Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diagenesis"" "subject:"diagenetic""
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluss seeinterner Verfahren auf die Phosphor-Diagenese in SedimentenLewandowski, Jörg 06 December 2002 (has links)
Viele seeinterne Maßnahmen zielen darauf, die Phytoplanktonentwicklung über die Verfügbarkeit von Phosphor (P) im Wasserkörper zu steuern. Die meisten Restaurierungsverfahren sollen über eine Erhöhung der P-Bruttosedimentation oder Verminderung der P-Rücklösung die P-Retention im Sediment beeinflussen. Daher sind Sedimentuntersuchungen zur Abschätzung der P-Retention und ihrer Veränderung unter dem Einfluss der erwogenen Maßnahmen eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Auswahl des im konkreten Einzelfall am besten geeigneten Verfahrens. Eine durch Fragebögen und Literaturauswertung vorgenommene Analyse legt offen, dass die Sedimentuntersuchungen häufig nicht oder mit ungeeigneten Methoden erfolgten und die Therapieversuche daher in der Vergangenheit oft nicht die erwartete Wirkung hatten. Mit einer Kosten-Nutzen-Abschätzung wird gezeigt, dass sich Voruntersuchungen auch finanziell rechnen, obwohl sie aufwendig und teuer sind. Die Forschung der letzten Jahre hat das Prozessverständnis für die Kopplung der verschiedenen Kreisläufe und das Zusammenspiel von chemischen und biologischen Prozessen erheblich vervollständigt. Wegen der Komplexität ist es jedoch immer noch sehr schwierig, die Wirkung eines technischen Eingriffs genau vorherzusagen. Es werden Untersuchungsmethoden benötigt, die die beteiligten Prozesse und Zustandsgrößen mit ausreichender räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung erfassen. Besonders wichtige Größen für seeinterne Maßnahmen sind das P-Freisetzungspotential und die P-Freisetzungsrate. Verschiedene Bestimmungsmethoden für die beiden Größen werden in der Arbeit beschrieben, weiterentwickelt, gegenübergestellt, mit Beispielen veranschaulicht und im Bezug auf ihre Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Das P-Freisetzungspotential kann aus der Veränderung der Gesamtphosphorgehalte im Sedimenttiefenprofil, aus den P-Bindungsformen der oberen Sedimentschicht oder aus Desorptionsuntersuchungen mit Sediment der oberen Schicht abgeleitet werden. Die P-Freisetzungrate kann als Konzentrationsanstieg des Freiwassers in Säulenversuchen, in Flux-Kammern oder im Hypolimnion gemessen werden. Alternativ ist es möglich, sie aus dem Konzentrationsgradienten des gelösten Phosphors an der Sediment-Wasser-Grenze mit Filtration, Zentrifugation, Sensoren oder Dialysesammlern zu ermitteln. Ein spezielles Augenmerk wird auf die kleinräumige horizontale Heterogenität der P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen gelegt, da diese Variabilitäten zu fehlerhaften P-Freisetzungsraten führen können. Ein neues Probenahmegerät, ein zweidimensionaler Porenwassersammler, wurde entwickelt, um die P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen mit hoher horizontaler und vertikaler Auflösung messen zu können. Das neue Probenahmegerät erwies sich zur Klärung der Frage, wie viele unabhängige Messungen in einem konkreten Fall für zuverlässige Ergebnisse erforderlich sind, als geeignet. Der Einsatz des zweidimensionalen Porenwassersammlers identifizierte biologische Aktivität als Hauptursache räumlicher Variabilität. Ferner wurde deutlich, dass die räumliche Variabilität der P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen in flachen Gewässern größer als in tiefen Gewässern ist. Bei der Probenahmeplanung und Ergebnisauswertung sollte die räumliche Variabilität auf jeden Fall ausreichend berücksichtigt werden. An einem konkreten Anwendungsfall (Auensee) werden die vorgestellten Untersuchungsmethoden eingesetzt, um die Auswahl von Restaurierungsverfahren zu demonstrieren. Erst die kombinierte Interpretation von P-Freisetzungspotential und P-Freisetzungsrate erlaubt, die richtigen Schlussfolgerungen für das Untersuchungsgewässer zu ziehen. In einem weiteren Fallbeispiel (Süßer See) wird gezeigt, dass Nachuntersuchungen nicht nur zur Erfolgskontrolle notwendig sind, sondern auch um wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Im dargestellten Fall wird anhand von Laborversuchen und einer konzeptionellen Modellierung gezeigt, dass eine mit Neusediment überdeckte P-sorbierende Schicht auch bei noch vorhandener Sorptionskapazität keinen nennenswerten Einfluss auf die P-Konzentrationen im Wasserkörper hat. Die mit der vorliegenden Dissertation erfolge Zusammenschau und kritische Bewertung der Untersuchungsmethoden soll auch dazu dienen, die Lücke zwischen wissenschaftlichem Prozessverständnis und wasserwirtschaftlicher Praxis zu verkleinern. / Many internal restoration measures in lakes are directed to control of phytoplankton development by limiting the availability of phosphorus (P). Most such measures are aimed at changing P retention in sediment by increasing gross P sedimentation, or reducing P release (Chapter 2). Thus, pre- and post-restoration investigations of the lake sediment, including estimating the actual P retention and its predicted change caused by the considered measure, are an important means for choosing the most appropriate restoration technique and to determine whether restoration was successful. However, our questionnaires and literature study reveal that, in the past, pre-restoration investigations were frequently either omitted or inadequate. Consequently, effectiveness of lake restorations was often low. In contrast, appropriate pre-restoration investigations, increase the prospect of success. Our cost-benefit estimation proves that pre-restoration investigations, though expensive, reduce costs of lake restorations and increase the cost-benefit relationship (Appendix 1). Last years research has improved the knowledge of the complex coupling of the chemical cycles involved, and of the chemical and biological processes in the lake ecosystem. However, it is still difficult to estimate the effects of a technical measure, because we lack investigation methods that record the involved processes with the necessary temporal and spatial resolution. To evaluate internal measures, the P release potential and the P release rate are necessary. In this dissertation, the methods to determine the P release potential and the P release rate are developed, described, exemplified, compared, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The P release potential can be derived from the change of total phosphorus in the sediment depth profile, from P binding forms, or from P desorption experiments in laboratory (Chapter 3). The P release rate can be measured in the water column as increase of phosphorus in core experiments, in flux chambers, or in the hypolimnion of stratified lakes. Alternatively, the P release rate can be determined from P concentration gradients at the sediment-water interface with filtration, centrifugation, microsensors, or dialysis samplers (Chapter 4). Special attention of this dissertation is focussed on pore water inheterogeneity because in might result in incorrect P release rates. A new device, a two-dimensional pore water sampler, was developed to measure pore water P concentrations with high horizontal and vertical resolution. The new device is shown to be applicable to particular lakes to determine how many independent measurements are necessary to get reliable results. Our use of the two-dimensional pore water sampler determined biological activity as the main cause of the spatial heterogeneity of pore water P concentrations and revealed that the spatial variability is larger in shallow lakes than in deep lakes. The variability should be taken into account when planning a sampling program or evaluating results (Appendix 2). The proposed sediment investigation methods to determine the P release potential and the P release rate are used at Lake Auensee to demonstrate their use for choosing the most appropriate restoration technique. The case study of Lake Auensee points out that only a combined interpretation of P release potential and P release rate leads to the correct conclusion (Appendix 3). Post-restoration investigations are necessary to check whether a restoration was successful or not, and to gain scientific insight. A study of Lake Süsser See is used as an example for post-restoration investigations of the sediment. Core experiments and a conceptual model are used to show that a buried layer, even with P sorption capacity, has no impact on the P release (Appendix 4). Furthermore, the surveys and critical evaluations contained in this dissertation should decrease the gap between scientific understanding of processes in a lake and practical water management.
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Spurenelementuntersuchungen an bodengelagertem Skelettmaterial / Validitätserwägungen im Kontext diagenetisch bedingter Konzentrationsänderungen des Knochenminerals / Trace element analysis in buried skeletal material / Questions of vadility in the light of diagenetic changes of trace element concentration of bone mineralFabig, Alexander 24 April 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Controles deposicionais sobre os padrões diagenéticos dos arenitos do cretáceo inferior da Bacia de Jequitinhonha, margem sudeste do BrasilJardim, Celso Moura January 2008 (has links)
O estudo de arenitos, calcarenitos e arenitos híbridos do Cretáceo Inferior (Neo-Aptiano ao Meso-Albiano) da Bacia de Jequitinhonha, margem leste Brasileira, compreendendo depósitos continentais fluvio-deltaicos a lacustres da fase rifte, e fluvio-deltaicos costeiros e de plataforma mista siliciclástico-carbonática da fase transicional a drifte, demonstra que a distribuição das alterações diagenéticas e correspondente evolução da qualidade de reservatório podem ser preditas dentro de um contexto de estratigrafia de seqüências. Dados de poços (descrições de testemunhos e perfis elétricos), descrição petrográfica de laminas delgadas, e análises petrofísicas de porosidade e permeabilidade, foram integrados de modo a identificar e avaliar os aspectos genéticos dos parâmetros que controlam os padrões diagenéticos, e, por conseguinte, a qualidade de reservatório dos intervalos estudados. Os resultados desse estudo são relevantes para a exploração de bacias de margem passiva do tipo Atlântico. Foi demonstrada a influëncia de fatores deposicionais (i.e fácies sedimentares) e composição detrítica original (i.e. proveniência) na evolução diagenética, permitindo estimar e predizer a distribuição da qualidade e heterogeneidade de reservatório dos intervalos estudados. A integração dos dados e posterior avaliação da qualidade de reservatório desenvolvida nesse estudo foi baseada no conceito de petrofácies de reservatório, o qual consiste no agrupamento de amostras com base nos principais atributos responsáveis pela qualidade de reservatório, tais como composição primária, estruturas deposicionais, granulometria, seleção, alterações diagenéticas mais influentes na redução ou preservação da porosidade e permeabilidade originais, tipos e distribuição de poros, etc.. Essa dissertação demonstra que o conceito de petrofácies de reservatório que permite o reconhecimento sistemático dos atributos petrográficos que controlam as características (i.e. assinaturas) petrofísicas e geofísicas, bem como a redução dos riscos exploratórios. / A study of the fluvial, deltaic, and shallow-marine siliciclastic sandstones, calcarenites and hybrid arenites of Lower Cretaceous (Late Aptian to Early Albian) rift to early drift phase from the Jequitinhonha Basin, eastern Brazilian margin, reveals that the distribution of diagenetic alterations and of related reservoir quality evolution can be constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Description of cores, wireline logs, thin sections, and petrophysical porosity and permeability analyses were integrated in order to unravel the genetic aspects that controlled the complex patterns of diagenesis of these rocks, and hence their reservoir quality evolution. The results of this study are relevant to the exploration of rift and an early drift phase of Atlantic-type passive margin basins, and demonstrate the influence of depositional factors such as sedimentary facies and detrital composition (provenance) on diagenetic and reservoir evolution, with application to the prediction of reservoir quality and heterogeneity during exploration. The data integration and reservoir quality assessment performed in this paper was accomplished using the concept of reservoir petrofacies, defined by the combination of the main attributes affecting the quality of petroleum reservoirs (such as depositional structures, textures, composition, diagenetic processes and products, pore types and distribution, etc.). This paper demonstrate that the reservoir petrofacies concept is a tool for the systematic recognition of the petrographic attributes that control the petrophysical and geophysical properties, as well as the practical use of this approach in reducing exploration risks.
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Controles deposicionais sobre os padrões diagenéticos dos arenitos do cretáceo inferior da Bacia de Jequitinhonha, margem sudeste do BrasilJardim, Celso Moura January 2008 (has links)
O estudo de arenitos, calcarenitos e arenitos híbridos do Cretáceo Inferior (Neo-Aptiano ao Meso-Albiano) da Bacia de Jequitinhonha, margem leste Brasileira, compreendendo depósitos continentais fluvio-deltaicos a lacustres da fase rifte, e fluvio-deltaicos costeiros e de plataforma mista siliciclástico-carbonática da fase transicional a drifte, demonstra que a distribuição das alterações diagenéticas e correspondente evolução da qualidade de reservatório podem ser preditas dentro de um contexto de estratigrafia de seqüências. Dados de poços (descrições de testemunhos e perfis elétricos), descrição petrográfica de laminas delgadas, e análises petrofísicas de porosidade e permeabilidade, foram integrados de modo a identificar e avaliar os aspectos genéticos dos parâmetros que controlam os padrões diagenéticos, e, por conseguinte, a qualidade de reservatório dos intervalos estudados. Os resultados desse estudo são relevantes para a exploração de bacias de margem passiva do tipo Atlântico. Foi demonstrada a influëncia de fatores deposicionais (i.e fácies sedimentares) e composição detrítica original (i.e. proveniência) na evolução diagenética, permitindo estimar e predizer a distribuição da qualidade e heterogeneidade de reservatório dos intervalos estudados. A integração dos dados e posterior avaliação da qualidade de reservatório desenvolvida nesse estudo foi baseada no conceito de petrofácies de reservatório, o qual consiste no agrupamento de amostras com base nos principais atributos responsáveis pela qualidade de reservatório, tais como composição primária, estruturas deposicionais, granulometria, seleção, alterações diagenéticas mais influentes na redução ou preservação da porosidade e permeabilidade originais, tipos e distribuição de poros, etc.. Essa dissertação demonstra que o conceito de petrofácies de reservatório que permite o reconhecimento sistemático dos atributos petrográficos que controlam as características (i.e. assinaturas) petrofísicas e geofísicas, bem como a redução dos riscos exploratórios. / A study of the fluvial, deltaic, and shallow-marine siliciclastic sandstones, calcarenites and hybrid arenites of Lower Cretaceous (Late Aptian to Early Albian) rift to early drift phase from the Jequitinhonha Basin, eastern Brazilian margin, reveals that the distribution of diagenetic alterations and of related reservoir quality evolution can be constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Description of cores, wireline logs, thin sections, and petrophysical porosity and permeability analyses were integrated in order to unravel the genetic aspects that controlled the complex patterns of diagenesis of these rocks, and hence their reservoir quality evolution. The results of this study are relevant to the exploration of rift and an early drift phase of Atlantic-type passive margin basins, and demonstrate the influence of depositional factors such as sedimentary facies and detrital composition (provenance) on diagenetic and reservoir evolution, with application to the prediction of reservoir quality and heterogeneity during exploration. The data integration and reservoir quality assessment performed in this paper was accomplished using the concept of reservoir petrofacies, defined by the combination of the main attributes affecting the quality of petroleum reservoirs (such as depositional structures, textures, composition, diagenetic processes and products, pore types and distribution, etc.). This paper demonstrate that the reservoir petrofacies concept is a tool for the systematic recognition of the petrographic attributes that control the petrophysical and geophysical properties, as well as the practical use of this approach in reducing exploration risks.
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Controles deposicionais sobre os padrões diagenéticos dos arenitos do cretáceo inferior da Bacia de Jequitinhonha, margem sudeste do BrasilJardim, Celso Moura January 2008 (has links)
O estudo de arenitos, calcarenitos e arenitos híbridos do Cretáceo Inferior (Neo-Aptiano ao Meso-Albiano) da Bacia de Jequitinhonha, margem leste Brasileira, compreendendo depósitos continentais fluvio-deltaicos a lacustres da fase rifte, e fluvio-deltaicos costeiros e de plataforma mista siliciclástico-carbonática da fase transicional a drifte, demonstra que a distribuição das alterações diagenéticas e correspondente evolução da qualidade de reservatório podem ser preditas dentro de um contexto de estratigrafia de seqüências. Dados de poços (descrições de testemunhos e perfis elétricos), descrição petrográfica de laminas delgadas, e análises petrofísicas de porosidade e permeabilidade, foram integrados de modo a identificar e avaliar os aspectos genéticos dos parâmetros que controlam os padrões diagenéticos, e, por conseguinte, a qualidade de reservatório dos intervalos estudados. Os resultados desse estudo são relevantes para a exploração de bacias de margem passiva do tipo Atlântico. Foi demonstrada a influëncia de fatores deposicionais (i.e fácies sedimentares) e composição detrítica original (i.e. proveniência) na evolução diagenética, permitindo estimar e predizer a distribuição da qualidade e heterogeneidade de reservatório dos intervalos estudados. A integração dos dados e posterior avaliação da qualidade de reservatório desenvolvida nesse estudo foi baseada no conceito de petrofácies de reservatório, o qual consiste no agrupamento de amostras com base nos principais atributos responsáveis pela qualidade de reservatório, tais como composição primária, estruturas deposicionais, granulometria, seleção, alterações diagenéticas mais influentes na redução ou preservação da porosidade e permeabilidade originais, tipos e distribuição de poros, etc.. Essa dissertação demonstra que o conceito de petrofácies de reservatório que permite o reconhecimento sistemático dos atributos petrográficos que controlam as características (i.e. assinaturas) petrofísicas e geofísicas, bem como a redução dos riscos exploratórios. / A study of the fluvial, deltaic, and shallow-marine siliciclastic sandstones, calcarenites and hybrid arenites of Lower Cretaceous (Late Aptian to Early Albian) rift to early drift phase from the Jequitinhonha Basin, eastern Brazilian margin, reveals that the distribution of diagenetic alterations and of related reservoir quality evolution can be constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Description of cores, wireline logs, thin sections, and petrophysical porosity and permeability analyses were integrated in order to unravel the genetic aspects that controlled the complex patterns of diagenesis of these rocks, and hence their reservoir quality evolution. The results of this study are relevant to the exploration of rift and an early drift phase of Atlantic-type passive margin basins, and demonstrate the influence of depositional factors such as sedimentary facies and detrital composition (provenance) on diagenetic and reservoir evolution, with application to the prediction of reservoir quality and heterogeneity during exploration. The data integration and reservoir quality assessment performed in this paper was accomplished using the concept of reservoir petrofacies, defined by the combination of the main attributes affecting the quality of petroleum reservoirs (such as depositional structures, textures, composition, diagenetic processes and products, pore types and distribution, etc.). This paper demonstrate that the reservoir petrofacies concept is a tool for the systematic recognition of the petrographic attributes that control the petrophysical and geophysical properties, as well as the practical use of this approach in reducing exploration risks.
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Klima- und Sedimentationsmuster des peri-tethyalen, kontinentalen PermsKoerner, Frank 17 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Erarbeitung eines Referenzprofils und der ersten kompletten Klimakurve für das kontinentale Perm Europas mit Hilfe sedimentologischer, petrologischer, geochemischer und mathematischer Analysen. Obwohl das Lodève Becken im gesamten Perm im Bereich der heutigen innertropischen Konvergenzzone lag, kam es zu häufigem Wechsel zwischen feuchteren und trockeneren Klimabedingungen.
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Klima- und Sedimentationsmuster des peri-tethyalen, kontinentalen Perms: interdisziplinäre Studien an red beds des Lodève Beckens (S-Frankreich)Koerner, Frank 19 May 2006 (has links)
Erarbeitung eines Referenzprofils und der ersten kompletten Klimakurve für das kontinentale Perm Europas mit Hilfe sedimentologischer, petrologischer, geochemischer und mathematischer Analysen. Obwohl das Lodève Becken im gesamten Perm im Bereich der heutigen innertropischen Konvergenzzone lag, kam es zu häufigem Wechsel zwischen feuchteren und trockeneren Klimabedingungen.
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