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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban and rural landscape in early and middle Byzantine Attica (4th-12th c. AD)

Tzavella, Elissavet January 2013 (has links)
The present study synthesiszes archaeological and historical evidence concerning Attica (Greece), the hinterland of Athens, in the Early and Middle Byzantine periods (4th-12th c.). Although the Byzantine monuments of Attica have been thoroughly studied, no coherent picture of how these relate to broader patterns of occupation and land usage has thus far been presented. In the main, the period under discussion is generally interpreted in three ways: Regarding Late Antiquity, research has often focused on the transition from paganism to Christianity, and to the characterisation of Attica as a ‘stronghold of paganism’. During the so-called ‘Dark-Ages’, Attica is most often presented as being ‘desolate’. Regarding the Middle Byzantine period, archaeological research is dominated by architectural and art-historical study of churches. The present study presents Attica within wider trends which took place in the Byzantine Empire, and which caused its transformation in terms of demography, settlement pattern, administration, road networks, economy, defense and ecclesiastical institutions. After a detailed catalogue and interpretation of all available archaeological material, Attica appears less ‘exceptional’ in Late Antiquity, less ‘desolate’ in the ‘Dark-Ages’, while in the Middle Byzantine period, emergence of a strong local elite matches the erection of monuments of high artistic quality.

Monks and monasteries of Byzantine Thrace 10th-14th centuries

Makris, Georgios January 2016 (has links)
My Ph.D. dissertation examines the history and archaeology of the monastic institutions of Thrace between the tenth and the late fourteenth centuries. Primarily concerned with the fundamental aspects of monastic life and its modes of interaction with lay society, I sought to investigate the life-cycle, topography and spatial composition of monastic communities in the western hinterland of the imperial capital of Byzantium, the city of Constantinople. My second objective was the investigation of the cultural, economic, and social aspects of the relationship between Thrace and Constantinople as evidenced in the surviving material culture, which consists mainly of architecture and decorative programmes. I followed an interdisciplinary methodology that brings together the systematic analysis of a large corpus of texts associated with monastic institutions -namely wills, monastic foundation documents, monastic archives, letters and imperial laws- with the results of three seasons of archaeological fieldwork. I conducted extensive surveys and recorded remains of monastic complexes including churches and refectories on Mount Ganos (Turkey), on the southern Rhodope Mountains (Greece) and in the cities of Sozopolis and Mesembria (Bulgaria), and explored the cultural ties with Constantinople and other meaningful centers of the Byzantine world.

O cerrado enquanto paisagem: a dinâmica da apropriação paisagística do território / Cerrado as landscape: dynamics of cultural appropriation of the territory.

Pastore, Julio Barêa 11 April 2014 (has links)
O termo paisagem tem sido apropriado por vários campos do conhecimento, como a Geografia, a Filosofia, a Ecologia, a Antropologia a Arte e o Paisagismo, com significados que vão da realidade objetiva de uma porção de território à sua representação pictórica. Entendemos aqui que o conceito de paisagem e as imagens paisagísticas são, em última análise, fundados sobre um tom específico da experiência do sujeito no mundo vivido, que não se confunde com outras relações estéticas possíveis do ser humano com a natureza ou com o espaço. Acreditamos que a paisagem tenha sua modalidade perceptiva baseada na escala maior do espaço vivido, e envolve significados existenciais característicos. Dito isso, podemos acreditar que o reconhecimento da importância da experiência paisagística para o Homem é tão fundamental quanto os outros temas do nosso universo teórico, técnico ou artístico, como, por exemplo, os temas do espaço e o habitar para a arquitetura. Nesta tese colocamos em questão a efetividade do olhar paisagístico sobre o Cerrado. Utilizamos como casos de estudo os relatos dos naturalistas estrangeiros que percorreram a antiga Província de Goyaz, no século XIX, e nos planos urbanísticos das capitais Goiânia (1933), Brasília (1957) e Palmas (1989). Buscamos demonstrar, a partir de alguns critérios estabelecidos por Augustin Berque, se, e como, o Cerrado pôde ser a paisagem que ambienta estes documentos. Na fundamentação teórica, partimos do reconhecimento da paisagem enquanto experiência sensível, e, portanto, passível de um entendimento a partir da estética. Valemos-nos, nesse sentido, de teóricos da paisagem e das reflexões sobre aisthetica de Gernot Böhme. Para levantar os significados próprios da experiência paisagística, no âmbito da filosofia da paisagem e da fenomenologia, recorremos às reflexões de Eric Dardel e de Jean-Marc Besse. Procuramos expor, a partir desse debate, o que denominamos de dinâmica da apropriação paisagística do território, isto é, o processo pelo qual se formam valores culturais (ou melhor, paisagísticos) que referenciam o Cerrado enquanto paisagem, com o foco na importância da experiência sensível dessa região. Buscamos, então, nos documentos analisados, traços que demonstrassem a efetividade da apreensão do Cerrado enquanto paisagem, utilizando como critérios a ocorrência de representações, referências textuais e a relação espacial que os planos urbanísticos previam para com o entorno das cidades planejadas. Os resultados indicam que a visada paisagística pode se afirmar, com maior ou menor intensidade, em cada caso e a cada momento. Isto, acreditamos, reflete o fato de que há um movimento inerente ao homem na apreensão do território enquanto paisagem, e que esse movimento mobiliza e atualiza os valores culturais a partir da experiência paisagística do Cerrado. / The term landscape has been appropriated by many fields of knowledge, such as Geography, Philosophy, Ecology, Anthropology, Landscape Architecture and the Visual Arts, with meanings that range from the objective reality of a portion of the territory to its pictorial representation. We understand that the concept of landscape and landscape images are, ultimately, founded on a specific character of a specific tone of the subjects experience in the lived world, not to be confused with other possible aesthetic relationships of human beings with nature or to the space. We believe that landscape has its perceptive modality based on the larger scale of the lived space, and involves characteristic existential meanings. In this sense, we may consider that the acknowledgment of the importance for man of the landscape experience is as fundamental as others themes of our theoretical technical or artistic universe, such as, for example, the themes of space and dwelling for architecture. In this thesis we question the effectiveness of the landscaping gaze at the Cerrado. We use as case studies the accounts of the foreign naturalists who visited the ancient Province of Goyaz, in the 19th Century, and the urban plans of the capital cities of Goiânia (1933), Brasília (1957) and Palmas (1989). We seek to demonstrate, from some of the criteria established by Augustin Berque, if, and how, the Cerrado could have been taken as landscape in these documents. As a theoretical fundament, we start with the acknowledgment of landscape as a sensitive experience, and therefore, possible to be understood from the perspective of aesthetics. We make use of Gernot Böhmes rflections on aisthetica. To collect meanings specific to landscape experience, in the field of landscape philosophy and phenomenology, we turn to the reflections of Eric Dardel and Jean-Marc Besse. We attempt to expose what we call dynamics of landscape appropriation of the territory, that is, a process by which cultural values (or rather landscape values) are formed, which make reference to Cerrado as landscape, focusing on the importance of the sensitive experience of this region. We searched the analyzed documents to find the effectiveness of the apprehension of Cerrado as landscape, having as criteria the occurrence of representations, text references, and the spatial relation which the urban plans envisioned with the surroundings of the cities. The results indicate that the landscaping gaze can affirm itself in greater or smaller intensity, in each case and at each moment. This, we believe, reflects the fact that there is a movement inherent to man in the apprehension of the territory as landscape, and that this movement mobilizes and actualizes the cultural values from the landscape experience of the Cerrado.

Políticas de Estado e bibliotecas públicas : um estudo de caso do Plano Distrital do Livro e da Leitura

Machado, Frederico Borges 13 April 2015 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2015. / Por meio da revisão da literatura acadêmica, observa-se que as bibliotecas públicas brasileiras, além de precárias, desenvolvem um padrão de serviços comuns, identificando-se a existência de um modelo nacional dessas unidades de informação. Esse modelo é fundamentado nas expectativas sociais oriundas da história dessas unidades de informação e das políticas públicas correlatas. As políticas de Estado têm significativo impacto no atual quadro das bibliotecas no Brasil. Porém, esses impactos não são, em regra geral, consequências dos objetivos propostos por essas políticas. Assim, o presente trabalho busca compreender a relação dessas políticas com seu atual modelo de atuação. Para isso, realiza, por meio de revisão da literatura, um panorama do desenvolvimento dessa biblioteca comparado aos estudos teóricos e diretrizes internacionais que apontam sua definição, objetivos e função social, como também analisa um caso concreto de política pública, o Plano Distrital do Livro e da Leitura. O estudo de caso do Plano do Distrito Federal do Livro e da Leitura visa trazer luz ao entendimento dessa relação e elucidar como as políticas vêm influenciando o desenvolvimento de um modelo de bibliotecas dissociado das orientações teóricas, identificando as variáveis e os impactos resultantes. Este estudo foi realizado por meio de levantamento documental e de entrevistas digitalmente gravadas e transcritas. Foram entrevistados especialistas, como funcionários públicos, bibliotecários e representantes de movimentos sociais, participantes da elaboração do Plano Distrital, com interesses voltados às bibliotecas públicas. Observou-se que a ausência da participação de especialistas e das universidades vem permitindo equívocos de concepção na elaboração dessas políticas, possibilitando a perpetuação de distorções conceituais da função social dessa unidade de informação. Concluiu-se que com uma correta elaboração de políticas públicas, com transparência e ampla participação da universidade e dos bibliotecários em todas as suas fases (formulação, implementação, avaliação), substituindo antigos indicadores defasados, será possível transformar a atual biblioteca pública brasileira em uma instituição essencial à sociedade. Essa biblioteca será, então, atuante na redução das desigualdades sociais, no desenvolvimento social e econômico das cidades e municípios, no desenvolvimento profissional e cognitivo dos cidadãos e no fortalecimento da cidadania, assim como tornar-se-á estratégica à concretização da Sociedade da Informação no Brasil. / Through the review of the academic literature it is observed that the Brazilian public libraries, as well as precarious, develop a pattern of common services, identifying the existence of a national model of these information units. This model is based on social expectations derived from the history of these information units and related public policies. State policies have significant impact on the current situation of libraries in Brazil. But the impact is not, as a rule, consequence of the objectives proposed by those policies. Thus, this paper seeks to understand the relationship of these policies with their current operating model. To do so, It carries out, through literature review, an overview of the development of this library compared to theoretical studies and international guidelines that point its definition, objectives and social function, but also analyzes a specific case of public policy, the Plan of Book and Reading of Distrito Federal. The case study of the Plan of Book and Reading of Distrito Federal aims to bring light to the understanding of this relationship and how policies have influenced the development of a model of libraries dissociated from the theoretical orientations, identifying the variables and the resulting impacts. This study was conducted through archival work and digitally recorded and transcribed interviews. There were experts interviewed, as government employees, librarians and representatives of social movements, participants in the preparation of the Plan, with interests on public libraries. It was observed that the lack of participation of experts and universities has allowed conception mistakes in the preparation of policies, allowing the perpetuation of conceptual distortions of the social function of this unit of information. It was concluded that with a correct public policy development, with transparency and wide participation of the university and librarians in all its phases: formulation, implementation and evaluation; replacing old outdated indicators, it will be possible to change the current Brazilian public library into an essential institution of society. This library will then be active in the reduction of social inequalities in social and economic development of cities and municipalities, in professional and cognitive development of citizens and in strengthening citizenship, as well as become strategic to the achievement of the Information Society in Brazil.

Rape myth acceptance : exploring the influences of media and the Greek-Cypriot culture

Armosti, Yianna January 2017 (has links)
The aims of this thesis were to investigate the impact of media on Rape Myth Acceptance (RMA), and to explore the attitudes of Greek-Cypriots toward victims of rape. The systematic review of the existing literature explored whether seven types of media affect individuals’ RMA. The findings show that RMA of male participants exposed to experimental stimuli was significantly higher than male participants exposed to neutral media. This trend did not hold for females. Chapter Three presents a critique of the RMA scale used in the empirical study: the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression scale (AMMSA; Gerger et al., 2007). The chapter presents methodological issues of existing RMA measures, discusses the rationale for the development of the AMMSA and presents its main strengths and limitations. Chapter Four aimed at examining the RMA of Greek-Cypriots and their attributions of blame in situations depicting sexual violence. The results indicate that males endorse more RMA and tend to attribute more blame to the victim and less to the perpetrator. Older participants and participants not acquainted with victims of sexual assault scored higher on the RMA scale. The final chapter summarises the findings and discusses implications for practice and recommendations for future research.

Middle Byzantine silk in context : integrating the textual and material evidence

Galliker, Julia L. January 2015 (has links)
This work represents the most comprehensive investigation of silk in the middle Byzantine period to date. The current interpretation of silk as an imperial prerogative confined to elite use is poorly integrated with the body of evidence and lacks explanatory value. The difficult terminology and scattered mentions in written sources limits application of conventional research methods. Although a number of silk fragments survive in institutional collections, the lack of find and contextual information represents a formidable obstacle. This dissertation redefines silk in Byzantium by demonstrating its social importance, contribution to technology development, and integration in the regional economy. Findings are based on intensive analysis of production and consumption data from parallel investigation of texts and textile fragments according to a common framework. To aid data collection and analysis, information technology tools involving relational database methods and digital imaging were devised for this purpose. The evidence suggests that the historical process involving silk was shaped by a continuing cycle of elite differentiation and imitative reproduction, which contributed to the transmission of the material and production in the region. From a broader perspective, this work demonstrates the relevance of textile studies to the interpretation of economic and social history.

Agricultural Practices And Countryside In Classical Greece

Demirciler, Volkan 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The subject of this study is the rural settlements in Classical Greece. There is no doubt that there were various factors determined the ancient settlement patterns in Greek countryside. Geographical conditions, socio-economic and political structures can be regarded as major significant factors behind the settlement practices of ancient societies. In this study the relationships between agricultural system and rural settlements of Classical Greece will be examined.

Analysis of OSTBC in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks using 2-hop DF Relaying Protocol

Tahseen, Muhammad Mustafa, Khan, MatiUllah, Ullah, Farhan January 2011 (has links)
To achieve cooperative diversity in cognitive radio network, Decode and Forward (DF) protocol is implemented at Cognitive Radios (CRs) using Orthogonal Space Time Block Coding (OSTBC). The 2-hop communication between source and destination is completed with the help of Cognitive Relays (CRs) using Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology within the network. To achieve spatial diversity and good code rate Alamouti 2×2 STBC is used for transmission. CR is using the decoding (Decode and Forward (DF)) strategy and without amplifying ability before forwarding data towards destination provide better performance. The main objective of this thesis is to detect Primary User (PU) spectrum availability or non-availability for the use of Secondary Users (SU). The Alamouti STBC encoded data is broadcasted to wireless Rayleigh faded channel through transmitter having two transmitting antennas. The CRs are preferred to place close with PU to detect transmitted signal and because of having decoding capability CRs decode the collected data using Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding technique then re-encode the decoded data for further transmission towards receiver. The energy of PU signal received at relays is calculated using energy detector used at cognitive controller having authority to make final decision about presence or absence of PU signal within the spectrum by comparing calculated energy of PU received signal with a predefined value. If the calculated signal energy is less than threshold value it is pretended as the absence of PU and in the other case spectrum is assumed as occupied by PU. Decoding PU signal at relays before forwarding towards destination provide better performance in terms of detection probability and decreasing probability of false alarming as the Signal to Noise (SNR) increases. The proposed cooperative spectrum sensing using DF protocol at cognitive relays with Alamouti STBC is implemented and results are validated by MATLAB simulation. / +46 455 38 50 00

Tia Neiva : a trajetória de uma líder religiosa e sua obra, o vale do amanhecer (1925-2008)

Reis, Marcelo Rodrigues dos 09 1900 (has links)
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de História, 2008. / Submitted by Jaqueline Ferreira de Souza (jaquefs.braz@gmail.com) on 2009-09-21T17:45:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_MarceloRodriguesReis.pdf: 4252537 bytes, checksum: 3d766ec32f6811537c244e6b77b2fa3d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gomes Neide(nagomes2005@gmail.com) on 2010-05-21T14:30:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_MarceloRodriguesReis.pdf: 4252537 bytes, checksum: 3d766ec32f6811537c244e6b77b2fa3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2010-05-21T14:30:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_MarceloRodriguesReis.pdf: 4252537 bytes, checksum: 3d766ec32f6811537c244e6b77b2fa3d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09 / O presente esforço intelectual se empenha em direcionar um olhar dedicado à história da líder religiosa da comunidade do Vale do Amanhecer: a médium que ficou nacionalmente conhecida como Tia Neiva. Migrante nordestina, Neiva Chaves Zelaya, após se estabelecer provisoriamente em muitas cidades em busca de estabilidade, em 1957, radica-se na Cidade Livre, Núcleo Bandeirante, e se envolve diretamente com os esforços que resultariam na edificação da nova capital federal. Informada pelas imagens de predestinação que qualificavam Brasília como uma Terra Prometida e dotada de vigorosa religiosidade, nesse período, dá início a sua vida mística, a sua trajetória hierofânica, na esteira da qual estabelece a Doutrina do Amanhecer. Diante desse objeto de estudo, nossa proposta se associa ao esforço de compreender como a imagem de Tia Neiva, por meio das representações a que deu vida e das que se viram consignadas por atores outros e permanecem a se constituir em torno de suas apresentações temporal e espiritual, autorizam a concepção, a solidificação e garantem a preservação de sua comunidade religiosa. Considerado, ainda, o centralismo carismático que fez perseverar a sua liderança, reconhecemos que a inspiração e a materialização dos saberes e dos fazeres religiosos que têm lugar na doutrina do Amanhecer passavam no mais das vezes pela enunciação de Tia Neiva ou então decorriam de sua legitimação. Isso porque atuava a Clarividente (como a nomeiam os entusiastas de suas revelações) na condição de canal de comunicação privilegiado com a dimensão transcendente, uma vez que se fazia reconhecer entre os da comunidade como detentora de poderes sobre-humanos. Temos, portanto, que a sistematização dos ritos, a narração dos mitos e a distribuição das competências de interação com a esfera espiritual, operações que no campo religioso, afiançamos, têm relevância ímpar, germinaram de sua palavra sagrada. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / The present research focuses on the history of the religious leader of the community known as “Vale do Amanhecer”, the world famous medium Aunt Neiva. After dwelling temporarily in several different cities, searching for stability, the migrant from the north eastern region of the country, Neiva Chaves Zelaya, would get directly involved in the construction of the federal capital. Following the fore visions which showed Brasília as the promised land and endowed with vigorous religiosity, she started her mystical hierophantic trajectory establishing the Doctrine of “Amanhecer”. Face the study subject, our proposition consists of explaining how, the image built by Aunt Neiva, through the representations she developed and the ones consigned by other actors, perpetuates around its temporal and spiritual representations, authorizes the conceptions, solidify and grant the maintenance of the religious community. The consideration that the charismatic centralism contributed to maintain her leadership, confirms the recognition of the inspiration and materialization involved in the knowledge and the spiritual work, all dependent of her speech or her legitimating clairvoyance, that acted as a privileged communication channel with the transcending dimension, once she was recognized by the ones of the community as a vessel of super human powers. The findings points that the systematization of the rites, the narration of the myths and the distribution of competences concerning the interactions with the spiritual sphere, the operations that in the religious field, are supported as having strong relevance, germinated from her sacred words. __________________________________________________________________________________________ RÉSUMÉ / La présente recherche se concentre sur l'histoire du chef religieux de la communauté connue sous le nom de "Vale do Amanhecer", le célèbre moyen “Tia Neiva”. Après logement temporaire dans plusieurs différentes villes, à la recherche de la stabilité, les migrants de la région nord-est de la pays, Neiva Chaves Zelaya, seraient directement impliqués dans la construction du Fédéral Capital. A la suite de la vision avant Brasília, qui a montré que la terre promise et dotée de vigoureuse religiosité, elle a commencé sa trajectoire mystique hierophant instituant la Doctrine de "Amanhecer". Face sujet de l'étude, notre proposition consiste en expliquant comment, à l'image construit par la Tia Neiva, à travers les représentations elle a développé et ceux expédiés par d'autres acteurs, perpétue autour de son temporel et spirituel des représentations, autorise la conceptions, solidifier et accorder à l'entretien de la communauté religieuse. L'examen que le centralisme charismatique contribué à maintenir son leadership, confirme la reconnaissance de l'inspiration et la matérialisation impliqués dans la connaissance et le spirituel de travail, tous les dépendant de son discours ou sa légitimation clairvoyance, qui a agi comme un privilégié canal de communication avec la dimension transcendant, une fois qu'elle a été reconnue par ceux de la communauté comme un navire de super pouvoirs de l'homme. Les conclusions de points que la systématisation de la rites, le récit de mythes et de la répartition des compétences concernant la interactions avec la sphère spirituelle, les opérations que dans le domaine religieux, sont pris en charge comme ayant une forte pertinence, de son germé sacré mots.

De migrante a “interno” : uma leitura sociológica do processo de desvinculação social e psíquica

Jabur, Pedro de Andrade Calil 10 1900 (has links)
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2008. / Submitted by Larissa Ferreira dos Angelos (ferreirangelos@gmail.com) on 2009-09-24T19:12:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_PedroAndradeCJabur.pdf: 856773 bytes, checksum: 413bb3bf79bfdc1c42fccd49a9f8dd0d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gomes Neide(nagomes2005@gmail.com) on 2010-05-24T13:42:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_PedroAndradeCJabur.pdf: 856773 bytes, checksum: 413bb3bf79bfdc1c42fccd49a9f8dd0d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2010-05-24T13:42:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_PedroAndradeCJabur.pdf: 856773 bytes, checksum: 413bb3bf79bfdc1c42fccd49a9f8dd0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10 / O presente estudo pretende através de uma discussão teórica aliada a uma pesquisa de campo reconstituir a trajetória de vida de indivíduos que migraram para Brasília e, posteriormente, apresentaram sintomas psíquicos graves, geralmente de cunho psicótico, passando, a partir daí, a uma condição de internos em uma instituição psiquiátrica. Primeiramente a natureza do processo migratório, tanto no sentido histórico e econômico, mas principalmente no sentido individual, social e psíquico, é analisada como forma de contextualizar a discussão a respeito da trajetória de vida desse indivíduo migrante. A observação do relato de vida desses indivíduos implica, primeiramente, na formulação de um conjunto de desenvolvimento teórico que discutirá, através da relação clássica entre indivíduo e sociedade, o processo de formação, construção e manutenção de uma identidade social, de uma biografia social. A base desse conjunto perpassa a idéia de socialização, referência clássica da sociologia, referente às condições como o indivíduo forma e, ao mesmo tempo, é formado pelas diversas e contínuas referências sociais que o cerca. A fim de ampliar o entendimento desse processo de formação do sujeito social, do próprio migrante, o paradigma da dádiva aprofunda essa idéia de constituição social a partir da idéia da importância do estabelecimento e da manutenção de vínculos não só concretamente sociais, mas também simbolicamente afetivos e, por isso, constitutivos do próprio ser humano. A possibilidade de interpretação dessa dinâmica de vida requer, necessariamente, um diálogo constante entre esta perspectiva sociológica e um entendimento interno – a partir de uma ótica psicanalítica – da formação desse indivíduo como forma de investigação de um significado amplo da noção de desequilíbrio mental, tanto no sentido social, como também psíquico. A apresentação dos dados e dos relatos de vida desses pacientes psiquiátricos forma a segunda parte desta pesquisa e tem o intuito de estabelecer o diálogo entre a pesquisa realizada e o espectro teórico formulado. O conjunto da pesquisa serve justamente como uma espécie de amplificador da discussão iniciada, demonstrando o intuito não de demarcar uma posição efetiva e simples de causa e efeito entre a migração e o desequilíbrio mental, mas de interpretar o sentido social e psíquico que esses dois fenômenos representam na vida desses indivíduos. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / This dissertation intends, through a theoretical discussion and a field research, to reconstruct the life trajectory of individuals that migrated to Brasilia and, subsequently, presented severe psychic symptoms, usually of psychotic nature, being eventually admitted to a psychiatric institution. Firstly, the nature of the migratory process, in its historical and economic aspects, but mostly in the individual, social and psychic sense, is analyzed as a way of contextualizing the debate regarding the life trajectory of the migrant individual. The observation of the life history of these individuals involves the formulation of a theoretical development that will examine, through the classic relationship between individual and society, the process of formation, construction and maintenance of a social identity and a social biography. This theoretical set is based on the idea of socialization, a classical reference in sociology, which refers to the conditions in which an individual forms himself and at the same time is formed by the different and continuous social references around him. In order to expand the understanding of this process of formation of the social subject, and of the migrant himself, the Gift paradigm is useful to consolidate the idea that social constitution departs from the establishment and the maintenance of bonds, not only concretely social but also symbolically affective, and, thus, constitutive of the human being. The interpretation of these life dynamics requires a constant dialogue between this sociological perspective and an internal understanding – from a psychoanalytic point of view – of the formation of this individual, as a way of inquiring into a broader meaning of the idea of mental unbalance, both in the social and psychic sense. The second part of the dissertation aims at establishing a dialogue between the data and the life accounts of these psychiatric patients, and the theoretical framework devised in the first part. The whole of the work forms an amplification of the debate initiated in the first part emphasizing its aim of interpreting the social and psychic meanings migration and mental unbalance have in the life of these individuals, rather than establishing an effective position of simple cause and consequence between these two phenomena. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMÉ / Le present étude pretend, par une discussion théorique associé à une recherche de champ, reconstituer la trajectoire de vie d'individus qu'ont migré à Brasilia, et, ulterieurment, ont presenté des synthomes psychiques graves, generalmente de nature psychotique, dans un processus transitoire vers une condition de patients d'une instituition psychiatrique. Premierement la nature du processus migratoire, dans son sens historique et economique, mais principalement au sens individuel, social et psychique, est analisée comem façon de contextualiser la discussion sur la trajectoire de vie de cet individu migrant. L'observartion du relat de vie de ces individus impliquent, premierement, dans La formulation d'une serie de devellopements theoriques que discutira, par la relation classique entre individu et societé, le processus de formation de construction et conservation d'une identité sociale, d'une biographie sociale. La base de cette serie perpasse l'idée de socialisation, reference classique de la sociologia, relationée aux conditions de comme un individu forme et, au même temps, est formé par lês differentes et constantes references sociales que l'entourent. Pour l'ampliation de La compreension de ce processus de formation du sujet social, du propre migrant, Le paradigme du don approfonde cette idée de constituition sociale par l'importance de l'étabilissement et de la conservation des liens pas seulements sociaux, concretement, mais aussi symboliquement afectifs et, par cette raison, constitutifs du propre être humain. La possibilité d'interpretation de cette dynamique de la vie exige, necessairement, um dialogue constant entre cette perspective sociologique et une compreension intèrne – par l'optique psychanalitique - de formation de cet individu comme forme d'investigation d'une signification ample de la notion de desequilibre mental au sens social mais aussi psychique. La presentation des données et des relats de vie de ces patients psychiatriques forment la deuxième part de cette recherche avec l'objectif d'établir le dialogue entre la recherche realisé et le spectre théorique formulé. La recherche en sa generalité sert justement comme un type d'amplificateur de la discussion initié, demonstrant non la pretention de delimitation une position effective et simple de cause et effect entre la migration et le desequilibre mental, mais d'interpreter les sens social et psychique que ces deux phenomènes representent dans la vie de ces individus.

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