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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asociación entre disfuncionalidad familiar y el síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador en cuidadores informales familiares de pacientes pediátricos con cáncer en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas en el periodo 2018 - 2019 / Association between family dysfunctionality and the caregiver's burnout syndrome in informal caregivers of pediatric patients with cancer in the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas during 2018 - 2019

Cordano Lozano, Francesca, Bustamante Heinsohn, Diego 06 May 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el Síndrome del Cuidador en cuidadores informales de pacientes pediátricos con cáncer y Funcionalidad Familiar en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) 2018-2019 Métodos: Estudio observacional transversal y analítico. Los cuidadores fueron seleccionados por características del paciente pediátrico y los datos de cuidadores en base a cuestionarios y escalas validadas. Resultados: Se entrevistaron a 204 cuidadores en el INEN durante el período 2018-2019, donde el perfil más común fue: mujer (75.0%) de 35 años, nacida fuera de Lima en el 56.86%, madre del niño en 72.06% de los casos de una familia nuclear (57.43%). El perfil del paciente fue varón en 62.75% con una edad promedio de 8 años y con un tiempo de diagnóstico de 14.5 semanas siendo la patología principal Leucemia Linfática Aguda (51.96%). Se encontró presencia de sobrecarga, disfuncionalidad familiar, depresión y ansiedad, en el 66.67%, 67.16%, 72.06% y 73.53% de los cuidadores, respectivamente. Finalmente, se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa en las variables de Disfunción familiar (DF) y el síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador (SSC) ajustadas por sexo, edad y estado civil del cuidador, modo de asumir el cargo, depresión y servicio donde se encontraba el paciente. Se encontró un 35% mayor probabilidad de desarrollar SSC (IC 95%: 1.03-1.77) para disfunción leve; 43% para moderada (IC 95%: 1.09-1.87) y 70% para severa (IC 95%: 1.15-2.12); y 40% para depresión (IC 95%: 1.03-1.91)., Conclusiones: Se encontró asociación entre los cuidadores con disfuncionalidad familiar y síndrome de Sobrecarga del cuidador y que la disfuncionalidad familiar aumenta la probabilidad de presentar el SSC en sus distintos niveles. / Objective: Stablish the association between The Informal Caregiver Burnout Syndrome of pediatric patients with cancer and family dysfunction in Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) periods 2018-2019 Methods: Observational analytic study. Caregivers were selected by the pediatric patient characteristics and the caregivers’ data were based in questionnaires and validated scales. Results: 204 caregivers were intervened in the INEN during the period 2018-2019, where the caregiver profile was woman (75.0%) 34.93 years old, from outside the capital in 56.86%, and mother of the patient in 72.06% of the cases and from nuclear family (57.43%). The 61.27% assumed this role by their own initiative. About the patient profile we found boy in 62.75% and with mean 8 years old and with diagnostic time of 14.5 weeks with Acute lymphatic Leukemia as main pathology (51.96%) mainly from hospitalization service in 55.88%. We found the presence of the Burnout syndrome, family dysfunctionality (FD), depression and anxiety in the 66.67%, 67.16%, 72.06% y 73.53% respectively. Finally, statistically significance association was found between the variables of Family dysfunction and caregivers’ burnout syndrome, adjusted to patient’s service of origin, caregiver’s sex, age, and marital status, how the caregiver charge was assumed and depressive symptoms.. It was found a 35% more probability of of presenting the Caregiver Burnout Syndrome (IC 95%: 1.03-1.77) for mild family disfunction; 43% per moderate (IC 95%: 1.09-1.87) and 70% for severe (IC 95%: 1.15-2.12) and also 40% for depression (IC 95%: 1.03-1.91). Conclusions: We found association between caregivers with family dysfunctionality and the Caregiver Burnout Syndrome, FD increases the probability of having the burnout syndrome in its different levels. / Tesis

Disfuncionalidade escolar : uma análise teórica de identificação dos fatores que afetam o desempenho das escolas no Brasil

Souza, Caroline Beatriz Rodrigues de January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho visa apresentar e discutir os aspectos que podem ser relacionados ao baixo grau de funcionalidade observado nas escolas brasileiras. Para tanto, a literatura em disfuncionalidade escolar é apresentada para que, posteriormente, se analisem os fatores apontados como determinantes para escolas disfuncionais de acordo com diversos estudos distintos. São apresentados alguns estudos sobre eficácia escolar, além das principais considerações sobre desenvolvimento cognitivo e não-cognitivo expostas nos trabalhos de James Heckman e Flavio Cunha e de aspectos que se relacionam ao abandono escolar. O objetivo é encontrar na literatura uma base que permita qualificar as características da escola que podem ser atribuídas ao seu fracasso ou ao seu sucesso. Por fim, são apresentadas, tomando-se como referência a discussão realizada, algumas sugestões para políticas públicas direcionadas para a educação básica no Brasil. / This study aims to investigate and examine arguments that could throw light on the low degree of functionality observed in Brazilian schools. To do so, the literature about school dysfunctionality is presented in order to identify its determining factors. The general context of school effectiveness is tackled and considerations about the cognitive and non-cognitive development put forward by James Heckman and Flavio Cunha are explored. The main goal of this work is to find in the literature a basis to qualify the school characteristics that can be attributed to its failure or success. To conclude, some suggestions for public policies to improve the status of basic education in Brazil are presented.

Disfuncionalidade escolar : uma análise teórica de identificação dos fatores que afetam o desempenho das escolas no Brasil

Souza, Caroline Beatriz Rodrigues de January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho visa apresentar e discutir os aspectos que podem ser relacionados ao baixo grau de funcionalidade observado nas escolas brasileiras. Para tanto, a literatura em disfuncionalidade escolar é apresentada para que, posteriormente, se analisem os fatores apontados como determinantes para escolas disfuncionais de acordo com diversos estudos distintos. São apresentados alguns estudos sobre eficácia escolar, além das principais considerações sobre desenvolvimento cognitivo e não-cognitivo expostas nos trabalhos de James Heckman e Flavio Cunha e de aspectos que se relacionam ao abandono escolar. O objetivo é encontrar na literatura uma base que permita qualificar as características da escola que podem ser atribuídas ao seu fracasso ou ao seu sucesso. Por fim, são apresentadas, tomando-se como referência a discussão realizada, algumas sugestões para políticas públicas direcionadas para a educação básica no Brasil. / This study aims to investigate and examine arguments that could throw light on the low degree of functionality observed in Brazilian schools. To do so, the literature about school dysfunctionality is presented in order to identify its determining factors. The general context of school effectiveness is tackled and considerations about the cognitive and non-cognitive development put forward by James Heckman and Flavio Cunha are explored. The main goal of this work is to find in the literature a basis to qualify the school characteristics that can be attributed to its failure or success. To conclude, some suggestions for public policies to improve the status of basic education in Brazil are presented.

Disfuncionalidade escolar : uma análise teórica de identificação dos fatores que afetam o desempenho das escolas no Brasil

Souza, Caroline Beatriz Rodrigues de January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho visa apresentar e discutir os aspectos que podem ser relacionados ao baixo grau de funcionalidade observado nas escolas brasileiras. Para tanto, a literatura em disfuncionalidade escolar é apresentada para que, posteriormente, se analisem os fatores apontados como determinantes para escolas disfuncionais de acordo com diversos estudos distintos. São apresentados alguns estudos sobre eficácia escolar, além das principais considerações sobre desenvolvimento cognitivo e não-cognitivo expostas nos trabalhos de James Heckman e Flavio Cunha e de aspectos que se relacionam ao abandono escolar. O objetivo é encontrar na literatura uma base que permita qualificar as características da escola que podem ser atribuídas ao seu fracasso ou ao seu sucesso. Por fim, são apresentadas, tomando-se como referência a discussão realizada, algumas sugestões para políticas públicas direcionadas para a educação básica no Brasil. / This study aims to investigate and examine arguments that could throw light on the low degree of functionality observed in Brazilian schools. To do so, the literature about school dysfunctionality is presented in order to identify its determining factors. The general context of school effectiveness is tackled and considerations about the cognitive and non-cognitive development put forward by James Heckman and Flavio Cunha are explored. The main goal of this work is to find in the literature a basis to qualify the school characteristics that can be attributed to its failure or success. To conclude, some suggestions for public policies to improve the status of basic education in Brazil are presented.

Efeito do comportamento disfuncional sobre a confiança entre decisores utilizando trust game

Souza, Silvânio Batista de 31 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:32:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvanio Batista de Sousa.pdf: 2248146 bytes, checksum: 53eaaddd8845b73159fdf8df908cc1f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-31 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / Understanding the relationship between dysfunctional behavior and confidence of managers in management is essential, as these factors may adversely affect the results and performance of businesses and undermine the organizational climate. The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between these two aspects, reliability and dysfunctional behavior. These results demonstrated that the presence of dysfunctional behavior affects the decision confidence of managers in management and was also verified that different than expected in theory the wages received not exerted great influence on the decisions taken by the subjects. A possible cause of this difference between the results obtained and the theory may be that the present study have extended the results of the task of Zhang (2008) from single period to multiple periods creating social ties among individuals, in addition, the test sample belongs to called generation Y, which has different values from those included in the theories and this is an issue that can be studied in future research. Besides worrying about the negative aspects of dysfunctional behavior, companies should be alert to the career expectations of generation Y, who will soon assume positions of leadership, because this generation is concerned with values other than the main salary, as free time , establishing lasting relationships with coworkers and with a good organizational climate. / Compreender a relação entre comportamento disfuncional e a confiança dos gestores na administração da empresa é fundamental, pois estes fatores podem afetar negativamente os resultados e desempenho das empresas e prejudicar o clima organizacional. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender a relação entre estes dois aspectos, confiança e comportamento disfuncional. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstraram que a presença de comportamento disfuncional afeta a decisão de confiança dos gestores na administração da empresa e também foi possível verificar que diferente do esperado na teoria o salário recebido não exerceu grande influência nas decisões tomadas pelos sujeitos. Uma possível causa deste desvio entre os resultados obtidos e a teoria pode ser o fato da presente pesquisa ter estendido os resultados da tarefa de Zhang (2008) de período único para múltiplos períodos criando laços sociais entre os sujeitos, além disso, a amostra testada pertence a chamada geração Y, que possui valores diferentes dos preconizados nas teorias e este é um assunto que pode ser estudado em futuras pesquisas. Além de se preocuparem com os aspectos negativos do comportamento disfuncional, as empresas devem estar atentas às expectativas de carreira da geração Y, que em breve irá assumir cargos de liderança, pois esta geração está preocupada com outros valores além da remuneração principal, como tempo livre, estabelecimento de relações duradouras com os colegas de trabalho e com um bom clima organizacional.

The dialectic of democracy: modernization, emancipation and the great regression

Blühdorn, Ingolfur January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
In some of the most established and supposedly immutable liberal democracies, diverse social groups are losing con fi dence not only in established democratic institutions, but in the idea of liberal representative democracy itself. Meanwhile, an illiberal and anti-egalitarian transformation of democracy evolves at an apparently unstoppable pace. This democratic fatigue syndrome , the present article suggests, is qualitatively di ff erent from the crises of Democracy which have been debated for some considerable time. Focusing on mature democracies underpinned by the ideational tradition of European Enlightenment, the article theorizes this Syndrome and the striking transformation of democracy in terms of a dialectic process in which the very norm that once gave birth to the democratic project - the modernist idea of the autonomous subject - metamorphoses into its gravedigger, or at least into the driver of its radical reformulation. The article further develops aspects of my existing work on second-order emancipation and simulative democracy . Taking a theoretical rather than empirical approach, it aims to provide a conceptual framework for more empirically oriented analyses of changing forms of political articulation and participation.

"Proč se pořád pachtím za něčím, co nechci bejt?" Zkorumpovaný americký sen ve vybraných dramatech Arthura Millera a Tennesseeho Williamse / "Why am I trying to become what I don't want to be?" The Corrupted American Dream in the Selected Arthur Miller's and Tennessee Williams's Dramas

Hájková, Hana January 2021 (has links)
In my thesis, I focused on the challenges of the American Dream and its damaging demands. I compared these aspects to The Glass Menagerie, All My Sons, and Death of the Salesman, plays by Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller, two playwrights concerned with similar issues in the 1940s and 1950s. Each chapter was introduced by Robert Frost's poem related to its topic. This element was added as a chapters' introduction to express the universality of the depicted issues and to tight the sections together under one pattern. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I concentrated on the 40s and 50s America and its features and the historical development of the American Dream. This section's main influences were works by Rodney P. Carlisle, Richard A. Schwartz, Stephanie Coontz, and Jim Cullen. With their books about America and its historical background, Carlisle, Schwartz, and Coontz provided a base for the factual context of this thesis. Cullen's work on the American Dream was used as the primary source for understanding the reasons behind the Dream and its historical development. The whole thesis was supported by arguments from Lauren Berlant, John W. Thoburn and Thomas L. Sexton, and Piotr Sztompka. Berlant's work on cruel optimism provided a possible explanation of particular behavior that accompanied...

Mecanismos eficientes para solucionar disfuncionalidad residencial en el Sector Derrama Magisterial – Chachapoyas

Lacerna Zuta, Kathy January 2024 (has links)
Esta investigación muestra los diversos factores de disfuncionalidad que se emergen de un proyecto de habilitación urbana denominado Sector Derrama Magisterial en la ciudad de Chachapoyas, en la región Amazonas, proponiendo un análisis integral de tres grandes escalas: territorio, ciudad y sector, para generar un desarrollo funcional urbano y arquitectónico, Es así que se plantea el análisis para dos factores principales encontrados : Pertinencia y Pertenencia, categorizados en propiedades de sitio, usuario, tecnología y recursos, una metodología extraída y adaptada, del libro “Habitar el presente” (2011) de Montaner, Muxi, H. Falagan, que permite generar un proceso organizado para determinar y cualificar los diversos problemas funcionales de este sector y como afectan no solo al usuario , si no a la comunidad y su relación con ciudad, es por ellos que se puede lograr el objetivo de proponer estrategias que permitan el correcto diseño de un proyecto dirigido a viviendas , en donde se involucren primero el análisis del territorio, segundo el reconocimiento de la ciudad , tercero la inclusión y participación del usuario y por último el diseño urbano arquitectónico , que proyecte cultura, comunidad y sobre todo que cree sociedad. / This research shows the various factors of dysfunction that emerge from an urban empowerment project called Sector Derrama Magisterial in the city of Chachapoyas, in the Amazonas region, proposing a comprehensive analysis of three large scales: territory, city and sector, to generate a urban and architectural functional development. This is how the analysis is proposed for two main factors found: Relevance and Belonging, categorized into properties of site, user, technology and resources, a methodology extracted and adapted from the book “Inhabiting the present” (2011 ) by Montaner, Muxi, H. Falagan, which allows generating an organized process to determine and qualify the various functional problems of this sector and how they affect not only the user, but also the community and its relationship with the city, it is for them that The objective of proposing strategies that allow the correct design of a project aimed at housing can be achieved, which involves first the analysis of the territory, second the recognition of the city, third the inclusion and participation of the user and finally the urban design architectural, that projects culture, community and above all that creates society.

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