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Die Wangemann tekeninge in die nasionale kultuurhistoriese en opelugmuseum, PretoriaBotha, Rita January 1989 (has links)
Die Nasionale Kultuurhistoriese en Opelugmuseum in Pretoria is in besit van 'n unieke versameling tekeninge van H.T. Wangemann, een van die direkteure van die Berlynse Sendinggenootskap. Dit is aan die eerlike en objektiewe lewensopvatting van Hermann Theodor Wangemann te danke, dat daar soveel inligting oor die sending gedurende die 19de eeu in Suid-Afrika behoue gebly het. In die geskiedenis sal Wangemann onthou word as een van die mees bekwame en vurige voorstanders van sendingwerk wat Duitsland voortgebring het. Vir navorsingsdoeleindes is daar van boeke, tydskrifte, mondelinge mededelinge, korrespondensie met die Berlynse sending in Duitsland, asook persoonlike waarneming gebruik gemaak. As primere bron is Wangemann se geskrifte en tekeninge waardevolle kultuurhistoriese dokumente; dit verskaf ook waardevolle inligting oor die sendingstasies wat gedurende die 19de eeu opgerig is. Die tekeninge toon onder andere woningbou van sowel blank as swart inwoners van die sendingstasies, kerkbou, skole, landerye en veekrale, vervoermiddels en gebruike aan. Omdat die versameling Wangemann - tekeninge nog nooit gedokumenteer is nie, is die doel van hierdie skripsie om 'n bydrae tot die museumliteratuur te lewer deur die ontsluiting van hierdie waardevolle Africana tekeninge. In 1954 het die Transvaal-museum hierdie versameling van 106 tekeninge, waarvan die meerderheid nie onderteken is nie, teen 'n bedrag van R130 van die kunshandelaar W.A. Luz te Berlyn aangekoop. Die versameling het ingesluit: 48 waterverf tekeninge en 48 loodpootloodtekeninge, 6 groterige waterverf studies, klein waterverf werkie in 'n heel eiesoortige uitbeeldingstyl en 3 gewone potloodsketse. Die tekeninge is almal van Suid-Afrikaanse landskappe of sendingstasies van die Berlynse Sendinggenootskap in Suid-Afrika. Die Transvaal-museum was aanvanklik onder die indruk dat die tekeninge die werk van die sendeling August Prozesky was en die versameling is trouens om die rede
van Luz aangekoop. In 'n artikel deur D.W. van der Merwe gaan hy deeglik op die outeurskap van die versameling tekeninge in en bewys dat hulle ongetwyfeld werke van H.T. Wangemann is met die uitsondering van drie wat onderteken is met die letters A.P. en daarom gereken kan word as die werk van August Prozesky. 'n Groot aantal gravures van die tekeninge kom voor as illustrasies in Wangemann se Ein Reise Jahr in Sodafrika wat hy as dagboeke gedurende sy eerste reis van 1866 tot 1867 tydens besoeke aan die Berlynse sendingstasies gemaak het. Die ander is gedurende sy tweede sendingreis in 1884-1885 gemaak en hoewel die werk nie geillustreer is nie, maak hy telkens melding daarvan dat hy tekeninge van die stasies gemaak het en die datums en plekname stem dan ook ooreen met sy besoeke soos opgeteken in die dagboek. Pastor H. Lehman van die Evangelische
Kirche in Berlin-Brandenburg bevestig ook dat dit wel Wangemann en nie Prozesky
se tekeninge is nie: Die Tekeninge, waarna u hier verneem, is goed aan ons
bekend. Dit ly geen twyfel, dat hulle van Sendingdirekteur Wangemann afkomstig
is nie. Hy het in 1865 en 1884 reise deur Suid-Afrika onderneem. Omdat daar
destyds nog geen kameras was, wat op 'n reis saamgeneem kon word nie, het hy voor die aanvang van sy eerste reis onderrig in teken- en skilder in Berlyn ontvang. Van die oorspronklike tekeninge is toe in Berlyn gravures gemaak en die tekeninge het in sy boeke en in die Sendingblad van die B.S.G. verskyn. Sendeling August Prozesky kan beslis nie die tekenaar wees nie aangesien hy eers in 1866 na Suid-Afrika gekom het en op die Sendingstasie Konigsberg in Natal gevestig was. In die lewensbeskrywing van H.T. Wangemann word ook vermeld dat hy sedert sy kinderjare reeds sy briewe aan sy ouers aangevul het met illustrasies. Benewens hierdie versameling tekeninge in die Museum, die gravures daarvan, asook tekeninge wat nie in die museum se besit is nie, wat in sy reisjoernale en in die Berliner Mission verskyn het, het die Museum ook 'n aantal foto's van die Argief van UNISA ontvang van tekeninge wat dr. Wangemann ook tydens sy Suid-Afrikaanse besoeke gemaak het, maar wat nog in besit van die Evangelische Kirche in Berlin-Brandenburg (Berlyn Wes) is. Hierdie tekeninge sowel as die verskille tussen die tekeninge in besit van die Nasionale Kultuurhistoriese en Opelugmusem en die gravures daarvan soos dit in die Reisjoernaal verskyn het, word in
hierdie skripsie buite rekening gelaat. Hierdie studie gaan ook gebruik word vir die opstelling van 'n katalogus wat gepubliseer gaan word deur NASKO-Museum sowel as in 'n uitstalling in die museum. / Diploma (Arts)--University of Pretoria, 1989. / Visual Arts / Dipl. Arts / Unrestricted
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The offect of party votation for policy change in Taiwan : the recognitation degree of obtained in mainland ChinaLee, Po-wen 21 February 2011 (has links)
The research applied qualitative methods such as historical approach, documentary analysis and semi-structural interview survey to collect data, so as to explore how would the rotation of ruling parties influence the certification of education taken in the Mainland China. It has been a decade since the policy of such certification was initiated by the KMT President Lee Teng-Hui and followed by DDP President Chen Shui-Pien. Though the approach had been set perfectly, it just could not be promulgated and implemented, the KMT government led by President Ma Ying-Chiu had finished the legal procedures for the certification of education taken in the Mainland China and the permission of PRC students to study in Taiwan, but the legislation limits the certification of medical education taken in the Mainland China, and PRC student are prohibited from studying relevant departments of national security and registering the exams for civil services and any licenses. What on earth are the crucial factors for those situations? That¡¦s the very problems the study would like to explore.
There were 4 main research purposes for the study to take:
(1) To explore the reasons why such certification policy constituted by the Ministry of Education (MOE) would change.
(2) To expound how the rotation of ruling parties influenced the policy change for constituting the certification of education taken in the Mainland China.
(3) To research the approach and process for MOE to forward and lay out the policy of certificating the education taken in the Mainland China.
(4) To explore the ultimate factors of decision-making for such certification policy.
As browsing the research conclusion generally, it could find that
1. The MOE couldn¡¦t independently dominate the permission of PRC students to study in Taiwan and the certification of education taken in the Mainland China, but only has the competence to lay out relevant approaches.
2. The certification of education taken in the Mainland China was not purely educational issue, but public issue that was politicized.
3. Taiwan is a democratic country, any decision-making related to public affairs would have to emphasize political consultations and respect the perception of the people.
4. The policy of certifying the education taken in the Mainland China was decided by the ruling party¡¦s domestic and foreign policy toward the Mainland China.
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Educating for employability in office environmentsHollis-Turner, Shairn Lorena January 2015 (has links)
Diversity and transformation demands on higher education require that all universities of technology revisit and redesign their qualifications and curricula in order to meet the challenges facing the higher education system in the 21st century, and to align with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework. The study focused on the knowledge bases of the current and new Diplomas in Office Management curricula, and how these were aligned with the broader aim of enhancing the employability of graduates.
The problem investigated was the contribution of higher education to the work readiness of graduates within a diploma curriculum at a university of technology. This thesis argues that employability is enhanced by the programme and its content. The National Diploma in Office Management is currently being phased out, and a new programme, the Diploma in Office Management, is being developed. These two qualifications are the main focus of this thesis. Knowledge is considered an important component of modern societies, and thus the knowledge bases of the Office Management curricula can play a vital role in fostering the employability of graduates.
The theoretical framework draws on three dimensions of Maton’s Legitimation Code Theory. These dimensions are Autonomy, Semantics and Specialisation, which allow for the analysis of the Office Management curriculum to enable the researcher to develop an understanding of the knowledge base of service and professional knowledge bases of the curriculum. The recontextualisation processes for professional curricula involve the recontextualisation of work practices into academic subjects as well as the recontextualisation of disciplinary knowledge into applied subject areas. This process involves a series of knowledge translations involving choices and struggles, for example, to determine which disciplines are essential in a National Diploma Office Management curriculum. These choices of what makes different categories of knowledge practices legitimate, and the purposes and interests they serve are conceptualised in Legitimation Code Theory. The use of Legitimation Code Theory determined the multi-method approach used to include the views of graduates, employers and academics, who were able to bring their own experiences, expectations, concerns and perspectives into the research process. The methods of data collection included Delphi surveys, documentary data from minutes of DACUM and curriculum workshops, curricular documents and course material, third-year student and alumni surveys, and interview documentation with academics from international and local institutions. These sources were used to secure triangulation of data gathering. The Autonomy dimension of Legitimation Code Theory was drawn on to analyse the documentary and curricular data to examine the history, origin and mission of the Office Management curricula to determine who decided on the knowledge bases of the curricula. The Delphi survey was designed to determine the knowledge areas which form the basis of the Office Management curricula, and to obtain additional content which had been omitted from the current curriculum to assist with the recurriculation of the new Diploma in Office Management. The data from the Delphi surveys, curricular and documentary data and interview data, were analysed by drawing on the Semantic dimension of Legitimation Code Theory to examine the content and knowledge areas which give the Office Management curricula meaning. The design of the Delphi survey also aimed to determine the attributes necessary for the role of the office administrator. The analysis of data produced from a variety of sources utilising the dimensions of the Legitimation Code Theory established that the knowledge base of office management work is that of professional service and support. The findings show that the Office Management curricula focus on technical and highly practical and contextual components with less emphasis given to the significant role of the linguistic knowledge base. Language, writing and oral communication skills are the foundation of the work of office administrators and office managers who are required to communicate at all levels of the organisation with employees and senior staff, and between the company and its stakeholders. The workplace demands of the field of information technology are continuously changing, and focusing on the “technology” without focusing on the communication knowledge principles that support this technology, gives evidence of what Maton calls knowledge blindness in the curriculum. This harks to when the focus on the mechanics of typing and shorthand caused the work of secretaries to become underrated as the focus was not on the multiple and complex literacies associated with this work. A solid disciplinary core of communication theory and a sound knowledge of business communication genres and technical communication are essential for graduates. This will provide graduates with the complex knowledge they will need to draw on to cope with the demands of the dynamic workplace, changing technology and society, and an unknown future.
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Effective Policies and Practices of Virginia Districts Meeting Graduation Performance Indicators for Students with Disabilities: A Delphi StudyBurnett, Zenia 15 April 2015 (has links)
Historically, there are persistent diploma gaps permeating between general education students and students with disabilities. In comparison to their peers, there are fewer youth with disabilities graduating from high school with regular diplomas. Regular diploma attainment is of critical importance because this credential is viable to postsecondary outcomes such as higher education and meaningful employment.
An analysis of graduation outcomes in Virginia from 2010-2013 revealed that 19 of 132 school divisions met or exceeded statewide performance expectations for youth with disabilities. In alignment with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2010, the Virginia Department of Education monitors and reports Indicator 1: Percent of youth with Individualized Education Programs graduating from high school with a regular diploma using the adjusted four-year cohort graduation rate. Indicator 1 is among four secondary education and transition data indicators that are federally monitored, collected, and analyzed to determine progress or lack of progress.
The purpose of this study was to identify the policies and practices that special education directors perceived as contributing to meeting the state graduation performance measures for youth with disabilities in 10 Virginia school divisions during the 2010-2013 school terms. A three-round Delphi method was employed to seek consensus from a panel of Special Education Directors whose divisions are consistently meeting Indicator 1 performance measures. Investigated were their perceptions of best practices and strategies that are paramount in graduating students with disabilities with a regular diploma or higher.
Panelists identified 70% or greater agreement on the importance of six (60%) strategies contributing to regular diploma attainment for this population of students. These statements of practice were determined to be of considerable importance (rated as critically effective or somewhat effective), and in rank order were: 1) providing targeted interventions such as remediation, tutoring, and credit recovery options; 2) conveying high expectations; 3) tracking and monitoring; 4) IEP development with emphasis on Transition, student family participation, exploring continuum options, accommodations and modifications, assessment, and diploma status; 5) promoting learning, attendance, and a positive school environment; and 6) policies that support all students. Further, a theme emerged as it relates to implementation on four of the six statements of practice on which consensus was reached in the final Delphi round. The data provided evidence that student engagement, parental involvement, and building positive relationships with an adult are important factors in support of the identified strategies toward graduating these youth with a regular/standard diploma. Implications for practice were recommended for school and division leaders, and state policymakers. / Ed. D.
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Achievement of understanding of clinical nursing practice by student nurses : an exploratory studyIrving, Sheila January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Improving success rates of students in accounting related diploma programmesSingh, L 14 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Gimnazijos raštinės automatizuotos sekretorės vietos sukūrimas ir tyrimas / Creation and research of gimnazium sekretary's automatic working placeBorina, Ilona 10 January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this degree work (diploma work) is the exploration and introduction of the system ‘Atgimimo’ gymnasium secretary’s automatic working place’. The given will permit to relieve and raise the productivity of gymnasium management. Analytical research of this institution was made in this degree work, specifications of the demands for the system user’s were prepared, the system projection with two methods was carried out. The comparison of the projection methods, carried out till the level of the relational sketches was presented in the analytical part of the work. The system is represented by the gymnasium database, containing the teacher’s personal information, his educational and methodical work. There was given a possibility of automatic point counting of teacher’s methodical work, his general length of service, educational work. Comfortable, clear interface of the programme was worked out for user’s comfort. Defending measures of the given system were carried out. Every teacher has a possibility to introduce and correct the information about his methodical work. The information to the user is given in the form of accounts.
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Městská knihovna, Lausanne / City Library, LausannePohůnek, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The project show the option of new kind of libraries by year 2020. Creating new forms for studying spaces ,connection beetween interiour and exteriour. The posibillity to change a disposition during the time. New libraries meens also new options of connection between people.
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Returning to School: Narratives of High School Leavers and How the General Equivalency Diploma Affects Financial Stability and Educational OpportunitiesTarantino, Lauren 21 May 2005 (has links)
Narrative analysis of high school leavers' individual backgrounds examines both positive and negative reasons that; students terminate their secondary education and experiences, and return to pursue a GED- General Equivalency Diploma. This analysis examines goals for the future of these students including extended education, career choices and family situations. The goals of this study are to determine why informants leave high school before graduation and to examine these reasons across racial, cultural and gender lines. This report analyzes why students returned to receive their GEDs and how they believe the receipt of the GED will affect their goals in regards to education, family and career choices. Five themes about “high school leavers†are evident: Reflection - Why the students dropped out of school; Outside Forces - the negative and positive forces that influence the decisions the student makes; Focus - why the students finally decided to go back to school; Emotion - the role that self esteem played in relation to job status prior to and following the receipt of the GED and finally; Collaboration - the support systems that were available for the individual participants. This research follows the efforts of nine students in their struggle to understand why they became candidates for the general equivalency diploma from their reflection on leaving school, their understanding of the outside forces that aided them in their flight from high school, their focus on opportunities life offered assuming they returned to get a general equivalency diploma, the collaboration of family and friends required to ensure their future success and the overall emotion of achieving the general equivalency diploma that would awaken in them a new reason for life. In the end, it would be the general equivalency diploma that would change them and the lives of their families forever.
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Examination Orientation and the Opportunity Structure in Chinese Education: Case Studies of Kunming High SchoolsSimon, Louise, mls@eryptick.net January 2001 (has links)
This dissertation examines the nature of education at the senior high school level in Kunming, China, through a participant observation study in four high schools. It discusses Ronald Dore's theory of a 'diploma disease' in the context of the four schools, and the variants which affect it at the level of participants. The dissertation illustrates that the 'backwash effects' which are generated by the National University Entrance Examination are entrenched in the education system and have significant adverse effects on students and teachers. The academic and vocational streams of education are compared and contrasted as providing different paths through the opportunity structure and different outcomes for social mobility. The dissertation analyzes the selective and social distributive functions of senior high school education in Kunming, and suggests that informal methods outside of entrance examinations, such as the use of guanxi and monetary payments, are gaining influence in these realms. As these methods become more widely utilized in the face of increasing competition to enter university, expressions of discontent from those educational participants who are adversely affected are also becoming more apparent.
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