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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicação das relações lineares de energia livre de solvatação (LSER) ao estudo de sistemas interfaciais organizados / Application of linear solvation energy relationships (LSER) to the study of organized interfacial systems

Francisco Nascimento Lopes 27 October 2011 (has links)
Neste estudo foi caracterizado o processo de solubilização de solutos neutros em sistemas micelares compostos de surfactantes não iônicos da família de alcoóis secundários etoxilados com o mesmo grupo hidrofóbico e graus diferentes de etoxilação, variando de 5 a 30 subunidades de oxido de etileno. Para isso, foram utilizadas as Relações Lineares de Energias Livres de Solvatação (LSER) como modelo preditivo para a eficiência de incorporação de solutos. As análises de regressão múltipla e as validações apresentadas tiveram por base a constante de incorporação micelar KS como variável dependente e os descritores de soluto de Abraham como as variáveis independentes. A metodologia utilizada para a determinação de KS baseou-se em técnicas fotofísicas (supressão de fluorescência), medidas de solubilização (solubilização em saturação via espectrofotometria de UV-VIS) e técnicas de cromatografia líquida (Cromatografia Micelar) e gasosa (Cromatografia por Análise de Fase Vapor ou Headspace). A determinação realizada forneceu as seguintes LSERs: 15-S-5: Log KS = 0,054 - 0,227A - 1,197B - 0,600S + 0,938E + 1,854V 15-S-7: Log KS = + 0,267 + 0,435A - 1,475B - 0,831S + 1,045E + 1,805V 15-S-15: Log KS = -0,047 + 0,314A - 1,265B - 0,487S + 0,823E + 2,107V 15-S-30: Log KS = - 0,345 + 0,366A - 1,114B - 0,430S + 0,858E + 2,310V Como é típico para sistemas micelares, constatou-se que a partição dos solutos entre os agregados micelares e a fase aquosa é dominada pelas propriedades de volume molar (V) e capacidade receptora de pontes de hidrogênio ou basicidade (B) do soluto, com contribuições secundárias de dipolaridade (S) e refração molar em excesso (E) do soluto. O aumento do tamanho da cabeça hidrofílica de oligômeros de oxietileno (OE) torna a micela menos coesa, facilitando a acomodação de solutos e favorecendo também a penetração de moléculas de água de hidratação que formam pontes de hidrogênio com as unidades de OE. Isto é indicado pelas variações observadas nos coeficientes de B e V. As variações dos coeficientes de S respondem também ao tamanho da cadeia e ao grau de hidratação, o que foi verificado pelos espectros de bandas vibrônicas de fluorescência de pireno e por alterações de deslocamentos químicos de RMN-1H. Anomalias observadas para surfactante 15-S-5 provavelmente deveram-se à presença de isopropanol utilizado como aditivo para solubilizá-lo em meio aquoso. O conjunto de dados obtidos demonstra que o tamanho da cadeia de OE e da micela responde melhor ao modo do que à extensão de solubilização dos solutos analisados, uma vez que a variável KS não responde de maneira linear ao grau de etoxilação para o conjunto de detergentes estudados. / This study has characterized the solubilization of neutral solutes in micellar systems composed of nonionic surfactants belonging to the family of ethoxylated secondary alcohols with the same hydrophobic group and different degrees of ethoxylation ranging from 5 to 30 ethylene oxide units. Linear Solvation Energy Relationships (LSER) was used as a predictive model for the efficiency of incorporation of solutes. The multiple regression analysis and the validations presented were based on the micellar incorporation constant KS as the dependent variable and Abraham solute descriptors as the independent variables. The methodologies utilized to determine the KS values included photophysical techniques (fluorescence quenching), measurements of solubility at saturation (via UV-VIs spectrophotometry), micellar liquid chromatography and gas chromatography (Headspace analysis of the vapor phase above micellar solutions). This study provided the following LSERs: 15-S-5: Log KS = - 0,054 - 0,227A - 1,197B - 0,600S + 0,938E + 1,854V 15-S-7: Log KS = + 0,267 + 0,435A - 1,475B - 0,831S + 1,045E + 1,805V 15-S-15: Log KS = - 0,047 + 0,314A - 1,265B - 0,487S + 0,823E + 2,107V 15-S-30: Log KS = - 0,345 + 0,366A - 1,114B - 0,430S + 0,858E + 2,310V As typically observed for micellar systems, the partitioning of solutes between micellar aggregates and the aqueous phase is dominated by the properties of molar volume (V) and hydrogen bond basicity (B) of the solute, with secondary contributions from the dipolarity (S) and excess molar refraction (E) of the solute. The increase in the size of the hydrophilic oxyethylene (OE) headgroup decreases the cohesion of the micelle, facilitating the accommodation of solutes and also favoring the penetration of waters of hydration that hydrogen bond with the OE units. This is indicated by the changes observed in the coefficients of B and V. The changes observed for S also respond to the size of the OE chain, as reflected in the vibronic bands of the fluorescence spectra of pyrene and changes of proton chemical shifts in 1H-NMR spectra. Anomalies for the surfactant 15-S-5 were probably due to the necessity to include isopropanol as an additive to solubilize it in water. The data show that the OE chain and micelle sizes respond better to the mode than to the extent of solubilization for the solutes analyzed, since the predictor variable KS does not respond consistently to the degree of ethoxylation for the micellar systems studied.

How to take care of your rainwear, An evaluation of commercially available laundry and waterproofing agents and their effect on maintaining water-repellence.

DOEDENS, MARIEKEN January 2013 (has links)
Breathable water-repellent garments are common products on the outdoor market. There are many recommendations on how to wash and waterproof your garment in order to make sure that its water-repellence is cared for, but the advice given by different sources is inconsistent. Are expensive products really necessarily or are regular laundry products just as good? What waterproofing agents should one use in order to insure that the water-repellent layer is restored? Four different water-repellent wash-in products were tested on polyester and polyamide fabrics. Seven laundry products and two water-repellent wash-in products were tested on jackets with dendrimer based finishes and untreated polyamide fabrics. The results were evaluated by spray testing according to ISO EN 24920 and sessile drop tests. Not all wash-in products offer good water-repellence on polyamide and polyester fabrics. Two laundry detergents decreased the water-repellence of the jackets. The laundry detergents did not affect the function of wash-in waterproofing agents on the jackets. The water-repellence of one wash-in product was affected by the use of two different detergents on untreated fabric / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Avaliação da presença de fósforo nos esgotos sanitários e da atual contribuição dos detergentes / The evaluation of phosphorus present in wastewater and the current contribution of detergents

Claudia Maria Gomes de Quevedo 10 March 2015 (has links)
A importância da gestão do aporte de nutrientes para melhoria da qualidade das águas é um assunto amplamente discutido. Diversos estudos são dedicados à avaliação da contribuição do fósforo presente nos esgotos sanitários para a ocorrência da eutrofização. As experiências vivenciadas em diversas localidades do mundo indicam que se necessita de uma série de medidas para controle das fontes pontuais e difusas de nutrientes, estando, dentre elas, a regulamentação do uso do fósforo nas formulações dos detergentes em pó destinados à limpeza de tecidos. Além de contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade dos corpos dágua e de auxiliar na preservação das reservas do nutriente, tal medida pode reduzir o aporte de fósforo nos sistemas de esgotos sanitários, permitindo a otimização dos custos com implantação, operação e manutenção. Por meio do presente trabalho, foram efetuadas análises no esgoto afluente de três estações de tratamento de esgotos (ETEs) situadas em diferentes regiões do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, bem como, foram analisadas trinta amostras de detergentes comercializados no território nacional. Verificou-se que os produtos atualmente comercializados no país possuem baixa concentração de fósforo, na faixa de 0,01 por cento em peso, situando-se sensivelmente abaixo do limite estabelecido pela legislação que regulamenta o assunto, que é de 4,8 por cento em peso. A atual contribuição dos detergentes para o total de fósforo presente nos esgotos, nas ETEs estudadas, pode ser considerada bastante reduzida, na faixa de 0,0014 g/hab.dia, o que corresponde a cerca de 0,17 por cento do total de fósforo presente nos esgotos. Necessita-se, agora, evoluir com o conteúdo das normas que regem esse tema, de forma que as mesmas reflitam as condições praticadas pelo setor produtivo. Necessita-se também, averiguar outras possíveis fontes que podem contribuir para o aumento da concentração de fósforo nos esgotos, bem como, efetuar o dimensionamento das demais fontes pontuais e difusas de nutrientes nas águas. Desta forma, será possível planejar medidas de gestão proporcionais e adequadas aos diferentes atores, e sugerir etapas para eventuais melhorias nos sistemas de saneamento básico, buscando a melhor utilização dos recursos financeiros e ambientais existentes, e atendendo às demandas sociais de cada região. / The importance of nutrient management contribution in order to improve water quality is a widely discussed subject. Several studies are devoted to the evaluation of the contribution to phosphorus present in sewage for an occurrence of eutrophication. Experiments in several locations around the world indicate a need of a series of measures to control point and diffuse sources of nutrients, among them, the legislation for the use of phosphorus in powder-detergent formulations intended for cleaning fabrics. In addition to contributing to improving quality of water bodies and assist in preservation of nutrient reserves, such a measure can reduce the intake of phosphorus in sewage systems, allowing the optimization of deployment costs, operation and maintenance. By the present study, analysis in sewage influent were performed in three Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) located in different areas of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and thirty samples of detergent sold in the country were analyzed as well. It was found that the products currently sold in the country have low phosphorus concentration in the range of 0.01 per cent by weight, standing significantly below the limit established by legislation regulating the subject, which is 4.8 per cent by weight. Thus, the current contribution of detergent to total phosphorus present in the sewage at the analysed WWTPs can be considered low, in the range of 0.0014 g/person.day, corresponding to less than 0.17 per cent from the total phosphorus present in sewage. Now evolving with the contents of the standart rules governing this issue becomes necessary, so that they reflect conditions as practiced by the productive sector. It is also needed to determine other possible sources which can contribute to increasing the concentration of phosphorus in sewage, as well as perform scaling of point and diffuse nutrient sources in the water. Thus, it will be possible to plan proportional and appropriate management measures for different actors and suggest steps for further improvements in basic sanitation systems, seeking the best use of existing financial and environmental resources and serving the social existing demands in each area.

The effects of detergents upon the taste buds of the golden shiner, notemigonus crysoleucas (Rafinesque)

Douglas, William V. 03 June 2011 (has links)
Ball State University LibrariesLibrary services and resources for knowledge buildingMasters ThesesThere is no abstract available for this thesis.

The spectroscopic characterization of mitochondrial porin in membrane mimetic systems

Bay, Denice Colleen 08 January 2007 (has links)
Voltage-dependent anion-selective channels (VDAC), or mitochondrial porins,regulate the flow of metabolites across the mitochondrial outer membrane. They presumably span the membrane as β-barrels, but the residues forming the individual β-strands are unknown. This information is essential for understanding the structure and function of the protein. Using Neurospora VDAC as a template, published data were reassessed to delineate a unified model for porin structure Bay and Court 2002, which was subsequently refined in collaboration with Greg Runke Runke et al. 2006. The focus of this work was the development and analysis of systems for maintaining high levels of folded porin for the acquisition of high resolution data needed for model testing. The conformation of hexahistidinyl-tagged Neurospora porin in detergent was probed by fluorescence, near-UV circular dichroism and ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. Derivatives of tryptophan and tyrosine were also examined by fluorescence spectroscopy and UV absorbance spectroscopy to model the interactions between the detergents and the amino acid side chains in the protein. Detergent-specific levels of β-strand and tyrosine exposure were observed. In all cases, the two tryptophan residues reside in weakly asymmetric, hydrophobic environments, suggesting transient tertiary interactions. Porin solubilized in these detergents forms functional channels in liposomes and membrane insertion is accompanied by increased levels of β-strand and loss of protease sensitivity. These data were used to develop mixed detergent folding systems. A mixture of SDS and dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside (DDM)supports a β-strand rich conformation at high protein concentrations. The tertiary contacts and protease resistance of the SDS/DDM solubilized porin are very similar to those of the protein following reconstitution into liposomes. Finally, the role of sterols in porin folding was examined, as the addition of sterols to detergent-solubilized VDAC is required for channel formation in artificial membranes. Sterols do not alter the secondary structure of VDAC, and subtle alterations to tertiary interactions were detected, suggesting that sterols do not promote an insertion-competent structure, but rather facilitate insertion into artificial bilayers. In summary, this analysis of the folded states of detergent-solubilized porin has revealed a system that maintains high concentrations of mitochondrial porin in a state that is very promising for structural studies. / February 2007

Membrane Protein Folding: Modulating the Interactions between Transmembrane Alpha-helices

Ng, Derek 13 January 2014 (has links)
The fundamental process by which an alpha-helical membrane protein attains its ultimate structure has previously been depicted as two energetically distinct stages where (1) the transmembrane (TM) segments are first threaded into the membrane bilayer as stable alpha-helices; and then (2) laterally interact to form the correct tertiary and/or quaternary structures. Central to the second stage of this model is the presence of amino acid sequence motifs in the TM segments that provide interaction-compatible surfaces through which the TM alpha-helices interact. Although these ideas have proven to be pivotal to the progress of the membrane protein folding field, a growing number of examples indicates that a variety of additional factors work together to dictate the ultimate interaction fate of TM embedded segments. In this context, we expand on these factors and explore other properties that can modulate the association of TM alpha-helices. A peptide model of myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) TM4 is capable of TM helix-helix interactions in SDS and biological membranes. Increasing the side chain volumes of two disease relevant residues (Ala242 and A248) reduces peptide self-association, indicating that these sites mediate TM helix packing through van der Waals interactions. Examination of the PLP TM2 alpha-helix shows that it is also capable of self-association and that its dimeric state depends on the presence or absence of residues at its C-terminus. Specifically, this sensitivity was attributed to changes in local hydrophobicity; a decrease in hydrophobicity likely reduces detergent-peptide interactions, which disrupts peptide alpha-helicity and the effectiveness of a nearby interaction compatible surface. We take advantage of this finding to determine the feasibility of coupling helix-helix interactions to an external factor such as pH. Our results indicate that pH can indeed modulate the dimerization state of the TM2 peptide and does so through the change in protonation state of Glu88. Increasing our knowledge of the variables contributing to TM helix-helix interactions provides valuable insights into membrane protein folding and how mutations can compromise this process. This knowledge will allow us to expand our arsenal of approaches to counter membrane protein misassembly--and ultimately human disease.

Membrane Protein Folding: Modulating the Interactions between Transmembrane Alpha-helices

Ng, Derek 13 January 2014 (has links)
The fundamental process by which an alpha-helical membrane protein attains its ultimate structure has previously been depicted as two energetically distinct stages where (1) the transmembrane (TM) segments are first threaded into the membrane bilayer as stable alpha-helices; and then (2) laterally interact to form the correct tertiary and/or quaternary structures. Central to the second stage of this model is the presence of amino acid sequence motifs in the TM segments that provide interaction-compatible surfaces through which the TM alpha-helices interact. Although these ideas have proven to be pivotal to the progress of the membrane protein folding field, a growing number of examples indicates that a variety of additional factors work together to dictate the ultimate interaction fate of TM embedded segments. In this context, we expand on these factors and explore other properties that can modulate the association of TM alpha-helices. A peptide model of myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) TM4 is capable of TM helix-helix interactions in SDS and biological membranes. Increasing the side chain volumes of two disease relevant residues (Ala242 and A248) reduces peptide self-association, indicating that these sites mediate TM helix packing through van der Waals interactions. Examination of the PLP TM2 alpha-helix shows that it is also capable of self-association and that its dimeric state depends on the presence or absence of residues at its C-terminus. Specifically, this sensitivity was attributed to changes in local hydrophobicity; a decrease in hydrophobicity likely reduces detergent-peptide interactions, which disrupts peptide alpha-helicity and the effectiveness of a nearby interaction compatible surface. We take advantage of this finding to determine the feasibility of coupling helix-helix interactions to an external factor such as pH. Our results indicate that pH can indeed modulate the dimerization state of the TM2 peptide and does so through the change in protonation state of Glu88. Increasing our knowledge of the variables contributing to TM helix-helix interactions provides valuable insights into membrane protein folding and how mutations can compromise this process. This knowledge will allow us to expand our arsenal of approaches to counter membrane protein misassembly--and ultimately human disease.

Modeling Digestibility and Rate of Passage in Horses

Hansen, Tayler L 01 January 2014 (has links)
Horses consume large amounts of fiber in their diet, which may affect digestibility and digesta rate of passage. The objective of these studies was to assess the effects of diet composition on digestibility and rate of passage in horses using mathematical models. Using previously published data, forage dry matter digestibility (DMD) was related to forage neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations and crude protein (CP) concentrations (DMD = 66.1178 – 0.3410*NDF + 0.6356*CP, DM basis; P < 0.001). In a second experiment, horses were fed diets formulated to have high fiber (HF, n= 3; NDF = 55.3%, CP = 11.8%) or low fiber (LF, n = 3; NDF = 40.5%, CP = 13.3%) concentrations. The LF treatment had greater DM, organic matter, and gross energy digestibilities (P < 0.05), whereas the HF treatment had greater NDF digestibility (P < 0.05). Mathematical models were useful to determine mean retention time (MRT) and there were no differences between model MRT and algebraic MRT, or treatment. Some compartmental parameters were different between treatments (P < 0.05), indicating that dietary fiber may alter some components of digesta passage in horses.

The spectroscopic characterization of mitochondrial porin in membrane mimetic systems

Bay, Denice Colleen 08 January 2007 (has links)
Voltage-dependent anion-selective channels (VDAC), or mitochondrial porins,regulate the flow of metabolites across the mitochondrial outer membrane. They presumably span the membrane as β-barrels, but the residues forming the individual β-strands are unknown. This information is essential for understanding the structure and function of the protein. Using Neurospora VDAC as a template, published data were reassessed to delineate a unified model for porin structure Bay and Court 2002, which was subsequently refined in collaboration with Greg Runke Runke et al. 2006. The focus of this work was the development and analysis of systems for maintaining high levels of folded porin for the acquisition of high resolution data needed for model testing. The conformation of hexahistidinyl-tagged Neurospora porin in detergent was probed by fluorescence, near-UV circular dichroism and ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. Derivatives of tryptophan and tyrosine were also examined by fluorescence spectroscopy and UV absorbance spectroscopy to model the interactions between the detergents and the amino acid side chains in the protein. Detergent-specific levels of β-strand and tyrosine exposure were observed. In all cases, the two tryptophan residues reside in weakly asymmetric, hydrophobic environments, suggesting transient tertiary interactions. Porin solubilized in these detergents forms functional channels in liposomes and membrane insertion is accompanied by increased levels of β-strand and loss of protease sensitivity. These data were used to develop mixed detergent folding systems. A mixture of SDS and dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside (DDM)supports a β-strand rich conformation at high protein concentrations. The tertiary contacts and protease resistance of the SDS/DDM solubilized porin are very similar to those of the protein following reconstitution into liposomes. Finally, the role of sterols in porin folding was examined, as the addition of sterols to detergent-solubilized VDAC is required for channel formation in artificial membranes. Sterols do not alter the secondary structure of VDAC, and subtle alterations to tertiary interactions were detected, suggesting that sterols do not promote an insertion-competent structure, but rather facilitate insertion into artificial bilayers. In summary, this analysis of the folded states of detergent-solubilized porin has revealed a system that maintains high concentrations of mitochondrial porin in a state that is very promising for structural studies.

The spectroscopic characterization of mitochondrial porin in membrane mimetic systems

Bay, Denice Colleen 08 January 2007 (has links)
Voltage-dependent anion-selective channels (VDAC), or mitochondrial porins,regulate the flow of metabolites across the mitochondrial outer membrane. They presumably span the membrane as β-barrels, but the residues forming the individual β-strands are unknown. This information is essential for understanding the structure and function of the protein. Using Neurospora VDAC as a template, published data were reassessed to delineate a unified model for porin structure Bay and Court 2002, which was subsequently refined in collaboration with Greg Runke Runke et al. 2006. The focus of this work was the development and analysis of systems for maintaining high levels of folded porin for the acquisition of high resolution data needed for model testing. The conformation of hexahistidinyl-tagged Neurospora porin in detergent was probed by fluorescence, near-UV circular dichroism and ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. Derivatives of tryptophan and tyrosine were also examined by fluorescence spectroscopy and UV absorbance spectroscopy to model the interactions between the detergents and the amino acid side chains in the protein. Detergent-specific levels of β-strand and tyrosine exposure were observed. In all cases, the two tryptophan residues reside in weakly asymmetric, hydrophobic environments, suggesting transient tertiary interactions. Porin solubilized in these detergents forms functional channels in liposomes and membrane insertion is accompanied by increased levels of β-strand and loss of protease sensitivity. These data were used to develop mixed detergent folding systems. A mixture of SDS and dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside (DDM)supports a β-strand rich conformation at high protein concentrations. The tertiary contacts and protease resistance of the SDS/DDM solubilized porin are very similar to those of the protein following reconstitution into liposomes. Finally, the role of sterols in porin folding was examined, as the addition of sterols to detergent-solubilized VDAC is required for channel formation in artificial membranes. Sterols do not alter the secondary structure of VDAC, and subtle alterations to tertiary interactions were detected, suggesting that sterols do not promote an insertion-competent structure, but rather facilitate insertion into artificial bilayers. In summary, this analysis of the folded states of detergent-solubilized porin has revealed a system that maintains high concentrations of mitochondrial porin in a state that is very promising for structural studies.

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