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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La renuncia al ejercicio de la acción social de responsabilidad / The waiver of the corporate action to demand director's liability

Gandia Perez, Enrique <1987> 27 March 2015 (has links)
En el presente estudio se aborda un tema, el del régimen jurídico de la renuncia a la acción social de responsabilidad, que ha sido objeto de un escaso tratamiento por parte de la doctrina española. Estamos ante una institución controvertida, que regula la posibilidad de que una sociedad de capital abandone voluntariamente las pretensiones indemnizatorias que pudiera ostentar frente a alguno de sus administradores por los daños que éstos hubieran ocasionado en el patrimonio social como consecuencia del incumplimiento sus deberes de diligencia y lealtad. El hecho de que una sociedad de capital pueda acordar esta renuncia es un claro indicio del carácter dispositivo de las normas que regulan la responsabilidad de los administradores frente a la sociedad. Después de abordar de los antecedentes y evolución histórica de la renuncia a la acción social, la primera parte del estudio se centra en el análisis del ámbito material y temporal de su régimen jurídico, concluyendo que éste regula no sólo la renuncia o la transacción procesal, sino que se aplica cualquier acuerdo de la junta general que tenga como efecto una exoneración total o parcial de los administradores. La segunda parte del estudio profundiza en el régimen jurídico de la renuncia, haciendo hincapié en el derecho de veto que la Ley española y el Codice civile reconocen a la minoría y que se configura como una auténtica excepción al principio mayoritario que rige, con carácter general, la formación de la voluntad social. En el último capítulo se analizan los efectos de la renuncia acordada por la junta sobre la legitimación extraordinaria que ostentan los socios minoritarios y los acreedores sociales para el ejercicio de la acción social. / The present study is aimed at analyzing the legal regulation of the waiver of the corporate action to demand directors’ liability under the Spanish corporate law by comparing it with the Italian legal system. This issue, which has always raised controversy among Spanish scholars, has been studied very little. By means of such a waiver, the company voluntarily dismisses every claim for damage caused by a director without receiving any compensation. The very possibility for a company to do so leads us to conclude, in contrast to the general opinion, that the legal system of directors’ liability for breach of fiduciary duties involves strictly private interests. In the first chapter of the study, the historical basis of this legal regulation, both in Spain and in Italy, is reviewed. The second chapter deals with the regulation’s material scope of application, whereas the third chapter concerns its temporal scope, concluding that it applies not only to procedural dismissal or settlement of the action, but to every single general meeting decision that leads to a total or partial exoneration from liability of corporate directors. In the fourth chapter the specific aspects of the regulation are examined, focusing on the ‘veto’ right that Spanish and Italian law recognizes to minority shareholders. This right implies an exemption to the majority rule that aims to protect outsiders from abusive exonerations. Finally, the fifth chapter discusses the effects of a waiver decided by the corporation over the extraordinary capacity of minority and creditors to bring actions against directors.

Administración y Bienes Culturales. Una comparación entre Italia y España / Amministrazione e Beni Culturali. Una comparazione fra Italia e Spagna / Administration and Cultural Heritage. A comparison between Italy and Spain

Garcia Lozano, Luis Miguel <1985> 27 March 2015 (has links)
En este estudio se analizó la Administración Pública que tiene el encargo de la tutela y revalorización del Patrimonio Cultural, en una perspectiva comparativa entre los dos países. La investigación se dividió en dos partes. Una primera en la que se analizan las soluciones legales adoptadas por los diversos regímenes durante los siglos. Se busca analizar la respuesta legal dada históricamente a los problemática social de la conservación del Patrimonio Cultural y entender las políticas que la Administración había adoptado finalmente. Este histórico viaje terminará con la legislación vigente, y con el análisis de la Legislación inminentemente anterior, que ha sentado las bases de la actual estructura de la Administración Pública, que ejercerá las competencias relativas a la protección del patrimonio cultural. El estudio continúa con una segunda parte en la que, con dos capítulos, se procede a examinar la legislación que regula la organización de la Administración Pública tanto de Italia como de España. En cada uno de los países se analizan todos los niveles territoriales, así como los organismos o instituciones autónomas creadas dentro de los Organismos Públicos de cada Estado. El tercer capítulo supone una comparación y una crítica de ambas organizaciones. Ambas estructuras en ocasiones han surgido a partir de un punto en común, incluso, a pesar de haber tenido evoluciones distintas de conformidad a la especificidad del país, todavía presentan similitudes. Por otra parte, ambos países se han visto perjudicadas recientemente por las políticas relacionadas con los recortes en el gasto público, lo que llevó a la reducción de la Administración Pública, aunque no de un modo tan satisfactorio, como esperábamos. El estudio finaliza con las conclusiones obtenidas tras el análisis concienzudo de ambas administraciones. / In this study we analyzed the Public Administration in its function of protection and enhancement of Cultural Heritage, in a comparative perspective between the two countries. The research was divided into two parts. A first in which analyzes the legal solutions prepared by the various regimes during the centuries. In fact, it is only seeking the answers proposed legal historically the social problem that we can understand the policies that the Administration would have to introduce the subject.        This historic journey will end with the legislation in force, and with the analysis of the previous legislation, which has represented the conditions of the current structure of the Public Administration, which will exercise the powers relating to the Protection of Cultural Heritage. The study continues with a second part in which, with two chapters, we proceed to examine the legislation regulating the organization of the Public Administration of both states. In each of the countries we analyze all territorial levels, as well as the bodies or autonomous institutions created within the Public Bodies of each State. The third chapter supposes comparison and criticism of both organizations. Both structures have arisen from a common point, even if they have had a different development linked to the specificity of the country. Moreover, both countries have seen recently damaged by the policies related to the cuts in public spending, which led to the reduction of the government, though not satisfactory, as we expected. The study ends with the conclusions drawn at the end the search. / In questo studio si è analizzata l’Amministrazione Pubblica nella sua funzione di tutela e valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, in un’ottica comparata tra i due Paesi. La ricerca è stata suddivisa in due parti. Una prima in cui vengono analizzate le soluzioni giuridiche approntate dai vari regimi durante il trascorrere dei secoli. Infatti, è solo cercando le risposte giuridiche proposte storicamente alla problematica sociale che possiamo comprendere le politiche che l’Amministrazione avrebbe dovuto introdurre in materia. Questo percorso storico si esaurisce nella normativa in vigore, e con l’analisi dei precedenti normativi che hanno rappresentato i presupposti dell’attuale struttura della Pubblica Amministrazione, che dovrà esercitare le competenze relative alla Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale. Lo studio prosegue con una seconda Parte nella quale, con due capitoli, si procede ad esaminare la normativa regolamentare dell’organizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione di entrambi gli Stati. In ciascuna delle Nazioni si analizzano tutti i livelli territoriali, così come anche gli organismi o le istituzioni autonome create all’interno degli Organi Pubblici di ogni Stato. Il terzo capitolo suppone la comparazione e la critica di entrambe le organizzazioni. Entrambe le strutture sono nate da un punto comune, anche se hanno avuto uno sviluppo diverso legato alla specificità del paese. Inoltre, entrambi i paesi si sono visti recentemente danneggiati dalle politiche relative ai tagli della spesa pubblica, che hanno portato alla riduzione delle amministrazioni, anche se non in modo soddisfacente, come si ci aspettava. Lo studio termina con le conclusioni tratte al finire la ricerca.

Il divieto d'abuso del diritto nell'esperienza tributaria europea e tedesca / The prohibition of tax abuse in european and german experiences

Martinengo, Stefania <1984> January 1900 (has links)
La tematica dell’abuso del diritto in campo fiscale ha conosciuto, negli ultimi anni, una diffusione particolarmente rilevante. Questo lavoro, dopo una necessaria premessa introduttiva alla problematica, affronta l’abuso del diritto in campo tributario tramite l’analisi degli strumenti classici dell’ermenutica, constatando come si arrivi ad un intreccio tra lo strumento della clausola generale anti-abuso e il principio di divieto d’abuso del diritto sviluppatosi a livello europeo, concretizzazione del più ampio principio dell’effettività del diritto dell’Unione Europea. L’analisi prende a modello, da un lato, la clausola generale anti-abuso tedesca, adottata già nel primo dopoguerra, e le sue diverse modifiche legislative occorse negli anni, e dall’altro, il principio europeo di divieto d’abuso del diritto. L’esame congiunto rivela un cortocircuito interpretativo, posto che il principio europeo espone gli stessi concetti della clausola nazionale tedesca pre riforma, la quale, in seguito, alle sentenze Halifax e Cadbury Schweppes, ha subito un’importante modifica, cosicchè la clausola generale abbisogna ora del princìpio europeo per essere interpretata. La tesi evidenzia, inoltre, come tale circuito sia aggravato anche da tensioni interne alle stesse Istituzioni europee, posto che, nonostante l’esistenza di un principio di elaborazione giurisprudenziale, gli Stati Membri sono stati invitati ad introdurre una clausola generale anti-abuso, la cui formulazione rimanda al principio di divieto d’abuso del diritto elaborato dalla Corte di Giustizia. / During the last years the phenomenon of tax abuse has spread significantly. This work, after an essential introduction of the problematic, deals with tax abuse through classical methods of hermeneutics to establish a direct connection between general anti-abuse clauses and the european principle of prohibition of tax abuse, which originates from the more comprehensive european princìple of effectiveness. The analysis compares two experiences, on one side the german anti-abuse clause, already implemented after the First World War, and on the other, the european princìple of prohibition of tax abuse. An interpretative “short-circuit” results from this study as the european princìple affirms the same concepts of the german anti-abuse clause before the last reform. The national clause was significantly modified after the pubblications of Halifax and Cadbury Schweppes, with the consequences that nowadays, for interpreting this rule, it’s necessary to refer to the european principle of prohibition of tax abuse. Moreover the work highlights how this circular mechanism is worsen by the same European Institutions, as Member States, despite the existence of a jurisprudential princìple, have been invited to introduce a general anti-abuse clause in their tax systems, that is clearly based on the concepts expressed by the European Court of Justice.

The Structure of Financial Supervision: Consolidation or Fragmentation for Financial Regulators?

Jabotinsky, Hadar Yoana <1978> 16 December 2014 (has links)
This research was designed to answer the question of which direction the restructuring of financial regulators should take – consolidation or fragmentation. This research began by examining the need for financial regulation and its related costs. It then continued to describe what types of regulatory structures exist in the world; surveying the regulatory structures in 15 jurisdictions, comparing them and discussing their strengths and weaknesses. This research analyzed the possible regulatory structures using three methodological tools: Game-Theory, Institutional-Design, and Network-Effects. The incentives for regulatory action were examined in Chapter Four using game theory concepts. This chapter predicted how two regulators with overlapping supervisory mandates will behave in two different states of the world (where they can stand to benefit from regulating and where they stand to lose). The insights derived from the games described in this chapter were then used to analyze the different supervisory models that exist in the world. The problem of information-flow was discussed in Chapter Five using tools from institutional design. The idea is based on the need for the right kind of information to reach the hands of the decision maker in the shortest time possible in order to predict, mitigate or stop a financial crisis from occurring. Network effects and congestion in the context of financial regulation were discussed in Chapter Six which applied the literature referring to network effects in general in an attempt to conclude whether consolidating financial regulatory standards on a global level might also yield other positive network effects. Returning to the main research question, this research concluded that in general the fragmented model should be preferable to the consolidated model in most cases as it allows for greater diversity and information-flow. However, in cases in which close cooperation between two authorities is essential, the consolidated model should be used.

Legal presumptions in national tax systems (Italy and Belgium) and in EU law

Sanò, Claudia <1982> January 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of presumptions, and in particular of legal presumptions, in the context of national tax systems (Italy and Belgium) and EU law. The purpose was to investigate the concept of legal presumption under a twofold comparative perspective. After having provided a general overview of the common core concept of presumption in the European context, an insight in the national approach to legal presumptions was given by examining two different national experiences, namely the Italian and Belgian tax systems. At this stage, the Constitutional framework and some of the most interesting and relevant at EU level presumptive measures were explored, with a view to underlining possible divergences and common grounds. The concept of (national) legal presumption was then investigated in the context of EU law, with the attempt to systematize under a uniform perspective a matter which has been traditionally dealt with either from the merely national point of view or, at EU level, through a fragmented form. In this instance, the EU law relevant framework and the most significant EUCJ case-law, in particular in the field of customs duties, VAT, on the issue of the repayment of taxes levied in breach of EU law and in the area of direct taxation, were examined so as to construe the overall EU approach to national legal presumptions. This was done with the finality of determining if and to what extent a common analytical framework may be identified, from which were extracted certain criteria governing the compatibility of national legal presumptions with EU law.

Il diritto della psiche / The right of psyche

Dimasi, Luca <1985> 14 September 2015 (has links)
Il contributo analizza dal punto di vista del diritto e dell'etica il trattamento sanitario del malato psichiatrico. / The author deal with the treatment of psychiatric infirm.

The Right of Deduction within the European VAT: A Perspective for the VAT Reform in China

Zheng, Junping <1987> 13 June 2016 (has links)
Value added tax (VAT), with its specific and unique feature as a neutral taxation, has spread rapidly around the world since its first adoption in Europe. China has also chosen to adopt VAT in an attempt to promote its economic development. In 2012, China started a new round of reform of VAT to extend its scope to industries which previously were liable to business tax. One of the most difficult problems is the rebuilding of the VAT deduction system therein. Although Europe faces its own problems and difficulties in the process of perfection and coordination of VAT, as the cradle of VAT it could still provide helpful insights for the ongoing VAT reform in China. Based on the analysis of the VAT system and, in particular, the right to deduct input VAT in Europe, combined with the development and special conditions of VAT in China, I propose several recommendations for the ongoing VAT reform in China and its future legislation. First, on the overall level, it is important to review the principle of neutrality in VAT, and rather than to view it as a natural result of the operation of the VAT system, its role as a rule to be complied with. Second, with regard to the design of the VAT deduction system, I argue that: (1) it is not necessary to establish VAT deduction as a substantive right of the taxpayer; (2) it is necessary to expand the scope of deductible items in China, especially in relation to fixed capital investment; (3) it is urgent to improve the treatment of the excess amount of deductible input VAT. Finally, suggestions are given supporting the construction of the related procedural legislation.

Il principio di solidarieta e il Burden-Sharing nella disciplina europea in materia di asilo / The principle of solidarity and burden-sharing in the European asylum system. / Le principe de solidarité et de partage équitable de responsabilités en matière d'asilo entre les états membres de l'Union Européenne

Zarrella, Silvia <1987> 20 June 2016 (has links)
La presente ricerca si propone di esaminare l’evoluzione del principio di solidarietà interstatale nell’ambito della politica di asilo europea. L’attuazione di tale principio è stata invocata in occasione dei recenti flussi migratori, composti principalmente da persone bisognose di protezione internazionale, che hanno sovraccaricato la capacità di accoglienza di alcuni Paesi euro-mediterranei. Il SECA si è dimostrato fragile e inadeguato, principalmente a causa della mancanza di coordinamento interstatale e di sostegno ai Paesi di primo asilo in difficoltà. E’ emersa pertanto con chiarezza la necessità di tradurre in concreto il concetto di burden-sharing, favorendo una più equa ripartizione intra-europea degli oneri e delle responsabilità in materia di asilo. In primo luogo, la ricerca delinea il concetto di “burden-sharing”, inteso come declinazione del principio di solidarietà e finalizzato a realizzare un’equa distribuzione dei rischi e dei costi tra i membri di un gruppo per il raggiungimento di un obiettivo comune. In particolare, si approfondisce il dibattito sviluppatosi su tale principio in diverse aree del diritto internazionale e i meccanismi adottati per renderlo operativo. Quindi si analizza la natura e il contenuto del principio di solidarietà nell’ambito del diritto dell’Unione Europea, percorrendo le fasi principali dell’evoluzione della politica europea di asilo e esaminando il diritto primario e secondario dell’UE rilevante. Particolare attenzione è dedicata al sistema Dublino, la cui analisi è incentrata sul principio di mutua fiducia, in base al quale si presume che tutti gli Stati membri sono rispettosi del divieto di refoulement e quindi si considerano reciprocamente sicuri. Infine, si esamina la risposta dell’EU all’emergenza umanitaria provocata dalla guerra in Siria al fine di stabilire se l’attuale politica di asilo europea rappresenta una concreta espressione del principio di solidarietà o se, al contrario, l’Unione Europea abbia scelto di percorrere la strada opposta a quella tracciata da tale concetto. / The principle of solidarity among EU Member States and its expression through the fair sharing of responsibility represent one of the constitutive elements of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and, more generally, of the European Union idea. Nevertheless, this principle has not found an effective implementation in European policies yet. The aim of this research is to argue, firstly, that the application of the principle of burden-sharing is a condicio sine qua non for the effectiveness of the CEAS as well as a way to ensure the commitment to international human rights standard. Moreover, it seeks to demonstrate the inefficiency of the instruments adopted so far by the European Union to enhance intra-EU solidarity. The first part analyses the role of the principle of “burden-sharing” in international law and, in particular, its application in security law, environmental law and refugee law. The second chapter examines the legal nature and the content of the principle of solidarity in EU law, identifying its role in primary and secondary law and describing its evolution in the European asylum policy. The third chapter addresses the major dysfunctions of the Dublin System, which allocates to Member States the responsibility for asylum claims examination. In particular, it describes the consequences of this deficiency, such as the difficulties in assuring the respect of fundamental rights standards, and in complying with the duty to gather fingerprints by the Member States situated at the EU external border. Finally the research analyses the instruments adopted by the EU in order to manage the current “refugee crisis”, such as the EU-Turkey agreement, the emergency relocation mechanisms and the hotpost approach. / Le flux massif des réfugiés provenant de la Syrie a pris au dépourvu la capacité d'accueil de certains pays euro-méditerranéens, et mis en relief l'absence de solidarité et de partage équitable de responsabilités entre les États de l'Union européenne. En premier lieu, cette étude définit le concept de “burden-sharing” entendu comme une mesure concrète de solidarité à réaliser à travers la distribution des risques et des coûts parmi les membres d'un groupe pour la réalisation d'un objectif commun. Après avoir analysé l’évolution de ce principe dans le droit international, on évalue sa mise en oeuvre dans l’ordre juridique de l’Union européenne, notamment, dans le Système Européen Commun d'Asile (SECA) consacré par l’article 80 TFUE. En analysant le system Dublin et les réponses les plus actuelles à l’émergence syrienne on conclut que l’Union européenne est encore loin de la complète réalisation du principe du burden sharing.

La nuova governance economica europea: evoluzioni istituzionali / New economic governance: institutional evolution

Lazzaroni, Francesca Anna Marta <1978> 16 May 2016 (has links)
L'obbiettivo della ricerca è l'analisi del riassetto istituzionale dovuto alla crisi economica. Il progetto di ricerca parte da un’analisi della formazione della moneta unica e dell’Unione economica e monetaria, per proseguire attraverso l’analisi dello stato di avanzamento delle politiche economiche e monetarie mediante la ridefinizione degli assetti giuridici ed istituzionali, come diretta conseguenza della crisi economica. Si prende infine in considerazione l’accelerazione di alcuni processi d’integrazione che hanno messo in discussione il ruolo di alcune Istituzioni partendo dalla natura stessa del metodo comunitario e del processo di legittimità democratica alla base del consolidamento e dello sviluppo dell’Unione economica e monetaria. Fino ad arrivare allo statuto speciale ottenuto dal Regno Unito che mette in discussione l'assetto stesso del progetto europeo, decretando un Europa a più velocità, frutto di una specifica visione di un Europa regolatori. / The propose of this research is to analyze the future of the European project due to the changes of the economic crisis. The research is based on a deep analysis of European economic and monetary policies, starting from the creation of the single currency through the construction of the Economic and Monetary Union, until the impact of the debt crisis on the European Governance and institutions. The research project analyses the legal and political arrangements that have queries the Community method in favor of the intergovernmental method. It is analyzed the acceleration of certain processes of integration/desegregation of the European project that have questioned the role of some institutions, their accountability and legitimacy, until the UK special status that have create de facto a legal multi-speed Europe.

Il valore del precedente giurisprudenziale nell'ordinamento costituzionale / The authority of judicial precedent in the constitutional legal context

Martinuzzi, Alessandro <1986> 10 May 2016 (has links)
Il presupposto generale attorno al quale la ricerca si sviluppa è che l'esercizio della giurisdizione contribuisce significativamente a definire il diritto applicabile vigente. L'utilità di tale contributo, tuttavia, tende ad estendersi al di fuori dei termini di risoluzione della controversia ingenerando nel giudice la consapevolezza di offrire un riferimento imprescindibile per tutti i consociati.In un contesto nel quale le tecniche legislative dell'epoca delle grandi codificazioni si sono rivelate non più idonee a rendere conoscibili le norme dell'ordinamento, è l'attività interpretativa del giudice che finisce per costituire il presupposto principale per l'estrinsecazione del valore precettivo della legge. L'avvento delle giurisdizioni costituzionali e di quelle internazionali, così come il diffuso ricorso a forme di abrogazione implicita, hanno riposto nell'interprete il compito di rilevare quelle che qualcuno ha definito "norme intruse" , non soltanto ai fini della risoluzione della singola controversia, ma altresì per offrire a tutti i consociati uno strumento di conoscenza del "diritto vivente" di fondamentale importanza nella preservazione del principio di diritto. Si fa, prevalentemente, riferimento ai precedenti fissati dalla Corte Suprema i quali, in virtù della posizione apicale che questa occupa nell'ordinamento giudiziario , tendono ad essere espressione di una funzione nomofilattica che troppo spesso viene considerata mero retaggio del passato, mentre, oggi più che mai, è sentita l'esigenza di una uniforme interpretazione del diritto. Questa riflessione sul ruolo del precedente giurisprudenziale non è intesa, tuttavia, a demolire ogni distinzione tra tradizioni giuridiche millenarie, ma piuttosto a fornire nuovi strumenti di osservazione del fenomeno giurisdizionale e a dissociare categorie dogmatiche troppo spesso date per scontate. Il presente studio tenta modestamente di percorrere il pericoloso crinale tra filosofia giuridica, diritto costituzionale e procedura al fine di offrire conclusioni, forse meno rassicuranti, ma certamente più realistiche sul valore della giurisprudenza nell'epoca contemporanea. / The general assumption around which the research has been developed, is that the exercise of jurisdiction contributes significantly to define what is the current applicable law. The function of such a contribution, however, tends to go beyond the specific dispute giving the judge the awareness of providing an indispensable instrument for all the citizens.In a context where the legislative techniques of the time of the great codifications appear not fit to make the several laws knowable, the judicial interpretation turns out to constitute the main factor for providing a preceptive meaning of the legislative dispositions. The advent of the great constitutional and international jurisdictions, as well as the wide use of implicit abrogation, put the interpreter in charge with the task of finding the so-called "hidden norms", not only for the resolution of the single controversy, but also to provide all the citizens with an instrument for knowing the "living law" in order to comply with the rule of law. This instruments are generally recognized in the precedents of the Supreme Court which, by virtue of its apical position in the legal system, exercise a nomophylactic function that is too often underestimated. This consideration of the authority of judicial precedents is not aimed, though, to dismantle every distinctions between ancient legal traditions, but rather it is intended to provide new instruments of observation of the judicial phenomena and to dissociate dogmatic categories that are too often given for granted. The present study tries modestly to follow a dangerous path between legal philosophy, constitutional law and procedural rules in order to offer conclusions that are maybe less comforting, but certainly more realistic on the role of judicial precedents in present times.

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