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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rekryteringsprocessens komplexitet : Utmaningar, digitala intervjuer och felbedömningar utifrån rekryterares perspektiv / Complexity of the Recruitment Process : Challenges, Digital Interviews, and Misjudgments from the Recruiter's Perspective

Hultmark, Wilma, Westberg, Tufwa January 2024 (has links)
Rekryteringsprocessen är en central del av personalhanteringen för organisationer och företag, men rekryterare stöter ofta på utmaningar som kan påverka beslutsfattandet och anställningsresultatet. Rekryterarnas egna upplevelser av rekryteringsprocessen kan ge insikter om vad dessa utmaningar är och vad som kan påverka bedömningarna av kandidater. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur rekryterare upplever och hanterar utmaningar i rekryteringsprocesser, detta genom att analysera följande frågeställningar: Vad upplever rekryterare för utmaningar i rekryteringsprocessen? Hur påverkar användandet av digitala intervjuer bedömningar av kandidater? Vad anser rekryterare vara vanliga felbedömningar då rekryteringen misslyckas? Studien genomfördes med en tematisk analys baserat på 10 intervjudeltagares svar, där samtliga arbetar inom rekrytering. Av dessa är sju kvinnor och tre män, med en medelålder på 31 år. Den mest erfarna rekryteraren har arbetat inom området i 13 år, medan den med minst erfarenhet har arbetat med rekrytering i 7 månader. Av deltagarna arbetar fem rekryterare inom offentlig sektor och fem rekryterare inom privat sektor. Resultatet presenterar teman som framkom under intervjuerna och besvarar studiens frågeställningar. Rekryterarna rapporterar kommunikationsproblem med chefer, vilket påverkar hela rekryteringsprocessen från att definiera kravprofiler till genomförandet av intervjuer. Rekryterarna beskrev hur digitala intervjuer underlättar objektiva bedömningar men begränsar möjligheten att skapa en helhetsbild av kandidaten. Vanliga felbedömningar beskrevs ofta orsakas av subjektiva bedömningar, som kan påverkas av första intryck och personliga preferenser. Studien föreslår att förbättrad kommunikation och utbildning kan minska dessa utmaningar och förbättra rekryteringsprocessen. Studien betonar vikten av tydligare kommunikation och strukturerade metoder för att säkerställa rättvisa och effektiva rekryteringsbeslut. / The recruitment process is a central aspect of personnel management for organizations and companies, but recruiters often encounter various challenges that can affect decision-making and hiring outcomes. Recruiters' own experiences of the recruitment process can provide insights into these challenges and what might influence candidate evaluations. This study aims to investigate how recruiters experience and handle challenges in recruitment processes by analyzing the following questions: What challenges do recruiters experience in the recruitment process? How does the use of digital interviews affect the evaluation of candidates? What do recruiters consider to be common misjudgments when recruitment fails? The study was conducted using thematic analysis based on responses from ten interview participants, all of whom work in recruitment. Of these, seven are women and three are men, with an average age of 31 years. The most experienced recruiter has worked in the field for 13 years, while the least experienced has been involved in recruitment for 7 months. Among the participants, five recruiters work in the public sector and five work in the private sector. The results present themes that emerged during the interviews and address the study's questions. Recruiters report communication problems with managers, which affect the entire recruitment process from defining requirement profiles to conducting interviews. They described how digital interviews facilitate objective evaluations but limit the ability to create a comprehensive view of the candidate. Common misjudgments were often described as being caused by subjective evaluations, which can be influenced by first impressions and personal preferences. The study suggests that improved communication and training can mitigate these challenges and enhance the recruitment process. The study emphasizes the importance of clearer communication and structured methods to ensure fair and effective recruitment decisions.

Digitala intervjuer: nya förutsättningar för ickeverbal övertygelse : En actioanalys ur ett mottagarperspektiv

Logrell, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic has put applicants searching for work in a different position. Due to the pandemic restrictions, job interviews are held digitally at home where most body language comes out of sight from the camera.  The aim of the thesis is to determine how the new situation affects an applicant’s ability to establish a legitimate ethos non verbally. With a qualitative method, three recruiters were interviewed after observing an applicant’s actio in a pre-recorded digital interview and their attitudes towards the applicant were later analysed. The result show that the applicants non verbal behaviors affected the recruiters’ final idea about the applicants ethos. Wanted characteristics such as eye contact are still wanted although it is hard to achieve in the digital format. This leads to ethical dilemmas when for example rather small gestures or dull private backgrounds affect an individual's chance of employment. Conclusions show that improving skills in actio for digital meeting purposes will become a desired rhetorical competence as it will become a future requirement for employers.

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