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Molecular studies on a Dictyostelium homolog of the tafazzin gene, the cause of Barth syndrome in humansChen, Ying. Unknown Date (has links)
University, Diss., 2003--Kassel. / Erscheinungsjahr an der Haupttitelstelle: 2002.
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Interaktive Netzwerke zur Regulation des Wachstums-Differenzierungs-Übergangs bei Dictyostelium discoideumRiemann, Karsten. Unknown Date (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2006--Kassel.
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Identification and Characterization of Putative Palmitoyltransferases in Dictyostelium discoideum, with Focus on a Novel Gene, PAZ5Bodwell, Bethany January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Critical Amino Acids of the Ga2 Subunit Helical Domain in Dictyostelium discoideumRauch, Steven Martin January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Identificación a escala genómica de genes involucrados en la supervivencia intracelular de Salmonella Typhimurium en el protozoo Dictyostelium discoideumRiquelme Barrios, Sebastián Andrés January 2016 (has links)
Tesis de Magíster en Bioquímica Área de Especialización, Bioquímica de Proteínas y Biotecnología; y Memoria para Optar al Título de Bioquímico / Los mecanismos moleculares que permiten a Salmonella Typhimurium causar
enfermedades en mamíferos son numerosos y generan manifestaciones clínicas
que abarcan desde una colitis hasta septicemia y la posterior muerte del
hospedero. Estos mecanismos se relacionan con su capacidad de infectar en
primera instancia células epiteliales del tracto digestivo y su posterior
supervivencia y replicación en células fagocíticas. Esto es posible gracias a la
existencia de factores de virulencia que se encuentran codificados en genes
localizados mayoritariamente en islas de patogenicidad o en el plasmidio de
virulencia de Salmonella. La gran mayoría de estos mecanismos han sido
caracterizados en la infección del modelo murino o aviar. En este trabajo
buscamos identificar los genes de S. Typhimirium que están implicados en la
supervivencia de esta bacteria dentro de organismos eucariontes simples tales
como amebas. Considerando que Salmonella podría interactuar con estos
organismos en el medio ambiente, en este trabajo se usó como modelo de estudio
la ameba social Dictyostelium discoideum, que de acuerdo a nuestras
observaciones sería incapaz de degradar a Salmonella. Esto es interesante si se
toma en cuenta que las amebas presentan una estrecha relación con los
macrófagos, ya que ambas son células eucariontes que comparten muchos de los
mecanismos implicados en el proceso de fagocitosis.
Para estudiar la supervivencia de Salmonella al interior de D. discoideum
implementamos un ensayo de competencia infectando esta ameba con
S. Typhimurium 14028s y mutantes definidas. Nuestros resultados indican que las
mutantes ΔinvA y ΔssaD (relacionadas directamente con la patogenicidad de
Salmonella en otros modelos de infección) y ΔaroA (mutante metabólica),
presentan problemas de supervivencia en D. discoideum en comparación con la
cepa silvestre parental. Posteriormente, para identificar el conjunto de genes
involucrados en la supervivencia intracelular de S. Typhimurium en este organismo
modelo realizamos infecciones de D. discoideum utilizando una genoteca de
~3690 mutantes de S. Typhimurium 14028s por deleción de genes individuales, que contienen un cassette de resistencia a kanamicina. Desarrollamos un
protocolo que permite amplificar y secuenciar las regiones adyacentes a la
inserción de este cassette e identificar a nivel genómico cada una de las mutantes
presentes en la población recuperada desde D. discoideum. Mediante este análisis
a gran escala fue posible identificar un total de 81 mutantes bajo selección
negativa. Entre las mutantes identificadas podemos mencionar a ΔorgB, gen que
codifica un componente esencial para el funcionamiento del sistema de secreción
tipo III (T3SS) codificado en la isla de patogenicidad SPI-1 y 3 mutantes (ΔssrA,
ΔssaR y ΔpipB2) cuya función se asocia al T3SS codificado en la isla de
patogenicidad SPI-2. El análisis a escala genómica también nos permitió tener una
idea general del ambiente en el que se encuentra S. Typhimurium al interior de
D. discoideum. Esta idea surge de la selección negativa que presentan mutantes
en genes como rpoE y creB, que codifican proteínas que participan de la
regulación transcripcional de genes asociados con la respuesta al estrés
extracitoplasmático y al crecimiento en medio mínimo, respectivamente. En
conjunto, los resultados de esta tesis constituyen un primer paso para comprender
la interacción entre Salmonella y la ameba D. discoideum a nivel molecular / The molecular mechanisms that allow Salmonella Typhimurium to cause disease
in mammals are numerous, and are responsible for clinical traits ranging from a
self-limited colitis to septicemia and eventually the death of the host. These
mechanisms are related to the ability of the pathogen to infect epithelial cells in the
small intestine and its intracellular survival and growth in phagocytic cells of the
host. This ability is the result of genes coding for virulence factors generally located
in pathogenicity islands or in the Salmonella virulence plasmid. The vast majority of
these mechanisms have been characterized using murine and avian infection
models. In this work, we aimed to identify S. Typhimurium genes involved in the
survival of this pathogen in simple eukaryotic organisms like amoebas. Considering
that Salmonella can interact with these organisms in the environment, in this work
we used the social amoeba Discoideum discoideum as a model. According to our
data, this organism is unable to degrade Salmonella after phagocytosis. This is
remarkable considering that amoebas show a close relationship with
macrophages, both being eukaryotic cells that share many phagocytosis
To study the intracellular survival of Salmonella in D. discoideum we developed a
competition assay where the amoeba was infected with S. Typhimurium 14028s
and selected derivative mutants. Our data show that mutants ΔinvA and ΔssaD
(directly related to pathogenicity in other infection models) and ΔaroA (metabolic
mutant) have an impaired intracellular survival in D. discoideum as compared to
the wild-type strain. Later, in order to identify the complement of genes involved in
the intracellular survival of S. Typhimurium in this organism, we infected
D. discoideum using a single-gene deletion mutant library of S. Typhimurium
14028s (~3690 mutants), containing a kanamycin resistance cassette. We
developed a protocol to amplify and sequence the genomic region adjacent to the
resistance cassette. This protocol allowed us to identify at the genomic level the mutants present in the population of bacteria recovered from D. discoideum. Using
this genomic analysis, we identified 81 mutants under negative selection. Relevant
mutants in this group include ΔorgB, a gene that encodes an essential component
required for the function of the T3SS encoded in SPI-1, and 3 mutants (ΔssrA,
ΔssaR and ΔpipB2) in genes associated to the T3SS encoded in SPI-2.
Furthermore, our genomic analysis allowed us to have a general idea of the
environment faced by Salmonella within D. discoideum. This notion comes from
the negative selection observed for mutants in genes such as rpoE and creB,
coding proteins involved in the transcriptional regulation of genes associated to
extracitoplasmatic stress and growth in minimal media, respectively. Taken
together, the results in this work are the first step in the understanding of the
molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction between Salmonella and
D. discoideum / Conicyt; Fondecyt
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Étude des interactions entre des bactéries pathogènes et Dictyostelium discoideum : analyse de la résistance et de l'enrobageOuellet, Myriam 20 April 2018 (has links)
Les amibes se nourrissent principalement de bactéries. Certaines bactéries pouvant résister à la digestion dans la voie phagocytique amibienne s’y retrouvent enrobées et sécrétées dans l’environnement par la suite. Cet enrobage augmente la résistance bactérienne à différents stress. Les bactéries enrobées pourraient favoriser la propagation de maladies infectieuses, mais aucune donnée n’est disponible à ce sujet. Les bactéries pathogènes Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium et Pseudomonas aeruginosa sont capables de résister à la digestion amibienne, mais leur capacité à être enrobée est inconnue. L’étude de la résistance de ces bactéries face à l’amibe Dictyostelium discoideum et l’analyse de la viabilité de cette dernière en présence des bactéries ont été réalisées pour mieux cibler les souches bactériennes potentiellement enrobables. Des essais d’enrobage ont été tentés, mais aucune bactérie enrobée n’a été observée en microscopie électronique. D’autres analyses seront requises pour comprendre la propagation des maladies infectieuses via les bactéries enrobées. / Amoebae mainly feed bacteria. Many bacteria are resistant to the digestion in the phagocytic pathway of amoebae. There they can be packaged and then secreted into the environment. Packaging increases the resistance of bacteria to different stresses. Packaged bacteria could improve the spread of infectious diseases, but no data is available regarding that so far. The pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are able to resist to digestion by amoeba digestion, but their ability to be packaged is unknown. The study of the bacteria resistance to the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and the analysis of the viaibility of the latter in the presence of bacteria were done to better target the bacterial isolates that can be packaged. Assays of packaging of bacteria were done, but no packaged bacteria were observed by electron microscopy. Other analyzes are required to understand the spread of infectious diseases by packaged bacteria.
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Identification des protéines reconnues par les anticorps H36 et H72 chez l'amibe Dictyostelium discoideumSédighi, Ahmadréza 19 April 2018 (has links)
L'amibe Dictyostelium discoideum sécrète des corps multilamellaires (CMLs) à partir de sa voie endocytique lorsqu'elle est cultivée en présence de bactéries. L'objectif de la présente étude consistait à comprendre le rôle des CMLs dans la physiologie de D. discoideum en caractérisant l'antigène de l'anticorps H36 présent sur les CMLs et celui de l'anticorps H72 qui se retrouve dans la voie endocytique. L'identification des antigènes a été réalisée par une immunoprécipitation suivie par une analyse en spectrométrie de masse. L'identité de l'antigène H36 a été déterminée et a été confirmée par des analyses en Western blot pour être la protease cprG aussi nommée CP7. Dans le cas de l'anticorps H72, l'identification n'a pas été fructueuse. Cette étude démontre que les CMLs sécrétés contiennent donc la protease cprG. Il s'agit de la deuxième description de l'association d'une protease avec des structures membranaires sécrétées par l'amibe D. discoideum.
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Guanine nucleotide binding properties and attempted immunopurification of ras protein from dictyostelium discoideumBramble, Sharyl Elizabeth January 1987 (has links)
One purpose of this study was to determine whether the ras protein from Dictyostelium discoideum (p23) binds guanine nucleotides
like the ras proteins from mammals (p21) and yeast. The other purpose of this investigation was to purify or enrich for p23ras from D. discoideum by immunoaffinity chromatography.
A number of different approaches were used to determine guanine nucleotide binding by p23RAS . A simple filter binding assay, binding to Western blots, and photoaffinity labeling all failed to demonstrate specific binding with lysates of D. discoideum cells. In contrast p21RAS from transformed NIH-3T3 cell lysate was successfully photoaffinity labeled in the presence
of ³²P-α-guanosine 5¹-triphosphate (GTP) suggesting that the technique had been performed correctly. It was concluded that either p23RAS has a very low affinity for guanine nucleotides
such that GTP binding was not detectable in these experiments
or that the ras protein from D. discoideum simply does not bind guanine nucleotides.
The purification of p23RAS from D. discoideum cells was attempted in order to provide a purified protein preparation for guanine nucleotide binding and for reconstitution studies. An anti-ras monoclonal antibody (Y13-259) was used as the ligand for the immunoaffinity chromatography. This approach was not successful in that the ras protein could not be enriched
relative to other proteins because the immunoaffinity columns did not bind p23RAS. / Science, Faculty of / Microbiology and Immunology, Department of / Graduate
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The role of cyclic AMP and differentiation-inducing factor in stalk cell differentiation during the development of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideumSobolewski, Andre January 1987 (has links)
The role of cyclic AMP and a differentiation-indueing factor (DIF) in the differentiation of stalk cells was investigated in the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. In this organism, starvation triggers the aggregation of amoebae into multicellular masses within which a simple, well-regulated pattern of partially differentiated cells is formed and which ultimately form fruiting bodies comprised of spore and stalk cells.
In a monolayer system at low cell densities, stalk cell formation is dependent on the presence of both cyclic AMP and DIF. Both factors act within a short time of each other, induction by cyclic AMP preceding induction by DIF, beginning between 8 to 10 hours of incubation in monolayers, and progressively committing an increasing proportion of the cells in monolayer to form stalk cells. The relative effectiveness of analogues of cyclic AMP to induce stalk cell formation in monolayers indicates that the well-characterized cell surface cyclic AMP receptor most probably mediates the action of cyclic AMP. Although this receptor appears early during aggregation, it does not become activated until later during development in vivo, probably because the cyclic AMP concentrations within developing cell masses must build up to levels higher than those in aggregation streams. The finding that caffeine inhibits stalk cell formation in low density monolayers and that the permeable analogue 8-Bromo-cyclic AMP can partially reverse this inhibition suggests that activation of this receptor leads to an increase in internal cyclic AMP levels as one of the steps in stalk cell differentiation.
The finding that the expression in low density monolayers of AP IV, a cell-type non-specific isozyme of acid phosphatase, was cyclic AMP-dependent is consistent with the view that cyclic AMP induces non-specific postaggregative gene expression during development in vivo. The findings that the expression of pre-stalk arid stalk cell specific antigens and of the pre-stalk cell specific isozyme AP II was DIF-dependent provide good evidence for the idea that both pre-stalk and stalk cell formation are induced by DIF. The fact that isolated pre-stalk cells require DIF for stalk cell formation in low density monolayers further supports this idea.
Whereas cells independent of DIF for stalk cell formation in monolayers appear immediately after cyclic AMP-independent cells during differentiation in low density monolayers, DIF-independent cells appear considerably later during development in vivo. This evidence and the fact that developing cell masses contain elevated levels of DIF lead to the postulate that the factor(s) which triggers the formation of fruiting bodies also controls the pre-stalk to stalk cell conversion. / Science, Faculty of / Botany, Department of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate
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Fatty-acyl amidases from the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum specific for bacterial lipopolysaccharideVerret, Charles Joseph Reynold. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, 1982 / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Charles Joseph Reynold Verret. / Ph. D. / Ph. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry
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