläranlagen gebildetes Sulfid, können die Nitrifikation beeinträchtigen. Dabei werden Ammoniumoxidation und Nitritoxidation gehemmt. Charakteristisch sind hohe NH4-N- und NO2-N-Konzentrationen im Ablauf (Extremwerte bis zu 55 mg NO2-N/l). Während sich Nitritoxidierer über mehrere Jahre an dauerhaft hohe Sulfidkonzentrationen adaptieren können, wird die Ammoniumoxidation direkt über die Sulfidkonzentration beeinflusst. / In rural communities seasonal factors complicate design and operation of wastewater treatment plants. Tourism as well as agricultural harvesting and processing campaigns are the major causes for seasonal load variations. Due to the fact that accommodation capacities in rural tourism industry rarely exceed 100 beds small sewage treatment plants are acquired if a connection to a sewer system is not feasible. Small wastewater treatment plants can be designed using the population equivalents (PE). According to the German Water Association spreadsheet ATV-DVWK-A 198, PEs are defined as the 85-%-percentile input load. Wastewater of basic accommodations like camping sites and lodges contains higher levels of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds than 'standard' domestic wastewater. The mean specific nitrogen loads reach 10 – 11 g/guest/d, the mean specific COD-load 52 – 68 g/guest/d. The special amenities of vacation homes (restaurant, laundry) affect the real loads and have to be considered in dimensioning. Regarding the treatment of seasonal wastewater, processes with large upstream buffer or large internal buffer, such as constructed wetlands, are suitable. Furthermore, at moderate temperatures anaerobic pretreatment devices, like anaerobic baffled reactors (ABR), can reduce the input load to aerobic post treatment stages. An approximate COD elimination of 50 % can be expected by anaerobic degradation and sedimentation in the ABR in combination with upstream primary clarifiers at around 20 °C. Due to the strong temperature dependence, the long start-up-period, the sensitivity towards fail-desludging, the generation of immediate oxygen demand at low temperatures as well as unpredictable sludge overflow events, it does not seem justified to calculate higher design elimination efficiencies for ABRs than for sedimentation tanks. The design of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands with seasonally induced high loading periods are approved for the elimination of organic substances. This accepted assumption was confirmed for the plant under investigation operated at a mean COD-load of 20 g/m²/d, not exceeding the effluent control values for COD in six years. In contrast, oxidation of ammonia and nitrite were inhibited by high sulfide levels (mean sulfide concentration: 48 ± 26 mg/L). Nitrite accumulation reached its peak value at 55 mg NO2-N/L and decreased within 4 years below 1 mg/L due to the adaption of nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms.

Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung saisonal anfallender Abwässer in ländlich strukturierten Gebieten durch Anpassung der Bemessungsgrundlagen und temporäre Aktivierung interner Reserven

Schalk, Thomas 05 July 2017 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund saisonaler Einflussfaktoren stellen ländlich strukturierte Gebiete besondere Anforderungen an Bemessung und Betrieb von Kläranlagen. Tourismus bildet neben landwirtschaftlich bedingten Ernte- und Verarbeitungskampagnen den bedeutendsten Faktor für saisonale Belastungsschwankungen. Da der größte Teil der Fremdenverkehrseinrichtungen über weniger als 100 Übernachtungsplätze verfügt, besteht bei fehlendem Kanalanschluss ein entsprechender Bedarf an Klein- und Kleinen Kläranlagen zur Behandlung der anfallenden Abwässer. Die Bemessung von Kläranlagen der Größenklasse 1 wird bei fehlenden Messwerten auf Grundlage der im ATV-DVWK-A 198 (2003) als 85-%-Perzentil angegebenen einwohnerspezifischen Frachten durchgeführt. Abwasser aus einfachen Fremdenverkehrseinrichtungen wie Campingplätzen und Hütten weist im Vergleich zur üblichen kommunalen Abwasserzusammensetzung bezogen auf CSB und BSB5 höhere Anteile an Stickstoff- und Phosphorverbindungen auf. Die spezifischen Stickstofffrachten liegen i. M. bei 10 – 11 g/P/d, die spezifischen CSB-Frachten bei i. M. 52 – 68 g/P/d. Die tatsächlichen Frachten werden von der Ausstattung (Restaurant, Wäscherei, etc.) der jeweiligen Unterkunft beeinflusst und sind in der Bemessung gesondert zu berücksichtigen. Für die Behandlung saisonal anfallender Abwässer eignen sich Verfahren mit großem vorgeschaltetem Puffervolumen oder Anlagen mit großem internem Puffer, wie z. B. Bodenfilteranlagen. Anaerobe Vorbehandlungsanlagen wie Anaerobic Baffled Reactors (ABR) können bei entsprechenden Temperaturen zur Frachtentlastung nachgeschalteter aerober Stufen beitragen. Unter gemäßigten Klimabedingungen werden inklusive Sedimentationsprozessen in Vorklärbecken i. M. 50 % des zugeführten CSB eliminiert. Aufgrund der starken Temperaturabhängigkeit des CSB-Abbaus, der Dauer des Einfahrbetriebs, der Empfindlichkeit gegenüber zu hohem Schlammabzug und des nicht berechenbaren Feststoffabtriebs ist unter gemäßigten Klimabedingungen und ohne technische Weiterentwicklung des Verfahrens keine über den Wirkungsgrad von Absetzanlagen hinausgehende Eliminationsleistung bei der Bemessung kalkulierbar. Für saisonal belastete Bodenfilter stellt die Abminderung des Flächenbedarfs bzw. die Steigerung der CSB-Flächenbelastung analog zum nicht belasteten Zeitraum eine betriebssichere und wirtschaftliche Lösung dar, bei der die Einhaltung der Mindestanforderungen gewährleistet ist. Bei geforderter Nitrifikation ist aufgrund des hohen TKN-Konzentrationsniveaus im Abwasser aus Fremdenverkehrseinrichtungen ein Wirkungsgrad von > 95 % für die TKN-Elimination erforderlich. Im Abwasser enthaltene Hemmstoffe, insbesondere in Vorkläranlagen gebildetes Sulfid, können die Nitrifikation beeinträchtigen. Dabei werden Ammoniumoxidation und Nitritoxidation gehemmt. Charakteristisch sind hohe NH4-N- und NO2-N-Konzentrationen im Ablauf (Extremwerte bis zu 55 mg NO2-N/l). Während sich Nitritoxidierer über mehrere Jahre an dauerhaft hohe Sulfidkonzentrationen adaptieren können, wird die Ammoniumoxidation direkt über die Sulfidkonzentration beeinflusst. / In rural communities seasonal factors complicate design and operation of wastewater treatment plants. Tourism as well as agricultural harvesting and processing campaigns are the major causes for seasonal load variations. Due to the fact that accommodation capacities in rural tourism industry rarely exceed 100 beds small sewage treatment plants are acquired if a connection to a sewer system is not feasible. Small wastewater treatment plants can be designed using the population equivalents (PE). According to the German Water Association spreadsheet ATV-DVWK-A 198, PEs are defined as the 85-%-percentile input load. Wastewater of basic accommodations like camping sites and lodges contains higher levels of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds than 'standard' domestic wastewater. The mean specific nitrogen loads reach 10 – 11 g/guest/d, the mean specific COD-load 52 – 68 g/guest/d. The special amenities of vacation homes (restaurant, laundry) affect the real loads and have to be considered in dimensioning. Regarding the treatment of seasonal wastewater, processes with large upstream buffer or large internal buffer, such as constructed wetlands, are suitable. Furthermore, at moderate temperatures anaerobic pretreatment devices, like anaerobic baffled reactors (ABR), can reduce the input load to aerobic post treatment stages. An approximate COD elimination of 50 % can be expected by anaerobic degradation and sedimentation in the ABR in combination with upstream primary clarifiers at around 20 °C. Due to the strong temperature dependence, the long start-up-period, the sensitivity towards fail-desludging, the generation of immediate oxygen demand at low temperatures as well as unpredictable sludge overflow events, it does not seem justified to calculate higher design elimination efficiencies for ABRs than for sedimentation tanks. The design of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands with seasonally induced high loading periods are approved for the elimination of organic substances. This accepted assumption was confirmed for the plant under investigation operated at a mean COD-load of 20 g/m²/d, not exceeding the effluent control values for COD in six years. In contrast, oxidation of ammonia and nitrite were inhibited by high sulfide levels (mean sulfide concentration: 48 ± 26 mg/L). Nitrite accumulation reached its peak value at 55 mg NO2-N/L and decreased within 4 years below 1 mg/L due to the adaption of nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms.

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