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"Analýza politického diskurzu o migraci na půdě Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu České republiky." / "Analysis of the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic."Kovalev, Ilia January 2021 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Sociological Studies Department of Sociology Analysis of the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic: restrictive or liberal approach? Abstract of the Master's thesis Author: Ilia Kovalev Study programme: Sociology Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc. Year of the defence: 2021 References KOVALEV, Ilia. Analysis of the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic: restrictive or liberal approach? Prague, 2021. 80 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociological Studies. Department of Sociology. Supervisor doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc. Length of the thesis: 120256 characters Abstract Most of the previous research that has examined migration in the Czech Republic has focused primarily on the development of migration flows and changes in government strategies in this area, not on how we think about this issue and how we talk about it. Therefore, the aim of this Thesis is to analyze the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The analysis is based on the hypothesis of the existence of two consistent discourse attitudes, which represent restrictive and...
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Od zlého Turka k súdruhom a späť / From evil Turk to comrades and backIvanič, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis "From evil Turk to comrades and back" deals with the ability to use power to overlay one dominant discourse by the another. In our case local orientalist discourse by the new communist one. We have analysed media representations of selected Middle Eastern countries and people living there, published in broadsheet Pravda in two different periods - in 1984 and after 2014. We have analysed more than 50 articles from 1984, and 160 titles, photos and introductions published after 2014. Communist discourse dominated in the 80's Pravda newspaper, accompanied with relevant framing, stereotypes and binary opposites. But this shift was only temporal, and nowadays Pravda shows a comeback to orientalism as defined by Edward Said and others, as well as being present in Slovak folk and art literature for a long time before. Media shifted the narrative from the evil Turk to vicious American, while Islam and "us" vs. "them" division was made irrelevant. On the other hand, class divides were put into the spotlight, with the political left being unifying international element spanning the globe. 30 years later Pravda operates with typical orientalistic framing again - Islam, oriental tyrrany, irrationality or religious bigotry and fanaticism. We have also, as collateral result of the analysis, found...
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Sociální začlenění bezdomovců jako sociálně pedagogický problém / Social inclusion of homeless people as a social pedagogical problemHoráková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part consists of three chapters, the first is devoted to familiarization with the problems of homelessness. I deal with the social aspects of this phenomenon, such as social exclusion and associated problems of social inclusion in the second chapter. The final chapter discusses the possibilities of assistance directed at homeless people. The practical part includes qualitative research where I try by means of ten case studies to bring the fate of homeless people who seek the services of institutions, where they can find qualified help in solving a wide range of problems that may be the cause of their present situation. By analyzing data, I try to figure out what is behind the possible success or failure of such persons in the pursuit of social inclusion.
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In the dissertation the author presents the analysis of the use of phraseological units in modern political discourse in Russia and the Czech Republic. The author shows that phraseology can be a tool for increasing the expressiveness of a speech, for contacting and influencing the audience in the political discourse. The analysis of cognitive and pragmatic specifics of idioms and metalanguage commentaries in the speech of politicians in a comparative aspect is carried out. As a result the author showes the specifics of the use of phraseological units in describing the speech image of a politician. Key words: phraseology, phraseologism, discourse, political discourse, political linguistics, cognitive linguistics, image of a politician, speech portrait of a politician.
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Kritická diskurzivní analýza televizního seriálu Okres na severu / Critical discursive analysis television series Okres na severuSzabó, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This work is dedicated to exploring television series Okres na severu written by Jaroslav Dietl and directed by Evžen Sokolovský. The series was filmed in 1980 in the Czechoslovak television and falls into the normalization period (1968-1989) in Czechoslovakia. The aim of this study was to conduct a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of series Okres na severu, with special emphasis on the political power of Communism (Marxist-Leninist ideology) and its use of propaganda through the mass media (television). The text analyzed the discourse of the concept of a propaganda series and tried to answer the question of to what extent and whether the strip Okres na severu is a part of the propaganda. The main concept of this text was a discourse that we can define as a set of codes and rules used in producing the meanings related to any topic. Fairclough concept of critical discourse was chosen for its clear division of the so-called three-dimensional discourse (the text, discursive practice and social practice), which focuses on the interconnection of all three relationships (communication events) and the rules of discourse to explore the relationship to society and social conditions. We address the exploration of the concept of normalization, which is used for the second half (1968-1989) of the existence of the...
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Srdce národa. Individuum na cestě k lidství a k lidskosti / Heart of nation. An Individual on his way to humaneness and humanityMadlová, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
The main content of the present thesis is focused on the problem of the national discourse in the pre-March Bohemia; chronologically defined as the period of the fortieth years of the 19th century. In its concept, the thesis bases on the conservative understanding of the national question in Bohemia; it is based on the Bohemian patriotic essays of the catolic priest Bernard Bolzano and his follower, in that time liberal thinking aristocrat Count Leo Thun. Although the chronological framework, which is determined as the last decade before the beginning of the revolution of 1848 in Bohemia, the main content of the thesis focuses on the timeless problem of the past and present development of the Bohemian/Czech society in that way, in which it is understanded within the conservative approach, i. e. as a social framework for the free progress of the constituent individuals, whose individual development is depended on the mutual interaction of the individuals in the whole society. Making use of the metaphysical construct of the catholic priest Václav Frost, the author attempts to reveal the main conditions of the possible unification of the society, and with the focus on the Czech- German question, also to define the main causes of the national conflict in Bohemia. The fundamental proposition of the...
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Výzkum hudební komunikace / Analysis of the Efficiency of Transmission of Communication Through Musical CommunicationHanzel, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the evolution of musical communication, competencies and offers a research method for study of these. In the first chapter, author's background, motivation and the chosen body of music is presented. The second chapter briefly summarizes the development of musical communication and of the main theoretical and research approaches to it in the Western society. The third chapter provides a research method of shared musical communication skills based on Italian scholar Gino Stefani's model of common musical competence. In the fourth chapter this method is tested out on a sample of Czech musically uneducated population to prove wrong the common assumption that only a gifted and musically educated part of society is privileged to participate in the practices of musical communication.
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Krize v Ústavu pro studium totalitních režimů v českém periodickém tisku / Crisis in the institute for the study of totalitarian regimes in czech periodic pressSvorník, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to prove that the style of news coverage of one topic in three different Czech newspapers differs significantly, based on ideology of authors and newspapers too. News reporting should be informative, unbiased, without assessments of its author. However the resulting article is always biased in some way. The author doesn't have to use evaluating words to evaluate; he or she can affect the result by choosing right speakers, placing them in favorable or disadvantageous position or even cut them out of the text. The author can choose which story to tell and which frame to use. This thesis focuses on crisis in the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes in April of 2013, when the director Daniel Herman was dismissed and new director Pavla Foglová was appointed. This event is suitable for the study of (hidden) evaluation and ideology, because it is closely connected with communist history of Czech nation - everyone has some opinion about it, journalists included. After the theoretical explanation of main terms and concepts like signification, discourse and ideology comes the analysis of three non-tabloid Czech newspapers: Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta DNES and Právo. Their story is the main subject of this thesis.
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Jazykové prostředky k upoutání pozornosti v současné reklamě / Exploring discourse strategies in contemporary advertisingCHABR, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an analysis of advertising discourse focusing specifically on the use of language means. To begin with, this thesis defines theoretical knowledge of advertisement and individual language means. Subsequently, I find these language means in the particular cases and comment on their use. The thesis briefly discusses the gender issue in advertising discourse and shows visually different forms of promotion of textual communication act. The aim of the thesis is to present current trends of language means used in the advertising which help its persuasive function.
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Hodnocení současné azylové a integrační politiky Slovenska / Assessment of the contemporary asylum and integration policy in SlovakiaWeberová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
Asylum and integration policies are important components of a country's migration policy. Firstly because of their very nature, as they deal with international protection and integration of foreigners into society. However, as it is indicated in this thesis, the functioning of these policies may affect not only how asylum or integration processes are taking place after the foreigners cross the country's borders but it may to some extent influence who comes into the country. This can be caused by how the country is perceived and whether people will consider it a suitable "refuge" and seek asylum there. Also, governments can determine how many people will come to their territory based on various relocation mechanisms. In order to understand the impact and functioning of asylum and integration policies, it is necessary to explore their different levels: discourse, policy on paper and its real implementation. This thesis describes how these levels interact and influence each other. Studying these three policy lines is especially interesting today because the phenomenon of migration was not significant for the public in Slovakia until a few years ago, but in 2015, with the culmination of the so-called migration crisis, it became one of the most important issues in Slovakia, despite the fact that the...
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