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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vládní bondy a volatilita kapitálového trhu: Analýza multivariate GARCH modelem / Government bonds and stock market volatility: A Multivariate GARCH Analysis

Aliakseyeu, Aliaksei January 2016 (has links)
The correlation between stock market returns and changes in bond market yields are of big interest among investors because this indicator helps them allocate their assets and diversify investment risk more effectively. An in- vestor should keep track of development of the economies of individual coun- tries, understand the causes of dissimilarities in the correlations among them and take these differences into account for successful international financial investment. The current author contributes to the existing researches by the modeling of stock-bond market co-movements using the updated datasets with focus on Central European countries and differences in public debt levels. The paper contains the empirical analysis of stock and bond market returns condi- tional correlations, modeled by the use of the Asymmetric Generalized Dynamic Conditional Correlation (AG-DCC) Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Het- eroskedasticity (GARCH) specification, for nine Western and Central European countries (the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary) that differ both by their geographic locations and economic development. The main distinctions in the correlations are ob- served during the European sovereign debt crisis. The three types of develop- ment are...

Využití finančních derivátů při řízení rizik státního dluhu / Using financial derivatives in government debt risk management

Kučera, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with possible usage of financial derivatives in context of government debt risk management, mainly in the Czech Republic. After the opening analysis of government debt development, the thesis describes risks, which are involved in government debt management. After that it handles with quantification of those risks and of their possible securing, especially with respect to financial derivatives usage. This thesis tries to answer the question, whether using financial derivatives in government debt management is reasonable. To solve this I used an analysis of 2010 data, in which I compare profitability of emission of classical bonds compared to emission of so called structured instruments, i.e. joint of classical bond and financial derivative. In conclusion of thesis there is usage of financial derivatives confronted with their negative characteristics as well as with cases of their abuse.

Optimalita maastrichtských fiskálních kriterií ve světle ekonomické teorie / Optimality of Maastricht fiscal criteria in the light of the economic theory

Firkaľová, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the subject Optimality of Maastricht fiscal criteria in the light of the economic theory. The first chapter presents the functions of public finances and the discrepancies in their understanding. It is aiming at some types of public deficits and their consequences. It introduces the topics concerning possiblities of public debt solving, Maastricht criteria and Stability and Growth Pact observance. The second chapter brings the opinions about unappropriate current fiscal criteria and offers many alternative possibilities to calculate them. The third chapter presents the European Commission prediction of public finances sustainability in Europe compared to the predictions in stability and convergence programmes of European countries. The second part of the last chapter focuses on the empirical analysis of different scenarios of public finances and other indicators development. The scenarios include fiscal arithmetic used for the Maastricht fiscal convergence criteria determination.

Konsolidovaný pohled na zadlužení krajů v ČR / Consolidated view of the indebtedness of regions in the Czech Republic

MAŇHALOVÁ, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to assess the state and development of indebtedness of territorial self-governing units in the Czech Republic with regard to the sustainability of public finances. The first part of this work is focused on the definition of basic terms related to this issue. The methodology contains the methods and procedures that will be used in the results section. In the result section was calculated the annual growth rate of debt of regions, the ratio of debt to average revenues or debt per capita The result section is divided into 3 parts. The first part deals with the development of debt of the regions of the Czech Republic, including contributory organizations established by them in the years 2003 - 2017. The debt of all regions of the Czech Republic is assessed together, which gives an overall view of the state and dynamics of the debt. The second part analyzes the debt of individual regions in the Czech Republic. The monitored period is 2010 - 2017. In the last part, debt consolidation occurs. Consolidated debt consists of the debt of individual regions of the Czech Republic and the debt of contributory organizations that establish the regions, as well as the debts of commercial corporations that the regions set up. Consolidated debt is assessed for 2013-2017.

Tendence ve vývoji objemu a struktury veřejného dluhu zemí EU

Lejtnar, Petr Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá základními tendencemi ve vývoji objemu a struktury veřejného dluhu v zemích EU. Upozorňuje na nejvíce charakteristické trendy identifikované v zemích EU v posledním desetiletí a ukazuje, do jaké míry se vývoj veřejného zadlužení ČR podobá tomu evropskému. Práce se věnuje i možným příčinám, které vedou ke vzniku veřejného dluhu, důsledkům jeho existence i potenciálním možnostem řešení tohoto problému.

Způsoby redukce relativní váhy veřejného dluhu ve vybraných evropských zemích

Červenková, Edita Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se nejprve zabývá definováním základních pojmů z oblasti fiskální problematiky ? státní rozpočet, rozpočtový deficit a veřejný dluh. K provedení praktické části byly vybrány Irsko a Belgie, protože právě těmto státům se podařilo nejrazantněji snížit výši relativní váhy svého veřejného zadlužení v rámci zemí Evropské unie. Práce tak obsahuje popis vývoje hospodářství a nerovnováhy veřejných financí těchto států. K závěrečné analýze klíčových faktorů byly přibrány ještě Dánsko, jako třetí nejúspěšnější země, a Česká republika, která naopak představuje zástupce států s rostoucím poměrem veřejného zadlužení k HDP.

Dluhová krize státu Kalifornie / California debt crisis

Surovec, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The topic of this thesis focuses on debt and budget crisis in California. First two parts introduce specifics of California economy and the process of enacting budget. Third part surveys economic-political development of California since fiscal year 1975-76. Further part provide evidence of changing structure of tax revenues and real growth of expenditures per capita. Fourths part focuses on long-term debt in California and its comparison with other U.S. states and also analysis of cash flow crisis. Final part proposes some measures, which could moderate future crisis.

Vývoj a dopady veřejného zadlužení ve vybraných zemích EU / Development and consequences of public debt in selected countries of the EU

Koukalová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to introduce the topic of public debt and its connection to budget deficit, and to compare the situation in 2 selected countries of the European Union, Ireland and Portugal. The first chapter describes the theory of public finance, its function and the main principles. It focuses on the problem of fiscal imbalance, approach of the European union (especially with regards to the Stability and Growth Pact), it also explains the theory of budget deficit and public debt. Second and third chapters are focused on the selected countries of the EU - Ireland and Portugal - as countries that are facing major problems in the area of public finance and are highly likely to ask for financial help, as it happend in the case of Greece. The chapters describe an overall economic situation of the two countries, the causes of public debt and its increase, approach of the EU towards them, proposed and agreed austerity measures, possible solutions and also further prospects for the future.

Financování schodku státního rozpočtu prostřednictvím emise dluhopisů / Financing government deficits by emission of government bonds

Schiller, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to point out recent development in the field of debt creation, its concordance with academic practice and to outline feasible utilization of financial modeling in the area of government deficits. The effort is to put institutional operation of debt management into context of recent history of financial markets and to verify its success. The process of debt portfolio management with use of advanced financial tools is shown on the sample of Czech debt manager. From the observation of the overall environment we can state the effort to develop efficient domestic debt market and the conception of long-term strategies based on risk management principles and to draw a set of specific recommendations applicable both to local and general conditions.

Analýza veřejného dluhu v České republice v posledních dvou dekádách / Analysis of public debt in the Czech Republic in the last two decades

Formánek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis topic is nowadays among the most actual economic issues of Czech Republic because the fail of executive representation to handle dynamics of public debt within acceptable limits. In theoretical part of the thesis definitions will be presented as well as all concepts and categories related to the topic as for example state budget, its expenditures and incomes including tax system, public debt, its definition, structure, methodology of reporting and possible ways of its financing, debt service etc. Practical part of the thesis will analyze evolution of debt in Czech Republic over reference time, i.e. in last two decades. Aim of the thesis is elaboration of general theories of chosen topic and analyze of public debt in Czech Republic over reference time including identification of causes of its negative evolution.

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