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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the evolutionary impact of the teleost genome duplication through comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis of homeobox genes in the Osteoglossomorpha

Martin, Kyle January 2016 (has links)
Multiple rounds of whole genome duplication (WGD) have played a pivotal role in the expansion, elaboration, and evolutionary diversification of vertebrate genomes. In addition to sharing two rounds of whole genome duplication with all other vertebrates, a teleost-specific genome duplication (TGD) occurred in the stem of the teleost lineage ~350 million years ago (MYA) and is thus a genomic synapomorphy shared by all ~26,000 extant species. The TGD has variously been implicated in accelerated speciation, evolution of morphological complexity, increased rates of molecular evolution, and the evolution of novelty, and therefore is therefore of significant interest for its impact on teleost evolution and also as a model for understanding the evolutionary patterns and processes which accompany WGDs more generally. Investigation of the TGD has contributed extensively to the general understanding of WGDs however, until the present work, a relatively narrow taxonomic sampling of species within a single teleost subdivision, Clupeocephala, have been investigated. This taxonomic bias has left potentially relevant evolutionary changes to the teleost genome in the immediate wake of the TGD obscured. Due to their deeply branching ancestry, species belonging to the two other major teleost subdivisions, Osteoglossomorpha and Elopomorpha, are well positioned for deeper comparative genomic analyses of the TGD and the accompanying phenomenon of diploidization. The focus of the present work has been to develop the first genomic resources specifically for osteoglossomorphs and to investigate the evolutionary patterns and processes which accompanied diploidization prior the deep divergence of the three extant teleost subdivisions. To this end, I have generated de novo genome and transcriptome data from four osteoglossomorph taxa (Pantodon buchholzi, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, Chitala ornata, and Gnathonemus petersii) and conducted comparative genomic and phylogenetic analysis with other teleosts and pre-TGD vertebrates including the gar Lepisosteus oculeatus. With a focus on Hox and other ANTP class homeobox-containing transcription factor families I provide evidence that speciation of the major teleost subdivisions occurred prior to the termination of the diploidization process following TGD and discuss the evolutionary implications of this model. Beginning with an analysis of the Hox clusters in P. buchholzi I show that divergent resolution of TGD-generated Hox duplicates occurred both at the individual gene level as well as at the level of whole cluster losses. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of the P. buchholzi Hox clusters further revealed that the transition from polyploid alleles to full paralogs during the diploidization process can occur independently in different lineages when speciation rapidly follows WGDs, causing duplicated genes to exhibit a special case of four-way gene homology which I have termed 'tetralogy'. A genome-wide survey of ANTP class homeobox genes in a de novo assembly of the P. buchholzi genome revealed that ancient TGD duplicates of at least 14 subfamilies were preserved uniquely in the P. buchholzi genome and lost from clupeocephalan teleosts. Finally, by comparing the Hox complements in gar and P. buchholzi with three additional osteoglossomorphs I show that the diversity in potential duplicate resolution patterns is also highly variable between osteoglossomorph families. Overall, this work highlights the importance of considering not only the relative timing of gene duplication and speciation in comparative genomic analyses but also their timing relative to diploidization. Going forward, the research community will need to carefully evaluate the effects differences in diploidization rate and pattern, both between lineages and across the genome, have had in influencing the fate of individual gene duplicates as well as upon the macroevolutionary phenomena frequently correlated with WGDs more generally.

Evolution of central complex development: Cellular and genetic mechanisms

Farnworth, Max Stephen 30 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular, Cellular and Mechanical basis of Epithelial Morphogenesis during Tribolium Embryogenesis

Jain, Akanksha 11 September 2018 (has links)
Embryonic development entails a series of morphogenetic events which require a precise coordination of molecular mechanisms coupled with cellular dynamics. Phyla such as arthropods show morphological and gene expression similarities during middle embryogenesis (at the phylotypic germband stage), yet early embryogenesis adopts diverse developmental strategies. In an effort towards understanding patterns of conservation and divergence during development, investigations are required beyond the traditional model systems. Therefore, in the past three decades, several insect species representing various insect orders have been established as experimental model systems for comparative developmental studies. Among these, the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum has emerged as the best studied holometabolous insect model after the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Unlike Drosophila, Tribolium is a short-germ insect that retains many ancestral characters common to most insects. The early embryogenesis of Tribolium shows dynamic epithelial rearrangements with an epibolic expansion of the extraembryonic tissue serosa over the embryo, the folding of the embryo in between the serosa and the second extra embryonic tissue amnion and the folding of the amnion underneath the embryo. These extensive tissues are evolutionarily conserved epithelia that undergo different tissue movements and are present in varying proportions in different insects, providing exceptional material to compare and contrast morphogenesis during early embryogenesis. However, most of the previous work on insects including Tribolium have largely focused on the conservation and divergence of gene expression patterns and on gene regulatory interactions. Consequently, very little studies on dynamic cell behaviour have been done and we lack detailed information about the cellular and tissue dynamics during these early morphogenetic events. During my PhD, I first established a live imaging and data analysis pipeline for studying Tribolium embryogenesis in 4-D. I combined live confocal and lightsheet imaging of transgenic or transiently labelled embryos with mechanical or genetic perturbations using laser ablations and gene knockdowns. Using this pipeline quantifications of cell dynamics and tissue behaviours can be done to compare different regions of the embryo as the development proceeds. In the second and third part of my thesis, I describe the actomyosin dynamics and associated cell behaviours during the stages of serosa epibolic expansion, amniotic fold formation and serosa window closure. I cloned and characterised the cellular dynamics of the Tribolium spaghetti squash gene (Tc-squash) - the non-muscle Myosin II regulatory light chain, which is the main molecular force generator in epithelial cells. Interestingly, the analysis of Tc-squash dynamics indicates a conserved role of Myosin II in controlling similar cell behaviours across short germ and long germ embryos. In the last part of the thesis, I report the dynamics of an actomyosin cable that emerges at the interface of the serosa and amnion. This cable increases in tension during development, concomitant with serosa tissue expansion and increased tensions in the serosa. It behaves as a modified purse string as it’s circumference shrinks due to a decrease in the number of cable forming cells over time. This shrinkage is an individual contractile property of the cells forming the cable. This indicates that a supracellular and contractile actomyosin cable might be functional during serosa window closure in insects with distinct serosa and amnion tissues. Further, the tension in the cable might depend on the relative proportion of the serosa, amnion and embryonic regions. Using these integrated approaches, I have correlated global cellular dynamics during early embryogenesis with actomyosin behaviours, and then performed a high-resolution analysis and perturbations of selected events. The established imaging, image processing and perturbation tools can serve as an important basis for future investigations into the tissue mechanics underlying Tribolium embryogenesis and can also be adapted for comparisons of morphogenesis in other insect embryos. More broadly, correlating the existing genetic, mechanical and biochemical understanding of developmental processes from Drosophila with species such as Tribolium, could help identify deeply conserved design principles that lead to different morphologies through differences in underlying regulation.:Page List of Tables v List of Figures vii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Evo-Devo of insects 3 1.2 Tribolium castaneum 5 1.3 Fluorescence live imaging and lightsheet microscopy 10 1.4 Morphogenesis 15 1.5 Thesis objective 29 2 4D lightsheet imaging and analysis pipeline of Tribolium embryos 33 2.1 Standardisation of an injection protocol for sample mounting and imaging with the Zeiss LZ1 SPIM 35 2.2 Double labelling of Tribolium embryos 37 2.3 Image processing with Fiji 37 2.4 Long term timelapse imaging of Tribolium embryogenesis with SPIM 44 2.5 2D cartographic projections of 3D data as a method to visualise and analyse SPIM data 47 2.6 Summary 59 3 Cellular dynamics of the non muscle Myosin II regulatory light chain - Tc-Squash 61 3.1 Tc-Squash dynamics during Tribolium embryogenesis 64 3.2 Myosin drives basal cell closure during blastoderm cellularisation 66 3.3 Myosin shows planar polarity in the embryonic tissue 69 3.4 Myosin accumulation and apical constriction of putative germ cells at the posterior pole 71 3.5 Myosin pulses during apical constriction of mesoderm cells 74 3.6 Myosin accumulates at the extraembryonic-embryonic boundary to form a contractile supracellular cable 77 3.7 Summary 77 4 A supracellular actomyosin cable operates during serosa epiboly 79 4.1 Actin and Myosin accumulate at the extraembryonic-embryonic boundary 81 4.2 The actomyosin assembly migrates ventrally till it forms the rim of the serosa window 82 4.3 The actomyosin cable shows dynamic shape changes during serosa window closure 87 4.4 Serosa cells increase in area till circular serosa window stage 89 4.5 Tension in the serosa tissue increases during epibolic expansion 89 4.6 Serosa cells decrease their apical areas after laser ablation 92 4.7 Tension in the actomyosin cable increases during serosa epiboly 93 4.8 Myosin dynamics at the cable changes between early and serosa window stage 96 4.9 Individual cell membrane shrinkage and cell rearrangements decrease the cable circumference 98 4.10 Myosin dynamics at the cable during serosa window closure 101 4.11 Tension in the cable is not relieved after multiple laser cuts 103 4.12 Analysis of the actomyosin cable in Tc-zen 1 knockdown 105 4.13 Summary 109 5 Discussion 111 5.1 Reconstruction of insect embryogenesis using lightsheet microscopy and tissue cartography 111 5.2 Conserved Myosin II behaviours and its implications on morphogenesis across insects 114 5.3 A contractile supracellular actomyosin cable functions serosa window closure in Tribolium 119 6 Materials and Methods 123 6.1 Tribolium stock maintenance 123 6.2 RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis 124 6.3 Cloning of templates for mRNA synthesis and transgenesis 124 6.4 dsRNA synthesis for RNAi experiments 126 6.5 Capped, single stranded RNA synthesis 126 6.6 Fluorescence image acquisition 27 A Appendix 131 Bibliography 143

The Regulation of Ontogenetic Diversity in Papaveraceae Compound Leaf Development

Plant, Alastair R. 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular Evolution of Mammalian Sex Differentiation

Chung, Wai Yee 07 June 2024 (has links)
Die embryonale Gonade ist bei Säugetieren das einzige bipotente Organ, das sich während der Geschlechtsbestimmung in Hoden oder Eierstock differenziert. Nach der Spezifikation produziert sie geschlechtsspezifische Hormone, die wichtige morphologische, physiologische und Verhaltensänderungen auslösen und schließlich zu reifen Fortpflanzungsorganen führen, die für die Fortpflanzung der Art unerlässlich sind. Trotz der evolutionären Bedeutung der Gonadenfunktion gibt es erhebliche Entwicklungsunterschiede zwischen den Arten, deren molekulare Mechanismen weitgehend unerforscht sind. Zur Untersuchung dieser Mechanismen wurden Einzelzell-Omics-Techniken (scRNA- und scATAC-seq) an sich entwickelnden Gonaden eingesetzt, um molekulare Faktoren für interspezifische Unterschiede während der Geschlechtsdifferenzierung zu analysieren. Bekannte Zelltypen wurden in Hoden und Eierstöcken von Schweinen (mit medullären Strängen), Mäusen (ohne medulläre Stränge), Kaninchen (mit verzögerter Meiose der Keimzellen) und Maulwürfen (mit Ovotestes) zu geschlechtsdimorphen Zeitpunkten charakterisiert. Interartspezifische Vergleiche zeigten sowohl konservierte als auch artspezifische Ereignisse auf den Ebenen der dynamischen Genexpression, Co-Expressionsnetzwerke und zellulären Kommunikation. Expressionsdaten wurden mit epigenomischen Daten integriert, um genregulatorische Netzwerke (GRNs) abzuleiten und die regulatorischen Mechanismen zu klären. Analysen zeigten die Einbeziehung artenspezifischer Transkriptionsfaktoren in konservierte GRNs und identifizierten mutmaßliche cis-regulatorische Elemente, die mit artspezifisch exprimierten Genen verknüpft sind. Die Studie legt nahe, dass unterschiedliche Kontrollmechanismen die Meiose in ovariellen Keimzellen über Arten hinweg initiieren und dass der Metabolismus steroidogener Enzyme zu einzigartigen Entwicklungsmerkmalen bei Kaninchen beitragen könnte. / In mammals, the embryonic gonad is the only bipotential organ, differentiating into either testis or ovary during sex determination. Once specified, it produces sex-specific hormones that induce key morphological, physiological, and behavioral changes, leading to mature reproductive organs essential for species perpetuation. Despite the evolutionary importance of gonadal function, significant developmental plasticity exists across species, with underlying molecular mechanisms largely unexplored. To address this, single-cell omics techniques (scRNA- and scATAC-seq) were employed on developing gonads to investigate molecular contributors to interspecies differences during sex differentiation. Known cell types were characterized in testes and ovaries of pigs (exhibiting medullary cords), mice (lacking medullary cords), rabbits (displaying delayed meiosis of germ cells), and moles (forming ovotestes) at sexually dimorphic time points. Interspecies comparative analyses revealed both conserved and species-specific events at the levels of dynamic gene expression, co-expression networks, and cellular communication. Expression data were integrated with epigenomic data to infer gene regulatory networks (GRNs), clarifying regulatory mechanisms governing these events. Analyses revealed species-specific transcription factors in conserved GRNs and identified putative cis-regulatory elements linked with species-specific expressed genes. The study suggests diverse controls initiate meiosis in ovarian germ cells across species and that steroidogenic enzyme metabolism may contribute to unique developmental features in rabbits. Overall, this study advances the understanding of mammalian gonad differentiation and highlights how gene expression program evolution has contributed to mammalian phenotype diversity.

Regeneration and calcification in the Spirobranchus lamarcki operculum : development and comparative genetics of a novel appendage

Szabó, Réka January 2015 (has links)
Regeneration, the replacement of lost or damaged body parts, and biomineralisation, the biologically controlled formation of minerals, are important and widespread abilities in the animal kingdom. Both phenomena have a complex evolutionary history; thus their study benefits from investigations in diverse animals. Spirobranchus (formerly Pomatoceros) lamarcki is a small tube-dwelling polychaete worm of the serpulid family. Serpulids have evolved a novel head appendage, the operculum, which functions as a defensive tube plug and regenerates readily when lost. In S. lamarcki, the end of the operculum is reinforced by a calcareous plate; thus, the operculum is a good system in which to study both regeneration and biomineralisation. This thesis explores several aspects of these important processes in the adult operculum. First, a time course of normal regeneration is established. Next, cell proliferation patterns are described, suggesting a combination of proliferation-dependent and proliferation-independent elements in opercular regeneration. The formation of the calcareous opercular plate is examined using both microscopic observations of whole opercular plates and X-ray diffraction analysis of isolated plate mineral, revealing a large shift in mineralogy over the course of regeneration. Histochemical study of alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity indicates the importance of these enzymes in the operculum, although their precise functions are as yet unclear. Finally, a preliminary survey of three opercular transcriptomic datasets is presented, with a broad sampling of gene families with regeneration- or biomineralisation-related roles in other animals. The opercular transcriptome constitutes the first biomineralisation transcriptome from any annelid, and one of the first transcriptomic datasets related to annelid regeneration. Many of the candidate genes examined here display interesting behaviour and suggest targets for further investigation. The work presented here establishes the S. lamarcki operculum as a promising model system in the field of evolutionary developmental biology.

Rôles fonctionnels des gènes CUC et MIR164A au cours du développement foliaire chez Arabidopsis thaliana et sa proche relative Cardamine hirsuta / Functional role of the CUC and MIR164A genes during leaf development of Arabidopsis thaliana and its relative Cardamine hirsuta

Hasson, Alice 04 May 2012 (has links)
Une grande diversité de formes foliaires caractérise le monde végétal. Cette diversité s'étend des feuilles simples avec des marges lisses aux feuilles composées, avec des marges disséquées. Cependant, les dentelures des marges de ces feuilles simples ou composées se développent en suivant un mécanisme similaire. Ce mécanisme repose sur l'action des gènes NO APICAUX MERISTEM/ CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDONS (NAM/CUC) ainsi que sur la voie auxinique. Chez Arabidopsis, qui possède des feuilles simples, un équilibre entre les expressions de CUC2 et de son répresseur, miR164, est nécessaire au bon développement des dents. Nous avons montré qu'un autre membre de la famille CUC, CUC3, contribue également au développement de ces dents chez Arabidopsis. Bien que son action soit principalement dépendante de CUC2, il agit également plus tard au cours du développement foliaire. En outre, nous avons démontré qu'une boucle de rétro-contrôle entre CUC2 et la voie auxinique permet le développement de dents avec plus ou moins marquées. Nous avons également montré qu'un modèle d'expression temporelle existe entre l'auxine et le module CUC2-miR164. En outre, la production de plantes transgéniques de Cardamine hirsuta, un proche parent d' Arabidopsis, qui possède des feuilles composées, a mis en évidence l'importance des éléments cis-régulateurs dans le promoteur de CUC1 de Cardamine hirsuta. En effet, la divergence de ces éléments cis-régulateurs entre les promoteurs de CUC1 de Cardamine hirsuta et d' Arabidopsis pourrait expliquer que CUC1 soit fortement exprimé dans les feuilles de Cardamine hirsuta alors qu'il est faiblement exprimé dans celles d' Arabidopsis. / A wide diversity of leaf shapes characterises the plant world. This diversity ranges from simple leaves with smooth margins to compound leaves with dissected margins. However, all serrations of simple or compound leaf margins are developed using a similar mechanism. This mechanism includes the action of the NO APICAL MERISTEM/CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON (NAM/CUC) genes as well as the auxin pathway. In Arabidopsis simple leaves, a balanced expression of CUC2 and its repressor miR164 is controlling the serrations development. We have shown that another member of the CUC family, CUC3, also contributes to the serration development in Arabidopsis simple leaves. While its action is mainly dependent of the one of CUC2, it also acts later during leaf development. Additionally, we have demonstrated that a feed-back loop was regulating the CUC2 and auxin pathways, in order to form leaves with more or less incisions. We also shown that a temporal expression pattern was established between the auxin and the CUC2-miR164 module. Moreover, generation of transgenic Cardamine hirsuta plants, a close relative of Arabidopsis, that possesses compound leaves, has enlighten the importance of cis-regulatory elements in the promoter of CUC1 from Cardamine hirsuta. Indeed, the divergence of cis-regulatory elements between promoters of CUC1 from Cardamine hirsuta and Arabidopsis could explain that CUC1 is expressed strongly in Cardamine hirsuta leaves whereas it is weakly expressed in Arabidopsis leaves.

Evolutionary novelty : a philosophical and historical investigation

Racovski, T. January 2019 (has links)
Evolutionary novelty, the origin of new characters such as the turtle shell or the flower, is a fundamental problem for an evolutionary view of life. Accordingly, it is a central research topic in contemporary biology involving input from several biological disciplines and explanations at several levels of organization. As such it raises questions relative to scientific collaboration and multi-level explanations. Novelty is also involved in theoretical debates in evolutionary biology. It has been appropriated by evo-devo, a scientific synthesis linking research on evolution and development. Thanks to its focus on development, evo-devo claims to explain the mechanistic origin of novelties as new forms, while the Modern Synthesis can only provide statistical explanation of evolutionary change. The origin of an evolutionary novelty is a historical emergence of a new character involving form and function. I focus on three neglected dimensions of the problem of novelty, the functional-historical approach to the problem, research on novelty in the Modern Synthesis era and novelty in plants. I compare the evo-devo approach to novelty to a functional-historical approach of novelty. I focus on its origin in Darwin and its presence in the Modern Synthesis. The comparison of the two approaches reveals distance between conceptual frameworks and proximity in explanatory practices. This is partly related to unwarranted conceptual opposition. In particular, I list several ways of distinguishing novelty and adaptation, some of which are not conceptually sound. I then focus on the relation between novelty and adaptation in the Modern Synthesis era, and on the relation of novelty to other fundamental biological problems (speciation, origin of higher taxa, complexity). Pushing this approach further, I challenge the view that the Modern Synthesis excluded development and reached a hardened consensus. Finally, I analyse how Günter Wagner's developmental theory of novelty applies to novelties in plant.

Role of KNOX genes in the evolution and development of floral nectar spurs

Box, Mathew S. January 2010 (has links)
A key question in biology is how changes in gene function or regulation produce new morphologies during evolution. The nectar spur is an evolutionarily labile structure known to influence speciation in a broad range of angiosperm taxa. Here, the genetic basis of nectar spur development, and the evolution of differences in nectar spur morphology, is investigated in Linaria vulgaris and two closely related species of orchid, the primitively longer-spurred Dactylorhiza fuchsii, and more derived short-spurred D. viridis (Orchidinae, Orchidaceae). Despite considerable morphological and phylogenetic differences, nectar spur ontogeny is fundamentally similar in each of the study species, proceeding from an abaxial bulge formed on the ventral petal relatively late in petal morphogenesis. However, spur development is progenetically curtailed in the short-spurred orchid D. viridis. In each case spur development involves class 1 KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) proteins. KNOX gene expression is not restricted to the spur-bearing petal, indicating that additional components are required to define nectar spur position, e.g. canonical ABC genes, determinants of floral zygomorphy, and additional (currently unknown) factors. However, constitutive expression of class 1 KNOX proteins in transgenic tobacco produces flowers with ectopic outgrowths on the petals, indicating that KNOX proteins alone are, to some degree, capable of inducing structures similar to nectar spurs in a heterologous host. Interestingly, KNOX gene expression is high in the ovary of all study taxa, suggesting that KNOX proteins may also have been involved in the evolution of this key angiosperm feature. Although principally involved in maintaining indeterminacy in the shoot apical meristem (SAM), members of the KNOX gene family have been co-opted in the evolution and development of compound leaves where they suppress differentiation and extend the morphogenetic potential of the leaf. A similar model is presented here to explain the role of KNOX proteins in nectar spur development. Co-option of KNOX gene expression to the maturing perianth delays cellular differentiation, facilitating the development of the nectar spur but requiring additional, unknown factors, to determine nectar spur fate. As facilitators of nectar spur development, changes in the spatio-temporal patterns of KNOX gene expression may alter the potential for nectar spur development and explain the critical length differences observed between the orchids D. fuchsii and D. viridis (and among other angiosperm taxa). Taken together, the available data indicate that KNOX genes confer a meristematic state upon plant tissues in a variety of morphogenetic contexts, making the gene family a potentially versatile tool to mediate a wide variety of evolutionary transformations.

Revealing the Structure and Evolution of a Fruit Fly Gene Regulatory Network by Varied Genetic Approaches

Hughes, Jesse T. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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