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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Nasionale mededingende voordeel : die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf

Du Toit, Carel van der Merwe 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The deregulation and the following restructuring of the South African fruit industry in 1996 had a significant influence on the decision-making environment that participants in the industry were used to. As new exporters entered the industry many new market opportunities arose. However at this same period in time export-earnings from the most important traditional markets came under pressure. A drastic increase in the supply of fresh apples from other Southern Hemisphere countries like Chile as well as a highly fragmented South African marketing structure are believed to be the most important reasons for the decline in exportearnings. The aim of this study is to focus on the international competitiveness of the South African apple industry in comparison to the competitiveness of the Chilean industry, with specific reference to the competition between the two countries on the European market for fresh apples. The study is introduced by a historical view as well as a glance at recent realities within the South African as well as the Chilean apple industry. Aspects that have lead to the growth and development regarding production as well as exports within both industries will be indicated. Historical international trade performance of both industries is discussed as international trade performance is a prerequisite for international competitiveness. Theoretical principles of competitiveness and competitive advantage is given with specific focus on the most recent theoretical viewpoints concerning competitive advantage and the reaching thereof The work of Michael Porter (1990) is used as a starting point in order to construct a framework with which the national competitive advantage of a specific industry, with a specific nation, can be explained. According to Porter ( 1990) national competitive advantage can be defined as the specific characteristics of a nation's national circumstances that enables a specific industry within that nation to create and maintain competitive advantages. National competitive advantage a measured according to four so-called broad determinants of national competitive advantage, namely industry structure, strategy and competition (first determinant), factor conditions, related and supporting industries and demand conditions as the forth determinant. A number of more recent definitions and describing literature on competitive advantage is used in order to expand Porter's so-called "diamond-analyses" for specific use to analyze an industry that produces a perishable product. An important prerequisite concerning the analyzing of competitiveness, is the presence of a relative or comparative component. Industry specific technical literature is used in order to make comparative descriptions within the above mentioned framework. This framework (expanded Porter-model) is used in order to compare the Chilean apple industry with the South African industry on the basis ofthe four broad determinants of national competitive advantage. In this way a complex description of the varied national and international industry environments within which the two industries operate, is done. It is very clear that international exposure on production as well as on marketing level together with excellent natural resources is the most important contributors to the national competitive advantage of the Chilean apple industry. The exceptional natural resources and very good weather conditions for growing apples together with growers' exposure to consumer demands are important contributors to the production of high quality fruit. Marketers and exporters show valuable market-discipline and they have easy access to relevant market information. These aspects strengthen the competitiveness of the Chilean apple industry. If the South African apple industry want to be competitive in future, it is absolutely essential that scarce resources such as soil and water is well-managed and conserved. International exposure and technological innovation on production level is also very important. Market information will have to be more easily accessible and exporters will have to show significant market discipline. It is also important that there will not be any uncertainties as far as property rights is concerned, as this will scare investors. It is of utmost importance that the South African government will work towards creating a home base that will have a positive effect on the obtaining and the maintaining of national competitive advantage. This study give participants within the South African apple industry a thorough description of the varied decision-making environments to which the Chilean and the South African apple producer is subjected to. Differences within this decision-making environments is emphasized and there is an indication of what the direct influence of this differences have on the South African industry. Possible future changes concerning the various macroenvironments of the two industries is analyzed and an indication is given on how these changes will influence the obtaining and maintaining of national competitive advantage in future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die deregulering en die gevolglike herstrukturering van die Suid-Afrikaanse vrugtebedryf in 1996 het die besluitnemingsomgewing vir alle deelhouers binne die Suid-Afrikaanse vrugtebedryf drasties verander. Die toetrede van verskeie nuwe uitvoerders het beteken dat nuwe bemarkings-geleenthede benut kon word, maar ongelukkig het uitvoerverdienste op die tradisioneel belangrike markte op dieselfde tydstip onder groot druk gekom. 'n Dramatiese toename in die voorsiening van vars appels vanuit ander Suidelike-Halfrond-lande, soos Chili, tesame met 'n gefragmenteerde Suid-Afrikaanse bemarkings-opset word as die belangrikste redes vir die dating in uitvoerverdienste aangevoer. In hierdie ondersoek word daar gefokus op die internasionale mededingendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf relatief tot die mededingendheid van die Chileense bedryf, met spesifieke verwysing na die mededinging tussen die twee lande in die Europese mark vir vars appels. Die studie word ingelei deur 'n geskiedkundige oorsig sowel as 'n blik op huidige realiteite binne die Suid-Afrikaanse- sowel as die Chileense appelbedrywe. Die verloop van gebeure wat tot die groei en ontwikkeling ten opsigte van produksie sowel as uitvoere binne beide bedrywe gelei het, word aangedui. Die bereiking van intemasionale handelsukses word as voorvereiste vir intemasionale mededingendheid aangevoer. Geskiedkundige intemasionale handelsprestasie van beide bedrywe word dus ook uiteengesit. 'n Uiteensetting van teoretiese grondbeginsels van mededingendheid en mededingende voordele word aangebied met die fokus op die jongste teoretiese sienings betreffende mededingende voordeel en die bereiking daarvan. Die werk van Micheal Porter (1990) word as vertrekpunt gebruik ten einde 'n raamwerk te konstrueer waarmee die nasionale mededingende voordeel van 'n bepaalde bedryf, gesetel binne 'n bepaalde nasie, omskryf kan word. Volgens Porter (1990) word nasionale mededingende voordeel omskryf as die bepaalde karaktertrekke van 'n nasie se nasionale omstandighede wat spesifieke bedrywe binne daardie nasie in staat stel om mededingende voordele te skep en te behou. Nasionale mededingende voordeel word gemeet aan die hand van vier sogenaamde bree determinante van nasionale mededingende voordeel, naamlik bedryfstruktuur, bedryfstrategie en bedryfskompetisie (wat gesamentlik die eerste determinant vorm), faktorkondisies, verwante en ondersteunende industriee asook vraagtoestande. Hierdie vier determinante omskryf die totale omgewing (home base) waarbinne 'n bepaalde bedryf opereer. Verskeie meer onlangse definisies en beskrywende literatuur betreffende mededingende voordeel is aangewend om Porter (1990) se sogenaamde "diamant-analise" uit te brei en meer toepaslik te maak op 'n bedryf wat 'n bederfbare kommoditeit produseer. 'n Belangrike voorvereiste betreffende die analisering van mededingendheid, is die teenwoordigheid van 'n relatiewe of vergelykende komponent. Bedryfspesifieke tegniese literatuur is dus verder aangewend ten einde vergelykende beskrywings binne die genoemde raamwerk te doen. Die raamwerk (uitgebreide Portermodel) is gebruik ten einde die Chileense appelbedryf met die Suid-Mrikaanse appelbedryf te vergelyk aan die hand van elk van die genoemde determinante van nasionale mededingende voordeel. Op hierdie wyse is 'n komplekse beskrywing van die onderskeie nasionale en internasionale bedryfsomgewings (home bases) waarbinne die twee bedrywe opereer, verkry. Omvattende internasionale blootstelling op produksie- maar veral op bemarkingsvlak tesame met uiters gunstige klimatologiese toestande en baie goeie natuurlike hulpbronne, blyk die belangrikste aspekte te wees wat hydra tot nasionale mededingende voordeel van die Chileense appelbedryf. Die gunstige klimatologiese toestande en die kwaliteit van die natuurlike hulpbronne tesame met die feit dat produsente die verbruikersbehoeftes van die verskillende wereldmarkte ken, dra by tot die produksie van goeie kwaliteit vrugte. Die vaardigheid en hoe vlak van intemasionale blootstelling waaroor bemarkers/uitvoerders beskik, tesame met die toepassing van markdissipline, is verdere aspekte wat die mededingendheid van die Chileense bedryf versterk. Indien die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf in die toekoms steeds mededingend wil wees en nuwe nasionale mededingende voordeel wil skep en handhaaf, is dit van kardinale belang dat beskikbare, skaars hulpbronne soos water en grond oordeelkundig bestuur en aangewend moet word. Intemasionale blootstelling en tegnologiese innovasie met betrekking tot produksie is van kardinale belang. Dit is verder belangrik dat mark-inligting meer toeganklik sal word en dat uitvoerders die nodige markdissipline sal toepas en handhaaf. Dit is belangrik dat onsekerheid betreffende eiendomsreg vermy sal word omdat dit kan lei tot beleggerswantroue. Dit is van kardinale belang dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering sal streef daarna om 'n home base te skep wat positiefbydra tot die bereiking en handhawing van nasionale mededingende voordeel. Die studie bied dus aan deelhouers binne die Suid-Amerikaanse appelbedryf 'n omvattende beskrywing van die onderskeie besluitnemingsomgewings waaraan die Chileense sowel as die Suid-Mrikaanse appelprodusent blootgestel ts. Verskille binne hierdie besluitnemingsomgewings word uitgelig en daar word aangetoon wat die direkte invloed van hierdie verskille op die mededingendheid van die Suid-Mrikaanse bedryf mag wees. Moontlike toekomstige veranderinge betreffende die onderskeie makro-omgewings van die twee bedrywe word ondersoek en daar word aangedui hoe hierdie veranderinge die bereiking en handhawing van nasionale mededingende voordeel in die toekoms sal belnvloed.

The comparative advantage of commercial wheat production in the Western Cape

Van Rooyen, Ray (Ray Glen) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Agriculture is heavily subsidised and protected in most of the major industrial countries. Some of the effects are obvious through the heavy costs imposed on national budgets. Other effects, such as those on consumers or on overall economic efficiency, are less obvious but are nonetheless extremely important. In South Africa there has never been an attempt to calculate total government intervention in agriculture. However, this changed at the time of the negotiations for the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations under the auspices of the GATT, and the greater importance of the consumer in the designing of agricultural policies. The aim of this study is to determine whether the production of wheat in the Western Cape is economically optimal under the current policy environment. The study investigates if there was a comparative advantage in the production of wheat as of April 1999. The technique used to calculate the various indicators of comparative advantage is the Policy Analysis Matrix. This technique is used to identify the effects of policy measures on the social profitability of wheat production. The analysis used data from eight areas, and seventeen varying enterprise budgets were constructed in order to compile a representative picture of the industry's condition. The results of the analysis indicate that Western Cape wheat producers do not have a strong comparative advantage in the production of wheat for the selected areas. The reasoning behind this is complex, but is primarily a result of high levels of input use. Input prices are inflated by policy distortions in input markets, partly because of tariffs on imported inputs. The net effect of the total policy environment also had a negative effect on producers, in the sense that sub-normal profits were achieved. The future of the Western Cape and South African wheat farmer is uncertain. What is certain is that, if the wheat farmer in South Africa does not take immediate and swift action, directed at improving efficiency in current management and production techniques, and implementing some form of crop diversification, farm debt will ultimately be the demise of the farmer. As interest rates rapidly increase, and producer prices remain constant or decrease, the farmer begins to farm more for the bank than for private remuneration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die meeste groot industriele lande word landbou grootliks gesubsidieer en beskerm. Sommige van die effekte word weerspieël in hoë kostes in die nasionale begroting. Ander effekte soos die op verbruikers is minder vanselfsprekend, maar steeds baie belangrik. Voorheen is daar geen poging aangewend om die totale owerheidsinmenging in landbou in Suid-Afrika te bereken nie. Dit het egter verander met die onderhandelinge rondom die Uruguay Ronde van die AOTH, en die groter belangrikheid van die verbruiker in die ontwerp van landboubeleid. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of dit ekonomies optimaal is om koring in die Wes-Kaap te produseer onder die huidige beleidsomgewing. Met ander woorde, die studie poog om te bepaal wat die vergelykende voordeel, indien enige, is by koringproduksie. Die tegniek wat gebruik is om die verskillende indikatore van vergelykende voordeel te bereken, is die Beleidsanalise Matriks of PAM. Die tegniek word gebruik om die effek van die beleid met betrekking tot koringproduksie te identifiseer. Agt produksiestreke in die Wes-Kaap is ontleed vir die doeleindes van hierdie analise. Sewentien verskillende bedryfsvertakkingsbegrotings is hiervan afgelei om sodoende 'n goeie verteenwoordigende beeld van die bedryfstoestande te kry. Die resultate van die analise toon aan dat koringproduksie in die Weskaap nie 'n sterk vergelykende voordeel het nie. Die rede hiervoor is kompleks, maar die hoë vlak van inset gebruik kan beskou word as hoofrede. Hoër insetpryse, na aanleiding van die beleidsversteuringe in insetmarkte, is deels die gevolg van invoerbeskerming in die vorm van tariewe op ingevoerde insette. Die netto effek van die totale beleidsomgewing het ook 'n negatiewe effek op die produsente gehad, veral in die sin dat subnormale winste behaal is. Die toekoms van koringboere in die Wes-Kaap en Suid-Afrika is onseker. Wat wel seker is, is dat as koringboere in Suid-Afrika nie daadwerklike en vinnige hul bestuurs- en produksieeffektiwiteit verbeter me, sal skuld toeneem en sal dit koeringboerdery se einde beteken. Soos rentekoerse vinniger toeneem en die produsenteprys konstant bly of afneem, sal boere meer aan skuld afbetaal as wat hulle uit koringboerdery kan verdien.

Informal red meat marketing : a case study in the Western Cape townships

Karaan, Abolus Salam Mohammad 08 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1993. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Informal red meat trade was investigated as it occurs in the townships of the Cape Town metropole. To achieve this, an interactive research approach was followed, initially involving months of observation before scientific and empirical analysis was conducted. The informal marketing activities were described and analysed with the purpose of establishing its strengths; weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Criteria of efficiency and effectiveness were constantly employed. ln this regard, the prevailing system was tested against consumer needs and preferences. A large degree of consistency was found between the nature of supply by the informal sector and the nature of demand from its target consumer base. On this basis, it was deduced that the informal red meat marketing system has the potential to further contribute to development and township food security. The informal marketing system, how~ver, operates under specific constraints. These were identified and subsequently recommendations were made to alleviate these constraints, in order to maximise the contribution of informal red meat trade to local development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die informele bemarking van rooivleis, soos dit in die stadswyke (townships) van die Kaapstadse metropolis voorkom, is ondersoek. Deur middel van 'n interaktiewe navorsingsbenadering is daar aanvanklik maande lank net waargeneem voordat 'n wetenskaplike en empiriese analise gedoen kon word. Die werksaamhede van die informele rooivleismark is omskryf en ontleed met die oog op vasstelling van die sterk punte en swakhede, geleenthede en bedreigings van die bedryf. Kriteria van doeltreffendheid en effektiwiteit is deurgaans aangewend. In hierdie opsig is die huidige stelsel getoets aan verbruikersbehoeftes en voorkeure. Die wyse van aanbieding van die informele sektor het in 'n ruim mate ooreengestem met die aanvraag van die teikenverbruiker. Op grond hiervan word afgelei dat die stelsel van informele bemarking van rooivleis die potensiaal het om nog 'n groter bydrae te lewer tot die ontwikkeling van voedselsekuriteit in die 'townships'. Sekere faktore werk egter beperkend m op die informele bemarkingstelsel. Hierdie faktore is gei'dentifiseer en aanbevelings is gemaak ter opheffing van die beperkinge om sodoende die stelsel se bydrae tot plaaslike ontwikkeling·te maksimeer.

An evaluation of different extensive wildlife production systems in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Van Hoving, Susanna Catharina Petronella 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Agricultural Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The wildlife industry in the Western Cape Province is growing, but lacks, particularly, economic research. This study explores the manner in which wildlife production systems in the Western Cape are currently operated and describes the characteristics of this industry. Furthermore, results on the evaluation of identified typical wildlife production systems in different regions of the Western Cape are revealed together with critical factors influencing success. No confusion remains regarding the importance of this industry. Wildlife production units cover a noteworthy percentage of the total area and are evenly spread within the province. The industry grew rapidly in the past 10 years and with a high diversity of at least 37 different wildlife species; ecotourism, hunting and live sales are the most prominent ways of utilising wildlife. This industry also contributes in terms of job opportunities supplied. The two typical systems evaluated are the biltong hunting system in the Beaufort West region and the trophy hunting system in the Southern Cape region. The biltong hunting system has been shown to be profitable, though it realises skimpy profits. It is, however, successful by virtue of the fact that wildlife producers perceive the wildlife enterprise as additional income to livestock production, almost without any additional costs. Although the gross margin per large stock unit is high, the trophy hunting system is not profitable and runs at a loss. The main problem is the overhead costs that exceed the gross margin, due to too low a number of wildlife species marketed. The industry in this region is, according to wildlife producers, hampered by legislation and regulations, which limit the variety of species allowed in the region. These wildlife producers manage their system on a part-time basis and fund it from other income sources. The Department of Agriculture is urged to assist the wildlife industry in the form of research on the economic, ecological and social impacts of this industry to determine its full contribution and capacity. Although wildlife producers contribute towards conservation and the application of sound conservation principles is important to them, they need to generate an income from wildlife production in order to make a living out of it, which ultimately makes it worth their while. Despite the systemic problems of a number of wildlife production systems, some wildlife producers are of the opinion that the pressure experienced in terms of legislation, makes it harder for them (in some regions more than other) to manage their wildlife production units in a profitable manner. Although the main objectives of government conservation authorities and wildlife producers might differ, the contribution of both towards conservation serves as common ground. It is therefore suggested that a joint approach is followed between government conservation authorities, the Department of Agriculture and wildlife producers to further develop the wildlife industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wildbedryf in die Wes-Kaap groei tans, maar het ‘n tekort aan, veral, ekonomiese navorsing. Hierdie studie ondersoek die manier waarop wildproduksiestelsels tans in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie bedryf word en beskryf die karaktereienskappe van hierdie bedryf. Verder word die resultate van die evaluasie van die geïdentifiseerde tipiese wildproduksiestelsels in verskillende areas van die Wes-Kaap Provinsie bekend gemaak, tesame met die kritiese faktore wat sukses beïnvloed. Daar is geen twyfel oor die belangrikheid van hierdie bedryf nie. Wildplase beslaan ‘n betekenisvolle persentasie van die totale oppervlakte en is eweredig versprei in die provinsie. Die bedryf het vinnig gegroei in die laaste tien jaar en met ‘n groot verskeidenheid van minstens 37 verskillende wildspesies, is eko-toerisme, jag en lewende verkope die mees algemene manier om wild aan te wend. Die bedryf dra ook baie by in terme van werksgeleenthede. Die twee tipiese wildproduksiestelsels wat geëvalueer is, is die tipiese biltongjagstelsel in die Beaufort-Wes omgewing en die tipiese trofeejagstelsel in die Suid-Kaap omgewing. Die biltongjagstelsel toon winsgewend te wees, al is dit karige winste wat realiseer. Dit is egter suksesvol in die sin dat wildboere die wildvertakking sien as ‘n addisionele inkomste tot die lewendehawe produksie, amper sonder enige addisionele kostes. Alhoewel die bruto marge per grootvee-eenheid goed lyk, is die trofeejagstelsel nie winsgewend nie en maak ‘n verlies. Die eintlike probleem is die oorhoofse koste wat meer is as die bruto marge, as gevolg van te min en te klein verskeidenheid wild wat bemark word. Die bedryf in hierdie omgewing, na die mening van wildboere, word terug gehou deur wetgewing en maatreëls, wat die verskeidenheid wildspesies wat toegelaat word in die omgewing beperk. Hierdie wildboere bestuur hul stelsels op ‘n deeltydse basis en befonds dit vanuit ander inkomste bronne. Die Departement van Landbou word aangeraai om die wildbedryf by te staan in die vorm van navorsing op die ekonomiese, ekologiese en sosiale vlakke van die wildbedryf om sodoende die volle bydrae en omvang van hierdie bedryf te bepaal. Alhoewel wildboere bydra tot bewaring en die toepassing van suiwer bewaringsbeginsels vir hulle belangrik is, het hulle nodig om ‘n inkomste te genereer uit wildproduksie om sodoende ‘n bestaan daaruit te kan maak. Buiten die sistemiese probleme wat ondervind word by sommige wildproduksiestelsels, is party wildboere van mening dat die druk wat ervaar word in terme van wetgewing en maatreëls, dit vir hulle moeiliker maak om hul wildplase op ‘n winsgewende manier te bestuur. Alhoewel die doelwitte van die natuurbewaringsgesag en wildboere van mekaar mag verskil, dien die bydrae tot bewaring deur albei partye as gemeenskaplike grond. Om daardie rede word dit aanbeveel dat ‘n gesamentlike benadering tussen die regering se natuurbewaringsgesag, die Departement van Landbou en die wildboere gevolg word, om die wildbedryf verder te ontwikkel.

Technical and allocative efficiency in determining organizational forms in agriculture : a case study of corporate farming

Dobrowsky, David W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The optimal farm size and organizational form of agriculture is a widely discussed topic with little consensus as to which organizational form would be optimal under certain circumstances. There is often confusion as to what constitutes a corporate farm as well as a family farm, with the size of the farm often used as a distinguishing factor. This should however not be the case as there are many extremely large farms that are owner-operated within South Africa. The distinguishing factor should rather revolve around the management structures of these farms. It is these management structures that would seem to limit the metamorphosis of owner-operated farms into large corporate structures. This thesis uses an analysis of both technical and allocative efficiency in determining the organizational form chosen within agriculture. It is shown in the thesis that farm size determines or improves the technical efficiency and this is brought about by the farms ability to stay abreast with the technological times by having “economies of size” to their advantage. The evolution of farm size would therefore seem to be driven by this need to obtain “economies of size” so as to be able to earn comparable wages to off-farm activities. The attainment of this technical efficiency however does not seem to be linked to the organizational structure of the farm; it is rather dependant of the size of the farm. While the size of the farm is an important factor in achieving technical efficiency it is not as important in determining allocative efficiency, with various studies arguing that larger farms are less allocatively efficient than smaller farms. This reduced allocative efficiency seems to stem from various transaction costs and principle agent issues within the corporate setting that are not prevalent in the owner-operated farms. This is because in the owner-operated settings the family are the residual claimants to profit, which suggests that they do not have the incentive to shirk. The opposite is true for the corporate setting where the model is fraught with moral hazard and other issues of the principle-agent nature, which would seem to raise the transaction costs of this organizational form, and this has negative implications for the allocative efficiency with which these farms operate at. This thesis therefore uses data obtained from such a corporate farm, where the owners of the farms are kept on as farm managers and the company makes all the production decisions. This thesis argues that it is these agency issues and transaction costs that hamper this organizational form while it is shown that the technical efficiency for these farms are high suggesting that economies of size are important in determining the technical efficiency of these farms. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die optimale plaasgrootte en organisasievorm in die landbou is ’n onderwerp wat al baie aandag in die literatuur ontvang het, maar waar daar min ooreenstemming is oor watter organisasievorm optimaal sal wees onder spesifieke omstandighede. Met die grootte van die plaas wat dikwels as 'n onderskeidende faktor gebruik word, is daar dikwels verwarring oor wat ‘n korporatiewe plaas sowel as ʼn familie plaas uitmaak. Dit hoort egter nie die geval te wees nie, want daar is baie groot plase wat as alleen-eienaar bedryf word in Suid-Afrika (m.a.w. familie-plase met gehuurde arbeid). Die onderskeidende faktor moet eerder die bestuur strukture van hierdie plase wees. Dit is hierdie bestuur strukture wat die metamorfose vanaf eienaar-bedryfde plase na (groot) korporatiewe strukture beperk. In hierdie tesis word 'n ontleding van beide tegniese en allokatiewe doeltreffendheid gebruik in die ontleding van die optimale organisasievorm in die landbou. Die tesis bewys dat die plaas se grootte die tegniese doeltreffendheid bepaal of verhoog, vanweë die groter plase se beter vermoë om op hoogte te bly met tegnologiese ontwikkeling deur die "ekonomieë van grootte" tot hul voordeel te gebruik. Plaasgroottes pas aan by die geleentheidskoste van die eienaar-bestuurder en tegniese doeltreffendheid is nie afhanklik van die organisasiestruktuur van die plaas nie, maar is eerder afhanklik van die grootte van die plaas. Terwyl die grootte van die plaas 'n belangrike faktor in die bereiking van tegniese doeltreffendheid is, is dit nie so belangrik in die bepaling van allokatiewe doeltreffendheid nie. Verskeie studies wys daarop dat groter plase minder allokatief doeltreffend is as kleiner plase, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van verskeie transaksiekoste voordele van klein plase. Maar daar is ook prinsipaal-agent kwessies in die korporatiewe omgewing wat nie algemeen by eienaarbedryfde plase voorkom nie. Dit is omdat in die geval van die eienaar-bedryfde instellings die familie aanspraak het op die residuele wins, en dus ʼn aansporing het om opdragte uit te voer. By korporatiewe plase is daar egter prinsipaal-agent probleme wat gepaard gaan met morele risiko (‘moral hazard’). Dus het familieplase ʼn koste voordeel oor korporatiewe plase. Hierdie tesis gebruik dan data wat verkry is uit 'n korporatiewe boerdery onderneming, waar die eienaars van die plase die plaasbestuurders is en die maatskappy al die produksie besluite maak. Die tesis wys dat dit hierdie agentskap kwessies en transaksie koste is wat die organisasievorme belemmer terwyl dit blyk dat die tegniese doeltreffendheid vir dié plase hoog is wat daarop dui dat die ekonomie van grootte belangrik is in die bepaling van die tegniese doeltreffendheid van hierdie plase.

Modelling the financial vulnerability of farming systems to climate change in selected case study areas in South Africa

Oosthuizen, Hamman Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Numerous studies indicate that the agricultural sector is physically and economically vulnerable to climate change. In order to determine possible impacts of projected future climates on the financial vulnerability of selective farming systems in South Africa, a case study methodology was applied. The integrated modelling framework consists of four modules, viz.: climate change impact modelling, dynamic linear programming (DLP) modelling, modelling interphases and financial vulnerability assessment modelling. Empirically downscaled climate data from five global climate models (GCMs) served as base for the integrated modelling. The APSIM crop model was applied to determine the impact of projected climates on crop yield for certain crops in the study. In order to determine the impact of projected climates on crops for which there are no crop models available, a unique modelling technique, Critical Crop Climate Threshold (CCCT) modelling, was developed and applied to model the impact of projected climate change on yield and quality of agricultural produce. Climate change impact modelling also takes into account the projected changes in irrigation water availability (ACRU hydrological model) and crop irrigation requirements (SAPWAT3 model) as a result of projected climate change. The model produces a set of valuable results, viz. projected changes in crop yield and quality, projected changes in availability of irrigation water, projected changes in crop irrigation needs, optimal combination of farming activities to maximize net cash flow, and a set of financial criteria to determine economic viability and financial feasibility of the farming system. A set of financial criteria; i.e. internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), cash flow ratio, highest debt ratio, and highest debt have been employed to measure the impact of climate change on the financial vulnerability of farming systems. Adaptation strategies to lessen the impact of climate change were identified for each case study through expert group discussions, and included in the integrated modelling as alternative options in the DLP model. This aims at addressing the gap in climate change research, i.e. integrated economic modelling at farm level; thereby making a contribution to integrated climate change modelling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fisiese sowel as ekonomiese kwesbaarheid van die landbousektor as gevolg van klimaatverandering word deur verskeie studies beklemtoon. ‘n Gevallestudie-benadering is gebruik ten einde die potensiële impak van klimaatsverandering op die finansiële kwesbaarheid van verskillende boerderystelsels te bepaal. Die geïntegreerde klimaatsveranderingmodel bestaan uit vier modelleringsmodules, naamlik: klimaatsverandering, dinamiese liniêre programmering (DLP), interfases en finansiële-kwesbaarheidsontleding. Empiries afgeskaalde klimatologiese data van vyf verskillende klimaatmodelle dien as basis vir die geïntegreerde klimaatsveranderingmodel. Die APSIM gewas-model word aangewend om die impak van klimaatsverandering op gewasse-opbrengs te bepaal. Vir sekere gewasse is daar egter nie modelle beskikbaaar nie en het gevolglik die ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe model genoodsaak. Die Kritiese Gewasse Klimaatsdrempelwaarde (KGKD) modelleringstegniek is ontwikkel ten einde die impak van klimaatsverandering op die opbrengs en kwaliteit van gewasse te kwantifiseer. Die geïntegreerde klimaatsveranderingmodel neem ook die verwagte verandering in besproeiingswaterbeskikbaarheid (ACRU-hidrologiemodel) en gewas-besproeiingsbehoeftes (SAPWAT3-model) as gevolg van klimaatsverandering in ag. Die model lewer waardevolle resultate op, naamlik: geprojekteerde veranderinge in gewasse-opbrengs en -kwaliteit, geprojekteerde verandering in beskikbaarheid van besproeiingswater en gewasse-besproeiingsbehoeftes, die optimale kombinering van boerdery-aktiwiteite om netto kontantvloei te maksimeer, asook ‘n stel finansiële resultate wat die impak van klimaatsverandering kwantifiseer. Die finansiële kriteria sluit in: interne opbrengskoers, netto huidige waarde, kontanvloeiverhouding, hoogste skuldverhouding en hoogste skuldvlak. Deur middel van deskundige-groepbesprekings is aanpassingstrategieë vir elk van die gevallestudies geïdentifiseer en by die geïntegreerde model ingesluit as alternatiewe opsies in die DLP-model. Die studie poog om die gaping in die huidige klimaatsveranderingnavorsing met betekking tot ‘n geïntegreerde ekonomiese model op plaasvlak aan te spreek en sodoende ‘n bydrae tot geïntegreerde klimaatveranderingmodellering te maak.

The impact of the Doha round of WTO agricultural negotiations on the South African economy

Nyhodo, Bonani 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Agricultural Economics)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The Doha Round of negotiations on the liberalisation of agricultural trade inherited complications from its predecessor - the Uruguay Round (UR). It needs to be noted, as one of the fundamental differences, that agriculture sectors in the developed countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) get support from their governments. In contrast to the situation, in the developing countries, agriculture is taxed to generate government revenue. The subsidies that farmers receive in the developed countries affect farmers globally through world prices (world prices depression). Therefore protection and greater subsidies should be not encouraged. As such, after a long time of preferential treatment, agriculture trade was tabled as a separate issue of negotiations at the UR and resulted to the round to be prolonged. However, one of the achievements of the UR was imposing of bound tariffs on agricultural products and determining tariff equivalence for non-tariff measures. Then, the Doha Round (DR) also known as the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) which is the first round to place development and focus strongly on agricultural liberalisation as a tool for development. International trade theory supports agricultural liberalisation, as negotiated in the DDA. Therefore, the DDA, in seeking more liberalised agricultural markets, continues a theoretically sound approach, as in the UR. The effects of liberalising agricultural trade in the DDA will differ across countries, whereas some will gain, others may loose, and the same situation is true for different sectors within an economy. The focus of the DDA on agriculture, as a tool of development, links well to the fact that agriculture in the developing countries accounts for a substantial share of their gross domestic products (GDPs) and exports. This situation, therefore, calls for a closer consideration of the possible impact of agricultural liberalisation in South Africa even though agricultural share of GDP is less than 4 percent.

An appraisal of the impact of membership characteristics on the pursuit of cooperative governance : a case study of wine cooperatives in the Western Cape

Mentani, Phumlani Sphiwo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin )--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African wine industry has gone through a difficult period of having to undergo major changes, most markedly in respect of its economic structure and institutional framework over the last twelve years. The reintroduction of the wine industry to the world markets has brought wide-ranging opportunities, as reflected by the increase in the number of exports. However, such a reintroduction has also brought pressure to bear in terms of both local and international competitiveness. The increased pressure on the industry has resulted in serious effects on the wine producers concerned, both in terms of meeting the international standards and in terms of having to cope with sophisticated consumer needs. The current study assesses to what degree, if any, membership characteristics impact on wine cooperatives in South Africa. The central question to be addressed is whether the characteristics of members who are involved in the governance structures of wine cooperatives impact on the manner in which cooperative governance is pursued. To address the research question stated above, the study used a list of wine cooperatives obtained from Wines Cellars South Africa (WCSA), which captured the relevant data relating to all the existing wine cooperatives in 2006. From the list, 46 wine cooperatives were randomly selected. Representatives of some of the cooperatives were sent questionnaires by email, with the representatives of other cooperative being personally interviewed. A qualitative analysis, making use of the Likert Scale method, was performed. The analysis made use of 16 belief statements to determine the degree of belief held in such statements, in order to ascertain the general degree of understanding regarding those membership characteristics that could potentially influence wine cooperative governance. A quantitative analysis was performed, using Statistica Version 8 to ascertain the possible relations between certain factors (variables). Of the 16 variables which were selected for the analysis, only 8 variables showed positive and significant relations. The results obtained in the study showed a high degree of investment-related incentive problems (caused by conflicts of interest, due to the different returns acquired by the members and their diverse risk profiles), as well as a high degree of decision-related incentive problems (caused by the influence of education, occupation and experience on the decision-making process). The study also attempted to ascertain the general perception of collective action approach in the wine industry. The assessment revealed that sentiments relating to the collective action approach in the wine industry still exist. The results of the quantitative analysis showed the relations existing between eight different variables to be influential factors in relation to the decision-making process. Furthermore, the study used New Institutional Economics of property rights and agency theories to confirm the agency dilemmas existing within the wine cooperatives. Such theories, together with their possible effects on the pursuit of cooperative governance, are addressed towards the end of the study. Generally, the study shows that differences in membership characteristics can lead to different levels of member expectations, resulting in steering the organisation in different directions during the decision-making process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf het ’n moeilike tydperk van grootskaalse veranderinge oor die afgelope twaalf jaar beleef, soos waarneembaar uit die veranderinge in sy ekonomiese struktuur sowel as institusionele raamwerke. Die hertoetrede van die bedryf tot die wêreldmark het uitstekende geleenthede in terme van uitvoere gebring, maar dit het ook druk op die bedryf geplaas om meer mededingend te wees plaaslik en internasionaal. Die toenemende druk op die bedryf het ernstige gevolge vir wynprodusente beide in terme van die voldoening aan internasionale standaarde en om aan gesofistikeerde verbruikersbehoeftes te voorsien. Hierdie studie ondersoek die impak van ledeeienskappe van wynkoöperasies. Die vraag is of die eienskappe van die lede van die koöperasies se bestuurstruktuur ’n invloed het op die wyse waarop die koöperasie bestuur word. Om hierdie navorsingsvraag aan te spreek, het die studie ’n lys van wynkoöperasies van Wynkelders Suid Afrika (WKSA) gebruik, wat al die bestaande wynkoöperasies in 2006 gelys het. Ses en veertig wynkoöperasies is ewekansig gekies. Vraelyste is per epos gestuur en persoonlike onderhoude is met ander gevoer. ’n Kwalitatiewe analise is gevolg deur die gebruik van ’n Likertskaal metode wat bestaan het uit sestien stellings om te bepaal hoe sterk sekere opinies gehuldig word. Sodoende kon ’n algemene indruk verkry word van die lideienskappe wat potensieel die bestuur van die koöperasie kon beïnvloed. ’n Kwantitatiewe analise is ook gedoen deur die gebruik van Statistica 8 om die moontlike verhoudings tussen sekere faktore of veranderlikes te bepaal. Sestien veranderlikes is gekies vir hierdie analise en slegs agt veranderlikes het positiewe en betekenisvolle verhoudings getoon. Resultate toon baie beleggingsverwante motiveringsprobleme (wat veroorsaak word deur konflikterende belange as gevolg van verskillende opbrengste verkry deur lede en hul diverse risikoprofiele) en besluitnemingsverwante motiveringsprobleme (veroorsaak deur die invloed van opleiding, betrekking en ervaring in die besluitnemingsproses). Die studie het ook probeer om die algemene persepsie van die koöperatiewe benadering in die wynbedryf te bepaal. Die assessering wys dat sentiment oor die koöperatiewe benadering die wynindustrie steeds bestaan. Die resultate van die kwantitatiewe analise het verhoudings getoon tussen agt veranderlikes as invloedryke veranderlikes tot die besluitnemingsproses Verder het die studie die ‘New Institutional Economics’ van eiendomsreg gebruik en agentskap teorieë om die dilemmas van agentskappe binne die wynkoöperasies te bevestig. Hierdie dilemmas word aan die einde van die studie aangespreek tesame met hul moontlike effek op die uitoefening van koöperatiewe bestuur. Oor die algemeen wys die studie dat verskille in lede eienskappe kan lei tot verskillende vlakke van lede verwagtings en daarom, die stuur van die organisasie in ’n ander rigting gedurende die besluitnemingsproses.

Concentrated market power and information asymmetry within the South African dairy supply chain

Bandama, Maureen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Concentrated market power and information asymmetry represent forms of market failure within the South African dairy supply chain. Following deregulation, instead of large numbers of buyers and sellers so that no buyer or seller holds significant amount of power to influence the market; and perfect information availability and accessibility, the supply chain is characterised by market concentration at processor and retailer level as well as information asymmetry. South Africa‘s number of dairy farmers has declined by up to 50% since 1997, and they face a small number of processors which have regional dominance. These processors sell to a concentrated retail sector which is the main distribution channel for milk and dairy products. As processors and supermarkets emerge as major drivers within the dairy supply chain; processors in South Africa utilise the information asymmetry to engage in anticompetitive behaviour while supermarkets exert their power through the conditions of sale in contracts with processors as well as the threat of in-house brands. Farmers have less bargaining power and receive lower farm gate prices than they would have in the absence of concentrated market power and information asymmetry. Consequently, these market failures are detrimental to allocative efficiency and the enhancement of equity objectives. By method of a literature based comparative analysis, this study investigates the nature and extent of concentrated market power and information asymmetry within the selected dairy countries namely; South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and USA. The dairy supply chains in these countries show a spectrum of government control, such as Canada‘s system of supply management, Australia‘s deregulated system, and the US system which is mostly characterised by government intervention. The study then analyses how the selected countries address market failure within the dairy supply chain. An analysis of agricultural and dairy policies and strategies within the selected countries shows that systems that are designed to consider broader social goals (equity) apart for economic efficiency are more successful in preventing problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry. The ways that the selected countries address the problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry are analysed for applicability to the South African dairy supply chain. Is it recommended that in order to position the South African dairy supply chain to address problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry effectively, a departure from the strict adherence to the market, to move towards a reregulated system in which broader social and environmental goals are considered by multiple stakeholders in formulating policy and strategy within the supply chain is required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie as vorme van markmislukkings kom voor in die Suid-Afrikaanse suiwelbedryf. Sedert deregulering het die getalle kopers en verkopers steeds nie voldoende toegeneem sodat geen van hulle genoeg bedingingsmag het om die mark beduidend te beïnvloed nie. Verder is markinligting se beskikbaarheid en toeganklikheid steeds ontoereikend. Die suiwelaanbodketing word gekenmerk deur markkonsentrasie op verwerkings- en kleinhandelvlak. Inligting asimmetrie heers ook steeds. Die getal suiwelprodusente in Suid-Afrika het sedert 1997 met 50% gedaal. Die suiwelprodusente verkoop melk aan 'n klein getal melkverwerkers wat die mark op plaaslike vlak oorheers. Hierdie verwerkers verkoop weer aan 'n gekonsentreerde kleinhandelsektor wat as die belangrikste verspreiders van melk en verwerkte suiwelprodukte dien. Die verwerkers en kleinhandelaars is die pasaangeërs in die suiwelaanbodkanaal. Die verwerkers gebruik inligting asimmetrie in onmededingende optrede jeens primêre produsente en supermarkte oefen hul markkrag jeens verwerkers uit deur middel van verkoopsvoorwaardes en afdreiging met voorkeur vir eie handelsmerke. Primêre produsente se bedingingsmag krimp en hulle ontvang laer plaashekpryse as wat hulle sou ontvang in die afwesigheid van markkonsentrasie elders in die aanbodkanaal en in die afwesigheid van inligting asimmetrie. Hierdie markmislukkings benadeel die mark se allokasiedoeltreffendheid en die bevordering van billikheidsoorwegings. Hierdie ondersoek behels 'n vergelykende ontleding van die aard en omvang van markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie in geselekteerde suiwellande gegrond op 'n literatuurstudie. Die suiwellande is Suid Afrika, Australië, Kanada, Nieu Zeeland, Verenigde Koninkryk en die Verenigde State van Amerika. Die suiwelaanbodkettings in hierdie lande bevind hulself op 'n wye spektrum van regeringsbeheer, byvoorbeeld Kanada se aanbodbestuurstelsel, Australië se gedereguleerde stelsel en die VSA se stelsel wat die groter mate van statutêre regulering verteenwoordig. Die ondersoek fokus op die wyse waarop die geselekteerde lande markmislukkings in hul onderskeie suiwelaanbodkettings aanspreek. Die ondersoek toon dat daardie suiwelaanbodkettings wat ingerig is om breër sosiale doelwitte soos billikheid te verreken, en dus wyer te fokus as bloot ekonomiese doeltreffendheid, meer suksesvol is om magskonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie te voorkom. Die wyse waarop die geselekteerde lande magskonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie hanteer word geevalueer in terme van die toepaslikheid daarvan vir die Suid-Afrikaanse suiwelaanbodketting. Teen hierdie agtergrond word aanbeveel dat afgewyk word van 'n streng navolging van die vrye mark beginsel om die probleem van markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie effektief aan te spreek. 'n Meer gereguleerde stelsel waarin verskeie belangegroepe se breër sosiale en omgewingsbewaring doelwitte in ag geneem word by strategie- en beleidformulering in die suiwelaanbodketting, word voorgestel.

An econometric approach to estimating the unit cost of procducing milk in the South African dairy industry

Mndeme, Shafii Hussein 12 1900 (has links)
MScAgric / ABSTRACT: Small dairy farms in South Africa are observed to have higher costs than larger farms, and whether those higher costs are due to technology or inefficiency has implications for policy. This research focused on finding the curve that best represents the relationship between average cost and level of output. That was done by relating average cost to actual output. However, it was found to be more appropriate to relate average cost to planned output on the basis that costs are more likely to reflect what the farmer expects output to be. As a result, a pragmatic two-step procedure was adopted. In the first step, the farmer’s planned output was determined by estimating a production function based on the farmer’s actual use of inputs, i.e., land, number of cows in the herd, labour, feed and veterinary costs. In the second step, the long-run average cost (LAC) curve was estimated where average cost is calculated as total cost divided by planned output and this is then related to the level of planned output. To identify the determinants of production cost thus the drivers of higher costs on small farms, the cost of milk production by farm size was decomposed into frontier and efficiency components with a stochastic cost curve and long run cost curve using data from dairy farms in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). Financial data of 37 farms for the period 1999 to 2007 were used in econometrics estimation of long run average cost curve (LAC) function for different level of production (as a proxy of planned output). Results show that average cost curves exhibiting variation in unit cost with output thus suggesting the existence of economies of size with larger farms being able to produce any given level of output at lower costs compared to their smaller counterparts. The study found that long-run average cost curve (LAC) for the sample of dairy farms is L-shaped rather than U-shaped.

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