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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MRC scientists and the media : attitudes to and experiences of reporting their findings to the public

Gething, Leverne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Scientists seem to have an 'international corporate culture' of mistrusting the media. Attitudes of South African scientists to the media and their experiences of reporting findings to the public and media have not been documented. The South African Medical Research Council (MRC) is a statutory research body with an excellent research record - but awareness of the MRC among the South African public is almost non-existent. The MRC needs to publicise and increase knowledge of its goals and research findings by promoting scientists' engagement with the public and other stakeholders. Objective: A postal survey was carried out among MRC scientists to obtain a 'baseline' indication of attitudes and experiences regarding communication to the public and media. Results would inform development and implementation of strategies to fast-track a turnaround in culture at the MRC towards promotion of science communication. Method: A questionnaire with prompted responses was sent to 253 MRC scientists. One hundred were returned (39.5%), representing an impressive assemblage of the MRC's research leaders. Findings: Although 48.9% of the scientists had each published over 30 articles in peerreviewed journals, 38.9% had never had these articles mentioned in the lay media. Yet the scientists regard 'the public' and 'policy makers' as the most important groups they should communicate with, and most think the public glean their knowledge of scientific research and its implications from the lay media. The scientists might not trust the media to provide accurate scientific information, but they feel that the general public do. The vast majority (92.8%) strongly agree or tend to agree that they have a duty to communicate their research and its implications to the public, and 70.8% would like to spend more time on this. However, the scientists also agree that the day-to-day requirements of their jobs leave them with too little time to communicate the implications of their research to others (47.5%) or even to get on with research (36.4%). Most of the scientists had never had contact with the media, or only every few years. When the source or subject ofa news story, 65.4% had been either 'very satisfied' or 'somewhat satisfied' with the coverage. Many of their comments reflected unrealistic expectations which can only be addressed by training in what the media are all about. Most (86.9%) had never had any training in dealing with the media, but 80.8% would be interested in such training. Conclusions: It is clear that the scientists generally want to communicate and see the potential benefits. For the MRC to become a communicating organisation it must spell out to its scientists the importance and value placed on their communication activities. Science communication and development of links with community and media should be seen as part and parcel of scientific research, and given due recognition and support. Policies must be agreed and communicated with the scientists about recognising, encouraging and rewarding such efforts. The MRC also needs a clear media strategy giving guidelines on specific situations, as well as on the Ingelfinger rule. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Dit kom voor asofwetenskaplikes 'n 'internasionale gedragskode' het om die media te wantrou. Gesindhede van Suid-Afrikaanse wetenskaplikes teenoor die media en hulle ondervinding van die bekendmaking van hulle bevindinge aan die publiek en die media is nog nooit opgeteken nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Navorsingsraad (MNR) is 'n statutêre navorsingsliggaam met 'n uitstekende navorsingsgeskiedenis - maar die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek is haas onbewus van sy bestaan. Die MNR moet sy doelwitte en navorsingsbevindinge openbaar maak deur wetenskaplikes se kontak met die publiek en ander belangegroepe te bevorder. Doelwit: 'n Posopname is onder die MNR se wetenskaplikes gedoen om 'n 'basislyn' aanduiding van hulle gesindhede teenoor en ondervinding van kommunikasie met die publiek en media te verkry. Die resultate hiervan sal die ontwikkeling and implimentering van strategie om 'n vinnige handomkeer in gebruike by die MNR ten einde die bevordering van wetenskapskommunikasie te weeg te bring, stuur. Metode: 'n Vraelys met voorgestelde antwoorde is aan 253 MNR wetenskaplikes gestuur. Eenhonderd is teruggestuur (39.5%), wat 'n indrukwekkende groep van die MNR se navorsingsleiers verteenwoordig. Bevindinge: AlhoeweI48.9% van die wetenskaplikes elk al meer as 30 artikels in portuurevalueerde joernale publiseer het, het 38.9% nog nooit enige dekking in verband met hierdie artikels in die lekemedia ontvang nie. Desondanks beskou die wetenskaplikes' die publiek' en 'beleidmakers' as die mees belangrike groepe waarmee hulle moet kommunikeer. Die meeste dink ook die publiek verkry hul kennis van wetenskaplike navorsing en die gevolge daarvan vanuit die lekemedia. Die wetenskaplikes mag nie die media vertrou om akkurate wetenskaplike inligting weer te gee nie, maar hulle dink die algemene publiek vertrou wel die media. Die oorgrote meerderheid (92.8%) stem sterk saam of stem saam dat hulle 'n verpligting het om hulle navorsing en die implikasies daarvan met die publiek te deel, en 70.8% sou graag meer tyd hieraan wou afstaan. Die wetenskaplikes stem egter ook saam dat die dag tot-dag eise van hulle beroep te min tyd oorlaat om die implikasies van hulle navorsing aan ander te kommunikeer (47.5%) of om selfs hulle navorsing te doen (36.4%). Die meeste van die wetenskaplikes het nog nooit enige kontak met die media gehad nie, of dan wel slegs met tussenposes vanjare. Wanneer hulle die bron ofonderwerp van 'n nuusstorie was, was 65.4% óf 'baie tevrede' óf 'effens tevrede' met die dekking. Baie van hul kommentaar dui op onrealistiese verwagtinge wat slegs aangespreek kan word deur opleiding oor die 'hoe' en 'wat' van die media. Die meeste (86.9%) het nog nooit enige opleiding gehad om met die media te werk nie, maar 80.8% sou belangstel in sulke opleiding. Gevolgtrekkings: Dit is duidelik dat die wetenskaplikes oor die algemeen wil kommunikeer en ook die moontlike voordele daarvan insien. Om 'n kommunikerende organisasie te word, moet die MNR die belang en waarde wat geheg word aan wetenskaplikes se kommunikasieaktiwiteite, aan hulle uitspel. Wetenskaplike kommunikasie en die vorming van netwerke met die gemeenskap en die media moet gesien word as 'n deel van wetenskaplike navorsing en moet paslike erkenning en ondersteuning geniet. Beleid rakende die herkenning, aanmoediging en beloning van sulke pogings moet vasgestel en oorgedra word aan die wetenskaplikes. Die MNR het ook 'n duidelike mediastrategie nodig wat riglyne oor spesifieke situasies en die Ingelfinger reël gee.

The making of a community newspaper website : http://www.helderberg.com

Hoffman, Bernard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Helderberg.com started out as a Virtual Village, with its roots firmly entrenched in the community newspaper from which it developed - the DistrictMail. It quickly evolved into a full blown community newspaper website with its own business model, earning its own way. Dotcoms are based on a virtual business model not seen up till now, trying to replace 'bricks and mortar' with 'clicks and mortar', making it difficult for investors to evaluate its worth. The DistrictMail community newspaper has been the heartbeat of the Helderberg, reflecting the news and views of the people of the area, for almost seventy-five years. Helderberg.com adds value and completes the circle. The success of companies depends on profitability. Bringing old and new media together, helderberg. com is the first community newspaper website to carry its own advertisers, and the first to break even and even make profit in the notoriously difficult dotcom internet arena. This paper examines how a community newspaper website is made - dissecting the internal and external makings, and shows helderberg. com is based on a structure and business model that has economic sustainability on which similar sized community newspapers, can launch or build their online enterprise. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Helderberg.com het begin as 'n Feitedorp ("Virtual Village"), stewig gewortel in die streekkoerant waaruit dit ontwikkel het - die DistriksPos. Dit het spoedig 'n volwaardige gemeenskapskoerant-webtuiste geword met 'n eie sakemodel en in staat om geld te verdien. Dotcom besighede is gebaseer op 'n virtuele sakemodel soos wat tot dusver nog nie gesien is nie. En probeer om 'klippe en pleister' met 'klikke en pleister' ('bricks and mortar' with 'clicks and mortar') te vervang met die gevolg dat dit vir beleggers moeilik is om die waarde daarvan behoorlik te evalueer. Die DistriksPos is die hartslag van die Helderberg en reflekteer die standpunte van sy inwoners vir langer as 75 jaar. Helderberg.com voltooi hierdie kringloop en voeg waarde daaraan toe. Die sukses van 'n maatskappy word beoordeel na gelang van verdienste. Deur ou en nuwe media bymekaar te bring word helderberg. com die eerste gemeenskapskoerant-webtuiste wat adverteerders dra en die eerste wat finansieel gelyk breek en selfs 'n wins wys in die berugte dotcom internetarena. In hierdie mini-tesis word ondersoek gedoen oor hoe 'n gemeenskapskoerant-webtuiste geskep word deur die interne en eksterne kwaliteite daarvan te ontleed. Dit toon hoe helderberg. com gebaseer is op strukture en 'n sakemodel wat ekonomies volhoubaar is, en waarop gemeenskapskoerante van soortgelyke grootte hul internet-bedrywe kan grond.

E-commerce in South Africa : an overview

De Heus, Louisa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: E-commerce developed as a direct result of the Internet and it has impacted the way South African businesses conduct its operations and consumers receive their information. It is impossible to quantify the e-commerce phenomenon locally - this research study aims to cover most of the important areas impacted bye-commerce in South Africa. There are some barriers slowing the development of e-commerce in this country. The goal of this study is to determine if the local market is ready to accept e-commerce technologies that are already widely used in global markets. This research study examines the history of the Internet in South Africa and also raises the question whether the market was affected by the global dot com crash (also known as the dot bomb crash) experienced in 2000. The study also aims to identify the barriers hindering effective e-commerce in South Africa. It further highlights the importance of other areas of online commerce, such as mobile commerce (m-commerce), to bring the power of technology to consumers and collaboration commerce (c-commerce), to streamline business operations. Lastly, the study aims to explore the South African government's initiatives to effectively formulate a policy for e-commerce to protect the consumers' rights. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: E-handel het ontwikkel as gevolg van die Internet. Dit beïnvloed die manier waarop Suid-Afrikaanse besighede werk, en verbruikers kommunikasie ontvang. Dit is onmoontlik om die omvang van e-handel in Suid-Afrika te kwantifiseer - hierdie navorsingstudie se doel is om te fokus op die belangrikste areas wat deur e-handel beïnvloed is. Daar is hindernisse wat die ontwikkeling van e-handel in Suid-Afrika belemmer. Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stelof die plaaslike mark gereed is om e-handeltegnologie, wat alreeds in internasionale markte in gebruik is, te aanvaar. Die navorsingstudie ondersoek die geskiedenis van die Internet in Suid-Afrika en vra ook of die mark beïnvloed was deur die internasionale dot com ineenstorting van 2000 (dit word ook die dot bom ineenstorting genoem). Die studie kyk ook na wat effektiewe e-handel in Suid-Afrika keer. Dit fokus op die belangrikheid van ander areas van e-handel, soos mobiele elektroniese handel (m-handel), wat tegnologie op verbruikers se voorstoepe plaas, en saamwerk elektroniese handel (s-handel), wat besighede meer vaartbelyn maak. Laastens ondersoek die studie die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se pogings om 'n effektiewe beleid op te stel wat die verbruiker se regte te beskerm.

Probing the degree of accuracy, bias and fairness in certain daily newspapers in South Africa

Gaibie, Akeela Banu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Principles and standards in journalism warrant attention and this assignment attempted to offer some ethical concepts as a framework from which to evaluate journalistic conduct. The proposal was to investigate the level of moral integrity in journalism as practiced in daily newspapers using concepts proposed by specialists in the journalistic field such as accuracy, bias, and fairness. The newspapers examined in the research process were the Cape Argus, the Cape Times, Die Burger and Beeld. As a means of probing the dailies, case studies were made of reports on de Allan Boesak, the former anti-apartheid cleric accused and later convicted of theft and fraud, and Hansie Cronje, the former cricket captain of South Africa, who found himself in a similar position regarding money and the trust placed in him. The research comprised a comparative analysis of articles related to dr. Boesak in the period from 4 March 1997 to 27 March 1997, and Hansie Cronje from 8 April 2000 to 24 April 2000. These personalities were used as case studies to establish whether the four dailies differed in their portrayal of these figures as events unfolded in the public arena. The intention was to find out if there were differences in the approach to the topics covered, and if so, if it amounted to bias, inaccuracy and unfairness The results of the study showed that in the final analysis, dr. Boesak primarily enjoyed favourable coverage in the Cape Argus and Cape Times, while Hansie Cronje primarily enjoyed the same in Die Burger and Beeld. While these predispositions were rather obvious, the quality of reportage was not impaired to the extent that one could regard its news as distorted, inferior or of doubtful quality. The papers were still able to perform a high standard of professionalism in giving equal and just coverage to the topics covered, and were adept at providing a successful forum for the exchange of ideas while keeping the public informed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beginsels en standaarde in die joernalistiek vereis aandag en hierdie werkstuk het probeer om enkele etiese konsepte voor te stel waarvolgens joernalistiese optrede beoordeel kan word. Die doel was om die standaard van morele integriteit in die joernalistiek van streekkoerante te bestudeer deu- middel van gespesialiseerde joernalistiese begrippe, onder meer akkuraatheid, partydigheid en regverdigheid. Die koerante wat deel gevorm het van die ondersoek sluit die Cape Argus, Cape Times, Die Burger en Bee/d in. Die dagblaaie is deur middel van gevallestudies bestudeer. Hierdie het bestaan uit berigte oor dr. Allan Boesak, die voormalige anti-apartheid aktivis wat eerstens aangekla en later skuldig bevind is aan diefstal en bedrog, en oor Hansie Cronje, die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse krieketkaptein, wat in 'n soortgelyke posisie verkeer het weens beweerde bedrog. Die studie bestaan uit 'n vergelykende ontleding van berigte oor dr. Boesak wat verskyn het in die tydperk tussen 4 Maart 1997 en 27 Maart 1997, asook berigte oor Hansie Cronje wat verskyn het tussen 8 April 2000 en 24 April 2000. Die omstredenheid rondom hierdie persoonlikhede word gebruik as gevallestudies om vas te stel of hierdie spesifieke dagblaaie verskil het in hul uitbeelding van die persone terwyl hierdie gebeure in die openbare arena afgespeel het. Die doel was om vas te stel of daar verskille was in die manier waarop die onderwerpe benader is, en indien wei, of dit tot onjuistheid, partydigheid en onregverdigheid gelei het. Die uitslae van die studie het bewys dat dr. Boesak hoofsaaklik gunstige dekking gekry het in die Cape Argus en Cape Times, terwyl Hansie Cronje grootlik dieselfde behandeling ontvang het in Die Burger en Bee/d. Alhoewel hierdie neigings in die verskillende dagblaaie klaarblyklik was, het dit nie daarop neergekom dat die gehalte van die berigte verlaag is tot so 'n mate dat 'n mens dit as verdraaid, minderwaardig of twyfelagtig kon bestempel nie. Die dagblaaie het nog steeds daarin geslaag om 'n taamlik hoe mate van professionele vaardigheid te vertoon deur middel van egalige en eweredige beriggewing met betrekking tot die aangeleenthede van belang in hierdie studie. Die koerante het bepaald daarin geslaag om In forum vir die uitruiling van idees te verskaf terwyl hulle voortdurend sorg dat hulle die publiek inlig.

September 11, 2001 : framing the attacks in America's press

Pelser, Waldimar 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The attacks on New York and Washington on September 11 2001 constituted a singular media event. On the front pages of America's newspapers and in its pre-eminent news magazines unfolded, in the immediate wake of the blitz, a portrayal that uncontroversially legitimised claims to American innocence, fomented moral certitude through parallels with previous wars and anticipated retaliation that would soon enough engulf Afghanistan. Showing, first, that accounts of reality are always social constructions, the "framing" of September 11 in America's press will be evaluated with reference to 122 newspaper front pages, most from September 12, some from the day of the attacks, and two American news magazines. The emergence of a discourse of war will be considered, as well as the perpetuation within and without of the press of dominant views on America's role in the conflict. The extent to which this "popular frame" selectively excluded inconvenient truths is illustrated in critiques of john Pilger and Noam Chomsky, and an assessment of the politics of defining "terror". The analysis is placed within the normative framework of orthodox joumalism ethics, particularly the values of impartiality and objectivity, concluding that, in democracy, a responsible media better serves the public interest through sustained criticism than compliant patriotism. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvalle op New York en Washington op 11 September 2001 was 'n uitsonderlike mediagebeurtenis. Direk daarna het 'n uitbeelding op die voorblaaie van Amerika se koerante en in twee voorste nuustydskrifte ontvou wat aansprake op Amerikaanse onskuld sonder omhaal sou legitimeer, parallelle met vorige oorloë in die diens van morele daadkragtigheid sou oproep, en wraakaanvalle sou antisipeer wat kort daarna in Afghanistan sou woed. Met as vertrekpunt die argument dat enige weergawe van realiteit 'n sosiale konstruksie is, word die uitbeelding ("framing") van die aanvalle in die Amerikaanse pers op 122 koerantvoorblaaie, hoofsaaklik van 12 September maar insluitend enkeles van die aanvalsdag self, en in twee Amerikaanse nuustydskrifte hier geevalueer. Die ontluiking van 'n oorlogsdiskoers word bekyk, asook die voortsetting binne en buite die media van heersende sienings oor Amerika se rol in die konflik. Die mate waarin hierdie "populêre omraming" ("framing") ongemaklike waarhede selektief uitgesluit het, word aangetoon in critiques van John Pilger en Noam Chomsky, en 'n oorweging van die politiek agter 'n definisie van "terreur". Die analise voltrek in die normatiewe raamwerk van joernalistieke etiek, veral die waardes van onpartydigheid en objektiviteit, en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat, in demokrasie, 'n verantwoordelike media die openbare belang beter dien deur volgehou kritiek as deur onderdanige patriotisme.

Die politieke en joernalistieke impak van die Sondagkoerant Die Beeld, 1965 tot 1970

Davis, Heloise (Heloise Magdalena Burger) 11 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Journalism) -- Stellenbosch University, 1983. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Representation of black, young, women politicians in South African online news media : a case study of Lindiwe Mazibuko

Mannya, Maphuti Mabothakga 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the main areas of transformation that continues to be a priority in the 21st century in South African and all other democratic societies is equality between men and women. The media plays an important role in attaining the desired balance in the way it represents both genders. This study analysed the representation of South Africa's main opposition party's (Democratic Alliance) parliamentary leaders, Lindiwe Mazibuko, in the online print media in South Africa. Articles on Mazibuko from four leading news websites were analysed during the period in which her nomination to the position of parliamentary leader was announced, the run up to the party's elections, her election to the position and a month into her election. Not all persons suffered equally under the Apartheid regime therefore the empowerment of black women and their rise to positions of leadership and power remains an important priority if the gains of freedom are to be completely attained. Therefore every hindrance that would hamper their efforts should be addressed. The way the media represents not only women in general, but black women in particular is an important area of focus. Moreover, coverage of these women when they are in power and how they are portrayed to be handling these positions is critical. The paper approaches the representation of black, women politicians in the South African media from a womanist approach which goes beyond feminist assertions, from the mass communications theory, gender and media and the political economy theories. Using the quantitative research method of content analysis, 101 articles published on Timeslive, City Press Online, Mail & Guardian Online and Independent Online websites between 1 September 2011 and 30 November 2011 were analysed. The findings revealed that Mazibuko's age was mentioned in 62% of the articles, her gender in 28% of the articles and her race in 21%. This means that more than her race and gender, her age was the main area of focus for the majority of the news articles. The conclusion of this study questions the focus of these attributes that have no influence on her performance or ability to do her work and what it means to the progression of media representation of not only black women political leaders, but aspiring young, black, women political leaders. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gelykheid tussen mans en vroue is een van die hoofareas van transformasie, en 'n voortdurende prioriteit in die 21ste eeu in die Suid-Afrikaanse en talle ander demokratiese samelewings. Die media speel 'n belangrike rol om 'n gewenste balans te bereik deur hoe beide geslagte verteenwoordig of uitgebeeld word. In hierdie studie was die verteenwoordiging van een van Suid-Afrika se hoof opposisie partye (Demokratiese Alliansie) se parlementêre leiers, Lindiwe Mazibuko, in die aanlyn gedrukte media in Suid-Afrika geanaliseer. Artikels oor Mazibuko van vier toonaangewende aanlyn nuus webtuistes tydens die aankondiging van haar nominasie tot die posisie as parlementêre leier, die aanloop tot die party se verkiesing, haar verkiesing tot die posisie, asook 'n maand na haar verkiesing, is geanaliseer. Nie alle mense het in dieselfde mate onder die Apartheidsbewind gely nie, daarom bly die bemagtiging van swart vroue en hul opgang na leierskap 'n gewigtige prioriteit indien die voordele van vryheid as geheel bereik sou word. Alle hindernisse wat hul pogings beperk moet dus aangespreek word. Die manier hoe die media nie net vroue in geheel, maar spesifiek swart vroue verteenwoordig, is 'n belangrike fokus area. Verder is die blootstelling van hierdie vroue wanneer hulle in magsposisies is, asook hoe hulle voorgehou word om daardie posisies te hanteer, van kardinale belang. Hierdie tesis benader die verteenwoordiging van swart, vroue politici in die Suid-Afrikaanse media vanuit 'n vroue (womanist) benadering wat verder as feministiese bewerings gaan, vanuit die massa-kommunikasieteorie, geslag en media asook die politieke ekonomiese teorieë. Daar was gebruik gemaak van inhoudsanalise om 101 artikels wat op die webtuistes van 'Timeslive’, 'City Press Online’, 'Mail & Guardian Online’ en 'Independent Online’ gepubliseer is tussen 1 September 2011 en 30 November 2011, te analiseer. Die bevindinge het daarop gewys dat Mazibuko se ouderdom in 62% van die artikels, haar geslag in 28% van die artikels en haar ras in 21% van die artikels genoem was. Dit beteken dat meer as haar geslag of ras was haar ouderdom die vernaamste fokusarea van die meeste nuusberigte. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie bevraagteken hierdie eienskappe wat geen invloed het op haar vordering of vermoë om haar werk te doen, en wat dit beteken vir die vooruitgang van mediaverteenwoordiging van nie slegs swart, vroue politieke leiers nie, maar aspirant jong, swart, vroue politieke leiers.

Shattering the boundaries through self-efficacy : exploring the social media habits of South African previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs

Stevens, Julie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of this study is to explore the social media habits of South African previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs and the way in which the activity of online social networking through social networking sites (SNS) results in the outcome of building social capital for a business venture. At the heart of addressing the research topic is the concept of selfefficacy, which is explored as a key component of human motivation and behaviour. The study explores how self-efficacy beliefs are developed with regard to social media usage and their potential to influence positive outcomes for a business. Based on the research topic, the study which is empirical in nature, has applied a qualitative research design in order to interpret rather than measure self-efficacy behaviours related to social media usage. A purposive non-probability sampling procedure has been adopted to select twelve previously disadvantaged South African entrepreneurs for the study. Semi-structured interviews provide for an interactive and insightful data collection process. As a qualitative study, attention is given to guidelines which establish reliability and validity. Key findings from the study support and refine established Internet selfefficacy research (Eastin & LaRose, 2000) based on Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986). Based on the established relationships between various constructs and self-efficacy beliefs, the results of the study have been interpreted positively. The findings of the study contribute to the current digital divide debate, and point to a narrowing of the access and participation gap. According to the sample, social media has become embedded in their daily lives for both social and business purposes, and is contributing towards building social capital. This study provides scope to further explore social media as a new opportunity for previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs in South Africa.

The political role of the diaspora media in the mediation of the Zimbabwean crisis : a case study of The Zimbabwean - 2008 to 2010

Matsilele, Trust 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After a decade long multi-faceted political crisis, political parties in Zimbabwe signed the Global Political Agreement (GPA) of 2008 following the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) mediated talks culminating in the formation of an inclusive government. This study sought to investigate the political role, if any, played by the diasporic media in mediating the Zimbabwean crisis. This research focused on diasporic media using as a case study The Zimbabwean newspaper considering that during the research period it was circulating both in the country and diaspora communities in Western Europe, the USA and SADC countries. Diasporic media in Zimbabwe is a phenomenon associated with the rise of robust political opposition to the former ruling ZANU PF regime. Accordingly, such media operated outside the purview of the contemporary legislative and legal regime although the newspaper circulated in Zimbabwe. A number of anti establishment news media sprouted to challenge and offer resistance in the cyberspace and on shortwave and in print media. The Social Responsibility Theory was employed with the aim of establishing whether or not The Zimbabwean observed the journalistic ethics of reporting with truthfulness, accuracy, balance and objectivity. The Social Responsibility Theory’s thrust is on de-sensationalising reportage, promotion of media ethics and self regulation. This study employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research established that The Zimbabwean newspaper played, to a larger extent, an active role in challenging the ZANU PF-led government and gave a platform to the oppositional Movement for Democratic Change. The conclusion arrived at in this study was that just like the state media, which promoted the government’s propaganda, The Zimbabwean did the same for the opposition parties in Zimbabwe. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Politieke partye in Zimbabwe het ná ’n lang politieke krisis met vele fasette die Global Political Agreement (GPA) van 2008 geteken. Dit het gevolg op die Suid-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) se mediëring wat gelei het tot die vorm van ’n inklusiewe regering. Hierdie studie het probeer om die politieke rol, indien enigsins, van die diaspora-media in die mediëring van die Zimbabwiese krisis te ondersoek. Die navorsing het op diaspora-media gefokus deur ’n gevallestudie van die koerant The Zimbabwean te doen. Dié blad is gedurende die navorsingstyd in die land sowel as onder die Zimbabwiese diaspora in Europa, die VSA en SAOG-lande versprei. Diaspora-media in Zimbabwe is ’n fenomeen wat geassosieer word met die opkoms van ’n robuuste politieke opposisie teen die ZANU (PF)-regime. Dié media opereer dus buite die grense van die juridiese en wetgewende gesag van die land. ’n Verskeidenheid antiestablishment media het in die kuberruim, kortgolfradio en drukmedia ontwikkel wat beide uitgedaag en weerstand gebied het. Die Sosiale Verantwoordelikheidsteorie is gebruik om vas te stel of The Zimbabwean joernalistieke etiek nagekom het deur waarheidsgetrou en akkuraat, sowel as met balans en objektiwiteit, te rapporteer. Die teorie fokus om reportage te desensasionaliseer en om media-etiek en selfregulering te bevorder. Die studie het kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik. Die navorsing het vasgestel dat The Zimbabwean tot ’n groot mate ’n aktiewe rol gespeel het om die ZANU (PF)-regering uit te daag en ’n platform te bied aan die Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)-groepering. Die slotsom is dat, net soos die staatsmedia regering-propaganda bevorder het, The Zimbabwean dit vir die opposisiepartye in Zimbabwe gedoen het.

Manufacturing cultural capital : arts journalism at Die Burger (1990-1999)

Botma, Gabriel Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the discursive role and positioning of arts journalism at Die Burger during a period of radical transformation in South African society. The study is conducted within a critical-cultural paradigm. Arts journalists are considered to be manufacturers of cultural capital, a term devised by Pierre Bourdieu as part of his comprehensive field theory framework. While Bourdieu uses cultural capital in the main to describe the role of education and culture in the maintenance of elite power hierarchies, this study investigates how the nature of cultural capital at Die Burger was affected by power shifts when competing elites jostled for dominance in a post-apartheid dispensation. By drawing on Michel Foucault’s theory of discourse, the focus of research further incorporates the discursive positioning of arts journalists in their coverage of arts and cultural events in the 1990s in relation to shifting configurations of power. The argument is that arts journalism at Die Burger can be situated within networks of power and thus contributed to the structuring of post-apartheid society. In the words of Antonio Gramsci, arts journalists became involved in hegemonic and counter-hegemonic struggles. Flowing from these theoretical departure points, the study identifies critical discourse analysis (CDA) as an appropriate research method for textual analysis and adapts a five-phase model suggested by Teun van Dijk as part of his contextual CDA approach. The analysis thus focuses in turn on the context of discourse, discursive struggles between arts journalists and political journalists, strategies of classification used by arts journalists, emerging themes of discourse in arts journalism, and how the selection and presentation of arts journalism on news and arts pages were influenced by various factors, including the personal background and experiences of arts journalists (The concept of Bourdieu’s “habitus”). To affect triangulation and enhance the textual analysis, the study also employs semi-structured indepth interviews with arts journalists who were prominent at Die Burger in the 1990s. The study found that arts journalists were at the intersection of different and often diverging and contradictory power-points in post-apartheid discourses at the newspaper. On the one hand, some arts journalists embraced a legacy of editorial independence at the arts desk and sometimes created oppositional discourses to the official political view of the newspaper: for instance on the issue of alleged “collective guilt” for Afrikaners and whether Naspers should appear before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to explain its role in supporting the National Party (NP) during apartheid. On the other hand, many arts journalists shared the editor’s apparent aversion to the international cultural boycott supported by the ANC and harboured some of the same skepticism about the so-called Africanisation of society and resultant attacks on Eurocentrism in the arts. This study -- the first on this level to focus on Afrikaans arts journalism since 1994 -- represents a significant contribution to knowledge in the under-researched field of arts journalism in South Africa. Its purpose and process has furthermore developed theoretical and methodological innovations which can enrich the field of journalism studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie -- vanuit 'n kritiese kulturele paradigma -- ondersoek die diskursiewe posisionering en rol van kunsjoernalistiek by Die Burger gedurende 'n periode van radikale transformasie in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Kunsjoernaliste word beskryf as vervaardigers van kulturele kapitaal, soos gekonsepsualiseer deur Pierre Bourdieu in sy omvattende raamwerk van veldteorie. Terwyl Bourdieu die term kulturele kapitaal hoofsaaklik gebruik om die rol van opvoeding en kultuur in die behoud van hierargieë van elite-mag te beskryf, ondersoek hierdie studie hoe die aard van kulturele kapitaal by Die Burger beïnvloed is deur magsverskuiwings waarin mededingende post-apartheid elite-groepe mekaar die stryd aangesê het. Deur gebruik te maak van Michel Foucault se teorie van diskoers, val die fokus van navorsing dus op die diskursiewe posisionering van kunsjoernaliste in hul dekking van kuns-en-kultuurgebeure in the 1990’s. Die argument is dat kunsjoernalistiek by Die Burger binne magsnetwerke geplaas kan word en bygedra het tot die strukturering van die post-apartheid samelewing. In Antonio Gramsci se terme het kunsjoernaliste dus betrokke geraak in die stryd om hegemonie te skep en teen te werk. Uitvloeiend uit hierdie teoretiese vertrekpunte word kritiese diskoersanalise (KDA) as navorsingsmetode vir die ontleding van joernalistieke tekste geïdentifiseer. Daarvolgens word 'n model met vyf stappe, voorgestel deur Teun van Dijk as deel van sy KDA-benadering, aangepas vir gebruik. Die analise fokus dus om die beurt op die konteks van diskoers, die diskursiewe stryd tussen kunsjoernaliste en politieke joernaliste, strategieë van klassifikasie wat kunsjoernaliste gebruik het, temas van diskoers wat aan die lig gekom het in kunsjoernalistiek, en hoe die seleksie en aanbieding van kuns-en-kultuur-nuus deur verskillende faktore beïnvloed is, insluitend deur die persoonlike agtergrond en ondervinding van kunsjoernaliste (“habitus” in Bourdieu se teorie). Om triangulasie te bewerkstelling en die teks-analise te ondersteun, is semi-gestruktureerde in-diepte onderhoude met prominente kunsjoernaliste aangelê. Die studie het vasgestel dat kunsjoernaliste in post-apartheid diskoerse in die koerant hulself op 'n kruispunt van verskillende, soms uiteenlopende en selfs opponerende strominge van mag bevind het. Aan die een kant het sommige kunsjoernaliste 'n tradisie van redaksionele onafhanklikheid omarm en soms opposisionele politieke diskoerse in vergelyking met die amptelike beleid van die koerant geskep, byvoorbeeld oor die kwessie van beweerde “kollektiewe skuld” vir Afrikaners en of Naspers voor die Waarheid-en- Versoeniningskommissie (WVK) moes verskyn om sy rol as ondersteuner van die Nasionale Party (NP) gedurende apartheid te verduidelik. Maar aan die ander kant het talle kunsjoernaliste die redakteur se klaarblyklike afkeer gedeel aan die internasionale kultuurboikot wat deur die ANC ondersteun is. Kunsjoernaliste was ook skepties oor die sogenaamde Afrikanisering van die samelewing en gevolglike aanvalle op Eurosentriese kuns. Ten slotte maak hierdie studie -- die eerste op hierdie vlak oor Afrikaanse kunsjoernalistiek sedert 1994 -- 'n belangrike bydrae tot die yl kennisveld van kunsjoernalistiek in Suid-Afrika. In die proses het die studie ook teoretiese en metodologiese innovasies aangebring wat die veld van joernalistiek-studies kan verryk.

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