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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da espessura de dentina, da constrição apical e do diâmetro do forame apical na precisão de leitura com localizadores foraminais eletrônicos / Influence of dentin thickness, apical constriction and diameter of the apical foramen in the accuracy of readings with electronic apex locators.

Fernando Accorsi Orosco 19 November 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da espessura de dentina radicular apical, da constrição apical e do diâmetro do forame apical na precisão de leituras realizadas com os localizadores foraminais eletrônicos Mini Apex Locator e Root ZX II®. Foram utilizados 30 incisivos inferiores permanentes unirradiculados de humanos, extraídos, com raízes íntegras e ápices completamente formados e portadores de um único canal. Por meio de um paquímetro, as espessuras radiculares dos dentes foram medidas, no sentido mésio-distal a 1,0 e a 4,0mm aquém do forame apical. Após a abertura coronária, uma lima tipo K no 10, munida de limitador de penetração, foi introduzida no canal radicular até que sua extremidade pudesse ser visualizada na altura do forame, com o auxílio de um microscópio óptico com aumento de 7,8X. Dessa medida, subtraiu-se 1,0mm, estabelecendo-se o comprimento de trabalho. A dilatação do canal radicular foi feita, inicialmente, com brocas de Gates Glidden, em ordem numérica decrescente, da número 5 até a número1, até 4,0mm aquém do forame apical. Os dentes foram fixados em um modelo experimental especialmente desenvolvido para permitir a medição com os localizadores foraminais eletrônicos. Tal modelo era constituído por dois segmentos de PVC: um de menor calibre, com diâmetro correspondente a meia polegada por 2,0cm de comprimento, com as duas extremidades abertas e outro, de maior calibre, com uma das extremidades fechada e com diâmetro interno equivalente ao diâmetro externo do primeiro segmento (3/4 de polegada). No segmento de maior diâmetro, foi feito um orifício lateral que permitiu o posicionamento do eletrodo labial do localizador foraminal eletrônico e, para a medição, no seu interior, foi colocado alginato e, então, encaixado o componente de menor diâmetro, fazendo com que o ápice radicular ficasse imerso no alginato. Foram realizadas as leituras com os localizadores, iniciando-se com a lima tipo K no 10 e seguindo-se a seqüência de instrumentação e medida até a lima tipo K no 130; a lima tipo K no 10 foi utilizada em todos os diâmetros. Terminada essa fase, os dentes tiveram os canais sobreinstrumentados, isto é, a ponta da lima ultrapassou o forame apical em 1,0mm, a partir da lima tipo K no 25 e seguindo até a lima tipo K no 130; novas medidas foram obtidas com cada lima que sobreinstrumentou o forame e a lima no 10 foi utilizada em todos os diâmetros. Em todos os casos o canal radicular estava preenchido com hipoclorito de sódio a 1%. Para a análise estatística foram empregados os testes de Análise de Variância a dois critérios e de Tukey. Os resultados indicaram que as variáveis capazes de influenciar a recisão das leituras com os localizadores foraminais eletrônicos foram a eliminação da constrição apical com o consequente aumento do diâmetro do forame apical, ao contrário da espessura da parede dentinária do canal radicular, que não interferiu significativamente na precisão das leituras. / This study evaluated the influence of the apical root dentin thickness, apical constriction and diameter of the apical foramen in the accuracy of readings obtained using the electronic apex locators Mini Apex Locator and Root ZX II ®. The study was conducted on 30 extracted human single-rooted permanent mandibular incisors, with intact and completely formed roots and presenting a single canal. The root thickness of the teeth was measured with a pachymeter in mesiodistal direction, at 1.0 and 4.0mm from the apical foramen. After coronal opening, a 10 K file with a stop was introduced in the root canal until its end could be observed at the level of the apical foramen, with aid of a light microscope with 7.8X magnification. One millimeter was subtracted from this measurement for establishment of the working length. Enlargement of the root canal was initially performed using Gates Glidden burs, in decreasing order, from number 5 to number 1, up to 4.0mm beyond the apical foramen. The teeth were fixated in an experimental model especially designed to allow the measurement with the electronic apex locators. This model was composed of two PVC segments: one smaller, with diameter corresponding to half inch with 2.0cm length, with both ends open; and the other, with larger diameter, with one end closed and internal diameter similar to the external diameter of the first segment (3/4 inch). In the segment with greater diameter, a lateral orifice was made to allow positioning of the lip electrode of the electronic apex locator. For the measurement, alginate was poured and the component with smaller diameter was fitted, so as the root apex was immersed in alginate. Readings were performed using the electronic apex locators, initiating with a 10 K file and following the sequence of instrumentation and measurement up to 130 K file. The 10 K file was used in all diameters. After this stage, the root canals were overinstrumented, i.e. the file tip was introduced until 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen, beginning with 25 K file up to 130 K file; new measurements were obtained with each file overinstrumenting the apical foramen, and the 10 K file was used in all diameters. In all cases, the root canal was irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite. Statistical analysis was performed by two-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test. The results indicated that the variables that may influence the accuracy of readings with the electronic apex locators were the elimination of apical constriction with consequent increase in the diameter of the apical foramen, different from the thickness of the root canal dentinal wall, which did not significantly influence the accuracy of readings.

Modelagem do crescimento e produção aplicado ao manejo florestal na Amazônia brasileira / Yield and growth modeling applied to Brazilian Amazon forest management

Tito Nunes de Castro 06 May 2016 (has links)
A floresta Amazônica possui um papel ambiental, social e econômico importante para a região, para o país e para o mundo. Dessa forma, técnicas de exploração que visam a diminuição dos impactos causados à floresta são essenciais. Com isso, o objetivo dessa tese é comparar a Exploração de Impacto Reduzido com a Exploração Convencional na Amazônia brasileira através de modelos empíricos de árvore individual de crescimento e produção. O experimento foi instalado na fazenda Agrossete, localizada em Paragominas - PA. Em 1993, três áreas dessa fazenda foram selecionadas para exploração. Na primeira área, 105 hectares foram explorados através da Exploração de Impacto Reduzido. Na segunda área, 75 hectares foram submetidos à Exploração Convencional. E, por fim, a terceira área foi mantida como área testemunha. A coleta de dados de diâmetro à altura do peito e a identificação das espécies dentro de uma parcela de 24,5 hectares, instalada aleatoriamente em cada área, foi realizada nos anos de 1993 (antes da colheita), 1994 (seis meses depois da colheita), 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006 e 2009. Dessa forma, as três áreas foram comparadas através do ajuste de um modelo de incremento diamétrico, considerando que efeito estocástico podia assumir outras quatro distribuições além da distribuição normal, de um modelo de probabilidade de mortalidade e de um modelo de probabilidade de recrutamento. O comportamento do incremento diamétrico indicou que as áreas que foram submetidas a exploração possuem o mesmo comportamento em quase todos os grupos de espécies, com exceção do grupo de espécies intermediárias. Os indivíduos que são submetidos a exploração possuem um maior crescimento em diâmetros quando comparados com área que não sofreu exploração. Além disso, assumir o efeito estocástico com distribuição Weibull melhorou o ajuste dos modelos. Em relação à probabilidade de mortalidade, novamente as áreas que sofreram exploração possuem comportamento semelhante quanto à mortalidade, mas diferente da área que não foi explorada, sendo que os indivíduos localizados nas áreas exploradas possuem uma maior probabilidade de morte em relação aos presentes na área não explorada. Os modelos de probabilidade de recrutamento indicaram diferença apenas entre as áreas exploradas e a área controle. Sendo que, as áreas exploradas apresentaram uma maior taxa de recrumento em comparação a área não explorada. Portanto, o comportamento individual das árvores após a exploração é o mesmo na Exploração Convencional e na Exploração de Impacto Reduzido. / The Amazon forest has an important environmental, social and economic role for the region, the country and the world. Thus, logging techniques aimed the mitigation of impacts caused to the forest are essential. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to compare the Reduced Impact Logging to the Conventional Logging in the Brazilian Amazon through individual tree empirical yield and growth models. In 1993, three areas of this farm had selected for logging. In the first area, 105 hectares were harvested by Reduced Impact Logging. In the second area, 75 hectares underwent Conventional Logging. Finally, the third area was kept as a control area. The diameter at breast height and the species identification were collect inside a 24.5 hectares plot, located randomly in each area. The data were collect in 1993 (before harvest), 1994 (six months after the harvest ), 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009. Therefore, the three areas were compared by adjusting a diameter increment model, whereas stochastic effect may take five different distributions, a survival probability model, and a recruitment probabil- ity model. The behavior of the diameter increment indicated the areas were subject to logging have the same behavior in almost every successional groups of species, except in the interme- diate species group. Individuals who are undergoing harvest have a greater diameter growth compared with the area that has not logged. Also, assume the stochastic effect with Weibull distribution improve the fit of models. Regarding the probability of survival, logged areas have similar behavior, but different from another area that has not harvest. The individuals located in the logged areas have an increased mortality rates. Recruitment probability models indicated a difference only between the logged area with not logged area. The logging areas presented a bigger recruitment rates than not logged area. Then, the individual behavior of trees after logging is the same for Reduced-Impact Logging and Conventional Logging.

Modelo para determinação da perda de carga contínua em tubos elásticos / Model for determining the continuous head losses in elastic pipe

Osvaldo Rettore Neto 05 August 2011 (has links)
Nos projetos hidráulicos de irrigação são contabilizadas as perdas de carga totais, que seriam as perdas contínuas ou principais e as localizadas, objetivando maximizar a uniformidade de distribuição de água, caracterizando um conjunto motobomba adequado ao sistema de irrigação e com isso, minimizando os custos anuais e de implantação do projeto. Com o uso da informática, problemas de cálculos complexos são resolvidos com muita facilidade; desta forma pode-se aplicar modelos mais complexo para calculo da perda de carga nos sistemas de irrigação, resultando em valores mais próximos da realidade, com maiores riquezas de detalhes. A perda de carga representa a dissipação de energia da água em forma de calor, ao longo da tubulação, decorrente da resistência ao escoamento oferecida pela viscosidade do fluido e pela inércia das partículas. É variável de acordo com o tamanho das rugosidades da parede do tubo, diâmetro da tubulação e com a velocidade da água. A indústria de plásticos e seus derivados, com o auxilio da engenharia, tem aprimorado a qualidade dos materiais destinados à fabricação dos tubos, principalmente de polietileno. A utilização de tubos fabricados de matérias plásticos, de menor custo, destinados à irrigação tem aumentado nos últimos anos. A flexibilidade desses tubos traz como consequência o aumento do diâmetro interno com o aumento da pressão, fato este já observado em pesquisa e que não são levados em consideração pelos equacionamentos matemáticos utilizados para determinação da perda de carga. O presente trabalho propõe um modelo onde leva em consideração o módulo de elasticidade (E) do tubo para determinar a alteração do diâmetro em tubos elásticos provocada pela pressão, afetando assim a determinação da perda de carga contínua. Conhecer detalhadamente a causa da perda de energia, com intuito de cada vez mais otimizar a energia gasta por área irrigada no cenário brasileiro, passa a ser de fundamental importância. O Modelo Elástico proposto associado à Equação Universal, apresentou índice de desempenho médio de 0,9 sendo considerado com uma estimativa muito boa da realidade. / Total head losses are accounted in the irrigation hydraulic projects, that would be the continuous losses and the local head losses, aiming to maximize the uniformity of water distribution, characterizing an adequate pump set to the irrigation system e thus, minimizing the project implantation and annual costs. With informatics support, complex calculation problems are solved with ease, therefore it is possible to apply more complex models for head loss calculation in the irrigation system, resulting in values closer to the reality, with greater details. The head loss represents the water energy dissipation as heat, along the piping, due to the resistance to the flow offered by the fluid viscosity and by the particles inertia. It is variable according to the size of the rugosities of the pipe wall, piping diameter and the water velocity. plastic industry and its derivates, with engineering support, have improved the quality of the materials for the pipe manufacturing, mainly polyethylene. The usage of plastic material pipes for irrigation, of lowest cost, has risen in the latest years. The flexibility of these pipes leads to the internal diameter increase with pressure increase, fact already observed in research and that are not taken into account by mathematics equating used to determine the head loss. This paper proposes a model where it takes into account the elastic module (E) of the pipe to determine the diameter alteration in elastic pipes due to the pressure, affecting the determination of continuous head loss. Elastic Module proposed associated to Universal Equation, showed average performance rate of 0,9% being considered a extremely good estimative of reality.

Propriétés et méthodes de calcul de la fiabilité diamètre-bornée des réseaux / Diameter-constrained network reliability : properties and computation

Sartor del Giudice, Pablo Enrique 18 December 2013 (has links)
Soit un réseau comprenant des lignes de communication qui échouent indépendamment, dans lequel tous ou certains sites, appelés terminaux, doivent être capables de communiquer entre eux. Dans le modèle stochastique statique classique le réseau est représenté par un graphe probabiliste dont les arêtes sont présentes selon des probabilités connues. La mesure de fiabilité classique (CLR) est la probabilité que les terminaux appartiennent à la même composante connexe. Dans plusieurs contextes il est utile d'imposer la condition plus forte que la distance entre deux terminaux quelconques soit bornée supérieurement par un paramètre d. La probabilité que ça se produise est connue comme la fiabilité diamètre-bornée (DCR). Il s'agit d'une extension de la CLR. Les deux problèmes appartiennent à la classe NP-difficile de complexité; le calcul exact n'est possible que pour les instances de taille limitée ou topologies spécifiques. Dans cette thèse, nous contribuons des résultats concernant le problème du calcul et l'estimation de la DCR. Nous étudions la complexité de calcul de cas particuliers, paramétré par le nombre de terminaux, nœuds et le paramètre d. Nous passons en revue des méthodes pour le calcul exact et étudions des topologies particulières pour lesquelles le calcul de la DCR a une complexité polynomiale. Nous introduisons des résultats de base sur le comportement asymptotique de la DCR lorsque le réseau se développe comme un graphe aléatoire. Nous discutons sur l'impact de la contrainte de diamètre dans l'utilisation des techniques de Monte Carlo, et adaptons et testons une famille de méthodes basées sur le conditionnement de l'espace d'échantillonnage en utilisant des structures nommées d-pathsets et d-cutsets. Nous définissons une famille de mesures de performabilité qui généralise la DCR, développons une méthode de Monte Carlo pour l'estimer, et présentons des résultats expérimentaux sur la performance de ces techniques Monte Carlo par rapport é l'approche naïve. Finalement, nous proposons une nouvelle technique qui combine la simulation Monte Carlo et l'interpolation polynomiale pour les mesures de fiabilité. / Consider a communication network whose links fail independently and a set of sites named terminals that must communicate. In the classical stochastic static model the network is represented by a probabilistic graph whose edges occur with known probabilities. The classical reliability (CLR) metric is the probability that the terminals belong to a same connected component. In several contexts it makes sense to impose the stronger condition that the distance between any two terminals does not exceed a parameter d. The probability that this holds is known as the diameter-constrained reliability (DCR). It is an extension of the CLR. Both problems belong to the NP-hard complexity class; they can be solved exactly only for limited-size instances or specific network topologies. In this thesis we contribute a number of results regarding the problem of DCR computation and estimation. We study the computational complexity of particular cases parameterized by the number of terminals, nodes and the parameter d. We survey methods for exact computation and study particular topologies for which computing the DCR has polynomial complexity. We give basic results on the asymptotic behavior of the DCR when the network grows as a random graph. We discuss the impact that the diameter constraint has in the use of Monte Carlo techniques. We adapt and test a family of methods based on conditioning the sampling space using structures named d-pathsets and d-cutsets. We define a family of performability measures that generalizes the DCR, develop a Monte Carlo method for estimating it, and present numerical evidence of how these techniques perform when compared to crude Monte Carlo. Finally we introduce a technique that combines Monte Carlo simulation and polynomial interpolation for reliability metrics.

Experimental Investigations of Flow Development, Gap Instability and Gap Vortex Street Generation in Eccentric Annular Channels

Choueiri, George H. January 2014 (has links)
Isothermal flow development, gap instability, and gap vortex street generation in eccentric annular channels have been studied experimentally. A representative paradigm of a flow in a highly eccentric annular channel was examined for a channel having an inner-to-outer diameter ratio d/D = 0.50 and an eccentricity e = 0.8 for a Reynolds number Re = 7300. Observation of the flow development has identified three distinct regions: the entrance region, the fluctuation-growth region and the rapid-mixing region. Weak quasi-periodic velocity fluctuations were first detected in the downstream part of the entrance region, and grew into very strong ones, reaching peak-to-peak amplitudes in the narrow gap that were nearly 60% of the bulk velocity. The dependence on inlet conditions, d/D, e and Re on the development and structure of flows was also investigated. Experimental conditions covered the ranges: 0 ≤ Re ≤ 19000, 0 ≤ e ≤ 0.9 and d/D = 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75. For Re < 7000, the Strouhal number, the normalized mid-gap axial flow velocity and the axial and cross-flow fluctuation intensities at mid-gap were found to increase with increasing Re and to depend strongly on inlet conditions. At higher Re, however, these parameters reached asymptotic values that were only mildly sensitive to inlet conditions. A map was constructed for the various stages of periodic motions vs. e and Re and it was found that, for e < 0.5 or Re < 1100, the flow was unconditionally stable as far as gap instability is concerned. For e ≤ 0.5, transition to turbulence occurred at Re ≈ 6000, whereas, for 0.6 ≤ e ≤ 0.9, the critical Reynolds number for the formation of periodic motions was found to increase with eccentricity from 1100 for e = 0.6 to 3800 for e = 0.9. The use of an empirically derived "mixing layer Strouhal number" permitted a universal description of gap vortex street periodicity in eccentric annular channels. This study has contributed to our understanding of the physical mechanisms that lead to gap instability and the development of a gap vortex street and the dependence of these flow phenomena on the channel geometry and the dynamic conditions of the flow.

Seasonality and dynamics of the semi-deciduous transition forests of the Araguaia floodplain, Brazil

Kurzatkowski, Dariusz 09 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Jämförelse av vänster förmaks storlek vid olika ekokardiografiska metoder

Bohlin, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Bedömning av vänster förmaks storlek är viktigt vid diagnosticering samt sjukdomsprognos, men även vid riskbedömning av allvarliga kardiovaskulära sjukdomar. Den vanligaste metoden för bedömning av vänster förmaks storlek är ekokardiografi. Vänster förmak kan bedömas utifrån olika mätmetoder där volymmätning i apikal fyrkammarvyn och tvåkammarvyn är den vanligaste mätningen som ger mest verklighetstroget resultat. Storleken kan även mätas genom mätning av den anteroposteriora diametern i parasternal långaxelsnitt. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om storleken skiljer sig signifikant åt mellan metoderna samt att se om mätningen i långaxelsnittet underskattar storleken jämfört med volymmätningarna. I studien analyserades 30 patienters ekokardiografiska bilder med volymmätning samt mätning av den anteroposteriora diametern. Korrelationsanalysen visade på signifikant positiv korrelation med en determinationskoefficient på 0,667 (P <0,001). Bland-Altmandiagrammet visade att alla värden förutom ett håller sig inom ett 95% konfidensintervall. Vid jämförelse i storleksklassificering metoderna mellan, så påvisades 60% likhet. Mätning av den anteroposteriora diametern är svår för oerfarna att utföra korrekt då det förekommer mycket artefakter och volymmätningen är lättare att lära sig. Volymmätningarna har en större variation än dimensionsmåttet, vilket kan bero på att dimensionsmåttet begränsas av det thorakala rummet. Slutsatsen är att metoderna skiljer sig statistiskt signifikant åt och att dimensionsmåttet underskattar storleken på vänster förmak jämfört med volymmätningar. / Assessment of left atrial size is important in diagnosis and disease prognosis, but also in risk assessment of serious cardiovascular diseases. The most common method for assessing the size of the left atrium is echocardiography. The left atrium can be estimated from different measurement methods where the volume measurement in the apical four-chamber view and the two-chamber view is the most common measurement that gives the most realistic result. The size can also be measured by measuring the anteroposterior diameter in the parasternal long-axis view. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the size differs significantly between the methods and to see if the measurement in the long-axis view underestimates the size compared with the volume measurements. In the study, 30 patients’ echocardiographic images were analyzed with volume measurement as well as measurement of the anteroposterior diameter. The correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation with a coefficient of determination of 0,667 (P <0,001). The Bland-Altman plot showed that all values in addition to one, remain within a 95% confidence interval. When comparing size classification between the methods, 60% similarity was shown. The anteroposterior diameter is difficult for the inexperienced to perform correctly as there are many artifacts and the volume measurement is easier to learn. The volume measurement has a greater variation than the anteroposterior diameter, which may be due to the diameter being limited by the thoracic cavity. The conclusion is that the methods are statistically significant different and that the anteroposterior diameter underestimate the size of the left atrium compared with the volume measurements.

Tryckfall och avskiljningsgrader av aerosola oljepartiklar i platt- och veckat material : Experimentella mätningar och modellering / Pressure drop and separation rates of aerosol oil particles in flat- and pleated material : Experimental measurements and modeling

Larsson, Philip January 2021 (has links)
Industriella processer genererar utsläpp i form av bland annat luftföroreningar via processluften som i sin tur försämrar arbetsmiljön för industrins anställda. Enligt arbetsmiljölagen är arbetsgivaren skyldig att skydda de anställdas hälsa via en god arbetsmiljö och måste därmed rena processluften. Luftföroreningar består av aerosoler och definieras som en samling solida- eller vätskepartiklar svävandes i en gas. I rapporten behandlades aerosoler i form av oljepartiklar som genereras från källor som till exempel industriella processer som gjutning, slipning och värmebehandling. En sådan process kan släppa ut sex fat olja i luften per år och utan partikelavskiljning ökar processernas olje- och energiförbrukning markant. Avskiljning av aerosola oljepartiklar samlar upp oljan så den kan återanvändas samt minskar exponering som kan ge cancer och Hodgkins disease. Aerosol olja bör därför avskiljas ur processluften på grund av hälsoaspekter. Oljepartiklar avskiljs ur processluften via porösa material. Materialet ansluts till processen med skräddarsydda kanalsystem där processluften ventileras bort med undertryck via en fläktmotor. Oljepartiklar avskiljs i det porösa materialet och därmed ökar materialets mättnadsgrad, det vill säga att ackumulerad olja minskar materialets porositet. Materialets dräneringskapacitet ser till att mättnadsgraden begränsas och att oljan kan återanvändas. Ett effektivt material har lågt tryckfall och hög avskiljningsgrad. Dessa varierar med materialets struktur som fiberdiameter, fibermattans tjocklek samt antal veckningar av materialet. Ett material veckas för att öka materialarean och dess avskiljningsgrad men tryckfallet ökas också, därför är balans mellan tryckfall och avskiljningsgrad viktigt vid konstruktion av materialet. Ett icke veckat material benämns som platt material i rapporten. Utvärdering av tryckfall och avskiljningsgrad i ett veckat material är kostsamt både ekonomiskt och tidsmässigt medan platta material är effektivt ur båda aspekterna och därför är ett bättre alternativ med avseende på utvärdering. Syftet med examensarbetet var att öka kunskapen kring avskiljning av aerosola oljepartiklar i porösa material. Målet var att modellera veckade material utifrån experimentella tester av platta- och veckade material. I rapporten testades porösa material med olika fiberdiametrar experimentellt som både platta- och veckade material. Experimentella tester innebar att materialen testades praktiskt för tryckfall och avskiljningsgrader. Avskiljningsgrader mättes vid tre intervall av partikeldiametrar enligt 0,25–0,60 μm, 0,931–1,075 μm och 1,911–2,207 μm. Platta material testades vid fyra lufthastigheter för att illustrera ökningen av lufthastighet inom veckat material på grund av en ökande mättnadsgrad. Modellering innebar att en beräkningsmodell för veckat material byggdes och gavs indata utifrån experimentella tester av platta- och veckade material. Regressionsanalyser utfördes på mätresultaten från platta material och gav matematiska funktioner som användes i modellering av veckade material. Antal veckningar och mättnadsgrader modellerades utifrån experimentella resultat från veckade material. Mät- och modelleringsresultat varierade med materialets struktur. Det gav att tryckfall, avskiljnings- och mättnadsgrader ökade med minskande fiberdiameter och ökande mattjocklek för både platt- och veckat material. Modellering av tryckfall i veckat material avvek från praktiken med -30 % och -6 % för fiberdiameter 8 μm respektive 6 μm. Modellering av avskiljningsgrader i veckat material hade störst avvikelse på +30 % för partikeldiameter 0,25–0,60 μm i material med fiberdiameter 6 μm. Modelleringsresultat av veckat material varierade över materialets struktur och avvek därmed olika mycket från praktiken. Avvikelser i modellerat tryckfall och avskiljningsgrader i veckade material var på grund av luftens dynamiska tryck. Trycket på oljepartiklarna påverkade dräneringskapacitet och oljefördelning inom materialet. Oljefördelningen är därmed heterogen i praktiken vilket påverkar tryckfall och avskiljning i både praktik och modellering. Detta skapade osäkerheter och gjorde modelleringen mindre tillförlitlig. Därför kunde tryckfall och avskiljning inte modelleras i veckat material endast utifrån platta material. Förbättrad modellering kräver vidare studier angående oljefördelning inom materialet samt inverkan av luftflödets dynamiska tryck på dräneringskapacitet för att förbättra modellering av veckade material. / Industrial processes generate emissions in the form of, among other things, air pollution via the process air, which in turn degrades the working environment for industrial employees. According to the Work Environment Act, the employer is obliged to protect the health of the employees via a good work environment and must therefore clean the process air. Air pollutants consist of aerosols and are defined as a collection of solid or liquid particles floating in a gas. The report dealt with aerosols in the form of oil particles generated from sources such as industrial processes such as molding, grinding and heat treatment. Such a process can release six barrels of oil into the air per year and without particle separation, the processes' oil and energy consumption increases markedly. Separation of aerosol oil particles collects the oil so that it can be reused and reduces exposure that can cause cancer and Hodgkin's disease. Aerosol oil should therefore be separated from the process air due to health aspects. Oil particles are separated from the process air via porous materials. The material is connected to the process with tailor-made duct systems where the process air is ventilated away with negative pressure via a fan motor. Oil particles are separated in the porous material and thus the degree of saturation of the material increases, that is accumulated oil reduces the porosity of the material. The drainage capacity of the material ensures that the degree of saturation is limited and that the oil can be reused. An efficient material has a low pressure drop and a high separation rate. These vary with the structure of the material such as fiber diameter, the thickness of the fiber carpet and the number of folds of the material. A material is folded to increase the material area and its separation rate, but the pressure drop is also increased, therefore a balance between pressure drop and separation rate is important when designing the material. A non-pleated material is referred to as flat material in the report. Evaluation of pressure drop and separation rate in a pleated material is costly both financially and in terms of time, while flat materials are effective from both aspects and are therefore a better alternative regarding evaluation. The purpose of the thesis was to increase knowledge about the separation of aerosol oil particles in porous materials. The goal was to model pleated materials based on experimental tests of flat and pleated materials. In the report, porous materials with different fiber diameters were tested experimentally as both flat and pleated materials. Experimental tests meant that the materials were tested practically for pressure drops and separation rate. Separation rate was measured at three ranges of particle diameters according to 0.25–0.60 μm, 0.931–1.075 μm and 1.911–2.207 μm. Flat materials were tested at four air velocities to illustrate the increase in air velocity within pleated material due to an increasing degree of saturation. Modeling meant that a calculation model for pleated material was built and input data was given based on experimental tests of plate and pleated materials. Regression analyzes were performed on the measurement results from flat materials and gave mathematical functions that were used in modeling of pleated materials. The number of folds and degrees of saturation were modeled based on experimental results from pleated materials. Measurement and modeling results varied with the structure of the material. As a result, pressure drops, separation rate and degree of saturation increased with decreasing fiber diameter and increasing carpet thickness for both flat and pleated materials. Modeling of pressure drop in pleated material deviated from praxis by -30% and -6% for fiber diameters of 8 μm and 6μm, respectively. Modeling of separation rates in pleated material had the largest deviation of + 30% for particle diameter 0.25–0.60 μm in material with fiber diameter 6 μm. Modeling results of pleated material varied across the structure of the material and thus deviated differently from praxis. Deviations in modeled pressure drop and separation rates in pleated materials were due to the dynamic pressure of the air. The pressure on the oil particles affected drainage capacity and oil distribution within the material. The oil distribution is thus heterogeneous in praxis, which affects pressure drop and separation rate in both praxis and modeling. This created uncertainties and made modeling less reliable. Therefore, pressure drop and separation rate could not be modeled in pleated material based solely on flat materials. Improved modeling further requires studies regarding oil distribution within the material as well as the impact of the dynamic pressure of the air flow on drainage capacity to improve modeling of pleated materials.

Rotační součást vyráběná na CNC stroji / Rotary part produced on CNC machine

Ratica, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis contains an overview of the development of numerical control of machine tools and a historical excursion of the beginnings of numerical control. The work deals with the design and presentation of the component, and then the calculation documentation used to determine the load and safety of the component. After computational and design analysis, the work deals with the design of component production on CNC machines and the technological process of production. Finally, the production of the part is documented and evaluated.

Dohledový systém pro Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem / Surveillance system for Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem

Švec, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The master’s thesis describes IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) in terms of IMS core ele- ments (functional description, different implementation, signaling etc.) Communication protocols SIP and DIAMETER, together with SNMP protocol, which is used for collecting data are briefly described in this thesis.Thesis is also describing various IMS projects to- gether with Open IMS project, for whom was this surveillance system designed. Next part deals with architecture design of surveillance system along with management options implemented in surveillance system for users and administrators. The main part of master’s thesis deals with the description of the surveillance system for the experimental school Open IMS network and describes the remote configuration of core elements and monitoring of network traffic, together with the monitoring servers performance. The most of the data in the designed surveillance system are processed into graphs, which are regularly updated. The final part of master’s thesis describes the configuration and implementation of monitoring tools MRTG and NfSen that were used in created web based surveillance system.

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