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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quasi stationary distributions when infinity is an entrance boundary, optimal conditions for phase transitions in 1 dimensional ising model by peierls argument and its consequences

Littin Curinao, Jorge Andrés January 2013 (has links)
Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Modelación Matemática / Este trabajo de tesis contiene dos cap\'itulos principales, donde se estudian dos problemas independientes de Modelaci\'on Matem\'atica. En el Cap\'titulo 1 se estudia la existencia y unicidad de distribuciones quasi estacionarias para un movimiento Browniano con drift extinguido en cero, para el caso que infinito es Frontera de Entrada y cero frontera de salida de acuerdo a la clasificaci\'on de Feller. El trabajo est\'a relacionado con la publicaci\'on pionera \cite, donde algunas condiciones suficientes son establecidas para demostrar la existencia y unicidad de QSD en el contexto de una familia de Modelos de Din\'amica de Poblaciones y difusiones de Feller. El trabajo generaliza los teoremas m\'as importantes de \cite , ya que no se imponen condiciones extras para obtener los resultados de existencia y unicidad de QSD y la existencia del l\'imite de Yaglom. La parte t\'ecnica est\'a basada en la teor\'ia del problema de Sturm Liouville sobre la semirecta positiva. Espec\'ificamente, se demuestra que bajo las principales hip\'otesis existe espectro discreto si y solo si infinito es frontera de entrada y todas las eigenfunciones son simples e integrables respecto a la medida de rapidez del proceso.\\ En el cap\'itulo 2, se estudia el problema de obtener cotas optimales sobre el Hamiltoniano para el Modelo de Ising de largo alcance, con t\'ermino de interacci\'on decayendo de acuerdo a $d^{\alpha-2}$, $\alpha \in [0,1)$. El trabajo est\'a basado en el art\'iculo publicado en 2005 \cite{Paper1}, donde cotas optimales son obtenidas para el caso $\alpha \in [0,\frac{log{3}}{\log{2}}-1)$ en t\'erminos de estructuras jer\'arquicas llamadas tri\'angulos y contornos. Los teoremas principales de este trabajo pueden ser resumidos como (i) No existe una cota optimal para el Hamiltoniano en t\'erminos de tri\'angulos para $\alpha \in [\frac-1,1)$. (ii) Existe una cota optimal para el Hamiltoniano en t\'erminos de Contornos para $\alpha \in [0,1)$, resultados que son demostrado en los Teoremas \ref{XYZ} y \ref{Teo1} respectivamente. Ambos generalizan los resultados existentes, y constituyen la principal contribuci\'on de este trabajo. Para demostrar el Teorema \ref, se construye expl\'icitamente una familia de contraejemplos. La parte t\'ecnica est\'a fuertemente basada en la teor\'ia de Fractales sobre Conjuntos Discretos. Para demostrar teorema \ref{Teo1} , se usa el argumento se agrupar y sumar sobre contornos con la misma masa. Las demostraciones para ambos resultados son muy t\'ecnicas y requieren una gran cantidad de c\'alculos , los cuales son entregados en detalle. Por otra parte, los teoremas principales tienen importantes implicancias en \'esta clase de Modelos. La m\'as importante y directa es la existencia de una fase de transici\'on para bajas temperaturas basada en el argumento de Peierls. Dicha demostraci\'un, es tambi\'en entregada en este trabajo.

Copper and Silver Metallization for High Temperature Applications

Mardani, Shabnam January 2016 (has links)
High-temperature electrical- and morphological-stability of interconnect is critical for electronic systems based on wide band gap (WBG) semiconductors. In this context, the thermal stability of both Ag and Cu films with Ta and TaN films as diffusion barriers and/or surface-capping layers at high temperatures up to 800 oC is investigated in this thesis. The investigation of un-capped Ag films with either Ta or TaN diffusion barrier layers shows electrical stability upon annealing up to 600 °C. Degradation occurs above 600 °C mainly as a result of void formation and Ag agglomeration. Sandwiching Ag films between Ta and/or TaN layers is found to electrically and morphologically stabilize the Ag metallization up to 800 °C. The barrier layer plays a key role; the β-to-α phase transition in the underlying Ta barrier layer is identified as the major cause for the morphological instability of the film above 600 °C. This phase transition can be avoided using a stacked Ta/TaN barrier. Furthermore, no observable Ta diffusion in Ag films is found. Copper films with a Ta diffusion barrier show clearly different behaviors. In the Cu/Ta sample, Ta starts to diffuse up to the surface via fast-diffusing grain boundaries (GBs) after annealing at 500 °C. The activation energy for the GB diffusion is 1.0+0.3 eV. Un-capped Cu is electrically stable up to 800 °C. An appreciable increase in sheet resistance occurs above 600 °C for the asymmetric combinations Ta/Cu/TaN and TaN/Cu/Ta. This degradation is closely related to a substantial diffusion of Ta across the Cu film and on to the TaN layer, where Ta1+xN forms. The symmetrical combinations Ta/Cu/Ta and TaN/Cu/TaN show only small changes in sheet resistance even after annealing at 800 °C. No Ta diffusion can be found in the Ta/Cu/Ta and TaN/Cu/TaN stacks. Finally, the influence of barrier and cap, their interfaces to Cu and Ta diffusion and segregation in the Cu GBs on electromigration is studied. Our preliminary results with the TaN/Cu/Ta and TaN/Cu/TaN structures report a 2-fold higher activation energy and a 10-fold longer lifetime for the former, thus confirming an important role of the interface between Cu and the cap and/or barrier.

Stochastické modelování reakčně-difuzních procesů v biologii / Stochastické modelování reakčně-difuzních procesů v biologii

Lipková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Many biological processes can be described in terms of chemical reactions and diffusion. In this thesis, reaction-diusion mechanisms related to the formation of Turing patterns are studied. Necessary and sufficient conditions under which Turing instability occur is presented. Behaviour of Turing patterns is investigated with a use of deterministic approach, compartment-based stochastic simulation algorithm and molecular-based stochastic simulation algorithm.

Spridning av innovation i högre utbildning : En studie av spridningen av Videochat vid Högskolan Dalarna / Diffusion of Videochat at Dalarna University

Svensson, Joacim January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att beskriva och analysera spridningen av en innovation, Videochat, inom Högskolan Dalarna för att utifrån det lägga förslag på fortsatt arbete för att öka spridningen av Videochat. Frågorna som legat till grund för uppsatsen är: Vad är Videochattens spridningstakt inom Högskolan Dalarna? På vilka grunder har Videochat anammats inom Högskolan Dalarna? I de fall man inte har anammat Videochat, på vilka grunder man gjort det valet? Var och hur kan åtgärder sättas in för att stimulera spridningen av Videochat? Undersökningen har baserats på ett webbaserat frågeformulär bland Högskolan Dalarnas undervisande personal och frågorna i formuläret utarbetades med hjälp av förberedande intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom Högskolan Dalarna. Undersökningen visar att användningen av Videochat har spridits olika långt på de olika akademierna och på två av fyra akademier anses det finnas ett behov av särskilda åtgärder för att stimulera spridningstakten. Den främsta anledningen till att börja använda Videochat är möjligheten att föreläsa för nätstudenter och campusstudenter samtidigt. Undersökningen visar samtidigt att anledningarna för att använda Videochat skiljer sig mellan de olika akademierna. Ett antal åtgärder föreslås för att stimulera spridning på de två akademier med lägst andel användare av Videochat där de viktigaste går ut på att öka kunskapen om Videochat och dess fördelar. / The aim of this thesis has been to describe and analyse the diffusion of an innovation, Videochat, at Dalarna University and on the basis of that analysis suggest different courses of action to increase the adoption of Videochat. The questions in this thesis are: What is the rate of adoption for Videochat at Dalarna University? On what grounds have teachers at Dalarna University chosen to adopt Videochat? On what grounds have teachers at Dalarna University chosen not to adopt Videochat? Where and how can actions be taken to stimulate the adoption of Videochat? This study has been conducted with the means of a web-based questionnaire that has been sent to teaching staff at Dalarna University. The questions have been chosen on the basis of interviews with employees that have key knowledge of the history and use of Videochat. The study shows that the rate of adoption differs between the four schools and two out of four are considered in need of actions to improve the rate of adoption. The study shows that the main reason for adoption Videochat is the possibility to have a lecture for campus-based and web-based students at the same time but it also shows that the reasons for adopting Videochat also differs between the schools Several actions are suggested to improve the rate of adoption at the two relevant schools, the main focus of them being to increase knowledge of Videochat and its benefits.

Exploring fast diffusion at the nano-scale for nanojoining technologies

Janczak-Rusch, J., Chiodi, M., Cancellieri, C., Araullo-Peters, V., Jeurgens, L. P. H. 19 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Dualities and genealogies in stochastic population models

Mach, Tibor 20 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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