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Seniorský cestovní ruch / Senior tourismSlavík, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the senior tourism, its development, status, structure and perceptions of accommodation facility owners. We used leisure development and the evolution of older people (55 years and 65 years) for the theoretical framing theory. We also used development funds and the theory of subjective and real age for better explaining the actual trends. The methodology of thesis was based on a survey, informal interviews and email survey. A questionnaire survey was conducted on two levels. The first aims directly at senior citizens (240 respondents) and the second at the owners of accommodation facilities. An important source of information was informal conversation among the elderly. These interviews helped to clarify and to explain phenomena that were discovered in surveys. Another source of information was planned as a telephone poll of travel agents. However, for fear of misuse of data and retaining its "know-how" there were no results and this method of information obtaining was avoided. A very important source of information were reviews of Czech and foreign literature. Finally, I used and Internet sources. The objectives of work include efforts to determine how the senior tourism is structured, whether it helps to balance the marginal tourist season. An additional goal was to try to...
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Faktory rozvoje venkovských obcí na Valašsku / Factors for development of rural municipalities in WallachiaAntošová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
The rural environment and its issues have become a center of interest in regional development quite recently. Due to its complex transformation over the last few decades, it must be cared for and developed further so that it can be enjoyed by future generations as well. Rural development should therefore be a complex process, focused on all the rural components that make it. To properly target rural development, it is necessary to identify the key factors that can make development possible. The identification of key development factors is closely related to development agents. Without development agents and their cooperation at all levels, it is very difficult to achieve effective and successful rural development. Development in municipalities is also influenced by the geographical location of municipalities and their distance from the regional center. The problems of municipalities are enhanced by its size. The smaller the village, the bigger the problem and the more complicated the development. For small municipalities it may be crucial to draw on development from their own resources, which are human and social capital. These soft factors of development have been in the forefront of interest in recent years, and the leading world. Key words Countryside, rural development, human capital, social...
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Modern Sea piracy Modus operandi and economical and development state backgroundsJannati, Farzad, Salimi, Mahdi January 2012 (has links)
Purpose - The objective of this study is to enhance the understanding of modus operandi ofmodern sea piracy by data existed in the relevant sources. A simple framework ofunderstating the subject is brought as the authors’ contribution.Design/methodology/approach – Analysis was done through constructing a databaseaccording to sea piracy reports of International Maritime Organization (IMO) website. It hascontinued by investigating in some of the economical, social and other parameters of somecountries with coastlines. In the end, it has introduced a framework of understanding of themodern sea piracy.Findings – Piracy has a long history, as an easy way of achieving commodities. In the lastdecade, there was an outbreak trend in East Africa region emerging Somalia pirates. In thebeginning of 2000s, there were South China Sea and Malacca Straits regions that were theimportant arena of pirates. Besides a weak and powerless government, bad economicalsituation, the main issue in East Africa piracy was the volume of the commodities that was(and is) transported via coasts of Horn of Africa.Practical implications- In this study, two research questions were followed: how the piracyattacks have been done and observing how some related countries look like.Research limitations/implications – Being a literature review, this thesis project is notresponsible for the correctness of the sources and not by any means if a company or anorganization uses its results or recommendations.Originality/value –Using valid sources, it is a unique work of authors; not manipulatingothers’ work; that has investigated those reports and addressed supplementary points thatenhance the understanding of the modus operandi and some state backgrounds of sea piratesin 2000s.Paper type – Case study / literature review. / Program: Magisterutbildning i Industriell ekonomi - logistik
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Faktory rozvoje venkovských obcí na Valašsku / Factors for development of rural municipalities in WallachiaAntošová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
The rural environment and its issues have become a center of interest in regional development quite recently. Due to its complex transformation over the last few decades, it must be cared for and developed further so that it can be enjoyed by future generations as well. Rural development should therefore be a complex process, focused on all the rural components that make it. To properly target rural development, it is necessary to identify the key factors that can make development possible. The identification of key development factors is closely related to development agents. Without development agents and their cooperation at all levels, it is very difficult to achieve effective and successful rural development. Development in municipalities is also influenced by the geographical location of municipalities and their distance from the regional center. The problems of municipalities are enhanced by its size. The smaller the village, the bigger the problem and the more complicated the development. For small municipalities it may be crucial to draw on development from their own resources, which are human and social capital. These soft factors of development have been in the forefront of interest in recent years, and the leading world. Key words Countryside, rural development, human capital, social...
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Faktory úspěšnosti venkovských obcí / Success factors of rural municipalitiesStaffen, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the development and success of rural municipalities within the administrative district of the Hradec Králové municipality. The thesis will take into account the influence of external development factors on the success of the municipalities, i.e. the influence of size in the form of population and the influence of location in the form of distance from the city Hradec Králové. In the spirit of the currently prevailing institutional directions of development, the emphasis on internal development potentials and actors and the so-called bottom-up approach in the rural development paradigm, municipalities will be evaluated on the basis of indicators based on these concepts, which can be used to assess the level of development and therefore the success of a rural municipality. The output of the evaluation will be an overview of each village and how its location in relation to the centre and its population affect its development. The final determination of successful and threatened rural municipalities will be compared for the entire Hradec Králové ORP. The thesis does not aim to establish a new theory of the approach to the study of the development of rural municipalities, but through one of the many approaches to assessing the development of rural municipalities to...
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Разработка стратегии выхода российской компании пищевой промышленности на международный рынок : магистерская диссертация / Сreating a strategy for the entry of a Russian food industry company into the international marketСелезнев, П. М., Selesnev, P. M. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке стратегии выхода российской компании пищевой промышленности на международный рынок в современных условиях. Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения и списка использованных источников. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты стратегического планирования. Во второй главе проведен комплексный анализ финансово-хозяйственной деятельности ОАО «Меридиан» и дана оценка возможности ее выхода на международные рынки. Третья глава посвящена разработке алгоритма по выходу ОАО «Меридиан» на международные рынки. / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of a strategy for the entry of a Russian food industry company into the international market in modern conditions. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used. The first chapter discusses the theoretical aspects of strategic planning. The second chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of Meridian OJSC and assesses the possibility of its entry into international markets. The third chapter is devoted to the development of an algorithm for the entry of Meridian into international markets.
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Factors limiting sport development in rural areas of Mutoko District in ZimbabweMukucha, Tawanda Manner 18 September 2017 (has links)
MRDV / Institute for Rural Development / Over the past decade, there has been increased attention in international development literature on the concept of ‘development through sport’. Sport has long been used in various capacities of development practice especially in lower income countries. Various studies on sport development in rural areas have been undertaken. However, they do not provide a clear explanation of the major factors that constrain the growth and improvement of sport in rural communities in most developing countries. This study focused on identifying the factors that limit sport development in the rural areas of Mutoko District in Zimbabwe. A mixed method approach was followed. The first phase was exploratory and qualitative in nature. In phase 2, quantitative studies, which were mainly confirmatory were carried out. Youth (males and females), men, women, disabled people, school heads, District administrators, club coaches, chiefs and headmen were the respondents. Focus group discussions, participant observation, semi structured interviewing and assistive devices were used to gather data in the first phase. The Thematic Content Analysis was used to analyse the data. A questionnaire containing both open and closed-ended questions was used to confirm the results of phase one. Frequencies were calculated using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.0. Sport development in Mutoko District was found to be poor, mainly as a result of multiple challenges such as inadequate funding, poor sporting infrastructure, low stakeholder support, shortage of qualified coaches, and lack of appropriate attire and equipment. Schools played a significant role in providing sporting opportunities for the youth in the District. Male youth were reported to be more readily participating part in sporting activities compared to their female counterparts. This was said to be due to the existence of only one professional sport club for males in the District. Apart from this, there was poor awareness and appreciating of the benefits of participating in sporting activities. Based on these results, it was recommended that government support in terms of funding and availing sport infrastructure was crucial in promoting sport development. Grassroots community members and other local stakeholders could support sporting activities through schools.
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Zhodnocení průběhu reformy sociálního zabezpečení v ČR / Evaluation of the Process of the Social Security Reform in the Czech RepublicVotýpková, Hana January 2007 (has links)
Social security is an important part of the state social policy. The social security development depends upon many factors and their interaction and interpretation changes in historic context. Historic sources of social security development show a strong and urgent need of the state to deal with these questions. Chapter 1 contains a continual historical overview of social security in Czech Republic. The development of this important part of the state economy is closely connected to political and economical situation and the need of valid legal enactment implementation. The social security concept is inspired by proven models of other countries, especially Sweden. The basic system principles have to be respected simultaneously. Chapter 3 follows the fundamental problems which have been monitored since 2000. Their particular form is summed up in seven principal paragraphs. As the Czech Republic is now a part of the European economic space I find very important to treat the basic principles and objectives of social policy in European countries, however in general terms. Chapter 5 describes individual phases of the social security reform which have been put into effect in 2008 and also a concept which has been prepared for 2009
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