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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Destination Personality and Self-destination Congruity on Visitors' Intentions

Lim, Seonghwan 03 October 2013 (has links)
This research was initiated from two questions: what personality San Antonio has as a tourist destination despite its being an inanimate object and what relationships there are among destination personality, self-congruity, and visitors’ intentions. A conceptual framework was employed based on these questions, and this research focused on the generation of the destination personality of San Antonio and how destination personality and self-destination congruity influence visitors’ intentions. Data were collected from students (n=143) at Texas A&M University in consideration of Texas residents who have visited San Antonio as the focal population for this research. A personality scale consisting of 31 items for San Antonio was first developed from a preliminary survey (n=19), which were then included in a main survey for the measurement of destination personality. Using an exploratory factor analysis, destination personality dimensions were generated with the 31 personality traits. Finally, five personality dimensions were extracted with 25 traits. The five personality dimensions were: competence, sincerity, culture, excitement, and vibrancy. Three of five dimensions were found in Aaker’s (1997) scale: competence, sincerity, and excitement. The dimension of culture was specific to San Antonio, while the dimension of vibrancy was found in another destination personality study. In this research, six hypotheses regarding the relationships among destination personality, self-congruity, and visitors’ intentions were tested using a multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that: (1) hypotheses 1 and 2, destination personality will have a positive impact on visitors’ intentions to return and to recommend, were supported in part; (2) hypotheses 3 and 4, four types of self-congruity (actual, ideal, social, and ideal social self-congruity) will have a positive effect on visitors’ intentions to return and to recommend, were not supported, but self-congruity as a single dimension was significant; (3) hypotheses 5 and 6, four types of congruity will mediate the relationship between destination personality and intentions to return and to recommend, were not supported, while destination personality as a single dimension was significant in terms of visitors’ intentions. The results offered practical implications. First, destination marketers need to focus on the personality of a destination from a marketing perspective. Specifically, destination marketers for San Antonio should place emphasis on sincerity regarding intention to return and sincerity and excitement regarding intention to recommend in order to attract potential visitors to San Antonio. Second, destination marketers should know that there is a connection between destination personality and visitors’ personalities. They should make their efforts to market to potential visitors who have personalities that are consistent with the destination’s personality.

An Examination of Effects of Self-Concept, Destination Personality, and SC-DP Congruence on Tourist Behavior

Li, Xiangping 05 November 2009 (has links)
Factors influencing tourist behavior have been a focal point in tourism research for decades. Efforts to unveil the determinants that shape travel behavior stem not only from pure academic interest, but from practical business considerations (Pizam & Mansfeld, 1999). Destination personality, self-concept, and congruence between self-concept and destination personality (SC-DP congruence) are among the factors that are believed to influence tourist behavior. However, little research has been undertaken to understand the impact of these factors on tourist behavior. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects destination personality, self-concept and SC-DP congruence on tourist behavior. A theoretical model that attempts to investigate the influence of destination personality, self-concept, and SC-DP congruence on tourist behavior was developed and tested empirically. Specifically, the model proposed that tourist behavior is affected by destination personality, self-concept, and SC-DP congruence. Particularly, self-concept consists of four aspects, including actual self-concept, ideal self-concept, social self-concept, and ideal social self-concept; hence SC-DP congruence also includes fours such facets. Furthermore, tourist involvement is examined to see whether it would moderate the relationship between SC-DP congruence and tourist behavior. Data were collected using an online panel survey in December 2008. A total of 663 usable responses were obtained. Pearson correlation, structural equation modeling (SEM), and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed to test the hypotheses. For the SEM analysis, the sample was randomly split into two groups. One was used to test the model and the other was used for model validation. The findings suggested significant influences of destination personality, self-concept, and SC-DP congruence on tourist behavior. Findings of this study also showed that there are significant and positive relationships between destination personality and self-concept. However, tourist involvement was found to have no moderating effect on the relationship between SC-DP congruence and tourist behavior. The study also provided managerial implications for destination marketers based on the research results. / Ph. D.

Understanding Cleveland as a Sports Destination: an Empirical Study of Brand Personality Theory

Wang, Jiayi 16 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Personalidade de destino - a aproximação entre consumidores e os destinos turísticos / Personality of destination - the approximation of consumers and touristic destinations

Schuster, Marcelo da Silva January 2017 (has links)
Competitiveness in the tourism market signals the need to create unique identities, capable of differentiating tourist destinations among themselves and attracting consumers. Despite this, most destinations around the world are "sold" in a very similar way; Highlighting generic features such as landscapes, friendly people and fun. Nowadays, this way of presenting or promoting destinations has become ineffective, since such characteristics do not constitute differentiators and a successful destination brand should be able to reduce substitutability. In addition, the literature pointed to the lack of adequate instruments to measure constructs and phenomena of this theme, which indicates the use of distorted or incorrect information by the market and compromising the analyzes performed. Thus, this thesis aimed to investigate aspects that are part of the core of the target brand (personality, positioning and market). The study of the personality of destination aimed to explore the theme and propose a national measurement that would allow to present the most authentic features of the Brazilian destinations to the consumer. The positioning and the market were analyzed considering the importance of the recognition of the profile of the consumer and their motivations of travel, translated in this thesis by means of a tourist motivation scale, able to provide information about the reasons of trip and the necessities associated with the tourism of recreation. For this, the methodology chosen included a preliminary phase of secondary data collection and qualitative analysis, followed by quantitative collection and analysis techniques such as exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. The initial stage of research aimed at constructing and validating destination personality scales and tourism motivation through the application of a survey with 899 self-declared tourism consumers. The destination personality scale was organized with 23 traits, grouped in six dimensions (experiential, organization, fun, status, spirituality and hospitality) and the scale of tourist motivation presented 18 reasons arranged in five dimensions (recreation, cultural, social, Prestige and escape). For the final stage of the research, a new survey was conducted with 769 tourism consumers and aimed to verify the relationship between the constructs studied (personality and tourism motivation of the consumer, destination personality and intention to travel). These relationships were tested through the analysis of structural equations and the construction of a model. In addition to the construction of the scales, the findings related to the relationships found, unprecedented in national surveys, stand out as results. It was found that the personality of the consumer influences both the motivation to visit certain tourist destinations and the selection of a destination considering their personality. Tourist motivation influences the choice of a certain type of destination personality and also the intention of visiting a tourist destination. Finally, it was found that the destination personality influences the intention of the consumer to visit a tourist destination. These findings represent a contribution based on the knowledge presented and the proposal, which includes the construction and validation of destination personality scales and tourism motivation, as well as a conceptual model on the theme. / A competitividade no mercado de turismo sinaliza para a necessidade de criar identidades únicas, capazes de diferenciar os destinos turísticos entre si e atrair o consumidor. Apesar disso, a maior parte dos destinos ao redor do mundo ―vende-se‖ de forma muito semelhante; destacando características genéricas, como paisagens, pessoas amigáveis e divertimento. Atualmente, essa maneira de apresentar ou promover destinos tornou-se inefetiva, já que tais características não se constituem como diferenciadoras e uma marca de destino bem-sucedida deve ser capaz de reduzir a substituibilidade. Além disso, a literatura apontou para a falta de instrumentos adequados para mensuração de construtos e fenômenos desta temática, o que indica o uso de informações distorcidas ou incorretas pelo mercado e comprometendo as análises realizadas. Desta forma, esta tese se propôs a investigar aspectos que fazem parte do núcleo da marca de destino (personalidade, posicionamento e mercado). O estudo da personalidade de destino visou explorar o tema e propor uma mensuração nacional que possibilitasse apresentar os traços mais autênticos dos destinos brasileiros ao consumidor. O posicionamento e o mercado foram analisados considerando a importância do reconhecimento do perfil do consumidor e suas motivações de viagem, traduzidas nesta tese por meio de uma escala de motivação turística, capaz de fornecer informações sobre os motivos de viagem e as necessidades associadas ao turismo de lazer. Para isso, a metodologia escolhida incluiu uma fase preliminar de coleta de dados secundários e análise qualitativa e em seguida adotou-se técnicas de coleta e análise quantitativa, tais como análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. A etapa inicial de pesquisa objetivou construir e validar as escalas de personalidade de destino e motivação turística por meio da aplicação de uma survey com 899 consumidores de turismo auto declarados. A escala de personalidade de destino organizou-se com 23 traços, agrupados em seis dimensões (experiencial, organização, diversão, status, espiritualidade e hospitalidade) e a escala de motivação turística apresentou 18 motivos dispostos em cinco dimensões (recreação, cultural, social, prestígio e fuga). Para a etapa final da pesquisa foi realizada nova survey com 769 consumidores de turismo e visou verificar o relacionamento entre os construtos estudados (personalidade e motivação turística do consumidor, personalidade de destino e intenção de viajar). Essas relações foram testadas por meio da análise de equações estruturais e a construção de um modelo. Além da construção das escalas, destacam-se como resultados os achados referentes as relações encontradas, inéditas em pesquisas nacionais. Constatou-se que a personalidade do consumidor influencia tanto na motivação para visitar determinados destinos turísticos quanto na seleção de um destino considerando sua personalidade. A motivação turística influencia na escolha de determinado tipo de personalidade de destino e também na intenção de visitar um destino turístico. Por fim, foi constatado que a personalidade de destino influencia na intenção do consumidor para visitar um destino turístico. Tais achados representam contribuição em função do conhecimento apresentado e da proposta, que inclui a construção e validação de escalas de personalidade de destino e motivação turística, além de um modelo conceitual sobre o tema.

Утицај личности на бренд дестинације и туристичко понашање на примеру локалитета културне руте / Uticaj ličnosti na brend destinacije i turističko ponašanje na primeru lokaliteta kulturne rute / The impact of tourist personality on destination brand and tourist behavior on example of the sites of the cultural route

Božić Sanja 01 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Личност дестинације као и њена веза са личношћу туристе још увек је релативно<br />неистражена област којом се бавио мали број аутора. Такође, у литератури се не&nbsp; проналазе радови који повезују личност туристе и његову перцепцију&nbsp; имиџа дестинације. Слично је и са утицајем личности туристе на понашање и одабир<br />понуде активности на дестинацији. Ово је прво истраживање које проучава везу између личности туристе мерене моделом Великих пет и избора односно занимљивости активности на дестинацији. Важан теоријски допринос ове тезе<br />је и у креирању нове скале личности дестинације, која је у потпуности&nbsp;&nbsp; прилагођена туристичкој дестинацији као производу, и садржи ајтеме који<br />се односе искључиво на личност, у овом случају приписану туристичкој дестинацији.&nbsp; Нова скала базирана је на 5 основних димензија оригиналног<br />модела личности бренда (Искреност, Узбудљивост, Компетентност, &nbsp; Софистицираности и Сировост), али су ставке сваке димензије сада прилагођене специфичности туристичке дестинације као производа.&nbsp; У&nbsp; тези је истражено такође и&nbsp; како одабир активности на дестинацији, као и занимљивост активности повратно утичу на перцепцију личности бренда и имиџа туристичке<br />дестинације. Такође, један од циљева био је и утврдити да ли се перцепција имиџа и личности дестинације од стране туриста разликује од перцепције туристичких стејкхолдра.</p><p>Истраживање је спроведено на 502 посетиоца&nbsp;различитих локалитета културне руте &bdquo;Пут римских царева&ldquo;. У истраживању су тестирана 3 структурална модела&nbsp; -структурални модел одабира активности (модел 1), структурални модел занимљивости потенцијалних (модел 2) и&nbsp;структурални модел занимљивости постојећих активности (модел 3). Такође, тестиран је један мерни модел (нове скале BPS). Сви модели су на крају показали прихватљиве индикаторе фита (CFI, NNFI&gt;0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR&lt;0.08).</p><p>Истраживање је показало да постоји утицај личности и соцеиодемографских&nbsp; карактеристика испитаника на перцепцију имиџа и личности бренда. Такође, потврђен је утицај социодемографских карактеристика на избор активности, док су резултати указали на то да личност туристе не утиче на избор активности на<br />дестинацији. За разлику од тога, на занимљивост активности утичу и личност туристе и социодемографске карактеристике. Личност дестинације не утиче на&nbsp; избор активности на дестинацији, а такође ни да избор активности не утиче на перцепцију личности дестинације. Међутим,&nbsp; начин на који видимо дестинацију као особу може утицати на то које ће нам активности бити занимљиве, али исто тако и да занимљивост активности на дестинацији може утицати на то да ми доживимо дестинацију на одређени начин. Имиџ дестинације утиче на избор активности, док избор активности не утиче на перцепцију имиџа.За разлику од тога, постоји обостран утицај занимљивости активности и перцепције имиџа&nbsp; дестинације. Истраживање је показало и имиџ утиче на перцепцију личности&nbsp; бренда, као и да туристички радници имају позитивнију перцепцију&nbsp; имиџа и личности бренда у односу на туристе.&nbsp; Сазнања до којих се дошло&nbsp; кроз овај рад<br />ће омогућити маркетинг стручњацима али и осталим запосленима у туристичкој индустрији јасне смернице шта све утиче на перцепцију личности и имиџа дестинације, чиме ће се олакшати формирање конкурентске предности дате дестинације као и њено позиционирање на туристичком тржишту.</p> / <p>Ličnost destinacije kao i njena veza sa ličnošću turiste još uvek je relativno<br />neistražena oblast kojom se bavio mali broj autora. Takođe, u literaturi se ne&nbsp; pronalaze radovi koji povezuju ličnost turiste i njegovu percepciju&nbsp; imidža destinacije. Slično je i sa uticajem ličnosti turiste na ponašanje i odabir<br />ponude aktivnosti na destinaciji. Ovo je prvo istraživanje koje proučava vezu između ličnosti turiste merene modelom Velikih pet i izbora odnosno zanimljivosti aktivnosti na destinaciji. Važan teorijski doprinos ove teze<br />je i u kreiranju nove skale ličnosti destinacije, koja je u potpunosti&nbsp;&nbsp; prilagođena turističkoj destinaciji kao proizvodu, i sadrži ajteme koji<br />se odnose isključivo na ličnost, u ovom slučaju pripisanu turističkoj destinaciji.&nbsp; Nova skala bazirana je na 5 osnovnih dimenzija originalnog<br />modela ličnosti brenda (Iskrenost, Uzbudljivost, Kompetentnost, &nbsp; Sofisticiranosti i Sirovost), ali su stavke svake dimenzije sada prilagođene specifičnosti turističke destinacije kao proizvoda.&nbsp; U&nbsp; tezi je istraženo takođe i&nbsp; kako odabir aktivnosti na destinaciji, kao i zanimljivost aktivnosti povratno utiču na percepciju ličnosti brenda i imidža turističke<br />destinacije. Takođe, jedan od ciljeva bio je i utvrditi da li se percepcija imidža i ličnosti destinacije od strane turista razlikuje od percepcije turističkih stejkholdra.</p><p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 502 posetioca&nbsp;različitih lokaliteta kulturne rute &bdquo;Put rimskih careva&ldquo;. U istraživanju su testirana 3 strukturalna modela&nbsp; -strukturalni model odabira aktivnosti (model 1), strukturalni model zanimljivosti potencijalnih (model 2) i&nbsp;strukturalni model zanimljivosti postojećih aktivnosti (model 3). Takođe, testiran je jedan merni model (nove skale BPS). Svi modeli su na kraju pokazali prihvatljive indikatore fita (CFI, NNFI&gt;0.9 i RMSEA, SRMR&lt;0.08).</p><p>Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji uticaj ličnosti i soceiodemografskih&nbsp; karakteristika ispitanika na percepciju imidža i ličnosti brenda. Takođe, potvrđen je uticaj sociodemografskih karakteristika na izbor aktivnosti, dok su rezultati ukazali na to da ličnost turiste ne utiče na izbor aktivnosti na<br />destinaciji. Za razliku od toga, na zanimljivost aktivnosti utiču i ličnost turiste i sociodemografske karakteristike. Ličnost destinacije ne utiče na&nbsp; izbor aktivnosti na destinaciji, a takođe ni da izbor aktivnosti ne utiče na percepciju ličnosti destinacije. Međutim,&nbsp; način na koji vidimo destinaciju kao osobu može uticati na to koje će nam aktivnosti biti zanimljive, ali isto tako i da zanimljivost aktivnosti na destinaciji može uticati na to da mi doživimo destinaciju na određeni način. Imidž destinacije utiče na izbor aktivnosti, dok izbor aktivnosti ne utiče na percepciju imidža.Za razliku od toga, postoji obostran uticaj zanimljivosti aktivnosti i percepcije imidža&nbsp; destinacije. Istraživanje je pokazalo i imidž utiče na percepciju ličnosti&nbsp; brenda, kao i da turistički radnici imaju pozitivniju percepciju&nbsp; imidža i ličnosti brenda u odnosu na turiste.&nbsp; Saznanja do kojih se došlo&nbsp; kroz ovaj rad<br />će omogućiti marketing stručnjacima ali i ostalim zaposlenima u turističkoj industriji jasne smernice šta sve utiče na percepciju ličnosti i imidža destinacije, čime će se olakšati formiranje konkurentske prednosti date destinacije kao i njeno pozicioniranje na turističkom tržištu.</p> / <p>Destination personality and its&nbsp; relationship with tourist personality is still unexplored area which hasn&#39;t been a subject of many scientific publications untill now. Moreover, in the existing body of literature, there are no scientific papers connecting tourist personality and its destination image perception. The similar case is also with the impact of tourist personality on tourist behaviour, especially its choice of tourist activities on destination.Thus, this is the first study to examine the relationship among tourist personality, measured by Big Five Traint model, and the choice and&nbsp;preference of activities on destination. The important theoretical contribution od this thesis is in creation of a new scale of destination personality, which is completely adapted to tourist destination, as a specific tourist product. This scale contains items which refer only to personality traits, in this case personality traits of tourist destination. The new scale is based on five dimensions of original Brend Personality Scale (Sincerity, Excitement, Competetivness, Sofistication and Rugidness), but each&nbsp; of these dimensions contains items adapted to tourist destination. In this thesis, it is also explored how can choice and preference of tourist activities on destination affect tourist image and brend personality perception. In addition, the aim was to determine whether there is a difference in image and destination personality&nbsp; perception among tourist and tourism stakeholders. The research was carried out on a sample of 502 tourists who have visited different sites on the cultural route &ldquo;The trail of Roman Emperors&rdquo;. In this research, the three structural model have been tested &ndash; Structural model of choice of tourist activities (Model 1), Structural model&nbsp; of preference of potential activities (Model 2), and Structural model of preference of existing activities (Model 3). Moreover, model of a new scale of destination personality has also been tested. All tested model have showen satisfactory fit indexes (CFI, NNFI&gt;0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR&lt;0.08).</p><p>The research has shown that there is an impact of tourist personality and its sociodemografic features on image and destination perosnality percepction. In addition, It is confirmed that sociodemografic features affect a choice of tourist activities on destination. On contrary, tourist preference of activities is affected by both tourist personality and sociodemografic features. Destination personality does not affect tourist choice of activities, and tourist choice of activites does not affect tourust perception of destination personality. However, the way we pereceive tourist destionation can affect our preference of activities, and vice verca. The study have shown that destination image affects choice of activities on destination, which choice of activities doesn&rsquo;t affect tourist image perception. On contrary, there is a mutual influence between preference of tourist activities and image perception. The study has &nbsp; also shown that image affects destination personality, as well as that tourist stakeholders have more positive perception of image and brend personality than tourist. The results obtained through this thesis could provide marketers and other employees in tourism with detailed information about what affects image and destination personality perception. This could positively influence the positioning of this cultural route and obtaining of the competetive position on tourism market.</p>

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