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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lichen thermal sensitivities, moisture interception and elemental accumulation in an arid South African ecosystem

Maphangwa, Khumbudzo Walter January 2010 (has links)
<p>Elevated temperatures accompanying climate warming are expected to have adverse effects on sensitive lichen species. This premise was examined by measuring the sensitivity of different lichen species to elevated temperatures in the laboratory and in the field. Laboratory studies involved the exposure of nine hydrated lichen species (Xanthoparmelia austro-africana, X. hyporhytida, Xanthoparmelia sp., Xanthomaculina hottentotta, Teloschistes capensis, Ramalina sp., Flavopuntelia caperata, Lasallia papulosa, Parmotrema austrosinensis) collected from sites of different aridity and mean annual temperature for 2 hourly intervals to temperatures ranging from 24&ordm / C to 48&ordm / C in a forced daft oven and measuring their respiration rates and maximum quantum yield of PSII. Field studies involved simultaneous hourly measurements of ground surface air temperatures and Lichen effective quantum yield of PSII of hydrated lichen species populations under ambient and artificially modified environmental conditions.</p>

Allopregnanolone effects on food intake and weight gain

Holmberg, Ellinor January 2015 (has links)
Background Obesity is currently one of the major causes of ill health and it is clear that overeatingis the cause of obesity. However, the actions of many endogenous factors that contribute to overeating are still not well understood. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic transmission has been shown to be of great importance for food intake regulation. The progesterone metabolite allopregnanolone is a potent positive GABAA receptor modulating steroid (GAMS) and in humans, elevated allopregnanolone levels have been suggested to be involved in increased food intake, and also with overweight and obesity. GABAA receptors that express the α2 and α3 subunits are proposed to be the main subtypes involved in food intake regulation. Therefore, the aims of the work in this thesis were to further investigate the effect of allopregnanolone on food intake, feeding behaviour, possible effects on weight gain and also to characterize a possible antagonist at α2β3γ2and α3β3γ2 GABAA receptors. Methods Allopregnanolone effects on food intake of different food items were recorded in male Wistar rats. Feeding patterns were analyzed. Food preference tests were also conducted and rats were repeatedly exposed to allopregnanolone under different feeding conditions to elucidate possible effects on body weight gain. To deeper investigate GABAA receptor subtypes suggested to be involved in food intake regulation, electrophysiological whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed to identify the specificity of the GAMS antagonist UC1020, at human α2β3γ2 and α3β3γ2 GABAA receptors expressed in HEK293-cells. Results Allopregnanolone increased the intake of standard chow, cookies and a high fat diet in male Wistar rats. Preferentially, allopregnanolone increased the rats´intake of the more calorie dense food type. Allopregnanolone reduced feeding latency and prolonged feeding duration. The increased chow intake induced by allopregnanolone was more pronounced at the beginning of the rats´ active period compared to the inactive. Repeated allopregnanolone administration during 5 consecutive days led to an increased body weight gain, more evident in schedule fed rats on a high fat diet. Both obesity prone and obesity resistant rats gained significantly more weight with repeated allopregnanolone exposure and the increased body weight gain correlated with increased food intake. The compound UC1020 was a potent antagonist of GAMS-enhanced GABA evoked currents at human α3β3γ2 GABAA receptors, whereas it had no effect at α2β3γ2 GABAA receptors. Conclusions Our findings indicate that allopregnanolone induced hyperphagia may be one of the endogenous factors involved in weight gain, especially when the diet is energy-rich. The compound UC1020 may prove useful for investigating the involvement of the α2 and α3 GABAA receptor subtypes in GAMS-induced hyperphagia.

An Investigation of the Relation between Sea Breeze Circulation and Diurnal Variation of Methane at a Swedish Lake / En studie av förhållandet mellan sjöbriscirkulation och dygnsvariation av metan vid en svensk sjö

Svensson, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Methane measurements over lake Tämnaren show a pronounced diurnal variation with high values at night and low values during daytime. The atmosphere over the lake and its surroundings is simulated with two different settings and resolutions of the WRF model during a period of eight days in May 2011 to investigate if a lake/land breeze circulation could be the cause of the observed methane variation. A night time land breeze can give rise to convergence over Tämnaren of the natural methane emissions from the lake which possibly could explain the diurnal variation. Analysis show that although Tämnaren is large enough to initiate a fully closed circulation these events are likely going to be rare because of the strong dependence of the background wind speed and cannot therefore be the cause of the pronounced diurnal variation. A fairly moderate wind speed will dominate over the thermodynamical forcing necessary to create a lake breeze. Even so, it is possible that a closed or nearly closed circulation could enhance the diurnal pattern with an increase of methane concentration at night and a decrease during the day. The reason for the high night time methane concentration is more likely due to the accumulation in a shallow internal boundary layer that develops over the lake combined with high night time methane flux caused by waterside convection. / Mätningar av metankoncentrationen över Tämnaren visar en tydlig dygnsvariation med höga värden på natten och låga under dagtid. Atmosfären över sjön med omgivning modelleras med två olika inställningar och upplösningar av WRF modellen under en åttadagarsperiod i Maj 2011 för att undersöka om en sjö- och landbriscirkulation kan vara orsaken till den observerade metanvariationen. På natten kan en landbris ge upphov till konvergens över Tämnaren av de naturliga metanutsläppen vilket skulle kunna vara en möjlig förklaring till dygnsvariationen. Vidare analys visar att Tämnaren är tillräckligt stor för att initiera en sluten cirkulation men dessa händelser är troligtvis sällsynta på grund av det starka inflytandet av bakgrundsvinden och kan därför inte vara orsaken till den uttalade metanvariationen. En relativt måttlig vind kommer dominera över den termodynamiska effekt som är drivande för skapandet av sjö- och landbris. Trots detta är det möjligt att en sluten eller nästan sluten cirkulation kan förstärka metanhaltens dygnsvariation med en ökning på natten och minskning under dagen. Orsaken till den observerade höga metankoncentrationen på natten är troligare en ackumulering i ett grunt internt ytskikt som bildas över Tämnaren kombinerat med höga nattliga metanflöden till följd av konvektion i sjön.

Interface planta-animal em função da intensidade de aplicação de insumos em pastagem natural / Plant - animal interface in relation to the intensity of input’s application in natural grasslands

Elejalde, Denise Adelaide Gomes January 2011 (has links)
O trabalho foi conduzido na região da Campanha do RS, no município de Quaraí, com objetivo de avaliar a composição florística e bromatológica de pastagem natural submetida ou não à utilização de insumos, e os reflexos sobre o comportamento ingestivo e desempenho animal. Os tratamentos foram pastagem natural (PN), pastagem natural adubada (PNA) e melhorada com adubação + sobressemeadura de espécies hibernais (PNM). O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, sendo os dados submetidos à análise de variância considerando as estações do ano como medidas repetidas no tempo. Os dados florísticos foram submetidos à análise multivariada. Foram utilizados novilhos da raça Angus em fase de terminação. O estudo da vegetação revelou grande riqueza florística, representada por 264 espécies distribuídas em 161 gêneros e 48 famílias. As famílias mais ricas em contribuição de espécies foram Poaceae, Asteraceae e Cyperaceae com 48, 15 e 13 espécies, respectivamente. Entre as espécies com mais de 1% de valor de importância, 13 eram estivais e dez hibernais, demonstrando um grande equilíbrio entre essas. A maior digestibilidade da forragem dos tratamentos melhorados no inverno e primavera justificou-se pela contribuição em valor de importância nestas épocas, das espécies nativas Andropogon lateralis Nees, Stipa setigera J. Presl, Piptochaetium stipoides (Trin. & Ruprecht.) Hackel var. stipoides, Paspalum notatum Alain, Mnesithea selloana (Hack.) Koning & Sosef, Briza subaristata Lam., Paspalum dilatatum Poir. e da espécie hibernal exótica Lolium multiflorum Lam. A relação entre o tempo de permanência e tempo de pastejo nas áreas de vegetação é de 73,6; 74,7; 34,0 e 51,5%, para Várzea úmida, Várzea seca + Encosta, Sombra e Topo, respectivamente. As variáveis FDNcp, relação NDT:PB, DIVMO e MS da composição química da forragem aparentemente consumida pelos animais explicaram 80% do ganho médio diário. A utilização da adubação ou sua associação com introdução de espécies proporcionam maior contribuição de espécies hibernais no período inverno-primavera em pastagem natural, contribuindo para uma melhor distribuição estacional da produção de forragem. As estações do ano têm marcada influência sobre a composição química da forragem, podendo ser parcialmente estabilizada pelo uso de insumos, notadamente a fertilização, pelo seu efeito na participação de espécies hibernais. Nesse tipo fisionômico de pastagem natural, o repertório de atividades de comportamento ingestivo de novilhos de corte em pastagem natural não é modificado pelos níveis de insumos aplicados. / This work was conducted in Quaraí, Campanha region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with the aim to evaluate the floristic and chemical composition of natural grassland submitted to the application of inputs, and effects on ingestive behavior and animal production. Treatments were natural grassland (PN), natural grassland fertilized (PNA) and improved natural grassland with fertilization and over seeding of cool season species (PNM). The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks with three replicates. Data were submitted to analyses of variance considering seasons of the year as repeated measurements on time. The floristic data were submitted to multivariate analysis. Aberddeen Angus steers in finishing phase were used. The vegetation study showed high floristic diversity, with 264 plant species distributed in 161 genera and 48 families. The families with higher contribution of species were Poaceae, Asteraceae and Cyperaceae with 48, 15 and 13 plant species, respectively. Considering species with more than 1% of importance value, 13 and ten were warm and cool season plants, respectively, what show a high equilibrium between them. The higher forage digestibility of the improved treatments on winter and spring was justified by the contribution in importance value of natural species as Andropogon lateralis Nees, Stipa setigera J. Presl, Piptochaetium stipoides (Trin. & Ruprecht.) Hackel var. stipoides, Paspalum notatum Alain, Mnesithea selloana (Hack.) Koning & Sosef, Briza subaristata Lam., Paspalum dilatatum Poir. and of the cool season specie Lolium multiflorum Lam. The relation between the permanence time and grazing time on vegetation areas was 73.6; 74.7; 34.0 and 51.5% to wet lowland, dry lowland + downhill, shadow and top, respectively. Variables NDFap, relation TDN:CP, IVOMD and DM of chemical composition of forage apparently intaked by animals explained 80% of average daily gain. The fertilization or its association with the specie‟s over sowing provided bigger contribution of cool season species in natural grasslands, contributing to a better seasonal distribution of forage production. Seasons influences markedly chemical composition of forage, which could be partially stabilized by using inputs, as fertilization, by its effect on the increase of cool season species. In these natural grasslands beef steers‟ activities of ingestive behavior were not modified by the applied input levels.

Aspekty duševního a sociálního zdraví u pubescentů ve vztahu k cirkadiánnímu rytmu / Aspects of Mental and Social Health of Pubescent in Relation to the Circadian rhythm.

KŘESŤAN, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to deal with the issue of both mental and social health in relation to the circadian rhythm. This work was created at the same time as a project GAJU no. 101/2011/S. "The Psychosocial and Somatic Indicators in Comparison to the Circadian Rhythm". In the theoretic part of this work the issue of the mental and social health is solved as well as the definition and characterization of the pubescent period is given here. The matter of the circadian and diurnal rhythms is explicated here as well. In the experimental part there is a questionnaire research involving 250 pubescents (125 girls, 125 boys). The age of the pubescents ranged from 11 up to 13 years. The average age for both of the sexes was 13 years. The data capture was proceeding from May 2011 till February 2012. For this purpose the method of two standardized questionnaires was used. The questions from the social sphere originated from the questionnaire called The Quality of Life, Cummins (1997) ComQol S5. The questions solving the issue of the circadian rhythms were chosen from the questionnaire called The Circadian Typology CIT, Harada, Krejčí (2012). The gained data were evaluated by the means of the basic statistic methods and reciprocal correlation. On the basis of results I concluded that some data are correlated with social and mental health, strongly affecting the concept and the importance of sleeping. At the beginning of this work 5 hypothesis were provided. Three of them were confirmed by data analyze.

Analýza kvality života u pubescentů a adolescentů s ohledem na cirkadiánní a diurální rytmy v dětských domovech v Jihočeském kraji. / The Quality of Life Analysis with Circadian and Diurnal Rhythms at Pubescent and Adolescent in South Bohemia Region.

VLKOVÁ, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with quality of life with regard to circadian and diurnal rhytm of children at children´s homes in South Bohemia. The theoretical part deals with pubescent and adolescent age of a child, circadian and diurnal rhytm, sleep and life quality of children. I also describe issues of value orientation, family and upbringing at children´s institutions. The most important part of the thesis was questionnaire development. QuestionnaireThe Circadian Typology CIT Harada, Krejčí (2010). There is a group of pubescents (10-14 years) and a group of adolescents (15-19 years). My research involves children´s homes in Písek, Volyně, Radenín, Žíchovec, Koryto, Boršov nad Vltavou, Homole and in Zvíkovské Podhradí. Data collecting took place since February 2012, to October 2012. The conclusion of the thesis shows results of completed questionnaires from 118.

Spatial distribution of fish in reservoirs and lakes / Spatial distribution of fish in reservoirs and lakes

MUŠKA, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the fish spatial distribution and its changes mainly during the diel cycle. In the first part, I described the fish spatial distribution in the tropical lake ecosystem of Lake Turkana. The second part deals with the fish spatial distribution in a temperate reservoir on the different spatial scales from in/offshore habitats over the fine-scale to the level of individuals. The linkage of fish distribution patterns with selected environmental variables was also evaluated.

Future Time Perspective, Socio-emotional Regulation, and Diurnal Cortisol Patterns in Post-secondary Engineering Students

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Built upon Control Value Theory, this dissertation consists of two studies that examine university students’ future-oriented motivation, socio-emotional regulation, and diurnal cortisol patterns in understanding students’ well-being in the academic-context. Study 1 examined the roles that Learning-related Hopelessness and Future Time Perspective Connectedness play in predicting students’ diurnal cortisol patterns, diurnal cortisol slope (DS) and cortisol awakening response (CAR). Self-reported surveys were collected (N = 60), and diurnal cortisol samples were provided over two waves, the week before a mid-term examination (n = 46), and the week during students’ mid-term (n = 40). Using multi-nomial logistic regression, results showed that Learning-related Hopelessness was not predictive of diurnal cortisol pattern change after adjusting for key covariates; and that Future Time Perspective Connectedness predicted higher likelihood for students to have low CAR across both waves of data collection. Study 2 examined students’ future-oriented motivation (Future Time Perspective Value) and socio-emotional regulation (Effortful Control and Social Support) in predicting diurnal cortisol patterns over the course of a semester. Self-reported surveys were collected (N = 67), and diurnal cortisol samples were provided over three waves of data collection, at the beginning of the semester (n = 63), during a stressful academic period (n = 47), and during a relaxation phase near the end of the semester (n = 43). Results from RM ANCOVA showed that Non-academic Social Support was negatively associated with CAR at the beginning of the semester. Multi-nomial logistics regression results indicated that Future Time Perspective Value and Academic Social Support jointly predicted CAR pattern change. Specifically, the interaction term marginally predicted a higher likelihood of students switching from having high CAR at the beginning or stressful times in the semester to having low CAR at the end the semester, compared to those who had low CAR over all three waves. The two studies have major limits in sample size, which restricted the full inclusion of all hypothesized covariates in statistical models, and compromised interpretability of the data. However, the methodology and theoretical implications are unique, providing contributions to educational research, specifically with regard to post-secondary students’ academic experience and well-being. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Family and Human Development 2017

Interface planta-animal em função da intensidade de aplicação de insumos em pastagem natural / Plant - animal interface in relation to the intensity of input’s application in natural grasslands

Elejalde, Denise Adelaide Gomes January 2011 (has links)
O trabalho foi conduzido na região da Campanha do RS, no município de Quaraí, com objetivo de avaliar a composição florística e bromatológica de pastagem natural submetida ou não à utilização de insumos, e os reflexos sobre o comportamento ingestivo e desempenho animal. Os tratamentos foram pastagem natural (PN), pastagem natural adubada (PNA) e melhorada com adubação + sobressemeadura de espécies hibernais (PNM). O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, sendo os dados submetidos à análise de variância considerando as estações do ano como medidas repetidas no tempo. Os dados florísticos foram submetidos à análise multivariada. Foram utilizados novilhos da raça Angus em fase de terminação. O estudo da vegetação revelou grande riqueza florística, representada por 264 espécies distribuídas em 161 gêneros e 48 famílias. As famílias mais ricas em contribuição de espécies foram Poaceae, Asteraceae e Cyperaceae com 48, 15 e 13 espécies, respectivamente. Entre as espécies com mais de 1% de valor de importância, 13 eram estivais e dez hibernais, demonstrando um grande equilíbrio entre essas. A maior digestibilidade da forragem dos tratamentos melhorados no inverno e primavera justificou-se pela contribuição em valor de importância nestas épocas, das espécies nativas Andropogon lateralis Nees, Stipa setigera J. Presl, Piptochaetium stipoides (Trin. & Ruprecht.) Hackel var. stipoides, Paspalum notatum Alain, Mnesithea selloana (Hack.) Koning & Sosef, Briza subaristata Lam., Paspalum dilatatum Poir. e da espécie hibernal exótica Lolium multiflorum Lam. A relação entre o tempo de permanência e tempo de pastejo nas áreas de vegetação é de 73,6; 74,7; 34,0 e 51,5%, para Várzea úmida, Várzea seca + Encosta, Sombra e Topo, respectivamente. As variáveis FDNcp, relação NDT:PB, DIVMO e MS da composição química da forragem aparentemente consumida pelos animais explicaram 80% do ganho médio diário. A utilização da adubação ou sua associação com introdução de espécies proporcionam maior contribuição de espécies hibernais no período inverno-primavera em pastagem natural, contribuindo para uma melhor distribuição estacional da produção de forragem. As estações do ano têm marcada influência sobre a composição química da forragem, podendo ser parcialmente estabilizada pelo uso de insumos, notadamente a fertilização, pelo seu efeito na participação de espécies hibernais. Nesse tipo fisionômico de pastagem natural, o repertório de atividades de comportamento ingestivo de novilhos de corte em pastagem natural não é modificado pelos níveis de insumos aplicados. / This work was conducted in Quaraí, Campanha region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with the aim to evaluate the floristic and chemical composition of natural grassland submitted to the application of inputs, and effects on ingestive behavior and animal production. Treatments were natural grassland (PN), natural grassland fertilized (PNA) and improved natural grassland with fertilization and over seeding of cool season species (PNM). The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks with three replicates. Data were submitted to analyses of variance considering seasons of the year as repeated measurements on time. The floristic data were submitted to multivariate analysis. Aberddeen Angus steers in finishing phase were used. The vegetation study showed high floristic diversity, with 264 plant species distributed in 161 genera and 48 families. The families with higher contribution of species were Poaceae, Asteraceae and Cyperaceae with 48, 15 and 13 plant species, respectively. Considering species with more than 1% of importance value, 13 and ten were warm and cool season plants, respectively, what show a high equilibrium between them. The higher forage digestibility of the improved treatments on winter and spring was justified by the contribution in importance value of natural species as Andropogon lateralis Nees, Stipa setigera J. Presl, Piptochaetium stipoides (Trin. & Ruprecht.) Hackel var. stipoides, Paspalum notatum Alain, Mnesithea selloana (Hack.) Koning & Sosef, Briza subaristata Lam., Paspalum dilatatum Poir. and of the cool season specie Lolium multiflorum Lam. The relation between the permanence time and grazing time on vegetation areas was 73.6; 74.7; 34.0 and 51.5% to wet lowland, dry lowland + downhill, shadow and top, respectively. Variables NDFap, relation TDN:CP, IVOMD and DM of chemical composition of forage apparently intaked by animals explained 80% of average daily gain. The fertilization or its association with the specie‟s over sowing provided bigger contribution of cool season species in natural grasslands, contributing to a better seasonal distribution of forage production. Seasons influences markedly chemical composition of forage, which could be partially stabilized by using inputs, as fertilization, by its effect on the increase of cool season species. In these natural grasslands beef steers‟ activities of ingestive behavior were not modified by the applied input levels.

Interface planta-animal em função da intensidade de aplicação de insumos em pastagem natural / Plant - animal interface in relation to the intensity of input’s application in natural grasslands

Elejalde, Denise Adelaide Gomes January 2011 (has links)
O trabalho foi conduzido na região da Campanha do RS, no município de Quaraí, com objetivo de avaliar a composição florística e bromatológica de pastagem natural submetida ou não à utilização de insumos, e os reflexos sobre o comportamento ingestivo e desempenho animal. Os tratamentos foram pastagem natural (PN), pastagem natural adubada (PNA) e melhorada com adubação + sobressemeadura de espécies hibernais (PNM). O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, sendo os dados submetidos à análise de variância considerando as estações do ano como medidas repetidas no tempo. Os dados florísticos foram submetidos à análise multivariada. Foram utilizados novilhos da raça Angus em fase de terminação. O estudo da vegetação revelou grande riqueza florística, representada por 264 espécies distribuídas em 161 gêneros e 48 famílias. As famílias mais ricas em contribuição de espécies foram Poaceae, Asteraceae e Cyperaceae com 48, 15 e 13 espécies, respectivamente. Entre as espécies com mais de 1% de valor de importância, 13 eram estivais e dez hibernais, demonstrando um grande equilíbrio entre essas. A maior digestibilidade da forragem dos tratamentos melhorados no inverno e primavera justificou-se pela contribuição em valor de importância nestas épocas, das espécies nativas Andropogon lateralis Nees, Stipa setigera J. Presl, Piptochaetium stipoides (Trin. & Ruprecht.) Hackel var. stipoides, Paspalum notatum Alain, Mnesithea selloana (Hack.) Koning & Sosef, Briza subaristata Lam., Paspalum dilatatum Poir. e da espécie hibernal exótica Lolium multiflorum Lam. A relação entre o tempo de permanência e tempo de pastejo nas áreas de vegetação é de 73,6; 74,7; 34,0 e 51,5%, para Várzea úmida, Várzea seca + Encosta, Sombra e Topo, respectivamente. As variáveis FDNcp, relação NDT:PB, DIVMO e MS da composição química da forragem aparentemente consumida pelos animais explicaram 80% do ganho médio diário. A utilização da adubação ou sua associação com introdução de espécies proporcionam maior contribuição de espécies hibernais no período inverno-primavera em pastagem natural, contribuindo para uma melhor distribuição estacional da produção de forragem. As estações do ano têm marcada influência sobre a composição química da forragem, podendo ser parcialmente estabilizada pelo uso de insumos, notadamente a fertilização, pelo seu efeito na participação de espécies hibernais. Nesse tipo fisionômico de pastagem natural, o repertório de atividades de comportamento ingestivo de novilhos de corte em pastagem natural não é modificado pelos níveis de insumos aplicados. / This work was conducted in Quaraí, Campanha region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with the aim to evaluate the floristic and chemical composition of natural grassland submitted to the application of inputs, and effects on ingestive behavior and animal production. Treatments were natural grassland (PN), natural grassland fertilized (PNA) and improved natural grassland with fertilization and over seeding of cool season species (PNM). The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks with three replicates. Data were submitted to analyses of variance considering seasons of the year as repeated measurements on time. The floristic data were submitted to multivariate analysis. Aberddeen Angus steers in finishing phase were used. The vegetation study showed high floristic diversity, with 264 plant species distributed in 161 genera and 48 families. The families with higher contribution of species were Poaceae, Asteraceae and Cyperaceae with 48, 15 and 13 plant species, respectively. Considering species with more than 1% of importance value, 13 and ten were warm and cool season plants, respectively, what show a high equilibrium between them. The higher forage digestibility of the improved treatments on winter and spring was justified by the contribution in importance value of natural species as Andropogon lateralis Nees, Stipa setigera J. Presl, Piptochaetium stipoides (Trin. & Ruprecht.) Hackel var. stipoides, Paspalum notatum Alain, Mnesithea selloana (Hack.) Koning & Sosef, Briza subaristata Lam., Paspalum dilatatum Poir. and of the cool season specie Lolium multiflorum Lam. The relation between the permanence time and grazing time on vegetation areas was 73.6; 74.7; 34.0 and 51.5% to wet lowland, dry lowland + downhill, shadow and top, respectively. Variables NDFap, relation TDN:CP, IVOMD and DM of chemical composition of forage apparently intaked by animals explained 80% of average daily gain. The fertilization or its association with the specie‟s over sowing provided bigger contribution of cool season species in natural grasslands, contributing to a better seasonal distribution of forage production. Seasons influences markedly chemical composition of forage, which could be partially stabilized by using inputs, as fertilization, by its effect on the increase of cool season species. In these natural grasslands beef steers‟ activities of ingestive behavior were not modified by the applied input levels.

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