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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv aditiv na elektrické vlastnosti epoxidových pryskyřic / Additives effect on electrical properties of the epoxy resins

Šebesta, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Work was carried out in collaboration with SYNPO, Inc. Pardubice, which provided samples resins with various additives for measurement. The work is divided into three theoretical and one practical chapters. The first chapter focuses on dielectrics in general. It deals with their properties and storyline running in them. The second chapter discusses epoxy resins, their formulation, production and application in manufacturing. The third chapter offers a view of the measurement methods used for diagnosing electrical dielectrics. The practical part describes the preparation of samples and their composition, and consequently their measurement with the evaluation of measurement data.

Dielektrické vlastnosti epoxidových licích pryskyřic plněných mletou slídou / Dielectric Properties of Epoxy with Ground Mica

Bednář, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the dielectric relaxation spectroscopy applied to samples of an epoxy slip filled by grounded mica with granularity of 40 m. The changes of dielectric properties were investigated depending on the fulfillment of grounded mica, temperature, the relative air humidity, and the frequency between 100 Hz and 1MHz.

Modelování a chování složených soustav ve střídavém elektrickém poli / Modelling and behaviour of composite systems in AC electric field

Matoušek, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with modeling of progression of dielectric variables and mixture formulas for solution of properties of composite materials in dependency on frequency. Theoretical part of the work explains physical principles of polarisation mechanisms and influence on dielectric constant with changing temperature and frequency. In theoretical part processes inside the composite material, which is in electrical field are described. The work contains summary of mixture formulas and methods of their derivation. Program for use in education is a part of the work. It allows modelling of progression of dielectric variables in dependency on frequency and Cole-Cole circle diagram. In mixtures it allows modelling of frequency dependencies of dielectric constant in accordance to Maxwell's, Bőttcher's and Lichtenecker's mixture formulas.

Modelování a aproximace absorpčních dějů v dielektrických materiálech / Modeling and approximation of absorption phenomena in dielectric materials

Raška, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the polarization effects, that go on in the dielectric materials. It deals with physical and mathematical description of absorption effects. An important part of the thesis is a program environment, that is made by using programming language C++, which might be used for illustrative graphical displaying of physical laws of absorption effects in dielectric materials and for control of meters used for absorption current in dielectric materials measurement. This program can compute selected material constants from measured absorption currents. The proram enviroment enables creation of measurement protocol according to the norm ČSN IEC 93.

Dielektrická relaxační spektroskopie glycerolu / Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy of Glycerol

Stráník, Rostislav January 2008 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the analysis of dielectric spectra of glycerol with dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS). Dielectric spectra of glycerol have been measured in the frequency range 20 Hz to 10 MHz and in the temperature range 10 K to 300 K. The observed dielectric spectra featured a typical relaxation maximum, which could be in the first approximation described by the Arrhenius equation. The activation energy of the relaxation process observed was 90 MJ/kmol. The relaxation strength as well as the shape of the relaxation peak remained in the temperature interval 180 K - 230 K (visibility of peak) almost the same, thus indicating that no change of the relaxation mechanism comes about. Much attention was in the thesis paid to the analysis of the excess component of the relaxation alfa process, in the literature commonly denoted as "excess wing". The thesis puts forward a procedure for the quantification of the magnitude of the excess wing. The excess wing magnitude thus determined turns out to increase monotonously with increasing temperature. The excess wing is here interpreted as a manifestation of a weakly-pronounced beta relaxation.

Modelování a optimalizace komplexních vláknových difrakčních struktur / Modelling and Optimization of Complex Fiber Diffractive Structures

Helán, Radek January 2009 (has links)
The thesis discusses the fiber Bragg gratings simulations, analysis and design. In the present time, there are several methods to simulate fiber gratings response based on the stated parameters that define their dimensions and material features. However, this work deals with a different issue, that is the synthesis of the input parameters for demanded spectral responses. The main aim of the work is to achieve a synthesis method that would help to discover parameters describing advanced grating structure, based on the required spectral reflectivity. The basic demand for the parameter synthesis is an achievement of the real values in terms of the consequent production of the suggested structure. The described synthesis method considers advanced fiber grating structure as a structure of several uniform grating sections. The input parameters are estimated in steps, using the well-known direct methods in order to obtain grating responses and feedback to establish the parameters changes. The principle methods involve establishment of initial input parameter values and necessary subsequent algorithm leading to optimize the required spectral response. The initial values are calculated by a simplified model based on the coupled theory equations that are handled for the periodic disturbances in cylindrical waveguide. The following optimization uses the multiple thin film stack and transfer matrix methods. The properties of grating structure spectral reflectivity are step by step calculated while using these direct methods. Input parameters are established in the next several steps. Establishment of input parameters is done subsequently, based on the demanded and calculated output spectral reflectivity properties. Optimizing process is limited by possibilities of the grating manufacture technology. It is possible to assemble arbitrary fiber grating structure taking in term the demanded spectral response. Nevertheless, the calculated input parameters are real for the following manufacture. This method could be used to design optical band stop filter, high-pass and low-pass filters or filters for special applications.

The Influence of Temperature on the Dielectric Losses of Epoxy Resin Under Harmonic Distorted Voltages

Linde, Thomas, Backhaus, Karsten, Schlegel, Stephan, Loh, Jun Ting, Kornhuber, Stefan 14 September 2022 (has links)
The insulation of the electrical equipment in medium and high-voltage grids is subjected to significant electrical and thermal stresses. The switching characteristic of the increasing number of power electronic devices in electric grids leads to the distortion of the voltage waveform which causes additional dielectric losses in insulation materials. The consequent dielectric heating and elevated temperatures present a risk of thermal breakdown and generally accelerated ageing. This manuscript presents how temperatures up to the glass transition and severely distorted sinusoidal voltages influence the dielectric losses in epoxy resin samples. The impact of additional dielectric losses is depicted and the risk of thermal runaway is assessed by comparing the distorted voltage stress to a pure sinusoidal oscillation. The ratio between the losses at distorted voltage and sinusoidal voltage declines with increasing temperature, reducing the risk of thermal runaway even at high temperatures and significant voltage distortion. A generalization of the risk assessment is given based on the discussion of the results and simple standardized measurement techniques.

Elektrostatische Aufladung organischer Feldeffekttransistoren zur Verbesserung von gedruckten Schaltungen

Reuter, Kay 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Topic of the thesis is the production of unipolar digital circuits by means of mass-printing technologies. For this purpose accumulation-mode and depletion-mode field-effect transistors have been used. To realize depletion-mode field-effect transistors charges are injected and stored in the gate-dielectric. Consequently, the charge transport on the semiconductor-dielectric interface is influenced and the threshold voltage can be controlled. To inject charges into the dielectric different technologies have been used and will be discussed in terms of their process parameters. Finally, fully-printed digital circuits with enhanced performance are introduced. / Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die drucktechnische Herstellung von unipolaren digitalen Schaltungen durch eine Kombination von organischen Feldeekttransistoren vom Anreicherungs- und Verarmungstyp. Zur Realisierung von Transistoren vom Verarmungstyp werden Überschussladung in den Gate- Isolator eingebracht und gespeichert, wodurch der Ladungstransport im Transistorkanal insbesondere die Schwellspannung beeinflusst wird. Es werden verschiedene Aufladungstechnologien und deren Prozessparameter diskutiert. Abschließend werden vollständig mit Massendruckverfahren prozessierte, digitale Schaltungen mit verbesserter Signalübertragungscharakteristik vorgestellt.

Das Konzept des effektiven Indenters für die Ermittlung des Elastizitätsmoduls und der Fließgrenze dünner Schichten

Herrmann, Matthias 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Nanoindentations-Messungen haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten als Verfahren zur Ermittlung mechanischer Eigenschaften dünner Schichten stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Für die Gewinnung eines tiefergreifenden Verständnisses des mechanischen Verhaltens dieser Schichten ist die Kenntnis des Elastizitätsmoduls und der Fließgrenze von essentieller Bedeutung – nicht zuletzt, da diese auch als Eingabeparameter für Simulationen des Materialverhaltens gefordert sind. Eine noch nicht im Detail verstandene Forschungsfrage bei der Kennwertermittlung ist die Berücksichtigung des Dünnschichtcharakters der Proben, deretwegen diese Untersuchungen im Wesentlichen immer noch einen Grundlagencharakter tragen und derzeit Gegenstand intensiver weltweiter Forschung sind. Auswege für eine solche Berücksichtigung existieren bisher nur für wenige Anwendungsfälle. Das Konzept des effektiven Indenters stellt eine Erweiterung der Auswerteansätze und damit neue Möglichkeit für die mechanische Charakterisierung der Dünnschichteigenschaften dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit dieses Konzept zur Ermittlung des Elastizitätsmoduls dünner Schichten geeignet ist. Ebenso werden die Untersuchungen auf die Fließgrenze ausgeweitet. Beispielhaft kommen unterschiedliche Schichtmaterialien zum Einsatz, mit denen der Unterschied zwischen den Schicht-Substrat-Eigenschaften – Elastizitätsmodul und Fließgrenze – variiert werden kann. Durch Vergleich der für die BERKOVICH-Eindrücke erhaltenen Ergebnisse zu den mittels der Kugeleindrucksversuche bestimmten Werte – als etabliertes Messverfahren – wird festgestellt, dass o. g. Konzept prinzipiell für die oben angeführten Fragestellungen geeignet ist, insofern die erreichten Eindringtiefen im Vergleich zur Schichtdicke relativ gering sind. Physikalische Ursachen für dieses Verhalten werden vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. Ebenso wird eine spezielle Vorgehensweise des Konzepts des effektiven Indenters für die Charakterisierung von porösen sowie nichtporösen Low-k-Schichtmaterialien untersucht. Zusätzlich werden Finite-Elemente-Simulationen für grundlegende Betrachtungen zur Wirkungsweise des o. g. Konzepts anhand von massiven Proben herangezogen. / Considerable research effort has focused on measuring the mechanical properties of thin films via nanoindentation. To characterize the mechanical behavior of thin films, accurate determination of Young’s modulus and yield strength is required. For the purpose of modeling and dimensioning, these quantities serve as input parameters as well. An existing major challenge in the context of (nanoindentation) data analysis is the complete consideration of the layered structure of the specimen. In the literature, a few experimental and theoretical-based approaches have been developed to extract actual film properties. However, those approaches are only applicable under specific conditions and, hence, the problem is not satisfyingly solved to date. Therewith, investigations of accurately assessing mechanical properties of thin films, in general, or Young’s modulus and yield strength, in detail, are still part of ongoing research in the field of mechanical testing in materials research and development. The concept of the “effective indenter” is an extension of the current and established analysis of nanoindentation data and is a new possibility to determine mechanical properties of thin films. In this work, an investigation is given concerning the suitability of the model, in a specific approximation, for determining Young’s modulus of thin films. In a second step, the investigations are focused on the determination of yield strength. Film/substrate composites having a varying ratio of modulus and yield strength between film and substrate are chosen; BERKOVICH indentations are analyzed and spherical indentation experiments are used as second and independent technique. It is shown that the model is suitable to deliver Young’s modulus of thin films. However, a critical ratio of indentation depth to film thickness is identified; for ratios above this critical value, the model, in the present approximation, can no longer be used. Physical mechanisms that explain this finding are suggested and discussed. Moreover, the above-mentioned model is used to characterize the very specific class of materials of non-porous and porous low-k dielectric thin films in terms of yield strength and Young’s modulus. Finally, finite element modeling is used to study critical issues in applying the model of the “effective indenter” and its specific approximation used here for analysis of nanoindentation data for bulk materials.

Perforovaná dielektrika a dielektrické rezonátorové antény s vyššími módy / Perforated Dielectrics and Higher-Order Mode Dielectric Resonator Antennas

Mrnka, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Práce se zabývá buzením vyšších módů v kvádrových a válcových dielektrických rezonátorových anténách pro účely zvýšení zisku. Pomocí numerických simulací jsou studovány vlastnosti a limity anténních prvků. Je zkoumáná vzájemní vazba mezi dielektrickými rezonátorovými anténami pracujícími s vyššími vidy a na základě výsledků je možno usuzovat o vhodnosti těchto prvků k popužití v anténních řadách. V práci je popsán analytický model efektivní permitivity perforovaných dielektrik, který respektuje anizotropní povahu tohoto materiálu. Model je založen na Maxwell Garnettové aproximácií nehomogenních materiálů. Dále jsou studovány povrchové vlny na perforovaných substrátech a je ověřena použitelnost teoretického modelu i v tomto případě. Nakonec jsou studovány dielektrické rezonátorové antény vytvořené pomocí perforací v dielektrickém substrátu a je demonstrováno zhoršení určitých vlastností takových antén.

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