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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of burning frequency on invertebrate and indigenous flowering forb diversity in a Drakensberg grassland ecosystem.

Arnott, Wendy Lynn. January 2006 (has links)
The KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg, South Africa, is predominantly a grassland ecosystem maintained by fire. The effect of the current burning regime on invertebrate and flowering forb diversity in this ecosystem is poorly understood. The overall aim ofthis study was to contribute towards the development of an effective burning regime for the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg that will conserve invertebrates and indigenous forbs, two major components of biodiversity. The objectives were to examine the effect of fire and fire frequency on flowering forb and invertebrate species diversity, to determine whether fire frequency, time since last burn or locality were influencing species composition, and to identify potential biodiversity indicators that reflect overall species richness for use in monitoring of invertebrates and forbs. Sampling took place in March, September and November of 2002 at Giants Castle Game Reserve. Invertebrates were sampled using sweep netting and targeted netting along transects, yellow pan traps and soil quadrats. Invertebrate taxa sampled were ants (Formicidae), butterflies (Lepidoptera), grasshoppers (Orthoptera), leafboppers (Cicadellidae), bees (Apoidea), bee flies (Bombyliidae), hover flies (Syrphidae), robber flies (Asilidae), spiders (Araneae), earthworms (Oligochaeta) and millipedes (Diploda). These were identified to species level with the assistance of taxon experts. Flowering forbs were sampled using five replicates of five by five metre quadrats randomly placed in each site. Overall flowering forb and invertebrate species diversity was higher in grasslands that were burnt for two consecutive years in 2001 and 2002 than in grasslands that were not burnt during those two years. Frequently (annual) and intermediately (biennial) burnt grasslands had significantly higher invertebrate and flowering forb diversity than infrequently (five years without burning) burnt grasslands. This, together with the fact that grasslands burnt during the year of sampling had higher species richness than grasslands burnt two and five years previously suggests that invertebrates and forbs are generally resilient to fire and many forb species appear to be stimulated by fire. However, each burn frequency had its own suite of unique flowering forb and invertebrate species. Invertebrate communities were influenced mostly by locality and the length of time past since the last fire and flowering forb communities were influenced mostly by the length oftime past since the last fire. Fire frequency had the least influence on both invertebrate and forb communities. Ecological succession occurred after each fire in the invertebrate communities but forb communities appear to need more than five years without fire for ecological succession to occur. The findings of this study therefore suggest that using a combination of three fire frequencies would result in patches of grassland in various stages of ecological succession, and would conserve species unique to each burning frequency, and would therefore conserve maximum diversity. Flowering forb species richness and certain invertebrate taxa (ants, leafboppers, spiders and bees) have the potential to act as indicators of overall invertebrate species richness for use in monitoring programmes. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

Invertebrate diversity in afrotemperate forests : spatial and seasonal changes and implications for conservation.

Uys, Charmaine Janet. January 2006 (has links)
Forests in the Drakensberg Mountains, although generally small and fragmented, represent a wealth of globally significant biodiversity. This is especially true of the invertebrate fauna, which includes a range of localized endemic species. Ground dwelling, flightless invertebrates living in forests show relative immobility and poor dispersal abilities compared to birds, butterflies and other animal taxa. The naturally fragmented state of Afrotemperate forests also geographically isolates these taxa. No quantified, systematic surveys of flightless invertebrates have been conducted in Afrotemperate forests in the Drakensberg Mountains. This means that, to date, invertebrates have not been considered in the management of these habitats. However, invertebrates are vitally important in ecosystem functioning and maintenance and must be included in management plans. This study quantified flightless invertebrate diversity in Afrotemperate forest patches in the Drakensberg by investigating spatial patterns and seasonal changes in invertebrate diversity. The broad objectives were to: 1) Determine the appropriate spatial scale at which conservation of flightless invertebrates should be implemented; 2) Determine which season, taxa and sampling methods are most suitable for biodiversity assessment and monitoring in Afrotemperate forest; and 3) Investigate methods of prioritizing Afrotemperate forests for conservation of flightless invertebrate diversity. Seventeen forest patches in six valleys in four Drakensberg reserves (Rugged Glen Nature Reserve, Royal Natal National Park, Cathedral Peak and Injisuthi) were sampled in the summer of 2004/2005. In addition, three forests at Injisuthi were sampled in March, June, September and December 2004 to enable seasonal comparisons. Sampling methods included soil samples, leaf litter samples, pitfall traps, active search quadrats and tree beats. The study focused on terrestrial molluscs (Class Gastropoda), earthworms (Class Annelida), onychophorans (Class Onychophora), centipedes (Class Chilopoda), millipedes (Class Diplopoda) and ants (Class Insecta). Target taxa were sorted to morphospecies and then identified to species by taxonomic experts. Seventy-two species and a total of 5261 individual specimens from the six target taxa were collected. Species composition of sites varied along the north-south gradient, and species turnover (beta diversity) was related to the distance between sites. Flightless invertebrate species richness and community structure fluctuated seasonally. Therefore, I recommend that sampling should take place during the wet season (summer months). Molluscs were the most suitable taxon among those surveyed to represent flightless invertebrate diversity and leaf litter samples and active search quadrats are the most suitable sampling methods for flightless invertebrates in forest. This study compared approaches to prioritizing Afrotemperate forests in terms of their invertebrate diversity using ranked species richness with complementarity indices of species presence/absence, taxonomic distinctness (orders, families and genera) and endemicity. There was no consistent spatial trend in the priority ranking of forests based on species richness. Complementarity based on species richness only required eight out of 17 forests to represent all 62 species. Although complementarity based on taxonomic distinctness and endemicity required fewer sites, not all species were represented. The minimum set of sites identified using complementarity based on species richness and augmented with information on taxa of conservation importance (local endemic and threatened species) was the most rigorous approach to prioritizing Afrotemperate forest patches in the Drakensberg for flightless invertebrate conservation. Urgent conservation interventions are required because invertebrates play a critical role in ecosystem functioning. As many forest patches and invertebrate populations as possible should be protected to conserve the full complement of invertebrate species of the region. Special management attention should be paid to the eight forests identified as priority sites in the complementarity analyses. Forest patches cannot survive in isolation, so it is important to manage the grassland, riverine vegetation, forest ecotone and forests holistically. Provisional targets were set for the conservation of flightless invertebrates, based on estimates of the requirements for persistence of invertebrates in Afrotemperate forest, made within the constraints of available information and expert opinion. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

Incorporating indigenous management in rock art sites in KwaZulu-Natal

Ndlovu, Ndukuyakhe January 2005 (has links)
The majestic mountains of the uKhahlamba Drakensberg, formed many millennia ago were home to the Bushmen[footnote 1] or San people. They lived at these mountains for thousands of years before they were colonised by the Bantu speakers and the Europeans. Academic writings for many years have perpetuated the thinking that Bushman people were largely extinct. The dominance of this view in the academic writings was encouraged by historical evidence that Europeans and Bantu speakers hunted and killed Bushmen over the last several centuries. Researchers argue that the extermination of the Bushmen was because they were less human in the eyes of the foreigners, due to cattle raiding. There is still some element of this thinking amongst today’s academics, although research in the last decade is questioning this thinking. The question of whether descendants do exist is relevant to issues of rights of access to ancestral sacred sites, in particular rock art sites. At present, access to rock art sites is granted on qualification as an authentic fee-paying tourist (or affordability) rather than on group rights to a cultural heritage resource (cultural rights). Based on this, I argue that access to rock art sites is based on qualification rather than by right. This is largely driven by an approach that emphasises the physical conservation and financial sustainability of a site, rather than its spiritual maintenance. It has become clear that the interests in rock art by tourists and Bushman descendants are distinct from each other. Tourists have an aesthetic significance for rock art while Bushmen descendants have a spiritual significance for the paintings. Beyond any doubt, the physically based and financially driven approach has brought new challenges to today’s Bushmen descendants, whom in reaffirming their identities now have a new challenge to overcome. Not only are the rock art sites physically threatened but also they have lost much of their spiritual powers. Their fate lies in the hands of heritage officers who must determine access rights to the painted shelters. Both the National Heritage Resources Act and the KwaZulu-Natal Heritage Act acknowledge living heritage. However, the existence of this heritage is judged against the physical approach to rock art management. If the practises of descendants are perceived to be a threat to the rock art, they will not be approved. The case of the Duma is a classic example. Prior to the ritual ceremony at Game Pass Shelter, Kamberg, they were informed of the minimum standards for opening a rock art site to public and rules of how people should behave while visiting painted shelters. While it was evident that there are problems with the two approaches, the spiritual and physical approach, discussed in the thesis, it is important that solutions are identified. I do not believe that one approach on its own will be good enough, for reasons discussed in the thesis. Instead, the two approaches should be implemented together to compliment each other by identifying common grounds. I provide strategies as to how I believe that such a common ground can be reached. In addition, I provide my own analytical thinking as to how these strategies can be achieved. There is no general consensus over which term is appropriate. Both terms are considered by some academics to be derogatory or pejorative (Chennels 2003). San means vagabond and was given to the Bushmen by Khoi-Khoi people, because they considered themselves of a better social class, as they had domesticated animals and were more sedentary than Bushmen. However, according to WIMSA (Thoma 2003) the word San is derived from the Hai||om language meaning “people who gather”. It is normally written Saan but it has been accepted to write San. In 1993 the San requested to be called San when referred to as an entire group. If one refers to individual people/groups they like to be called by their language and cultural name i.e. Khwe, !Kung, !Xun, Ju|’hoansi, ‡Khomani, N|u, |’Auni, Hai||om, etc In this thesis, Bushmen is a preferred term, because it is a better-known term among the people who are central to this study. It is used without any insulting connotations attached to the term.

An analysis of terracettes in a region of Giant's Castle Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg, South Africa.

Sinclair, Richard Roy. January 1998 (has links)
Terracettes are a widely occurring form of micro-relief found throughout regions displaying various climatic and environmental conditions. Much speculation surrounds the processes responsible for their formation and development. An investigation of these micro-forms, their associated soil physical properties, sustaining mechanisms, and their relationship to slope stability was undertaken in Giant's Castle Game Reserve, KwaZulu - Natal Drakensberg, South Africa. The study showed that relationships between terracette morphology and soil physical properties within the Reserve are few, and that current soil conditions cannot be used to infer process related to terracette formation. However dry bulk density data indicated that soil creep is the dominant formative mechanism within the Reserve. Throughflow at riser surfaces was the dominant sustaining mechanism, with needle ice growth, wind, surfacewash and animal disturbance contributing minor retreat at both treads and risers. Aspect played an important role in determining soil physical characteristics. It was inferred that terracettes imparted stability to the slopes on which they are found, and with continued retreat at both treads and risers the slope was again placed under conditions of instability. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1998.

The Drakensberg rock-jumper: ecology and genetic status of isolated montane populations

Morris, Dale Brett January 2013 (has links)
The Drakensberg rock-jumper (Chaetops aurantius) is a high-altitude passerine endemic to South Africa and Lesotho, living along a highly disrupted portion of the southern Great Escarpment from the Drakensberg highlands in the north-east to the Sneeuberg in the west, above an altitude of 1500 m. Along with the Cape rock-jumper (C. frenatus), this genus provides one of the stronger faunal links between the floristic biomes known as the Drakensberg Alpine Centre (DAC) and the Cape Floristic Region (CFR). Despite this, there is a significant lack of information regarding the species. The great majority of information is based on incidental observation, and no dedicated study has been undertaken. I conducted a series of field excursions between January 2011 and November 2012 in order to explore the rock-jumper’s feeding ecology, diet, habitat usage and genetic diversity. By trapping the birds, I was able to mark them individually with unique colour ring-combinations, and pluck a tail feather for genetic analyses. Observational data reveal that birds living close to their lower altitude threshold (c. 1500 m) are strongly habitat specific, living in boulder fields dominated by grassy vegetation. However, in areas at higher elevations (c. 2000 – 2500 m) this restriction seemed to fall away, possibly as a result of farming practices in those areas – higher grazing pressure results in shorter grass and less foraging effort for the birds. They live in groups ranging from pairs to small family groups of up to twelve individuals and maintain year round territories. Territory defence takes the form of calling and displaying from a prominent rock or boulder and becomes particularly noticeable just prior to, and during, the breeding period. No colour ringed individuals were ever spotted in boulder fields outside from where they had been initially ringed. This, coupled with the behaviour of territory maintenance, suggests a strongly sedentary lifestyle. Genetic inferences are constrained by a small sample size (only 25 birds were caught), but results indicate that some genetic isolation is occurring – a single haplotype was exhibited in birds from across the southern Escarpment, while seven private haplotypes show that any genetic mixing is likely to be historical rather than current. Historical gene flow would most probably have occurred during the last glacial maximum (18 000 years before present), when the cooler, drier conditions which are currently restricted to high peaks would have been much more extensive, thereby decreasing the distance required for effective dispersal. This is in agreement with the observation results, concluding that although there has been movement of birds across the southern Escarpment in the past, it does not appear to be occurring currently. However, this does leave plenty of scope for further work, particularly in the genetic diversity of the species, and in expanding the ecological observations to include the breeding biology.

The impact of communal land-use on the biodiversity of a conserved grassland at Cathedral Peak, uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park, South Africa : implications for sustainable utilization of montane grasslands.

Peden, Moraig Isobel. January 2004 (has links)
South African grasslands are under-conserved and there is a need to expand conservation efforts beyond the boundaries of protected areas. While communal grasslands have conservation potential they are generally over-utilized and the impact of communal land-use on biodiversity is poorly studied. At the same time there is pressure on protected areas to allow for the sustainable utilization of biodiversity. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of communal land-use on various components of biodiversity and to make recommendations regarding communal use of protected areas. A fence-line study was conducted to assess the impact of eight years of controlled communal land-use on biodiversity in the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park. The communally used land (referred to as the lease land) which was used for controlled grazing as well as plant collection was compared with land under formal conservation. Vegetation was sampled using the importance score method and veld condition assessments. Selected invertebrate taxa were sampled using sweep netting, colour pan traps and transects and were identified to morphospecies level. Multivariate statistics revealed that sites generally grouped according to landscape position rather than land-use. No significant differences were found in diversity, evenness, richness or veld condition between the lease and conservation land. However, more than twenty-five percent of vegetation and invertebrate species were found exclusively in the lease or conservation land, suggesting that different suites of species were supported by the two landuses. Four alien plant species were found exclusively in the lease land, while one vulnerable and one rare plant species were found only in the conservation land. Further research is required to assess whether biodiversity was diminished by controlled communal. While the lease concept may offer potential as a low-use buffer zone, localised damage from cattle paths and weak enforcement of grazing agreements were areas of concern. Keywords: communal grass)ands, grassland flora, grassland invertebrates, transfrontier park. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.

Voluntary barbarians of the Maloti-Drakensberg : the BaPuthi chiefdom, cattle raiding, and colonial rule in nineteenth-century southern Africa

King, Rachel January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

On the climate of the Drakensberg : rainfall and surface-temperature attributes, and associated geomorphic effects

Nel, Werner 25 January 2008 (has links)
The Drakensberg range is the highest landscape zone in southern Africa, is a World Heritage site and an important source of surface runoff. General climatic evaluations covering the area, however, date from the 1970’s. Remarkably, few contemporary studies detail rainfall attributes and limited surface-climate data has been collected describing the sub-periglacial summit regions. This thesis presents an evaluation of rainfall and surface-temperature attributes in the mountains and, where possible, related geomorphic implications are described. The assessment is partly based on analysis of historical rainfall data measured by the South African Weather Services during the 20thCentury, and partly on new rainfall, air and soil temperature data collected by the author over a five year period. Historical rainfall records show, when a spatial approach is taken, that altitude and distance from the escarpment eastward influence annual rainfall totals. Latitude plays no significant role in influencing rainfall totals, but is the single important factor influencing inter- and intra-annual rainfall variability. Rainfall variability increases from the southern Drakensberg to the north where important water transfer schemes operate. When a temporal approach is taken, historical records indicate no change in mean annual rainfall during the last half of the 20th century. Intra-annual rainfall variability has increased and this is illustrated by a statistically significant decrease of rainfall during the autumn season. A contemporaneous as well as a lagged correlation exists between the El Niño/Southern Oscillation and summer rainfall in the Drakensberg. An increase in the frequency and intensity of ENSO should decrease summer rainfall and the lagged correlation could be used for summer rainfall forecasting. Using temporary field stations, analysis of rainfall and air, soil and rock temperatures contribute to an improved understanding of the characteristics and structure of rainfall events, surface conditions and effect on rock weathering and soil erosional processes. With respect to rainfall attributes, totals recorded on the escarpment summit are considerably less than anticipated. Individual erosive storm events at all altitudes are found to have the ability to detach soil, but at high altitude less rain falls as erosive storms, and the total erosivity generated by rainfall events is less on the escarpment than in the foothills. Five-minute intensity data indicate that extreme rainfall events generate peak rainfall intensity, within the first half of the storm duration. Mean annual air temperature (MAAT) measured on the escarpment falls within the range previously estimated, but is higher than the MAAT suggested by other authors for the plateau peaks behind the escarpment. No long-duration, or seasonal freeze was found on the soil surface and soil temperatures are generally higher than air temperatures. Rock temperature and rainfall frequency recorded below the escarpment imply an environment conducive to rock weathering processes such as wetting and drying and thermal fatigue with the possibility of frost action. Contrasting air, rock and soil surface temperatures measured in the Drakensberg, emphasises the dissimilarity in micro-environmental conditions experienced by different natural mediums in the landscape. Overall, the data confirm the marginal-periglacial nature of the summit region but earlier estimates for rainfall totals at the escarpment appear to be notably high. Extrapolation towards, for example, palaeo-precipitation scenarios using earlier estimates, should thus be made with caution. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / PhD / Unrestricted

Dynamical downscaling of prevailing synoptic-scale winds over the complex terrain of Mariepskop, South Africa

Pretorius, Ilze January 2013 (has links)
Mariepskop (direct translation: “Marieps hill”) forms part of the northernmost edge of the Drakensberg Mountain range in the east of South Africa, and is known for its complex topography associated with meso-scale atmospheric circulation, and therefore its numerous climatic zones. As a result the mountain hosts a high degree of biodiversity. The peak of Mariepskop lies at approximately 1900m Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL), which is higher than the surrounding escarpment to the east bordering the Highveld. Its foothills also extend well into the Lowveld at about 700m AMSL. Mariepskop is therefore ideal for studying airflow exchange between the industrialized Highveld and the Lowveld with its diversity of natural resources. It is also ideal for detecting global warming signals on altitudinal gradients extending from the Lowveld to altitudes above the Highveld escarpment. In this study, long-term National Centre for Atmospheric Research / National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCAR/NCEP) reanalysis wind data at two atmospheric pressure levels (850hPa and 700hPa), as well as reanalysis near-surface temperature data, were obtained for the Mariepskop region for the austral summer (and winter) seasons. The data was used to force a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model (also known as STAR-CCM+) across its lateral boundaries with the dominant synoptic flow in order to generate mesoscale simulation output over the complex terrain of Mariepskop. Wind speed and direction modelled results were then correlated to observations measured by three weather stations on Mariepskop. Modelled wind flow results for the summer simulation were also validated against aerial photographs in order to infer whether the model could accurately capture areas with high rainfall, which are related to denser vegetation. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / unrestricted

A role for protected areas in community income-generation : a study of the northern Drakensberg.

Donnelly, Michael. January 1998 (has links)
Sub-Saharan Africa is becoming increasingly impoverished with ever-increasing gaps between rich and poor, particularly in deep rural areas where access to even the basic infrastructure needed for development is insufficient. Ironically such areas are often encountered on the edges of protected areas where conservation exists in its purest forms, the preservation of wildlife. Wildlife conservation, as a preservationist ideal, is in conflict with the rural poor who share its borders. Often the diminishing natural resource base, upon which the rural inhabitants depend for subsistence, is disappearing either through depletion or inside fences in the name of conservation. Having been placed on the development continuum, often by Western ideals, rural dwellers are now dependent on income-generation for their survival. This case study examines the opportunities for rural communities to become involved in meaningful income-generation and how local conservation bodies, managers of protected areas, might encourage and facilitate this. Often the challenge for conservation bodies is to accommodate the development needs of neighbours of protected areas within their own goals of preserving wildlife. The cultural basis of conservation is in transition, given the realisations of the depth of poverty and the new social questioning of the moral right to spend so much on what many now consider to be archaic notions of nature. The desire to integrate conservation with development is by itself insufficient to make a sustainable difference to local communities. Rather, holistic development models are needed to allow conservation to play an effective role in income-generation, from creating the background for successful businesses to helping create markets for produce. Analyses of current conservation techniques to involve communities in conservation suggest the need for a shifting of the conservative, preservationist culture that dominates conservation bodies, towards a more people-centred approach. With this comes a realisation that the goals of development cannot be achieved through conservation but ironically the goals of conservation can be achieved through development of neighbouring communities. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1998.

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