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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensitivity of airway nociceptor neurons to immune signals in Type 2 inflammation. Sensibilité des neurones nocicepteurs aux signaux immunitaires dans l’inflammation de type 2

Crosson, Théo 02 1900 (has links)
Les neurones nocicepteurs jouent un rôle clé dans la défense de l’organisme. Dans le cas des réactions inflammatoires, ils initient des réflexes protecteurs tels que la toux, les vomissements, où les démangeaisons, et participent à la régulation de plusieurs mécanismes physiologiques, notamment la réponse immunitaire. Ils jouent ainsi un rôle prépondérant dans l’inflammation de type 2, souvent associée aux allergies. Mais les mécanismes qui permettent l’activation de ces neurones dans ce contexte sont encore mal connus. Au cours de ce projet de recherche, nous avons exploré la capacité des neurones nocicepteurs à détecter les signaux immunitaires spécifiquement associés à l’asthme. Nous avons ainsi identifié les caractéristiques des nocicepteurs des voies aériennes. Nous avons également démontré leur sensibilité aux allergènes grâce à l’expression du récepteur aux immunoglobulines de type E, FcεR1, ainsi que leur capacité à modifier leur transcriptome en réponse aux cytokines IL-4 et IL-13. Ces travaux soutiennent l’importance de la communication entre systèmes nerveux et immunitaires, et mettent en évidence de nouvelles cibles pour limiter la contribution neuronale aux réactions allergiques. / Nociceptor neurons play a major role in organism defense. In the context of inflammation, they initiate protective reflexes such as cough, vomiting, or itch, and participate in the regulation of various physiological mechanisms, including the immune response. They notably participate in type 2 inflammation, often associated with allergies. But the mechanisms driving the activation of nociceptor neurons in this context are still elusive. During this research project, we investigated the ability of nociceptor neurons to sense immune signals specifically associated with asthma. We identified the characteristics of airway innervating nociceptors. We also demonstrated their sensitivity to allergens through the expression of the Immunoglobulin E receptor FcεR1, as well as their ability to change their transcriptome in response to IL-4 and IL-13. This work supports the importance of bidirectional communication between the nervous and immune systems and unravels new targets to regulate neuronal contribution to inflammation.

Modelización de los efectos de la neuroestimulación medular

Durá Cantero, José Luis 28 November 2022 (has links)
[ES] El dolor crónico constituye un problema social y económico de primer orden. Se estima que alrededor del 19% de la población sufre de esta patología y de ellos un 12% son pacientes afectados por dolor severo. El coste económico asociado a las consecuencias del dolor en España se calcula en torno al 2,5% del PIB. La neuroestimulación medular eléctrica tónica es una de las terapias de elección para pacientes aquejados de dolor crónico severo neuropático y vascular, refractario a tratamientos farmacológicos, desde hace más de cincuenta años. El éxito de la terapia, en términos de alivio del dolor, depende de muchos factores relativos al propio paciente (patología, características anatómicas y aspectos psicológicos), así como de aspectos técnicos asociados al dispositivo utilizado y a su programación. Una correcta programación del neuroestimulador, así como otros factores asociados a la elección de los electrodos y posición de éstos en el espacio epidural, constituye uno de los factores críticos para la eficacia de la terapia. Sin embargo, hay una enorme escasez de información respecto a estos aspectos, a pesar de la cantidad de información clínica que existe sobre la terapia. Esta tesis estudia, mediante un modelo de neuroestimulación medular basado en métodos matemáticos y simulación computacional, diversas configuraciones de electrodos, posición de éstos, y programación de polaridades, con la finalidad de extraer conclusiones de utilidad clínica en la terapia de neuroestimulación tónica. El modelo desarrollado está basado en dos submodelos: un modelo tridimensional que simula la distribución del campo eléctrico en la médula, en cualquier nivel metamérico, si bien el presente trabajo se centra en T8 y T10, denominado volumen conductor, y un modelo de fibra que permite estudiar si una fibra mielinizada de un determinado diámetro desarrolla un potencial de acción bajo la acción de un campo eléctrico externo. Utilizando este modelo, se ha estudiado el efecto de diferentes factores de enorme influencia en la práctica clínica: - Elección del material pre-implante: efecto de la distancia entre polos del electrodo en la estimulación (elección del electrodo). - Técnica de implante: efecto de la distancia lateral entre electrodos paralelos implantados a la misma altura metamérica (posicionamiento de los electrodos en el espacio epidural). - Herramientas de programación: estudio del efecto de la polaridad en la estimulación (resultados para las distintas polaridades utilizadas habitualmente). - Técnica para desplazar la parestesia lateralmente: estudio del efecto de la estimulación transversa. Se ha procedido además a un registro de distintos umbrales de estimulación para varias programaciones en una muestra de 26 pacientes, mediante un estudio clínico observacional registrado en el CEIC (Comité Ético de Investigación Clínica) del Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, para validar el modelo. Como resultado de la tesis, se ha desarrollado un modelo que permite estudiar el efecto de la estimulación tónica en cualquier nivel metamérico y determinar su eficacia en la creación de potenciales de acción, y se han sugerido unas pautas para la elección de los parámetros asociados a la terapia que puedan ser de utilidad clínica. / [CA] El dolor crònic constitueix un problema social i econòmic de primer ordre. S'estima que al voltant del 19% de la població pateix d'aquesta patologia i d'ells un 12% són pacients afectats per dolor sever. El cost econòmic associat a les conseqüències del dolor a Espanya es calcula entorn del 2,5% del PIB. La neuroestimulació medul·lar elèctrica tònica és una de les teràpies d'elecció per a pacients afligits de dolor crònic sever neuropàtic i vascular, refractari a tractaments farmacològics, des de fa més de cinquanta anys. L'èxit de la teràpia, en termes d'alleujament del dolor, depén de molts factors relatius al propi pacient (patologia, característiques anatòmiques i aspectes psicològics), així com d'aspectes tècnics associats al dispositiu utilitzat i a la seua programació. Una correcta programació del *neuroestimulador, així com altres factors associats a l'elecció dels elèctrodes i posició d'aquests en l'espai epidural, constitueix un dels factors crítics per a l'eficàcia de la teràpia. No obstant això, hi ha una enorme escassetat d'informació respecte a aquests aspectes, malgrat la quantitat d'informació clínica que existeix sobre la teràpia. Aquesta tesi estudia, mitjançant un model de neuroestimulació medul·lar basat en mètodes matemàtics i simulació computacional, diverses configuracions d'elèctrodes, posició d'aquests, i programació de polaritats, amb la finalitat d'extraure conclusions d'utilitat clínica en la teràpia de neuroestimulació tònica. El model desenvolupat està basat en dos submodels: un model tridimensional que simula la distribució del camp elèctric en la medul·la, en qualsevol nivell metamèric, si bé el present treball se centra en T8 i T10, denominat volum conductor, i un model de fibra que permet estudiar si una fibra mielinitzada d'un determinat diàmetre desenvolupa un potencial d'acció sota l'acció d'un camp elèctric extern. Utilitzant aquest model, s'ha estudiat l'efecte de diferents factors d'enorme influència en la pràctica clínica: - Elecció del material pre-implant: efecte de la distància entre pols de l'elèctrode en l'estimulació (elecció de l'elèctrode). - Tècnica d'implant: efecte de la distància lateral entre elèctrodes paral·lels implantats a la mateixa altura metamèrica (posicionament dels elèctrodes en l'espai epidural). - Eines de programació: estudi de l'efecte de la polaritat en l'estimulació (resultats per a les diferents polaritats utilitzades habitualment). - Tècnica per a desplaçar la parestèsia lateralment: estudi de l'efecte de l'estimulació transversa. S'ha procedit a més a un registre de diferents llindars d'estimulació per a diverses programacions en una mostra de 26 pacients, mitjançant un estudi clínic observacional registrat en el CEIC (Comité Ètic d'Investigació Clínica) del Consorci Hospital General Universitari de València, per a validar el model. Com a resultat de la tesi, s'ha desenvolupat un model que permet estudiar l'efecte de l'estimulació tònica en qualsevol nivell metamèric i determinar la seua eficàcia en la creació de potencials d'acció, i s'han suggerit unes pautes per a l'elecció dels paràmetres associats a la teràpia que puguen ser d'utilitat clínica. / [EN] Chronic pain is a major social and economic problem. It is estimated that about 19% of the population suffers from this pathology and of them 12% are patients affected by severe pain. The economic cost associated with the consequences of pain in Spain is estimated at around 2.5% of GDP. Tonic spinal cord stimulation is one of the therapies of choice for patients suffering from severe chronic neuropathic and vascular pain, refractory to pharmacological treatments, for more than fifty years. The success of the therapy, in terms of pain relief, depends on many factors related to the patient himself (pathology, anatomical characteristics and psychological aspects), as well as technical aspects associated with the device used and its programming. A correct programming of the neurostimulator, as well as other factors associated with the choice of electrodes and their position in the epidural space, is one of the critical factors for the effectiveness of the therapy. However, there is a huge lack of information regarding these aspects, despite of the amount of clinical information that exists about the therapy. This thesis studies, using a model of spinal cord stimulation based on mathematical methods and computational simulation, several configurations of electrodes, position of these, and programming of polarities, in order to draw conclusions of clinical utility in tonic neurestimulation therapy. The model developed is based on two submodels: a three-dimensional model that calculates the distribution of the electric field in the spinal cord, at any metameric level, although the present work focuses on T8 and T10, called volume conductor, and a fiber model that allows to study if a myelinated fiber with certain diameter creates an action potential under the action of an external electric field. Using this model, the effect of different factors of big influence on clinical practice has been studied: - Choice of pre-implant material: effect of the distance between lead contacts on stimulation (lead choice). - Implant technique: effect of the lateral distance between parallel leads implanted at the same metameric level (positioning of the leads in the epidural space). - Programming tools: study of the effect of polarity on stimulation (results for the different polarities commonly used). - Technique to move paresthesia laterally: study of the effect of transverse stimulation. We have also registered different stimulation thresholds for several programs in a sample of 26 patients, through an observational clinical study registered in the CEIC (Clinical Research Ethics Committee) of the Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, to validate the model. As a result of the thesis, a model has been developed that allows to study the effect of tonic stimulation at any metameric level and determine its effectiveness in the creation of action potentials, and some guidelines have been suggested for the choice of parameters associated with the therapy that may be clinically useful. / Durá Cantero, JL. (2022). Modelización de los efectos de la neuroestimulación medular [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190245

Development and Implementation of Multi-Cued Guidance Strategies for Axonal Regeneration

McCormick, Aleesha Marie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Repulsive cues and signalling cascades of the axon growth cone

Manns, Richard Peter Charles January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the work described in this thesis is to investigate the nature and mechanisms of action of repellent cues for growing axons. In particular I try to resolve the controversy in the literature regarding the need for protein synthesis in the growth cone in response to external guidance cues. My results resolve the conflicting data in the literature on Semaphorin-3A signalling, where differing labs had shown that inhibiting protein synthesis either blocks or has no effect upon repulsion. They demonstrate the presence of at least two independent pathways, protein synthesis-dependent mTOR activation and -independent GSK3? activation. The higher sensitivity of the synthesis-dependent pathway, and its redundancy at higher concentrations where synthesis-independent mechanisms can evoke a full collapse response alone, resolve the apparent conflict. My experiments also demonstrated that Nogo-?20, a domain of Nogo-A, requires local protein synthesis to cause collapse. Unlike Semaphorin-3A, the dependence of collapse upon protein synthesis is concentration-independent and does not involve guanylyl cyclase, but it does share a dependence upon mTOR activity and the synthesis of RhoA, sufficient to cause collapse downstream of Semaphorin-3A. The other axon-repelling domain of Nogo-A, Nogo-66, is partially dependent upon the proteasome instead. It does not share a common pathway with Nogo-?20, except that both are RhoA-dependent. I further attempted to identify the nature of a repulsive activity found in grey matter, ruling out a previously suggested candidate identity. Finally, I examined the phenomenon of nitric oxide-induced growth cone collapse. My experiments revealed that S-nitrosylated glutathione causes growth cone collapse through the activity of protein disulphide isomerase. This mechanism shows only a partial dependence upon soluble guanylyl cyclase, but I argue that it has total dependence upon an S-nitrosylated donor. Coupled with its apparent relation to S-palmitoylation, the reciprocal of S-nitrosylation, I propose that nitric oxide causes collapse by crossing the cell membrane to inhibit S-palmitoylation-determined localisation of proteins. These results reveal some of the many pathways involved in growth cone collapse, whose further characterisation may provide new targets for the treatment of injuries of the central nervous system.

Promote neuroprotection and axonal outgrowth in the central and peripheral neural system / Främja neuroprotection och axonal utväxt i det centrala och perifera nervsystemet

Petersson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Acute spinal cord injury is often caused by collisions with motor vehicles, falls or violence. This injury could potentially lead to paraplegia or tetraplegia, causing great economic and personal loss. The patophysiology is biphasic, with primary and secondary mechanisms. Regarding secondary spinal cord injury, glutamate and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cbeta" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />) activates N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-receptors leading to prolonged excitotoxity, causing neuronal death and subsequently glial scarring. Cross-linked-hyaluronic acid gel and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) are believed to have a neuroprotective effect. The major aim of this study was to evaluate neuroprotection in the central neural system. Briefly, spinal cord slice cultures from mice (p9-12) were chemically injured with NMDA and treated with two hyaluronic acid-based gels with integrated, or added, IL1RA. RNA was extracted and transcripted to cDNA. The gene expression of Neuronal nuclear protein, <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cbeta" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />-aktin and IL-1<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cbeta" data-classname="equation" data-title="" /> were studies with RT-qPCR. Results showed that gel integrated with IL1RA had significant therapeutic effect, resembling undamaged cultures. Furthermore, axonal outgrowth was investigated in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in which two preparations of the method were evaluated. Results demonstrated that changing medium every other day was more preferred, compared to adding 20 µl medium every day.  In conclusion, gels integrated with IL1RA have neuroprotective properties and in DRG preparations, medium should be changed every other day for optimal results.

Mechanisms of the downregulation of prostaglandin E₂-activated protein kinase A after chronic exposure to nerve growth factor or prostaglandin E₂

Malty, Ramy Refaat Habashy 07 October 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Chronic inflammatory disorders are characterized by an increase in excitability of small diameter sensory neurons located in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs). This sensitization of neurons is a mechanism for chronic inflammatory pain and available therapies have poor efficacy and severe adverse effects when used chronically. Prostaglandin E₂ (PGE₂) is an inflammatory mediator that plays an important role in sensitization by activating G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) known as E-series prostaglandin receptors (EPs) coupled to the protein kinase A (PKA) pathway. EPs are known to downregulate upon prolonged exposure to PGE₂ or in chronic inflammation, however, sensitization persists and the mechanism for this is unknown. I hypothesized that persistence of PGE₂-induced hypersensitivity is associated with a switch in signaling caused by prolonged exposure to PGE₂ or the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF), also a crucial inflammatory mediator. DRG cultures grown in the presence or absence of either PGE₂ or NGF were used to study whether re-exposure to the eicosanoid is able to cause sensitization and activate PKA. When cultures were grown in the presence of NGF, PGE₂-induced sensitization was not attenuated by inhibitors of PKA. Activation of PKA by PGE₂ was similar in DRG cultures grown in the presence or absence of NGF when phosphatase inhibitors were added to the lysis and assay buffers, but significantly less in cultures grown in the presence of NGF when phosphatase inhibitors were not added. In DRG cultures exposed to PGE₂ for 12 hours-5 days, sensitization after re-exposure to PGE₂ is maintained and resistant to PKA inhibition. Prolonged exposure to the eicosanoid caused complete loss of PKA activation after PGE₂ re-exposure. This desensitization was homologous, time dependent, reversible, and insurmountable by a higher concentration of PGE₂. Desensitization was attenuated by reduction of expression of G-protein receptor kinase 2 and was not mediated by PKA or protein kinase C. The presented work provides evidence for persistence of sensitization by PGE₂ as well as switch from the signaling pathway mediating this sensitization after long-term exposure to NFG or PGE₂.

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