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On providing an efficient and reliable virtual block storage serviceEsterhuyse, Eben 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes the design and implementation of a data storage service. Many
clients can be served simultaneously in an environment where processes execute on
different physical machines and communicate via message passing primitives. The
service is provided by two separate servers: one that functions at the disk block level
and another that maintains files.
A prototype system was developed first in the form of a simple file store. The prototype
served two purposes: (1) it extended the single-user Oberon system to create a multiuser
system suitable to support group work in laboratories, and (2) it provided a system
that could be measured to obtain useful data to design the final system. Clients access
the service from Oberon workstations. The Oberon file system (known as the Ceres file
system) normally stores files on a local disk. This system was modified to store files on
a remote Unix machine. Heavily used files are cached to improve the efficiency of the
In the final version of the system disk blocks are cached, not entire files. In this way
the disks used to store the data are unified and presented as a separate virtual block
service to be used by file systems running on client workstations. The virtual block
server runs on a separate machine and is accessed via a network. The simplicity of the
block server is appealing and should in itself improve reliability. The main concern is
efficiency and the goal of the project was to determine whether such a design can be
made efficient enough to serve its purpose. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Hierdie tesis omskryf die ontwerp en implementasie van 'n data stoor diens. Verskeie
gebruikers word bedien deur die diens wat funksioneer in 'n verspreide omgewing: 'n
omgewing waar prosesse uitvoer op verskillende masjiene en met mekaar kommunikeer
met behulp van boodskappe wat rondgestuur word. Die diens word verskaf deur twee
bedieners: die eerste wat funksioneer op 'n blok vlak en die ander wat lers onderhou.
'n Prototipe leer diens is ontwikkel deur middel van 'n basiese leer stoor. Die prototipe
het twee funksies verrig: (1) die enkel gebruiker Oberon stelsel is uitgebrei na 'n
veelvoudige gebruiker stelsel bruikbaar vir groepwerk in 'n laboratorium omgewing, en
(2) 'n stelsel is verskaf wat betroubare en akkurate data kon verskaf vir die ontwerp van
die finale stelsel. Oberon werkstasies word gebruik met die leer diens. Die Oberon leer
stelsel (ook bekend as die Ceres leer stelsel) stoor normaalweg leers op 'n lokale skyf.
Hierdie bestaande stelsel is verander om leers te stoor op 'n eksterne Unix masjien.
Leers wat die meeste in gebruik is word in geheue aangehou vir effektiwiteits redes.
Die finale weergawe van die stelsel berg skyf blokke in geheue, nie leers nie. Hierdie
metode laat dit toe om data te stoor op 'n standaard metode, bruikbaar deur verskillende
tipes leer stelsels wat uitvoer op verskeie gebruikers se werkstasies. Die virtuele
blok stoor voer uit op 'n aparte masjien en is bereikbaar via 'n netwerk. Die eenvoudige
ontwerp van die diens is opsigself aanloklik en behoort betroubaarheid te verbeter. Die
hoof bekommernis is effektiwiteit en die hoofdoel van die projek was om te bepaal of
hierdie ontwerp effektief genoeg gemaak kon word.
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Resource management in IP networksWahabi, Abdoul Rassaki 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: lP networks offer scalability and flexibility for rapid deployment of value added lP
services. However, with the increased demand and explosive growth of the Internet,
carriers require a network infrastructure that is dependable, predictable, and offers
consistent network performance.
This thesis examines the functionality, performance and implementation aspects of
the MPLS mechanisms to minimize the expected packet delay in MPLS networks.
Optimal path selection and the assignment of bandwidth to those paths for minimizing
the average packet delay are investigated.
We present an efficient flow deviation algorithm (EFDA) which assigns a small amount
of flow from a set of routes connecting each OD pair to the shortest path connecting
the OD pair in the network. The flow is assigned in such a way that the network
average packet delay is minimized. Bellman's algorithm is used to find the shortest
routes between all OD pairs. The thesis studies the problem of determining the routes
between an OD pair and assigning capacities to those routes.
The EFDA algorithm iteratively determines the global minimum of the objective function.
We also use the optimal flows to compute the optimal link capacities in both single
and multirate networks. The algorithm has been applied to several examples and to
different models of networks. The results are used to evaluate the performance of the
EFDA algorithm and compare the optimal solutions obtained with different starting
topologies and different techniques. They all fall within a close cost-performance range.
They are all within the same range from the optimal solution as well. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: lP-netwerke voorsien die skaleerbaarheid en buigsaamheid vir die vinnige ontplooing
van toegevoegde-waarde lP-dienste. Die vergrote aanvraag en eksplosiewe uitbreiding
van die Internet benodig betroubare, voorspelbare en bestendige netwerkprestasie.
Hierdie tesis ondersoek die funksionaliteit, prestasie en implementering van die MPLS(multiprotokoletiketskakel)-
meganismes om die verwagte pakketvertraging te minimeer.
Ons bespreek 'n doeltreffende algoritme vir vloei-afwyking (EFDA) wat 'n klein hoeveelheid
vloei toewys uit die versameling van roetes wat elke OT(oorsprong-teiken)-
paar verbind aan die kortste pad wat die OT-paar koppel. Die vloei word toegewys
sodanig dat die netwerk se gemiddelde pakketvertraging geminimeer word. Bellman se
algoritme word gebruik om die kortste roetes tussen alle OT-pare te bepaal. Die tesis
bespreek die probleem van die bepaling van roetes tussen 'n OT-paar en die toewysing
van kapasiteite aan sulke roetes.
Die EFDA-algoritme bepaal die globale minimum iteratief. Ons gebruik ook optimale
vloeie vir die berekening van die optimale skakelkapasiteite in beide enkel- en multikoers
netwerke. Die algoritme is toegepas op verskeie voorbeelde en op verskillende
netwerkmodelle. Die skakelkapasiteite word aangewend om die prestasie van die EFDAalgoritme
te evalueer en dit te vergelyk met die optimale oplossings verkry met verskillende
aanvangstopologieë en tegnieke. Die resultate val binne klein koste-prestasie
perke wat ook na aan die optimale oplossing lê.
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Hidden Markov models for on-line signature verificationWessels, Tiaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The science of signature verification is concerned with identifying individuals by their handwritten
signatures. It is assumed that the signature as such is a unique feature amongst
individuals and the creation thereof requires a substantial amount of hidden information
which makes it difficult for another individual to reproduce the signature. Modern technology
has produced devices which are able to capture information about the signing process
beyond what is visible to the naked eye. A dynamic signature verification system is concerned
with utilizing not only visible, i.e. shape related information but also invisible, hidden dynamical
characteristics of signatures. These signature characteristics need to be subjected to
analysis and modelling in order to automate use of signatures as an identification metric. We
investigate the applicability of hidden Markov models to the problem of modelling signature
characteristics and test their ability to distinguish between authentic signatures and forgeries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wetenskap van handtekeningverifikasie is gemoeid met die identifisering van individue
deur gebruik te maak van hulle persoonlike handtekening. Dit berus op die aanname dat 'n
handtekening as sulks uniek is tot elke individu en die generering daarvan 'n genoeg mate van
verskuilde inligting bevat om die duplisering daarvan moeilik te maak vir 'n ander individu.
Moderne tegnologie het toestelle tevoorskyn gebring wat die opname van eienskappe van
die handtekeningproses buite die bestek van visuele waarneming moontlik maak. Dinamiese
handtekeningverifikasie is gemoeid met die gebruik nie alleen van die sigbare manefestering
van 'n handtekening nie, maar ook van die verskuilde dinamiese inligting daarvan om dit sodoende
'n lewensvatbare tegniek vir die identifikasie van individue te maak. Hierdie sigbare en
onsigbare eienskappe moet aan analise en modellering onderwerp word in die proses van outomatisering
van persoonidentifikasie deur handtekeninge. Ons ondersoek die toepasbaarheid
van verskuilde Markov-modelle tot die modelleringsprobleem van handtekeningkarakteristieke
en toets die vermoë daarvan om te onderskei tussen egte en vervalste handtekeninge.
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Kernel support for embedded reactive systemsAckerman, M. C . (Marthinus Casper) 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University , 1993. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reactive systems are event driven state machines which usually do not terminate, but remain
in perpetual interaction with their environment. Such systems usually interact 'With devices
which introduce a high degree of concurrency and some real time constraints to the system.
Because of the concurrent nature of reactive systems they are commonly implemented as
communicating concurrent processes on one or more processors. Jeffay introduces a design
paradigm which requires consumer processes to consume messages faster than they are produced
by producer processes. If this is guaranteed, the real time constraints of such .. system
are always met, and the correctness of the process interaction is guaranteed in terms of the
message passing semantics. I developed the ESE kernel, which supports Jeffay systems by
providing lightweight processes which communicate over asynchronous channels. Processes are scheduled non-preemptively according to the earliest deadline first policy when they have
messages pending on their input channels. The Jeffay design method and the ESE kernel
have been found to be highly suitable to implement embedded reactive systems. The general
requirements of embedded reactive systems, and kernel support required by such systems, are
discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reaktiewe stelsels is toeatandsoutomate wat aangedryf word deur gebeure in hul omgewins.
So 'n stelsel termineer gewoonlik nie, maar bly in 'n voortdurende wisselwerking met toestelle
in sy omgewing. Toestelle in die omgewing van 'n reaktiewe stelsel veroorsaak in die algemeen
'n hoë mate van gelyklopendheid in die stelsel, en plaas gewoonlik sekere intydse beperkings
op die stelsel. Gelyklopende stelsels word gewoonlik as stelsel. van kommunikerende prosesse geïmplementeer op een of meer prosessors. Jeffay beskryf 'n ontwerpsmetodologie waarvolgens
die ontvanger van boodskappe hulle vinniger moet verwerk as wat die sender hulle kan stuur.
Indien hierdie gedrag tussen alle pare kommunikerende prosesse gewaarborg kan word, sal die
stelsel altyd sy intydse beperkings gehoorsaam, en word die korrektheid van interaksies tussen
prosesse deur die semantiek van die boodskapwisseling gewaarborg. Die "ESE" bedryfstelselkern
wat ek ontwikkel het, ondersteun stelsels wat ontwerp en geïmplementeer word volgens
Jeffay se metode. Prosesse kommunikeer oor asinkrone kanale, en die ontvanger van die
boodskap met die vroegste keertyd word altyd eerste geskeduleer. Jeffay se ontwerpsmetode en
die "ESE" kern blyk in die praktyk baie geskik te wees vir reaktiewe stelsels wat as substelsels van groter stelsels uitvoer. Die vereistes van reaktiewe substelsels, en die kemondersteuning wat daarvoor nodig is, word bespreek.
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Providing mechanical support for program development in a weakest precondition calculusAckerman, Charlotte Christene 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1993. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Formal methods aim to apply the rigour of mathematical logic to the problem ofguaranteeing that the behaviour of (critical) software conforms to predetermined requirements. The application of formal methods during program construction centers around a formal specification of the required behaviour of the program. A development attempt is successful if the resulting program can be formally proven to conform to its specification. For any substantial program, this entails a great deal of effort. Thus, some research efforts have been directed at providing mechanical support for the application of formal methods to software development. E.W. Dijkstra's calculus of weakest precondition predicate transformers [39,38] represents one of the first attempts to use program correctness requirements to guide program development in a formal manner. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Formele metodes poog om die strengheid van wiskundige logika te gebruik om te waarborg dat die gedrag van (kritiese) programmatuur voldoen aan gegewe vereistes. Die toepassing van formele metodes tydens programontwikkeling sentreer rondom a formele spesifikasie van die verlangde programgedrag. 'n Ontwikkelingspoging is suksesvol as daar formee1 bewys kan word dat die resulterende program aan sy spesifikasie voldoen. Vir enige substansiële program, verteenwoordig dit ‘n aansienlike hoeveelheid werk. Verskeie navorsinspoging is gerig op die daarstelling van meganiese ondersteuning vir die gebruik van formele metodes tydens ontwikkeling van sagteware. E. W. Dijkstra se calculus van swakste voorkondisie (“weakest precondition”) predikaattransformators [39,38] is een van die eerste pogings om vereistes vir programkorrektheid op ‘n formele en konstruktiewe wyse tydens programontwikkeling te gebruik.
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Decision forests for computer Go feature learningVan Niekerk, Francois 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In computer Go, moves are typically selected with the aid of a tree search
algorithm. Monte-Carlo tree search (MCTS) is currently the dominant algorithm
in computer Go. It has been shown that the inclusion of domain
knowledge in MCTS is able to vastly improve the strength of MCTS engines.
A successful approach to representing domain knowledge in computer Go
is the use of appropriately weighted tactical features and pattern features,
which are comprised of a number of hand-crafted heuristics and a collection
of patterns respectively. However, tactical features are hand-crafted specifically
for Go, and pattern features are Go-specific, making it unclear how
they can be easily transferred to other domains.
As such, this work proposes a new approach to representing domain
knowledge, decision tree features. These features evaluate a state-action
pair by descending a decision tree, with queries recursively partitioning the
state-action pair input space, and returning a weight corresponding to the
partition element represented by the resultant leaf node. In this work, decision
tree features are applied to computer Go, in order to determine their
feasibility in comparison to state-of-the-art use of tactical and pattern features.
In this application of decision tree features, each query in the decision
tree descent path refines information about the board position surrounding
a candidate move.
The results of this work showed that a feature instance with decision tree
features is a feasible alternative to the state-of-the-art use of tactical and
pattern features in computer Go, in terms of move prediction and playing
strength, even though computer Go is a relatively well-developed research
area. A move prediction rate of 35.9% was achieved with tactical and decision
tree features, and they showed comparable performance to the state of the
art when integrated into an MCTS engine with progressive widening.
We conclude that the decision tree feature approach shows potential as
a method for automatically extracting domain knowledge in new domains.
These features can be used to evaluate state-action pairs for guiding searchbased
techniques, such as MCTS, or for action-prediction tasks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In rekenaar Go, word skuiwe gewoonlik geselekteer met behulp van ’n boomsoektogalgoritme.
Monte-Carlo boomsoektog (MCTS) is tans die dominante
algoritme in rekenaar Go. Dit is bekend dat die insluiting van gebiedskennis
in MCTS in staat is om die krag van MCTS enjins aansienlik te verbeter.
’n Suksesvolle benadering tot die voorstelling van gebiedskennis in rekenaar
Go is taktiek- en patroonkenmerke met geskikte gewigte. Hierdie behels ’n
aantal handgemaakte heuristieke en ’n versameling van patrone onderskeidelik.
Omdat taktiekkenmerke spesifiek vir Go met die hand gemaak is, en dat
patroonkenmerke Go-spesifiek is, is dit nie duidelik hoe hulle maklik oorgedra
kan word na ander velde toe nie.
Hierdie werk stel dus ’n nuwe verteenwoordiging van gebiedskennis voor,
naamlik besluitboomkenmerke. Hierdie kenmerke evalueer ’n toestand-aksie
paar deur rekursief die toevoerruimte van toestand-aksie pare te verdeel deur
middel van die keuses in die besluitboom, en dan die gewig terug te keer
wat ooreenstem met die verdelingselement wat die ooreenstemmende blaarnodus
verteenwoordig. In hierdie werk, is besluitboomkenmerke geëvalueer
op rekenaar Go, om hul lewensvatbaarheid in vergelyking met veldleidende
gebruik van taktiek- en patroonkenmerke te bepaal. In hierdie toepassing
van besluitboomkenmerke, verfyn elke navraag in die pad na onder van die
besluitboom inligting oor die posisie rondom ’n kandidaatskuif.
Die resultate van hierdie werk het getoon dat ’n kenmerkentiteit met
besluitboomkenmerke ’n haalbare alternatief is vir die veldleidende gebruik
van taktiek- en patroonkenmerke in rekenaar Go in terme van skuifvoorspelling
as ook speelkrag, ondanks die feit dat rekenaar Go ’n relatief goedontwikkelde
navorsingsgebied is. ’n Skuifvoorspellingskoers van 35.9% is
behaal met taktiek- en besluitboomkenmerke, en hulle het vergelykbaar met
veldleidende tegnieke presteer wanneer hulle in ’n MCTS enjin met progressiewe
uitbreiding geïntegreer is.
Ons lei af dat ons voorgestelde besluitboomkenmerke potensiaal toon as ’n
metode vir die outomaties onttrek van gebiedskennis in nuwe velde. Hierdie
eienskappe kan gebruik word om toestand-aksie pare te evalueer vir die leiding
van soektog-gebaseerde tegnieke, soos MCTS, of vir aksie-voorspelling.
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Automatic detection of image orientation using Support Vector MachinesWalsh, Dane A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, we present a technique for the automatic detection of image orientation using Support
Vector Machines (SVMs). SVMs are able to handle feature spaces of high dimension and automatically
choose the most discriminative features for classification. We investigate the use of various
kernels, including heavy tailed RBF kernels. We compare the classification performance of SVMs
with the performance of multilayer perceptrons and a Bayesian classifier. Our results show that SVMs
out perform both of these methods in the classification of individual images. We also implement an
application for the classification of film rolls in a photographic workflow environment with 100%
classification accuracy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis, gebruik ons 'n tegniek vir die automatiese klassifisering van beeldoriëntasie deur
middel van Support Vector Machines (SVM's). SVM's kan kenmerkruimtes van 'n hoë dimensie
hanteer en kan automaties die mees belangrike kenmerke vir klassifikasie kies. Ons vors die gebruik
van verskeie kerne, insluitende RBF-kerne, na. Ons vergelyk die klassifiseringsresultate van SVM's
met die van multilaagperseptrone en 'n Bayes-klassifiseerder. Ons bewys dat SVM's beter resultate
gee as beide van hierdie metodes vir die klassifikasie van individuele beelde. Ons implementeer ook
a toepassing vir die klassifisering van rolle film in a fotografiese werkvloei-omgewing met 100%
klassifikasie akuraatheid.
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A kernel to support computer-aided verification of embedded softwareGrobler, Leon D 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Mathematical Sciences)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Formal methods, such as model checking, have the potential to improve the reliablility of software. Abstract models of systems are subjected to formal analysis, often showing subtle defects not discovered by traditional testing.
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Autonomous robot path planningCrous, C. B. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Mathematical Sciences. Computer SCience))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this thesis we consider the dynamic path planning problem for robotics. The dynamic path
planning problem, in short, is the task of determining an optimal path, in terms of minimising
a given cost function, from one location to another within a known environment of moving
Our goal is to investigate a number of well-known path planning algorithms, to determine for
which circumstances a particular algorithm is best suited, and to propose changes to existing
algorithms to make them perform better in dynamic environments.
At this stage no thorough comparison of theoretical and actual running times of path planning
algorithms exist. Our main goal is to address this shortcoming by comparing some of the wellknown
path planning algorithms and our own improvements to these path planning algorithms
in a simulation environment.
We show that the visibility graph representation of the environment combined with the A*
algorithm provides very good results for both path length and computational cost, for a relatively
small number of obstacles. As for a grid representation of the environment, we show
that the A* algorithm produces good paths in terms of length and the amount of rotation and
it requires less computation than dynamic algorithms such as D* and D* Lite.
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Interactive voxel terrain design using procedural techniquesGreeff, Gerrit 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Computer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Super cially realistic worlds can easily be created using fractal landscapes. Such landscapes are limited in
that real-world geological features such as caves and overhangs are impossible using a standard height eld
representation. Interactive, realistic simulation of terrain evolution on such landscapes has proved elusive
and does not generally provide direct control over the placement of landscape features.
This thesis presents an interactive terrain design system, which enables the user to generate localised,
speci c terrain features, as well as generalised global characteristics. A fully volumetric terrain representation
is used to allow varied three dimensional terrain features. A hybrid rendering algorithm is employed to
e ciently render the volumetric data set, while allowing interactive terrain deformation. Small terrain
deformation is enabled using voxel carving, while larger terrain features is generated using an adoption
of the Wires algorithm. A fractal river network generation technique is presented and adopted for voxel
These tools provide the user with interactive feedback to allow for more dynamic terrain design.
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