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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Panel uživatelského rozhraní s dotykovým grafickým LCD / User Interface Panel with graphic LCD with touchscreen

Plass, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The Master`s thesis gives the basic facts about realisation of HMI. It will measure and display the electric quantity of electric traction of the Marabu experimental aircraft. The HMI is possible to use for other difficult applications. The main part of the thesis is overviewed the graphic function library for LCD.

Systém identifikace poruch pájeného spoje / System of Identification Solder Joint Failures

Vejmola, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This paper describes the draft and implementation of a system for identifying failures on the soldered joints from already existing system, which is, however, limited by dependence of the operating system of the human factor. The innovated system provides us an automatic testing of soldered joints using a computer, with subsequent processing of data electronically using the corresponding software. The first part is devoted to the theory of the formation of flaws on the soldered joints and to the familiarization with uninnovated system. Subsequently, work continues with the practical part, which introduces us the procedure and implementation of the innovated system for identifying failures on the soldered joints. The final part of this paper is an evaluation of the results and fulfilment of work requirements.

Implementace nástrojů vizualizace pro osazování DPS / Implementation of visualization tools for PCB assembly

Kolář, Radek January 2016 (has links)
Familiarization with the problems of PCB assembly and commissioning means for interim and final control of DPS on semi-automatic and manual assembly. Analysis tools for visualizing programs during PCB assembly. Defining the pluses and minuses of each program. Introducing the functioning of the program selected for visualization. Implementation of the program into production. Problems with introducing the program and compared with the previous situation. Evaluation of its contribution to manufacturing (time, quality, financial costs, human resources, ...). Solving problems encountered with the implementation of the program. Recommendations for the type of production the program is suitable.

Bezdrátový přenos signálu rozhraní DMX512 / Wireless Signal Transmission of DMX512 Interface

Polóni, Pavol January 2009 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with design and implementation of a system for wireless transmission of DMX signal 512, which is primarily designed for the management of lighting effects. Its electrical specification is based on the EIA485 standard. Text of the work describes the design stage. First is the issue of implied actual protocol DMX 512 or EIA485. Next sign on selecting a suitable architecture for wireless transmission, management and compilation of the block diagrams. Describes the operation of the component selection and circuit implementation of the scheme, which is using the DPS Eagle compiled. In conclusion, this work is to evaluate the results of the proposed system and showing the way to its further development so that it can be realistically implemented in practice.

Řídicí systém kamerového sceneru pro monitorování růstu rostlin / Control system of the camera scanner for monitoring of plant growth

Zapletal, Ladislav January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and realization of robotic drive of the camera scanner system of plants together with the control unit. This device serves as the carrier system of various camera sensors. The sensors will monitor both the growth and the physiological status of the cultivated plants in the growth chambers. The thesis describes the choice of electronic and mechanical components from which the device is built. The text describes a design of the PCB that will control the device. Part of the thesis is also a demonstration of the realization of the systém together with the illustration of the real form of the system and its testing.

Vývoj RGB kamery s vysokým rozlišením / Development of high resolution RGB camera

Madeja, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá výběrem vhodného obrazového snímače pro použití v kameře snímající rostliny ve vysokém rozlišení a návrhem vhodného obvodu pro propojení vybraného snímače (SONY IMX253) s vývojovou deskou Avnet MicroZed. Tato práce pojednává o jednotlivých parametrech obrazových snímačů podle kterých je vybírán vhodný obrazový snímač. Je vysvětlen proces výběru vhodného obrazového snímače a podrobněji popsány parametry vybraného snímače. Je naznačena problematika návrhu elektroniky a plošných spojů z hlediska požadavků vysokorychlostních obvodů a citlivých a specifických součástek jako je obrazový snímač. Je nastíněna konfigurace a programování obvodu Xilinx Zynq a nakonec je provedeno zjednodušené teoretické ověření funkčnosti navrženého modulu.

Odhad parametrů jezdce na vozítku segway a jejich použití pro optimalizaci řídícího algoritmu / Segway driver parameter estimation and its use for optimizing the control algorithm

Dobossy, Barnabás January 2019 (has links)
Táto práca sa zaoberá vývojom, testovaním a implementáciou adaptívneho riadiaceho systému pre dvojkolesové samobalancujúce vozidlo. Adaptácia parametrov vozidla sa uskutoční na základe parametrov vodiča. Parametre sústavy sa nemerajú priamo, ale sú odhadované na základe priebehu stavových premenných a odozvy sústavy. Medzi odhadované parametre patrí hmotnosť a poloha ťažiska vodiča. Cieľom práce je zabezpečiť adaptáciu jazdných vlastností vozidla k rôznym vodičom s rôznou hmotnosťou, kvôli zlepšeniu stability vozidla. Táto práca je pokračovaním predchádzajúcich projektov z roku 2011 a 2015.

Vestavěné zařízení pro řízení robotické ruky / Embedded Device for Robotic Arm Control

Kyzlink, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design and implementation of an embedded device (module), used to control a robotic manipulator. The module instructs servomotors of the manipulator to move according to the commands received via USB interface. The module consists of two double-sided printed circuit boards. The first one allows connection to the CAN bus, redundant and thus reliable power supply for servomotors as well as the whole module. The second board, compute oriented one, embeds powerful microcontroller used to communicate with the servomotors and to solve the kinematics tasks. As a part of the thesis a graphical user interface as well as a web-oriented interface were developed. Both interfaces allow full control of the manipulator. All the communicating buses, tools and methods used during the design and implementation phases of the work are described in the thesis. Finally, measurements proved improvement of the motion smoothness and response times in several orders of magnitude in comparison to the previous system.

Rozvinutí elektroniky a softwaru na robotickém vozidle Car4 / Developement of electronics and software on robotic vehicle Car4

Michal, Mikuláš January 2021 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá revizí elektroniky robotického vozidla car4 se zaměřením na měření rychlosti otáčení kol, výkonovou a řídicí elektroniku. Car4 posloužilo jako základ pro již přes 20 diplomových prací od roku 2010. To znamenalo, že některé základní aspekty car4 byly zastaralé. Bylo vytvořeno schéma elektroniky vozidla, které bylo dále využito pro vývoj a výrobu nového hardwaru. Komponenty byly poté otestovány a implementovány na vozidlo. Dále byl vytvořen kinematický model 4WS vozidla za použití Ackermanovy geometrie, který byl implenetován a otestován na car4. Dále by měl sloužit jako základ řídicího algoritmu pro budoucí vývoj car4.

Návrh rychlé měřící karty s využitím programovatelných hradlových polí / Fast measuring card design using programmable gate arrays

Badin, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis contains information about fast measuring card design for data processing from NQR measuring probe. The overall purpose is to create functional prototype of measuring card. Thesis describes suitable design of PCB having regard to EMC. There are information abou digital signal processing, using algorithms DFT and FFT. The thesis contains information about FPGA and there are rules, how to program FPGA correctly. In the practical part of the thesis, there are information about PCB design of ADC and DAC. There are also information about design of program for FPGA and control application for PC.

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