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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Destructive Adsorption Mechanisms for the Treatment of Dye Wastewater by Nanoscale Magnesium Oxide

Ling, Chia-ning 14 February 2007 (has links)
This study was to prepare nanoscale MgO using the homogeneous precipitation process and to investigate its destructive adsorption with dye wastewater of reactive black-5 and reactive blue-19. In addition, UV-vis Spectrophotometer, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) and Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) were used to analyze the intermediates resulting from destructive adsorption. Based on the results obtained, the destructive adsorption mechanisms for the treatment of dye wasterwater by nanoscale MgO were proposed in this study. In this work, the optimal operating conditions for nanoscale MgO synthesis were determined to be the following: (1) a chemical reaction time of 7 hr, (2) reaction temperature of 125¢J, (3) molar ratio of 9 for urea/MgCl2¡D6H2O, (4) water addition of 250 mL, (5) mixing intensity of 90 strokes per min, (6) calcination at 450¢J for 4 hr, (7) reflux time of 24 hr, (8) freeze-drying method, (9) two stage calcinations. Using these operating conditions one is able to prepare 2-D nanoscale MgO of hexagonal platelets with a thickness of 20-30 nm and BET surface area of 120-125 m2/g. The adsorption model of nanoscale MgO for RB-5 and RB-19 was fitted to the Langmuir equation and their adsorption capacity were 196.08 mg/g and 163.93 mg/g, respectively. Both of them were fitted to the pseudo-second-order kinetic model equation. The optimal operating conditions of nanoscale MgO for destructive adsorption of both dyes were determined to be the following: (1) an initial dye concentration of 1000 mg/L, (2) a nanoscale MgO dose of 15 g/L, (3) a vigorous mixing of 30 min, (4) no need of system pH adjustment. Under such conditions, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and American Dye Manufacturers Institute (ADMI) of RB-5 and RB-19 were lower than the textile effluent standards. According to the UV-vis spectrophotometer scanning results, the color removal of nanoscale MgO for RB-5 and RB-19 was good. At the same time, the absorbance of their second maximal peaks was decreased and some peaks were observed. Therefore, it proved that the model dyes were destroyed. Experimental results have shown that nanoscale MgO has a better performance of destructive adsorption on RB-5 than that of RB-19. This might be ascribed to the following reasons: (1) a greater molecular weight, (2) a longer molecule structure, (3) more sulfate ethyl sulfone groups for RB-5, and (4) a hard to be destroyed structure of anthraquinone for RB-19. The destructive adsorption of dye wastewater by nanoscale MgO presumably took place mainly on the surface active sites of nanoscale MgO, including anion/cation vacancies, superoxide anion, edge, corner, isolated OH, lattice bound OH and assiocited-OH groups. According to the results of MALDI-TOF/MS and GC/MS analysis, the relevant reaction mechanism for RB-5 could be divided into three stages: (1) adsorption and water-soluble groups exfoliation stage, (2) chromophor decomposition and decolorization stage, and (3) further degradation stage for light-color intermediates. On the other hand, the relevant reaction mechanism for RB-19 might involve only the adsorption and auxochrome exfoliation stage and chromophor decomposition and decolorization stage.

Reaction Behavior of Nanoscale [Fe3O4]MgO and Trichlorothylene in the Groundwater

Peng, Tzu-chin 14 February 2008 (has links)
This study was to investigate the reaction behavior of nanoscale [Fe3O4]MgO and trichlorothylene (TCE) in aqueous solutions. In addition, effects of environmental variables on TCE removal from a simulated groundwater system were investigated. At first, two types of metal oxide composites containing both nanoscale Fe3O4 and MgO (designated H-[Fe3O4]MgO and S-[Fe3O4]MgO, respectively) were prepared. Then they were characterized and verified by various apparatuses and methods including X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, specific surface area measurements. Since the substrate of S-[Fe3O4]MgO with a molar ratio of Fe3O4/MgO = 1/5 (designated S1/5-[Fe3O4]MgO) had a much greater specific surface area than that of the substrate of S-[Fe3O4]MgO with a molar ratio of Fe3O4/MgO = 5/5 (designated S5/5-[Fe3O4]MgO), S1/5-[Fe3O4]MgO was selected as the model composite for the treatment of TCE in this study. Results of batch tests showed that S1/5-[Fe3O4]MgO had the best treatment performance among various metal oxides and their composites. For an initial TCE concentration of 10 mg/L, however, only 45% removal could be achieved by 5.0 g/L of dispersed S1/5-[Fe3O4]MgO. Nevertheless, a greater removal efficiency could be obtained for a higher initial TCE concentration in a simulated groundwater system. Test results also showed that a lower temperature and higher pH would retard the relevant reaction rates in TCE removal. In the simulated groundwater system employed in this work, the existence of humic acid (< 10 mg/L) played an insignificant role in affecting the TCE removal. Analysis of TCE adsorption on S1/5-[Fe3O4]MgO in aqueous solution indicated that a Langmuir-type of chemical adsorption would have a better fit. Results of gas chromatography further showed the existence of small to trace amounts of TCE degradation products including cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, ethene and methane, etc. Thus, the relevant reaction mechanisms and pathways for the destructive adsorption were proposed.

Catalytic oxidation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds, dichloromethane and perchloroethylene:new knowledge for the industrial CVOC emission abatement

Pitkäaho, S. (Satu) 04 June 2013 (has links)
Abstract The releases of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) are controlled by strict regulations setting high demands for the abatement systems. Low temperature catalytic oxidation is a viable technology to economically destroy these often refractory emissions. Catalysts applied in the oxidation of CVOCs should be highly active and selective but also maintain a high resistance towards deactivation. In this study, a total of 33 different γ-Al2O3 containing metallic monoliths were studied in dichloromethane (DCM) and 25 of them in perchloroethylene (PCE) oxidation. The active compounds used were Pt, Pd, Rh or V2O5 alone or as mixtures. The catalysts were divided into three different testing sets: industrial, CVOC and research catalysts. ICP-OES, physisorption, chemisorption, XRD, UV-vis DRS, isotopic oxygen exchange, IC, NH3-TPD, H2-TPR and FESEM-EDS were used to characterise the catalysts. Screening of the industrial catalysts revealed that the addition of V2O5 improved the performance of the catalyst. DCM abatement was easily affected by the addition of VOC or water, but the effect on the PCE oxidation was only minor. Based on these screening tests, a set of CVOC catalysts were developed and installed into an industrial incinerator. The comparison between the laboratory and industrial scale studies showed that DCM oxidation in an industrial incinerator could be predicted relatively well. Instead, PCE was always seen to be oxidised far better in an industrial unit indicating that the transient oxidation conditions are beneficial for the PCE oxidation. Before starting the experiments with research catalysts, the water feed was optimised to 1.5 wt.%. Besides enhancing the HCl yields, water improved the DCM and PCE conversions. In the absence of oxygen, i.e. during destructive adsorption, the presence of water was seen to have an even more pronounced effect on the HCl formation and on the catalysts’ stability. In the DCM oxidation, the addition of the active compound on the catalyst support improved the selectivity, while the enhancing effect on the DCM conversion was only small. The high acidity together with the increased reducibility was seen to lead to an active catalyst. Among the research catalysts Pt/Al2O3 was the most active in the DCM oxidation. With PCE the addition of the active compound proved to be very beneficial also for the PCE conversion. Now Pt and Pd supported on Al2O3-CeO2 were the most active. The enhanced reducibility was seen to be the key feature of the catalyst in PCE oxidation. / Tiivistelmä Klooratuille orgaanisille hiilivedyille (CVOC) on asetettu tiukat päästörajoitukset niiden haitallisten vaikutusten takia. Tästä johtuen myös puhdistusmenetelmien tulee olla tehokkaita. Katalyyttinen puhdistus on teknologia, jolla nämä usein vaikeasti käsiteltävät yhdisteet voidaan taloudellisesti tuhota. Käytettävien katalyyttien tulee olla aktiivisia ja selektiivisiä sekä hyvin kestäviä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin yhteensä 33 erilaista γ-Al2O3-pohjaista hapetuskatalyyttiä metyleenikloridin (DCM) käsittelyssä, niistä 25 testattiin myös perkloorietyleenin (PCE) hapetuksessa. Aktiivisina metalleina katalyyteissä käytettiin platinaa, palladiumia, rhodiumia ja vanadiinia yksin tai seoksina. Katalyytit jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään: teolliset-, CVOC- ja tutkimuskatalyytit. Aktiivisuuskokeiden lisäksi katalyyttejä karakterisoitiin ICP-OES-, fysiorptio-, kemisorptio-, XRD-, UV-vis DRS-, isotooppivaihto-, IC-, NH3-TPD-, H2-TPR- ja FESEM-EDS-pintatutkimusmenetelmillä. Koetulokset osoittivat, että vanadiini paransi teollisuuskatalyyttien aktiivisuutta ja selektiivisyyttä. VOC-yhdisteen tai veden lisäys paransi DCM:n hapettumista, mutta PCE:n hapettumiseen niillä ei ollut vaikutusta. Testien perusteella kehitettiin CVOC-katalyytit, jotka asennettiin teolliseen polttolaitokseen. Laboratoriossa ja teollisuudessa tehdyissä testeissä havaittiin, että DCM:n hapettuminen oli laboratoriokokeiden perusteella ennustettavissa. Sen sijaan PCE hapettui teollisuudessa aina paljon paremmin kuin laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Tämä osoittaa, että muuttuvat hapettumisolosuhteet vaikuttivat positiivisesti PCE:n hapettumiseen. Veden määrä syöttövirrassa optimoitiin 1,5&#160;%:iin ennen tutkimuskatalyyttien testausta. Selektiivisyyden lisäksi vesi paransi DCM:n ja PCE:n konversiota. Hapettomissa olosuhteissa, ts. tuhoavien adsorptiokokeiden aikana, vesi paransi reaktion selektiivisyyttä HCl:ksi ja CO2:ksi vielä entisestään. Tämän lisäksi vesi lisäsi katalyytin stabiilisuutta. DCM:n hapetuksessa aktiivisen metallin lisäys paransi selektiivisyyttä, mutta sen sijaan vaikutus DCM:n konversioon oli hyvin pieni. Tulokset osoittivat, että aktiivisella DCM:n hapetuskatalyytillä tulee olla korkea happamuus ja hyvä pelkistyvyys. Pt/Al2O3 oli testatuista tutkimuskatalyyteistä aktiivisin. PCE:n hapetuksessa aktiivisen metallin lisäys paransi selektiivisyyden lisäksi huomattavasti myös konversiota. Katalyytin lisääntyneen pelkistymiskyvyn todettiin olevan keskeisin ominaisuus PCE:n hapettumisessa. Pt/Al2O3-CeO2 ja Pd/Al2O3-CeO2 olivat tutkimuskatalyyteistä aktiivisimpia.

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