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Analýza typů buzení pro provádění provozní modální analýzy obráběcích strojů / Analyse der Anregungsarten zur Durchführung der Operational Modal Analysis an WerkzeugmachinenKratochvílová, Silvie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is to determine the influence of noise on determination of own frequen-cies for machine tool by operational modal analysis. For the assigned machine tool operation-al analysis is performed using Data-Driven and Covariance-Driven method for multiple exci-tation variants. Based on the results are created stabilization diagrams used to determine ma-chine tool own frequencies. The results for each excitation variant are compared to each oth-er and the effect of noise influence on the results is determined.
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Pokročilé simulační metody pro spolehlivostní analýzu konstrukcí / Advanced simulation methods for reliability analysis of structuresGerasimov, Aleksei January 2019 (has links)
The thesis apply to reliability problems approach of Voronoi tessellation, typically used in the field of samples designs evaluation and for Monte Carlo samples reweighing. It is shown, this general technique estimation converges to that of Importance Sampling method despite it does not rely on Importance Sampling's auxiliary density. Consequently, reliability analysis could be divided into sampling itself and assessment of simulation results. As an extension of this idea, adaptive statistical sampling using QHull library was attempted.
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Štíhlá výroba a její implementace / Lean Manufacturing and its ImplementationLévek, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the materiál flow, layout of the workplace and varieties of waste in the chosen company. There is theoretical background for the thesis in the first part. Next part is focused on analyzing of present manufacturing process. There are provided solutions for lean implementation, better material flow and elimination of the waste in the manufacturing process in the last part.
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Průběh zakázky v podniku / Order Processing in the CompanyRačková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis will deal with issues that may arise during the contract in the company MORAVSKOLESZSKE DRÁTOVNY, a.s. The first part will explain the terms and methods related to this issue. The next section will describe during of the contract in this company, and then an FMEA analysis and an Ishikawa diagram for the selected risks will be made. The last part will suggest measures aimed at reducing the size of the risks during contract.
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Analýza nákladů na nízkou jakost ve vybraném výrobním podniku / Cost analysis of low quality at the selected Manufacturing CompanyUherka, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is cost analysis in XYZ CZ s.r.o. with aims of reducing warranty costs and improve product quality. The introduction describes fundamental quality management systems from which I have selected data to be analyzed and propose the most appropriate solution. Then I conducted AS-IS analyze of the company XYZ CZ s.r.o., a description of the current situation in the company and a cost analysis. The data obtained from the cost analysis I processed with the help of quality tools and their evaluation was carried out, which was followed by the design of the solution. In conclusion, I conducted a technical - economic evaluation of the results achieved.
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Vliv vinutí na vlastnosti asynchronního motoru / Impact of winding on induction machine characteristicsMikmek, Vladislav January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of a three-phase winding of an induction engine. After the theoretical introduction concerning different types of windings, two types of their analysis and the importance of the winding factor, two methods of analysis and design tools are explained: Görges diagram and Tingley scheme. This scheme is then used for the design of all possible variants of winding for a certain number of stator slots and the theoretical shape of magnetic field is analysed. The next step is a deeper software analysis of the engines with variants of windings with different coil pitches and number of conductors per slot. Especially the finite element method is used in this part. The obtained values and their characteristics of the simulated engines are compared numerically and graphically. Then the changes of important values for different windings are described. The optimal winding according to chosen requirements is chosen.
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Výroba pouzdra zapalování / Manufacturing of the Ignition CaseJelínek, Dan January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of the production of Ignition case. Component is a hollow cover of one channel ignition device, produced by the PBS Velká Bíteš company. It has a constant wall thickness of 0,5 mm and production rate is 15 000 pieces per year. Technology of deep drawing with solid forming tool was picked out of several considered production variants. DC05 deep drawing steel is the material of choice. Based on technological calculations, number of drawing operations needed and forming force was established. Based on those parameters, hydraulic press ZH 10 produced by the Presshydraulika s.r.o. company was chosen for the task.
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Štíhlé řízení vybrané části výrobního systému / Lean Management of a Selected Part of a Production SystemSchwarz, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The work is focused on improving the concept of lean management in a selected engineering company, where analyzes are performed with the help of selected methods and tools to reveal current problems. The data are then processed and based on them, measures for change are proposed with an emphasis on minimizing the rate of waste of time and costs and increasing production efficiency.
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Analýza energetických toků v obci do 3 000 obyvatel a vysokou úrovní penetrace střešních FV instalací / Energy flows analysis in municipality with population up to 3,000 and with high level penetration of roof PV installationsKolařík, Robin January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the issue of connecting new sources to the distribution system and their subsequent operation in the network. The theoretical part describes the conditions of connection and operation of resources in the network according to the established rules. In the practical part, a number of photovoltaic sources and battery vehicles are implemented into the current system according to selected scenarios. Subsequently, the daily course of power flow and voltage conditions in the network is calculated.
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Vliv polarizační disperze na chybovost optického kanálu / The impact of polarization mode dispersion on error-rate of optical fibre linkDorociak, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Master’s thesis engages in the impact of polarization mode dispersion on optical communication system. Polarization mode dispersion is mathematically described by Stoke’s and Jone’s space and ensure the theoretic causes of the rise of polarization mode dispersion that are divided on the external and internal effects. On the basis of these effects grow up a differential group delay (DGD) which makes causes that individual polarization modes have between them a time delay and limitation of maximum bit rate. Then master´s thesis analyses the influence of the polarization mode dispersion on the pulse enlargement and on the modulation signal. In this work, there are described the most applicated optical modulation formats. Polarization mode dispersion has also influence on the bit error rate of optical fibre link and closing of eye diagram too. Eye diagram is used to view the transmission characteristics and diagnoses the channel errors. Eye diagram is connected with the definitions as a bit error rate (BER) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that are explained in this work too. Following the gained experiences it was designed an useful graphic interface to display the effect of the polarization mode dispersion on the transmitted signal. Realization of the graphic interface is created in the program MATLAB. In Matlab-Simulink are created six models according to the kind of modulations with characteristic AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel. Program was tested for a typical values. In all calculations it is counted only with the losses that are caused by the polarization mode dispersion. It is not calculated with the losses that are caused by a chromatic dispersion and attenuation. At the end of this work are evaluated all types of modulation formats depending on the polarization mode dispersion, optical fibre length, price and complexity of the realization. Atteined results of my master’s thesis are compared with two foreign articles.
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