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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinants of producers’ choice of wine grape cultivars in the South African wine industry

Musango, Josephine Kaviti 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin (Agricultural Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The wine industry is one of the oldest commercial activities in South Africa. The South African wine grape industry annually produces more than a million tonnes of grapes, making the country the ninth largest producer in the world. The total area under wine grape production is divided into eight regions for administrative purposes. These boundaries are a legacy of the era of controlled marketing and there is continued meaningfulness of having various classifications such as ‘wine of origin’ scheme. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that determine the producers’ choice of wine grape cultivars in the wine regions in South Africa. Time series data for the period 1990-2003 were used to estimate the parameters of linear regression models. Two equations for each wine grape cultivar in each region were postulated and estimated using Ordinary Least Squares as applied with Eviews. Further, a stepwise regression as applied in STATISTICA was used to eliminate the parameters that were not statistically significant at five percent significant level. In identifying the factors that determine the choice of wine grape cultivars in the regions, the results showed that each wine grape cultivar in each region has its own factors influencing the producers’ choice of that specific wine grape cultivar. Same wine grape cultivars in different regions similarly have its own factors determining the producers’ choice. The implication of this is that there are differences in terms of the requirements and types of crops and wine grape cultivars grown in each region. However, the most important result that emerged with regular frequency is that, the factors determining the producers’ choice of a specific wine grape cultivar for each region is price of other wine grape cultivars and competitive products in that wine region. The price of specific wine grape cultivars only had an influence on few wine grape cultivars. The implication is that the producers in South Africa appears to consider the prices of other wine grape cultivars and competitive products before making a choice of whether to plant or uproot a specific wine grape cultivar more than the price of the specific wine grape cultivar. This supports the theory that farm prices play a key role in allocating resources and in rewarding efficient producers.

Scenario development to support strategic planning in the south african table grape industry

Ntombela, Sifiso Mboneni 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Agricultural Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African table grape industry has evolved significantly in the last two decades. Ever improving supply chain technologies, post-harvest technology innovation, and more efficient production inputs have all stimulated the production of table grapes in all five South African production regions. While the industry in general is well developed, from the late 1990s the competitiveness status of the South African table grape industry has been negative as far as international competitiveness is rated. Prior to this, from 1961 to 1998, the industry had recorded positive trends in competitiveness. The recent decline, from as early as the 2000s, in the competitiveness of the industry can be attributed to rising competition from alternate Southern Hemisphere suppliers, increasing production costs and export costs, as well as inadequate market diversification. As a result of its negative competitiveness status, the table grape industry wants to diversify its export markets in order to improve and protect the industry‟s position in the global table grape markets. The objective of this study is to investigate the viability of specific export market diversification scenarios. The aim is to evaluate the potential impact on the table grape industry if export volumes were to be relocated from traditional to emerging markets, and the potential risk if the industry were to maintain the current market distribution. The study developed a deterministic farm-level model based on accounting principles as a tool for simulating and analysing the impact of changes in markets on the financial viability of farms under different scenarios. A scenario development process is adopted in this study as it offers the possibility of integrating various kinds of data in a consistent manner, and it can represent the views and expectations of several stakeholders simultaneously. Three scenarios were developed: (i) Scenario 1 presents the continuation of current market distributions (i.e. 85% of South African exports are marketed in Europe and another 15% are distributed to other global markets); (ii) Scenario 2A depicts a situation where export volumes are slowly redistributed to emerging markets; and (iii) Scenario 2B presents a situation where export volumes are rapidly redistributed to emerging markets. The targets for both Scenarios 2A and 2B are to market 60% of South African exports to Europe and 40% to other global markets. Scenarios 2A and 2B are driven by similar factors, including improving industry information, globalisation, increasing competition, and table grape prices An analysis of factors shaping the table grape export sector shows that the industry can no longer afford to send large export quantities predominantly to its traditional markets, due to increasing competition and diminishing market prices. Furthermore, the analysis shows that continuing with the current market diversification will have a negative impact on the industry, as farm returns, employment and farm units will decline under this scenario. The results suggest that the industry would be better off if export volumes were redistributed away from Europe to other markets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die laaste twee dekades het die Suid Afrikaanse Tafeldruif Industrie met rasse skrede vooruitgegaan. Dit kan grootliks toegeskryf word aan verbeterde tegnologiese ontwikkeling en innovasie in die voorsieningsketting en na-oes tegnologie arenas, asook aan meer doeltreffende produksie insette wat produksie toenames in al vyf die Suid Afrikaanse produksie areas gestimuleer het. Alhoewel die industrie relatief goed ontwikkeld was sedert sy ontstaan, was die kompeterende status daarvan meestal negatief sedert die 1990‟s, gemeet aan internasionale kompetisie. Daar was egter tussen 1961 en 1998 ook positiewe mededinging tendense. Die onlangse verlaagde vlakke van mededingendheid van die industrie (veral sedert die vroeë 2000‟s) kan toegeskryf word aan verhoogde kompetisie vanaf ander Suidelike Halfrond verskaffers, verhoogde produksie- en uitvoerkoste, asook aan onvoldoende mark diversifisering. As gevolg van die negatiewe mededingendheid status, wil die tafeldruif industrie sy uitvoer markte diversifiseer om te verseker dat die industrie sy posisie in die globale tafeldruif mark kan beskerm. Die doel van hierdie studie is dus om die lewensvatbaarheid van spesifieke uitvoer mark diversifisering scenario‟s te ondersoek. Daarmee saam is die potensiële impak op die industrie ook bepaal vir (a) „n hoë persentasie uitvoer volumes wat verskuif vanaf tradisionele markte na ontluikende market, of (b) wat die risiko sal wees indien die huidige markverspreiding vlakke behou word. Die studie ontwikkel „n deterministiese plaasvlak model, gebaseer op rekeningkundige beginsels, om as hulpmiddel te dien vir die simulering en analise van die impak van verandering van teikenmarkte op die fnansiële lewensvatbaarheid van plase onder verskillende omstandighede. „n Scenario intwikkelings proses word in hierdie studie aangeneem aangesien dit toelaat vir die integrasie van verskillende tipes data op „n eenvormige wyse, terwyl dit ook die sieninge en verwagtinge van verskeie rolspelers terselfdertyd kan verteenwoordig. Drie scenario‟s word ontwikkel naamlik (i) Scenario 1: Dit verteenwoordig die huidige mark verspreiding (85% van Suid Afrikaanse uitvoere word in Europa bemark terwyl 15% versprei word na ander globale markte); (ii) Scenario 2A: Hier word die situasie uitgebeeld indien uitvoer volumes stadig herverdeel word na ontluikende markte; en (iii) Scenario 2B: Hier word die situasie uitgebeeld indien uitvoer volumes vinnig herverdeel word na ontluikende markte. Die teikens vir beide Scenario 2A en 2B is om 60% van die Suid Afrikaanse uitvoere in Europa te bemark en 40% in ander globale markte. Beide scenario‟s word deur dieselfde faktore gestu wat onder andere verbeterde industrie inligting, globalisering, verhoogde kompetisie en produk pryse insluit. „n Ontleding van die vormende faktore van die tafeldruif uitvoer sektor toon dat die industrie nie langer kan bekostig om hoë uitvoer volumes na die tradisionele markte te stuur nie, as gevolg van sterker kompetisie en krimpende markpryse. Die ontleding toon ook verder dat, indien voortgegaan word met die huidige mark diversifiserings model, die industrie negatief beïnvloed sal word in terme van verlaagde plaas inkomste, werkverskaffing en die aantal boerdery eenhede. Die uitslae dui dus daarop dat die industrie beter daaraan toe sal wees indien die huidige uitvoer volumes herverdeel kan word na ander (nie-Europese) markte.

The comparative performance of selected agribusiness companies and cooperatives in the Western Cape, South Africa

Sikuka, Wellington 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Agricultural Economics) at Stellenbosch University / Thesis (MScAgric (Agricultural Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main objective of the research is to understand the concept of cooperative conversions and compare the performance of converted cooperatives to those that never converted using financial accounting analysis and organisational dynamism. Even though the differences were relatively small, companies had the strongest relative financial performance than cooperatives. Companies had the strongest performances in asset and revenue growth. Average revenue growth for companies from 2004 to 2007 was 29% as compared to 15% by cooperatives and asset growth was 25% for companies compared to 12.5% by cooperatives. Results further indicate that for the past two years, cooperatives seem to be reporting decreasing performance in most of the financial ratios analysed. Thus, based on results from the financial analysis, operating as a company or converting from a cooperative to a company could result in slight increases in financial performance. Rapid change presents various challenges and opportunities for businesses in today‘s dynamic environment. As a result, business dynamism is becoming an increasingly important aspect and factor in determining success. Based on a dynamism score card, the study shows that companies are by far much more dynamic than cooperatives, with a score of 83.75 compared to 62.33 out of 100 respectively. However, cooperatives compare relatively well to companies in as far as organisational strategy, management, organisational structure and culture. Their limitations come from their property rights framework which is by far less dynamic than that of companies owing to the limitations and constraints of the Cooperatives Act (Act 14 of 2005). The main shortcomings of cooperative property rights were that of not allowing external investors into the cooperative and the one member one vote principle for primary cooperatives or the 15% cap for secondary cooperatives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vernaamste doelwit van hierdie navorsing was om die konsep van koöperatiewe omsettings te verstaan en die prestasie van omsette koöperasies te vergelyk met dié wat nog nooit deur middel van finansiële rekeningkundige analise en organisatoriese dinamisme omgesit is nie. Hoewel die verskille relatief klein was, het maatskappye die sterkste relatiewe finansiële prestasie gehad in vergelyking met koöperasies. Maatskappye het ook die sterkste prestasie in bate- en inkomstegroei getoon. Gemiddelde inkomstegroei vir maatskappye vanaf 2004 tot 2007 was 29%, in vergelyking met 15% vir koöperasies, terwyl bategroei vir maatskappye 25% was in vergelyking met 12.5% vir koöperasies. Die resultate toon verder dat koöperasies oor die afgelope twee jaar verminderde prestasie blyk te rapporteer in die meerderheid van die finansiële verhoudings wat geanaliseer is. Dus, op grond van die resultate van die finansiële analise, sal funksionering as ‘n maatskappy of omsetting van ‘n koöperasie na ‘n maatskappy kan lei tot ‘n effense verhoging in finansiële prestasie. Snelle verandering bied verskeie uitdagings en geleenthede vir maatskappye in die huidige dinamiese omgewing. Gevolglik is sakedinamisme besig om ‘n toenemend belangrike aspek en faktor in die bepaling van sukses te word. Op die basis van ‘n dinamisme-telkaart het hierdie studie getoon dat maatskappye baie meer dinamies is as koöperasies, met ‗n telling van 83.75 in vergelyking met 62.33 uit 100 onderskeidelik. Koöperasies vergelyk egter relatief goed met maatskappye in soverre dit organisatoriese strategie, bestuur, organisatoriese struktuur en kultuur behels. Hulle beperkings kom van hulle eiendomsregraamwerk, wat baie minder dinamies is as dié van maatskappye op grond van die beperkings van die Wet op Koöperasies (Wet 14 van 2005). Die vernaamste tekorte van koöperatiewe eiendomsregte is dat hulle nie eksterne beleggers in die koöperasie toelaat nie en die beginsel van een lid, een stem vir primêre koöperasies of die 15% perk op sekondêre koöperasies.

Koste besparende produksiepraktyke vir kleingraanproduksiestelsels in die Suid-Kaap

Van Eeden, F.J. (Frederick Jacobus) January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.Agric.)--StellenboschUniversity, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The protection that agriculture in South Africa enjoyed under the Marketing Act was terminated in 1996 when the controlled marketing of agricultural products was abolished. The grain industry and individual winter-grain producers in the Western Cape is now compelled to be competitive internationally. The ability of local producers to compete effectively can be improved by increased yields, a reduction in production costs, higher import levies, import control and the weakening in the exchange rate of the rand. This investigation focuses on strategies aimed at reducing production costs as a means of improving competitiveness. The field of this study is the winter-grain producing sub-regions of the Southern Cape which are severly affected by the deteriorating situation. In the course of this investigation typical farming units were identified that can be regarded as representative of farming activities in the specific sub-regions of the Southern Cape. Existing literature as well as the opinions of authorities (group of experts) on the subject were used as sources of information in the study of cost-saving methods of production. The emphasis was therefore on the identification and evaluation of appropriate alternative production practices. The practice of minimum tillage with accomanying reduced input costs proved to have merit. The current situation was evaluated with the assistance of a group of experts and possible alternative practices were discussed. A financial cost-benefit analysis was used to compare the current production practices with practices proposed in this study in order to ascertain its feasibility. Directives are offered to producers in order to reduce the production costs and thereby become more cost-effective. Based on the results of the case studies in the different sub-regions the conclusion was reached that the suggested alternative practices can result in a reduction in production costs and thereby make a marked contribution towards the ability of winter-grain farmers in the Southern Cape to improve their competitive position. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die deregulering van die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou in 1996, is aile beskerming vanaf beheerrade aan produsente geskrap. Die graanbedryf in die Wes-Kaap is nou onder groot druk om meer mededingend te wees teenoor internasionale produsente en elke individuele produsent moet dus poog om so mededingend as moontlik te wees. Die mededingende posisie van plaaslike produsente kan verbeter word deur, onder andere, 'n verhoging in die eenheidsopbrengs, 'n verswakkende wisselkoerswaarde van die Rand, invoertariewe en -kwotas en deur die verlaging van insetkoste. Hierdie ondersoek fokus op strategiee gemik op die verlaging van insetkostes ten einde mededingendheid te verbeter. Die kleingraanproduserende sub-streke van die Suid-Kaap, wat ook deur hierdie verswakkende mededingendheid-situasie geraak word, dien as ondersoekgebied vir hierdie studie. In die ondersoek is daar gefokus op die identifisering van tipiese boerdery-eenhede wat as verteenwoordigend beskou kan word van die boerderybedrywighede in die ge'identifiseerde sub-streke van die Suid-Kaap. Bestaande literatuur en menings van bedryfskenners is gebruik as inligtingsbronne vir die ondersoek na koste-besparende produksiemetodes. Die klem val dus op die identifikasie en evaluasie van toepaslike alternatiewe produksiepraktyke. Die praktyk van verminderde bewerking met die gepaardgaande verlaagde bewerkings- en ander insetkoste het veral op die voorgrond getree. Die gedetailleerde ontleding van die produksiepraktyke en gepaardgaande winsgewendheid van die huidige situasiesketse van die verskillende gevallestudies dien as vertrekpunt vir die ontledings. Deur gebruik te maak van 'n groep bedryfskenners (ekspertgroep) word die huidige situasie beoordeel en moontlike alternatiewe praktyke wat gevolg kan word, word bespreek en beoordeel. Die huidige produksiepraktyke word vergelyk met die voorgestelde verbeterde produksiepraktyke met behulp van 'n tinansiele voordeel-koste ontleding ten einde die haalbaarheid daarvan te evalueer. Daar word in hierdie ondersoek dus riglyne aan produsente verskaf waarvolgens te werk gegaan kan word ten einde hul mededingende posisie deur middel van koste-besparende produksiemetodes te verbeter. Vanuit die evaluering van die gekose gevallestudies in die verskillende sub-streke is dit duidelik dat die alternatiewe praktyke, soos voorgestel deur die bedryfskenners, kan lei tot 'n verlaging van insetkoste en dus tot 'n verhoging in die mededingendheid van die Suid-Kaapse kleingraanprodusent.

Opportunities, obstacles, and implications for ethical trade in the South African wine industry

Brown, Mary Ashby 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research paper attempts to elucidate the main issues surrounding the integration of ethical trade, meaning the building, monitoring, and communicating of social and/or environmental responsibility, within the South African wine industry. The author first establishes the hypothesis that social and/or environmental responsibility is important to the South African wine industry, as this investment could theoretically provide the industry with a competitive advantage in an increasingly cutthroat international wine market by addressing the industry's most outstanding defects: the lack of quality production, the need for investment in natural resources (labour and the environment), as well as the call for building brand equity and niche marketing strategies. Put differently, this paper suggests that the investment in social and/or environmental responsibility could offer cost-saving benefits to the industry as well as paving a road to international market access. This research first gives a background of ethical trade and determines a picture of the current situation of the South African wine industry, and lastly, given this information, derives the key opportunities, obstacles, and implications of the potential amalgamation of ethical trade in the industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die belangrikste probleme rondom die integrering van etiese handel, waarby bedoel word die bou, monitering en kommunikering van sosiale en/of omgewingsverantwoordelike produksie, binne die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf, toe te lig. Eers word die belangrikheid van etiese handel vir die bedryf vasgestel, en word redeneer dat sodanige belegging teoreties aan die bedryf 'n mededingende voordeel in die internasionale mark kan bied deur aandag te gee aan sekerlik die belangrikste tekortkominge in die Suid-Afrikaanse bedryf. Dit sluit in die gebrek aan genoegsame kwaliteit-produksie, die behoefte aan belegging in kritiese hulpbronne, naamlik mense en die omgewing, asook 'n wekroep vir belegging in handelsmerke en niche-strategieë. Anders gestel, word die voorstel gemaak dat sulke beleggings tot voordeel van die bedryf kan wees deur dat dit koste-besparings en verbeterde toegang tot die internasionale mark teweeg kan bring. Daarom word die begrip etiese handel eers toegelig, gevolg deur 'n strategiese ontleding van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedryf. Gegewe hierdie inligting, word die sleutel geleenthede, beperkinge, en implikasies van die aanvaarding van etiese handel dan ontleed.

Transaction cost as a basis for deciding on marketing channels in the rural meat markets of the northern communal areas of Namibia

De Bruyn, Pietersarel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Transaction cost economics has travelled a difficult and long path to general acceptance in current economic opinion. The general theory of transaction cost has however developed in various paradigms with little or no empirical backing. It is mostly the difficulty of measurement that caused economists to shy away from empirical testing and rather, to quote Coase (1992), "to write in prose". The last 10 years there has been a renewed thrust for the empirical measurement of transaction cost. This study is an attempt to measure transaction cost by using case study data gathered in the run of the NOLIDEP study in the meat markets of the Northern Communal areas of Namibia. Until recently the method of data analysis that has been used in most empirical studies was variations of the regression technique. Regression as a tool is most useful in economics, giving quick answers and general trends to the researcher. It is however a technique that is linear in nature and therefore some information in the data will always be sacrificed. In general- and multi industry surveys this do not pose a great problem as general trends can usefully be applied in making policy recommendations. In smaller and especially rural industries this is not the case. The dynamic interactions within the industry and its dynamic linkages with the rest of the economy will surely be underrated when using a linear method. Consequently, a non-linear technique was applied in this study - the Non-linear Dynamic Model. This model gave the interactions between all variables enabling one to describe the dynamics of the market. As mentioned elsewhere the first aim of this study was to measure transaction cost so that the second aim could be fulfilled. The second aim of this study was to prove that transaction cost has an important influence on marketing channel decision. The analysis of the data satisfied the above two aims: Firstly it showed that it was possible to measure transaction cost. Secondly that transaction cost has a large and sometimes overriding influence on marketing channel decisions. A third and last point that became apparent was that a non-linear method of data analysis allows for better description of a dynamic market. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit het 'n lang tyd gevat vir transaksie koste om as konsep in ekonomie aanvaar te word. Die algemene teorie van transaksie koste het egter ontwikkel binne verskeie paradigmas sonder werklike empiriese ondersteuning. Dit is meestal die meting van transaksie koste wat empiriese werk in die rigting belemmer het. Daar is egter in die laaste 10 jaar hernude pogings gewees om transaksie koste empiries te meet. Hierdie studie is 'n poging om transaksie koste te meet deur gebruik te maak van data wat verkry is gedurende die NOLIDEP studie in die noordelike kommunale gebiede van Namibia. Tot onlangs was die metode van data analise vir empiriese studies variasies op die regressie tegniek. As 'n hulpmiddel is regressie baie bruikbaar in ekonomie waar vinnige antwoorde en algemene tendense verwag word. Die tegniek is egter inhirent liniêr en daarom sal daar altyd interpretasies rondom data opgeoffer word. In algemene studies is dit egter nie 'n probleem nie en kan voldoende beleids aanbevelings gedoen word. Dit is egter nie die geval in kleiner en plantelandse industriëe nie. Die dinamiese interaksies binne die industrie en die dinamiese skakels met die res van die ekonomie word dan onderskat met die gebruik van 'n liniêre metode. Daarom is 'n nie-liniêre metode gebruik, die Non-linear Dynamic Model. Die model neem die interaksie tussen veranderlikes in ag wat die beskrywing van dinamika moontlik maak. Soos reeds genoem is die eerste doel van die studie om transaksie koste te meet sodat die tweede doelwit van die studie bereik kan word. Die tweede doel is om te bewys dat transaksie koste bemarkingskanaai besluite bëinvloed. Die data analise het beide bogenoemde doelwitte bevredig. Eerstens dat transaksie koste meetbaar is. Tweedens dat transaksie koste 'n groot en selfs oorweldigende effek het op bemarkingskanaai besluite. 'n Derde punt wat sterk na vore gekom het is dat nie-liniêre metodes 'n beter beskrywing van dinamika toelaat.

A financial cost-benefit analysis of the implementation of a small-camp system in ostrich farming to allow veld restoration

Mugido, Worship 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Agricultural Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Before the ostrich industry started in the Klein Karoo region of South Africa in 1863, the veld was used mainly for large and small stock production. Returns per hectare (ha) from large and small stock production are low due to the low carrying capacity of the veld in this region. However, when the veld is utilised predominantly to provide space for breeding ostriches sustained mainly by lucerne-based feed supplements, the limited-feed production capacity no longer determines the long-term stocking rate. The returns, per ha, from ostrich production can therefore be much higher than from sheep, goats and cattle. This has resulted in high ostrich stocking rates, which in turn, has caused degradation to most of the veld to a greater or lesser extent. Driven by a personal conviction to manage the veld sustainably, as well as by a fear of environmental damage connotations for ostrich leather products, which could restrict market access, ostrich farmers in the Klein Karoo, represented by the South African Ostrich Business Chamber (SAOBC), increasingly place an emphasis on veld restoration. The various phases of ostrich production are breeding and hatching eggs to produce day-old chicks, rearing chicks, raising birds, and the final phase of weight addition to slaughter. The phase that is considered in this study is the production of day-old chicks. There are two systems that can be used for producing day-old ostrich chicks, namely, the flock breeding system and the small-camp system. Shifting from the flock breeding system to the smallcamp system will enable the farmer to practice genetic selection. This switch from the flock breeding system to the small-camp system requires the farmer to invest in fencing material. The SAOBC requested a study to determine whether the expected private benefits from moving breeding ostriches to small camps in order to free up the large veld camps for veld restoration would justify investing in these small camps. If this investment is not financially justified, the veld restoration will have to be financed via payment for ecosystem services. Both passive and active veld restoration techniques are considered in this study. Passive restoration requires the farmer to invest in fencing material needed for the erection of the small camps. Active restoration requires the farmer to invest not only in fencing material, but also in soil manipulation and seeding. The main aim of this study is to find out if the private (financial) benefits from the switch to small camps can compensate for fencing costs, without the cost of active restoration, or if the switch to small camps can compensate for fencing costs with the cost of active restoration. Typical farm models were developed for this purpose, and the results showed that the private benefits compensate for the investment cost of fencing material used for passive restoration as well as for restoration of 10% of the veld that is heavily degraded. When the full cost of active restoration of the moderately degraded veld (30%) was added, the private benefits could not compensate for the full restoration cost. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voordat die volstruisbedryf in 1863 in die Klein Karoo ontstaan het, is die veld hoofsaaklik gebruik vir groot- en kleinveeproduksie. Die wins per hektaar van groot- en kleinvee produksie in hierdie streek is laag weens die lae drakrag van veld. Wanneer die veld egter primêr aangewend word vir ruimte vir volstruise wat met lusern gebaseerde rantsoene gevoer word, bepaal die natuurlike drakrag nie meer die belading met volstruise oor die langer termyn nie. Die wins per hektaar uit volstruisboerdery kan dus veel hoër wees as wat met skape, bokke of beeste gegenereer kan word. Dit het hoë belading met volstruise tot gevolg gehad wat vernieling van meeste van die veld tot gevolg gehad het. Gedryf deur persoonlike oortuiging om die veld volhoubaar te benut, sowel as deur vrees dat die vernielde veld die beeld van die volstruisbedryf mag skaad en internasionle marktoegang mag belemmer, het volstruisprodusente in die Klein Karoo, verteenwoordig deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Volstruisbesigheidskamer (SAVBK), toenemend klem begin plaas op veldrestorasie. Die verskillende fases van volstruisproduksie sluit in teling en uitbroei van eiers om dagoud kuikens te lewer, kuikens grootmaak, voëls grootmaak en massa toename tot by slag. Die verskillende fases word dikwels deur verskillende produsente behartig. Die fase waarop in hierdie ondersoek gefokus word is die produksie van dagoud kuikens. Daar bestaan twee stelsels vir die produksie van dagoud kuikens, naamlik tropparing en die kleinkamp stelsel. Die oorskakeling van tropparing na die kleinkamp stelsel stel die produsent in staat om genetiese seleksie toe te pas, maar dit verg investering in omheiningsmateriaal. Die SAVBK het ‘n ondersoek aangevra om te bepaal of die verwagte privaat voordele wat verkry kan word uit die oorskakeling na die kleinkamp stelsel om veldrestorasie moontlik te maak, die investering in die kleinkampe sal regverdig. Indien die investering nie finansieel geregverdig kan word nie, sal verder gekyk moet word na finansiering vanuit betaling vir ekostelsel dienste wat moontlik bevorder kan word deur die veldrestorasie. Die koste van beide passiewe en aktiewe veldrestorasie tegnieke word in hierdie ondersoek gedek. Passiewe restorasie vereis alleen van die produsent om te investeer in omheiningsmateriaal vir kleinkampe. Aktiewe restorasie vereis investering in omheiningsmateriaal vir kleinkampe en betaling vir grondmanipulasie en saad vir die hervestiging van plante. Die doel van die ondersoek is om te bepaal of die privaat (finansiële) voordele van die oorskakeling na kleinkampe kan kompenseer vir die investering in omheiningsmateriaal met aktiewe veldrestorasie en sonder aktiewe veldrestorasie (dus passiewe restorasie). Tipiese plaasmodelle is hiervoor ontwikkel. Die resultate toon dat die privaat voordele wel kan kompenseer vir die omheiningskoste van kleinkampe benodig vir passiewe restorasie en vir aktiewe restorasie van 10% van die veld wat die meeste verniel is. Wanneer die koste van restorasie van 30% van die veld wat matig verniel is, bygevoeg word, is die privaat voordele ontoereikend om die totale restorasiekoste te dek.

Estimating the economic rate of return to research in the South African deciduous fruit industry

Carter, Jonathan Edward David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historically, commercial agricultural research in South Africa has been state supported, but due to recent political changes in South Africa this is changing. The political transition has been accompanied by changing economic policies, causing a tightening of public funds allocated to agricultural research. In 1992 the Agricultural Research Council was formed, primarily to enable greater industry involvement in research as a result of the expected long term budget cuts in publicly funded research. As a result there has been an increased recognition of the need to evaluate research in terms of the economic returns to investment so that decision makers have hard evidence on which to prioritize their investments. This study employs the well known production function approach to evaluate the economic benefits of publicly funded research in the South African deciduous fruit industry. In reporting the results of the research the study proceeds from an overview of the deciduous fruit industry, as well as an analysis of the structure of deciduous fruit research in South Africa. This is followed by a description of the economics of research expenditure, a description of ex post methods of evaluating the economic benefits of research, and the manner in which the data for the analysis was collected. The analysis suggests there is a statistically significant relationship between research and development and industry output as well as industry prices and output. However the results should be interpreted with care, and more effort should be made to ensure that required data are gathered. Nevertheless, the results show that increased research expenditure m the industry is justified. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Histories gesien is kommersiele landbou-navorsing in Suid Afrika deur die owerheid ondersteun, maar as gevolg van die onlangse politieke veranderinge in Suid Afrika is hierdie toedrag van sake besig om te verander. Die politieke oorgang in die land het gepaard gegaan met 'n verandering in ekonomiese beleid, wat 'n inkorting van owerheidsbefondsing aan die Landbounavorsingsraad meegebring het. Hierdie Raad is in 1992 gestig, met die primere doe! om grater privaatsektor betrokkenheid in navorsing vanuit die betrokke sektor te verseker, as gevolg van die verwagte onttrekking van owerheidsteun. As gevolg hiervan, is daar nou 'n toenemende erkenning aan die behoefte om navorsingsprojekte te evalueer in terme van die ekonomiese opbrengs op sulke investering, sodat besluitnemers geldige bewyse het waarvolgens bestedingsprioriteite gemaak kan word. Hierdie studie gebruik die bekende produksie-funksie benadering om die ekonomiese voordele van navorsing in die Suid-Afrikaanse sagtevrugte bedryf te evalueer. Die studie begin met 'n oorsig oor die sagtevrugtebedryf, insluitend 'n analise van die navorsingstruktuur wat tans heers. Bogenoemde word gevolg deur 'n beskrywing van die bestaande ex post metodes om ekonomiese voordele van navorsing te evalueer, sowel as die wyse waarop die data vir die analiese ingesamel is. Die resultate wys dat daar 'n beduidende statiese verhouding is tussen besteding op navorsing en pryse en die opbrengs behaal deur produsente in die bedryf Hierdie resultate moet egter met sorg gelnterpreteer word, en meer moeite moet gedoen word om te verseker dat die nodige data ingesamel word. Nietemin toon die resultate dat verhoogde navorsingsbesteding in die bedryf geregverdig is

An econometric analysis of the economic and environmental efficiency of dairy farms in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands

Mkhabela, Thulasizwe 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric) (Agricultural Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is an analysis of dairy production in the Midlands district of KwaZulu-Natal. The analysis of agricultural production generally ignores undesirable outputs that are produced alongside desirable outputs. This research attempted to integrate a model of nitrate leaching from dairy production into a multiple input/output representation of the production technology, together with the analysis of technical efficiency. Estimation of both technical efficiency and environmental efficiency were done following the parametric econometric stochastic frontier (SFA) and the nonparametric mathematical programming data envelopment analysis (DEA) approaches. The study used unbalanced panel data from 37 individual highly specialized dairy farms for the period 2000 to 2007 and totals to 2130 observations. Production functions for the three outputs; milk, animals and farm produced feed, were fitted as a simultaneous system to model the farms’ production activities for the econometric SFA estimation of technical efficiency. A single equation reduced form was fitted as a frontier to allow for the estimation of the relative efficiencies of the individual farms. The results showed that with data this detailed it was possible to refine the model until it fits very tightly. Indeed, in the gross output model that includes cows, there was nothing left to call inefficiency and what was clearly a frontier becomes a mean response function. Technical efficiency was further calculated using the nonparametric DEA approach using the same dataset. The estimation of environmental efficiency was done using both SFA and DEA approaches. Undesirable emissions of nitrate were represented within the models by calculating nitrogen surplus (kg/ha) for each farm. This nitrogen surplus value was based on the intensity of the use of nitrogen containing inputs and the nitrogen content of marketable products specific information and from farm data which were used to calculate a farm nitrogen balance. The stochastic estimation of environmental efficiency used the same data that were used for the estimation of technical efficiency. However, for the DEA calculation of environmental efficiency, a balanced cross-section dataset for 34 farms participating in a pasture-utilization programme was used. This dataset was used because it had quantities of nitrogen fertilizer and other nitrogen containing inputs. Results indicate that there was minimal “over-usage” (over production) of milk thus reducing milk output alone will not lead to improved environmental efficiency. Farm size, herd size, and quantity of nitrogen fertilizer applied, present the best scope of reducing nitrogen surplus thus improving environmental efficiency of the dairy farms. Reducing imported feed by relying more on home grown feed can also help reduce nitrogen surplus. This is feasible because dairy farmers in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands can produce most of the feed on farm. In summary, to obtain environmental efficiency milk production would have to be reduced by 80 litres per hectare; farm size by 73.69 ha; herd size by 33 cows, nitrogen fertilizer application by 74.3 kilograms per hectare; and imported feed by 13.4 kilograms of dry matter per hectare. The adjustments that would be required if environmentally inefficient farms were to adopt best practice technology and move towards their environmental production frontiers indicate that the production of pollutants (nitrogen surplus) could be reduced at negligible cost to milk production. The positive correlation between technical and environmental efficiencies indicates that improving environmental efficiency could be associated with improvements in technical efficiency. Thus, policies aimed at improving both efficiencies could have substantial rewards. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word suiwelproduksie in die Middellande van KwaZulu-Natal van nader beskou. Met die ontleding van landbouproduksie, word ongewenste uitsette wat saam met gewenste uitsette geproduseer word, gewoonlik oor die hoof gesien. Hierdie navorsing poog om ’n model van nitraatvrylating uit suiwelproduksie in ’n veelvuldige inset/uitset verteenwoordiging van die produksietegnologie, te integreer by die analise van tegniese doeltreffendheid. In opvolging van die benaderings tot die parametriese ekonometriese stogastiese front (SFA) en die omvattingsanalise ten opsigte van die nie-parametriese matematiese programmeringsdata, is beramings van sowel tegniese as omgewings doeltreffendheid gedoen. In die studie is gebruik gemaak van paneeldata van 37 individuele hoogs gespesialiseerde melkplase vir die tydperk 2000 tot 2007, wat altesaam 2130 waarnemings beloop. Produksiewerksaamhede vir die drie uitsette; melkproduksie en diere- en plaasgeproduseerde voer, is as ’n gelyklopende stelsel ingepas om die plase se produksiewerksaamhede vir die ekonometriese SFA-beramings van tegniese doeltreffendheid weer te gee. ’n Enkele vorm om gelykmaking te verminder is daargestel as ’n front vir die beraming van die relatiewe doeltreffendhede van die individuele plase. Die resultate het bewys dat data van hierdie omvang dit moontlik maak om die model sodanig te verfyn dat dit net-net inpas. By die bruto uitset-model waarby koeie ingesluit is, was daar inderdaad niks wat op ondoeltreffendheid gedui het nie en wat eers ’n duidelike front was, het ’n betekenisvolle responsfunksie geword. Voorts is tegniese doeltreffendheid bereken deur aanwending van die nie-parametriese DEAbenadering, deur gebruik te maak van dieselfde datastel. Die beraming van omgewingsdoeltreffendheid is gedoen deur gebruikmaking van sowel SFA- as DEA-benaderings. Ongewenste nitraatvrylatings is in die modelle gevind deur die stikstofsurplus vir elke plaas te bereken (kg/ha) Die waarde van hierdie stikstofsurplus is gebaseer op die intensiteit van die gebruik van stikstofbevattende insette en bepaalde inligting oor die stikstof-inhoud van bemarkbare produkte, sowel as van plaas data, wat gebruik is om ’n stikstofbalans vir die plaas te bereken. Dieselfde data wat aangewend is vir die beraming van tegniese doeltreffendheid, is gebruik om die stogastiese beraming van omgewingsdoeltreffendheid te bepaal. Vir die DEA-berekening van omgewingsxii doeltreffendheid, is egter ’n gebalanseerde kruisseksie datastel gebruik vir 34 plase wat aan ’n weidingsbenuttings-program deelgeneem het. Die bepaalde datastel is gebruik omdat dit dosisse stikstofbemestingstof en ander stikstofbevattende insette bevat het. Resultate het op minimale “oorgebruik” (oorproduksie) van melk gedui en daarom sal die vermindering van slegs die melkuitset nie lei tot verbeterde omgewingsdoeltreffendheid nie. Plaasgrootte, kuddegrootte en die dosis stikstof wat toegedien is, verskaf die beste beeld van verminderde stikstofsurplus, wat dus tot verbeterde omgewingsdoeltreffendheid op melkplase lei. Die vermindering van ingevoerde voer deur meer op plaasgeproduseerde voer staat te maak, kan ook meewerk om stikstofsurplus te laat daal. Dit kan gedoen word omdat melkboere in die Middellande van KwaZulu-Natal die meeste van die voer op die plaas kan produseer. Ter samevatting kan gesê word dat om omgewingsdoeltreffendheid te bereik moet melkproduksie met 80 liter per hektaar verminder word, plaasgrootte met 73.69 ha, kuddegrootte met 33 koeie, stikstofbemestingtoediening met 74.3 kilogram per hektaar en ingevoerde voer met 13.4 kilogram droë materiaal per hektaar. Die aanpassings wat nodig sal wees indien omgewingsdoeltreffende plase beste praktyk-tegnologie sou aanvaar en sou aanbeweeg na hulle omgewingsproduksiefronte, dui daarop dat die produksie van besoedelende stowwe (stikstofsurplus) verminder kan word teen geringe koste aan melkproduksie. Die positiewe verband tussen tegniese en omgewingsdoeltreffendhede, dui daarop dat die verbetering van omgewingsdoeltreffendheid, in verband gebring kan word met verbeterings in tegniese doeltreffendheid. Beleid wat op verbetering van beide doeltreffendhede gemik is, kan daarom aanmerklike voordele inhou.

The economic contribution of home production for home consumption in South African agriculture

Gilimani, Benedict Mandlenkosi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Agricultural Economics)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This study discusses the importance of home production for home consumption (HPHC) and its economic contribution to South African Agriculture. The Income and Expenditure survey 2000 (IES 2000) dataset is used to draw conclusions in this study. IES 2000 contains a section on HPHC. HPHC aims to capture information on the quantities and values of home produce consumed and sold to the market. Home production often forms an important part of the livelihood strategies of rural households in developing countries. The study focuses on rural ...

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