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Autonomní sociální centrum Klinika a levicový aktivismus: Kritická analýza mediálního diskurzu / Autonomous Social Centre Klinika and Left-wing Activism: Critical Analysis of Media DiscourseLazecký, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the Autonomous social centre Klinika in the Prague district of Žižkov and the left-wing, mostly anarchist, groups that affiliate with the centre. The thesis studies the current shape and form of media discourse related to the far-left political scene in the Czech Republic. Using the critical discource approach, the thesis analyzes a number of texts from the multimedia company MAFRA (Lidovky.cz, iDnes.cz) and that of alternative left-wing media (A2larm.cz, Denikreferendum.cz). The thesis investigates whether the fact that the publishing house is owned by the anti-politician Andrej Babiš projected in any way in case of the right-wing (centre- right) media. The main finding is, that the scrutinized right-wing media consistently avoid the question of legitimacy of squatting but their approach to squatting and leftist activist scene is not hostile. On the other hand, the scrutinized leftist media emphasize the legitimacy of squatting. The influence of Andrej Babiš was not confirmed.
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Absence ženy v jazyce / The Absence of a Woman in LanguageCiporanova, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
The central topic of the thesis is a (seemingly) paradoxical preposition of current feminist thinking that a woman in language and in our culture is absent. It is an all theoretical work that focuses on interpretation of key concepts of gender analysis related to the major concept of absence of a woman in language. It is trying to explain these concepts as deeply as possible and point at their interconnections and eventually their different conceptions, whereas the analysis proceeds primarily on the grounds of literary criticism. The work is structured into two thematically interconnected units. The first focuses on analysing key terms of contemporary poststructuralist philosophy and critical theory, particularly language, text, writing, discourse, power, gender identity and falogocentrism, with the aim to map the theoretical foundations of the concept of absence of a woman in language. The second unit concentrates on analysing the subversive potential of individual conceptions of women's writing, mainly of the theory of l'écriture feminine of Heléne Cixous, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva and the concept of "women's writing" of Jan Matonoha, which all equally aspire to destabilize and problematize the functioning and the logic of the dominant discourse discussed in the first unit and thus create a...
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Historická sociologie autismu v České republice / Historical Sociology of Autism in the Czech RepublicGeisler, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the development of autism in the Czech Republic from an historical-sociological perspective. The study pursues the structural processes related to autism and their impacts on individuals, as well as the roles of various agents in the shaping of these processes. The study utilises the social constructivist approach as well as the standpoints of the interpretative stream of sociology. The concept of autism was introduced in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. It was understood as a rare psychiatric disorder and was known about by only a few professionals. Until the beginning of the 1990s, autism wasn't recognised in Czechoslovak society. Since the beginning of the 1990s new processes have emerged, resulting in the formation of a paradigm of autism - a new dominant and increasingly recognized system of values, methods, approaches and institutions, all connected to the concept of autism. The category of autism was reconceptualized in the 1990s and has started to be used more widely in Czech society. Based on the concept of autism, new institutions have emerged, such as specialized educational approaches and services, therapeutic methods, social services and NGOs etc. Discourses of autism have also started to form. This paradigm has been crucial for the social history of autism...
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Analýza diskurzu jezídské genocidy / Analysis of the Yazidi Genocide DiscourseVejvodová, Nela January 2019 (has links)
How to respond to ongoing genocide? How to punish her perpetrators? In 2014, world witnessed another modern genocide, the eradication of the whole ethnicity - the so-called Islamic State attacked an area in northern Iraq for centuries inhabited by members of a small but distinct ethnical group of Yazidi people. This diploma thesis deals with the establishment of discourse of Yazidi genocide, the process of recognition of events as genocide at the international level. In this work I investigate the definition of victims and aggressors and the international response to genocide, both in the media and political sphere. For the discourse of the Yazidi genocide was crucial to differentiate victims and violence against them from other events. Similarly, it was important to accurately name the perpetrators of genocide and treat them as a potential geopolitical threat, but as the cause of one of the worst crimes known to mankind. The discourse of the Yazidi genocide was largely determined by politicians - and, as I show in my work, the political dimension of events has pushed the humanitarian and legal ones behind. These all aspects take on the formation and maintenance of a given discourse.
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Homosexualita a LGBT diskurz v 90. letech v ČR: diskurzivní analýza časopisu Promluv / Homosexuality and LGBT discourse in the 1990s in the Czech Republic: Discoursive Analysis of the Journal "Promluv"Viktorinová, Nikola January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na téma homosexuality a LGBT diskurzu v 90. letech v ČR prostřednictvím analýzy časopisu Promluv. V teoretické části jsou představeny stěžejní koncepty a teoretická východiska, která při zkoumání konceptu homosexuality obecně není možné z genderového hlediska opomenout. Dále je téma zasazeno do historického kontextu. Empirická část zahrnuje kromě popisu metodologie také diskurzivní analýzu časopisu Promluv. Cílem práce je zjistit, zda a jak se časopis Promluv vymezoval převládajícím diskurzům týkajících se politiky identit, sexuality a feminismu. Analytická část je rozdělena do pěti oblastí výzkumu. Klíčová slova: homosexualita, diskurz, gender, identita, sexualita, heteronormativita ABSTRACT The diploma thesis is focused on the topic of homosexuality and the LGBT discourse in the Czech Republic during the 1990s through the analysis of Promluv the magazine. The theoretical part introduces the fundamental concepts and theoretical basis which cannot be left out when analysing the concept of homosexuality from the gender view-point. Apart from the description of methodology, the empirical part of the thesis includes the discursive analysis of the magazine. The aim of the thesis is to determine whether and how the magazine opposed the predominant discourses concerning the...
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Narativní analýza diskurzu "ideální ženy" v časopise Vlasta / A Narrative Analysis of the "Ideal Woman" discourse in Vlasta MagazineMaňhalová, Martina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on a discursive object called "ideal woman ", which is constructed in the Vlasta magazine. It is a women's magazine suitable for middle - aged ladies. In this work, I will examine the discourse, which is based on an implicit critique of the masculine order of the world, but the discourse is paradoxically structured to covertly affirm this order. I will focus on naturalization strategies of how the discursive object of the "ideal woman" is presented to the reader as natural. The aim of the work is the analysis of media content using tools combining narrative theory and discursive analysis. Key words: Discourse, narration, ideal woman, magazine, stereotypes, Vlasta
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Foucaultova filosofie svobody / Foucault's Philosophy of FreedomPetříček, Jan January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, we interrogate the possibility of freedom presupposed by the project of philosophical critique developed by late Foucault, which aims both at analysis of historical a priori conditions and at disruption of our present a priori. The first chapter shows that this critical project can be traced back to Foucault's early works. Moreover, Foucault tackled the problem of freedom in every phase of his work and he kept proposing the same solution, namely, that the spaces of freedom are opened up by ruptures emerging within the system governing a given period. Next, different concepts of freedom present in Foucault's texts are distinguished. On this basis, it is possible to restate the question of critic's freedom, which we now define as the problem of articulation between the ontological freedom, the reflective freedom and the freedom of transformation. The second chapter is devoted to Foucault's archaeological period. First, we show how the conception presented in The Order of the Things leads to aporias regarding the question of freedom. Next, we describe the theoretical transformations carried out in The Archaeology of Knowledge and examine whether Foucault succeeded in eliminating the earlier difficulties. However, this later solution also turns out to be unsatisfactory, because it falls...
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Textově argumentační strategie v konfesijní polemice Racka Doubravského / Textual Strategies of Argument in the Confessional Polemic of Racek DubraviusPelc, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the textual strategies of argument in the confessional polemic Ad libellum Martini Lutheri de instituendis ministris ecclesiae accepti relatio (1525) by Czech jurist and humanist Rodericus Dubravius of Dubrava. Chapters 1-4 provide a cultural and historical context of the early stage of Lutheran reformation, define main features of the polemic genre, and sketch the process of constituting of the anti-Lutheran discourse from 1510s to 1520s both in Europe and Bohemia by introducing some of its representative examples. The core of this thesis consists in Chapter 5, introducing selected examples of particular strategies of argument, such as personal invective, use of doctrinal arguments, etc. The analysis of selected textual samples is based on a particular set of methodological tools, most importantly a taxonomy of humanistic polemics by Marc Laureys, Roswitha Simons, and Arnold Becker which is presented in detail in Chapter 2.
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Diskuze kolem legalizace potratů v období první Československé republiky / Discussion of abortion legalization during the first Czechoslovak RepublicŠefrna, Vivian January 2021 (has links)
This paper focuses on the discussion concerning legalization of the right to abortion on demand during The First Czechoslovak Republic. It uses the approach to discourse of Norman Fairclough and analyzes the discoursive types that were present in the discussion, with giving special attention to the communist discourse. Heterogenity of the communist discourse is revealed as well as the considerable change which took place after banning of abortions in Soviet Union in 1936. The analysis specially focuses on the role of arguments about individual human rights, specifically the right to make decisions about one's own body. It concerns further with the approach to the developing human life as well as women's sexuality and the role of women in the reproduction of the nation. Key words: abortion, communist discourse, Rozsévačka, The First Czechoslovak Republic
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Václav Klaus a "příroda" / Vaclav Klaus and "nature"Dvořák, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Thesis is based on the views of authors of sociology of knowledge (Berger, Luckman, Bourdieu) and authors of discourse analysis (Foucault, Fairclough). The central assumption is that knowledge is socially constructed and that this construction has its strong ideological and hierarchic aspects. Author is analyzing books and texts of Vaclav Klaus using the critical discourse analysis. Author is convinced that Vaclav Klaus has a substantive influence on public opinion in Czech Republic. Also author is convinced the struggle in the discussion over environmental topics is based in different basic assupmtions of discussion participant. Thus author decided to analyse the Vaclav Klaus's basic assumptions for the notions of nature and environment.
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