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Analytic models of TCP performanceKassa, Debassey Fesehaye 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The majority of tra c on the Internet uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as a
transport layer protocol for the end-to-end control of information transfer. Measurement,
simulation and analytical models are the techniques and tools that can be used to understand
and investigate the Internet and its performance. Measurements can only be used to explore
existing network scenario or otherwise become costly and in
exible with the growth and
complexity of the Internet. Simulation models do not scale with the growth of network
capacities and the number of users. Computationally e cient analytical models are therefore
important tools for investigating, designing, dimensioning and planning IP (Internet Protocol)
Existing analytical models of TCP performance are either too simple to capture the internal
dynamics of TCP or are too complex to be used to analyze realistic network topologies with
several bottleneck links. The literature shows that the xed point algorithm (FPA) is a very
useful way of solving analytical models of Internet performance. This thesis presents fast and
accurate analytical models of TCP performance with the FPA used to solve them.
Apart from what is observed in experimental literature, no comprehensive proof of the convergence
and uniqueness of the FPA is given. In this thesis we show how the FPA of analytical
models of reliable Internet protocols such as TCP converges to a unique xed point. The
thesis speci es the conditions necessary in order to use the FPA for solving analytical models
of reliable Internet protocols. We also develop a general implementation algorithm of the
FPA of analytical models of TCP performance for realistic and arbitrary network topologies
involving heterogenous TCP connections crossing many bottleneck links.
The models presented in this thesis give Internet performance metrics, assuming that only
basic network parameters such as the network topology, the number of TCP connections, link
capacity, distance between network nodes and router bu er sizes are known. To obtain the
performance metrics, TCP and network sub{models are used. A closed network of :=G=1
queues is used to develop each TCP sub-model where each queue represents a state of a TCP
connection. An M=M=1=K queue is used for each network sub{model which represents the
output interface of an IP router with a bu er capacity of K ��������1 packets. The two sub-models
are iteratively solved. We also give closed form expressions for important TCP performance values and distributions.
We show how the geometric, bounded geometric and truncated geometric distributions can
be used to model reliable protocols such as TCP. We give models of the congestion window
cwnd size distribution by conditioning on the slow start threshold ssthresh distribution and
vice-versa. We also present models of the probabilities of TCP timeout and triple duplicate
ACK receptions.
Numerical results based on comparisons against ns2 simulations show that our models are
more accurate, simpler and computationally more e cient than another well known TCP
model. Our models can therefore be used to rapidly analyze network topologies with several
bottlenecks and obtain detailed performance metrics. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meerderheid van die verkeer op die Internet gebruik die Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) as `n vervoer laag protokol vir die einde-tot-einde kontrole van inligting oordrag.
Meting, simulasie en analitiese modelle is die tegnieke en gereedskap wat gebruik kan word om
die Internet te ondersoek en verstaan. Meting kan slegs gebruik word om bestaande netwerke
scenarios te verken. Meting is duur en onbuigsaam met die groei en samegesteldheid van
die Internet. Simulasie modelle skaal nie met die groei van netwerk kapasiteit en gebruikers
nie. Analitiese modelle wat berekening e ektief is is dus nodige gereedskap vir die ondersoek,
ontwerp, afmeting en beplanning van IP (Internet Protocol) netwerke.
Bestaande analitiese TCP modelle is of te eenvoudig om die interne dinamiek van die TCP
saam te vat of hulle is te ingewikkeld om realistiese netwerk topologie met heelwat bottelnek
skakels te analiseer. Literatuur toon dat die xed point algorithm (FPA) baie handig is vir die
oplos van analitiese modelle van Internet verrigting. In hierdie tesis word vinnige en akkurate
analitiese modelle van TCP verrigting opgelos deur FPA weergegee.
Buiten wat deur eksperimentele literatuur aangedui word is daar geen omvattende bewyse
van die konvergensie en uniekheid van die FPA nie. In hierdie tesis word aangedui hoe die
FPA van analitiese modelle van betroubare Internet protokolle soos die TCP konvergeer na
`n unieke vaste punt. Hierdie tesis spesi seer die voorwaardes benodig om die FPA te gebruik
vir die oplos van analitiese modelle van realistiese Internet protokolle. `n Algemene uitvoer
algoritme van die FPA van analitiese modelle van TCP vir realistiese en arbitr^ere netwerk
topogra e insluitende heterogene TCP konneksies oor baie bottelnek skakels is ontwikkel.
Die model in hierdie tesis gee Internet verrigting metodes met die aanname dat slegs basiese
netwerk parameters soos netwerk topologie, die aantal TCP konneksies, die konneksie kapasiteit,
afstand tussen netwerk nodusse en die roete bu er grotes bekend is. Om die verrigting
metodes te verkry, word TCP en netwerk sub-modelle gebruik. `n Geslote netwerk van :=G=1
rye is gebruik om elke TCP sub-model, waar elke ry 'n toestand van `n TCP konneksie voorstel,
te ontwikkel. `n M=M=1=K ry is gebruik vir elke netwerk sub-model wat die uitset
koppelvlak van `n IP roetemaker met `n bu er kapasiteit van K ������� 1 pakkies voorstel. Die
twee submodelle word iteratief opgelos.
Geslote vorm uitdrukkings vir belangrike TCP verrigting waardes en verspreidings word gegee.
Daar word getoon hoe geometriese, begrensde geometriese en geknotte geometriese verspreidings
gebruik kan word om betroubare protokolle soos die TCP te modelleer. Modelle van
die kongestie venster cwnd grootte verspreiding word gegee deur die kondisionering van die stadige aanvang drempel ssthresh verspreiding en andersom. Modelle van die voorspelling van
TCP tyduit en trippel duplikaat ACK resepsie word weergegee.
Numeriese resultate gebaseer op vergelykings met ns2 simulasies wys dat ons modelle meer
akkuraat, eenvoudiger en berekeningsgewys meer e ektief is as ander wel bekende TCP modelle.
Ons modelle kan dus gebruik word vir vinnig analise van netwerk topologie met verskeie
bottelnekke en om gedetailleerde verrigting metodes te bekom.
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Modeling online social networks using Quasi-clique communitiesBotha, Leendert W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With billions of current internet users interacting through social networks, the need
has arisen to analyze the structure of these networks. Many authors have proposed
random graph models for social networks in an attempt to understand and reproduce
the dynamics that govern social network development.
This thesis proposes a random graph model that generates social networks using
a community-based approach, in which users’ affiliations to communities are explicitly
modeled and then translated into a social network. Our approach explicitly
models the tendency of communities to overlap, and also proposes a method for
determining the probability of two users being connected based on their levels of
commitment to the communities they both belong to. Previous community-based
models do not incorporate community overlap, and assume mutual members of
any community are automatically connected.
We provide a method for fitting our model to real-world social networks and demonstrate
the effectiveness of our approach in reproducing real-world social network
characteristics by investigating its fit on two data sets of current online social networks.
The results verify that our proposed model is promising: it is the first
community-based model that can accurately reproduce a variety of important social
network characteristics, namely average separation, clustering, degree distribution,
transitivity and network densification, simultaneously. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met biljoene huidige internet-gebruikers wat deesdae met behulp van aanlyn sosiale
netwerke kommunikeer, het die analise van hierdie netwerke in die navorsingsgemeenskap
toegeneem. Navorsers het al verskeie toevalsgrafiekmodelle vir sosiale
netwerke voorgestel in ’n poging om die dinamika van die ontwikkeling van dié
netwerke beter te verstaan en te dupliseer.
In hierdie tesis word ’n nuwe toevalsgrafiekmodel vir sosiale netwerke voorgestel
wat ’n gemeenskapsgebaseerde benadering volg, deurdat gebruikers se verbintenisse
aan gemeenskappe eksplisiet gemodelleer word, en dié gemeenskapsmodel
dan in ’n sosiale netwerk omskep word. Ons metode modelleer uitdruklik die
geneigdheid van gemeenskappe om te oorvleuel, en verskaf ’n metode waardeur
die waarskynlikheid van vriendskap tussen twee gebruikers bepaal kan word, op
grond van hulle toewyding aan hulle wedersydse gemeenskappe. Vorige modelle
inkorporeer nie gemeenskapsoorvleueling nie, en aanvaar ook dat alle lede van
dieselfde gemeenskap vriende sal wees.
Ons verskaf ’n metode om ons model se parameters te pas op sosiale netwerk
datastelle en vertoon die vermoë van ons model om eienskappe van sosiale netwerke
te dupliseer. Die resultate van ons model lyk belowend: dit is die eerste gemeenskapsgebaseerde
model wat gelyktydig ’n belangrike verskeidenheid van sosiale
netwerk eienskappe, naamlik gemiddelde skeidingsafstand, samedromming, graadverdeling,
transitiwiteit en netwerksverdigting, akkuraat kan weerspieël.
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Parallel likelihood calculations for phylogenetic treesHayward, Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Phylogenetic analysis is the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms.
To this end, phylogenetic trees, or evolutionary trees, are used to
depict the evolutionary relationships between organisms as reconstructed from
DNA sequence data. The likelihood of a given tree is commonly calculated
for many purposes including inferring phylogenies, sampling from the space of
likely trees and inferring other parameters governing the evolutionary process.
This is done using Felsenstein’s algorithm, a widely implemented dynamic
programming approach that reduces the computational complexity from exponential
to linear in the number of taxa. However, with the advent of efficient
modern sequencing techniques the size of data sets are rapidly increasing beyond
current computational capability.
Parallel computing has been used successfully to address many similar
problems and is currently receiving attention in the realm of phylogenetic
analysis. Work has been done using data decomposition, where the likelihood
calculation is parallelised over DNA sequence sites. We propose an alternative
way of parallelising the likelihood calculation, which we call segmentation,
where the tree is broken down into subtrees and the likelihood of each subtree
is calculated concurrently over multiple processes. We introduce our proposed
system, which aims to drastically increase the size of trees that can be practically
used in phylogenetic analysis. Then, we evaluate the system on large
phylogenies which are constructed from both real and synthetic data, to show
that a larger decrease of run times are obtained when the system is used. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Filogenetiese analise is die studie van evolusionêre verwantskappe tussen
organismes. Filogenetiese of evolusionêre bome word aangewend om die evolusionêre
verwantskappe, soos herwin vanuit DNS-kettings data, tussen organismes
uit te beeld. Die aanneemlikheid van ’n gegewe filogenie word oor die
algemeen bereken en aangewend vir menigte doeleindes, insluitende die afleiding
van filogenetiese bome, om te monster vanuit ’n versameling van sulke
moontlike bome en vir die afleiding van ander belangrike parameters in die evolusionêre
proses. Dit word vermag met behulp van Felsenstein se algoritme,
’n alombekende benaderingwyse wat gebruik maak van dinamiese programmering
om die berekeningskompleksiteit van eksponensieel na lineêr in die aantal
taxa, te herlei. Desnieteenstaande, het die koms van moderne, doeltreffender
orderingsmetodes groter datastelle tot gevolg wat vinnig besig is om bestaande
berekeningsvermoë te oorskry.
Parallelle berekeningsmetodes is reeds suksesvol toegepas om vele soortgelyke
probleme op te los, met groot belangstelling tans in die sfeer van filogenetiese
analise. Werk is al gedoen wat gebruik maak van data dekomposisie, waar
die aanneemlikheidsberekening oor die DNS basisse geparallelliseer word. Ons
stel ’n alternatiewe metode voor, wat ons segmentasie noem, om die aanneemlikheidsberekening
te parallelliseer, deur die filogenetiese boom op te breek in
sub-bome, en die aanneemlikheid van elke sub-boom gelyklopend te bereken
oor verskeie verwerkingseenhede. Ons stel ’n stelsel voor wat dit ten doel het
om ’n drastiese toename in die grootte van die bome wat gebruik kan word in
filogenetiese analise, teweeg te bring. Dan, word ons voorgestelde stelsel op
groot filogenetiese bome, wat vanaf werklike en sintetiese data gekonstrueer is,
evalueer. Dit toon aan dat ’n groter afname in looptyd verkry word wanneer
die stelsel in gebruik is.
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A visual programming environment for authoring ASD therapy toolsMsiska, Mwawi Fred 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 3D virtual environments can be used as therapy tools in patients with autism spectrum
disorders (ASDs); however, the development of such tools is time-consuming.
A 3D virtual environment development platform for such tools has been developed
specifically for the South African context, because of the language and culture
sensitivity of these therapy tools.
The 3D virtual environment development platform has a Lua scripting interface
for specifying logic in the virtual environments. Lua is a textual programming
language, and presents a challenge to ASDs therapists’ ability to create therapy
tools without engaging an expert programmer.
The aim of this research was to investigate the design and implementation of a
visual programming environment to support non-expert programmers in scripting
within the 3D virtual environment development platform.
Various visual program representation techniques, reported in the literature, were
examined to determine their appropriateness for adoption in our design. A visual
programming language based on the “building-block” approach was considered the
most suitable. The research resulted in the development of a visual script editor
(VSE), based on an open source framework called the OpenBlocks library.
The VSE successfully alleviated the syntax burden that textual programming languages
place on non-expert programmers. The fitness of purpose of our VSE was
exemplified in a sample 3D virtual environment that was scripted using the VSE.
Despite the success, we argue that the applicability of the “building-block” approach
is limited to domain-specific programming languages due to the absence of
visual expressions for defining user-defined types, and for specifying hierarchy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming
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Probabilistic modelling of the evolution of ecological interaction networksMinoarivelo, Henintsoa Onivola 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In any ecological system, organisms need to interact with each other for their survival. Such interactions form ecological networks which are usually very complex. Nevertheless, they
exhibit well de ned patterns; these regularities are often interpreted as products of meaningful
ecological processes. As the networks are evolving through time, biological evolution
is one of the factors that affects ecological network architecture. In this work, we develop a
mathematical model that represents the evolution through time of such ecological interaction
networks. The problem is approached by modelling network evolution as a continuous time
Markov process, in such a way that the interactions in which a parent species is involved
are potentially inherited by its descendant species. This approach allows us to infer ecological
parameters and ecological network histories from real-world network data, as well as
to simulate ecological networks under our model. While ecologists have long been aware of
the in uence of evolutionary processes in shaping ecological networks, we are now able to
evaluate the importance of such in uence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In enige ekologiese stelsel benodig organismes wisselwerkings met mekaar ten einde te oorleef.
Sulke interaksies vorm ekologiese netwerke wat gewoonlik baie kompleks is maar nogtans
goed-gede nieerde patrone vertoon. Hierdie patrone word dikwels geïnterpreteer as die produk
van betekenisvolle ekologiese prosesse. Aangesien die netwerke met die verloop van
tyd ontwikkel, is biologiese ewolusie een van die faktore wat ekologiese netwerkargitektuur
beïnvloed. In hierdie studie ontwikkel ons 'n wiskundige model wat die ewolusie van sulke
ekologiese interaksienetwerke voorstel. Die probleem word benader deur netwerkewolusie as
'n kontinue-tyd Markov-proses te modelleer, op so 'n manier dat die interaksies waarin 'n
voorouerspesie betrokke is potensieel oorerf kan word deur die afstammelingspesies. Hierdie
benadering laat ons toe om ekologiese parameters en ekologiese netwerkgeskiedenisse vanuit
regte-wêreld data af te lei, sowel as om ekologiese netwerke onder ons model te simuleer.
Alhoewel ekoloë al lank reeds bewus is van die invloed wat ewolusionêre prosesse het op die vorming van ekologiese netwerke, is ons nou in staat om die belangrikheid van hierdie
invloed te evalueer.
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Symbolic string executionRedelinghuys, Gideon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Symbolic execution is a well-established technique for automated test generation
and for nding errors in complex code. Most of the focus has however
been on programs that manipulate integers, booleans, and even, references in
object-oriented programs. Recently researchers have started looking at programs
that do lots of string processing, motivated, in part, by the popularity of
the web and the risk that errors in web servers may lead to security violations.
Attempts to extend symbolic execution to the domain of strings are mainly
divided into one of two camps: automata-based approaches and approaches
based on bitvector analysis. Here we investigate these two approaches in a
uni ed setting, namely the symbolic execution framework of Java PathFinder.
We describe the implementations of both approaches and then do an evaluation
to show under what circumstances each approach performs well (or not
so well). We also illustrate the usefulness of the symbolic execution of strings
by nding errors in real-world examples. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Simboliese uitvoering is 'n bekende tegniek vir automatiese genereering van
toetse en om foute te vind in ingewikkelde bronkode. Die fokus sover was
grotendeels op programme wat gebruik maak van heelgetalle, boolse waardes
en selfs verwysings in objek geörienteerde programme. Navorsers het onlangs
begin kyk na programme wat baie gebruik maak van string prosessering, deelteliks
gemotiveerd deur die populariteit van die web en die gepaardgaande
risiko's daarvan. Vorige implementasies van simboliese string uitvoering word
binne twee kampe verdeel: die automata gebaseerde benadering en bitvektoor
gebaseerde benadering. Binne hierdie tesis word die twee benaderings
onder een dak gebring, naamliks Java PathFinder. Die implentasie van beide
benaderings word bespreek en ge-evalueer om die omstandighede uit te wys
waarbinne elk beter sou vaar. Die nut van simboliese string uitvoering word
geïllustreer deur dit toe te pas in foutiewe regte wêreld voorbeelde.
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IGP traffic engineering : a comparison of computational optimization algorithmsWang, Hong Feng 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Traffic Engineering (TE) is intended to be used in next generation IP networks to optimize
the usage of network resources by effecting QoS agreements between the traffic offered
to the network and the available network resources. TE is currently performed by the
IP community using three methods including (1) IGP TE using connectionless routing
optimization (2) MPLS TE using connection-oriented routing optimization and (3) Hybrid
TE combining IGP TE with MPLS TE. MPLS has won the battle of the core of the Internet
and is making its way into metro, access and even some private networks. However,
emerging provider practices are revealing the relevance of using IGP TE in hybrid TE
models where IGP TE is combined with MPLS TE to optimize IP routing. This is done by
either optimizing IGP routing while setting a few number of MPLS tunnels in the network
or optimizing the management of MPLS tunnels to allow growth for the IGP traffic or
optimizing both IGP and MPLS routing in a hybrid IGP+MPLS setting.
The focus of this thesis is on IGP TE using heuristic algorithms borrowed from the computational
intelligence research field. We present four classes of algorithms for Maximum
Link Utilization (MLU) minimization. These include Genetic Algorithm (GA), Gene Expression
Programming (GEP), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and Simulated Annealing
(SA). We use these algorithms to compute a set of optimal link weights to achieve IGP
TE in different settings where a set of test networks representing Europe, USA, Africa and
China are used. Using NS simulation, we compare the performance of these algorithms
on the test networks with various traffic profiles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verkeersingenieurswese (VI) is aangedui vir gebruik in volgende generasie IP netwerke vir
die gebruiksoptimering van netwerkbronne deur die daarstelling van kwaliteit van diens
ooreenkomste tussen die verkeersaanbod vir die netwerk en die beskikbare netwerkbronne.
VI word huidiglik algemeen bewerkstellig deur drie metodes, insluitend (1) IGP VI gebruikmakend
van verbindingslose roete-optimering, (2) MPLS VI gebruikmakend van verbindingsvaste
roete-optimering en (3) hibriede VI wat IGP VI en MPLS VI kombineer. MPLS
is die mees algemene, en word ook aangewend in metro, toegang en selfs sommige privaatnetwerke.
Nuwe verskaffer-praktyke toon egter die relevansie van die gebruik van IGP VI
in hibriede VI modelle, waar IGP VI gekombineer word met MPLS VI om IP roetering te
optimeer. Dit word gedoen deur `of optimering van IGP roetering terwyl ’n paar MPLS
tonnels in die netwerk gestel word, `of optimering van die bestuur van MPLS tonnels om
toe te laat vir groei in die IGP verkeer `of die optimering van beide IGP en MPLS roetering
in ’n hibriede IGP en MPLS situasie.
Die fokus van hierdie tesis is op IGP VI gebruikmakend van heuristieke algoritmes wat
ontleen word vanuit die berekeningsintelligensie navorsingsveld. Ons beskou vier klasse van
algoritmes vir Maksimum Verbindingsgebruik (MVG) minimering. Dit sluit in genetiese
algoritmes, geen-uitdrukkingsprogrammering, mierkoloniemaksimering and gesimuleerde
temperoptimering. Ons gebruik hierdie algoritmes om ’n versameling optimale verbindingsgewigte
te bereken om IGP VI te bereik in verskillende situasies, waar ’n versameling
toetsnetwerke gebruik is wat Europa, VSA, Afrika en China verteenwoordig. Gebruikmakende
van NS simulasie, vergelyk ons die werkverrigting van hierdie algoritmes op die
toetsnetwerke, met verskillende verkeersprofiele.
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Network engineering using multi-objective evolutionary algorithmsBaruani, Atumbe Jules 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We use Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation (EMOO) algorithms to optimise objective
functions that reflect situations in communication networks. These include functions
that optimise Network Engineering (NE) objective functions in core, metro and wireless
sensor networks. The main contributions of this thesis are threefold.
Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) for IP backbone networks.
Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) is a problem that has been widely addressed
by the optical research community. A recent interest in this problem has been raised by the
need to achieve routing optimisation in the emerging generation multilayer networks where
data networks are layered above a Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) network.
We formulate the RWA as both a single and a multi-objective optimisation problem
which are solved using a two-step solution where (1) a set of paths are found using genetic
optimisation and (2) a graph coloring approach is implemented to assign wavelengths to
these paths. The experimental results from both optimisation scenarios reveal the impact
of (1) the cost metric used which equivalently defines the fitness function (2) the algorithmic
solution adopted and (3) the topology of the network on the performance achieved by
the RWA procedure in terms of path quality and wavelength assignment.
Optimisation of Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Metro Networks.
An Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) is a device that can be used as a multiplexer or
demultiplexer in WDM systems. It can also be used as a drop-and-insert element or even
a wavelength router. We take a closer look at how the hardware and software parameters
of an AWG can be fine tuned in order to maximise throughput and minimise the delay.
We adopt a multi-objective optimisation approach for multi-service AWG-based single hop metro WDM networks. Using a previously proposed multi-objective optimisation model
as a benchmark, we propose several EMOO solutions and compare their efficiency by
evaluating their impact on the performance achieved by the AWG optimisation process.
Simulation reveals that (1) different EMOO algorithms can exhibit different performance
patterns and (2) good network planning and operation solutions for a wide range of traffic
scenarios can result from a well selected EMOO algorithm.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) Topology (layout) Optimisation.
WSNs have been used in a number of application areas to achieve vital functions in situations
where humans cannot constantly be available for certain tasks such as in hostile areas
like war zones, seismic sensing where continuous inspection and detection are needed, and
many other applications such as environment monitoring, military operations and surveillance.
Research and practice have shown that there is a need to optimise the topology
(layout) of such sensors on the ground because the position on which they land may affect
the sensing efficiency. We formulate the problem of layout optimisation as a multi-objective
optimisation problem consisting of maximising both the coverage (area) and the lifetime of
the wireless sensor network. We propose different algorithmic evolutionary multi-objective
methods and compare their performance in terms of Pareto solutions. Simulations reveal
that the Pareto solutions found lead to different performance patterns and types of layouts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ons gebruik ”Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation (EMOO)” algoritmes om teiken
funksies, wat egte situasies in kommunikasie netwerke voorstel, te optimiseer. Hierdie sluit
funksies in wat ”Network Engineering” teiken funksies in kern, metro en wireless sensor
netwerke optimiseer. Die hoof doelwitte van hierdie tesis is dus drievuldig.
RWA vir IP backbone netwerke
”Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA)” is ’n probleem wat al menigte kere in
die optiese navorsings kringe aangespreek is. Belangstelling in hierdie veld het onlangs
ontstaan a.g.v. die aanvraag na die optimisering van routering in die opkomende generasie
van veelvuldige vlak netwerke waar data netwerke in ’n vlak ho¨er as ’n ”Dense Wavelength
Division Multiplexing (DWDM)” netwerk gele is. Ons formuleer die RWA as beide ’n enkele
and veelvuldige teiken optimiserings probleem wat opgelos word deur ’n 2-stap oplossing
waar (1) ’n stel roetes gevind word deur genetiese optimisering te gebruik en (2) ’n grafiek
kleuring benadering geimplementeer word om golflengtes aan hierdie roetes toe te ken.
Die eksperimentele resultate van beide optimiserings gevalle vertoon die impak van (1) die
koste on wat gebruik word wat die ekwalente fitness funksie definieer , (2) die algoritmiese
oplossing wat gebruik word en (3) die topologie van die netwerk op die werkverrigting van
die RWA prosedure i.t.v. roete kwaliteit en golflengte toekenning.
Optimisering van AWG Metro netwerk
’n ”Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG)” is ’n toestel wat gebruik kan word as ’n multipleksor
of demultipleksor in WDM sisteme. Dit kan ook gebruik word as ’n val-en-inplaas
element of selfs ’n golflengte router. Kennis word ingestel na hoe die hardeware en sagteware
parameters van ’n AWG ingestel kan word om die deurset tempo te maksimeer en vertragings te minimiseer. Ons neem ’n multi-teiken optimiserings benadering vir multi diens,
AWG gebaseerde, enkel skakel, metro WDM netwerke aan. Deur ’n vooraf voorgestelde
multi teiken optimiserings model as ”benchmark” te gebruik, stel ons ’n aantal EMOO
oplossings voor en vergelyk ons hul effektiwiteit deur hul impak op die werkverrigting wat
deur die AWG optimiserings proses bereik kan word, te vergelyk. Simulasie modelle wys
dat (1) verskillende EMOO algoritmes verskillende werkverrigtings patrone kan vertoon
en (2) dat goeie netwerk beplanning en werking oplossings vir ’n wye verskeidenheid van
verkeer gevalle kan plaasvind a.g.v ’n EMOO algoritme wat reg gekies word.
”Wireless Sensor Network” Topologie Optimisering
WSNs is al gebruik om belangrike funksies te verrig in ’n aantal toepassings waar menslike
beheer nie konstant beskikbaar is nie, of kan wees nie. Voorbeelde van sulke gevalle is oorlog
gebiede, seismiese metings waar aaneenlopende inspeksie en meting nodig is, omgewings
meting, militˆere operasies en bewaking. Navorsing en praktiese toepassing het getoon dat
daar ’n aanvraag na die optimisering van die topologie van sulke sensors is, gebaseer op
gronde van die feit dat die posisie waar die sensor beland, die effektiwiteit van die sensor
kan affekteer. Ons formuleer die probleem van uitleg optimisering as ’n veelvuldige
vlak optimiserings probleem wat bestaan uit die maksimering van beide die bedekkings
area en die leeftyd van die wireless sensor netwerk. Ons stel verskillende algoritmiese,
evolutionˆere, veelvuldige vlak oplossings voor en vergelyk hul werkverrigting i.t.v Pareto
oplossings. Simulasie modelle wys dat die Pareto oplossings wat gevind word lei na verskillende
werkverrigtings patrone en uitleg tipes.
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Optimal management of MPLS networksDe Kock, Johannes Marthinus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a routing technology which can manage Quality of
Service (QoS) in scalable connectionless networks using relatively simple packet forwarding mechanisms.
This thesis considers the optimisation of the QoS offered by an MPLS network. The QoS
measure used is the expected packet delay which is minimised by switching packets along optimal
label switched paths (LSPs).
Two mathematical models of MPLS networks are presented together with appropriate algorithms
for optimally dividing the network traffic into forwarding equivalence classes (FECs), finding
optimal LSPs which minimise the expected packet delay and switching these FECs along the
optimal LSPs. These algorithms are applied to compute optimal LSPs for several test networks.
The mathematics on which these algorithms are based is also reviewed.
This thesis provides the MPLS network operator with efficient packet routing algorithms for
optimising the network's QoS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is 'n roeteringsmetode om die diensvlak (QoS) van 'n
skaleerbare, verbindinglose netwerk te bestuur deur middel van relatief eenvoudige versendingsmeganismes.
Hierdie tesis beskou die optimering van die QoS van 'n MPLS-netwerk. Die QoS-maatstaf is
die verwagte vert raging van 'n netwerk-pakkie. Dit word geminimeer deur pakkies langs optimale
"label switched paths" (LSPs) te stuur.
Twee wiskundige modelle van MPLS-netwerke word ondersoek. Toepaslike algoritmes word verskaf
vir die optimale verdeling van die netwerkverkeer in "forwarding equivalence classes" (FECs), die
soektog na optimale LSPs (wat die verwagte pakkie-vertraging minimeer) en die stuur van die
FECs langs die optimale LSPs. Hierdie algoritmes word ingespan om optimale LSPs vir verskeie
toetsnetwerke op te stel. Die wiskundige teorie waarop hierdie algoritmes gegrond is, word ook
Hierdie tesis verskaf doeltreffende roeteringsalgoritmes waarmee 'n MPLS-netwerkbestuurderj-es
die netwerk se QoS kan optimeer.
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The use of temporal context in the generation of stringsDu Toit, Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University , 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grammars with regulated rewriting are used to restrict the application of contextfree
productions in order to avoid certain derivations. This enables these grammars
to generate both context-free and non-context-free languages using only production
rules with a context-free format. These grammars are more powerful than contextfree
grammars, but usually not as powerful as context-sensitive grammars. Various
grammars with regulated rewriting have been developed and some will be discussed in
this thesis.
Propositional linear temporal logic is a formal system used to describe truth values
of propositions over time. This is done by defining a timeline together with a set of
propositions. It is then possible to construct temporal logic formulae, consisting of these
propositions and temporal operators, to specify the truth values of the propositions for
every step in the timeline.
In this thesis we define and discuss temporal grammars that combine grammars with
propositionallinear temporal logic. Since a derivation can be associated with a timeline,
a regulating device can be constructed from temporal logic formulae, that will
control the application of productions within the derivation. The discussion on temporal
grammars includes some of the properties of these grammars, while many ideas
are illustrated by examples. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grammatikas met gereguleerde herskrywing word gebruik om 'n beperking te plaas op
die toepassing van konteksvrye produksies en verhoed sodoende sekere afleidings. Hierdie
grammatikas beskik oor die vermoe om beide konteksvrye en nie-konteksvrye tale te
genereer deur slegs produksiereels van 'n konteksvrye formaat te gebruik. Grammatikas
met gereguleerde herskrywing is dus sterker as konteksvrye grammatikas, alhoewel dit
soms swakker as konteks-sensitiewe grammatikas is. 'n Verskeidenheid sulke grammatikas
is al ontwikkel en sommige sal in hierdie tesis bespreek word.
Proposisionele lineere temporale logika is 'n formele stelsel wat gebruik kan word om
die waarheidswaardes van proposisies oor tyd te beskryf. Dit word gedoen deur 'n
tydlyn, asook 'n versameling proposisies te definieer. Dit is clan moontlik om temporale
operatore tesame met die proposisies te gebruik om temporale logika-formules te
konstrueer wat in staat is om waarheidswaardes van die proposisies te spesifiseer vir
elke oomblik in die tydlyn.
In hierdie tesis word temporale grammatikas, wat grammatikas met proposisionele
lineere temporale logika kombineer, gedefinieer en bespreek. Aangesien 'n afleiding
met 'n tydlyn geassosieer kan word, is dit moontlik om 'n regulerende meganisme uit
temporale logika-formules te konstrueer wat die toepassing van produksiereels in die
afleiding kontroleer. Die bespreking van temporale grammatikas sluit 'n verskeidenheid
eienskappe van die grammatikas in, asook 'n aantal voorbeelde wat ter illustrasie
gebruik word.
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