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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of Meson Production at COSY-TOF Using the Analysis Framework TofRoot

Schulte-Wissermann, Martin 14 July 2004 (has links)
The TOF-spectrometer located at the proton accelerator COSY (Juelich) stands out for experimental versatility. This is due to its modular setup: about ten subdetectors can be be arranged to satisfy the individual requirements of specific experiments. However, this flexibility hampers the calibration and the data analysis, since for each new detector setup the software has to be adjusted as well. Therefore, a new analysis framework (TofRoot) has been developed. A set of concepts is used that enables teamwork and leads to an efficient data-analysis, even for different beamtimes. Using TofRoot, three reactions are analyzed - each for two different beam momenta (2950 MeV/c, 3200 MeV/c): Firstly, the elastic proton-proton scattering. It is used to determine the luminosity and to extract benchmark results for the detector performance. Secondly, the reaction pp->deutoron-piplus is studied. Total as well as differential cross sections are presented, which nicely fit into the word data set. Finally, the vector-meson production (omega) is investigated which is the scientific focus of this work. Here, the theoretical and experimental knowledge is presently rather scarce. However, the elementary reaction dynamics is needed as an inevitable prerequisite in many fields of physics; e.g. the short range part of the nucleon-nucleon force, the description of extremely dense matter, the strangeness content of nucleons. After a detailed description of the analysis strategies, total cross sections, angular distributions, and invariant-mass spectra are presented. Some of the findings are completely new, and all provide smaller experimental uncertainties with respect to the available word data set. Finally, the results are embedded into the existing body of data and their implication on the theoretical models is discussed. / Das TOF-Spektrometer am Protonen-Beschleunigerring COSY (Juelich) besticht durch seine experimentelle Vielseitigkeit, da der modulare Aufbau aus ca.~zehn Subdetektoren eine individuelle Anpassung an spezifische experimentelle Erfordernisse ermoeglicht. Diese Flexibilitaet erschwert jedoch die Kalibrierung und die Datenauswertung, da die Software nach jedem Umbau angepasst werden muss. Daher wurde das Analyseframework TofRoot entwickelt, welches durch einen Satz von Strategien eine effiziente und teamorientierte Auswertung ermoeglicht, sogar fuer verschiedene Strahlzeiten. Mit Hilfe von TofRoot wurden drei Reaktionskanaele analysiert, jeweils fuer zwei Strahlimpulse (2950 MeV/c, 3200 MeV/c): Zuerst die elastische Proton-Proton Streuung, welche der Luminositaetsbestimmung dient und an Hand derer die Guete des Detektorsystems und der Kalibration veranschaulicht wird. Anschliessend folgt die Reaktion pp->deuteron-piplus, bei der die extrahierten Winkelverteilungen und totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte sich widerspruchsfrei in die vorhandene Datenbasis einordnen. Schliesslich wird die Vektormesonenproduktion (omega) untersucht, die den wissenschaftlichen Fokus dieser Arbeit darstellt. In diesem Kanal ist die experimentelle Datenbasis duenn und die theoretische Beschreibung bislang unvollstaendig. Ein gutes Verstaendnis der omega-Produktionsdynamik ist aber unabdingbar fuer die theoretische Beschreibung vieler Felder moderner Physik, z.B. des kurzreichweitigen Teils der Nukleon-Nukleon-Wechselwirkung, extrem dichter Materie und des Strangenessanteils im Nukleon. Nach einer detailierten Beschreibung der Analysestrategien werden totale Wirkungsquerschnitte, Winkelverteilungen und Spektren invarianter Massen vorgestellt. Verglichen mit vorhandenen Daten sind alle Angaben mit kleineren experimentellen Unsicherheiten behaftet, und zum Teil erschliessen sie zuvor nicht zugaengliche Groessen. Abschliessend werden die Ergebnisse in die vorhandene experimentelle Datenbasis eingeordnet, und ihre Auswirkung auf theoretische Modelle wird diskutiert.


Hassan, Jamal 12 1900 (has links)
Deuteron 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy was used to study the dynamics of water molecules within the mesoporous material MCM-41. The deuteron spectra show three magnetization components for a sample hydrated to a 0.2 monolayer level. One component was assigned to the pore surface silanol group deuterons that exhibit a broad Gaussian line of 32.6 kHz FWHM and the other components were assigned to the water deuterons. At room temperature one water deuteron component has a powder pattern line shape (splitting of about 4.2 kHz and population of about 61%) and the other has a Lorentzian line shape (about 388 Hz FWHM and population of 39%). Magnetization exchange occurs between these components. An exchange model, based on multi-site exchange, was constructed and used to analyse the results for exchange. For the 0.2 monolayer sample the rate of magnetization exchange out of the hydration site where the water deuterons exhibit a Lorentzian line in the deuteron spectra is 1.3 ms. 2D measurements at 233 K and room temperature confirmed the magnetization exchange scenario for the two water deuteron sites. Combining the deuteron results with proton-silicon cross polarization magic angle spinning experiments together with heat treatment of the sample, definitive hydration site identification for MCM-41 was achieved. This study has shown that the water molecules bound to the hydrogen-bonded silanol groups produce the powder pattern while water molecules bound to the single silanol groups produce the Lorentzian line. This represents a necessary first step toward a meaningful modeling of NMR observables in terms of site-specific water molecule coordination and dynamics in MCM-41.


Hassan, Jamal 12 1900 (has links)
Deuteron 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy was used to study the dynamics of water molecules within the mesoporous material MCM-41. The deuteron spectra show three magnetization components for a sample hydrated to a 0.2 monolayer level. One component was assigned to the pore surface silanol group deuterons that exhibit a broad Gaussian line of 32.6 kHz FWHM and the other components were assigned to the water deuterons. At room temperature one water deuteron component has a powder pattern line shape (splitting of about 4.2 kHz and population of about 61%) and the other has a Lorentzian line shape (about 388 Hz FWHM and population of 39%). Magnetization exchange occurs between these components. An exchange model, based on multi-site exchange, was constructed and used to analyse the results for exchange. For the 0.2 monolayer sample the rate of magnetization exchange out of the hydration site where the water deuterons exhibit a Lorentzian line in the deuteron spectra is 1.3 ms. 2D measurements at 233 K and room temperature confirmed the magnetization exchange scenario for the two water deuteron sites. Combining the deuteron results with proton-silicon cross polarization magic angle spinning experiments together with heat treatment of the sample, definitive hydration site identification for MCM-41 was achieved. This study has shown that the water molecules bound to the hydrogen-bonded silanol groups produce the powder pattern while water molecules bound to the single silanol groups produce the Lorentzian line. This represents a necessary first step toward a meaningful modeling of NMR observables in terms of site-specific water molecule coordination and dynamics in MCM-41.

Near-Threshold Photoproduction of £N(1520) from Protons and Deuterons at SPring-8/LEPS

Chen, Jia-ye 13 July 2009 (has links)
GeV photon beams are provided at SPring-8/LEPS facility by backward-Compton scattering (BCS) from Argon laser photon against the 8-GeV electrons inside the SPring-8 storage ring. The energy range of tagged photon by measuring the recoil electron is from 1.5 to 2.4 GeV, and enables us to study the strange meson- and baryon-photoproduction, such as £p(1020), £N(1405) and £N(1520) . In the past 30 years, other than the high-energy £N(1520) photoproduction at NINA/LAMP2 experiment, there is no further study of the £N(1520) photoproduction near the threshold. Based on this exclusive measurement at NINA/LAMP2 experiment, several theoretical calculations predict that the £N(1520) photoproduction near the threshold can be explained by t-channel K* exchange, t-channel K exchange or the contact term together with the t-channel K exchange under the gauge invariance. This experiment was performed at SPring-8/LEPS facility with liquid hydrogen and deuterium targets by a forward spectrometer from 2002 to 2003. The electroproduction experiment with similar c.m. energy region performed by JLab/CLAS is included for comparison. We study three two-track detection modes to reconstruct the £N(1520) resonance and other resonant/non-resonant backgrounds by the invariant mass and missing mass spectra. Utilizing the one-/two-step side-band subtraction methods and Monte Carlo simulation method, we measure the differential cross sections, K^- decay asymmetries in t-channel helicity frame and photon beam asymmetries to understand the production mechanism of £N(1520) . This is the first time, the differential cross sections were measured at low energies and with a deuterium target. A large asymmetry of the production cross sections from protons and neutrons was observed at backward K^{+/0} angles. It can be explained by the dominance of the contact term along with the t-channel K exchange under the satisfaction of gauge invariance. This interpretation was also compatible with the differential cross sections, K^- decay asymmetry, and the photon beam asymmetry measured in the production from protons in the forward K^+ angles. A detector upgrade for the acceptance complement is done by introducing a time projection chamber, the configuration and operation principles except for the physics results will also be discussed in this thesis.

Photodisintegration of the Deuteron at 18 MeV using Linearly Polarized Photons

2014 July 1900 (has links)
This thesis reports the: cross section, parameterized differential cross section, and analyzing power (a.k.a. the photon asymmetry), for neutron production via the photodisintegration of the unpolarized deuteron at 18 MeV using linearly polarized photons. The data were collected in October 2010 using the High Intensity Gamma Source at the Duke Free-Electron Laser Laboratory located at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. The ejectile neutrons from the photodisintegration reaction were measured using the Blowfish detector array: a spherical array of 88 BC-505 liquid organic scintillator cells which cover approximately pi steradians. The initial goal of our experiment was to perform tests on the detector characteristics and check a few potential sources of systematic error, and so uncontaminated experimental runs were only taken with the remaining beam-time. Our data are therefore not optimized for precision, and so presented a number of data analysis challenges. This thesis delineates the challenges and respective solutions. Contrary to earlier results near deuteron binding energy threshold, we see reasonable agreement with a theoretical calculation based on retarded one meson exchange with empirical cutoffs in the propagators, including: off-shell corrections, relativistic corrections and the Delta isobar degree-of-freedom. Our results show similar agreement to theory as previous experiments at 14 and 16 MeV, although we see no target length dependence: such has been observed at 20 MeV.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Ferroelectric Ammonium Sulfate and Fluoroberyllate

Kydon, Donald 11 1900 (has links)
<p> The temperature dependences of the deuteron spin-lattice relaxation times, T1, in ferroelectric ammonium sulfate, (ND4)2SO4 , and ammonium fluoroberyllate, (ND4)2BeF4, have been studied by transient methods over the range 80 to 47S°K. The ability to resolve the individual correlations of the two independent ND4 groups in the deuteron experiment has thrown new light on the reorientation of the ammonium groups and their behaviour in the phase transition. It has been proposed that the mechanism of the phase transition in ammonium sulfate is a disordering, with respect to the a b plane in the paraelectric phase, of the ND4 dipoles which also make the dominant contribution to the spontaneous polarization. The present N.M.R. results show that in (ND4)2so4 ,T1 at both non-equivalent ND4 groups is affected at the phase transition, whereas in (ND4)2BeF4 , it is affected at only one ND4 group. This suggests that the phase transitions in these two materials are rather different and that in ammonium sulfate both types of ammonium ions are involved whereas in ammonium fluoroberyllate only one type is involved in the transition. Such a conclusion is supported by evidence from measurements of thermal and dielectric properties. An earlier study of the proton spectrum in (NH4)2so4 reported a value of 33 gauss^2 for the second moment at 20°K. This is considerably smaller than the expected rigid lattice value of 5O gauss^2 and it was concluded that while some of the NH4+ groups are effectively rigid at 20°K others are still reorienting. Our new results for the proton second moment confirm the low value down to 4.2°K but our results for T1 indicate that the proton line is not motionally narrowed. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Application of Effective Field Theories to Problems in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

Mereghetti, Emanuele January 2011 (has links)
The Effective Field Theory formalism is applied to the study of problems in hadronic and nuclear physics. We develop a framework to study the exclusive two-body decays of bottomonium into two charmed mesons and apply it to study the decays of the C-even bottomonia. Using a sequence of effective field theories, we take advantage of the separation between the scales contributing to the decay processes, 2m(b) ≫ m(c) ≫∧(QCD). We prove that, at leading order in the EFT power counting, the decay rate factorizes into the convolution of two perturbative matching coefficients and three non-perturbative matrix elements, one for each hadron. We calculate the relations between the decay rate and non-perturbative bottomonium and D-meson matrix elements at leading order, with next-to-leading log resummation. The phenomenological implications of these relations are discussed. At lower energies, we use Chiral Perturbation Theory and nuclear EFTs to set up a framework for the study of time reversal (T) symmetry in one- and few-nucleon problems. We consider T violation from the QCD θ term and from all the possible dimension 6 operators, expressed in terms of light quarks, gluons and photons, that can be added to the Standard Model Lagrangian. We construct the low energy chiral Lagrangian stemming from different TV sources, and derive the implications for the nucleon Electric Dipole Form Factor and the deuteron T violating electromagnetic Form Factors. Finally, with an eye to applications to nuclei with A ≥ 2, we construct the T violating nucleon-nucleon potential from different sources of T violation.

Charakterizace vibračních módů složek nukleových kyselin pomocí variabilní proton-deuteriové výměny / Vibrational modes of nucleic acids components characterized by means of variable proton-deuterium exchange

Zoul, David January 2010 (has links)
Although the nucleon acid oscillatory spectra have been studied for a long period of time, many of oscillating modes have not been properly explained regarding their geometric sensitivity and weak binding. One of the possibilities how to acquire experimental data for interpretation of theese modes is to confront oscillating spectra of isotopes. The simplest is proton - deutron exchange. When molecules dissolve in heavy water they rapidly exchange the heteroatoms, but this is simultaneous for more stages, which leads to dynamic equilibrium state among various isotope forms. Statistic analysis of temporal progression of Raman spectra give us the possibility to analyze the spectra and to obtain unique experimental data. This technique is very promising for more complex nucleon acid segments to gain more structural information. This diploma thesis represents pilot study of introduced methodics. The objective is to implement adaptation of Raman spectrometr for given types of expiments and undertake first series of measurements. The results should clarify application bounds of proposed method refering to sensitivity, time constant of incident isotope exchange, severity of read-out in comparasion of achieved accuracy of the measurement.

Neutron-Deuteron Scattering and Three-Body Interactions / Neutron-Deuteronspridning och Trekropparväxelverkan

Mermod, Philippe January 2006 (has links)
<p>High-precision differential cross section data of the neutron-deuteron elastic scattering reaction at 95 MeV are presented. The neutron-proton scattering differential cross section was also measured and used as a reference to allow an accurate absolute normalization of the neutron-deuteron data.</p><p>Two multi-detector arrays were used, MEDLEY and SCANDAL, at the neutron beam facility at The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala. Three different configurations of the detectors allowed to perform three independent measurements. The first experiment involved detecting recoil deuterons from thin deuterated polyethylene targets with the MEDLEY setup and allowed a large angular coverage. In the second experiment, high-precision data were obtained at neutron backward angles, using the SCANDAL setup with the same technique. For the third experiment, data were obtained in the forward angular range using the SCANDAL setup with a technique where neutrons scattered on heavy water were detected by neutron-proton conversion in plastic scintillators and tracking the protons through the detectors. Events from elastic neutron-deuteron scattering were identified in the data analysis, and differential cross sections were obtained after applying corrections and evaluating systematic uncertainties due to effects which could affect the shape or the absolute normalization of the data.</p><p>The results are compared with modern Faddeev calculations using realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials combined with three-nucleon interactions. The effects of three-nucleon forces are expected to increase the differential cross section by about 30% in the region of the minimum. The data agree with this prediction, thus providing evidence for three-nucleon force effects.</p>

Neutron-Deuteron Scattering and Three-Body Interactions / Neutron-Deuteronspridning och Trekropparväxelverkan

Mermod, Philippe January 2006 (has links)
High-precision differential cross section data of the neutron-deuteron elastic scattering reaction at 95 MeV are presented. The neutron-proton scattering differential cross section was also measured and used as a reference to allow an accurate absolute normalization of the neutron-deuteron data. Two multi-detector arrays were used, MEDLEY and SCANDAL, at the neutron beam facility at The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala. Three different configurations of the detectors allowed to perform three independent measurements. The first experiment involved detecting recoil deuterons from thin deuterated polyethylene targets with the MEDLEY setup and allowed a large angular coverage. In the second experiment, high-precision data were obtained at neutron backward angles, using the SCANDAL setup with the same technique. For the third experiment, data were obtained in the forward angular range using the SCANDAL setup with a technique where neutrons scattered on heavy water were detected by neutron-proton conversion in plastic scintillators and tracking the protons through the detectors. Events from elastic neutron-deuteron scattering were identified in the data analysis, and differential cross sections were obtained after applying corrections and evaluating systematic uncertainties due to effects which could affect the shape or the absolute normalization of the data. The results are compared with modern Faddeev calculations using realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials combined with three-nucleon interactions. The effects of three-nucleon forces are expected to increase the differential cross section by about 30% in the region of the minimum. The data agree with this prediction, thus providing evidence for three-nucleon force effects.

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