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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of the social intent in John Wesley's doctrine of sanctification

Smith, Wayne Peter 11 1900 (has links)
John Wesley was a well educated son of a cleric, who chose to be a theologian and a minister in the Church of England. His theological distinctive was his insistence on the possibility of entire sanctification in this lifetime. In response to their position on sanctification, Wesley and the Methodists sought to save souls and cure the ills in society because they believed it was divinely mandated. Their love and work for the less fortunate was a response to their love for God and in obedience to His commandments. This is the great success of their work. They were able to serve God and their generation in a balanced yet inseparable way. The result of Wesley's life, direct and indirect, was that the social and spiritual plight of thousands of individuals and families was improved and dozens of church groups, missionary societies and benevolent organisations have emerged / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th.M. (Church History)

The doctrine of subsequence in the pentecostal and neo-pentecostal movements

Elkington, Robert Lionel 01 1900 (has links)
The Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal movements propose a subsequent to salvation Spirit baptism. This baptism is viewed as an experience in which the Spirit either confers or awakens gifts within the life of the believer. The thesis ofthis paper is that Spirit baptism occurs at conversion. Spirit filling on the other hand is one of many metaphors to describe the work of the eschatological Spirit subsequent to salvation. This distinguishing of Spirit baptism and Spirit filling is different to the Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal idea that Spirit baptism and Spirit filling are synonymous experiences that occur at some point subsequent to salvation. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. M. (Systematic Theology)

Seventh-Day Adventism and the remnant idea : a critical and analytical study of the Seventh-Day Adventist ecclesiological self understanding

Hachalinga, Passmore 11 1900 (has links)
Adventists hold various views with regard to their understanding of themselves as a church. They view themselves as the last remnant church of God today. They also believe that they are a part of the general Christendom. Adventists acknowledge the presence of sincere Christians in other churches. In this study, the background to twentieth century Christian ecclesiological self-understanding is examined. The origins and development of the Seventh-day Adventist ecclesiological self-understanding, especially as it relates to the remnant idea is examined. Three different types of the remnant namely historical, faithful and eschatological can be identified. Biblical images/models used in the development of ecclesiology agree with the biblical understanding and application of the remnant idea to God's people. The remnant idea is not limited in its application to organizational entities. Seventh-day Adventists should adopt an open, inclusive and universal view of the remnant concept. / Theology / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. M. (Systematic Theology)

Lidmaatskap van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk prakties-teologies verken

Lazenby, Martin John. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study certain dt3ficiencies in connection with administrating church membership are being identified by using statistical information from "Kerkspieel Ill". The cause for these deficiencies can not simply be found in only one or even two factors. It constitutes in several factors some of which are easier to evaluate than others. The fact that it is not easy to measure a cause, does not mean that it should be avoided. Therefore, the practice concerning church membership is being examined in an exploring manner as it is an indispensable organisational matter. It is being approached from two dimensions: first the ecclesiology of the church is studied from a systematic-theological and practical-theological viewpoint with the purpose to determine whether that which the Dutch Reformed Church confesses as church clogma is indeed theologically acceptable. Then, with the ecclesiology as background, the structural phenomenon af church membership is investigated to see in what way the current practice in connection with church membership is conducive or perhaps destructive to the practice of the ecclesiology of the church. After identifying certain descrepancies between the church law and regulations and the E!Cclesiological confession on the one hand, and the church law and regulations and the current practice of membership on the other hand, a new practice for membership is designed. The aim of this new practice is to unite the church's ecclesiological confession and its practice on membership in a closer relationship to each other with the goal to lead members of the church to a fuller understanding of the meaning of their membership. This better understanding will serve as motivation for a more dedicated service to God in honor of his Name. The expectation is that other. renewing projects such as liturgical renewal, will be more effective if it is condu·cted in an atmosphere where members have a better understanding of their membership. / In hierdie studie word vanuit statistiese gegewens soos veral in Kerkspieel Ill opgeteken, sekere lee1mtes wat verband hou met lidmaatskap in die kerk ge'identifiseer. Die oorsake vir die leemtes is sekerlik nie simplisties in slegs een of selfs twee faktore te vind nie. Dit hou verband met 'n verskeidenheid van faktore waarvan sommige makliker meetbaar is as ander. Die feit dat 'n saak nie maklik meetbaar is nie, beteken nie dat dit vermy moet word nie. Daarom word hier verkennend gekyk na die hantering van kerklike lidmaatskap as onontbeerlike organisatoriese aangeleentheid. Dit word van twee kante benader: eerstens word gekyk na die kerk se ekklesiologie vanuit 'n sistematies- en prakties-teologiese perspektief met die doel om vas te stel of dit wat in die Ned Geref Kerk oor die kerk geleer word teologies versoenbaar is. Teen hierdie ekklesiologiese agtergrond word die strukturele verskynsel van lidmaatskap bekyk om uiteindelik na te gaan in watter mate die huidige praxis in VE!rband met lidmaatskap bevorderlik of dalk afbrekend inwerl< op die praxis van die ekklesiologie. Nadat bepaalde diskrepansies tussen die kerkordelike bepalinge en die ekklesiologiese belydenis aan die een kant asook tussen die kerkordelike bepalinge en die huidige praxis van lidmaatskap aan die anderkant aangetoon is, word 'n nuwe praxis vir kerklike lidmaatskap aan die hand gedoen. Die bedoeling is om die kerk se ekklesiologiese belydenis en die betekenis van kerklike lidmaatskap nader aan mekaar te bring sodat die lidmate van die kerk daartoe gelei kan wor:d om al beter te verstaan waarom dit in lidmaatskap eintlik gaan en deur hierdie beter begrip daartoe gemotiveer te word om met groter toewyding die Here tot sy eer te dien. Die verwagting is dat ander kerkvernuwende projekte soos oa die vernuwing van die erediens meer effektief sal wees indien dit geskied waar lidmate ' / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Kerkbegrip en rolverwagtinge in die NG Gemeente Murray

Smith, Louis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central problem with which this research is working is: has there been a shift in the members of the Dutch Reformed Congregation Murray (De Doorns) concept of the church, and, if so, how did it affect the role expectation of the ministers? The purpose of the study is to determine the church concept and role expectation of the members of the congregation and to help the congregation to discover their missional identity. It is important that the congregation will learn spiritual discernment. For the purpose of the study the work was done within the field of practical theology on the basis of the cross methology as found in Studying Congregations in Africa ( Hendriks 2004). This practical theology methology works with a constant correlation-hermeneutic between the Word of God and the world, between context and identity. This correlation is called spiritual discernment and when this happens it will lead to a certain strategy, a way of life in which the members of the congregation do not think institutionally (regarding the role of the minister), but where the members themselves stand before God and are open for his guidance to be light and salt for the world. The theological foundation of missional theology on the basis of the doctrine of the Trinity and the practical implications for the church are discussed in Chapter 2. This is normative for missional theology. Chapter 3 is a discussion of the context of the congregation with regard to the current situation in the world, the wider community and the congregation. It is common knowledge that the world is currently in a time of major, fast and unpredictable change. It is important that the congregation will use the change in the way identity is formed in a positive manner by creating an alternative identity in Christ Jesus. The role expectations of the ministers are central to the research problem. In Chapter 4 the researcher gives what he believes to be the normative role of the minister should a congregation want to learn to live with spiritual discernment. For this to happen the ministers need to establish certain faith-forming habits. Without these faith-forming habits it will be impossible for the minister to lead the congregation to live with spiritual discernment. The Dutch Reformed congregation of Murray (De Doorns) which was the focus of the study, was researched by using a qualitative questionnaire and ethnographic research. The results were discussed by triangulation and it thus became clear that there are clear differences with regard to the church model of choice and the role expectations for the ministers. The research shows that there has been a definite shift in the church concept of the members of the congregation. This shift, however has not had a major effect on the role expectations for the ministers. There is thus some degree of conflict between the church concept of the members of the congregation and their role expectations for the ministers. If this conflict is not addressed and the role expectations of the ministers cleared anew, the congregation will not learn to live with spiritual discernment and will not be able to join the missio Dei. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale probleem waarmee daar in hierdie navorsing gewerk word, is die volgende: Het daar 'n skuif in die kerkbegrip van lidmate in die NG gemeente Murray (De Doorns) gekom en hoe beïnvloed dit hulle rolverwagting van hulle leraars? Die doel van die studie is om die kerkbegrip en rolverwagtinge van die lidmate van die gemeente vas te stel en om die gemeente te help om sy missionale identiteit te ontdek. Die gemeente moet dus geleer word om in die geloof te kan onderskei. Vir die doel van die navorsing word daar binne die veld van Praktiese Teologie aan die hand van die kruis metodiek van Hendriks se Studying Congregations in Africa (2004) gewerk. Die prakties-teologiese metodologie wat gebruik word, sê dat daar die hele tyd ʼn hermeneuties sensitiewe korrelasie tussen Woord en wêreld moet wees; met ander woorde tussen konteks en identiteit. Hierdie korrelasie word geloofsonderskeiding genoem en as dit gebeur, loop dit uit op ʼn bepaalde strategie, 'n manier van lewe waar lidmate se dink nie institutêr is nie (betreffende die rol van die dominee), maar waar hulle self voor die Here staan en oop is vir sy leiding om in hulle konteks lig en sout te wees. Dit is die ideaal waarna gewerk word. In hoofstuk 2 word die teologiese fondasie van die missionale teologie aan die hand van die leer van die Triniteit gelê en word die praktiese implikasies daarvan vir die kerk bespreek. Hierdie is die normatiewe van die missionale teologie. In die derde hoofstuk word die konteks van die gemeente bespreek aan die hand van die huidige situasie in die wêreld, die veranderinge binne die breë gemeenskap en die huidige situasie in die gemeente. Daar word op gewys dat die wêreld tans groot, vinnige en onvoorspelbare veranderinge beleef. Die gemeente sal die impak van hierdie veranderinge op 'n positiewe wyse moet benut deur 'n alternatiewe identiteit in Jesus Christus te skep. Die rolverwagtinge van die leraars staan sentraal in die navorsingsprobleem en om dié rede word daar in hoofstuk vier gefokus op wat die navorser beskou as die normatiewe rol van leraars, indien hulle die gemeente wil leer om geloofsonderskeidend te leef. Leraars behoort bepaalde geloofsvormende gewoontes as prioriteit in hulle bediening te beskou. Sonder die geloofsgewoontes sal die leraar nie die gemeente kan lei om geloofsonderskeidend te leef nie. Die NG Gemeente Murray (De Doorns), wat die fokus van die navorsing was, is by wyse van 'n kwalitatiewe vraelys en deur etnografiese studie nagevors. Die resultate is deur middel van triangulasie bespreek en daaruit het dit duidelik geword dat daar duidelike verskille is wat betref die kerkmodel van voorkeur en die rolverwagting van die leraars. Dis egter duidelik dat daar wel 'n skuif gekom het in die kerkbegrip van die lidmate. Hierdie skuif in kerkbegrip het egter nog nie so 'n groot effek op die rolverwagting wat lidmate van die leraars het nie. Daar is dus 'n mate van konflik tussen kerkbegrip van lidmate en hulle verwagting van die leraars. Indien dit nie aangespreek word en die rolle van die leraars nuut uitgeklaar word nie, sal die gemeente nie leer om geloofsonderskeidend te leef nie en kan die gemeente nie aansluit by die missio Dei nie.

"Dieser Satz traf mich mitten ins Hers, also darf ich ihn doch haben" : Liebe als philosophisch-theologisches Konzept in Hannah Arendts Denken. Eine Betrachtung ihrer Dissertation Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin. Versuch einer philosphischen Interpretation im Lichte ihres Gesamtwerkes

Schinagl, Rosa Kassandra Coco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.

Knowing the triune God : trinity and certitude in the Theology of John Calvin

Krohn, James B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: JOHN CALVIN is said to have played a significant role not only in the shaping of Western Christianity, but also in the shaping of Western culture. An adequate appreciation of his thought therefore remains of ongoing significance. In the history of Calvin scholarship, varied interpretations of him have been presented, though in the recent past there has been a growing disinclination towards presenting a coherent exposition of his thought. In the context of these disintegrative proposals, a counter-argument is presented for the viability and desirability of a comprehensive construal of Calvin's thought along historical-theological lines. The argument primarily takes shape by locating Calvin within the sixteenth century intellectual milieu, and particularly by means of uncovering the epistemological consciousness of the Reformation period in reaction to the Renaissance revival of scepticism. The nature of human knowledge, particularly of God, was at the forefront of the sixteenth-century intellectual debate. Calvin, reformer and humanist, was particularly sensitive to this climate, as is illustrated by the Institutia which took the form of a discourse on knowing. However, the theme of knowing God on the basis of Scriptural revelation alone is prevalent in all his work, as an investigation into his neglected writings confirms. It also emerges that the kind of knowledge that Calvin advanced was experimental in nature and Trinitarian in foundation. Experientia and certitude disclosed the dynamic and proof of knowing God on an economic-Trinitarian and soteriological basis. This aspect of Calvin's thought has been overlooked in spite of its relevance to the contemporary post-Kantian crisis of knowing. Having sketched the epistemological background, Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is examined. A historical-theological orientation to the doctrine provides the framework for appreciating Calvin's axiomatic exposition of the Trinity in the history of doctrinal formulation. Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is unpacked by means of a historical review in relation to his Trinitarian debates, and by means of its definitive exposition in the 1559 Institutio. Through these, it becomes apparent that he displayed a hitherto mostly unrecognised theological acumen in assimilating Western (Augustinian) and Eastern (Cappadocian) aspects of Trinitarian doctrine due to his exegetical priority. What emerges is a Trinitarian doctrine that affirms God's Triunuy and translates into God's Person-al knowability. This thesis is confirmed by a discussion of Calvin's Trinitarian explication of the Christian life, and is shown to complement the previously highlighted emphasis on knowing. Recovering Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is therefore of great consequence to post-Enlightenment and contemporary theological debates on God and the Trinity. It naturally follows that both Trinity and certitude were woven into the fabric of Calvin's God-centred hermeneutics. All of his exegetical labour, from Commentary to Instiuaio to Preaching, was focused on hearing the voice of the Triune God speaking in the Word under the sure guidance of the Holy Spirit. The final presentation of a comprehensive interpretation of Calvin is viewed in the light of the transmission of Reformed theology. Knowing the Triune God has the power to confirm and rejuvenate Calvin's theological vision amongst those who view him as their progenitor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIT IS al van Calvyn gese dat hy 'n beduidende rol gespeel het, nie aileen met bettekking tot die vorming van die Westerse Christendom nie, maar ook wat betref die hele Westerse kultuur. 'n Toereikende evaluering van sy denke is dus steeds van belang. Binne die omvang van Calvyn navorsing is daar alreeds 'n verskeidenheid van interpretasies van Calvyn aangebied, hoewel daar 'n toenemende teensin teen die voorlegging van 'n samehangende uiteensetting van Calvyn in die onlangse verlede na vore gekom het. In die konteks van hierdie laasgenoemde standpunte word 'n teenargument aangebied vir die uitvoerbaarheid en ook die wenslikheid van 'n omvattende uitlegging van Calvyn se denke, in ooreenstemming met 'n histories-teologiese grondslag. Calvyn word binne die sestiende-eeuse intellektuele mileu geplaas deur die epis temologiese denke van die Reformasie as reaksie teen die Renaissance oplewing van skeptisisme bloot te Ie. Die aard van menslike kennis, veral die mens se kennis van God, was op die voorpunt van die sestiende-eeuse intellektuele debat, en Calvyn as, hervormer en humanis was baie bewus van hierdie debat. Dit blyk o.m. duidelik uit die lnstitutio wat die vorm van 'n diskoers oor kennis tentoonstel. Die tema van Godskennis, vanuit 'n Skriftuurlike openbaring as enigste grondslag, tree na vore rue net in die Instiuaio nie, maar in al sy werke. Dit blyk ook uit 'n ondersoek van selfs sy minder bekende werke. Uit die ondersoek kom dit ook na vore dat die tipe kennis wat Calvyn bevorder het, eksperimenteel en Triniter van aard was. Experientia en sekerheid word die bevestiging van Godskennis op 'n ekonomies-Trinitere en soteriologiese basis. Hierdie aspek van Calvyn se denke is misken ten spyte van die belangrikheid daarvan vir die post- Kantiese kennis-krisis. Nadat die epistemologiese agtergrond geskets is, word Calvyn se Triniteitsleer [doctrina} ontleed. 'n Histories-teologiese grondslag vir hierdie leers telling verskaf die raamwerk waarbinne Calvyn se unieke uiteensetting van die Drie-Eenheid in die historiese verloop van dogmatiese formulering waardeer kan word. Calvyn se Triniteitsleer (doctrina) word uiteengesit na aanleiding van sy Triniteits-debatvoering, en na aanleiding van die bepalende uitleg daarvan in die 1559 Insiiuaio. Op hierdie wyse word dit duidelik dat Calvyn as gevolg van sy eksegetiese prioriteit 'n tot op hede grootliks onvermelde insig getoon het in die vereniging van die Westerse (Augustiniese) en Oosterse (Kappadosiese) Triniteits-leerstellinge. Wat aan die lig kom is 'n Triniteits-leerstelling wat God se Drie-Eenbaarheid bevestig, en wat voortvloei in 'n weergawe van God se Persoon-like kenbaarheid. Hierdie tesis word gestaaf deur 'n naspeuring van Calvyn se Triniteits-uiteensetting van die Christelike lewe. Daar word ook aangetoon hoe hierdie standpunte die voorvermelde nadruk op kennis bevestig. Die herontdekking van Calvyn se Triniteitsleer (doctTina) is dus van groot belang vir die post-Verligting en konternporere teologiese debatte oor God en die Drie-Eenheid. Beide Drie-Eenbeid en seeerbeid is ten nouste verweef met Calvyn se God-gesentreerde hermeneutiek. Die somtotaal van sy eksegetiese werk, van Kommentaar na Institutio na Prediking, was daarop gefokus om die stem van die Drie-Enige God onder leiding van die Heilige Gees te hoor. Die poging tot 'n omvattende interpretasie van Calvyn word uiteindelik in die lig van die voortgang van Gereformeerde Teologie beskou. "Om die Drie-enige God te ken" is dus 'n integrerende motief wat Calvyn se teologie bevestig en ook sy werk besonder aktueel maak vir die hedendaagse teologiese debat.

The imputation of Christ's righteousness to the wicked in the American great awakening and the Korean revivals

Kang, Paul ChulHong 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2005 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study considers the doctrine of the forensic imputation of Christ's righteousness in both the Great Awakening and the Korean revivals through the six revivalists from the view of the Reformation doctrine oiforensic justification: Jonathan Edwards, Timothy Dwight, Sun-Ju Kil, Ik-Doo Kim, Yong-Do Lee, and Sung-Bong Lee. The key question is whether they maintain the Reformation doctrine of the forensic imputation of Christ's righteousness, affirming the sola fide-sola gratia language of the Reformers such as Martin Luther and John Calvin. The prime concern facing the six revivalists is the question of the status of humanity and the necessity of Christ's righteousness for forensic justification. It is of the utmost importance to see that justification by faith alone is fully embedded in the understanding of union with Christ. Jonathan Edwards stood firmly against any attempt to shrink God's free grace down to the size of human works in justification, following closely the Reformation doctrine of the forensic imputation of Christ's righteousness. Edwards elucidated Adamic and Christologicalforensic union in terms of divine constitution. He firmly held that through union with Christ Christ's alien righteousness is legally transferred or reckoned to the believers. Timothy Dwight, standing in a quite different tradition, rejected Edwards's notion of justification that justification is an absolute unmerited gift of God, apart from human works. Dwight affirmed neither prevenient grace nor justification in the Reformation terms of solajide, sola gratia, sola scriptura, solus Christus, sola Deo Gloria, a iustitia aliena (an alien righteousness), and a iustitia extra nos (a righteousness apart from us). By stressing the power of the human will, Sun-Ju Kil clearly thought that justification is exclusively an act of human beings. Kil's view of the act of faith alone made all the difference in imputation, connecting the wicked to the righteousness of Christ. Ik-Doo Kim also departed from the Reformation doctrine ofJorensic justification in failing to present the implications of Christ's imputed righteousness. Kim's doctrine of the power of prayer determined his view of justification. Kim's notion of repentance centered on the act of faith through prayer, which made Luther's solajide a human work or accomplishment in the imputation of Christ's righteousness. Yong-Do Lee placed his understanding of the justification of the wicked within the setting of the principle of oneness with Christ, with which he laid the foundation for the double exchange of life in his theology. Lee did not recognize a necessary connection between justification and the free grace of the sovereign God. Although Sung-Bong Lee found considerable depth in the imputation of Christ's righteousness in comparison with the three Korean revivalists, he failed effectively to distinguish between justification and sanctification. Lee's decisive proposal of union with Christ cannot be identified as the Reformation doctrine offorensic imputation. This study suggested that the five revivalists except Jonathan Edwards were unwilling to favor the Reformation doctrine offorensic justification regarding original sin, alien righteousness, union with Christ, and the forensic imputation of Christ's righteousness to the wicked. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word die forensiese siening van die leer van die regverdiging tydens die Amerikaanse Great Awakening en die Koreaanse revivals, in die teologie van Jonathan Edwards en Timothy Dwight enersyds, en Sun-Jul Kil, Ik-Doo Kim, Young- Do Lee en Sung-Bong Lee andersyds, ondersoek. 'n Kemkwessie is die vraag of hierdie opwekkingspredikers en teoloe getrou bly aan die Reformatoriese leer van die toerekening van Christus se geregtigheid soos dit tot uitdrukking kom in die aksent op solajide - sola gratia by Maartin Luther en Johannes Calvyn. Sentraal is die vraag na die staat van die mens en die noodsaaklikheid van Christus se geregtigheid vir forensiese regverdiging. Dit is van die grootste belang om te verstaan dat regverdiging deur die geloof aileen, onlosmaaklik verbonde is met die verstaan van ons eenheid met Christus. In aansluiting by die Reformatoriese leer van die forensiese toerekening van Christus se geregtigheid, verset Jonathan Edwards hom teen enige poging om deur goeie werke God se vrye genade te kompromiteer. Edwards verstaan Adamitiese en Christologiese forensiese eenheid in terme van goddelike konstitusie. Hy hou vas aan die oortuiging dat op grond van die gelowiges se eenheid met Christus, laasgenoemde se geregtigheid juridies oorgedra en toegereken word aan eersgenoemde. Timothy Dwight staan binne 'n heeltemal ander tradisie en verwerp Edward se opvatting van regverdiging as 'n totaal onverdiende gawe van God onafhanklik van menslike werke. Dwight onderskryf nog die leer van die voorafgaande genade, nog die Reformatoriese leer van die regverdiging in terme van sola jide, sola gratia, sola scriptura, solus Christus, soli Deo Gloria. Ook aanvaar hy nie die iustitia aliena (vreemde geregtigheid) en die iustitia extra nos ('n geregtigheid buite ons) me. As gevolg van sy aksent op die krag van die menslike wil is dit duidelik dat Sun-Ju-Kil regverdiging eksklusiefverstaan as 'n menslike daad. Sy siening van die daad van geloof aIleen maak 'n groot verskil deurdat die goddelose daardeur verbind word met Christus se geregtigheid. Doo-Kim wyk ook afvan die Reformatoriese leer van forensiese regverdiging aangesien hy nie daarin slaag om die implikasies van Christus se toegerekende geregtigheid uit te spel nie. Sy leer van die krag van gebed bepaal sy siening van die regverdiging. Sy opvatting van berou word gedra deur sy aksent op geloof-deur-gebed waardeur die sola fide soos geleer deur Luther, verander word in 'n menslike prestasie wat die imputasie van Christus se geregtigheid tot gevolg het. Yong-Do Lee verstaan die regverdiging van die goddelose binnne die beginsel van ons eenheid met Christus wat as basis dien vir die "dubbele ruil" in sy teologie. Hy sien nie 'n noodsaaklike relasie tussen regverdiging en die soewereine, vrye genade van God nie. Hoewel Sung-Bong Lee in vergelyking met die ander drie, heelwat diepte vind in die toerekening van Christus se geregtigheid, slaag hy nie daarin om duidelik te onderskei tussen regverdiging en heiliging nie. Sy deurslaggewende voorstel ten opsigte van die gelowiges se eenheid met Christus, kan nie vereenselwig word met die Reformatoriese leer van forensiese imputasie nie. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat, met die uitsondering van Jonathan Edwards, hierdie opwekkingspredikers en teoloe onwillig was om die Reformatoriese leer van die forensiese regverdiging met betrekking tot erfsonde, eenheid met Christus, en die forensiese toerekening van Christus se geregtigheid aan die sondaars, te onderskryf.

The doctrine of God in African Christian thought : an assessment of African inculturation theology from a trinitarian perspective

Kombo, James Henry Owino 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Christian faith knows and worships one God known in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. In his revelation, the Father is depicted as being from Himself, the Son as eternally begotten from the Father and the Holy Spirit as eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son. This is what Christian thought means by the doctrine of the Trinity. Although Christian orthodoxy holds the doctrine of the Trinity, the intellectual tools used to capture and convey it vary depending on the epoch, cultural context as well as availability of alternative intellectual images. This point is demonstrated well in Western Christianity. Western theologies exhibit three models of the doctrine of the Trinity: 'God as Essence', 'God as an absolute Subject', and 'God as Community in Unity'. These models can be explained by the influence of specific philosophical presuppositions preferred in certain contexts and at certain times. 'God as Essence' is constructed from the point of view of neo-Platonism, 'God as an absolute Subject' uses the infrastructure of German Idealism, while 'God as Community in Unity' recovers and applies the conceptual tools of the second-century Greeks. Taking note of the theological methodology of Western Christianity and recognising the intellectual resources in the African heritage, African inculturation theology has argued for the use of the conceptual framework of African peoples in the development of theology for African audiences. In an attempt to make a statement to the effect that African Negroes are not neo-Platonists, German Idealists or the Greeks of the second century, and to demonstrate that the African Negroes do have a different ontology that can be deciphered, interpreted, and systematized in one common way, African inculturation theology has posited a simple identity between the African notions of God and God known in the Christian faith. This research assesses and finds inadequate the notion of a simple identity between the African concepts of God and the Christian understanding of God. In view of this it appeals to African inculturation theology to critically and creatively deal with the African Christians' understanding of God. This call means at least two things. Firstly, Nyasaye, Mulungu, Modimo and so on are to function as the conceptual gates for the Christian view of God. This calls for 'Christianisation' of the African notions of God. Secondly, a 'Christianised' Nyasaye, for example, must for the Luo people mean God known in the Son and the Holy Spirit. The 'Christianised' Nyasaye must then make use of native metaphysics for the purpose of indigenising or grounding it in the cultural milieu of the situation of reception. To achieve this goal, this research has located and proposed the NTU metaphysics, which is used widely by African Negroes. According to this metaphysics, God is not just a static 'substance', an authoritarian 'absolute Subject', or a mere relationship; God is 'Great Muntu'. The Son is God because he derives wholly from the whole NTU of the only 'Great Muntu'. The Holy Spirit is God because he has the NTU shared by both the 'Great Muntu' and the Son. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are persons because the 'genuine muntu' in them is the 'Great Muntu', who alone is the ultimate person. Thus the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are persons in the ultimate sense. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Christelike geloof ken en aanbid een God in die Seun deur die Heilige Gees. In sy openbaring leer ons die Vader ken as synde uit Homself, die Seun as van ewigheidheid verwek deur Vader, en die Heilige Gees as van ewigheid uitgaande van die Vader en die Seun. Dit is wat die Christelike geloof bedoel met die leer van die Triniteit. Alhoewel die Christlike ortodoksie gekenmerk word deur die leer van die Triniteit, varieer die intellectuele vorm wat dit aanneem en waarin dit oorgedra word afhangende van die tydperk, kulturele konteks sowel as die beskikbaarheid van altematiewe intellektuele aparatuur. Laasgenoemde kom duidelik na vore in die geskiedenis van die Westerse Christenheid. In die geskiedenis van die Westerse teologie vertoon die leer van die Triniteit drie gestaltes nl. 'God as Essensie', 'God as absolute Subjek', en 'God as Gemeenskaap in Eenheid'. Dit hou verband met die voorkeur vir spesifieke filisofiese voorverondersellings in sekere kontekste en tye. 'God as Essensie' is die resultaat van neo-Platoniese voorveronderstellings, 'God as absolute Subjek' dra die kenmerke van die Duitse Idealisme, terwyl 'God as Gemeenskap in Eenheid' terggryp op en gebruikmaak van die konseptuele aparatuur uit die Griekse denke van tweede eeu. Na aanleiding van die teologiese metode van die Westerse Christendom en met erkenning van die intellectuele moontlikhede van die Afrika erfenis, argurnenteer die Afrika inkulturasie teologie ten gunste van die gebruik van Afrika konsepte vir die ontwikkeling van 'n teologie vir Afrika. In 'n poging om die eie en gemeenskaplike aard van die ontologie van Afrika in onderskeid van die neo-Platoniste, Duitse Idealiste en Griekse filosofie van die tweede eeu, aan te toon, het die Afrika inkulturasie teologie op 'n simplistiese wyse 'n identeit tussen Afrika Godsbeelde en die God van die Christelike geloof geponeer. In hierde navorsing word hierde identifikasie beoordeel en van die hand gewys. Derhalwe word 'n appel gemaak op die Afrika inkulturasie teologie om krities-kreatief om te gaan met die Afrika Christene se verstaan van God. Hierde oproep het ten minste twee implikasies. In die eerste plek moet Nyasaye, Mulungu, Modimo, ens. dien as konseptuele poorte vir die Christlike Godsverstaan. Dit impliseer 'n 'Christianisering' van die Afrika Godsbeelde. Tweedens bring dit mee dat 'n 'gechristianiseerde' Nyasaye by voorbeeld, vir Luo volk impliseer dat God geken word in die Seun en die Heilige Gees. Vervolgens moet gebruik gemaak word van inheemse metafisika met die oop op die verinheemsing of fundering van hierdie 'gechristianiseerde' Nyasaye in die kulturele milieu van die resepsie gemeenskap. Om hierdie doel te bereik, word in hierde studie gebruik gemaak van die NTU metafisika, wat algemen in Afrika voorkom. Volgens hierde metafisika is God nie net 'n statiese 'substansie', n' outoritere 'absolute Subject' of 'n blote relasie nie, maar God is die 'Groot Muntu'. Die Seun is God omdat Hy volkome uitgaan uit die totale NTU van die enigste 'Groot Muntu'. Die Heilige Gees is God omdat Hy die NTU het wat die 'Groot Muntu' en die Seun gemeenskaplik besit. Die Vader, die Seun en die Heilige Gees is persone omdat die 'egte muntu' in hulle die 'Groot Muntu' is, wat allen die absolute persoon is. Derhalwe is Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees persone in absolute sin.

Selfloos en sosiaal? : 'n ontleding van Michael Welker se teologie van die gees

Van Der Westhuizen, Henco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is undertaken in the wake of an increase in publications on the work of the Holy Spirit, on the one hand, and Analphabetisierung, an inability to think and talk about the Spirit on the other. The study endeavours to find a theologically-responsible way of reflecting on the Spirit by specifically focussing on the German systematic theologian Michael Welker’s theology of the Spirit and by offering an in-depth analysis of this theology. Chapter I shows that the relationship between the Spirit and the Word functions as the foundation of Welker’s theology of the Spirit. At the same time the relationship between Spirit and Word serves as vital background to Welker’s theology as this realistic theology best typifies Welker’s methodology. In Chapter II, Welker’s use of the concept of “Selbstlosigkeit” serves a key to understanding his theology of the Spirit: it is argued that the Spirit is selfless. The chapter offers a detailed description and analysis of Welker’s views on the relationship between the Spirit and Chirst. In Chapter III the theologically-significant concepts “sozial”, “soziale Sphäre”, and “öffentlich” are used to further explain Welker’s theology of the Spirit. It is the Spirit who establishes a social sphere in the world, which Welker also describes as the “public person” of the Spirit. Chapter IV investigates the unique nature of this selfless and social Spirit. While the interconnectedness between the Spirit and the Son and the Spirit and the Creator has been analysed in the previous chapters, this focus shifts to what Welker attributes to the Holy Spirit in particular. The Spirit is reflected upon in light of the confession of the church of all ages to show that the self in the sphere of the Spirit becomes known by social sensitivity and self- and social criticism. In conclusion the study indicates how Welker intentionally develops his theological frame of thought on the Spirit in the light of the relationship between the respective theological frames of thought of Schleiermacher and Barth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dié studie word onderneem in die gees van ‘n opbloei in die werke oor die Heilige Gees aan die een kant, en ‘n Analphabetisierung, ‘n gebrekkige vermoë om oor die Gees te dink en praat aan die ander kant, op soek na maniere om wél teologies verantwoordelik oor die Gees na te dink. Die studie fokus spesifiek op die Duitse sistematiese teoloog Michael Welker se Teologie van die Gees en wil die struktuur van dié Teologie ondersoek en in diepte ontleed. In hoofstuk I word getoon dat die verhouding tussen die Gees en die Woord as die saadbed van Welker se Teologie van die Gees gesien kan word. Hierdie agtergrond is onontbeerlik om Welker se teologie te verstaan, omdat hierdie realistiese teologie as beste tipering van sy metodologie dien. In hoofstuk II word die begrip van “Selbstlosigkeit” gebruik om hierdie Teologie van die Heilige Gees te ondersoek. Die Gees, volgens Welker, só word geargumenteer, is selfloos. In die hoofstuk word die verhouding tussen die Gees en Christus in diepte bestudeer. In hoofstuk III word die gelaaide begrippe, “sozial”, “soziale Sphäre”, en “öffentlich” gebruik om die struktuur van sy Teologie van die Heilige Gees verder te beskryf. Die Gees vestig ‘n sosiale sfeer in die wêreld, wat Welker ook beskryf as die “publieke persoon” van die Gees. In hoofstuk IV word die besondere aard van hierdie selflose en sosiale Gees dan ondersoek. Waar die interkonneksie tussen die Gees en die Seun en die Gees en die Skepper ontleed is, word in hierdie hoofstuk gefokus op dit wat Welker in besonder aan die Heilige Gees toeskryf. In die hoofstuk word die Gees in die lig van die belydenis van die kerk van alle tye en streke ondersoek, en word dit duidelik dat die self in die sfeer van die Gees geken word aan self-kritiek, sosiale sensitiwiteit, en sosiale kritiek. Ten slotte word aangedui dat en hoe Welker sy denkraamwerk oor die Gees doelbewus ontwikkel in die lig van die verhouding tussen die denkraamwerke van Schleiermacher en Barth.

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