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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of the agricultural sector in the South African economy

Greyling, Jan C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The importance of the agricultural sector in the South African economy is often stressed by farmers and agricultural industry organisations. The reality, however, is that the sector has constituted less than 3% of the economy since 2005 (DAS, 2012). It is therefore important that the current role of the agricultural sector in the South African economy is investigated. This has been the subject of a number of studies. The most comprehensive study to date was undertaken by Brand (1969) within the well-known framework of Johnston and Mellor (1961). A number of less comprehensive studies have followed. This is the second comprehensive analysis of the role of the agricultural sector in the South African economy. This study reapplies Brand’s (1969) framework to the data currently available. The results are contrasted with those obtained by Brand (1969) and other authors, in order to establish whether, and if so how, the role of the sector has changed in the last 50 years. The results obtained are then incorporated into policy suggestions. The findings of this thesis are, firstly, that the agricultural sector has been unable to meet the demand for the main food items consumed domestically since 2000. This, however, did not result in the predicted rapid increase in food and general inflation. Secondly, agricultural exports have not played a growth-leading, but rather a balancing role in economic development, because the sector maintained a positive trade balance during the full period of analysis. Thirdly, the sector has released labour to the rest of the economy since 1962, thereby fulfilling what is seen as a requirement by the economic development literature. Fourthly, the sector has probably made a net transfer of capital to the rest of the economy since the mid-2000s. Lastly, the agricultural sector plus the sectors with which it has the strongest linkages represented around 7% of the economy in 2010. This study concurs with Brand’s (1969) main conclusion that the South African agricultural sector does not play a growth-leading or initiating role in the economy, but rather a growth-permissive role. This is due to the sector’s relatively small quantitative significance in the economy, which limits the growth impact of agricultural exports, capital transfers from the sector and linkages with the rest of the economy. The sector plays a growth-enabling role, however, by supplying food to consumers at the lowest possible price - either by producing it domestically, or by affording food imports with the exchange earned through the export of agricultural produce. In addition, the sector has an important role in providing employment, especially in rural areas. It is recommended that the current agricultural marketing and international trade policy framework, which is conducive to international trade and limits market distortions, is retained. The sector has the potential, given the adoption of the required policy, to create employment by virtue of its relatively high labour intensity and the existence of some complementarities between capital and labour in the sector. Also, the competiveness of the sector should be increased by means of an investment in infrastructure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrikheid van die landbousektor in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie word dikwels deur boere en bedryfsorganisasies benadruk. Die realiteit is egter dat die sektor sedert 2005 minder as 3% van die ekonomie uitmaak (DAS, 2012). In die lig hiervan is dit belangrik dat die huidige rol van die landbousektor in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie ondersoek word. Dít was al die tema van verskeie studies, waarvan die mees omvattende tot op hede deur Brand (1969) binne die bekende raamwerk van Johnston en Mellor (1961) aangepak is. Verskeie minder omvattende studies het sedertdien gevolg. Hierdie tesis is dan die tweede omvattende analise van die rol van die landbousektor in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. Brand (1969) se raamwerk word op die huidige data toegepas. Die resultate word dan met dié van Brand (1969) en ander navorsers vergelyk om vas te stel of, en indien wel hoe, die rol van die sektor verander het oor die afgelope 50 jaar. Hierna word die resultate in beleidsvoorstelle geïnkorporeer. Daar word eerstens bevind dat die landbousektor sedert 2000 nie in staat is om in die binnelande vraag na die hoof-voedselsoorte wat plaaslik verbruik word, te voorsien nie. Dit het egter nie tot die voorspelde sterk toename in voedsel- en algemene inflasie gelei nie. Tweedens het landbou-uitvoere nie ’n leidende rol in ekonomiese groei gespeel nie, maar eerder ’n balanserende rol vervul aangesien die sektor gedurende die volle periode van analise ’n positiewe handelsbalans gehandhaaf het. Derdens het die sektor arbeid aan die res van die ekonomie beskikbaar gestel, soos vereis in die ekonomiese ontwikkelings literatuur. Vierdens het die sektor waarskynlik sedert die middel-2000’s ’n netto-bydrae kapitaal aan die res van die ekonomie gemaak. Laastens het die sektor, tesame met die sektore waarmee dit die sterkste skakels het, in 2010 sowat 7% van die ekonomie uitgemaak. Hierdie studie stem met Brand (1969) se hoofbevinding saam, naamlik dat die Suid-Afrikaanse landbousektor nie ’n groei-inisiërende rol in ekonomiese groei speel nie, maar eerder ’n groei-vergunnende een. Dít is ’n gevolg van die sektor se klein kwantitatiewe omvang in die ekonomie, wat die impak wat landbou-uitvoere, kapitaaloordragte en die sektor se skakels met die res van die ekonomie op makro-ekonomiese groei het, beperk. Die sektor stel egter ekonomiese groei in staat deur voedsel teen die laagste moontlike prys aan verbruikers te verskaf - óf deur dit plaaslik te produseer, óf deur die invoer daarvan te bekostig met die buitelandse valuta wat deur middel van landbou-uitvoere verdien word. Verder het die sektor ook ’n belangrike rol as werkverskaffer, veral in plattelandse gebiede. Daar word voorgestel dat die huidige landboubemarkings- en internasionale handelsbeleid, wat internasionale handel bevorder en markverwringing beperk, behou word. Gegewe dat die vereiste beleid ingestel word, het die sektor die potensiaal om werk te skep weens die betreklik hoë arbiedsintensiteit, en die moontlikheid om arbeid en kapitaal in sommige gevalle op ’n komplementêre wyse aan te wend, wat in die sektor bestaan. Die mededingendheid van die sektor moet ook verskerp word deur middel van staatsinvestering in infrastruktuur.

Factors affecting the hedging decision of farmers : the case of maize farmers in Gauteng province

Mofokeng, Maine Jonas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Maize is the most important field crop in South Africa. It is used for both animal feeds and human consumption. It is also used by many industries as an input, is a source of foreign exchange and of employment opportunities for many people in the country. It is an important component of the agricultural sector, plays an important role in the economy and presents opportunities in terms of agricultural investment and employment creation. The maize industry in South Africa has long history of government intervention where the price of maize was set by government through the office of the Minister of Agriculture. This was fuelled by the two Marketing Acts (of 1937 and 1968). During the period of these Acts, farmers were not exposed to international markets. However after the introduction of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act (Act 47 of 1996), farmers have been exposed to international maize prices, i.e. to the forces of supply and demand. Farmers are no longer guaranteed a maize price during the beginning of the production season, and now have to use different methods to protect their income against a volatile maize price. Through forward contracting (hedging) their maize, farmers can minimize the price risk that they are facing. A number of instruments have been developed to assist farmers to protect themselves against price risk. In South Africa, SAFEX is used to reflect the expected future price of maize and it can be used by farmers as a reference for the expected price. Different factors affect the hedging decisions of farmers. The main objective of this study was to identify factors affecting the hedging decision of maize farmers in Gauteng, and hence their rate of adoption of hedging strategies. The study employed a number of methods in an effort to answer this question. Data analysis relating to factors affecting the hedging decision of the farmers was carried out using Excel and the SPSS statistical package and took the form of multiple cross tabulation. A Probit regression equation was estimated using the SPSS 20 statistical software package. In the case of the adoption rate of hedging by maize farmers in Gauteng, it was found that only 35 per cent of the maize farmers forward contract their maize against price risk. This implies that they are not protecting their income against price volatility through forward contracting. The results show that the factors that have the most influence on the decision whether to hedge are: the gender, age, and agricultural qualification of the principal decision maker; whether the decision maker is a member of a grain association and the size of that grain association; the length of period that the decision maker has been producing grain; the size of the farm; whether the farmer rents in land; the proportion of off-farm income earned and whether the farmer takes out insurance. These variables are all statistically significant at the 5 per cent level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mielies is die belangrikste akkerbougewas in Suid-Afrika. Dit word gebruik vir beide dierevoere en menslike verbruik. Dit word ook in baie bedrywe as ’n inset gebruik, vorm ’n bron van buitelandse valuta en verskaf werksgeleenthede aan baie mense in die land. Dit is ’n belangrike komponent van die landbousektor, speel ’n belangrike rol in die ekonomie en verskaf geleenthede in terme van landboubelegging en werkskepping. Die mieliebedryf in Suid-Afrika het ’n lang geskiedenis van regeringsingryping waardeur die prys van mielies deur die regering, by name van die kantoor van die Minister van Landbou, vasgestel is. Dit is aangevuur deur twee Bemarkingswette (van 1937 en 1968). Gedurende die tydperk van hierdie wette is boere nie aan internasionale markte blootgestel nie. Met die aanvang van die Wet op die Bemarking van Landbouprodukte (Wet 47 van 1996) is boere aan internasionale mieliepryse blootgestel, m.a.w. aan die kragte van vraag en aanbod. Boere word nie meer aan die begin van die produksieseisoen ’n mielieprys gewaarborg nie, en moet nou ander maniere vind om hulle inkomste teen ’n onbestendige mielieprys te beskerm. Deur die koop van termynkontrakte op hulle mielies (verskansing) kan boere die prysrisiko’s wat hulle in die gesig staar, minimaliseer. ’n Aantal instrumente is ontwikkel om boere te help om hulleself teen prysrisiko te beskerm. In Suid-Afrika word SAFEX gebruik om die verwagte toekomstige prys van mielies te weerspieël en dit kan deur boere as ’n verwysing na die verwagte prys gebruik word. Verskeie faktore beïnvloed die verskansingsbesluite van boere. Die belangrikste doelwit van hierdie studie was om faktore te identifiseer wat die verskansingsbesluit van mielieboere in Gauteng beïnvloed, en dus die tempo waarteen hulle verskansingstrategieë in gebruik neem. Die studie het ’n aantal metodes gebruik in ’n poging om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Data-analise m.b.t. die faktore wat die verskansingsbesluit van die boere beïnvloed, is met Excel en die SPSS statistiese pakket uitgevoer en het die vorm van meervoudige kruistabellering aangeneem. ’n Probitregressievergelyking is met behulp van SPSS 20 statistiese sagteware beraam. In die geval van die tempo van aanneming van verskansing deur mielieboere in Gauteng is daar gevind dat net 35 persent van die mielieboere termynkontrakte op hulle mielies gebruik om hulle teen prysrisiko te beskerm. Dit impliseer dat hulle nie hulle inkomste teen onbestendige pryse beskerm nie. Die resultate toon dat die faktore wat die grootste invloed het op die besluit om te verskans die volgende is: die geslag, ouderdom en landboukwalifikasie van die hoof besluitnemer; of die besluitnemer ’n lid van ’n graanvereniging is, en die grootte van dié graanvereniging; hoe lank die besluitnemer reeds graan produseer; die grootte van die plaas; of die boer grond inhuur; die proporsie van inkomste wat weg van die plaas af verdien word; en of die boer versekering uitneem. Hierdie veranderlikes is almal statisties betekenisvol by die 5 persent vlak.

'n Stochastiese besluitnemingsmodel vir tafeldruifproduksie toegepas in die Weskaap

Jansen van Vuuren, Barend Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Decision making in a complex environment is not an easy step as there are uncertainty variables that cannot be foreseen. This causes decision makers to use tools that can help and support difficult decision making in such a complex environment. These tools can be different variations of which a model that imitates the environment or system are the most commonly used. The systems approach is normally used to describe a complex environment. Such an environment consists of elements that are linked together to reach a goal or perform a function. A model is thus used to simplify the reality and to imitate and simulate the system as close as possible. Models are built in different forms of which mathematical and physical models are the main types. Physical models imitates the system through physical measures whereas mathematical models make use of equations that are interdependent. The probability that a single simulation of a mathematical model will represent reality is very rare. To overcome this problem a stochastic approach can be followed where a series of possible outcomes can be simulated for a set of variables. Hereby a probability distribution can be generated for a specific outcome. In this study a stochastic simulation model is used as a decision support tool for table grape producers where the impact of different scenario’s can be evaluated. The model is developed from an existing model for long term crops and adjusted for table grape production. Table grape producers and policy makers can use the model for decision making and scenario planning. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besluitneming in ‘n komplekse omgewing is gewoontlik nie ‘n eenvoudige stap nie aangesien daar veranderlikes is waarvoor nie voorsien kan word nie. Dit bring mee dat besluitnemers na hulpmiddels soek om moeilike besluite in so ‘n komplekse omgewing te ondersteun. Hulpmiddels kan verskeie vorme aanneem waarvan ‘n model wat die omgewing of stelsel naboots die mees algemene metode is. Die stelselsbenadering word in die algemeen gebruik om ‘n komplekse omgewing voor te stel. So ‘n omgewing bestaan normaalweg uit verskeie elemente wat aan mekaar gekoppel is om ‘n doel te bereik of ‘n funksie te verrig. ‘n Model word dus gebruik om die werklikheid te vereenvoudig en om die stelsel van belang so na as moontlik na te boots of te simuleer. Modelle kan verskeie vorme aanneem met wiskundige en fisiese modelle wat van die hoof tipes is. Fisiese modelle poog om die stelsel na te boots met fisiese maatstawwe, terwyl wiskundige modelle die stelsel naboots deur wiskundige vergelykings wat interafhanklikheid in ag neem. Die waarskynlikheid dat ‘n enkele simulasie van ‘n wiskundige model die werklikheid sal verteenwoordig is laag. Om die probleem te oorkom kan ‘n stochastiese benadering gevolg word waar ‘n reeks van uitkomste gegenereer word vir ‘n stel veranderlikes. Sodoende kan ‘n waarskynlikheidsverdeling gegenereer word vir spesifieke uitkomste. In hierdie studie is gebruik gemaak van ‘n stochastiese simulasiemodel om as besluitnemingshulpmiddel te dien vir tafeldruifprodusente waar die invloed bepaal kan word wat verskeie scenario’s op die prestasieparameters het. Die model is opgestel vanaf ‘n bestaande model vir langtermyngewasse en aangepas vir tafeldruifproduksie. Hierdeur kan tafeldruifprodusente en beleidmakers gebruik maak van die model om as hulpmiddel te dien tydens beoogde besluitneming en scenariobeplanning.

Typology of smallholder farming in South Africa’s former homelands : towards an appropriate classification system

Pienaar, Petrus Louw 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The agriculture sector continues to be viewed as a vehicle through which economic growth and development can be achieved; particularly for developing economies. This view is incorporated in South Africa’s rural development framework in the National Development Plan, which indicated that this sector will be the main driver in developing the country’s rural economies. However, the South African agricultural sector is known to be dualistic; consisting of a large-scale commercial and a small-scale subsistence sector. This study is particularly focused on smallholder farming in South Africa, which have developed as a result of the decades of government intervention that have guided reform driven by the general political and economic philosophy of white domination. The most notable interventions, which drew the line between white and black landholding, were the Natives’ Land Acts of 1913 and 1936, followed by various policy interventions to support White, large-scale agriculture. The question remains whether or not an expanded smallholder sector can significantly contribute to rural development, employment creation and poverty reduction in the former homeland areas of South Africa. In order to answer this question, the need arises for reliable data on smallholder farming, conceptual clarification on definitions of “smallholder” or “small-scale” farmers and diversity among farming systems needs to be taken into account. These considerations are crucial in order to design and implement effective rural development policies. One way of addressing this question is the use of farm typologies. Given the diversity that exists within agricultural systems, various schemes of classification have been developed and evolved over time. The objective of this study is to provide an empirical framework that would classify smallholder farmers in the former homeland areas of South Africa according to their livelihood strategies. This study seeks to achieve the objective in three distinct ways. Firstly, by giving a broad overview of the smallholder sector in South Africa. Secondly, by utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques to identify farming households situated in the former homeland areas, using the General Household Survey (GHS) and the Income and Expenditure Survey (IES). Thirdly, apply multivariate statistical techniques, specifically Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA), to develop the ultimate classification system. The results from both typologies suggested eight distinct types or groups of farming households in the former homeland areas. Important findings suggest that higher salary incomes are crucial for the enablement of households to market their produce. Social grants were found to be key in determining livelihood strategies among faming households, most notably old age and child support grants. One of the groups that were identified was typically food insecure, with their agricultural production not sufficiently feeding the household. Lastly, direct agricultural support from the government was clearly focused on livestock services which placed a minority of households at a distinct advantage to sell produce to the market. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die landbousektor word algemeen gesien as een van die moontlike drywers vir ekonomiese groei en landelike ontwikkeling, spesifiek in ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie siening word ook uitgesonder deur die Suid-Afrikaanse ontwikkelingsraamwerk, en by name in die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan wat aandui dat die landbousektor die hoofrol behoort te vervul om landelike gebiede te ontwikkel. Die vermoë om hierdie mandaat uit te voer moet in die konteks van die kenmerkende dualisme raakgesien word. Suid-Afrika het hoofsaaklik twee tipes boere; grootskaalse kommersiële boere en kleinskaalse, meestal bestaansboere, wat meestal in die voormalige tuislande opereer. Hierdie dualisme is die resultaat van verskeie regeringsinmengings, hoofsaaklik gedryf deur die algemene politieke bestel, ideologie en beleid wat op rasseklassifikasie gegrond was gedurende die vorige eeu. Sekerlik een van die mees bekende was die Naturellegrond Wet van 1913 en 1936, wat die skeidingslyn tussen swart en wit grondbesit ingestel het. Verder is verskeie wetgewings implimenteer om die kommersiële landbousektor te bevoordeel gedurende hierdie tydperk.. In hierdie konteks is dit belangrik om te vra of die uitbreiding van die kleinskaalse landbousektor werklik kan bydra tot landelike ontwikkeling, werkskepping en armoedeverligting in die voormalige tuislande van Suid-Afrika. Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord word betroubare inligting benodig, moet die konsep van “kleinskaalse boere” uitgeklaar word en laastens moet diversiteit tussen verskillende boerderystelsels in ag geneem word. Die antwoorde op hierdie vrae is noodsaaklik vir die ontwikkeling en implimentering van effektiewe landelike ontwikkelingsbeleid. Die gebruik van boerderytipologieë is ‘n oplossing om hierdie kwessies aan te spreek. Verskeie klassifikasiesisteme is in die verlede ontwikkel om die diversiteit in boerderystelsels te ondersoek. Die hoof doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n empiriese raamwerk te ontwikkel om kleinskaalse boerderye, wat in die voormalige tuislande voorkom, volgens hul lewensbestaanstrategieë te klassifiseer. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, sal die studie eerstens ‘n oorsig gee van die kleinskaalse landbousektor in Suid-Afrika. Tweedens sal Geografiese Inligtingstelsels (GIS) tegnieke gebruik word om spesifiek huishoudings in die voormalige tuislande te indentifiseer in die Algemene Huishoudings Opname (AHO) en die Inkomste en Uitgawes Opname (IUO). Derdens sal meerveranderlike statistieke gebruik word, spesifiek Hoofkomponentanalise (HKA) en Bondelontleding (BO), om die klassifikasiesisteem te ontwikkel. Die resultate van die tipologieë wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is gee agt spesifieke groepe van boerderyhuishoudings. Hierdie groepe was beduidend verskillend van mekaar en elkeen se lewenbestaanstrategieë word uitgewys. Die hoofbevindings dui aan dat addisionele salarisinkomste ‘n belangrike rol speel in die vermoë van kleinskaalse boere om hul produkte te verkoop. Verder is dit opmerklik dat maatskaplike toelaes ‘n aansienlike rol gespeel het in die vorming van die groepe, spesifiek wat betref ouderdomspensioene en kindertoelae. Daar is ook ‘n spesifieke groep huishoudings in beide tipologieë wat probleme ondervind om voedselsekuriteit op huishoudelike vlak te handhaaf. Laastens wys die studie dat direkte landbou-ondersteuning teenoor kleinskaalse boere ‘n kenmerkende fokus op lewendehaweboerderye plaas wat sulke boerderye bevoordeel het om vir die mark te produseer.

Food and nutritional security in Africa : a comparative analysis

Andeyhun, Yesake Demeke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the food and nutritional security of the African continent was analysed based on the three main pillars of food security, namely availability, accessibility and utilisation. FAO‟s Food Balance Sheet method of per capita caloric food supply along with food production, trade and food aid was used for the food availability analysis. Accordingly, the majority of Eastern and Central Africa countries still remain below FAO‟s recommended caloric food supply level. While Ghana and Egypt showed impressive progress, Madagascar and Zambia recorded a deteriorating performance of caloric food supply. Per capita cereal production showed deteriorating performance in Sudan, DRC, Madagascar, South Africa and Nigeria. However, the rate of area harvest (except in South Africa) and yield (except in DRC) increased over the case study countries. On the other hand the majority of African countries struggle to maintain their agricultural trade surplus. Also food aid was found to be more important in the East African region. Among the case study countries, the DRC, Sudan and Ethiopia showed increasing trend of cereal aid receipt over time. The food accessibility analysis of the continent revealed that Africa showed impressive economic growth over the last decade. While it was widespread, those countries with less dependence on mineral resources showed better performance in poverty reduction and income distribution. Besides the economic factors, physical, political and sociocultural factors are also important factors of food accessibility. The food utilisation analysis found that child malnutrition was generally decreasing over the case study countries. However, the level of micronutrient deficiency, especially in children under the age of five, was found to be high in almost all of the case study countries. Except in Egypt, South Africa and Zambia, the percentage of the population with access to better sanitation services was under 30% in all the case study countries. In the DRC, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Mozambique, the percentage of the population with access to improved water services was less than 50%. Although challenged by complex factors, the analysis found out a positive relationship of agricultural growth and food and nutritional security in Africa. Besides its importance as an engine for economic growth and poverty reduction, agriculture enhances nutritional security through the provision of cheap and nutritious food even to remote rural areas. On the other hand the expansion of supermarkets and food price variability found to be both opportunities for and threats to food security. Also unfair international trade environment is negatively affecting food security. To this end, agricultural promotion accompanied with political stability, investment on infrastructure, national and regional market integration together with maintaining productive and sustainable safety nets and social protection schemes are found to be very important. The study used electronic databases of the EIU's Global Food Security Index, FAO's FAOSTAT database, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank among others. Analysis of the long-term statistical trends in the quantitative data and a systematic qualitative literature review were the methods employed for undertaking this research at the regional and national level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is voedsel- en voedingsekerheid op die Afrika-vasteland op grond van die drie hoofkomponente van voedselsekerheid ontleed, naamlik die beskikbaarheid, toeganklikheid en aanwending van voedsel. Voedselbeskikbaarheid is aan die hand van die parameters van voedselproduksie, -handel en -hulp ondersoek. Uit die lande waarvan gevallestudies onderneem is, toon Zambië 'n daling in kaloriese voedselvoorraad. Ook Nigerië, Soedan en Madagaskar toon 'n afname in die vlak van kaloriese voedselvoorraad oor die afgelope paar jaar. Dít kan verband hou met die waargenome afname in landbouproduksie per kop in daardie lande. Die landbouhandelsontleding dui aan dat Afrika sedert die 1980's 'n suiwer invoerder ten opsigte van landbou geword het. Vier studielande, naamlik Ghana, Ethiopië, Suid-Afrika en Zambië, het egter in 2011 'n landbouhandelsurplus getoon. Daarenteen word voedselhulp oënskynlik al hoe belangriker in die Oos-Afrika-streek. Onder die studielande het die Demokratiese Republiek die Kongo (DRK), Soedan en Ethiopië mettertyd 'n toename in graanhulpontvangste getoon. Die ontleding van voedseltoeganklikheid op die vasteland het aan die lig gebring dat Afrika oor die afgelope dekade indrukwekkende ekonomiese groei beleef het. Hoewel dié groei wydverspreid was, het lande wat minder afhanklik is van minerale hulpbronne beter presteer wat armoedevermindering en inkomsteverdeling betref. Benewens die ekonomiese faktore, is fisiese, politieke en sosiokulturele faktore ook belangrike bepalers van voedseltoeganklikheid. Die ontleding van voedselaanwending het bevind dat wanvoeding onder kinders in die studielande aan die afneem is. Tog is daar 'n hoë vlak van mikrovoedingstoftekorte in bykans al die lande wat bestudeer is, veral by kinders onder die ouderdom van vyf. Buiten Egipte, Suid-Afrika en Zambië, het minder as 30% van die bevolking in die studielande met verloop van tyd toegang tot beter sanitasiedienste bekom. Daarbenewens het minder as 50% van die bevolking in die DRK, Ethiopië, Madagaskar en Mosambiek mettertyd toegang tot beter waterdienste verkry. Hierdie navorsing beklemtoon ook dat landbougroei in Afrika die hoeksteen van voedsel- en voedingsekerheid bly. Benewens die belang daarvan as 'n werktuig vir ekonomiese groei, versterk landbou voedingsekerheid deur goedkoop, voedsame kos te voorsien; deur metodes te bied vir die verhoging van voedingswaarde, soos industriële verryking en bioverryking, en deur met behulp van landbouvoorligtingsdienste in die voedingsbehoeftes van afgeleë landelike gebiede te voorsien. In hierdie opsig word die uitbreiding van supermarkte en die wisselvalligheid van kospryse as 'n geleentheid sowel as 'n bedreiging vir voedselsekerheid beskou. Hoewel supermarkte goedkoop kos van gehalte aan stedelike en buitestedelike inwoners verskaf, kan die gevolglike marginalisasie van kleinskaalboere uit die verskaffingsketting, sowel as die toenemende gesondheidsgevare verbonde aan verwerkte voedsel, 'n bedreiging inhou. Die styging in kospryse kan ook op lang termyn 'n geleentheid bied om boerderyinkomste te verhoog, terwyl dit op kort termyn voedseltoeganklikheid vir arm mense beduidend ondermyn. In dié verband verseker die instandhouding van produktiewe en volhoubare veiligheidsnette en maatskaplike beskermingskemas nie net voedseltoeganklikheid vir die armes nie, maar versterk dit ook algehele voedingsekerheid. Hierdie navorsing op streeks- en nasionale vlak is met behulp van 'n langtermynontleding van statistiese tendense in kwantitatiewe data sowel as 'n stelselmatige kwalitatiewe literatuuroorsig onderneem.

Prospects for market diversification in SADC for selected South African agricultural and food products

Sentery, Kabengele 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research provides South Africa's producers and exporters with information on new market opportunities for South Africa's selected agricultural and food products in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). There is increasing global competition and countries in Africa are increasingly targeted as export markets due to its population growth and its increasing per capita income. Both developed countries and developing countries such as the United States of America, China, Brazil, India, etc. are gradually increasing their exports to Africa. In Sub-Saharan Africa, this is also taking place in SADC. In this region, there has been a significant increase in total imports from the mentioned countries from 2001 to 2013. The International Trade Centre market selection method was used for product selection (using the Export Potential Index) and country selection (using the Market Attractiveness Index). Fourteen products were selected and Angola is the most attractive market in the region (SADC) and is ranked first in the Market Attractiveness Index for seven of the fourteen selected products. The top ranking markets for the 14 selected products were identified as: Mauritius for maize, sweetened milk powder, raw cane sugar and wheat or meslin flour; Angola for fresh apples, fresh or dried oranges, sparkling wine, bulk wine, refined cane or beet sugar, frozen bovine cuts, and frozen bovine carcasses and half carcasses; Mozambique for bottled wine; and Zambia for fresh grapes and soya beans. In most cases the countries with the second and third highest rankings in the Market Attractiveness Index also offer opportunities for market diversification. South Africa exports certain products to non-African countries, whereas these non-African countries export the same products to SADC. There are therefore opportunities geographically nearer to South Africa, because South Africa could export these products to SADC. Exporters should not necessarily abandon non-African markets in order to export to SADC; however they should be aware of opportunities close by and develop strategies to maximize profit and maintain sustainable markets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing bied aan Suid-Afrika se produsente en uitvoerders inligting oor nuwe markgeleenthede vir Suid-Afrika se geselekteerde landbou-en voedselprodukte in die Suider Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG). Daar is toenemende globale mededinging en lande in Afrika word toenemend geteiken as uitvoermarkte as gevolg van bevolkingsgroei en die stygende per capita inkomste. Beide ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande soos die Verenigde State van Amerika, China, Brasilië, Indië, ens. verhoog geleidelik hulle uitvoere na Afrika. In Sub-Sahara Afrika, gebeur dit ook in SAOG. In hierdie streek, was daar „n betekenisvolle toename in invoere vanaf die genoemde lande van 2001 tot 2013. Die Internasionale Handelsentrum markseleksie metode is gebruik om produkte te kies (met die Uitvoer Potensiaal Indeks) en om lande te kies (met die Mark Aantreklikheidsindeks). Veertien produkte is gekies en Angola is die mees aantreklike mark in die streek (SAOG) en is bo-aan die lys in die Mark Aantreklikheidsindeks vir sewe van die veertien geselekteerde produkte. Die top markte vir die 14 geselekteerde produkte is geïdentifiseer as: Mauritius vir mielies, versoete melkpoeier, ruwe rietsuiker en mengkoringmeelblom; Angola vir vars appels, vars of gedroogde lemoene, vonkelwyn, grootmaat wyn, verwerkte riet- of beetsuiker, bevrore beessnitte, en bevrore bees karkasse en half karkasse; Mosambiek vir gebottelde wyn; en Zambië vir vars druiwe en vir sojabone. In meeste gevalle bied lande met die tweede en derde hoogste punte in die Mark Aantreklikheidsindeks ook geleenthede vir markdiversifikasie. Suid-Afrika voer sekere produkte uit na nie-Afrika lande, terwyl hierdie nie-Afrika lande weer dieselfde produkte na die SAOG uitvoer. Daar is dus geleenthede geografiese nader aan Suid-Afrika, want Suid-Afrika kan hierdie produkte na die SAOG uitvoer. Uivoerders moet nie noodwendig oorsese markte laat vaar om na die SAOG uit te voer nie, maar hulle moet bewus wees van nader geleenthede en strategieë ontwikkel om wins te maksimeer en volhoubare markte te handhaaf.

Consumer acceptance of cheddar cheese : intrinsic, extrinsic and socio-demographic influences

Goosen, Claire 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheese that drive consumer acceptance. In addition, it investigated whether specific sensory profiles would satisfy specific consumer segments to ultimately facilitate greater acceptance and consumption of Cheddar cheese. A trained panel applied descriptive sensory analysis (DSA) to characterise the sensory attributes of six commercially produced cheeses ranging in maturity from 1 to 32 months. The cheese samples were differentiated by appearance, aroma, flavour and textural attributes. A consumer panel comprising of 115 target consumers rated preference for the cheeses on a 9-point hedonic scale. Moreover consumers completed a screener designed to collect socio-demographic information and opinions on cheese and cheese products. Instrumental colour analysis was performed on the cheese samples and in-depth consumer opinions and attitudes towards cheese were examined using the focus group technique. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted on the sensory and instrumental data, as well as the consumer liking and perception data. Additionally, a t-test was performed at a 5% significance level to determine the direction of the difference between the mean values. Multivariate analyses were performed on the sensory and consumer data to determine whether relationships existed between sample attributes and consumer liking. Consumer acceptability scores were segmented by agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) using Ward’s test. ANOVA was performed on the consumer data per cluster for colour liking, texture liking, flavour liking and overall liking. Partial least squares regression (PLS) was performed in an attempt to relate consumer degree of liking data, the socialdemographic and attitudinal data, as well as the sensory and instrumental data. The younger cheeses; Gouda at one month, Edam at two months and Cheddar at 4 months were characterised as glossy, with a buttery and creamy aroma; creamy flavour, salty and slightly sour taste combined with lingering cheese flavour. Textures were described as creamy, springy and rubbery. Sensory attributes of visible white crystals, moisture seepage, brothy and Cheddar aromas; brothy, Cheddar and prickle flavours together with textural attributes of firm, hard, crumbly, grainy and teeth-coating characterised the aged Cheddar cheeses. Flavour development was not progressive as the cheeses aged and atypical flavour development was identified in the Cheddar cheese aged to 8 and 15 months, respectively. Flavour followed by price and convenience drive cheese purchase amongst this group of consumers. From a sensory perspective, glossy appearance, a red hue and yellow colour drive cheese colour liking. Texture liking is driven by springy and hard attributes. Flavour liking is driven by cooked milk, buttery and creamy aroma and creamy flavour. Finally overall cheese liking is driven by glossy appearance; cooked milk, buttery and creamy aroma; creamy flavour; springy and creamy texture; specific instrumental colour values, as well as fat, moisture and salt content. Three clusters per variable of colour, texture, flavour and overall liking of cheese were identified through segmentation performed on the preference data. Results indicate that consumers are not homogenous in their sensory requirements, attitudes and behaviour towards cheese. Based on the consumer preference for specific sensory characteristics of cheese, consumer segments can be identified and cheese can be optimised to satisfy these sensory requirements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om te bepaal watter spesifieke sensoriese eienskappe van Cheddarkaas verbruikersaanvaarbaarheid dryf, en tweedens om verbruikersdata te segmenteer ten einde vas te stel of verskillende verbruikersegmente verskillende voorkeure het wat betref Cheddarkaas. Kennis hiervan sal uiteindelik bydra tot verhoogde verbruikerstevredentheid, en dus verhoogde verkope van Cheddarkaas op die plaaslike mark. Beskrywende sensoriese analise en ’n opgeleide paneel is gebruik om die sensoriese eienskappe van ses kommersiële kaas variante te bepaal. Instrumentele kleuranalise is ook bepaal. Die monsters kaas het gewissel in ouderdom (van 1 tot 32 maande veroudering), asook in voorkoms, aroma, geur, smaak en teksturele eienskappe. ’n Verbruikerspaneel bestaande uit 115 individue het die voorkeur en aanvaarbaarheid van die ses variante kaas ge-evalueer deur gebruik te maak van die 9-punt hedoniese skaal. Sosio-demografiese inligting en verbruikeropinies betreffende kaas is ook versamel. Ten laaste is die fokusgroep tegniek gebruik om in-diepte inligting te verkry wat betref verbruikeropinies en –houdings ten opsigte van Cheddarkaas. Analise van variansie (ANOVA) is op sensoriese, instrumentele en verbruikersdata toegepas. T-toets is by ‘n betekenispeil van 5% uitgevoer om te bepaal of daar per eienskap betekenisvolle verskille tussen monstergemiddeldes was. Meerveranderlike analise is uitgevoer op die sensoriese en verbruikerdata ten einde te bepaal of spesifieke sensoriese produkeienskappe verbruikersvoorkeur dryf. Ward se statistiese groepering is gebruik om te bepaal of die verbruikers in verskillende voorkeursegmente gegroepeer kan word. Hierna is ANOVA op elke segment uitgevoer ten einde per segment verbruikersvoorkeur van die onderskeie produkte te bepaal wat betref voorkoms, geur en tekstuur. Meervoudige regressie analise is toegepas om die verwantskap tussen verbruikervoorkeur-, houding- en sosio-demografiese eienskappe van die verbruikers te bepaal, asook tussen die sensoriese en instrumentele produkeienskappe. Die kase wat vir ‘n kort tydperk verouder is, m.a.w. Gouda, Edam en Cheddar na 4 maande veroudering is beskryf as glansend, met ‘n ryk botter en romerige aroma, romerige geur, sout en effense suur smaak, asook ‘n standhoudende kaasgeur. Teksturele eienskappe van hierdie drie kaassoorte is beskryf as romerig, veerkragtig en effe rubberig. Die Cheddar kase wat langer verouder is, het tekens getoon van sigbare wit kristalle en sinerese op die kaasoppervlak, ‘n prikgevoel op die tong, asook sopagtige (“brothy”) en Cheddaragtige aromas en geure. Die teksturele eienskappe van die verouderde Cheddar kase is beskryf as ferm, hard, krummelagtig en greinerig, asook met’n geneigdheid van die kaas om aan die tande vas te kleef. Geurontwikkeling het nie progressief plaasgevind soos die kase verouder het nie. Die Cheddar kase wat onderskeidelik vir 8 en 15 maande verouder is, het atipiese geurontwikkeling getoon. Belangrike faktore wat tydens die aankoop van kaas’n rol speel, en dus voorkeur dryf is eerstens geur, tweedens prys en derdens produk-gemak. Sensoriese aspekte wat voorkeur dryf, is ‘’n glansende voorkoms en effe rooierige-gelerige kleur. Tekstuur voorkeure sluit in veerkragtiheid en hardheid, terwyl geur voorkeure die volgende insluit: romerige, botterige en melk aromas, asook ‘n romerige geur. In die geheel gesien, dryf die volgende eienskappe dus verbruikersvoorkeur: kaas met ‘n glansende voorkoms, geure soos botteragtig, roomagtig en melkerig en teksture soos veerkragtig en romerig. Voedinstofinhoud beȉnvloed ook verbruikersvoorkeur, nl. soutinhoud, vetinhoud en voginhoud. Segmentasie van verbruikersdata het getoon dat die onderskeie verbruikersegmente nie ooreenstem wat betref hul verbruikersvoorkeure, houdings en persepsies van kaassorte nie. Die resultate het egter spesifike sensoriese rigtingwysers geidentifiseer wat die bedryf kan gebruik om kaas te produseer vir elk van die onderskeie marksegmente.

Analysing the competitiveness performance of the South African apple industry

Jafta, Asanda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African apple industry is influenced by a number of factors, including increased globalisation of markets, trade liberalisation, advances in information technology and consumer preferences. These factors have a continuous effect on the competitiveness of the industry and force producers and processors to position themselves as capable competitors in the global free-market environment. This study measures and analyse the competitiveness of the South African apple industry, including some aspects in the value chain, in an attempt to address the following research question: What is the global competitive advantage of the South African apple industry relative to its competitors. To adequately address this research question, a five-step methodology was used to direct the study: The first step was to define competitiveness in the apple industry. Due to the diversity of definitions of competitiveness as a concept, this study adopted the following working definition based on how Esterhuizen, 2006; Freebairn, 1986 define competitiveness. In their view competitiveness is defined as the ability of an industry (apple industry) to trade its products successfully in order to achieve sustainable business growth within the global environment, while earning at least the opportunity cost of returns on resources employed” This definition is accepted in this study because it is noted that competitiveness is most often associated with trade performance. With the above in mind, and in view of the importance of open global apple trade, competitive performance in the South African apple industry is strongly linked to trade performance. The second step was to measure competitive performance based on the accepted definition. Data from the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations and Trade Map was used to examine the competitiveness of the industry. Three internationally recognised indexes were used to calculate the comparative and competitive advantages of the apple industry in South Africa, namely the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA#) index, the Net Export index (NXi), and the Relative Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RTA) index. The results show that South Africa’s apple industry has sustained a competitive advantage, with most of the recent RCA# and RTA index values moving towards 10. When compared with its competitors, Chile and New Zealand show a strong competitive performance, with RTA index values above 10. However, South Africa has a relatively better global competitive advantage over Italy, Argentina, France, Poland, China and the United States of America and are sustaining a third position on the “international apple podium”. Netherlands and Brazil are internationally uncompetitive in the production of apples In step 3 the Apple Executive Survey (AES) was used to identify the factors that constrain and enhance the competitiveness of the South Africa apple industry so that the industry can improve on those factors that constrain competitiveness in order to improve its competitive performance status. The most important factors that were found to have a negative impact on the competitiveness of the South African apple industry were quality of low-skilled labour, cost of crime, availability of skilled labour, SA labour policy, the cost of infrastructure, trust in the political system, administrative regulations, health-related issues (HIV/Aids), the cost of capital and land reform policy. The findings indicate that much needs to be done in these focus areas to boost the competitiveness of the industry in the international market. Factors that enhance the competitiveness of the industry were growth in the international market, the availability of unskilled labour, the availability of transport, competition in the domestic market, industry expenditure on research and development (R&D), the quality of infrastructure, the availability of storage facilities and South African (SA) competition policy. The industry needs to capitalise on these factors in order to improve its competitiveness. In step 4 the Porter Model was then used to group these factors in to the main determinants for competitiveness to prepare the date for an strategic analyses in step 5 where recommendation were made on actions to enhance and rectify or mitigate some of the challenges that are faced by the apple industry in South Africa – these includes: skills training, development of alternative markets, improved cooperation between the apple industry and the government is necessary in supporting the apple industry through infrastructure development, R&D, globally aligned regulations and support to trade promotion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf word deur ’n verskeidenheid van faktore beïnvloed, waaronder verhoogde globalisering van markte, liberalisering van handel, vooruitgang in inligtingstegnologie en verbruikersvoorkeure. Hierdie faktore het ’n deurlopende effek op die mededingendheid van die bedryf en dwing produsente en prosesseerders om hulleself as bekwame mededingers in die globale vryemarkomgewing te posisioneer. Hierdie studie meet en analiseer die mededingendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf, insluitende aspekte van die waardeketting, in ’n poging om die volgende navorsingsvraag aan te spreek: Wat is die globale mededingende voordeel van die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf teenoor dié van sy mededingers? Om hierdie navorsingsvraag behoorlik aan te spreek, is ’n vyfstap-metodologie gebruik om hierdie studie te rig: Die eerste stap was om mededingendheid van die appelbedryf te definieer. As gevolg van die verskeidenheid van definisies van mededingendheid as ’n konsep, het hierdie studie die volgende bruikbare definisie aangeneem, wat gebaseer is op hoe Esterhuizen (2006) en Freebairn (1986) mededingendheid definieer. Hulle siening is dat mededingendheid die vermoë van ’n bedryf (die appelbedryf) is om suksesvol met sy produkte handel te dryf om sodoende onderhoubare besigheidsgroei binne die globale omgewing te behaal, terwyl dit ook ten minste die geleentheidskoste verdien van die opbrengs op hulpbronne gebruik. Hierdie definisie word in die studie aanvaar om beslag te gee aan die uitvoergeneigdheid van die appelbedryf en dat dit opgelet is dat mededingendheid in die bedryf sterk verband hou met handelsprestasie. Die tweede stap was om die mededingende prestasie op grond van die aanvaarde definisie te meet. Data vanaf die Verenigde Nasies se Food and Agricultural Organization( vanaf 1961) en Trade Map ( vanaf 2001) is gebruik om die mededingendheid van die bedryf te ondersoek. Drie internasionaal erkende indekse is gebruik om die vergelykende en mededingende voordele van die appelbedryf in Suid-Afrika te meet, naamlik die Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA#) indeks, die Netto Uitvoer-indeks (Net Export index (NXi)), en die Relative Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RTA) indeks. Die resultate toon dat Suid-Afrika se appelbedryf deurlopend ’n posetiewe mededingende voordeel het, met die meeste van die RCA#- en RTA-indekswaardes oor die afgelope dekade stygend na net onder die waarde van 10. In vergelyking met die land se mededingers toon Chili en Nieu-Seeland sterker mededingende prestasie, met RTA-indekswaardes bokant 10. Suid-Afrika het egter ’n relatief beter globale mededingende voordeel oor sy belangrikste mededingers, naamlik Italië, Argentinië, Frankryk, Pole, China en die Verenigde State van Amerika en beklee n konstante derde plek op die “internasionale appel poduim”. Nederland en Brasilië is internasionaal onmededingend in appelproduksie. In stap drie is die Apple Executive Survey (AES) gebruik om die faktore te identifiseer wat die mededingendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf strem of verhoog. Die belangrikste faktore wat gevind is om ’n negatiewe impak op die mededingendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf te hê, was die kwaliteit van laag geskoolde arbeid, die koste van misdaad, die beskikbaarheid van geskoolde arbeid, SA arbeidswetgewing, infrastruktuurkoste, lae vertroue in die politieke stelsel, komplekse en tydrowende administratiewe regulasies, gesondheidsverwante kwessies (MIV/Vigs), die koste van kapitaal en sake wat verband hou met die grondhervormingsbeleid. Die bevindinge toon dat veel nog in hierdie fokusgebiede gedoen moet word om die mededingendheid van die bedryf in die internasionale mark te verhoog. Faktore wat die mededingendheid van die bedryf verhoog, was groei in die internasionale mark, die beskikbaarheid van ongeskoolde arbeid, die beskikbaarheid van vervoer, mededingendheid in die binnelandse mark, besteding op navorsing en ontwikkeling, die kwaliteit van infrastruktuur, die beskikbaarheid van opbergfasiliteite en Suid-Afrikaanse (SA) mededingingsbeleid. Die bedryf moet op hierdie faktore kapitaliseer om sy mededingendheid te verbeter. In stap vier is die Porter-model gebruik om hierdie faktore in die vernaamste determinante vir mededingendheid te groepeer om die raamwerk te stel vir ’n strategiese analise in stap 5, waar aanbevelings gemaak is oor optredes om sommige van die uitdagings wat die appelbedryf in Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar aan te pas, te verbeter en reg te stel. Hierdie sluit in verbeterde vaardigheidsopleiding veral in die laag geskoolde groepe, ontwikkeling van alternatiewe markte, en verbeterde samewerking tussen die appelbedryf en die regering, wat nodig is om vertroue te skep en die appelbedryf d.m.v. infrastruktuurontwikkeling, navorsing en ontwikkeling, globaal belynde regulasies en handelsbevording te ondersteun.

Wellington as a developing South African wine tourism destination

Goosen, Wilhelmina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this thesis is the Wellington Wine District as a developing South African wine tourism destination. It is a newly designated wine district (March 2012) and an exploratory research study was undertaken to determine what the Brand ‘DNA’ of the Wellington Wine District is and then to propose appropriate marketing strategies for the developing wine tourism destination. The research process focussed on two types of wine tourism behaviour, namely festival-goers at the Wellington Wine Harvest Festival and the visitors to selected Wellington Wine Route members’ cellar doors. Surveys were executed by means of interviews and self-administration of structured questionnaires. Results were analysed in terms of two categories: first time visitors (FTV) and repeat visitors (RV). The findings revealed that at the Wellington Wine Harvest Festival visitors came in groups of 2 to 4, they heard about the festival from friends, the RV were high (93%), the visitors brought their young children along and the main reason for attending the festival was because both FTV and RV enjoy drinking wine. The findings of the cellar door survey showed that a high percentage (93%) of visitors were repeat visitors; that most visitors live within a radius of 100km of the wine district; that visitors are younger people without children; and that word-of-mouth references and ‘enjoy a tasting experience’ were the main reasons to visit the cellar door. These visitors overall have a good (self-assigned) wine knowledge. The proposed marketing strategies are based on the 7 Brand ‘DNA’ elements which could be determined from the results: 1. Scenery that includes the nature (fynbos), the mountains and the beautiful vineyards. 2. The Wellington Wine District is seen as rural and off the beaten track. 3. The environment is untouched and unspoiled. 4. Wellington inhabitants are welcoming, friendly, decent and warm. 5. Wine quality is good, wine is affordable and there is a wide variety available. 6. Red wine is seen as excellent wine with great quality. 7. All year round, the weather in Wellington is acceptable. Marketing strategy proposals take into account the obvious importance of the winescape and its preservation, the age group of visitors as the target market, the different consumer needs in terms of a festival and cellar door visitation, as well as the fact that friends and family and word-of-mouth are the primary sources of information. This study contributes to the knowledge pool of information on wine tourist behaviour in South Africa. It has broadened the field of information on the wine marketing strategies that a developing wine district can implement based on the destination Brand ‘DNA’. The research findings are limited in that the study was exploratory in nature and undertaken in the low season. It is recommended that the research study be repeated in the future as the wine district grows as a destination. Greater understanding of the specific leisure needs and expectations of the visitors is required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie tesis is die ontwikkeling van die Wellington Wyndistrik as ʼn wyntoerisme bestemmingspunt in Suid-Afrika. Dit is ʼn nuut aangewysde wyndistrik (Maart 2012). Daar is ʼn ondersoekende navorsings studie geloots om vas te stel wat is die kenmerk ‘DNA’ van die Wellington Wyndistrik is en dan ʼn toepaslike bemarkingstrategie voor te stel vir hierdie ontwikkelende wyntoerisme bestemming. Die navorsingproses fokus op twee tipes gedrags patrone van die wyntoeriste, naamlik feesgangers by die ‘Wellington Wine Harvest Festival’ en die besoekers by die proelokale van geselekteerde wynkelders vir die studie op die Wellington Wynroete. Navorsing is uitgevoer in die vorm van onderhoude en die invul van gestruktureerde vraelyste. Die resultate is geanaliseer in die volgende twee kategorieë: eerstekeer besoeker (FTV – First Time Visitor) en herhaalde besoeker (RV – Repeat Visitor). Die resultate het getoon dat by die ‘Wellington Wine Harvest Festival’, besoekers die fees bygewoon het in groepe van 2 tot 4 mense, hulle het van die fees gehoor by vriende, die ‘RV’ syfer was hoog (93%), die besoekers het hulle jong kinders saam gebring na die fees en die hoofrede vir die ‘FTV’ en ‘RV’ om die fees te besoek was dat hulle daarvan hou om wyn te drink. Die resultate van die opnames by die proelokale het getoon dat meeste besoekers (93%) herhalende besoekers was; dat meeste besoekers binne ʼn radius van 100km van die wyndistrik woon; dat besoekers jonger persone sonder kinders is; en dat die hoofredes vir hulle besoeke was as gevolge van mondelinge inligting en die genotvolle ervarings wat hulle beleef het. Besoekers glo oor die algemeen dat hulle oor ‘redelike goeie wyn kennis’ beskik. Die voorgestelde bemarkingstrategieë is gebaseer op die 7 kenmerke van die handelsmerk (‘DNA’) van die bestemming wat vasgestel kon word uit die resultate: 1. Uitsigte wat die natuur (fynbos), berge en mooi wingerde insluit. 2. Die Wellington Wyn Distrik word gesien as die platteland en weg van die hoofstroom. 3. Die omgewing is onaangeraak en onbedorwe. 4. Wellington se mense is verwelkomend, vriendelik, ordentlik en aangenaam. 5. Die kwaliteit van die wyn is goed, bekostigbaar en daar is ʼn groot verskeidenheid beskikbaar. 6. Die rooiwyn is van uitstekende gehalte. 7. Regdeur die jaar is die klimaat aangenaam in Wellington. Die bemarkingstrategie voorstel neem in ag die belangrikheid van die ‘winescape’ en die instandhouding daarvan, die teikenmark se ouderdomsgroepe, die verskillende kliente se behoeftes by feeste en die proelokale en die feit dat familie en vriende en mondelingse inligting die primêre bron van informasie is. Hierdie navorsingstudie dra by tot die kennis aangaande die gedrag van wyn toeriste in Suid-Afrika. Dit het die bron van informasie vergroot rakende die bemarkingstrategieë wat ʼn ontwikkelende wyndistrik kan implementeer, gebaseer op die bestemde kenmerke ‘DNA’. Die navorsings bevindinge is beperk omdat die studie ondersoekend was en buite seisoentyd plaasgevind het. Dit word aanbeveel dat die navorsingstudie herhaal word in die toekoms omrede hierdie wyndistrik nog ʼn groeiende industrie is. Daar word nog ʼn groter verstandhouding benodig van wat die besoekers se spesifiek behoeftes en verwagtinge is.

An institutional economics approach to agribusiness in development : South African case studies

Karaan, Abolus Salam Mohammad 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhDAgric) -- Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is a sojourn into institutional economics and its application to contemporary economic and development issues in South Africa. Economic development initiatives in agribusiness have much to gain from the theories and approaches advanced by the new institutional economics. Institutions are considered essential to the functioning of economies, markets and organizations, despite its neglect in neoclassical economics The study intends to prove that 'institutions matter', especially when social and economic transformation is necessary. The cases studied exhibit how institutions matter and shape economic outcomes. The theoretical basis established in this thesis was applied to economic development challenges such as contracting, organizational innovation, economic empowerment, land reform, building social capital, organizational design, supply chain management, entrepreneurial development, and modes of constructive engagement. The thesis is a compilation of academic papers applied to the various selected developmental challenges prevalent in South African agriculture. The study begins by delving into the more popular New Institutional Economics literature and specifically transaction cost economics. Somewhat unexpectedly, this leads to a greater appreciation for the insights generated by the Old Institutionalists in investigating the nature of institutions. Hence, the old institutional economics gains prominence in the latter part of this work, contrary to contemporary approaches followed in agricultural economics. The acknowledgement given to aspects like social capital and embeddedness is consistent with Williamson's proposed framework for the economics of institutions and this is used as the conceptual framework in this thesis. Whereas the new institutional economics was found to be useful in yielding knowledge through analysis and remediable outcomes, the old institutional economics retains its advantage in promoting understanding of problems especially in the face of complexity. This inclination has influenced the thesis in two ways. First, it diverted the latter part of the work towards the old institutional economics and the role of social capital in shaping institutions and economic behaviour. Second, it reverts to theories on the nature of the firm that complements the transaction cost approach. The transaction costs approach is thus only used where it is found most effective i.e. analysing vertical integration between firms and the relevant ex ante incentives and the ex post governance aspects Most studies are motivated by a general recognition of the role of institutions in framing economic outcomes and end up in the new institutional economics and subsequently transactions cost economics. This favouring of the transaction cost approach has found appeal due to its ability to predict structural and organisational outcomes such as the efficient boundaries of firms, internal organisation, contractual relations, incentives, etc. Methodologically, it enables analysts to employ the empirical and mathematical rigour that has become a feature, but too often the purpose, of economic research. Three papers are devoted to this approach and elicit organisational designs that best contend with identified transaction costs. The study confirms that several aspects matter in institutional analysis when applied in an economic developmental context such as South Africa. Historical context is acknowledged as a critical facet of institutional analyses in the sense that institutions are shaped by the forces of history. Social capital is established as an important component of institutional economic analysis and particularly relevant in situations where social capital has been eroded by political economic manipulations. Attending to social capital require (inter alia) insight into the nature of the societal context, implied path dependency, the extent of trust, enforcement mechanisms, and agency relations. Three of the papers attend to these aspects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proefskrif bevat 'n toepassing van institusionele ekonomie op kontemporere ekonomiese- en ontwikkelingskwessies in Suid Afrika. Die nuwe institusionele ekonomie het veel te hied tot ekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe vera! in agribesigheid. Institusies word beskou as essentieel tot die funksionering van die ekonomie, markte en organisasies, ongeag, die nalaat daarvan in die neoklassieke ekonomie. Die studie poog om te bewys dat 'institusies geld', vera! wanneer sosiale en ekonomiese transformasie noodsaaklik is. Die teoretiese basis wat gevestig is in die proefskrif, vind toepassing op ekonomiese ontwikkelingsuitdagings wat insluit kontraktering, organisatoriese innovasie, ekonomiese bemagtiging, grondhervorming, bou van sosiale kapitaal, organisatoriese ontwerp, waardeketting bestuur, entrepreneurskap ontwikkeling, en modes vir konstruktiewe omgang. Die studie begin met teoretiese 'n ondersoek in die meer populere nuwe institusionele ekonomiese literatuur, en spesifiek transaksie koste ekonomie. Dit lei later tot 'n onverwagse waardering vir die insigting wat die ou institusionele ekonomie genereer, wanneer die aard van institusies bestudeer word. Gevolglik, verkry die ou institusionele ekonomie prominensie in die latere deel van die studie, in teenstelling met die landbou ekonomiese benaderings wat deesdae bespeur word. Die erkenning aan sosiale kapitaal en institusionele ingeworteldheid is in tred Williamson se voorgestelde raamwerk vir die ekonomie van institusies is word gebruik as die konseptuele raamwerk in die tesis. Waar die nuwe institusionele ekonomie nuttig is in die werwing van kennis, is die ou institusionele ekonomie nuttig in die kweek van insig en verstaan van probleme en kompleksiteit. Die proefskrifword op twee maniere hierdeur beinvloed. Eerstens, leun die latere deel van die werk meer na die ou institusionele ekonomie en die rol van sosiale kapitaal in die vorming van institusies en ekonomiese gedrag. Tweedens, verskaf dit 'n fokus op die teoriee oor die aard van die firma wat komplimenter staan tot transaksie koste ekonomie. Die transaksie koste benadering word aangewend in die ontleding van vertikale integrasie tussen firmas en die relevante ex ante insentiewe en ex post strukture, waar dit vera! nuttig is. Meeste studies erken die invloed van institusies op ekomiese uitkomste en gebruik hoofsaaklik die nuwe institusionele ekonomie en transaksie koste ekonomie. Hierdie vooroordeel ten opsigte van transaksie koste ekonomie, vind byval as gevolg van die vermoe om strukturele en organisatoriese uitkomstes te voorspel soos die doeltreffendheidsdrumpel van firmas, interne orgasnisasie, kontrakte, insentiewe, ens. Metodologies, moedig dit empiriese en wiskundige benaderings tot ontleding aan, wat ongelukkig a! die doe! geword het in vele ekonomiese ondersoeke. Drie van die referate wat in die proefskrif vervat word, behels die identifisering van toepaslike organisatoriese ontwerpe wat geskoei is op die transaksie kostes wat geldentifieer is. Die studie bevestig dat sekere aspekte van belang is in institusionele ondersoeke, vera! in 'n ekonomiese ontwikkelingskonteks soos Suid Afrika. Historiese konteks, word erken as a kritieke faktor in institusionele ontledings, in die sin dat institusies onontbeerlik deur geskiedkundige kragte gevorm word. Sosiale kapitaal word ook erken as 'n belangrike komponent in institusionele ekonomiese ontledings, vera! in omstandighede waar sosiale kapitaal verweer het as gevolg van polities ekonomiese manipulasies. Dit veries dat aandag geskenk work aan, ( onder and ere) sosiale konteks, gelmpliseerde koers afhanklikheid, vertoue, afdwingbare meganismes, en agentskap verhoudings. Drie van die referate word hieraan gewy.

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