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Diskurs lyriky a modely reprezentace subjektu v poezii Skupiny 42 / Lyrical Discourse and Representations of Subject in the Works of Group 42LENCOVÁ, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on exploring the forms of representing the lyric subject in the poetry of authors in Group 42 with a special focus on the forms of depicting the existential status in the text. Prior to the analysis of forms of representation of the lyric subject in the poetry of Group 42, attention will firstly be drawn to the changes of lyrical discourse in the 40's and 50's of the 20th century. Further on the ways of representation of the subject will be examined as well as the ways of depicting reality in the works of the authors of Group 42. At the end of this thesis, based on previous analysis, attention will be drawn to in what ways are principles of existential imagination depicted in the space of a lyrical piece of work.
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Persvaze v politickém diskurzu: kontrastivní analýza / Persuasion in political discourse: a contrastive analysisGRABMÜLLEROVÁ, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyse the means of persuasion in Czech and Spanish texts of political discourse. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The first chapter of the theoretical part is focused on the pragmatics. The second chapter deals with the discourse and the specific characteristics of political language. In the last chapter of the theoretical part we introduce the term of persuasion and afterwards we describe the linguistic means of persuasion in political discourse. The practical part is focused on the proper research conducted on the basis of the selected sample of Czech and Spanish political texts. The result of this thesis is a comparison of the data obtained from the analysis between the above mentioned languages. The thesis is finally summarized in Spanish résumé.
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Imigranti a imigrantky v České republice, diskurzivní analýza obrazu cizích / Immigrants in the Czech Republic, discourse analysis of their imagesSeidlová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The work aims to describe field of discourses, where the texts and talks about immigration (more concretely about immigrants in the Czech Republic) are created. The theoretical part describes the notions of nation and identity; it also provides a brief description of the explanatory models of migration and describes the universalism and particularism dichotomy in the immigration policies. Moreover it elaborates a concept of the multiculturalism as a discourse and construction. The concept of discourse is firstly explained in broader theoretical context, with reference to issues of language, power and ideology; secondly in its methodological consequences. Author also gives an account of linguistic tools (modality), and concepts of related sciences (binary opposition, ideological square). The analytical approach is based in the frame of the Critical discourse analysis. An important conclusion is the revelation of the risk as a discourse which legitimates the power and dominancy over immigrants. According different strategies regarding the risks' construction, three main categories in the field of discourse was considered: opportunity, ambivalence and threat. For the further study the author recommends to investigate the field of key actors who has a power to create and shape the discourses in this field.
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Olympijské hry v Barceloně 1992 jako faktor změn v katalánském nacionalistickém diskurzu politických stran / The Olympic Games in Barcelona 1992 as a factor of changes in Catalan nationalistic discourse of political partiesBalík, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Interrelation between sports and politics in the specific case of the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992 offers a wide range of opportunities to strengthen nationalist tendencies of the Catalan society. This thesis examines how the organization of this event affected the development of Catalan nationalistic discourse of political parties. These changes are analysed on two levels. The first level is the evolution over time - the thesis compares the periods before and after the Olympics and looks at trends across each period. The second level is the development in the level of debate - the thesis looks at the category of political parties, at the category of Catalan politics and at the category of the Spanish nationwide politics, while it analyses the moves of the topics and trends across the levels. Thus, the thesis examines trends of the political discourse in the electoral programs, in speeches at annual meetings at the level of the Catalan parliament and in speeches at annual meetings at the level of national Spanish Parliament. The basic parameters of the research work are themes of language policy, cultural policy, the issue of state structure juristic reform, linguistic forms of the discourses and relation to the Olympic Games. The main basis of this work is the contribution of sporting events...
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Konečná stanice, vystupovat! Pojetí péče o jedince s Alzheimerovou demencí očima blízkých (a) pečujících / The terminal station, please get off! The concept of care for person with Alzheimer's disease through the eyes of the close persons (and) caregiversPekárková, Mariana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis will be devoted to individuals having a family member with Alzheimer disease. However, the mainstay will not be the disease as a whole, but caregivers and closest as themselves. The focus will be put on their memories and especially emerged relationship between caregivers, closest and caretakers. The main aim of the work is to catch the key moments having an influence to following solutions of situations and connotation, connected to dementia and as well as subsequent reflection and its own legitimation of the decision to place them into the institution unit. I would like to take into consideration the medical discourse, influencing the form of the right opinions about " properly" provided care and construction of the people with AD.
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Rétorické a argumentačné konštrukty a ich implementácia v súčasných politických programoch / Analysis of rhetorical and argumentational constructs in contemporary political party programmesŠčerbak, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is dealing with the political party programme as the basic building block of political rhetoric and related phenomena in the Czech and Slovak political discourse of reasoning, rhetoric and related statements and case studies that describe and approach these phenomena with examples from the current domestic political rhetoric. Author bases on contemporary critical analysis of argumentation and theory of pragma-dialectic which opposes fallacies or false arguments and then sees both methods in construction of arguments in cases of political rhetoric, mass media discourse and conotative values that they are gaining. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Archeologie okouzlení novými technologiemi ve vědeckých diskurzech / Archeology of enchantment by new technologies in science discoursesVeselská, Jindra January 2017 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The theses focuses on enchantment by new information technologies which occurred in humanities and social science discourses at the turn of twentieth and twenty-first century. Using archaelogical method of Michel Foucault and its recent inspirations historical epistemology and ontology it investigates the conditions which built the term enchantment in aesthetics. Based on examinig Max Weber's thesis about the disenchantment of the world the work finds that the concept of enchantment implies epistemological and ontological contradictions. These tensions can be traced also in contemporary interpretations that use the concept of enchantment in connection with new information technologies. In conclusion, the theses consideres the possibility of using the concpet of sublime discourses for the description and explanation of the phenomenon, which do not imply the contradictions present in the notion of enchantment.
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Význam remitencí v kontextu současného rozvojového diskurzu / The importance of remittances in the context of contemporary development discourseŽižková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the phenomenon of remittances (money or products sent by migrants to their countries of origin) and their relation to current development discourse. The volumes of remittances are still growing and this revenue has become especially significant for developing countries. This thesis, therefore, does not only focus on the economic contribution of remittances but analyses them in a broader context. Its aim is to find whether and how do remittances contribute to the overall development of poor countries. This thesis offers a historical overview of developmental discourse and followed by specification of four key concepts of current development (empowerment, ownership, good governance and sustainable development), whereby this thesis constitutes a framework for further analysis. Remittances are substantially connected to the concepts of empowerment and ownership. They enable the recipients to meet their needs more freely and decide how to invest their money. From the point of views of good government concept, it is important, that remittances can help to put more pressure on the democratization of developing countries. Fulfilment of these concepts, as well as the stability of remittances, implies, that this revenue supports sustainable development in poor countries. This thesis is...
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Bezpilotní války: Jak liberální demokracie legitimizuje útoky a zabíjení pomocí dronů v zahraničí / Unmanned Warfare: How Liberal Democracy Legitimizes Drone Attacks and Killings AbroadKocourek, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis " and Killings Abroad" is dedicated to depiction of employment of armed unmanned aerial administration's officials. The thesis is based on constructivist conception of world affairs isn't employed in order to describe objective realit Obama administration's of "us" and "them", that has proved to be very flexible in this study, underpins legitimization of
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Vyjadřování hodnotících postojů v anglickém novinovém diskurzu / Evaluation in English news discoursePeldová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with evaluation in English newspaper discourse. The corpora analysed were newly created for the purposes of the sub-analyses; they comprise articles from three British online newspapers - three tabloids (the Sun, the Express, the Mirror) and broadsheets (the Telegraph, the Independent, the Guardian). The classification of the thesis' core dimensions of evaluation - opinion and emotion - draws on Appraisal Theory (Martin and White, 2005). The thesis pursues answers to two fundamental questions 1) What means do British online newspapers use to express evaluation? 2) What differences (if any) are there in construing evaluation between the tabloids and the broadsheets? In order to obtain the answers, at first, a small manual analysis of six 'positive' and six 'negative' articles (one from each newspaper) is conducted. Attention is paid to the key word analysis and the word classes expressing evaluation, namely adjectives, nouns, and verbs. Based on the findings, I decided to explore evaluation conveyed by adjectives, in the second part of the study, by employing evaluative adjective lexico- grammatical patterns described by Hunston and Sinclair (2000) and further amended by Bednarek (2007b, 2009). These patterns, which are associated with the dimensions of opinion and emotion, are...
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