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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propaganda : 'n historiese kommunikasieproses van belang vir bestuurders van die media

Botha, Nicolene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although most journalists and media managers will deny that they are at all biased, few of the communication messages that are daily spread by the mass communication media, are neutral. Media people transfer their own political orientation, also that of the organisation that they work for, to their reports by means of their decisions of what news they will present and how they will present it. From the recent past it has become clear that there is a link between the government of the day and how the news is presented, as perceptions that have been created of certain events, have changed over time. Journalists have certain political convictions, but even if they try to be objective in spite of these, they are often insensitive to the fact that they are used by propagandists, who themselves have a thorough knowledge of the media. Sometimes journalists are knowingly and willingly involved in such attempts, and sometimes against their will. More often they are completely ignorant of the fact that they form part of a propaganda attempt, because they do not realise that they are being manipulated. In order to distinguish between "real" news and propaganda in the form of news, it is essential to have insight into the nature and origin of propaganda, but especially into the techniques that are commonly used. Initially, the word "propaganda" had a positive meaning, but during the First World War the word increasingly obtained a negative connotation. A century later, the word itself had become almost obsolete, except in reference to the information attempts of the opposition. "Own" campaigns are referred to in eufemistic terms such as "news management" and "public diplomacy". However, phenomena of propaganda did not disappear. In fact, with the progress in technology since the end of the nineteenth century, the number of communication channels available for the transfer of messages have multiplied. This created new means of spreading propaganda, especially since the invention of the transistor and later of television. With the changes in and improvements of mass communication media, the nature and extent of propaganda techniques also changed significantly. The techniques became more sophisticated and new methods of manipulation are continuously thought up, so much so that there are currently almost no limit to the ways in which propaganda messages are conveyed. When the uses of these techniques, as they are commonly found in media reports, are studied, it is possible to identify six broad catagories of propaganda. The first category is that where the nature of the contents is obvious, in other words, where no further information is required about an issue or a person in order to recognise the technique as propaganda. The second category represents pieces of propaganda where further information is required in order to recognise the use of the technique, like when somebody tells a lie. Thirdly, there are techniques that can only be recognised after a variety of propaganda pieces have been studied and the relation between the contents have been studied, such as when politicians play for time. The fourth technique is repetition. The fifth category of techniques is based on the nature of the arguments used by the propagandist, whether these are rational or non-rational. The last category is based on the intention of the propagandist, for example whether he wants to create fear or drive a wedge between groups. Knowledge of these different techniques provide a basis according to which journalists and media managers will be able to judge news events in order to determine the propagandistic intention thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel die meeste joernaliste en mediabestuurders salontken dat hulle enigsins bevooroordeeld is, is min van die kommunikasïeboodskappe wat daagliks deur die massamedia uitgedra word, neutraal. Medialui druk die stempel van hul eie politieke ingesteldheid, maar ook dié van die organisasie waarvoor hulle werk, op hul berigte af deur hul besluite oor watter nuus hulle gaan aanbied en hoe hulle dit gaan aanbied. Uit die onlangse verlede is dit duidelik dat daar 'n verband is tussen die regering van die dag en hoe die nuus aangebied word, aangesien persepsies wat oor gebeure geskep is, met verloop van tyd verander het. Joernaliste het sekere politieke oortuigings, maar al probeer hulle ten spyte daarvan objektief wees, is hulle dikwels onsensitief daarvoor dat hulle deur propagandiste, wat self 'n grondige kennis van die werking van die media het, gebruik word. Soms word joernaliste met hulle medewete en goedkeuring by sulke pogings betrek, en soms teen hulle sin. Meer dikwels vorm hulle egter onbewustelik deel van 'n belangegroep se propagandapoging, omdat hulle nie besef dat hulle gemanipuleer word nie. Om in staat te wees om "regte" nuus te onderskei van propaganda in die vorm van nuus, is dit noodsaaklik om insig te hê in die aard en oorsprong van propaganda, maar veral in die tegnieke wat algemeen gebruik word. Die woord "propaganda" het aanvanklik 'n positiewe betekenis gehad, maar tydens die Eerste Wêreldoorlog het dit toenemend 'n negatiewe konnotasie gekry. In Eeu later het die woord self grootliks in onbruik verval, behalwe waar daar na die opposisie se inligtingspogings verwys is. "Eie" veldtogte word in eufemistiese terme na verwys as "nuusbestuur" en "openbare diplomasie". Ten spyte hiervan het die verskynsel van propaganda nie verdwyn nie. In teendeel, met die vooruitgang in tegnologie sedert die einde van die negentiende eeu, het die kommunikasiekanale wat vir die oordrag van die boodskap beskikbaar was, veelvuldig toegeneem. Dit het nuwe moontlikhede van propagandavoering daargestel, veral sedert die uitvinding van die transistor en later ook televisie. Met die verandering en verbetering van massakommunikasiemedia het die aard en omvang van propagandategnieke ook merkbaar verander. Die tegnieke het meer gesofistikeerd geraak en nuwe metodes van manipulasie word voortdurend bedink, sodat daar vandag feitlik geen perke is aan die maniere waarop propaganda- boodskappe uitgedra word nie. Wanneer die gebruik van dié tegnieke, soos dit algemeen in mediaberigte voorkom, bestudeer word, is dit moontlik om ses breë kategorieë van propaganda te identifiseer. Die eerste kategorie is dié waar die aard van die inhoud vanself spreek, met ander woorde, waar geen verdere inligting oor 'n saak of persoon nodig is om 'n tegniek as propaganda te eien nie. Die tweede kategorie verteenwoordig propagandastukke waar bykomende inligting nodig is om die tegniek uit te ken, soos wanneer 'n leuen vertel word. Derdens is daar tegnieke wat slegs herken kan word nadat verskeie propagandastukke bestudeer is en die inhoud daarvan met mekaar in verband gebring is, soos wanneer politici vir tyd speel. Vierdens word daar van herhaling gebruik gemaak. Die vyfde kategorie van tegnieke is gegrond is op die aard van die argumente wat die propagandis gebruik, of dit byvoorbeeld rasioneel of nie-rasioneel is. Die laaste kategorie sluit tegnieke in wat gegrond is op die bedoeling van die propagandis, of hy byvoorbeeld vrees wil inboesem of groepe teen mekaar wilopmaak. Kennis van hierdie verskillende tegnieke bied 'n grondslag waarvolgens joernaliste en mediabestuurders nuusgebeure kan beoordeel ten einde die propaganda-bedoeling daarvan te bepaal.

SWA/Namibie se koerante in 'n tyd van verandering

Krige, Lisel 12 1900 (has links)
Proefskrif (MA)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1988. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Die voorstandersrol in die daarstelling van 'n agenda van nuus oor die bewoonde omgewing

Van Wyk, Gerrit 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The independent interpretation of a series of interviews shows provisionally that the proponent of an issue is its scout and interpreter in the agenda-setting process. The proponent thus helps to develop and adapt the scope of an issue so that it will appear as a dyna"1ic subject on the media agenda. The focus of this aSSignment falls on the proponents of the inhabited environment as a career scientific development. The definition of this career scientific development was adapted to suit an investigation in media studies. The interview questions examined three topics: the issue proponent's profile, motivation and discouragement to make contributions, and the technical skills and standards needed 10 place an issue on the media agenda. The profile of a proponent is that of scout and interpreter. The respondents mention the stereoty~es media institutions maintain as the greatest demotivation and their love for the inhabited environment as their greatest motivation. The respondents place a lot of value on high joumalistic standards in the coverage of their issue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Deur 'n onafhanklike interpretasie van 'n reeks onderhoude het hierdie werkstuk VOOriOPipbewys dat voorstanders van'n bepaalde saak die verkenning en interpretasle bepaal in die agendadaarstellingproses. As sulks help voorstanders om 'n kwessie se omvang te ontwikkel en aan te pas sodat dit as 'n dinamiese onderwerp op die mediaagenda verskyn. Die fokus van hierdie werkstuk val op die voorstanders van die bewoonde omgewing as beroepsretenskaPlike ontwikkeling. Die beroepswetenskaplike ontwikkeling se omskrywing is aangepas om by 'n mediastudiesondersoek in te pas. Die ondfrhoudvrae het drie afdelings ondersoek: die voorstander van 'n kwessie se profiel, motivering en ontmoediging om bydraes te maak en, laastens, die tegniese vaardighede en standaarde nodig om 'n kwessie op die media-agenda te plaas. Die voorstanders se profiel is die van verkenner en interpreteerder. Die respondente noem dir stereotipes wat media-instansies onderhou as die grootste ontmoediging en hul liefde vir die bewoonde omgewing as die grootste motivering. Die respondente hag baie waarde aan hoe joemalistieke standaarde om hul kwessie te dek.

Die gebruik van klank om nuus op die Internet oor te dra

De Jager, Augustinus Kock 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this work I explore the use of sound as a means of presenting news to the user of the Internet. I accept that news sound as such, as it is presented on radio, is an effective mass communication medium. From there I ask the question if this sound, with the same underlying principles used in radio, can be effectively used on the Internet. This opposed to real changes made in the gathering, preparation and presentation of sound to be effective on the Information Superhighway. In the first chapter I look at the methods (good and bad) utilized to present sound on the radio. When I present a model for Internet use later in the work (chapter 5) I use these as a starting point. Some definitions are formulated, which also become important in chapter 5. In the second chapter I touch on the origins of the Internet and the use of web sites to provide a news service. I explore the methods employed by news specific sites to communicate information to Internet users and I compare that to uses on a non-news site, in this case National Geographic.com. Again I use the positive aspects of the study of these sites to form part of the model presented in chapter 5. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the technological development of the Internet and the use of multimedia to convey information. I also touch on the future of the information system and the expectations and requirements these developments would put on journalists working on the medium. In chapter 4 I compare the way in which three news sites handled the covering of the terrorist attack on America. Because of the territorial advantage, I choose to look at the coverage one year after the event. The positive use of text, video, sound and images on these three sites are used to format the model in the next chapter. As said previously, chapter 5 contains a model for the use of multimedia, specifically sound, to convey news information on the Internet. While the focus is on sound, I suggest here that the model is applicable to all the aids available to the Internet producer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie werkstuk ontleed ek die gebruik van klank as 'n werktuig om nuus aan die Internetgebruiker oor te dra. Ek gaan van die beginsel af uit dat nuusklank op sy eie, met ander woorde soos dit op die radio uitgesaai word, wel 'n effektiewe, vinnige metode is om nuus aan massas mense oor te dra. Die vraag word gevra of klank op dieselfde manier, met dieselfde grondbeginsels en gebruike, 'n effektiewe medium is om nuus op die Internet aan te bied. Dié vraag word in teenstelling geplaas met die moontlikhede dat klank liefs op die radio hoort en nie deel behoort te wees van nuuswebtuistes nie, of dat daar wesenlike veranderinge gemaak behoort te word aan die nuus wat op die radio aangebied word, voor dit effektief op die Internet gebruik kan word. In die eerste hoofstuk kyk ek na die oorsprong en geskiedenis van radio en daarna na die ontwikkeling van nuus op radio. Ek behandel die beginsels van radionuus, met die doelom hierdie kenmerke dan later in die werkstuk (hoofstuk 5) te gebruik as die grondbeginsels vir 'n model vir die gebruik van klank om nuus op die Internet oor te dra. Ek kyk na die goeie en slegte praktyke wat in die oordrag van nuus op radio ontstaan het en probeer hierdeur sif om nie dieselfde swakplekke by die bogenoemde model in te sluit nie. In hierdie hoofstuk formuleer ek dan definisies vir die verskillende gebruike van klank om nuus oor die radio oor te dra. Hierdie definisies word ook later gebruik in die model vir die effektiewe gebruike van nuusklank op die Internet. In die tweede hoofstuk kyk ek na die oorsprong van die Internet, en dan (in meer detail) na die ontstaan van nuuswebtuistes. Ek ontleed die manier waarop inligting aan Internetgebruikers oorgedra word, op webtuistes wat spesifiek vir nuus geskep is, maar ek vergelyk dit ook met 'n webtuiste wat na my mening die Internet se kenmerke behoorlik aanwend om inligting oor te dra, nl. NationaIGeographic.com. Die goeie en slegte punte van die oordrag van inligting op die medium word ontleed, om ook later deel te vorm van die model in hoofstuk 5. Ek kyk in die derde hoofstuk na die tegnologiese ontwikkeling van die Internet en die gebruik van multimedia op die netwerk. Daar word ook geraak aan die toekomsmoontlikhede van die oordrag van groot hoeveelhede data (soos klank en video) op die netwerk. Soos die tegnologie ontwikkel, moet die persoon wat die produk daarstelontwikkel, en ek kyk na die vereistes wat aan joernaliste/vervaardigers van Internetnuus gestel word. In die vierde hoofstuk vergelyk ek die Internetaanbiedings van 'n spesifieke nuusgebeurtenis, die aanval op Amerika op 11 September 2001, van drie nuuswebtuistes. Ek kyk na die aanbiedings van die BBC, CNN en die SAUK, spesifiek na die gebruik van teks, grafika, video en klank om nuus aan Internetgebruikers oor te dra. Die (goeie en minder goeie) gebruik van klank op dié drie webtuistes vorm dan die basis van die model wat ek in hoofstuk 5 aanbied. Die vyfde hoofstuk word gewyaan die daarstelling van 'n model om klank as nuusmedium op die Internet te gebruik. Ek kyk na die beginsels van die goeie gebruik van klank wat in die eerste hoofstuk daargestel is en probeer dit verwerk vir gebruik op die Internet. Hoewel ek nie spesifiek die gebruik van ander media, soos teks, video en grafika, behandel nie, doen ek in hoofstuk 5 voor dat die model vir al die hulpmiddels op die Internetnuuswebtuiste kan geld.

Onbekend maak onbemind : die rol van die Suid-Afrikaanse pers in die destigmatisering van epilepsie

Silke, Norman Joshua 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study project provides an overview of the frequency and quality of reporting on epilepsy in the South African press and the role this plays in destigmatising the condition. It is introduced by a comprehensive background study, after which articles published in the country's leading newspapers during the period 2000 to 2002 are analysed. The perceptions of members of the public and medical doctors are examined by means of interviews and questionnaires, as part of an effort to determine how coverage of epilepsy is currently being handled. Suggestions on how the quality of information on epilepsy and the distribution thereof may be improved are also made. The conclusion is that newspaper coverage of epilepsy in South Africa is largely inadequate. During the above-mentioned period very few articles on epilepsy were published. Those that did appear, were mostly news items. There was a serious lack of investigative reporting. Dramatic headlines accompanying certain articles did not lead to greater understanding of the condition. At times reporting was even clearly irresponsible. The press should be an instrument to inform epilepsy patients, their families and their communities, and to guard against stigmatising. Science journalists should report clearly and thoroughly and be fully informed about their chosen subject. The study indicates a need for a greater focus on science by the press. Newspapers should provide training for science journalists and ensure that reporters are aware of the latest developments in the field of science and technology. More experts, like doctors, neurologists, and board members of organisations (like Epilepsy South Africa) should be involved in the writing of articles. Epilepsy is far more common than is generally believed, but many epilepsy patients hide their condition for fear of discrimination. As a result, they do not receive the help and support they are entitled to. In poor and disadvantaged communities epilepsy sufferers are still viewed with distrust and suspicion. It is the duty of the press to throw light on the condition and to keep focusing on it, so that fear and ignorance may be replaced with facts and information. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk bied 'n oorsig van die frekwensie en gehalte van die Suid-Afrikaanse pers se beriggewing oor epilepsie en die rol wat dit speel in die destigmatisering van die toestand. Dit word ingelei deur 'n breedvoerige agtergrondstudie, waarná berigte wat gedurende die tydperk 2000 tot 2002 in die land se belangrikste koerante verskyn het, ontleed word. Die persepsies van lede van die publiek en medici word ondersoek deur middel van onderhoude en vraelyste, as deel van 'n poging om vas te stel hoe beriggewing oor epilepsie tans hanteer word. Voorstelle word ook gemaak oor hoe die kwaliteit van inligting oor epilepsie en die verspreiding daarvan verbeter kan word. Die gevolgtrekking is dat verslaggewing oor epilepsie in Suid-Afrika grotendeels onvoldoende is. In die genoemde tydperk het weinig artikels oor epilepsie in koerante verskyn. Dié wat wel gepubliseer is, was meestal nuusberigte, en daar was slegs enkele ondersoekende artikels. Dramatiese opskrifte by sommige artikels was nie tot voordeel van groter begrip oor die toestand nie. Soms was verslaggewing selfs onverantwoordelik. Die pers behoort 'n instrument te wees om epilepsielyers, hul families en hul gemeenskappe in te lig en stigmatisering te bestry. Wetenskapjoernaliste behoort deeglik en duidelik verslag te doen en ten volle ingelig te wees oor hul gekose onderwerp. Die studie dui op 'n behoefte aan 'n groter fokus op die wetenskappe in die pers. Koerante behoort opleiding te verskaf aan wetenskap-joernaliste en seker te maak dat verslaggewers op hoogte is van die nuutste verwikkelinge op wetenskap- en tegnologiegebied. Meer kundiges, soos dokters, neuroloë, bestuurslede van organisasies (soos Epilepsie Suid-Afrika) en epilepsielyers, moet betrek word by die skryf van artikels. Epilepsie kom baie meer voor as wat algemeen bekend is, maar uit vrees vir diskriminasie verswyg baie epilepsielyers hul toestand. Gevolglik kry hulle nie die hulp en bystand waarop hulle geregtig is nie. In arm en agtergeblewe gemeenskappe is daar steeds groot wantroue en agterdog jeens epileptici. Die pers het 'n plig om die toestand in die kollig te plaas en dit daar te hou, sodat vrees en onkunde deur feite en inligting besweer kan word.

Worstel joernaliste om syfers te ontsyfer? : ’n gevallestudie van ’n steekproef Suid-Afrikaanse joernaliste se syfervaardighede

Prinsloo, Juanita Alida 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most journalists readily acknowledge that they cannot be proud at all of their numeracy. The literature also depicts a rather bleak scenario regarding journalists' use and often misuse of numbers. This matter raises concerns especially in the present century, characterised by a rapid development in the area of science and technology. Numeracy is essential to make sense of those developments that are frequently explained by means of numbers or mathematical and statistical concepts.

Reality blurred? : the ethical challenges and responsibilities presented by reality television

Delange, Lisa Jeanne January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.Phil.) --Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reality television combines various genres of entertainment to produce material that has in recent years gripped the attention of audiences across the globe. It is presented in various formats such as game or talk shows, which each reveal different ethical dilemmas to media practitioners. Reality shows place ordinary persons in exotic locations or situations where cameras capture non-scripted scenes that reveal the joy and heartache of participants. These programmes often lay the lives of normal people bare to all and, thus, the question arises as to whether it is ethical for the media to subject participants to the scrutiny of the audience in this way. Reality television has highlighted the ethical challenges and responsibilities presented to media practitioners in the modem media industry where competition may adversely affect ethical choices. In this assignment the function of journalists and their ethical position is touched on, while the medium of television, its entertainment value and the effect of commercialism on the media industry is examined. Various international and South African reality television productions are considered in an attempt to discover how current media practitioners deal with ethical challenges, and weigh up financial gain against upholding the moral values of society. The role of media practitioners as moral agents and the effect that the material they disseminate may have on their audience is furthermore discussed by using case studies. The future of reality television, particularly after the terror attacks of 11 September 2001 in the USA, is speculated and it is determined that it appears that reality-based programming will be a feature of television in the short term. Media practitioners need to realize their place in society and make ethical decisions that encourage artistic values and uplift society. Reality television presents a number of challenges in this regard and has the potential to continue to raise ethical issues in the future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Realiteitstelevisie is 'n kombinasie van verskeie vermaaklikheidsgenres en het oor die afgelope jare die aandag van kykers wereldwyd aangegryp. Dit word op verskeie wyses aangebied soos byvoorbeeld in die vorm van speletjies- of geselsprogramme, welke elk verskillende etiese dilemmas vir media praktisyns daarstel. Hierdie programme plaas gewone persone voor die kameras op eksotiese bestemmings en in unieke situasies waar die ware blydskap en hartseer van deelnemers vasgele word op film. Hierdie programme beskou soms elke aspek van deelnemers se lewens, en dus word die vraag geopper of dit eties is vir die media om die lewens van deelnemers bloot te le vir kritiek van kykers. Realiteitstelevisie het die etiese uitdagings en veranwoordelikhede van media praktisyns in die moderne media bedryf, waar kompetisie 'n negatiewe effek op etiese keuses mag he, na vore gebring. In hierdie werkstuk word die funksie van joernaliste en hul ethiese posisie kortliks aangeraak, terwyl die middel van televisie, ·die vermaaklikheidswaarde daarvan asook die effek van kommersialisme op die media bedryf ondersoek. V erskeie internasionale en Suid-Afrikaanse realteitstelevisie produksies word hierin oorweeg in 'n poging om te ontdek hoe huidige media praktisyns etiese uitdagings hanteer en fmansiele gewin opweeg teenoor die morele waardes van die gemeenskap. Die rol van media praktisyns as morele agente en die effek van die materiaal wat hulle versprei word ook bepsreek deur middel van gevallestudies. Die toekoms van realiteitstelevisie, veral na die terreur aanvalle van 11 September 2001 in die VSA, word gespekuleer en word dit bevind dat realiteitstelevisie, minstens in die kort termyn, 'n eienskap van televisie in die toekoms sal wees. Media praktisyns moet hul plek in die samelewing besef en etiese besluit neem wat die artistieke waardes van die gemeenskap bevorder. Realiteitstelevisie opper vele uitdagings in hierdie opsig en beloof om ook in die toekoms etiese aspekte uit te lig.

Journalism education in universities : the global and local migration of concepts between discipline and practice

Du Toit, Jeanne Erica 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study deals with the relationship between university-based journalism education and journalism as a social practice. It is argued that the construction of this relationship can be better understood in context of its location within the history different conceptions of social knowledge. The purpose was to gain insight into how this relationship was shaped by the location of journalism education within global and local histories of such knowledge. This goal was pursued through an exploration of the international development of university-based journalism education and a more detailed consideration of the South African example. The study consists, firstly, of a literature review which demonstrates how the construction of the relationship between journalism education and journalism as practice has been implicated in the history of different conceptualisations of authoritative knowledge. The review traces the role played by Mass Communication Studies and Cultural Studies in shaping this relationship. It is concluded that the way in which these two fields have located themselves within the politics of authoritative knowledge has contributed to the marginalisation, within journalism education, of critical engagement between academic knowledge and knowledge of journalistic practice. The review also teases out how South African journalism education has positioned itself within the broader history of universitybased journalism education. It is concluded that although the marginalisation of critical education is reproduced within the South African example, a close study of journalism education in this country reveals the potential for a more critical engaged approach to teaching. The study includes an empirical research component focusing on South African journalism education. This serves as a more detailed exploration of the themes emerging from the literature review, pursued in context of an examination of a historically situated example of university-based journalism education. A central aim of this empirical component of the study was to explore the potential for the realisation of a critically engaged tradition in journalism education in South Africa. The study drew, for this purpose, on interviews with individuals who have experience both of working as journalists and of studying and teaching in university environments in South Africa. One conclusion drawn from these interviews is that journalism education, as it exists in this country, has primarily defined itself in relation to a mainstream and ‘liberal’ understanding of authoritative journalistic knowledge. It is demonstrated that it becomes possible to imagine a more critically engaged and transformative relationship with journalism practice if teaching acknowledges the existence, in the South African context, of alternative approaches to authoritative journalistic knowledge. It is also shown that within existing traditions of critical education, the relationship with practice tends to be one of the ‘deconstruction’ of the liberal conceptualisation of journalistic knowledge. The study proposes that ‘critical engagement’ needs, instead, to be reconceptualised as a relationship of ‘supportive critique’ with historically situated examples of journalistic practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die geskiedenis van die verhouding tussen universiteits-gebaseerde joernalistieke onderrig en joernalistiek as ‘n sosiale praktyk. Die studie voer aan dat die ontwikkeling van hierdie verhouding beter begryp kan word deur dit te kontekstualiseer binne die geskiedenis van sosiale kennis. Die bedoeling was om insig te verkry in hoe die verhouding tussen universiteitsgebaseerde joernalistieke onderrig en joernalistiek as ‘n sosiale praktyk gevorm is deur ontwikkelinge in internasionale sowel as in die plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse verband. Met die oog hierop word ‘n oorsig van die internasionale ontwikkeling van universiteits-gebaseerde joernalistieke onderrig verskaf sowel as ‘n nadere ondersoek van die Suid-Afrikaanse geval. Die studie bestaan, eerstens, uit ‘n literatuuroorsig wat demonstreer hoe die uitbou van ’n verhouding tussen joernalistieke onderrig en joernalistiek in die praktyk ingebed was in die vestiging van gesaghebbende sosiale kennis. Die literatuur-oorsig beklemtoon die invloed van onderskeidelik Massa Kommunikasie Studies en Kulturele Studies op die ontwikkeling van hierdie verhouding. Een gevolgtrekking is dat die rol wat dié twee studievelde gespeel het binne die politiek van sosiale kennis bygedra het tot marginalisering van ‘n kritiese verhouding tussen akademiese kennis en kennis van joernalistieke praktyk. Die ontwikkeling en rol van joernalistieke onderrig in Suid-Afrika word ook ondersoek binne die breër geskiedenis van universiteits-gebaseerde joernalistieke onderrig. Dit word bevind dat hoewel kritiese onderrig ook in Suid-Afrika gemarginaliseer is, ‘n nadere studie aantoon dat daar wel potensiaal is vir ‘n meer kritiese benadering in joernalistieke onderrig. Die studie sluit ‘n empiriese navorsingsprojek in van joernalistieke onderrig in Suid-Afrika. Die temas wat as deel van die literatuuroorsig bespreek is word sodoende in hierdie besondere historiese konteks ondersoek. ‘n Belangrike doelstelling van hierdie empiriese komponent van die studie was om die potensiaal vir ‘n meer krities-betrokke tradisie in joernalistieke onderrig in Suid- Afrika te ondersoek. Onderhoude is gevoer met individue wat ondervinding het van joernalistiek in die praktyk sowel as van joernalistieke onderrig. Een gevolgtrekking uit hierdie onderhoude is dat Suid-Afrikaanse joernalistieke onderrig tot dusver sigself in eerste instansie defineer het in relasie tot die hoofstroom van joernalistieke praktyk en deur middel van ‘n ‘liberale’ konsepsie van gesaghebbende joernalistieke kennis. Die navorser voer aan dat ‘n meer kritiese en transformerende verhouding tussen joernalistieke onderrig en die praktyk van joernalistiek wel moontlik word as die bestaan van alternatiewe benaderings tot gesaghebbende joernalistieke kennis binne die Suid Afrikaanse konteks erken word. Binne bestaande tradisies van kritiese onderwys word die verhouding met die praktyk dikwels gedefinieer as ‘dekonstruksie’ van die liberale konseptualisering van joernalistieke kennis. Hierdie studie stel voor dat ‘n kritiese benadering tot onderrig in joernalistiek eerder gebaseer moet word op ‘ondersteunende kritiek’ wat gebruik maak van histories gekontekstualiseerde voorbeelde van joernalistieke praktyk.

Riglyne vir omgewingsjoernaliste

Botes, Engela 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is calculated that the biosphere is worth between $16 and $54 trillion. The environment, however, is constantly under threat of proposed development that focuses on recreational, industrial, commercial and residential developments. The environment is an unobtrusive subject. Members of the public can seldom gain firsthand experience about those activities and actions that influence the environment. Therefore, the public relies heavily on the media to inform them of the general state of the environment. This thesis aims to provide guidelines to journalists who work in the field of environmental reporting. Various models of the communication of science, according to which environmental journalists present their work, are discussed. Sustainable journalism is presented as a solution in the debate between objective and subjective reporting. Environmental journalists have diverse sources to tap in search of credible articles. Attention is given to the specific relationship between the media, scientists and lobby groups. Attention is also given to the process of interviewing sources. Certain issues and activities generate more media attention than others. This is discussed with reference to news subjects, agenda setting and the framing of messages. Attention is given to the issues that make a subject newsworthy, ie risk journalism, local input, human interest, conflict and visual impact. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die waarde van die biosfeer word geskat tussen $16 en $54 triljoen. Die omgewing word daagliks in gedrang gebring deur voorgestelde ontwikkeling wat fokus op ontspanning, industriële, kommersiëleen residensiële uitbreidings. Omdat die omgewing 'n onopvallende ("unobtrusive")onderwerp is, steun die publiek swaar op die media om hulle in te lig oor die belangrikheid en invloed van gebeurtenisse in die omgewing wat hulle nie self kan ervaar nie. Daarom speel omgewingsjoernalistiek 'n baie spesifieke rol in die bewusmaking van die publiek oor aspekte wat die omgewing bedreig of interessant maak. Dit moet ook die publiek aanspoor tot direkte omgewingsvriendelikeaksies. Riglyne word in hierdie verhandeling uiteengesit in 'n poging om tot hulp te wees vir joernaliste wat die omgewing hul belangstellingsveldwil maak. Die verskillende modelle van wetenskaplike kommunikasie, waarvolgens omgewingsjoernaliste hul werk aanbied, word bespreek. Volhoubare joernalistiek word as oplossing aangebied in die debat oor objektiewe en subjektiewe verslaggewing. Die verskillende bronne wat omgewingsjoernaliste kan tap om nuuswaardige artikels te kan skryf, word bespreek. Daar word veral gekyk na die media se verhouding en wisselwerking met wetenskaplikes en drukgroepe. Die proses van onderhoudsvoering word ook bespreek. Die suksesvolle gebruik van nuusonderwerpe, asook agendastelling en die raming van artikels om 'n bepaalde boodskap oor te dra, word bespreek om lig te werp op die vraag waarom sekere omgewingsverwante gebeure meer media-aandag genereer as andere Aandag word gegee aan die faktore wat nuuswaardigheid beïnvloed, soos die onmiddellikheid van nuus, risiko-joernalistiek, plaaslike inhoud, die menslike nuushoek, konflik en beeldmateriaal.

Sinergie as politiek-ekonomiese strategie in die balansering van idealisme en markgerigtheid by Die Burger Wes-Kaap, 2004-2005

Botma, Gabriel Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The leading South African media groups are subject to many challenges to their political economic interests as part of the international capitalist profit economy. These challenges coincided with the democratization and transformation of South Africa since 1994, which heralded many changes to the national political economic context within which media companies operate.

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