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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The media on trial: An investigation into the media’s portrayal of the law

Van der Spuy, Anri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The relationship between the media and the law is an important one, especially in an adolescent democracy like South Africa. On the one hand the law has the power to control the fundamental right to freedom of expression – the very core of the media’s existence. On the other hand, however, the media are vital mechanisms through which the law can ensure that citizens know that justice is being done. The media are therefore also powerful; having the ability to influence people’s perceptions of and respect for the law. The relationship between the media and the law is characterised internationally by frequent tensions and misunderstandings – a trend that has not escaped South Africa. Whereas some of these strains may be explained with reference to both the media and the law’s respective duties in a democracy; many problems are also caused as result of misunderstandings and inaccurate expectations of both parties’ responsibilities in a democracy. This study was thus launched from the premise that there is room and need for improvement in the relationship between the media and the law. The way in which citizens perceive the law (or legal consciousness) was investigated; as were the sources of such perceptions. Making use of a questionnaire distributed to a sample of students at two Western Cape universities, it was established that students’ opinions of lawyers and judicial officers are generally positive, but that they do not have much confidence in the efficacy of the South African legal system. The feedback also indicates that news and popular media are the most important sources of such opinions of the law – a context-specific finding that echoes similar results obtained internationally. Popular media as an important source of perceptions give rise to several concerns. Not only do citizens struggle to distinguish between fact and fiction in popular media; but most of the popular (legally-themed) media available in South Africa are furthermore imported from the USA. This tendency, defined in this study as the Hollywoodization of South African law, lead to concerns that citizens may not only be basing their opinions of the law on fiction; but also that such media are premised on a very different (American) legal system from our own. The importance of news media as a source was investigated more specifically by making use of a case study (the Inge Lotz/ Fred van der Vyver story). The way in which pre-trial publicity and court reporting may lead to the sacrifice of a defendant’s right to a fair trial was investigated by looking at the influences of news media coverage on the parties involved; the presiding officers, assessors and witnesses; and the perceptions lay audiences may have of the specific case and (consequently) the law in general. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verhouding tussen die media en die reg is ’n belangrike een, veral in ’n jong demokrasie soos Suid-Afrika. Aan die een kant het die reg die mag om die hart van die media se bestaansreg – die grondwetlike reg op vryheid van spraak – te beheer. Aan die ander kant is die media ook ’n noodsaaklike meganisme wat aan landsburgers oordra wanneer geregtigheid geskied, en wanneer nie. Die media kan dus die doeltreffendheid van die reg in ’n demokrasie ernstig beïnvloed. Die verhouding tussen die media en die reg word wêreldwyd met misverstande en probleme gekenmerk – ’n tendens waarvan Suid-Afrika nie afgesonder is nie. Hoewel van dié stremminge veroorsaak word deur die partye se onderskeie natuurlike pligte in ’n demokrasie, word sommige probleme ook veroorsaak deur misverstande en onregverdige verwagtinge van wat beide partye se verantwoordelikhede behels. Die studie is gevolglik onderneem met die uitgangspunt dat daar moontlikheid vir verbetering in die verhouding tussen die media en die reg is. Die wyse waarop burgers die reg beskou of ervaar (waarna in die studie verwys word as legal consciousness of regbewussyn) word ondersoek; en só ook die bronne van burgers se regsbewussyn. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n vraelys wat aan ’n groep studente by twee Wes-Kaapse Universiteite uitgedeel is, word daar vasgestel dat studente oor die algemeen baie respek het vir die regslui, maar min vertroue in die Suid- Afrikaanse regstelsel het. Die terugvoering bepaal ook dat nuus- en populêre/ gewilde media die belangrikste bronne van regsbewussyn is. Dié bevinding, wat konteksspesifiek tot Suid-Afrika is, bevestig soortgelyke gevolgtrekkings wat internasionaal ook aanvaar is. Die feit dat populêre media ’n belangrike bron van regsbewussyn is, lei tot talle bekommernisse. Behalwe dat daar reeds bevind is dat gebruikers van dié media nie kan onderskei tussen wat feite en wat fiksie is nie, word daar in Suid-Afrika hoofsaaklik Amerikaanse populêre media met regstemas versprei. Die gevaar is dus dat Suid- Afrikaanse burgers dalk besig is om hul indrukke van die reg te baseer op beide fiksie én ’n Amerikaanse voorstelling van die regstelsel (die sg. Hollywoodization van die Suid- Afrikaanse reg). Die studie beskou verder die belangrikheid van die nuusmedia as ’n bron deur ’n gevallestudie van ’n bekende Suid-Afrikaanse moordondersoek en regssaak (die Inge Lotz/ Fred van der Vyver-saak). Die aard van beide voorverhoor-publisiteit en hofverslaggewing en die moontlikheid dat dit skade aan die regverdigheid van ’n verhoor kan verrig, word veral van nader beskou. Spesifieke aandag word ook geskenk aan die moontlike invloede van dié tipe mediadekking op die betrokke partye; die onafhanklikheid van voortsittende beamptes, assessore en getuies; en die indrukke wat by gewone burgers oor ’n spesifieke saak – en dus die reg in geheel – geskep kan word.

Die fragmentasie in die Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifmark : die invloed van "vrou-gerigte" nistydskrifte op die "tradisionele algemene belangstelling"-vrouetydskrif : gaan die "tradisionele algemene belangstelling" Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrif die vloedgolf nuwe "vrou-gerigte" nistydskrif oorleef?

Rossouw, Elna 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The appearance and content of magazines in the South African consumer market has changed drastically during the past two decades. Where once only a handful of women’s magazines existed from which readers could choose, shelves in shops today are filled to capacity with glossy publications which address every possible need, interest and desire of feminine readers. This diversification in the South African women’s magazine market happened almost overnight and there is no doubt that the advent of the niche market of women-focused magazines has changed the landscape of the South African magazine. The established traditional women’s magazine of broad general interest had to take cognizance meticulously of the worldwide trend and of various economical, political and socio-cultural factors influencing the successful publication of women’s magazines locally. The aim of this study is to see how the advent and growth of niche-market magazines focused exclusively on matters of interest specifically to women such as home, décor, garden, food, health, lifestyle, handcrafts and parenting have affected the world of the “traditional” South African women’s magazine. The researcher endeavours to answer the question as to whether the traditional women’s magazine of general interest can survive the flood of new “women-directed” magazines and has concluded that in order not only to survive, but to maintain necessary profit margins, the traditional general interest women’s magazine is going to have to adapt its contents urgently and continuously to the needs of its readers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorkoms en samestelling van tydskrifte in die Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikersmark het radikaal verander gedurende die laaste twee dekades. Waar daar eers net ʼn tiental vrouetydskrifte was waaruit lesers kon kies, is winkelrakke nou tot boordensvol met glanspublikasies wat elke moontlike behoefte of begeerte van vroulike lesers aanspreek. Hierdie fragmentasie in die Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifmark het byna oornag gebeur en daar is geen twyfel dat die koms van “vrou-gerigte” nistydskrifte die landskap van Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifte heeltemal verander het nie. Die gevestigde “tradisionele” vrouetydskrif moes noukeurig kennis neem van hierdie wêreldwye tendens en moes verder ook verskeie ekonomiese, politieke en sosio-kulturele faktore wat die suksesvolle publikasie van vrouetydskrifte beïnvloed, in gedagte hou. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te kyk hoe die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van nistydskrifte wat op bepaalde “vrou-gerigte” onderwerpe soos huis, dekor, tuin, kos, gesondheid, leefstyl, handwerk en ouerskap fokus, die wêreld van die “tradisionele” Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifte geraak het. Die navorser poog om die vraag of die “tradisionele algemene belangstelling”- vrouetydskrif die vloedgolf nuwe “vrou-gerigte” nistydskrifte gaan oorleef, te beantwoord. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die “tradisionele” vrouetydskrif haar inhoud indringend en op ʼn voortdurende basis sal moet aanpas by die behoeftes van haar lesers, nie alleen ter wille van oorlewing nie, maar ten einde noodsaaklike winsmarges te kan handhaaf.

Burgerlike joernalistiek in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks : 'n ondersoek na die insluiting van gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe deur herberaming met verwysing na projekte van die Cape Argus en Kaapse-Rapport

Truter, Charlene 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since South Africa’s transition from a nationalistic state to a democracy in 1994, debates about the media’s role have intensified as the challenges and complexities of the South African society unfolded. In this debate, which mainly played out between the government and the media, the liberal theory and the developmental theory were used as the two main normative positions from which to contest the media’s role. As normative theories they describe the ideal role of the press within societal systems and thus fall within the functionalist paradigm. Historically, the liberal approach was seen as the accepted normative framework for the media within a democracy to protect that very democracy. The liberal consensus adopted by the post-apartheid media therefore came as no surprise. However, the optimism initially experienced regarding the independence of the new, liberal media, its professionalisation and economic restructuring, is gradually being challenged by the critical perspective. This perspective questions the extent of transformation in a public sphere where entrance is still restricted by class structures. The argument of this paper is that although the above changes to the media landscape are recognised as important, they do not account for issues of class and how the poor, the spaces they live in and the factors impacting on their lives, are framed by the media. This paper is presented as a normative undertaking and presents civic journalism as alternative normative framework. It moves from the premise that the representations afforded to the poor in die media are being hampered by the individualistic aims of the Western, liberal, journalistic tradition. The argument is further that the use of a community-driven approach should lead to broader representation of the poor in the media and the inclusion of this currently marginalised group in the public sphere. Reframing, one of the most important methods of civic journalism, is singled out to explore the possibility of applying civic journalism to the South African context. The motivation for this paper is the belief that the need exists for a greater plurality of voices and discourses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert Suid-Afrika in 1994 beweeg het van ’n nasionalistiese staat na ’n demokrasie, het die debat oor die rol van die media algaande verdiep namate die uitdagings en kompleksiteite van die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie ontvou het. In die debat tussen die postapartheid media en die regering was die twee normatiewe posisies van waar die media se rol by uitstek betwis is, die libertynse en ontwikkelingsteorie. As normatiewe teorieë wat die ideale rol van die pers binne samelewingsisteme verwoord, val dit binne die funksionalistiese paradigma. Histories word die liberale benadering gesien as die vanselfsprekende roete wat ’n media binne ’n demokrasie moet volg om daardie demokrasie te beskerm. Die liberale konsensus van die post-apartheid media was in die lig hiervan geen verrassing nie. Maar die optimisme wat aanvanklik ervaar is oor die onafhanklike, liberale media, sy professionalisering en ekonomiese herstrukturering, word algaande uitgedaag deur ’n kritiese perspektief. Hierdie perspektief bevraagteken die waarde van ’n getransformeerde media waar toelating tot die openbare sfeer steeds deur klasstrukture gereguleer word. Alhoewel die bogenoemde erken word as belangrike veranderinge, is die argument dat die liberale normatiewe paradigma nie genoeg was om kwessies van klas te verreken en hoe armes, die kwessies wat hulle lewens beïnvloed en die ruimtes waarin hulle ’n bestaan maak, deur die media beraam word nie. Hierdie werkstuk is ’n normatiewe onderneming wat burgerlike joernalistiek as normatiewe raamwerk wil voorstel. Die uitgangspunt is dat representasie van armes in die media deur die individualistiese doelstellings van die Westerse, liberale joernalistieke tradisie beperk word. Die argument is verder dat die toepassing van ’n gemeenskapsgerigte benadering behoort te lei tot ’n breër representasie van armes en die insluiting van dié tans gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe by die openbare sfeer. Herberaming, een van die belangrikste metodes van burgerlike joernalistiek, word uitgesonder om die toepassingsmoontlikheid van burgerlike joernalistiek as alternatief te ondersoek. Die motivering vir die werkstuk is die oortuiging dat daar in die Suid-Afrikaanse mediakonteks ’n behoefte bestaan aan ’n groter diversiteit van stemme en diskoerse.

Healing the rift : an assessment of a World Health Organisation's media communication programme for health scientists

Baleta, Adele 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Health scientists agree that the media is a crucial conduit for communicating life-saving, preventative and curative health messages to a wider audience. They also concur that they are the gatekeepers, and the responsibility of communicating their findings and health information to the public rests with them. And yet, their relationship with journalists is often unhealthy and in need of attention. Many health scientists lack knowledge and understanding about who the media are, and what they require to do the job of reporting ethically and professionally. They often lack the skills needed to frame simple, succinct messages timeously, especially on controversial issues such as vaccines and drug safety, immunisation and drug treatment for infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS. This study argues that health scientists/professionals globally, irrespective of culture, ethnicity, creed, language or media systems, need training on how to communicate with the media in the interests of public health. This is especially so in the modern world with its complex, high-speed communication. The objective of the study was to assess the impact of a WHO media communication training programme for health scientists worldwide. More specifically, the study sought to shed light on whether the training shifted their perceptions and attitudes to the media. And, if so, in what way? It also aimed to find out if the trainees learned any skills on how to deal with reporters. The research methodology was qualitative. A review of the literature, to establish current thinking in the field, was followed by interviews with health professionals. The interviewees are from China, South Africa and Ghana and received the same basic training either in South Africa, China or Sri Lanka. Some were trained in 2005, others in 2004 and others before that. Most had been trained together with participants from other countries. Two focus groups were conducted in China before and after training. Included, is an account of the aims and objectives of each module of the actual training. The study also made use of WHO documents and news and feature articles from newspapers, radio and the internet. Most participants had never had media communication training but had been interviewed by reporters. While some had positive experiences, others felt bruised by their interactions with journalists. After training, however, they registered a shift in attitude toward feeling more positive and less fearful of the media. They felt more confident and better equipped to engage with journalists. Most participants desired more training to consolidate the skills that they had learned. Some had managed to put the training to good use by developing similar programmes in their own country. Others who were trained more recently were enthusiastic about the prospect of sharing ideas with colleagues. Those who were unlikely to deal with the media directly said they felt they could at last contribute to discussions on the media in the workplace. The WHO training, albeit a first step aimed at bridging the gap between health professionals and journalists, goes a long way in addressing the frustrations and the complexities of dealing with the media. Health professionals want to communicate because they need to reach their target population, the ordinary person in the street. Training and facilitation can empower health professionals to deal constructively with the media in getting health messages to the public. This training programme, which imparts practical skills including how to prepare and manage interviews, could be adapted to meet the needs of scientists from different disciplines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gesondheidswetenskaplikes is dit eens dat die media ‘n uiters belangrike middel is om lewensreddende, voorkomende en genesende gesondheidsboodskappe aan ‘n groter gehoor oor te dra. Hulle stem ook saam dat hulle die hekwagters is en die verantwoordelikheid het om hul bevindinge en gesondheidsinligting aan die publiek oor te dra. Tog is hul verhouding met joernaliste dikwels ongesond en sorgwekkend. Talle gesondheidswetenskaplikes het geen kennis en begrip van wie die media is en wat hulle nodig het om hul taak – verslaggewing – eties en professioneel te verrig nie. Hulle kort dikwels die vaardighede om eenvoudige, saaklike boodskappe betyds te formuleer, veral as dit kom by omstrede aangeleenthede soos veilige entstowwe en medisyne, immunisering en medisyne vir die behandeling van aansteeklike siektes. Hierdie studie voer aan dat wetenskaplikes/gesondheidsberoepslui wêreldwyd – ongeag kultuur, etnisiteit, geloof, taal of mediastelsels – ‘n behoefte het aan opleiding om beter met die media te kommunikeer ter wille van openbare gesondheid. Dit is veral belangrik vir die ingewikkelde en snelle kommunikasie van die moderne wêreld. Die doel van die studie was om die uitwerking van ‘n wêreldwye opleidingsprogram van die WGO oor kommunikasie met die media te bepaal. Die studie het meer spesifiek probeer lig werp op die vraag of die opleiding hul begrip van en ingesteldheid teenoor die media verander het. En, indien wel, op watter manier? Dit het ook probeer vasstel of deelnemers enige vaardighede aangeleer het oor hoe om met verslaggewers om te gaan. ‘n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodiek is gevolg. Bestaande literatuur is bestudeer om huidige denkrigtings op die gebied te bepaal, waarna onderhoude met gesondheidsberoepslui asook ‘n TV-gesondheidsverslaggewer van Beijing, China, gevoer is. Die ondervraagdes kom van China, Suid-Afrika en Ghana en het dieselfde basiese opleiding in Suid-Afrika, China of Sri Lanka ondergaan. Sommige is in 2005 opgelei, party in 2004 en ander vroeër. Die meeste is saam met deelnemers van ander lande opgelei. Twee fokusgroepe is voor en ná opleiding in China bestudeer. ‘n Verslag oor die oogmerke en doelwitte van elke module van die werklike opleiding is ingesluit. Die studie het ook gebruik gemaak van WGO-dokumente, nuus- en artikels uit nuusblaaie, die radio en die internet. Die meeste deelnemers het nooit opleiding in mediakommunikasie gehad nie, hoewel verslaggewers al onderhoude met hulle gevoer het. Terwyl dit vir sommige ‘n aangename ondervinding was, het ander nie goeie herinneringe aan hul interaksie met joernaliste nie. Ná opleiding het hulle egter getuig van ‘n positiewer gesindheid teenoor en minder vrees vir die media. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers wou graag verdere opleiding hê om hul pas verworwe vaardighede uit te bou. Party kon selfs soortgelyke programme in hul eie lande ontwikkel. Van die meer onlangse deelnemers was geesdriftig oor die vooruitsig om gedagtes met kollegas te wissel. Diegene wat waarskynlik nie veel met die media te doen sou hê nie, het gesê hulle kon nou minstens by die werk aan gesprekke oor die media deelneem. Hoewel dit maar die eerste tree is om die gaping tussen gesondheidsberoepslui en joernaliste te oorbrug, slaag die WGO se opleiding in ‘n groot mate daarin om die frustrasies en verwikkeldhede van omgang met die media te oorkom. Mense in die gesondheidsberoepe wil graag kommunikeer omdat hulle hul teikenbevolking – die gewone mense – moet bereik. Opleiding en tussentrede kan hulle toerus om konstruktief met die media om te gaan ten einde gesondheidsboodskappe aan die publiek oor te dra. Hierdie opleidingsprogram kan aangepas word om in die behoeftes van wetenskaplikes in verskeie vakgebiede te voorsien.

Die kulkuns van die letterdief : 'n ondersoek na plagiaat in die Suid-Afrikaanse gedrukte media, met spesiale verwysing na drie onlangse gevallestudies

Hugo, Carina 04 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 2003 various incidents of plagiarism in the South African media were reported. The South African copyright law does not define plagiarism, only copyright infringement. The issue of plagiarism is a complex one, due to the conflicting views within professional, intellectual, social, moral and legal contexts. The advent of the Internet era saw the eradication of the boundaries guarding copyright ownership. Also, the Internet offers infinite access to information which makes it tempting for any journalist to “borrow” quotes, facts, stories and articles freely and under the auspices of a post-modernist approach to knowledge and copyright ownership. Most media companies have ethical codes which cover plagiarism, but there is no working document that can empower media managers and journalists to combat the problem effectively. This document should define the boundary between negligence and plagiarism and offer suggestions on how to approach cases of plagiarism. This study investigates different theories on plagiarism, specifically with regard to the cases of Darrel Bristow-Bovey, Cynthia Vongai and Willem Pretorius. It will also study the ethical codes of media companies and will try to formulate a document which can address the problem of plagiarism. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle voorvalle van plagiaat in die Suid-Afrikaanse drukmedia het sedert 2003 plaasgevind. Die Suid-Afrikaanse wet omskryf nie plagiaat nie, slegs outeursregskending en met die talle teenstrydige opvattings oor plagiaat binne professionele, intellektuele, sosiale, morele en regskringe, word plagiaat moeilik gedefinieer. Met die toeganklikheid van inligting danksy die koms van onder meer die Internet, het die grense van eienaarskap van geskrewe werke begin vervaag. Veral die Internet bied ’n magdom inligting aan. Dit word al hoe makliker vir joernaliste om met gemak aanhalings, feite, stories en artikels te “leen” sonder die nodige erkenning. Die meeste media-instellings beskik oor etiese kodes wat plagiaat dek, maar daar is nie werksdokumente wat bestuurders en joernaliste kan bemagtig om plagiaat te bekamp nie. Die werksdokument of handleiding behoort die grense tussen nalatigheid en plagiaat te definieer, en om voorstelle te bied oor hoe gevalle van plagiaat hanteer kan word nie. Hierdie studie ondersoek verskillende teorieë oor plagiaat, bespreek die plagiaatgevalle van Darrel Bristow-Bovey, Cynthia Vongai en Willem Pretorius, bestudeer die etiese kodes van media-instellings en poog om ’n werksdokument saam te stel wat plagiaat kan bekamp.

An analysis of health reporting in three South African women's magazines: Fairlady, Sarie and True Love

Mattheyse, Mary (Mary Elizabeth) 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Health reporting in South African women’s magazines has not previously been assessed. Therefore, a content analysis of health reporting in three South African monthly women’s magazines, Sarie (S), Fairlady (F), and True Love (T), was carried out from February 2005–January 2006. Total coverage of health issues was analysed, as well as coverage of 11 specific aspects of health, namely: sexual and reproductive (‘Sexual’), men’s, women’s, cardiac (‘Heart’), spiritual ‘Spirit’), mental and emotional (‘Mental’), diet and nutrition (‘Diet’), sport and exercise (‘Sportex’), health-related items not covered by the other categories (‘General’), pseudoscience with regard to health issues (‘Pseudo’) and parenting and child care (‘Parent’). True Love devoted most space to all health items combined (17,7% of total subject material), compared with 13,8% for Sarie and 11,7 % for Fairlady. The top three categories (20,1%, 19,7% and 16,3% of total health coverage) were the ‘Mental’, ‘General’ and ‘Sexual’ categories, respectively. Comparisons of categories among the magazines showed the following trends for the most coverage: ‘Sexual’ (T); women’s (F), ‘Spirit’ (T), ‘Mental’ (S); and ‘Diet’ (F). T was the only magazine to carry articles in the ‘Parent’ category. However, statistical analyses showed that the only significant differences were in women’s (F>T); ‘Spirit’ (F>S; T>S); ‘Mental' (S>F) and ’Diet’ (F>S). The reporting in the magazines was not found to be balanced as regards the emphasis given to certain aspects of health. The most striking imbalance was that no information was given regarding prevention of HIV/Aids, now the leading cause of death in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mate van gesondheidsverslaggewing in Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifte is nog nie voorheen bepaal nie. Daar is dus ‘n inhoudsanalise gedoen van die gesondheidsverslaggewing van drie Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifte, Sarie (S), Fairlady (F), and True Love (T), wat maandeliks verskyn, vanaf Februarie 2005–Januarie 2006. Die totale dekking van gesondheidskwessies is geanaliseer, sowel as die dekking van 11 spesifieke aspekte van gesondheid, nl.: seksueel en reproduksie (‘Seksueel’), mans, vrouens, hart (‘Hart’), geestelik (‘Geestelik’), emosioneel (‘Emosioneel’), dieet en voeding (‘Dieet’), sport en oefening (‘Sport’), gesondheidsverwante kwessies wat nie deur ander afdelings gedek is nie (‘Algemeen’), pseudo-wetenskap met verwysing na gesondheidskwessies (‘Pseudo’) asook ouerskap en kindersorg (‘Ouer’). Gesamentelik het True Love (17,7% van totale onderwerp inhoud) die meeste plek afgestaan aan gesondheidsverwante kwessies, in vergelyking met 13,8% vir Sarie en 11,7 % vir Fairlady. Die top drie afdelings (20,1%, 19,7% en 16,3% van die totale gesondheidsdekking) was ‘Geestelik’, ‘Algemeen’ en ‘Seksueel’ respektiewelik. ‘n Vergelyking van die verskillende afdelings tussen die tydskrifte het die volgende tendense vir die meeste dekking getoon: ‘Seksueel’ (T); vroue (F), ‘Geestelik’ (T), ‘Emosioneel’ (S); and ‘Dieet’ (F). T was die enigste tydskrif wat artikels in die ‘Ouer’ afdeling gepubliseer het. Statistiese analises het egter getoon dat die enigste insiggewende verskille in die ’vroue’ (F>T); ‘Geestelik’ (F>S; T>S); ‘Emosioneel' (S>F) en ’Dieet’ (F>S) afdelings voorgekom het. Daar is gevind dat rapportering in die betrokke tydskrifte ongebalanseerd was ten opsigte van sekere aspekte van gesondheid. Die grootste gebrek was dat daar geen inligting oor die voorkoming van MIV/Vigs verskaf is nie, alhoewel dit bekend is dat dit nou die hoof oorsaak van sterftes in Suid-Afrika is.

A comparative analysis of the coverage of science news in Cape Town newspapers

Turner, Gillian Kim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil(Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The 21st century is less than a decade old, but it is already evident that South Africans will need to improve their scientific literacy (that is, their knowledge about science, the environment and health) if they are to become active citizens in a world which is dominated more and more by complicated scientific and technological advances. It is a world in which average people are increasingly required to understand and make appropriate local decisions regarding numerous scientific debates, including alternative energy sources, climate change and new medical techniques. For most South Africans, the press is their main source of science news. Thus, a huge responsibility rests on the shoulders of newspaper journalists to empower their readers with scientific knowledge and to share the excitement that comes from discovering more about how the universe works. It is within this context that the question arises as to how Cape Town’s newspapers cover science news. Having determined from a review of the literature that a large knowledge gap existed in this field, it was decided to conduct research about science coverage in three daily newspapers (the Cape Argus, the Cape Times and Die Burger) and three weekend newspapers (the Saturday Argus, the Sunday Argus and the Saturday edition of Die Burger) in Cape Town. The quantitative research method of content analysis was employed in order to provide statistical evidence for the study’s problem statement, namely that science news is covered very differently in the six newspapers. This exploratory comparative analysis formed the bulk of the research. The qualitative research methods of surveys and in-depth interviews with the newspapers’ specialist science writers were then used to address the thesis of the study, namely that the science writers are “gatekeepers” (as predicted by the theoretical model of gatekeeping) and that their education, knowledge, interests, beliefs about science, attitudes towards their reporting, and interactions with editors within the newspaper structures determine the science coverage in their newspapers. Thus, this study asks (primarily) what science is covered, and (secondarily) why. The content analysis yielded a wealth of information which confirmed that the six newspapers cover science news very differently, while the surveys and interviews with the science writers validated the prediction that they are the dominant (but not the only) influence on the coverage of science in their newspapers. This study’s goal is to provide a comprehensive comparative overview of the coverage of science news in Cape Town’s newspapers, which will not only create a foundation for future research, but will also provide useful information for the six newspapers, their science writers and editors. Key words: Cape Argus, Cape Times, Cape Town, Die Burger, environment, gatekeeping, health, journalism, media, newspaper, reporter, Saturday Argus, science, South Africa, Sunday Argus, technology.

'n Ondersoek na die ontwikkeling van Die Matie studentekoerant se regulering en selfregulering sedert 1995

Kloppers, Jacolette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The development of the regulation and self-regulation of Die Matie, official student newspaper of the University of Stellenbosch (US), were researched in this study. Die Matie is subjected to a complete code of conduct since 1995, which has been approved by the US council. This code developed after several conflicts with university authorities in a period in which South Africa changed into a new political system and when government became more tolerant towards the press. The origin and development of Die Matie’s code of conduct, the operations of the Media Council, the origin and development of the Die Matie’s Financial Advisory Committee, and developments in terms of the subsidy Die Matie receives from the US on an annual basis, are therefore studied with in the context of the regulation and self-regulation of the South African press in general. The theoretical framework with in which this study was done is the normative media theory because this theory focuses on the ideal role the media should fulfil in society. The normative media theory also offers a basis from which the media’s responsibility and the quality of the media can be tested and controlled. The study has focused especially on the theory of social responsibility, which is one of the four original press theories and of which regulation and self-regulation forms a part. The methodology which has been used is that of historical research, a qualitative methode. This methode was refined even further more by using the approach of microhistory which, firstly, entails the analising of a small area, and secondly acknowledges the researcher’s personal experience of the subject. The study came to the conclusion that Die Matie firstly enforces self-regulation via its code of conduct, the Media Council and the Financial Advisory Committee. Secondly the editorial team has the freedom to publish whatever they would like to publish and to be as critical and controversial as they find necessary as long as they obey the regulations of the code of conduct. The study also finds that Die Matie’s position is currently protected and that the university authorities and the Student Representative Council can not take any random decisions about the existence of the newspaper.

The framing of the coverage of the Gaza withdrawal by Israeli forces in the Cape Times, Mail & Guardian and Sunday Times from July 1, 2005 to September 12, 2005

Silke, Bryan David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be classified as an isolated conflict. Today’s clashes were not triggered by a single event, but rather are as a result of thousands of years of violent and at times restrained disagreements about the rights of Jews, Muslims and other ethnic groups to the disputed land known collectively today as Israel and the Palestinian Territories. This study examines the media coverage of one event during the conflict, i.e. the withdrawal by Israeli settlers from the Gaza area. The study tracks coverage over ten weeks in the South African media context, specifically the Mail & Guardian, Cape Times and the Sunday Times – a media setting in itself highly diverse and compelling. Using a qualitative framing analysis as the central methodology, the study focused on six core frames in analysing all articles/reports relating to the Gaza withdrawal. In addition, the editors of the respective newspapers were interviewed to complement the textual analysis. The methodological approach addressed how each story was packaged and presented, and then questioned why certain frames dominated and others did not. The study found that conflict (a combination of violent and non-violent) was the dominant frame chosen. Consequences and Attribution of Responsibility were the next two most prominent frames. Both these frames were found to apportion blame to a particular side in presenting the news reports and when providing comment. Whilst all three newspapers argued that they practiced a balanced coverage, it was this perceived “balance” in using several different frames of presentation that neglected a key “historical” frame. This lack of historical context was one of the key results of the other frames being so dominant. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konflik tussen Israel en Palestina kan nie gesien word as ’n geïsoleerde konflik nie. Die huidige konflik is nie veroorsaak deur ’n enkele gebeurtenis nie, maar spruit uit die voortslepende geweld tussen Jode, Moslems en ander etniese groepe wat reeds duisende jare lank duur, as gevolg van betwiste aansprake op die grondgebied gesamentlik bekend as Israel en die Palestynse grondgebied. Dié studie ondersoek die mediadekking van een gebeurtenis in die konflik, naamlik die onttrekking van Israeli setlaars in die Gaza-gebied. Die studie volg mediadekking oor tien weke deur drie Suid-Afrikaanse publikasies, Mail & Guardian, Cape Times en Sunday Times. Met behulp van kwalitatiewe raming-analise as die sentrale metodologie, konsentreer dié studie op ses rame in die analise van artikels, wat verband hou met die onttrekking uit die Gasastrook. Die navorsing word aangevul met onderhoude met die redakteurs van die koerante. Die metodologie is toegespits op die manier waarop die stories verpak en aangebied word, en bevraagteken waarom sekere raamwerke oorheers en ander van minder belang is. Die studie bevind dat Konflik (’n samestelling van geweldadige en nie-geweldadige konflik) die oorheersende raam was waarbinne artikels in dié tydperk aangebied is. Die Gevolge- en Toeskrywing van Verantwoordelikheid-rame kom ná konflik die meeste voor. By albei raamwerke word bevind dat skuld aan die een of ander kant toegeskryf word in die aanbiedeing van nuusverslae en wanneer kommentaar gelewer word. Hoewel al drie koerante volhou dat hulle gebalanseerde dekking aanbied, word ’n belangrike “historiese” raam in dié aanbieding verontagsaam as gevolg van die gebruik van verskeie rame om balans te bewerkstellig. Die gebrek aan ’n historiese konteks is een van die vernaamste gevolge van die oorheersing van die ander rame.

Vooruitsigte van die Afrikaanse tydskrifmark : die lewenskragtigheid van Afrikaans, en hoe dit manifesteer in die lewenskragtigheid van Afrikaanse tydskrifte oor die korttermyn

Nanny, Pia 03 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After South Africa’s transition to democracy in 1994, many Afrikaans-speaking people were worried that their language might not survive, especially in a country where English became the accepted lingua franca. However, since 1999 a large number of Afrikaans magazines have entered the market. Publishers and marketers have realized the magazine-reading Afrikaans market is affluent and willing to use their spending power to read their language. Contrary to Afrikaans, the other indigenous languages have not proven themselves to be as marketable. Even though these languages are spoken by the biggest part of the South African population, they are mainly used in the speakers’ private spheres. In a country where most Afrikaans speaking people are bilingual and many South Africans are able to understand English, the question is: Why has Afrikaans not followed the same route as the other indigenous languages, and might it still go that way if its future is left to be determined by market influences? The focus of this study is on the origin and the development of the Afrikaans publishing market, with specific emphasis on magazines. Afrikaans’ position in the community and the economy of the Afrikaans magazine market will also be discussed. The study aims to answer the question: Is it still economically viable to publish in Afrikaans and what are the Afrikaans magazine publishing market’s prospects for the next five to ten years. The researcher comes to the conclusion that it is still very profitable to publish Afrikaans magazines. A publication’s success will be determined by whether it satisfies a need, whether it has a sound business model and whether advertisers are willing to use the publication as an advertising medium. It is up to magazines to convince advertisers to advertise in Afrikaans or to be willing to accept English ads. The less affluent Afrikaans-speaking market could be considered a future market for magazine publishers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kort ná Suid-Afrika se oorgang na demokrasie in 1994 het onder Afrikaanssprekendes kommer ontstaan dat hul taal sou verdwyn, veral toe Engels as die algemene gebruikstaal in die openbare sfeer na vore getree het. Die getal Afrikaanse tydskrifte op die Suid-Afrikaanse mark het egter sedert 1999 toegeneem. Uitgewers en bemarkers het besef die Afrikaanssprekende tydskrifmark is welvarend en Afrikaanssprekendes is bereid om hul koopkrag te gebruik om hul te taal te lees. In teenstelling met Afrikaans het die ander inheemse tale nie dieselfde bemarkbaarheid getoon nie. Hoewel die tale ’n aansienlike moedertaalbasis het, word dit grotendeels in die sprekers se private sfere gebruik. In ’n land waar die meeste Afrikaanssprekendes tweetalig is en ’n groot persentasie van die bevolking Engels magtig is, is die vraag waarom Afrikaans nie dieselfde roete gevolg het as die ander inheemse tale nie en of dit dalk nog daardie roete sal volg indien sy voortbestaan aan markkragte oorgelaat word. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing is op die Afrikaanse tydskrifbedryf – die ontwikkeling en groei van die Afrikaanse tydskrifmark en die ontstaan van nuwe Afrikaanse titels. Die fokus is dus terselfdertyd onvermydelik ook op Afrikaans se posisie in die samelewing. Laastens is die fokus op die ekonomie van die Afrikaanse tydskrifbedryf. Dit is steeds ’n sake-onderneming, en moet dus winsgewend wees. Die studie wil dus vasstel watter faktore ’n rol speel in die lewenskragtigheid van die Afrikaanse uitgewersbedryf. Die sentrale navorsingsvraag is: Is dit steeds ekonomies lewensvatbaar om in Afrikaans te publiseer, en wat is die Afrikaanse uitgewersmark se vooruitsigte vir die volgende vyf tot tien jaar? Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat dit tans baie voordelig is om in Afrikaans te publiseer. ’n Publikasie se oorlewing sal egter afhang van of dit ’n behoefte onder lesers bevredig, van ’n goeie sakemodel en veral die bereidwilligheid van adverteerders om die tydskrif as advertensiemedium te gebruik. Die onus rus op die tydskrifbedryf om óf die adverteerders te oortuig om Afrikaanse kopie te skep óf bereid te wees om ter wille van die ekonomiese oorlewing van die produk Engelse advertensies te aanvaar. Die studie bevind ook dat die minder welvarende Afrikaanssprekende bevolking as ’n toekomstige mark beskou kan word en tydskrifte kan daar moontlik na die sukses van koerante kyk.

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